Vilfan I. - Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics (2002) PDF
Vilfan I. - Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics (2002) PDF
Vilfan I. - Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics (2002) PDF
Statistical Mechanics
Igor Vilfan
The present Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics were written for the students
of the ICTP Diploma Course in Condensed Matter Physics at the Abdus Salam
ICTP in Trieste, Italy.
The lectures cover classical and quantum statistical mechanics with some em-
phasis on classical spin systems. I give also an introduction to Bose condensation
and superfluidity but I do not discuss phenomena specific to Fermi particles, being
covered by other lecturers.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics
Preface iii
Tables ix
1 Foundations 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Ensembles in Statistical Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 Microcanonical Ensemble and the Entropy
(Isolated Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.2 Canonical Ensemble and the Free Energy
(Systems at Fixed Temperature) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.3 Grand Canonical Ensemble
(Open systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 Analogy Between Fluids and Magnetic Systems . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 Fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 Phase Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.5.1 Order Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5.2 Critical Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.5.3 Critical Exponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2 Classical Models 25
2.1 Real Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Ising Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2.1 Lattice Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.2 Binary Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.3 Ising model in d = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.4 Ising Model in d = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3 Potts and Related Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Contents
3 Quantum Models 53
3.1 Quantum Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.1.1 The Density Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.1.2 Ensembles in Quantum Statistical Mechanics . . . . . . . 55
3.2 Bose Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2.1 Ideal Bose Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2.2 Bose Einstein Condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.3 Liquid 4 He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.1 Superfluidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3.2 Vortex Excitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.3.3 Order Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Contents
Appendices 131
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Contents
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Tables
S hEi, V, N dS = dhEi/T + pdV /T − µdN/T
Internal energy
hEi S, V, N dhEi = T dS − pdV + µdN
H = hEi + pV S, p, N dH = T dS + V dp + µdN
Grand potential
J = F − G = −pV T, V, µ dJ = −SdT − pdV − N dµ
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Tables
Free energy
@ @
@ @
@ @
@ R
P = −( ∂V )T S = −( ∂F )
∂T V
S = −( ∂G )
∂T P
V = ( ∂G )
∂P T
? ? ? ?
1 ∂P ∂S ∂S
= −V ( ∂V )T CV = T ( ∂T )V CP = T ( ∂T )P κT = − V1 ( ∂V )
∂P T
∂ F 2 2 2
= V ( ∂V 2 )T = −T ( ∂∂TF2 )V = −T ( ∂∂TG2 )P = − V1 ( ∂∂PG2 )T
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Tables
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
A macroscopic system is, typically, composed of the order of 1023 particles. It
is impossible to know, investigate, or describe the exact microscopic behaviour
of each individual particle in such a system. We must limit our knowledge to the
average properties, thermodynamic quantities like the temperature or pressure and
correlation functions.
Statistical mechanics is the bridge between the microscopic and macroscopic
world, it provides methods of calculating the macroscopic properties, like the spe-
cific heat, from the microscopic information, like the interaction energy between
the particles. The essential ingredient of statistical mechanics is the probability
distribution, i.e., the collection of occupancies of different configurations (micro-
scopic states).
Phase Space. Consider as an example the ideal gas of N particles in a three–
dimensional space. The Hamiltonian is
X p2i X
H= + Vij ; Vij → 0. (1.1)
i=1 2m i,j6=i
(pi is the component of the momentum, m is the particle mass, and Vij the in-
teraction between particles. The interaction term is necessary for the system of
particles to reach thermal equilibrium, but it can be neglected compared to the
kinetic energy.). The 3N coordinates and 3N momenta form the 6N dimensional
phase space. Each point in the phase space represents a microscopic state of the
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
system. The microscopic state changes in time according to the canonical equa-
tions of motion:
∂H ∂H
ṗj = − and q̇j = . (1.2)
∂qj ∂pj
and traces a trajectory in the phase space.
Ensembles. The system is completely described if we know the coordinates
and momenta of all particles (6N variables - a terrible task). To get an average of
a physical quantity, say A, one should make the time average over a long segment
of the trajectory (a collection of consecutive configurations) of such a system in
the phase space,
1 Z t0 +∆t
hAi = lim A[{qi (t), pi (t)}]dt. (1.3)
∆t→∞ ∆t t0
However, usually we know neither the exact microscopic state, i.e., the loca-
tion of the system in the phase space, nor the trajectory. What we can know, is
the macroscopic state (temperature, pressure, volume, ...). Instead of studying a
particular microscopic state and the trajectory over the phase space, we investigate
an ensemble of systems, i.e., a collection of all possible microscopic systems, all
belonging to the same macroscopic state.
Ergodicity. To calculate the average of a physical quantity, we substitute the
time average over one system by an average over an ensemble of equivalent sys-
tems at fixed time:
hAi = A({qi , pi })p({qi , pi })d3N qd3N p. (1.4)
The integral is over the whole phase space W and p is the probability density
in the phase space, it is the probability that a unit volume of the phase space
is occupied. So, instead of the time average, we make an ensemble average at
fixed time. When the time and the ensemble averages are equal, we say that the
system is ergodic. In an alternative but equivalent definition we say that a system
is ergodic if it evolves in such a way that it visits with equal probability all points
of the phase space which are accessible from the initial configuration subject to
the constraint of energy conservation. In other words, the trajectory in the phase
space of an ergodic system will spend equal time intervals in all regions of the
constant energy surface. Most of the physical systems of interest in statistical
mechanics are ergodic, so we will in most of the cases replace time averages by
the corresponding ensemble averages.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
Γ(Ε) ∆Ω
For the above example of an isolated ideal gas, the total energy of the system
is constant, H = E, the trajectory lies on the constant-energy surface Γ(E) in the
phase space and the ensemble average of A is:
1 Z
hAi = A({qi , pi })d3N q d3N p. (1.5)
Γ(E) Γ(E)
(The integral is over the constant energy surface Γ(E).) For quantum systems as
well as for classical systems with discrete energy levels, the number of configura-
tions is an extremely irregular function of the energy E. Therefore we introduce
a narrow energy interval of the width ∆E and the ergodic hypothesis is general-
ized so that all the configurations, satisfying the condition that their energy is in
the interval between E and E + ∆E, are equally likely to occur. The number
of configurations ∆Ω with the energy in the interval between E and E + ∆E
is proportional to the volume of the corresponding shell in the phase space. For
indistinguishable particles, ∆Ω is:
1 X
∆Ω(E) = 1. (1.6)
h3N N ! E≤H≤E+∆E
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
1/∆Ω(E) E ≤ H({qi , pi }) ≤ E + ∆E
p({qi , pi }) = (1.7)
0 otherwise.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
S = S1 + S2 (1.8)
S = kB ln ∆Ω. (1.9)
This relation was discovered by Ludwig Boltzmann and is therefore called the
Boltzmann equation. The proportionality constant kB is the Boltzmann constant
and is determined by relating the statistical definition of the entropy to the ther-
modynamic definition. The Boltzmann equation provides the bridge between ther-
modynamics (entropy) and statistical mechanics (number of configurations).
The entropy plays the role of thermodynamic potential for microcanonical
ensembles, (−S) is minimal for an isolated system in equilibrium (V , E and N
are kept constant). From thermodynamics we know that the total differential of
the entropy is:
T dS(E, V, N ) = dE + P dV − µ dN. (1.10)
(This is the first law of thermodynamics.) This equation provides a statistical
definition of the temperature T , pressure P and chemical potential µ:
1 ∂S
= , (1.11)
T ∂E N,V
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
P =T , (1.12)
∂V N,E
µ = −T . (1.13)
∂N E,V
T , p and µ are intensive quantities, they are independent of N whereas the entropy
and the energy E are extensive quantities, they are proportional to the number of
particles N .
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
We first express ∆Ωb with the entropy via the Boltzmann equation (1.9) and then
expand ln ∆Ωb to first order in Es :
∂Sb Es
kB ln ∆Ωb (Et − Es ) = Sb (Et − Es ) ≈ Sb (Et ) − Es = Sb (Et ) − .
∂E T
∆Ωb (Et − Es ) = ∆Ωb (Et ) e−βEs = C e−βEs . (1.16)
Here, the constant C is independent of Es and β is the inverse temperature, β =
1/kB T .
The (normalized) probability for the system s having the energy between Es
and Es + dEs is:
After expressing ∆Ωb (Et − Es ) with (1.16) we find the probability density:
p(Es ) = ρ(Es )e−βEs , (1.18)
where ρ(Es ) = ∆Ω(Es )/∆E is the density of states (number of states per unit en-
ergy interval). Z is called the partition function and is the normalization constant,
depending on the temperature, volume and number of particles of the system s:
Z(T, V, N ) = ρ(E)e−βE dE. (1.19)
(Here we omit the index s.) Z(T, V, N ) is a Laplace transform of the microcanoni-
cal partition function ∆Ω(E) = ρ(E)∆E. For systems with discrete energy levels
we replace the integral either by a sum over all the energy levels l:
gl e−βEl
Z(T, V, N ) = (1.20)
(gl is the degeneracy of the energy level l), or by a sum over all configurations i:
e−βEi .
Z(T, V, N ) = (1.21)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
The role of Z is much more important than just being the normalization con-
stant. Z is obtained by integration over the whole phase space. In this way infor-
mation on microscopic states of the system (coordinates and momenta of individ-
ual particles, e.g.) becomes lost but all thermodynamic information on the system
(with prescribed temperature, number of particles and volume) is retained and can
be obtained from Z, as we shall see below.
The distribution in which the particles are in equilibrium with a heat bath at
temperature T is called a canonical distribution similarly as the ensemble defined
by this distribution is called a canonical ensemble. For a system in equilibrium at
a fixed temperature, the system can (at least in principle) asses any energy. The
probability density p(E) is the same for all states with the same energy but it
decreases exponentially with increasing energy.
Free Energy
In this Section we will see the relation between the average of a physical quantity
of a canonical ensemble and the partition function Z.
The average energy hEi and average generalized force hXi in a canonical
distribution are given by
1Z ∂
hEi = E ρ(E)e−βE dE = − ln Z, (1.22)
Z ∂β
1Z −βE
∂E −βE ∂ 1
hXi = Xρ(E) e dE = e dE = − ln Z. (1.23)
Z ∂x ∂x β
x is the generalized coordinate, conjugate to the generalized force. Examples of
conjugate forces and coordinates are: pressure vs. volume in gases, magnetic field
vs. magnetization in magnetic systems; the generalized force is intensive while
the coordinate is an extensive quantity.
We introduce the (Helmholtz) free energy as:
Like the Boltzmann equation (1.9) in case of the microcanonical ensemble, also
this equation relates thermodynamics (free energy) and statistical mechanics (par-
tition function).
Relation between F and S: We take the well-known relation from thermody-
F (T, V, N ) = hE(S, V, N )i − T S, (1.25)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
Another Legendre transform relates the Helmholtz and the Gibbs free energies
F (T, V, N ) and G(T, P, N ):
V p
Figure 1.4: Schematic behaviour of the Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies.
These properties follow from the fact that the system must be thermally and
mechanically stable, therefore the specific heat and the compressibility must be
positive quantities. We begin by noting that
∂G ∂F
S = −( ) = −( ) . (1.28)
∂T p ∂T V
It follows that
∂2G ∂S 1
( 2
) = −( ) ≡ − Cp ≤ 0 (1.29)
∂T p ∂T p T
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
∂2F ∂S 1
( 2
) = −( ) ≡ − CV ≤ 0. (1.30)
∂T V ∂T V T
Hence, G(T, p) and F (T, V ) are concave functions of T .
Together with equation (1.26) we see that for a system in equilibrium at con-
stant T, V, N the distribution of a system over possible configurations is such that
F is minimal. Therefore F is also called canonical or Gibbs potential.
The next two properties are obtained by differentiating G(T, P ) and F (T, V )
with respect to pressure and volume, respectively:
∂2G ∂V
( 2
) =( ) ≡ −V κT ≤ 0 (1.31)
∂P T ∂P T
∂2F ∂P 1
( 2
) = −( ) ≡ ≥ 0. (1.32)
∂V T ∂V T V κT
Hence, G(T, P ) is a concave function of pressure P and F (T, V ) is a convex
function of volume V .
The above properties are valid also for systems that undergo phase transitions.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
We express ∆Ωb with the entropy via the Boltzmann equation and then expand
ln ∆Ωb to first order in Es and Ns :
kB ln ∆Ωb (Et − Es , Nt − Ns ) = Sb (Et − Es , Nt − Ns )
! !
∂Sb ∂Sb
≈ Sb (Et , Nt ) − Es − Ns
∂E ∂N
Es µNs
= Sb (Et , Nt ) − + .
∆Ωb (Et − Es , Nt − Ns ) = C e−β(Es −µNs ) . (1.34)
Eventually we find for the probability density of a system having the energy E
and N particles:
p(E, N ) = ρ(E, N )e−β(E−µN ) , (1.35)
where the normalization constant Ξ is called the grand (canonical) partition func-
Ξ(T, V, µ) = ρ(E, N ) e−β(E−µN ) dE. (1.36)
(Again, we omit the index s.) The grand partition function Ξ is related to the
partition function Z:
Z(T, V, N ) eβµN .
Ξ(T, V, µ) = (1.37)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
p → −H. (1.46)
V → M. (1.47)
Notice that P and H are intensive quantities whereas V and M are extensive.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
1.4 Fluctuations
The microcanonical ensemble describes a collection of isolated systems where
neither energy nor the number of particles can fluctuate.
Energy fluctuations in the canonical ensemble: The canonical ensemble de-
scribes a system in contact with a heat bath. For such a system, the energy is
not exactly fixed, it can fluctuate around hEi. We will now evaluate the square of
the energy fluctuations,
2 1Z 2 −βE 1 ∂2Z
hE i = E ρ(E)e dE = . (1.50)
Z Z ∂β 2
So, the square of the energy fluctuation is
1 ∂2Z 1 ∂Z 2 ∂ 2 ln Z
(∆E)2 = − ( ) = . (1.51)
Z ∂β 2 Z ∂β ∂β 2
After expressing this with hEi (see paragraph 2.3.3) we get:
∂hEi ∂hEi
(∆E)2 = − = kB T 2 . (1.52)
∂β ∂T
(∆E)2 = kB T 2 CV . (1.53)
Here, CV is the heat capacity, it is an extensive quantity and is proportional to N .
The relative fluctuation of the energy is thus:
∆E kB c V T
= , (1.54)
hEi N ε
where ε is the energy per particle and cV is the specific heat
√ at constant volume,
cV = CV /N . The relative energy fluctuation is ∝ 1/ N and it vanishes as
N → ∞, see Fig. 1.5. For macroscopic systems (i.e., in the limit N → ∞), the
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
Width Width
0 <E> 0 <E>
(a) (b)
Figure 1.5: Fluctuation in the energy of a small (a) and of a large (b) system.
For fluids at constant T and V , we obtain from the thermodynamic relation (See
Table 1) pV = kB T ln Ξ:
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
∂ 2 ln Ξ V ∂2p
= . (1.60)
∂µ2 kB T ∂µ2
We assume that the (Helmholtz) free energy can be written as F (T, V, N )
= N f (T, v), where f (T, v) is the free energy per particle and depends on T and
v ≡ V /N . Then,
µ(T, p) = f (T, v) + pv (1.61)
∂2p ∂ 1 1 ∂v
= =− , (1.62)
∂µ ∂µ v v 2 ∂µ
∂µ ∂µ ∂p ∂p 1
= =v ≡− . (1.63)
∂v ∂p ∂v ∂v κT
κT is the isothermal compressibility. We get finally that
hN ikB T κT
hN 2 i − hN i2 = . (1.64)
The square of the fluctuation in the number of particles is proportional
√ to the
(isothermal) compressibility! This equation shows also that ∆N ∝ N and that
∆N/hN i vanishes as N → ∞. We conclude that the grand canonical ensemble is
equivalent to the canonical ensemble when hN i → ∞. The decision about which
ensemble is to be used to describe the investigated system does not depend on
whether the system is closed or open, but it is a matter of convenience. For later
use we rewrite Eq. 1.64 in a different form:
vβ 2
κT = hN i − hN i2 (1.65)
hN i
The limit N → ∞, in which the relative fluctuations become negligible, is
called the thermodynamic limit. So far we assumed cV or κT to be constant.
At a continuous phase transition however (see Section 1.5), these quantities and
consequently also the corresponding fluctuations diverge on all lengthscales. This
makes life of experimentalists and of those who make simulations on computers
(both can deal with finite systems only) very difficult.
The fluctuations of N around hN i or E around hEi are - of course - time-
dependent processes! Therefore we have to assume that the systems are ergodic
in order to identify the time average with an ensemble average which we actually
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem
Above, we have shown that (∆E)2 is proportional to the specific heat cV and that
(∆N )2 is proportional to the compressibility. In the problem 3 we also see that
(∆M )2 is proportional to the susceptibility. All these examples indicate that there
is a general relation between the fluctuations of the generalized coordinate and the
response of this coordinate to the perturbation of the conjugate generalized force.
This is the message of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem which in a most
general way relates the fluctuations of a physical quantity of a system in equilib-
rium to a dissipation process which is realized when the system is subject to an
external force driving it away from equilibrium. The theorem makes it possible
to find the non-equilibrium properties of a system from the analysis of thermal
fluctuations of the system in equilibrium. It is a bridge between non-equilibrium
and equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Now let us have a look at magnetic systems. The magnetic susceptibility, i.e.,
the response of the magnetization M to the extermal magnetic field H is:
β 2
χ= hM i − hM i2 . (1.66)
If we write M = i Si , the susceptibility becomes:
β X
χ= [hSi Sj i − hSi ihSj i] . (1.67)
N i,j
which describes the correlations in the spatial fluctuations of the spin around its
thermal average. Because of the interaction between the nearest-neighbouring
spins, one expects that the spins are correlated on short distances and that their
fluctuations are less and less correlated as the distance increases. The correlation
function thus decays with the distance. Often Γ will be assumed to have the form
where the decay length ξ is called the correlation length. As we shall see later, ξ is
a temperature-dependent quantity which plays a crucial role in phase transitions,
it diverges at a continuous phase transition.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
µ µ
µ2 µ2 CP
µ1 µ1
(a) (b)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
∂∆µ ∂∆µ
6= 0 and 6= 0, (1.72)
∂T ∂p
so that the chemical potentials or the free energies cross at the transition. The
phase with the lower chemical potential is stable and the other phase is metastable.
An example of a first-order phase transition is the liquid-gas transition.
(b) Continuous phase transitions. A transition is continuous when the chem-
ical potentials of both phases are equal and when their first derivatives are also
∂∆µ ∂∆µ
=0 and = 0, (1.74)
∂T ∂p
so that the chemical potentials or the free energies have a common tangent at the
transition. There is no latent heat in this type of transition.
Instead of continuous transitions, some authors write about second, third, and
higher order transitions, depending on which derivative of the chemical poten-
tial diverges or becomes discontinuous. This classification is somewhat arbitrary,
therefore we will distinguish only between the continuous and first-order transi-
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
Gas-liquid VG − VL p − pc
Ferromagnets M H
Antiferromagnets Mstaggered Hstaggered
Superfluids hψi Not physical
(Condensate wave fn.)
Superconductors ∆ Not physical
(Gap parameter)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
T>Tc T=Tc
pc Solid Liq. CP
Coexistence region Liquid
Tc T ρ
Figure 1.7: Phase diagram of a fluid. CP is the critical point; T P is the triple
H T > Tc
M>0 T > Tc
0 M
M < 0 Tc T
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
If T is increased, the coexistence line terminates in the critical point, where the
transition between the two phases is continuous. Beyond the critical point, there
is no transition between the two phases, there is no singularity in any physical
quantity upon going from one phase to the other. It is also instructive to consider
the isotherms in the P − ρ plane at constant T and N , see Fig. 1.7(b). At low
temperature, there is a large difference between the gas and liquid densities, ρG
and ρL , but as the critical temperature is approached, this difference tends to zero.
The existence of a quantity that is non-zero below the critical temperature and zero
above it, is a common feature of critical points in a variety of different physical
systems. ρL − ρG is the order parameter for the liquid-gas critical point.
2. Ferromagnets. A typical phase diagram of a ferromagnet is shown in Fig.
1.8(a). The order parameter is the magnetization M , i.e., the total magnetic mo-
ment. At low temperature, M is ordered either ”up” or ”down”, depending on the
external field H. When H changes sign, the system undergoes a first-order phase
transition (bold line) in which the magnetization changes its direction discontin-
uously [Fig. 1.8(b)]. As T is increased, the critical point is reached, at which
M changes continuously upon variation of H but its derivative with respect to H,
i.e., the susceptibility diverges. At still higher T , there is no phase transition, the
spins are simply disordered, this is the paramagnetic region.
M ∼ (TC − T )β . (1.75)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
00 0.5
0.5 H
T 1.5
2 0
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
ξ ∼ |T − TC |−ν . (1.79)
Γ ∼ rd−2+η , (1.80)
γ = β(δ − 1)
γ = ν(2 − η)
α + 2β + γ = 2
νd = 2 − α
so that only two of the above exponents are independent. The last four equations
are called the scaling laws. We shall prove some of the scaling laws later.
Universality. Some quantities depend on the microscopic details of the system.
Examples of such quantities are:
- The critical temperature depends on the strength of interaction.
- The proportionality constants (e.g., for the temperature dependence of the
magnetization) also depend on the microscopic properties of the system.
On the other hand, the critical exponents and the functional form of the equa-
tion of state, of the correlation functions, etc. are independent of many details of
the system. They depend only on global features, such as:
- The spatial dimensionality,
- symmetry (isotropic, uniaxial, planar,...), ... .
Systems that have the same critical exponents and the same functional form
of the equation of state, etc, belong to the same universality class. For example,
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Classical Models
In this Chapter we will discuss models that can be described by classical statistical
mechanics. We will concentrate on the classical spin models which are used not
only to study magnetism but are valid also for other systems like binary alloys or
lattice gases.
In principle, all particles obey quantum statistical mechanics. Only when the
temperature is so high and the density is so low that the average separation be-
tween the particles is much larger than the thermal wavelength λ,
1/3 !1/2
V h2
λ, where λ = , (2.1)
N 2πmkB T
the quantum statistical mechanics reduces to classical statistical mechanics and we
can use a classical, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function (instead of Fermi–
Dirac or Bose–Einstein).
For magnetic materials, the situation is somewhat different. The Hamiltonian
of a magnetic system is a function of spin operators which can usually not be
directly approximated by classical vectors. Quantum models in d dimensions can
be mapped onto classical models in d0 = (d + 1) dimensions. The classical limit
of the Heisenberg model, however, can be constructed for large eigenvalues of
the spin operator by replacing the spin operators by three-dimensional classical
There is another quantum-mechanical effect we must discuss. In quantum me-
chanics identical particles are indistinguishable from each other whereas in classi-
cal mechanics they are distinguishable. Therefore, the partition function of a sys-
tem of non-interacting, non-localized particles (ideal gas!) is not just the product
of single-particle partition functions, as one would expect from classical statistical
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
mechanics, but we must take into account that the particles are indistinguishable.
We must divide the total partition function by the number of permutations between
N identical particles, N !,
ZN = (Z1 )N , (2.2)
where Z1 is the one-particle partition function. The factor N ! is a purely quantum
effect and could not be obtained from classical statistical mechanics.
In (insulating) magnetic systems we deal with localized particles (spins) and
permutations among particles are not possible. Therefore we must not divide the
partition function by (N !).
A Hamiltonian of a simple magnetic system is:
1X ~b i S
~b j − H
~ i.
H=− Ji,j S S (2.3)
2 i,j i
The first term is the interaction energy between the spins, Ji,j being the (ex-
change) interaction energy between the spins at the sites i and j. The sum is
over all bonds between the spins. S ~b is the spin operator; in general it is a vec-
tor. The order parameter is equal to the thermal and quantum-mechanical av-
~b m
erage of S, ~
~ = hhSii. The thermal average of the first term in Eq. (2.3) is
E(S, m)~ = hE(S, {S})i. (Here, S is the entropy and {S} is a spin configuration.
The thermal average has to be taken over all spin configurations.) E(S, m) ~ is the
internal energy of a magnetic system.
The second term in (2.3) is the interaction with external magnetic field H.~ The
thermal average of this term corresponds to P V in fluids. We see that hH(S, H)i ~
is a Legendre transformation of E(S, m) ~ and is thus equivalent to the enthalpy of
" #
H= + U (~ri ) + u(ri − rj ), (2.4)
i 2m i>j
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
u(ri − rj ) = u(r) is the interaction energy and U the potential of the box walls.
The particles are polarizable and this leads to an attractive van der Waals interac-
tion between the induced electric dipole moments. Such an interaction energy is
proportional to r−6 , where r is the interatomic distance. At short distances, how-
ever, the electrons repel because of the Pauli exclusion principle. Although the
repulsive potential energy usually decays exponentially with r, we will write it in
the form:
∞ r < 2r0
u(r) = (2.5)
−(2r0 /r)6 r > 2r0
(2r0 is the minimal distance to which the particles of ”hard-core” radius r0 can
The partition function of N interacting identical particles is
1 Z Z
3 3
Z(T, V, N ) = · · · d p 1 · · · d p N · · · d3 r1 · · · d3 rN ×
h3N N !
e−β [ i (pi /2m+U )+ i>j u(ri,j )] .
P 2 P
After integrating over all momenta, the partition function becomes:
1 2πmkB T
Z(T, V, N ) = ZI (T, V, N ), (2.7)
N! h2
where ZI carries all the interactions between the particles. We calculate the par-
tition function in a mean-field approximation in which all the correlations are ne-
glected. The potential acting on one particle is calculated by assuming a uniform
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
1 2πmkB T 3N/2 2
Z(T, V, N ) = ( 2
) (V − N b)N eβN a/V (2.10)
N! h
(a = (2π/3) (2r0 )3 , b = (2π/3)(2r0 )3 ), the Helmholtz free energy is:
V − Nb 2πmkB T N 2a
F (T, V, N ) = −kB T ln Z = −N kB T ln − ,
N h2 V
∂F N kB T N 2a
p(T, V, N ) = −( ) = − 2 . (2.12)
∂V T,N V − Nb V
The last equation can be written in a more familiar form:
N 2a
(p + )(V − N b) = N kB T. (2.13)
This is the familiar van der Waals equation. We derived the van der Waals equa-
tion of state in a mean-field approximation, we neglected all the correlations be-
tween the molecules. Nevertheless, this equation qualitatively correctly describes
the liquid-gas transition and it also predicts the existence of the critical point.
However, as we neglected the correlations, which are essential in the vicinity of
the critical point, it does not predict the correct critical behaviour.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
The critical point is located at the inflexion point of the isotherm, (∂p/∂V )T =
(∂ p/∂V 2 )T = 0, and is located at:
VC = 3N b
pC =
TC = (2.14)
Below the critical point, the liquid and the gas phases are separated by a first-
order phase transition. The equilibrium transition between the two phases takes
place when their chemical potentials and therefore the Gibbs free energies are
Some comments are in place here.
• Critical exponents. The van der Waals equation was derived in a mean-field
approximation, therefore all the exponents are mean-field like.
• Liquid → gas transition. The liquid phase is stable until the point A is
reached. In equilibrium, at this point, liquid starts to evaporate, the system
enters the coexistence region (mixture of gas and liquid) until the point B is
reached, which corresponds to the pure gas phase.
If equilibrium is not reached, the liquid phase persists beyond the point A
towards the point D. In this region, the liquid is metastable and can (at
least in principle) persist until the point D is reached. Beyond this point,
the compressibility is negative, the liquid state is unstable (not accessible).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Jij is the interaction energy between the spins i and j. Usually (not always) the
sum is only over nearest neighbouring (NN) pairs, then Jij = J. H is the external
magnetic field (in energy units). The case J > 0 corresponds to ferromagnetism
and J < 0 to antiferromagnetism. As we shall show later, the Ising model has a
phase transition at finite T if d > 1. In d = 1 the transition is at T = 0. Therefore
we say that d = 1 is the lower critical dimension of the Ising model.
In the low-temperature phase, the symmetry is broken, the spins are ordered,
the order parameter is m 6= 0, whereas in the high-temperature phase the sym-
metry is not broken, m vanishes, the spins are disordered. Therefore this model
is a prototype of all order-disorder transitions. Other examples of order-disorder
transitions, I would like to mention, are lattice gases and binary alloys. All these
systems are equivalent to each other, they all have the same critical behaviour
(which - of course - depends on d), for given d they all belong to the same univer-
sality class.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
a double-valued function. Therefore we expect that the two models are related.
Indeed, if we set
1 + Si
pi = , (2.18)
the Hamiltonian 2.16 becomes:
uX µ uz X
Hlg = − S i Sj − + Si − H0 . (2.19)
4 hi,ji 2 4 i
Here, z is the number of NN neighbours (4 for square lattice, 6 for simple cubic
lattice), and H0 is a constant, independent of S. Thus, we see that Hlg is identical
to the Ising Hamiltonian if we set u/4 = J and (µ/2 + uz/4) = H. For u > 0,
the atoms attract and they ”condense” at low temperatures whereas for u < 0
the atoms repel. At 1/2 coverage (one half of the lattice sites is occupied) and
u < 0, the empty and occupied sites will alternate at low T , like spins in an
The lattice gas model in d = 2 is used to investigate, e.g., hydrogen adsorbed
on metal surfaces. The substrate provides discrete lattice sites on which hydrogen
can be adsorbed. By varying the pressure, the coverage (amount of adsorbed
hydrogen) is varied. This corresponds to varying the field in magnetic systems.
There is an important difference between the lattice gas and the Ising models
of magnetism. The number of atoms is constant (provided no atoms evaporate
from or condense on the lattice), we say that the order parameter in the lattice gas
models is conserved whereas it is not conserved in magnetic systems. This has
important consequences for dynamics.
pi + qi = 1. (2.20)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Depending on which atoms are nearest neighbours, there are three different NN
interaction energies: uAA , uBB , and uAB = uBA . The Hamiltonian is:
Hba = −uAA pi pj − uBB qi qj − uAB (pi qj + qi pj ), (2.21)
hi,ji hi,ji hi,ji
where each sum hi, ji runs over all NN pairs. If we write pi = (1 + Si )/2 and
qi = (1 − Si )/2 then Si = 1 if i is occupied by A and Si = −1 for a B site.
When there are 50% A atoms and 50% B atoms, i Si = 0, and the Hamiltonian
becomes an Ising Hamiltonian in the absence of a magnetic field:
Hba = −J Si Sj + H0 . (2.22)
H0 is a constant, and J = (uAA + uBB − 2uAB )/4. For binary alloys, the order
parameter is also conserved.
We shall use periodic boundary conditions, that means that the spins will be
N 1 2
Figure 2.3: Lattice sites of an Ising model in one dimension with periodic bound-
ary conditions.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
arranged on a ring, see Fig. 2.3. Then, the N −th and the first spins are NN and
the system is periodic. The partition function is:
e−βH({S}) = eβJ Si Si+1
eβJSi Si+1 .
Z= i = (2.24)
{S} {S} {S} i=1
(Don’t forget: {S} is the sum over all spin configurations – there are 2N spin
configurations – whereas i is the sum over all sites!)
The exponent in (2.24) can be written as:
eβJSi Si+1 = cosh βJSi Si+1 +sinh βJSi Si+1 = cosh βJ +Si Si+1 sinh βJ. (2.25)
The last equality holds because Si Si+1 can only be ±1 and cosh is an even function
whereas sinh is an odd function of the argument. The partition function is:
Z = (cosh βJ)N
[1 + KSi Si+1 ] , (2.26)
{S} i=1
where K = tanh βJ. We work out the product and sort terms in powers of K:
Z = (cosh βJ)N
(1 + S1 S2 K)(1 + S2 S3 K) · · · (1 + SN S1 K)
= (cosh βJ)N
[1 + K(S1 S2 + S2 S3 + · · · + SN S1 )+
+K 2 (S1 S2 S2 S3 + · · ·) + · · · + K N (S1 S2 S2 · · · SN SN S1 ) . (2.27)
The terms, linear in K contain products of two different (neighbouring) spins, like
Si Si+1 . The sum over all spin configurations of this product vanish, {S} Si Si+1 =
0, because there are two configurations with parallel spins (Si Si+1 = +1) and two
with antiparallel spins (Si Si+1 = −1). Thus, the term linear in K vanishes after
summation over all spin configurations. For the same reason also the sum over all
spin configurations, which appear at the term proportional to K 2 , vanish. In order
for a term to be different from zero, all the spins in the product must appear twice
(then, {Si } Si2 = 2). This condition is fulfilled only in the last term, which – af-
ter summation over all spin configurations – gives 2N K N . Therefore the partition
function of the Ising model of a linear chain of N spins is:
h i
Z = (2 cosh βJ)N 1 + K N . (2.28)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
ξ 1
=− , (2.35)
a ln tanh βJ
where a is the separation between the NN spins (”lattice constant”). In the limit
T → 0, the correlation length diverges exponentially as T → 0:
ξ 1
≈ e2βJ . (2.36)
a 2
Equations 2.34 and 2.36 tell us that there is no long range order at any finite T and
0 2 4 6 8 10
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
β X N/2
χT (H = 0) = hSi Si+k i
N i k=−N/2
β X N/2
= 2 hSi Si+k i − hSi Si i . (2.40)
N i k=0
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
N k ln(2)
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 2.6: Temperature dependence of the entropy for the zero-field d = 1 Ising
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 2.7: Temperature dependence of the heat capacity for the zero-field d = 1
Ising model.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Figure 2.8: A possible domain configuration of the Ising model on a square lattice.
With the above boundary conditions, all the domain walls must be closed
loops, see Fig. 2.8. In a wall the neighbouring spins are antiparallel, this costs
an energy 2J per wall segment and the probability, that a domain with its total
wall length (perimeter) b is thermally excited, is given by the Boltzmann factor
exp[−2βJb]. For large b, there are many possible domain wall configurations
with the same wall length b. For an estimate of the number m of possible wall
configurations, assume that on each site the wall can either be straight or make
a kink to either side. This makes a factor of 3 for each wall segment (except for
the last one where it is bound to close the loop). Besides, a wall can start on each
lattice site, this makes a factor of N . Therefore, m(b) is limited by:
and the average number of different thermally excited domains with perimeter b
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
1 ∂2 X
−2α x
= 9e
48 ∂α2 x=2,3,4,···
1 ∂2 q2
48 ∂α2 1 − q
q 2 (4 − 3q + q 2 )
= , (2.47)
12(1 − q)3
where α = 2βJ, x = 2b, q = 9 exp(−2α). For large, finite β, q is small and
the above ratio is < 1/2. This means that the order parameter hN+ − N− i/N is
greater than zero at low T and the Ising model in d = 2 (and of course also in
d > 2) has a phase transition at finite T .
The exact critical temperature of the (anisotropic) Ising model on a rectangular
lattice is given by the equation:
2Jx 2Jy
sinh sinh = 1,
where Jx and Jy are the spin interaction energies in x and y directions, respec-
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Figure 2.9: Kr on graphite. There are three equivalent adsorption sites, but Kr
atoms are too big to occupy all of them – only one third of the sites (i.e., either
”A”, ”B”, or ”C” sites) can be occupied. We talk about ”A,” ”B,” or ”C” domains.
The domains are separated by domain walls. The A-B domain wall has a different
structure (and energy) than the B-A wall.
J is the interaction energy and δσi ,σj is the δ-function which is = 1 if the NN sites
i and j are in the same state and zero otherwise,
1 σi = σj with (i, j) ∈ N N
δσi ,σj = (2.49)
0 otherwise
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
∆ is the chirality which breaks the symmetry of the model, it produces an asym-
metry in the interaction between the NN sites. The interaction energies between,
say, σi = 0, σj = 1 and σi = 1, σj = 0 are different. The two-state clock model is
identical to the Ising model and, if ∆ = 0, the 3-state clock model is identical to
the 3-state Potts model. For q > 3, the clock and the Potts model are not identical.
The two-dimensional clock and Potts models are widely used in surface physics.
The above mentioned Kr on graphite can be described with the 3-state chiral clock
model with ∆ 6= 0.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
where the spins are classical vectors of unit length aligned in the plane. Φi is the
angle between the spin direction and an arbitrarily chosen axis and is a continuous
variable. For simplicity, let us consider the square lattice and let the sum be only
over nearest neighbours. Only slowly varying configurations (Φi − Φj 1) give
considerable contributions to the partition function, therefore we expand H:
J X Ja2 X ~
H − E0 = (Φi − Φj )2 = |∇Φ(i)|2
2 hi,ji 2 i
= d2 r|∇Φ(r)| 2
. (2.53)
Here a is the lattice constant and we transformed the last sum over all lattice sites
into an integral over the area. Φ(r) is now a scalar field.
Possible excitations above the (perfectly ordered) ground state are spin waves.
They are responsible for destroying long-range order at any finite T . We will not
consider spin waves here. Another possible excitation above the ground state is
a vortex, shown in Fig. 2.10. Any line integral along a closed path around the
centre of the vortex will give
Φ = qφ
~ r) · d~r = 2πq
∇Φ(~ ⇒ (2.54)
|∇Φ| = q/r
where q is the vorticity (q is integer; q = 1 for the vortex shown in Fig. 2.10) and
φ is the polar angle to ~r. From the equations (2.53) and (2.54) we find the energy
of this vortex: Z R
J q 2 R
E= 2πrdr = πJ ln q2. (2.55)
a 2 r a
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
R is the size of the system. Notice that the energy of the vortex increases logarith-
mically with the size of the system. In estimating the entropy associated with a
vortex we realize that a vortex can be put on each lattice site therefore the number
of configurations is about (R/a)2 and the entropy of one vortex is
S ≈ 2kB ln . (2.56)
The free energy, F = E − T S, is positive and large at low temperatures. That
means that it is not very easy to (thermally) excite single vortices. As temperature
increases, the entropy term causes F to decrease. F vanishes (changes sign) at a
critical temperature:
kB TC = . (2.57)
Above TC a large number of vortices is thermally excited.
However, this does not mean that there are no vortices at low T . The easiest
way to see this is to draw an analogy to a system of electrical charges in two
dimensions. If ~k is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the system, then
E~ = ∇(qφ)
~ × ~k is equal to the electric field produced by a charge of strength
2π0 q positioned at the centre of the vortex. The energy of an electric field is
0 Z 2 ~ 2 0 Z 2 ~
Eel = d r|E| = d r|∇(qφ) × ~k|2 , (2.58)
2 2
whereas the energy of a system of vortices is
JZ 2 ~ J
Evort = d r|∇Φ × ~k|2 = Eel . (2.59)
2 0
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
J(Ri,j ) is a random variable and the first sum includes also more distant pairs than
just nearest neighbours. Random exchange interactions cause that – even at low
temperatures – the spins are not ordered, the system has no long-range order in
the the ground state. The “usual” long-range order parameter
1 X
m= hSi i (2.64)
N i
vanishes for a spin glass. Yet, in the experiment, a broad maximum in the specific
heat and a rather sharp maximum in the zero-field susceptibility, connected with
hysteresis and remanescence, are seen. So, there must be a kind of a transition
as the temperature is varied, we shall call this a spin–glass transition and the low-
temperature state the spin-glass phase.
At high temperatures, the spins behave like in a normal paramagnet, they flip
around dynamically so that the thermodynamic average hSi i vanishes. There is no
long-range order in the system and also the local spontaneous magnetization, i.e.,
the (time) average of the spin at a site i vanishes, hSi i = 0 for each site. At low
temperatures, however, the spins freeze in a disordered configuration, the system
is in a state where hSi i =
6 0 although the average magnetization still vanishes,
m = 0. The spin-glass transition is thus a freezing transition.
Something happens to the dynamics of the spins, therefore we must consider
time-dependent spins, S(t). To distinguish between the two phases, we introduce
the (Edwards-Anderson) order parameter:
1 X
q = lim lim hSi (t0 )Si (t0 + t)i. (2.65)
t→∞ N →∞ N
q clearly vanishes in the paramagnetic phase and is > 0 in the spin-glass phase,
see Fig. 2.12. It measures the mean square local spontaneous magnetization.
Notice that freezing is a gradual process, which starts at Tf where the first spins
freeze and ends at T = 0 where all the spins are frozen.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Figure 2.11: Spins in the low-temperature, spin-glass phase are frozen in a disor-
dered configuration.
Since, in the spin-glass phase the spins are (at least partially) frozen in a dis-
ordered configuration, we can easily imagine that some spins are frustrated and
that the spins do not freeze in a unique way. Freezing is history dependent, the
configuration into which the spins freeze, depends on the conditions (e.g, on the
magnitude of the magnetic filed) close to the freezing temperature. If we, upon
cooling, apply an external field pointing ”up”, there will be more spins frozen in
the ”up” orientation and will stay in this orientation even if we switch the field
off in the low-temperature phase. This means that the systems can fall into a
metastable configuration from which it is not able to escape if the temperature is
low. The free energy, thus, has many, many local minima in the configuration
space, see Fig. 2.13. In the thermodynamic limit (N → ∞), some hills between
the local minima will become infinitely high and the system will be trapped in
such a minimum forever. In the time average, thus, the system will explore only a
part of the total configuration space. This means that the time average of a phys-
ical quantity is no longer equal to the ensemble average (where one explores the
whole configuration space). A system in the spin-glass phase is thus not ergodic
in the thermodynamic limit! Since it is ergodic in the paramagnetic phase, we say
that at the freezing transition the ergodicity breaks down.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
q 1/2
0 Tf T
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Figure 2.13: Free energy landscape in the configuration space of a spin glass at
low temperatures. There is one global and many local minima.
Figure 2.14: Temperature dependence of the static susceptibility of Cu1−x Mnx for
x = 1.08 and 2.02%. (b) and (d): cooled to low temperature at H = 0 and then
heated at H = 5.9 Oe; (a) and (c): cooled and/or heated in H = 5.9 Oe. [From
Nagata et al., Phys. Rev. B 19, 1633 (1979).]
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
2.6 Hz
10.4 Hz
234 Hz
1.33 KHz
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Quantum Models
In classical statistical mechanics we did not know the exact microscopic state of
the system (location in the phase space). We made use of the ergodic hypothesis
and replaced the time average of a physical quantity with an ensemble average,
i.e., an average over many equivalent systems.
In quantum statistical mechanics the situation is similar.
(We assume that the states |ni are normalized.) n denotes the quantum states (e.g.,
momenta) of all particles in the system. En is the total energy of all particles of
the system in the compound state n. Any dynamical state of the system can be
expressed as a linear combination of these eigenstates,
|ψ(t)i = cn (t)|ni, (3.2)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
The coefficients cn (t) define a point in the (Hilbert) space of wavefunctions |ni.
The (time-dependent) wavefunction |ψ(t)i which obeys the Schrödinger equation
ih̄ = H|ψi (3.3)
is thus the quantum-mechanical analogue of the point in phase space of classical
statistical mechanics. The expectation value of a physical quantity A (which does
not necessarily commute with H) is:
c∗n cm hn|A|mi
hA(t)i = hψ(t)|A|ψ(t)i =
The last expression holds for any complete set of states |ni, also if they are not
the eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
The density matrix is a statistical operator with the following important prop-
• Its diagonal elements ρn,n tell the probability that the system is in the state
|ni whereas its non-diagonal elements ρm,n tell the probability of a transi-
tion from the state |ni to the state |mi. For stationary states, thus, ρ has to
be diagonal, it commutes with the Hamiltonian.
Tr(ρ) = 1. (3.6)
The trace runs over any complete set of states |ni and is independent of the
choice of the basis set.
The trace in quantum statistical mechanics plays the role of integration over
the whole available phase space in classical statistical mechanics.
ih̄ = [H, ρ]. (3.8)
This is the “Schrödinger equation” of the density matrix.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
Again, the average h i means ensemble and quantum average – both aver-
ages cannot be separated.
• Canonical ensemble. In the energy representation ρ is diagonal and we can
use the same arguments as in the case of classical canonical distributions.
The matrix elements are equal to:
1 −βEm
ρm,m = e , (3.11)
where the normalization constant is (again) the partition function
e−βEm .
Z= (3.12)
1 −βH
ρ= e with Z = Tr e−βH (3.13)
(ρ and H are operators!). Thus, for a canonical ensemble, the average (ther-
mal and quantum- mechanical) of an operator A is:
hAi = Tr (ρA) = Tr (e−βH A) (3.14)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
1 −βH ∂
E = hHi = Tr He =− ln Tr e−βH
Z ∂β
E=− ln Z. (3.15)
All the thermodynamic relations are the same as before (Tables I - III are
still valid), the only difference is that now we have to calculate the partition
function as the trace of the density matrix.
The entropy in a canonical ensemble, S, is the ensemble average over all
(energy) states of the microcanonical entropy S:
1 −β(H−µN )
ρ= e ,
Ξ(T, V, µ) = Tr e−β(H−µN ) .
hAi = Tr(A e−β(H−µN ) ).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
np~ is the number of particles in the state with momentum p~. Because we are deal-
ing with Bosons, np~ can also be > 1. We want to study condensation where two
phases come into contact, the number of particles in one phase is not fixed, there-
fore we must work with the grand-canonical distribution. The grand-canonical
partition function of ideal Bose gas is:
(p2 /2m) np~ +βµN
Ξ= p
~ , N= np~ .
{np~ } p
(Here we will disregard the (2S + 1) factor which comes from the spin degener-
acy.) In the grand partition function, each sum over np~ is over all non-negative
integers and, since the particles do not interact, we can split the partition function
into a product:
∞ ∞ nh in0 h in1 h in2 o
2 2
eβµ e−β(p1 /2m−µ) e−β(p2 /2m−µ)
Ξ= ··· ··· = (3.18)
n0 =0 n1 =0
( )
Y Xh
−β(p2 /2m−µ) n
i Y 1
= e = .
~ n p
1 − ze−βp2 /2m
Here we have introduced the fugacity z = eβµ . The equation of state of an ideal
Bose gas is (see Table I):
P V = kB T ln Ξ(T, V, µ)
PV X h 2
=− ln 1 − e−β(p /2m−µ) (3.19)
kB T p
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
We can write hN i =
~ np~ where
np~ = (3.21)
eβ(p2 /2m−µ) −1
is the Bose-Einstein distribution function, which tells the occupation probability
of a given (non-degenerate) state p~. For hN i to be finite and positive, the second
term in the denominator has to be < 1 for any p~, in particular for p = 0. This
means that µ must be < 0 and 0 < z < 1.
For large V we replace the sum by an integral:
X 4πV Z ∞ 2
→ 3 p dp (3.22)
h 0
and we get:
4πV Z ∞ 2 1
hN i = 3
p dp β(p2 /2m−µ)
h 0 e −1
mkB T V
= V g3/2 (z) = g3/2 (z), (3.23)
2πh̄2 λ3
1 Z∞ xν−1 X zl
gν (z) = dx x −1 = (3.24)
Γ(ν) 0 e z − 1 l=1 lν
The functions g3/2 (z) and g5/2 (z) are shown in Fig 3.1. For later use: g3/2 (1) ≈
2.612 and g5/2 (1) ≈ 1.342. The pressure is:
m kB T
P = 2 (kB T ) g5/2 (z) = 3 g5/2 (z). (3.25)
2πh̄ λ
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
2 3/2
0 0.5 1
Now let us start increasing the pressure at fixed (high enough) T . This increases
the chemical potential, the fugacity, and the density of particles, hN i/V . How-
ever, we know that z must be < 1. What happens when z → 1? Can we further
increase the pressure or the density of particles?
To answer this question we must go back to Eq. (3.20). The term √ with p~ = 0
which was not included in (3.23) (The density of states n(E) has a E depen-
dence on E and vanishes as E → 0.) becomes singular (divergent) when µ → 0
and it has to be treated separately. This divergence has very important conse-
quences for a Bose gas, as we shall show now. Instead of Eq. (3.20) we must
X 1 z V z
hN i = + = 3 g3/2 (z) + (3.26)
eβ(p2 /2m−µ) −1 1−z λ 1−z
PV 4πV Z ∞ 2 h 2
=− 3 p dp ln 1 − ze−βp /2m − ln (1 − z)
kB T h 0
P 1 1
= 3 g5/2 (z) − ln (1 − z) , (3.27)
kB T λ V
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
The last terms in Eqs. (3.26) and (3.27) come from the term p = 0 and correspond
to the particles in the lowest energy, in the ground state. In the thermodynamic
limit the last term in (3.27) vanishes whereas it remains finite in (3.26). We will
hN i = hN 0 i + hN0 i, (3.28)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
This means that z < 1 and µ < 0. The density of particles in the ground state is
Almost all the particles are in the |~p| > 0 states and the ground state is macro-
scopically empty. The equation of state simplifies to
P g5/2 (z)
= (3.34)
kB T λ3
At very high T , g3/2 (z) and g5/2 (z) are 1 and we approximate [see the series
for gn , Eq. (3.24)]:
The fugacity z = hN iλ3 /V vanishes as T −3/2 at high T and for fixed density.
This justifies the approximation (3.35). Eliminating z from the last two equations
yields the equation of state of the ideal Bose gas at high T :
which is identical to the equation of state of a classical ideal gas (as it should be
at high T !).
Now we lower the temperature by keeping N and V fixed. Eq. (3.32) tells
us that g3/2 (z) must increase. This means that z and µ also increase. Eventually,
a temperature is reached, where z reaches its maximum value (z → 1, N =
hNmax i). This is the transition temperature TC and is determined by the condition
N mkB TC
= g3/2 (1) (3.39)
V 2πh̄2
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
TC = . (3.40)
kB m [g3/2 (1)]2/3 V
If we insert this expression into the equation of state, Eq. (3.34), we obtain the
pressure at which the transition takes place:
5/2 mkB 5/2
PC = kB TC g5/2 (1) ∝ TC . (3.41)
When hN 0 i < N , the ground state starts to fill, hN0 i increases. Below TC , thus,
only a part of the particles can be accommodated in the continuum states. The rest
must go into the ground state! The number of bosons in the ground state is:
0 mkB T
hN0 i = N − hN i = N − V g3/2 (1)
hN0 i T
=1− . (3.43)
hN0 i/N is finite, the state with p~ = 0 is occupied with a macroscopic number of
particles, the particles condense in the momentum space into the zero-momentum
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
P Critical line
<No>/N <N’>/N
0 0.5 1 1.5
state. This is the Bose-Einstein condensation. The fugacity is, from Eq. (3.30):
z = hN0 i/(hN0 i + 1). In the thermodynamic limit, when V and hN0 i → ∞,
z = 1 and µ = 0 below TC . The equation of state is:
mkB T g5/2 (1) hN 0 i
P = g5/2 (1) kB T = kB T. (3.44)
2πh̄2 g3/2 (1) V
Only the particles in the continuum states (in the gas phase) contribute to pres-
sure. The particles in the ground state (condensate) are at rest, they cannot exert
any pressure. If the density is increased, the extra particles fall into the ground
state and the pressure does not increase. At fixed T < TC the density of particles
in the gas phase is constant and P is independent of V , see Fig. 3.2. The temper-
ature dependence of hN0 i is shown in Fig. 3.3. In the limit T → 0, hNmax i→0
and all the particles are in the ground state, N = hN0 i.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
Gas phase
0 T
The corresponding phase diagram is shown in Fig. 3.4. The normal, gas phase
exists for T > TC , i.e., to the right of the transition line. On the line, given by
(3.41), condensation takes place and since the particles in the ground state don’t
contribute to pressure, the condensate lies on the transition line itself. Notice that
the ”critical points” in Bose systems form a line in the P vs. T or in the P vs. V
planes and are not in a single point like in van der Waals gases.
We now invert Eq. (3.44),
g5/2 (1) hN 0 i
V = kB T. (3.45)
g3/2 (1) P
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
• Critical point
λ− line
Critical point
0 T
Figure 3.6: Phase diagram of 4 He. He I is the normal, and He II the superfluid
p0 p
Figure 3.7: Dispersion curve of elementary excitations in liquid 4 He. The excita-
tions around the minimum at p0 are called rotons.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
p = cp. (3.47)
At high momenta (short wavelengths), the interaction between the atoms causes
a minimum in the dispersion curve. Elementary excitations around this minimum
are (for historical reasons) called rotons. Their energy is written in the form:
(p − p0 )2
p = ∆ + , (3.48)
where ∆ is the energy gap, ∆/kB = 8.6K, and m∗ = 1.0 × 10−27 kg is the
effective mass of rotons. p0 = 2.0 × 10−24 kg m/s. At low T , the density of these
quasiparticles is low and they don’t interact.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
2 ∗
At low T (large β), e−β∆−β(p−p0 ) /2m is small and we approximate ln(1 − x) ≈
−x. (This is equivalent to using the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.)
4πV −β∆ Z ∞ 2 −β(p−p0 )2 /2m∗
ln Ξrot = e p dp e
h3 0
4πV −β∆ Z ∞ 2 2 ∗
≈ 3
e p dp e−β(p−p0 ) /2m
h s −∞
4πV 2πm∗ 2 m∗ −β∆
= p0 + e (3.50)
h3 β β
From these equations, one can calculate the specific heat (and other thermody-
namic quantities) at low temperatures.
3.3.1 Superfluidity
Consider an isolated system (in which energy and momentum are conserved) com-
posed of a long cylindrical capillary filled with liquid 4 He at T = 0. Initially, let
the capillary tube rotate along the symmetry axis with the tangential velocity v0
and let the fluid be at rest. We would expect that - because of friction - energy
would be transferred from the tube to the fluid and that the fluid will gradually be
excited out of the ground state. Let us check under which conditions the energy
and momentum can be transferred to the fluid. Immediately after the tube started
to rotate, the tube had the kinetic energy M v02 /2 (M is the mass of the tube) and
the fluid was at rest and had the ground-state energy E0 . At a later time, we expect
the tube velocity to decrease by ∆v (because we consider an isolated system) and
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
that in the fluid an (at least one) elementary excitation with energy p and momen-
tum p~ is created. The conservation laws demand that the energy at a later time
1 1
M (v0 − ∆v)2 + p + E0 = M v02 + E0
2 2
and that the momentum is:
M (v0 − ∆v) + pt = M v0 ⇒ M ∆v = pt (3.52)
where pt is the excitation momentum in the tangential direction. For ∆v 6= 0, the
first equation gives the inequality
p = M v0 ∆v − M (∆v)2 < M v0 ∆v. (3.53)
After eliminating M ∆v, the conservation laws tell us that
~v · p~ > p . (3.54)
Inspection of Fig. 3.7 shows that this is only possible if v is larger than a threshold
velocity vc . At small relative velocity between the tube and the fluid, the rotons
are not excited, the momentum is not transferred to the fluid, the fluid will stay at
rest. This means that there is no friction, no viscosity - this is the superfluid phase.
(As we will see later, roton excitations are not responsible for the excitation out
of the ground state. Vortices have higher energy, but lower /p ratio.)
~j = ih̄ Ψ∇Ψ
h i
~ ∗ − Ψ∗ ∇Ψ
~ ~ r).
= h̄ψ 2 ∇φ(~ (3.56)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
the density of particles in the ground (superfluid) state as the order parameter,
because it is 6= 0 in the low-temperature phase and vanishes at TC . However, in an
interacting system, the operator N0 doesn’t commute with H, the single-particle
momenta are not good quantum numbers. On the other hand we already know
that the ground state is a state with zero momentum p~ = 0 = −ih̄∇ ~ ⇒∇~ = 0.
This means that the wavefunction is a constant in the ground state. Therefore we
choose for the order parameter the statistical average of the ground-state wave
function which commutes with H and which can be written in the form:
1 h −β(H−µN ) i
hΨi = Tr Ψe = ψeiφ (3.60)
(ψ is the amplitude and φ the phase of the wavefunction). The density of the
superfluid component is hN0 i/V = ψ 2 = constant. In the superfluid phase, a
macroscopically occupied single-particle quantum-mechanical ground state with
zero momentum extends through the whole volume available to the fluid. Each
atom is not at any particular place, it is simultaneously everywhere in the macro-
scopic volume! This is the meaning of the order parameter defined in (3.60).
Symmetry breaking. There is a strong parallel between hΨi and the sponta-
neous magnetization hM ~ i in ferromagnets,
~i= 1 ~ −βH
hM Tr M e , (3.61)
~ is the (operator for the) total magnetic moment and
where M
~i · S
~j .
H = −J S
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 3
hΨ(~r)i = lim lim TrΨ(~r)e−βE , (3.64)
η→0 V →∞ Ξ
E = H − µN − d3 r[Ψ(~r)η(~r) + Ψ† (~r)η † (~r)]. (3.65)
The only essential difference with the ferromagnetic case is that the external field
here is fictitious, it cannot be realized experimentally.
Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
It depends on the configuration of all the neighbouring spins around the site i.
If the lattice is such that each spin has many neighbours, then it is not a bad
approximation to replace the actual value of the neighbouring spins by the mean
value of all spins,
Sj → zm, (4.3)
where z is the number of nearest neighbours and m is the mean (average) magne-
tization per site, m = N1 j Sj . With (4.3), the local field becomes
Hi = zJm + H, (4.4)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
m 0.5
0.0 0.5 1.0
The actual local field acting on the site i was replaced by its mean value and is
independent of the site, Hi → HM F . In the mean-field approximation the original
Hamiltonian is replaced by a mean-field Hamiltonian
HM F = −HM F Si , (4.5)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
e−β Hi .
ρ≈ ρi ∝ (4.8)
i i
Physically this means that the spin fluctuations are considered to be uncorrelated,
the orientation of a spin is statistically independent of the orientation of any other
spin. There are no correlations in the spin orientation except those coming from
the long-range order. Under this assumption, the Ising Hamiltonian is not only
diagonal in the spin space (the state Si = +1 is uncoupled from the state Si =
−1; physically this means that the Ising system has no dynamics), but it is also
independent of all other spins in the system. Thus, the trial density matrices ρi
are diagonal and of the general form (remember, its trace must be = 1):
1 (1 + m0i ) 0
ρi =
2 .
1 0
0 (1 − m )
1 2
E = − zJN m0 − N Hm0 (4.12)
and the trial entropy as:
1 + m0 1 + m0 1 − m0 1 − m0
S = −kB Tr(ρ ln ρ) = −N kB ln + ln
2 2 2 2
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
-0.4 ❍
-0.6 ●
G (T,H;m’) ●
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4.2: Trial Gibbs free energy G(T, H; m0 ) vs. m0 at H = 0.1 zJ. Solid
circles denote stable states, open circle a metastable state, and the solid triangle an
unstable state. The curves are labelled by T /TC . m and G(T, H) are determined
by the minimum of G.
G(T, H) = min
G(H, T ; m0 ). (4.15)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
T < Tc Tc T > Tc
zN N kB T 1 − m2
G(T, H) = Jm2 + ln
2 2 4
zN 2
= Jm − N kB T ln [2 cosh β(zJm + H)] (4.18)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
1+m 1+m
FM F (T, M ) = N kB T ln
2 2
1−m 1−m 1
+ ln − N zJm2 .
2 2 2
The field dependence of the equilibrium Gibbs free energy G is shown in Fig.
4.4. The equation of state now reads
∂F (T, M )
H= . (4.21)
∂M T
kB TC = z|J|. (4.22)
In the past, many improvements to the simple MF theory presented here have
been proposed. With these improvements, the MF critical temperature came closer
to the exact critical temperature. None of these theories, however, was able to
bring an improvements to the critical exponents, they kept their mean-field values.
The real break-through brought the renormalization-group theory, which will be
introduced in Section 4.3.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
-1 1.0
T = 1.5 Tc
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Figure 4.4: Equilibrium Gibbs free energy. At low temperatures, when a first-
order transition at H = 0 takes place, part of the curve corresponds to metastable
states and part to unstable states.
of the variational parameter M 0 above the critical temperature and a double min-
imum below TC . Close to the critical point and for H = 0, the minimum of G is
close to m0 = 0 and we can expand the trial mean-field free energy G to a very
good approximation in a power series of m.
G(T, H; m) = G0 + rm2 + um4 + · · · (4.23)
At T > TC , r must be > 0 and below TC , it must be < 0, thus r changes sign and
in most of the cases it can be approximated by a linear temperature dependence,
r = r0 (T − TC )/TC .
The Landau theory is phenomenological and deals only with macroscopic
quantities. The theory does not deal correctly with the fluctuations and is a mean-
field theory. In fact, the Landau theory of continuous phase transitions is much
more than just simple expansion of G. It is based on the symmetry of the system.
Landau postulated that the free energy can be expanded as a power series in m
where only those terms that are compatible with the symmetry of the system are
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
-0.5 0.75
T = 1.5 Tc
Figure 4.5: Equilibrium Helmholtz free energy. At low temperatures, where the
transition is first order, F has two minima, corresponding to ±m. The region
between the two minima is the coexistence region when the system can be partially
in the +m, and partially in the −m state (domain structure!).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
mi → m(~r)
hi → h(~r).
Y (T, H) = (4.24)
{Si }
(we have to sum over all spin configurations). Now, since m(r) is a continuous
function of the coordinate r, we must replace the sum by a functional integral over
all functions m(r). When doing this replacement one must not forget that m(r)
is equal to the average of a microscopic spin Si over a small volume. That means
that there can be several microscopic spin configurations which average into the
same m(r). Let there be Ω(m(r)) spin configurations that lead to the same m(r).
Then, the sum over all spin configurations is equal to the functional integral over
all functions m(r) where each function m(r) is weighted by Ω(m(r)):
→ Dm(r) Ω(m(r)). (4.25)
{Si }
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
= Dm(r) e−βG(T,H;m(r)) , (4.27)
Notice the analogy between this equation and the trial Gibbs free energy ob-
tained previously with the Bragg-Williams method! The Landau free energy is in
fact a generalization of the trial Gibbs free energy.
Notice also that the entropy S(m(r)) is not equal to the usual microcanonical
entropy S (related to the number of configurations in an energy interval ∆E)
because we did not make any summation over the energies! S(m(r)) is related
to the number of microscopic configurations leading to the same function m(r).
Only after integration over all the states in a certain energy interval we would
get the usual thermodynamic entropy S. Therefore we can call S(m(r)) a partial
We still have to work out the functional integral in order to get the (equilib-
rium) partition function Y (T, H)! From Y (T, H) the Gibbs free energy is:
G(T, H) = −kB T ln Y (T, H) = −kB T ln Dm e−βG(T,H;m) . (4.29)
In the Landau approach we write down the Landau free energy in a most gen-
eral form as an expansion in terms of the order parameter and its derivatives by
taking into account all the symmetry-allowed terms up to a given order:
1 2
G(T, H, m) = dV rm + um4 + · · · − Hm
+ g|∇m|2 + · · · . (4.30)
The highest-order coefficient in the expansion must always be positive, else the
system were unstable. For the Ising model, this form can also be obtained by
expanding G, Eq. (4.14), in powers of m. The last term appears if m is site-
Si Sj → m(r) m(r + a) = m(r) m(r) + m(r) a∇m(r) + a2 ∇2 m(r) + · · · .
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
The first term is already included in the first line of (4.30), the second term van-
ishes in systems with center of inversion (symmetry argument!) and the last term,
after partial integration over the whole volume, gives the term proportional to
|∇m|2 . The prefactor g must also be positive always. A negative g would lead to
completely unphysical wild fluctuations in m on extremely short lengthscales.
Here we have assumed a one-component order parameter. In general, the order
parameter can have several components or be complex. The coefficients are in
principle temperature-dependent and depend also on the symmetry of the system.
For example, the coefficient of the cubic term vanishes if the system is invariant
under the reversal of m(r) when H = 0. Usually we assume that u is temperature
independent whereas the quadratic term has a linear temperature dependence,
r = r0 t, t = (T − TC )/TC (4.32)
In the Landau theory we assume that the fluctuations of the order parameter
are small, that the important values of m lie in a narrow range near its equilibrium
value that minimizes the Landau free energy. In fact, the maximal contribution
to the partition function comes from the term with minimal Landau free energy.
In the thermodynamic limit, the probability of any other configuration will vanish
rapidly. Therefore we make use of the saddle-point approximation, the functional
integral (4.29) is equal to the maximum value of the integrand, multiplied by a
constant. For constant field H, the functional form of m(r) that maximizes the
integrand (minimizes the Landau free energy), is a constant, determined by the
∂G ∂2G
=0 ≥0 (4.33)
∂m ∂m2
In equilibrium, the system is at the bottom of the Landau free energy G. This
determines m and G(T, H). From G(T, H) we get other thermodynamic quanti-
ties, as before.
The advantage of the Landau theory is that it allows one to study a macro-
scopic system without knowing all its microscopic details. It is based on the sym-
metry properties of the macroscopic system alone.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
r0 2 2
G = G0 − t (4.43)
It follows:
( 0 ⇒α=0 t>0
cH = 02 (4.44)
r TC
⇒α=0 t<0
Comment 1: We see that the Landau theory gives mean-field (also called ”classi-
cal”) critical exponents.
Comment 2: At H 6= 0, there is no phase transition, all the quantities vary
smoothly, only the exponent δ is defined.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
To the lowest order in m and ∇m, the Landau free energy is:
1 1
G(H; m(r)) = G0 + d r g|∇m(~r)|2 + rm2 (~r)
2 2 i
+um (~r) − λm(~r)δ(~r) (4.47)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
For t > 0, when m vanishes in the absence of the field, we can neglect the cubic
term, and we get:
λ 1
m(~q) = , χ(~q) = . (4.54)
gq 2+r gq 2+r
After a (somewhat tedious) Fourier transform back to real space we find in the
limit of large ~r:
g 1
ξ= ⇒ ν= . (4.56)
r0 t 2
Below TC , m 6= 0, we replace m(~r) by m+δm(~r), where m is the spontaneous
magnetization and δm the response to the infinitesimal perturbing field λ. We
expand in powers of δm and retain only linear-order terms. We find:
δm(~q) = (4.57)
gq 2 − 2r
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
the order of the correlation length ξ (this is how the correlation length is defined),
the free energy of a typical fluctuation per unit volume is proportional to
On the other hand, the singular part of the mean-field free energy is governed by
the specific-heat exponent α:
GM F ∝ |t|2−α (4.59)
(we obtain this expression after two integrations of the specific heat over temper-
ature). For the mean-field theory to be ”exact”, Gf luct GM F in the limit as
t → 0,
Gf luct
lim ∝ lim |t|νd−2+α = 0
|t|→0 GM F |t|→0
⇒ νd − 2 + α > 0 ⇒ d > . (4.60)
For the Ising model (scalar order parameter) in the mean-field approximation α =
0 and ν = 1/2 and we get the condition
d > 4. (4.61)
The mean-field exponents are correct and the fluctuations are irrelevant only for
d > 4. d = 4 is called the upper critical dimension of the Ising model.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
For an Ising system, the sum is over 2N configurations. This number is extremely
large for all but very small systems. Therefore one must find a method which
estimates thermodynamic properties by sampling a small subset of representa-
tive configurations. One possible strategy would be to scan randomly the whole
configuration space (scan randomly over all spin configurations). The expecta-
tion value of A would then be obtained as a sum over the scanned configurations,
weighted by the appropriate Boltzmann factors. However, this random sampling
has a very serious drawback. Because of the Boltzmann factor which brings a
negligible weight to most of the configurations, very few configurations will con-
tribute to the expectation value of A and a very unreliable estimate will result.
This problem occurs because only an extremely restricted part of the configura-
tion space is occupied with a considerable probability in the thermodynamic limit.
Therefore it makes sense to restrict the sampling only to these states. this is the
importance sampling.
Importance sampling is realized if we generate a Markov chain of configura-
tions, i.e., a configuration is generated from the preceding configuration. The dis-
advantage of this Markov chain is that the successive configurations are strongly
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
where Ei and Ef are the energies of the previous and final states, respectively.
With this choice of transition probabilities, the system tends asymptotically to a
steady state in which the probability of a given configuration is e−βE({S}) .
The practical implementation of the Metropolis algorithm is very simple. First,
a spin is selected either at random or sequentially. The spin is flipped and the en-
ergies Ei and Ef are calculated. Finally, a pseudo-random number is used to
accept or reject the flip with the probability (4.64). The meaning of this condition
is straightforward. If the systems gains in energy by flipping the spin, the flip
is accepted. It is also accepted if it costs energy to flip the spin, but the energy
difference is small so that the Boltzmann factor is larger than the random number
(analogy to thermal excitations!). The flow chart of a MC program is shown in
Fig. 4.6.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
! " $#
, -.
0/123 547698;:)<>=?#
')(@+" A )B BDCE"
n 0?l H n 0?m H
L E7
o < 1 < k J n n
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
• Free energy. Monte-Carlo simulation samples only a very small part of the
phase space whereas to obtain the partition function or the free energy, we
must sum over the whole configuration space. In MC simulations, there-
fore we calculate the free energy by integrating one of its derivatives, e.g.,
− M dH. This means that we need to calculate M (H) in a range of H.
• Conservation laws. Above, the spins were allowed to flip uncorrelated from
one another. This works fine for magnetic systems, where the order param-
eter is not conserved. For binary alloys, e.g., however, the number of atoms
is conserved and so is the order parameter. So, opposite spins have to flip
simultaneously (one ”up”→”down” and another - usually a neighbouring -
one ”down”→”up”). The conservation laws have important consequences
for the kinetics of fluctuations (slowing down).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Figure 4.11: As Fig. 5.9 but for T = 1.22TC . Under each transformation, the
correlation length decreases, the system flows towards infinite temperature. (After
K.G. Wilson, Sci. Am. 241, 140 (1979))
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Figure 4.12: As Fig. 5.9 but for T = TC : The correlation length is infinite
and remains infinite under successive transformations, the system remains at the
critical temperature. (After K.G. Wilson, Sci. Am. 241, 140 (1979))
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
T=0 Tc T =∞
the properties in that region and then transform back to the original lattice. This
is the basic idea of the renormalization-group methods and we shall exploit this
idea on some simple examples.
H = −K Si Si+1 − h Si , K= h= . (4.65)
i i kB T kB T
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
"!"!""!! "!"!""!! "!"!""!!
&%$#&%$#&&%%$$## &%$#&%$#&&%%$$## &%$#&%$#&&%%$$## *)('*)('**))(('' *)('*)('**))(('' *)('*)('**))((''
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the form
e−H = eK Si Si+1 +h Si
Z(N, K, h) = i i
{S} {S}
K(S1 S2 +S2 S3 )+hS2 + h (S1 +S3 )
= e 2
×eK(S3 S4 +S4 S5 )+hS4 + 2 (S3 +S5 ) × · · · , (4.66)
We divide the lattice into the sublattices × and ◦, denote the spins on the × sub-
lattice by σi (Fig. 4.14),
h h
eσ2 [K(S1 +S3 )+h]+ 2 (S1 +S3 ) eσ4 [K(S3 +S5 )+h]+ 2 (S3 +S5 ) · · · ,
{S} {σ}
and carry out a partial trace, i.e., we sum over 2N/2 configurations of the {σ} spins
sitting on the × sublattice:
Xh h h
Z(N, K, h) = e(K+ 2 )(S1 +S3 )+h + e(−K+ 2 )(S1 +S3 )−h × · · · . (4.68)
The entire partition function must not change and H must keep its structure, there-
fore we have the condition
N 0
Z(N, K, h) = eN g(K,h) Z( , K 0 , h0 ) = eN g e−H
2 {S}
H0 = −K 0 Si Si+2 − h0
Si (4.70)
i∈odd i∈odd
and g is a constant. This will ensure that the physical properties will not change
under successive iterations. The two conditions (4.70) and (4.69) imply that
h h
e(K+ 2 )(Si +Si+2 )+h + e(−K+ 2 )(Si +Si+2 )−h
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
0 h0
= eK Si Si+2 + 2 (Si +Si+2 )+2g . (4.71)
The last equation has to hold for any Si , Si+2 = ±1:
0 0
e2K+2h + e−2K = eK +h +2g
0 0
e2K−2h + e−2K = eK −h +2g
e+h + e−h = e−K +2g , (4.72)
from which we get:
0 e2K+2h + e−2K e2K−2h + e−2K
e4K =
(eh + e−h )2
0 e2K+2h + e−2K
e2h =
e2K−2h + e−2K
e8g = e2K+2h + e−2K e2K−2h + e−2K eh + e−h (4.73)
1 cosh(2K + h) cosh(2K − h)
K0 = ln
4 cosh2 h
1 cosh(2K + h)
h0 = h + ln
2 cosh(2K − h)
1 h i
g = ln 16 cosh(2K + h) cosh(2K − h) cosh2 h . (4.74)
Equations (4.73) or (4.74) are the recursion relations and determine the fixed
points and the flow diagram of the system.
In each iteration, the number of degrees of freedom is reduced by one half, the
new Hamiltonian H has only one half of the previous spins,
N 0 = N/b b = 2, (4.75)
and the lattice spacing is increased,
a0 = ba. (4.76)
Other lengths which are measured in units of the lattice spacing are reduced by a
factor b. For example, the new correlation length is
ξ 0 = ξ/b. (4.77)
The remaining spins on the decimated lattice interact with their new nearest neigh-
bours through the renormalized coupling constants K 0 and are subject to renor-
malized fields h0 .
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Fixed points. At a fixed point the parameters (the coupling constants – in our
case K and h) do not change under successive decimations. This means that the
system at a fixed point stays at this point in the parameter space. With the new
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Figure 4.15: Schematic flow diagram of the d = 1 Ising model. (After J.M.
Yeomans, Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions, Oxford 1992.)
K Si Sj
eK (Si+x +Si−x +Si+y +Si−y )σi
Z = e hiji = i
S±x and S±y are the ”right/left” and ”upper/lower” neighbours of σi , respectively.
The conditions are that under decimation Z must not change and that H should
have the same structure as the original Hamiltonian. However, we soon realize
that we cannot fulfill the above conditions with the renormalized form of the initial
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
! !
! !
! !
,* ,* ,*
-+ -+ -+
,* ,* ,*
-+ -+ -+
,* ,* ,*
-+ -+ -+
. .
/ /
. .
/ /
. .
/ /
where K 0 is the new NN interaction, L0 the new NNN (next nearest neighbours)
interaction, Q0 the four-spin interaction, and C 0 a constant. Only with the Hamil-
tonian of this form, it is possible to satisfy the condition Z 0 = Z for arbitrary
configurations of S±x,y . Although we started with only NN interactions, decima-
tion generated NNN interaction and even four-spin interactions. So, we have to
start from the beginning again with a more complicated Hamiltonian which in-
cludes all these interactions. In the following we shall neglect Q0 and assume that
L is small. In this case we obtain the following approximate recursion relations:
K 0 ≈ L + 2K 2
L0 ≈ K 2 (4.82)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
L+ L
In fact, these relations could be guessed immediately, see Fig. 4.17. The new near-
est neighbours are the previous NNN, therefore the term L in the first equation.
Besides, they were connected by two pairs of consecutive bonds, this brings 2K 2 .
In the second equation, the new next nearest neighbours (NNN) are connected by
two consecutive NN bonds on the old lattice - each of them contributing a factor
The recursion relations 4.82 have two trivial fixed points, (K ∗ , L∗ ) = (0, 0)
and (K ∗ , L∗ ) = (∞, ∞) and one non-trivial fixed point at (1/3, 1/9). The first
one is the infinite-temperature, paramagnetic fixed point, the second one is the
zero-temperature, ferromagnetic fixed point. The non-trivial fixed point corre-
sponds to the critical point of the system.
H0 = R H. (4.83)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Therefore the total free energy does not change but the free energy per unit cell
(spin) increases as
f (H0 ) = bd f (H). (4.86)
All lengths, measured in units of the new lattice spacing, are reduced by the factor
b. Thus, the correlation length scales as
ξ0 = ξ. (4.87)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
~ 0 = ~µ ≡ ~µ∗ .
µ (4.92)
Every particular type of criticality corresponds to a particular fixed point and de-
viations from the critical point are related to deviations from the corresponding
fixed point. To get insight into the critical properties we must investigate the flow
in the Hamiltonian space in the vicinity of the fixed points.
Near a fixed point we linearize the operator R. We write
~ = ~µ∗ + δ~µ
~µ0 = µ
~ ∗ + δ~µ0 (4.93)
The linear matrix L is evaluated at the fixed point and is thus a constant. The
eigenvalues λi and the eigenvectors ~νi of L,
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
xi are the critical exponents and, as we shall see, they are closely related to the
usual critical exponents α, β, · · ·. So, if we know λi , we can obtain the critical
exponents xi from
ln λi
xi = . (4.99)
ln b
• Example 1: For the d = 1 Ising model, µ1 = x and µ2 = y. After lineariza-
tion of the recursion relations (4.73)around the fixed point at ~µ∗ = (0, 1) we
λ1 = 4 ν1 =
λ2 = 2 ν1 = . (4.101)
x1 = 2 x2 = 1. (4.102)
δK 0 = 4K ∗ δK + δL
δL0 = 2K ∗ δK. (4.103)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Flow in the parameter space. We first express δ~µ near the fixed point at ~µ∗ in
terms of the eigenvectors ~νi of L. In case of the d = 1 Ising model this means that
δx0 = λ1 δx = 4δx
δy 0 = λ2 δy = 2δy. (4.108)
In general we write δ~µ as:
δ~µ = hi~νi . (4.109)
The coefficients hi are the linear scaling fields. They are the components of the
generalized field in the coordinate system of the eigenvectors. Under a renormal-
δ~µ0 = Lδ~µ =
hi L~νi = hi λi~νi , (4.110)
i i
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
δ~µ0 = h0i~νi ,
It follows that the flow of the Hamiltonian in the parameter space close to the fixed
point depends crucially on the exponents xi . For positive xi (λi > 1), the scaling
filed hi increases under repeated RG transformations and drives the system away
from the fixed point. In this case, hi is a relevant scaling field. If the exponent
xi is negative, the corresponding scaling field hi decreases under subsequent RG
transformations, thus driving the system towards the fixed point. Such fields are
called irrelevant scaling fields.
Thus the stability of the fixed point and the topology of the flow lines around
it depend on the number of relevant and irrelevant scaling fields associated with
it. To illustrate this, Fig. 4.18 shows the the trajectories in the parameter space
with two irrelevant and one relevant scaling field.
In general, any system which has initially the component of the relevant field
different from zero, will after repeated RG transformations eventually be driven
away from the fixed point (dotted lines in Fig. 4.18). Physically this corresponds
to the system moving away from criticality.
The points in which the relevant field vanishes, define the critical surface.
All the points on the critical surface flow into the fixed point. The points on the
critical surface represent systems with an infinite correlation length. Under RG
transformations, the systems stays on the critical surface (ξ remains infinite), but
it moves towards the fixed point.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
h3 Critical
Figure 4.18: A fixed point with one relevant (h1 ) and two irrelevant (h2 and h3 )
scaling fields. All the points on the two-dimensional critical surface flow to the
fixed point (solid trajectories). The points slightly above (or below) the critical
surface first flow towards the fixed point but eventually they are driven away from
it as the relevant scaling field increases (dotted trajectories).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Figure 4.19: Topology of the RG flow near fixed points with: (a) two relevant
fields, (b) two irrelevant fields, and (c) one relevant and one irrelevant field.
is included, then we have two relevant scaling fields and one irrelevant (the
magnetic field is always relevant).
Figure 4.19 shows possible scenarios in the case of two scaling fields. Ferro-
magnets have two relevant fields, external field and temperature (or NN exchange
interaction) and the fixed point is of the type shown in Fig. 4.19 (a).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
exponents are universal and do not depend on the initial point in the parameter
space (like the coupling strength).
ν= (4.115)
The last equation can be obtained also in a different way. Unless the system is
initially at the critical point, the correlation length will decrease under successive
block-spin RG transformations. The system will eventually reach a point where
the correlation length ξ 0 will become equal to the size of the renormalized unit cell,
so that the nearest-neighbour spins become uncorrelated. This point corresponds
to a certain temperature t0 which cannot depend on the initial temperature. Sup-
pose, the system is initially at the temperature t, and arrives at t0 after n iterations.
t0 = bnxt t and ξ 0 ≡ 1 = ξ/bn ⇒ ξ = bn (4.116)
From these equations we get Eq. 4.115 again.
• We return again to the d = 2 Ising model. Above, we considered the model
at h = 0. Thus, the exponent xt corresponds to the relevant exponent x1 =
1.57 from Eq. (4.107) and therefore ν = 1/x1 = 0.64. This is better than
the mean-field value of 1/2, but still far from the exact value ν = 1. The
discrepancy has its origin in the approximations we have made to obtain the
RG recursion relations.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Near a fixed point ~µ and ~µ0 can be expressed in terms of the scaling fields hi and
h0i which are related by (4.112). Hence eq. (4.117) becomes:
where gs is a homogeneous function of ~µ. This is the scaling form of the singular
part of the free energy. This equation holds for arbitrary b because we can repeat
transformations many times. In fact, b can be any real number > 1! Again we
identify h1 = t, h2 = h and assume that other scaling fields are irrelevant. Then,
eq. (4.118) becomes
Differentiating Eq. (4.119) twice with respect to temperature and putting the scal-
ing field h equal to zero gives:
gtt (t, h = 0) ∝ b−d gτ τ (τ, 0) = b−d+2x1 gτ τ , (4.121)
where we have used τ = bx1 t. Initially, t is small whereas b > 1 so that the
product bx1 t increases with each iteration. We repeat the iterations until
In this way, the arguments of gτ τ and therefore also the function gτ τ are constant,
all the temperature dependence of the specific heat is in the prefactor b−d+2x1 :
α=2− . (4.124)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Similarly we find
d − x2
2x2 − d
δ= (4.125)
d − x2
We have expressed five critical exponents in terms of two independent expo-
nents x1 and x2 . That means that there must be relations between the exponents
α · · · ν. One can easily verify the scaling laws:
α + 2β + γ = 2
γ = β(δ − 1)
2 − α = dν. (4.126)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
of expanding the size of the unit cell in real space, we shall shrink the size of
the Brillouin zone in the momentum space. In the following the method of the
momentum-space renormalization group will be demonstrated on the Gaussian
We assume a homogeneous magnetic field and we are only interested in the stabil-
ity of the m = 0 solution (r > 0), therefore we take u = 0; this will simplify the
summation over ~q). Λ is the cutoff momentum (Brillouin zone boundary). Taking
u = 0 means that the modes with different momenta become uncoupled.
The corresponding partition function is equal to the functional integral over al
functions m(r). In momentum space, the functional integral becomes:
Z Y Z ∞
Dm(r) → dm(q) (4.129)
1. Integration. After ”integrating out” the momenta within a thin shell be-
tween the radii Λ/b and Λ, the partition function (which should not change)
Y = eΩ dm(q) e−H ,
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
The second term is the partition function of the states with momenta |q| <
Λ/b. Notice that this separation into two contributions was only possible
because we set u = 0, the partition function is then a product of independent
Gaussian integrals. The new Hamiltonian,
H0 (m(q)) = (r + gq 2 )|m(q)|2 − hm(0),
depends only on m(q) with |q| < Λ/b and has the same structure as the
original one.
2. Rescaling. The second step restores the old cutoff by blowing up the radius
of integration to the original value Λ in such a way that we change the
variable of integration to
In this way the cutoff momentum is restored back to Λ. This step corre-
sponds to putting a0 = ba in real-space RG. The Hamiltonian now reads:
0 −d
X 1 q02 q0
H (m) = b (r + g 2 )|m( )|2 − hm(0). (4.134)
|q 0 |<Λ
2 b b
Y Z 0
Y =e Ω
dm(q 0 ) e−βH . (4.137)
|q 0 |<Λ
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
In this way we integrated out large momenta and transformed H to its orig-
inal form. The recursion relations are:
r 0 = b2 r
h0 = b(d+2)/2 h. (4.138)
bn ≈ 1 + n ln b ≡ 1 + ndτ. (4.139)
We can say that τ counts the number of RG cycles. Then, r and h obey the
following differential equations:
= 2r
dh d+2
= h (4.140)
dτ 2
r = r0 ext τ xt = 2
h = h0 exh τ xh = . (4.141)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
1 1
H(m) = d ~r g|∇m(~r)|2 + rm2 (~r) + um4 (~r) (4.142)
2 2
where u > 0. We first integrate out an infinitesimally thin shell of the thickness
δq in momentum space by taking b ≈ 1. Then,
and we write
where δm(~r) contains the Fourier components to be integrated out and m̄ the rest.
After some approximations we get the following renormalization-group (differen-
tial) equations for r and u [Huang, 1987]:
dr(τ ) r
= 2r + 12Λd−2 u 1 − 2
dτ Λ
du(τ )
= (4 − d)u − 36Λd−4 u2 . (4.145)
To analyse these equations, it is convenient to introduce the dimensionless
coupling constants:
r u
x= , y= (4.146)
Λ2 Λ4−d
then, the RG equations become:
= 2x + 12y(1 − x)
= y − 36y 2 (4.147)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
≡4−d (4.148)
We shall assume that is small. The system has two fixed points at finite x and y,
fixed by dx/dτ = dy/dτ = 0:
x∗ = 0
Gaussian fixed point
y∗ = 0
x∗ = −/6
“Nontrivial” fixed point. (4.149)
y ∗ = /36
x = x∗ + δx, y = y ∗ + δy (4.150)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
λ2 = ~ν2 ∝ (4.154)
−(2 − )/12
The corresponding scaling fields are h1 and h2 . Under the (infinitesimal) RG
transformations the scaling fields change as dhi /dτ = λi hi ,
hi (τ ) = hi0 eλi τ = hi0 bλi (4.155)
Thus, the critical exponents are equal to the eigenvalues λi : xt = λ1 = 2 and
x 2 = λ2 =
In the neighbourhood of the nontrivial fixed point the linear transformation
matrix L is:
2(1 − 6y ∗ ) 12(1 − x∗ ) 2(1 − /6) 12(1 + /6)
L= = (4.156)
0 − 72y ∗ 0 −
Now we have the following picture. For d < 4 ( > 0) the nontrivial fixed
point lies in the upper half of the (x, y) plane whereas the Gaussian fixed point
is (as before) at x = y = 0, see Fig. 4.20. For the nontrivial fixed point, h2 is
irrelevant (it does not affect the critical exponents) and h1 = r ∝ t the relevant
scaling field whereas for the Gaussian fixed point, both fields are relevant. Thus,
the line ν2 is the critical line. For d > 4 ( < 0)the nontrivial fixed point lies in the
lower half of the (x, y) plane, i.e., in the unphysical region (u < 0), see Fig. 4.21,
and the critical behaviour is governed by the Gaussian fixed point. d = 4 is the
special case when both fixed points coincide. The linearized recursion relations
give x2 = 0, h2 is marginal, and x2 cannot tell us the direction of RG flow. In
this case we must include higher–order terms which were neglected when we
linearized the transformation matrix. These terms tell us that the scaling field h2
is irrelevant for u > 0 at d = 4.
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
y ∝u
x∝ r
Unphysical region
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
y∝ u
x∝ r
Unphysical region
xu = −
xh = 1 + d/2. (4.158)
In fact, we calculated xh only for the Gaussian fixed point in the Eq. (4.138).
However, the term with m4 does not affect the value of xh so that xh of the non-
trivial fixed point is the same. With these values of xi we get from Eqs. (4.115,
4.124, 4.125) to the first order in for d < 4:
α =
β = −
2 6
γ = 1+
δ = 3+
ν = +
2 12
η = 0. (4.159)
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
For d ≥ 4 ( ≤ 0) we only have the Gaussian fixed point in the physical region
(u > 0) with the exponents
xt = 2
xu =
xh = 1 + d/2. (4.160)
(δ = 3 + )
ν =
η = 0. (4.161)
The above expressions for β and δ are wrong, because we have neglected the
m term in considering the Gaussian fixed point. Below TC , r is negative and for
m to be finite, the term um4 with u > 0 must be included in the Hamiltonian.
Although u is an irrelevant field, it helps to stabilize m at a finite value and in this
way influences the critical behaviour. By treating the um4 term in the Gaussian
approximation (independent modes) we get the usual mean-field values for the
exponents β and η:
β =
δ = 3 (4.162)
for all d ≥ 4. These results are correct and also agree with the results of the
Landau (MFA) model in Sec. 4.1.4.
The Gaussian model gives the same critical exponents as the mean-field theory
except for the specific-heat exponent α. Therefore the Gaussian fixed point is
identified as the mean-field fixed point. In the Gaussian model the specific heat
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Further Reading
[2] J.J. Binney, N.J. Dowrick, A.J. Fisher, and M.E. Newman, The Theory of
Critical Phenomena, Oxford University Press (Oxford, 1992).
[7] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics I,II, Pergamon Press (Ox-
ford, 1980).
[8] S.-k. Ma, Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena, Benjamin (Reading, 1976).
[9] B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, The Two-Dimensional Ising Model, Harvard (Cam-
bridge, 1973).
[12] H.E. Stanley, Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Oxford University
Press (London, 1971).
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Chapter 4
Appendix A
Distribution Functions
Maxwell Boltzmann distrubution
1: T = 1 000 K
2: T = 5 000 K
3: T = 10 000 K
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Energy (eV)
n(Ei ) = (A.2)
eβ(Ei −εF ) +1
n(Ei ) = . (A.3)
eβEi −1
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Appendix A
Fermi Dirac distrubution
EF = 1 eV
1: T = 0 K
2: T = 1 000 K
2: T = 5 000 K
1 3: T = 10 000 K
3 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Energy (eV)
Bose Einstein distrubution
3 1: T = 1 000 K
2: T = 5 000 K
2 3: T = 10 000 K
1 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Energy (eV)
Appendix B
Maxwell Relations
with ! !
∂f ∂f
u(x, y) = ; v(x, y) = (B.2)
∂x y
∂y x
∂2f ∂2f
! ! ! !
∂u ∂v
= = = . (B.3)
∂y x
∂y∂x ∂x∂y ∂x y
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Appendix B
Appendix C
where S is the entropy, M is the total magnetic moment (in dimensionless units),
M = N m, m is the magnetic moment per lattice site, m = hSi i. Ji,j is the
exchange interaction between the spins i and j. The (magnetic) enthalpy is (here
we will use E for the enthalpy, to avoid confusion with the field H):
where H is the magnetic field in units of energy. The Helmholtz free energy is:
dF = −S dT + H dM (C.4)
(see Table II of Part I; the number of spins N is constant): The Gibbs free energy
I. Vilfan Statistical Mechanics Appendix C
dG = −S dT − M dH (C.6)
Of course, the equations (C.7) and (C.8) must lead to the same equation, they are
just two ways of writing the equation of state. When we want to study systems at
constant H (and not at constant M ), the more convenient thermodynamic potential
is the Gibbs free energy G(T, H, N ) instead of the Helmholtz free energy.
Other useful thermodynamic relations are:
! !
∂S dU
CH = T = = −T (C.9)
∂T H
dT ∂T 2 H
! !
CM = T = −T (C.10)
∂T M
∂T 2 H
! !
χT = =− (C.11)
∂H T
∂H 2 T
! !
χS = =− (C.12)
∂H S
∂H 2 S