Second Exam
Second Exam
Second Exam
Beginners 1 English
Second Exam
What do you do on Saturday nights? I watch movies on Saturday nights while my son plays
games with his cell phone. (Sharon, Portland, Oregon, US) I work on Saturday nights, but I
always text friends and relatives. I usually talk on my cell phone to my son Herb before he
goes to bed. (Hans, Berlin, Germany) I often go to the gym and then see a movie with my
boyfriend, Bernard. (Celine, Montreal, Canada) I go to the supermarket with my wife, Maria,
and then we call our daughter, Alicia. She lives in Miami. (Diego, Lima, Peru) I go to parties
with friends. I sometimes take photos of the parties and email them to other friends. (Matoko,
Osaka, Japan) I always order a pizza for me and my boyfriend, Rui. (Suzel, Oporto, Portugal)
3. Rui a. Canadian
4. Hans b. American
5. Diego c. Portuguese
6. Celine d. Peruvian
7. Sharon e. German
f. Peruanese
g. Germanian
8. Amanda can speak French and Spanish.
IV. Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect
and rewrite them correctly.
b. Do
c. Does
a. Which
b. What
c. Where
a. leaves always
b. always leaves
c. always to leave
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
VII. Read the text. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
Rosie May Lewis is 80 years old and from Chicago. She likes watching world weather, and
she watches a lot of weather! She can understand the weather in fifteen foreign languages,
and she watches thirty different TV channels every day. Rosie May finds it easy to learn the
weather in different languages. She says, ''After the first three languages, the rest are easy.
You learn words like 'rainy' or 'foggy' in Arabic, Chinese and so on'' Rosie May loves looking
for the weather on the many TV channels she has on the TV and her computer. When she
isn't watching the weather, she's studying weather vocabulary in different languages. She
says, ''At the moment I am learning Japanese. They have a lot of weather words. I can
understand twelve right now! I can use Google to find dictionaries, maps and translations.''
Does Rosie May only watch the weather? She also loves sports. ''Naturally, I can't ski or
ride a bike anymore, but I can still watch sports on TV - only in one language, and that's
26. Rosie May understands weather words in foreign languages. Which languages?
a. English, Spanish and Japanese
b. English, Chinese and Japanese
c. Chinese, Japanese and Arabic
28. How many languages does Rosie understand for watching sports on TV?
a. 12
b. 1
c. 15
IX. Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect
and rewrite them correctly.
a. she is
b. is she
c. she´s
a. speak
b. speaks
c. is speaking
a. his
b. him
c. he´s
a. yours
b. hers
c. your
a. my
b. mines
c. mine
56. …closet is big but his is small
a. hers
b. her
c. she
XIV. PHEW! You are almost done! Now the rescue questions
4. The person I love so much in this world, is my brother´s wife´s mother in law. Who is
this person? _____________________________________________________________