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Accepted Manuscript

Improvements on Aircraft Engine Emission and Emission Inventory Asesessment

Inside the Airport Area

Oleksandr Zaporozhets, Kateryna Synylo

PII: S0360-5442(17)31371-3

DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.07.178

Reference: EGY 11366

To appear in: Energy

Received Date: 28 November 2016

Revised Date: 09 June 2017

Accepted Date: 14 July 2017

Please cite this article as: Oleksandr Zaporozhets, Kateryna Synylo, Improvements on Aircraft
Engine Emission and Emission Inventory Asesessment Inside the Airport Area, Energy (2017), doi:

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Remark: The concept and structure of the paper has been sufficiently changed
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provide more deep explanation for review’s comments in separate file “Point to
point response”
Oleksandr Zaporozhets, DrSc, Professor
Kateryna Synylo*, PhD, Assistant Professor



National Aviation University

Kosmonavta Komarova avenue 1, 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine
E-mails: synyka@gmail.com, zap@nau.edu.ua
*Corresponding author
The effects of aircraft engine emissions within the planetary boundary layer under the
landing/take-off operations contribute sufficiently to deterioration of air pollution in the vicinity
of the airport and nearby residential areas.
The aircraft emission inventory is usually calculated on the basis of certificated engine
emission indices, which are provided by the engine manufacturers and reported in ICAO engine
emission database. The emission indices rely on well-defined measurement procedure and
conditions during aircraft engine certification. Under real circumstances, however, these
conditions may vary and deviations from the certificated emission indices may occur due to
impact such factors, as: the life expectancy (age) of an aircraft; the type of an engine installed on
an aircraft; meteorological conditions.
Analysis of emission measurement data for aircraft engine concluded that method, which
takes into account the influence of the real operational (fuel flow rate, operation period of
engine/age and its maintenance) and ambient temperature on emission indices, allows to get
more precisely the results of emission inventory of the aircraft, their contribution to total
inventory and local air quality analysis in airports.
Keywords: aircraft engine emission, emission index, air pollution, local air quality (LAQ), calculations,
Aircraft emissions are of concern due to the intensive growth of air traffic over the years (a
mean annual rate of 5 to 7%) and their potential impact on air quality in local, regional and
global environments [1]. Demand for aviation services is expected to grow throughout the next
century. Growth rates are expected to peak around 2030 in the base case. With a corresponding
increase in global demand by a factor of 10 by 2050 and a fact or 22 by 2100 [2].
In 2012, aviation represented 13% of all EU transport CO2 emissions, and 3% of the total EU CO2
emissions. It was also estimated that European aviation represented 22% of global aviation’s CO2
emissions [3]. The obtained findings of Macintosh A. and Wallace L [4] suggest international aviation
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will increase by more than 110 per cent between 2005 and 2025 (from
416 Mt to between 876 – 1,013 Mt) and that it is highly unlikely that emissions could be stabilized at
levels consistent with risk averse climate targets without restricting demand.
Similarity, aviation now comprises 14% of all EU transport NOx emissions, and 7% of the
total EU emissions. In absolute terms, NOx emissions from aviation have doubled since 1990,
and their relative share has quadrupled, as other econo,ic sectors have achieved significant
reductions [3]. NOx emissions from subsonic aircraft would range from 3.5 Mt to 18.6 Mt t by
the year 2100 with a base case estimate of 7.9 Mt. despite a reduction by half in EI. [2].
While aircraft emissions at cruise flight are on air pollution issue at global scale, the emissions within
the planetary boundary layer under the LTO operations are certainly more local and it is clearly they may
have a more direct effect on human health [5, 6]. During last decade many studies are focused on the
effects of aircraft emissions at ground level as they sufficiently contribute to air pollution of the airports
and nearby residential areas [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].
The analysis of emission inventories at major European (Frankfurt am Main, Heathrow,
Zurich and etc.) and Ukrainian airports highlighted that aircraft are the dominant source of air
pollution in most cases under consideration, with contribution to inventory higher than 50% of
their total values in most of the airports [16, 17]. The aircraft emission inventory is usually
calculated on the basis of certificated engine emission (EE) indices, which are provided by the
engine manufacturers and reported in ICAO EE database [18].
The emission indices rely on well-defined measurement procedure and conditions during
aircraft engine certification. Under real circumstances, however, these conditions may vary and
deviations from the certificated emission indices may occur due to impact such factors, as:
 the life expectancy (age) of an aircraft – emission of an aircraft engine might vary
significantly over the years (the average period – 30 years), usually aging aircraft/engine
provides higher emission indices in comparison with same type but new ones;
 the type of an engine (or its specific modification, for example with different combustion
chambers) installed on an aircraft, which can be different from an engine operated in an engine
test bed (during certification);
 meteorological conditions – temperature, humidity and pressure of ambient air, which can
be different for certification conditions.
The impacts of aviation emissions of NOX, PM, and other gaseous emissions need to be
further assessed and understood [1]. In respect to this an assessment of aircraft emission indices
under operating conditions, also including from measurements, is an actual task, which must
provide more accurate emission inventory and to improve total LAQ modeling systems.


1.1 Models for aircraft emission inventory
An analysis of aircraft stocks during the LTO cycle in the airport area emphasized, that HC
and CO emissions accounted for 97.3% and 94.3% of the total mass of LTO pollution under taxi
conditions, respectively. And the NOX emission by jet engines during LTO cycle are arranged on
modes of takeoff, climbing and landing and accounted for on 26,7 %, 53,6 % and 10,5 % from
total mass of NOX pollution, correspondingly. As the emission characteristics depend on
operational mode of engines - i.e. from their thermal parameters, taking into account relation of
thermodynamic parameters to values of temperature, pressure, humidity of an air on an input of
the engine, there is interesting to research the relation of the engine emission from listed
meteoparameters. With this purpose the analysis of emission derivation mechanisms in a flame
of combustion chambers is realized and the numerical researches with usage of mathematical
models of thermodynamic parameters and of emission characteristics of turbojets are carried out.
1.1.1 Model of incomplete combustion products emission
The main reason of incomplete fuel combustion consists of an imperfection of intermixing of
fuel, air and of combustion products. If the fuel and air mixes completely then combustion will
be able to happen at stechiometric structure of a mixture. When mixing is incomplete, it is
required excessive air mix in comparison with stechiometric, and the worse is the intermixing,
the more air it is required for completion of combustion. The excessive air reduces of complete
combustion because of decrease temperature and increase of heat losses due to its moving away
from the combustion chamber by an increased quantity of exhaust gases. Completeness of fuel
combustion for the considered combustion chamber is related to parameter of combustion
chamber boosting:
 , (1)
VK p K 1,8
expTK 300 

where Vk - volume of a higher-temperature pipe of the chamber; GB-air flow rate; PK –

pressure of the gases behind the compressor; Tk – temperature of the gases behind the
That is higher boosting parameter, that is less completeness of fuel combustion and is higher
a level of CO and СН emissions. Since the emission indexes of these substances are related to a
factor of incompleteness of fuel combustion by a ratio:

1    2,310 4 EI CO  EI CH  , (2)

where η – completeness of fuel combustion; EICO and EICH – emission indexes of CO and СН.
Pressure РK and temperature ТK of the gases behind the compressor are minimum on idle
modes, therefore boosting parameter , the emission indexes EICO and EICH are maximum at
these modes. The ratio between emission indexes EICO and EICH is unequal on all power setting,
varies in relation to the completeness of fuel combustion. Willmott [19] found, that EICO is a
linear function from , while EICH - function from 2. Increase of air temperature behind the
compressor causes reduction of , therefore in this case it is necessary to expect reduction of
emission indexes of CO and СН.
1.1.2 Model of nitrogen oxides emission
The nitrogen oxides are formed during combustion, mainly, in outcome chemical reactions
between atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen and represent, in main, oxide of nitrogen NO and
dioxide of nitrogen NO2. Oxide of nitrogen is a product of initial oxidation of nitrogen. Oxide of
nitrogen is oxidized up to a dioxide reaching of low temperatures by exhaust gases of an engine.
Actually transformation NO in NO2 begins in the combustion chamber, in zones with significant
excess of an air. On modes of a maximum thrust the fraction of NO2, produced in the chamber, is
very small, but on modes of idle fraction of NO2 in summarized nitrogen oxides NOx (NO +
NO2) can reach 50%.
For the first time rather good correlation relation of an emission index of nitrogen oxides to
temperature is obtained by Lipfert [20, 21], where the temperature factor is used as an inlet
temperature in the combustion chamber. The local temperature in any zone of the combustion
chamber is determined in reference to air temperature ТC, that is ТC on output from compressor
(or on an input in the combustion chamber).
The various attempts are known to receive relations for calculation of emission indexes EINOx
at change of air input parameters in the combustion chamber [21, 22]. Any correlation relation
has not universal application for a broad range of engines designs (combustion chambers),
operational modes and other factors. The assessment of NOx for a broad range of the different
engine power settings is implemented by determination of NOx/NOxe, where NOxe is measured
value of NO for specific engine power setting and under specific conditions. In a general view
the expression for calculation of the relation NOx/NOxe has a form [21]:
NOx  P    e   T  Te he  h 
     exp  , (3)
NOxe  Pe      a b 
where P and T - pressure and temperature in a сhannel of the engine on an entrance in the
combustion chamber; h - humidity of an air on an entrance in the engine; - air-to-fuel factor;
and, a, b - empirical constants, different for various engines, their generalized values in majority
of activities are obtained as and a = 288; b = 53.9 [19, 21, 23, 24, 25].
Pursuant to theoretical models circumscribed in above adduced sections, it is possible to make
the conclusion, that one of the main parameters of an air, which renders significant effect on
emission, is air temperature. The increase of air temperature causes increase of temperature
behind the compressor and increase of an emission index of nitrogen oxides. The increase in the
intensity (rate of emission) of nitrogen oxides depends on the engine control law, which in turn
affects the fuel consumption in relation to air temperature.
TC  TF  k1k 2 C  k 2 C , (4)
where at v = 0 TA = TF, at C = const  C = 0, and taking into account that k2<<TF,
so TA = TC or  (5)
Thus, for the selected law of engine control C = const on specific operational mode the
relative temperature change behind the compressor is equal to relative change of ambient
temperature (deviation of parameters is considered relative to computational value, appropriate
to conditions of International Standard Atmosphere (ISA).
1.1.3 Emission inventory assessment
So, under operating conditions EE characteristics are subject to changes as result of influence
of the meteorological factors.
Based on the obtained models and research outcomes of aircraft engine emission derivation
due to meteorological factors influence, the method was developed to recalculate emission
indices for ISA conditions EIiISA into actual meteorological conditions EIit:
EI it
K EIi  (6)
For emission factor (in g/s or kg/hour) the recalculation into actual meteorological conditions
are determined under the formula:
1/ 2
 T 
K Qi  K EIi   t  (7)
 TISA 
In Table 1 the correction coefficients for NOx emission factor KQnox and for products of
incomplete fuel combustion KQco for average parameters of the engines while in operation are
Table 1
Average values of aircraft engine emission factor recalculation into actual ambient temperature
Temperature, 0C -20 -10 0 + 10 + 20
Factor KQnox 0,74 0,81 0,88 0,96 1,0
Factor KQco 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,04 1,0

1.2 Evaluation of emission index under engine testing conditions

Measurement data of emission characteristics of 9 aircraft engines (CFM56-5C2/F) were
officially obtained from Lufthansa Technik AG in Munich with aim to investigate dependences
of emission indices on operational period (engine age, hours), fuel flow of the engine and
ambient conditions. Basic aim of the project was to improve of aircraft emission inventory by
using the emission indices from measurement taken under real operation and meteorological
conditions. Engine tests (26 measurements totally) were performed for stationary conditions on
standing aircraft A340-300 (D-AIGD, D-AIGF) for different operational conditions (idle and
cruise) at Munich airport during three years [26].
Concentrations of NO, NOx, CO, CO2 and H2O were measured at the engine nozzle exit (or in
plane parallel to engine nozzle at a distance of approximately 10 cm) by using Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) method (with an absolute accuracy between 20-30%) to determine
real in-use corresponding emission indices of the NO, NOx, CO, CO2, H2O according to equation
(8) for idle (defined by engine shaft rotation parameter N1 =20-22%) and cruise (N1 = 79-81%)
engine operation modes [9, 10]:
EI X  EI CO 2   X (8)
M CO 2 QCO 2
where M denotes the molecular weight and Q denotes concentrations (mixing ratio) of the
corresponding species.
It should be noted that the FTIR emission spectrometry method focuses on the detection of
NO in aircraft exhaust right at the engine nozzle section. While NOX consist of both NO and
NO2, the NO2 was not measured during the experimental investigation at Munich airport.
Therefore the emission index of NOX is determined on the ground of measured values of NO
only (which represent approximately 80% of NOX). The method was designed for accurate NO
detection at high thrust levels. For low thrust operating conditions (N1 = 19.5-24.9%) the NO
measurements can be below the detection limits of FTIR emission spectrometry method which
does not allow to determine robust NOX emission indices [9, 26].
Measurement data by the FTIR emission spectrometry method for engine idle (N1 =20-22%))
and maximum (N1 = 79 - 81%) operation modes were officially provided to find the
dependences of emission indices on operational parameters and ambient temperature [26].

1.3 Measurement of aircraft engine emissions under real operational conditions at

the airport area
Experimental studies at International Boryspol Airport (IBA) were focused on the
measurement of NOx concentrations in aircraft plumes, for both the jet- and dispersion-regime
under real operating conditions (taxi, landing, accelerating on the runway and take-off) [27].
Measurements were carried out at two measurement sites, which are disposed in accordance with
the calculation results by complex model PolEmiCa to take into account the process of
transportation and dilution contaminants by jet from aircraft engine under real operational and
meteorological conditions.
A stationary station A was set up (jet-regime) close-by the runway (30 m) with a mast height
of 3.0 m. A mobile station B (dispersion-regime) was set up at a distance of 110 m from the
runway and its location was oriented to match the prevailing wind direction (north-west, west,
south-west) and with measuring heights of 3.6 and 5.7 m, respectively. Fig. 1 shows the
measurement location set up at A and B [28].

Figure 1. Stationary station A and mobile station B (van) both downwind of the airport to study the
transport of air pollutants and their dilution after emission from aircraft engines for landing and take-off
The chosen positions of the stations guaranteed, that the most significant sector of the
aircraft exhaust for landing and take-off conditions was scanned by the measurement systems,
namely for NOx – analyser AC31M with molybdenum-converter, for CO2 – Monitor Carbondio
1000/ Pewatron and LI7000 CO2/H2O-Analyzer /LICOR [28]. The involved measurement
systems detect the maximum instantaneous concentration in the plume from aircraft engine due
to high detection limit (±2 ppbV) and high time resolution of measured concentration (3 s)
On the basis of the measured NOx, CO2 concentrations in the jet from aircraft engines, the
EINOx have been calculated under real operational conditions (landing and take-off) by using the
equation (1) [9, 10].
2.1 Engine emission dependence from engine thermodynamic parameters and
ambient temperature
The dependences of engine thermodynamic parameters and EE index for NOx (assessed in
g/kgfuel) and factor Q (assessed in g/sec) for the aircraft engine D-36 (installed on Yakovlev-42
and on Antonov-74, -148, -158 aircraft) are shown in Fig. 2 as the functions from ambient
temperature ТА (basic engine control law for D-36 provides the constant value of compressor
pressure ratio  in a broad range of ambient temperatures). Values of an emission index ЕINOx
vary up to 50% in relation to value at ISA conditions inside the range of ambient temperatures
between -30 and + 300C.

Figure 2. Dependences of EE index EI [gemission/kgfuel], factor Q [g/s] for NOx and temperature behind the
compressor Tc for D-36 engine from ambient temperature

A gradient of change of the factor QNOx at TA<TALIM is large enough also (with ТA growth a
factor QNOx monotonically increases). But at change of the law of engine automatic control at
TA>TALIM the propellant consumption drops with growth of temperature, therefore monotonic
character for QNOx dependence disappears and at TA>300C the factor QNOx is decreasing.
In Fig.3 the EE index EI and factor Q dependences from TA for engine HK-8-2Y (Tupolev-
154) at nominal power setting are shown for demonstrating the engine-to-engine differences
between emission parameters.

Figure 3. EE index EI and factor Q [g/s] dependence for NOx from ambient temperature for HK-8-2Y
Their analysis shows that the parameter deviations behind the compressor are significant
already than for engine D-36 (Fig. 8). Responsible values of emission index and emission factor
for NOx vary less (on 20% in matching with the data for ISA).
The efficiency of the temperature (seasonal) factor account for air pollution inventory of
produced by aircraft emission in airport area is shown in Tab. 2 by matching outcomes of
calculation for previous and new calculation techniques. Actual LTO is defined by real time
intervals for idle modes and flight stages (comparing with normalised appropriate values at
ICAO LTO cycle).
Table 2
Calculated aircraft engine inventory, kg
Technique CO HC NOx PM
Previous 307000.1 104200. 16700.0 3400.0
ICAO LTO 282754.6 97139.2 18621.1 2859.4
Actual LTO for 185055.1 59556.4 16869.1 2207.3
considered airport
Actual LTO for 190246.1 61254.1 15984.1 2207.3
considered airport +
temperature factor

For incomplete fuel combustion products the registration of real time of taxiing allows to
reduce on 30-40% the prediction of their gross pollution, for nitrogen oxides  on 5-10%. The
registration of influence of the meteorological factors increases a little bit the value of predicted
mass of products of incomplete fuel combustion and reduces the forecasting of nitrogen oxides
even more.
2.2 Engine emission dependence from engine age, fuel flow and ambient temperature
Measured emission indices for CO and NOx under real operation conditions of engine tests of
A340-300 [26] were proceeded to find their dependence on operational period, engine fuel flow
and ambient temperature.
Method of linear regression was used to analyze the measured EINOx, EICO and engine age (tf).
Table 3 includes the main statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation, correlation
coefficient) due to implemented regression analysis. Figure 4, 5 demonstrates correspondingly
the linear dependences of EICO at the idle mode (before and after engine test) and EINOx at the
cruise mode on the operational hours (engine age), which are fitted in 0.95 prediction interval.
The evaluated determination coefficient R2 for EICO varies in the range of 0.0197-0.406 and for
EINOx R2 varies in the range of 0.004-0.3329. Wide range of coefficient correlation is caused by
high variation of EICO and EINO depending on operational period (between 166-13000 hours) of
tested engines.
Table 3
Dependencies EINOx and EICO on operation hours of CFM56-5C2/F engine of А340 aircraft with
statistical characteristics, correlation coefficient (r) and coefficient of determination (R2)
Basic statistical characteristics Dependence emission indexes, EI on

Operational Prediction operational period of aircraft engine, tf

conditions Mini- Maxi- Standard EI(CO, NO) = atf + b
Mean interval,
mum mum deviation
± 95 % a b r R2
Idle, after

engine test, 12,5 21,0 16,74 3,66 13,36 20,13 0,0011 11,32 0,6372 0,4060

Cruise flight,
3,20 6,30 4,66 0,97 3,765 5,558 0,00026 3,36 0,580 0,3329
Idle, after

engine test , 3,30 23,00 13,96 4,79 12,313 15,60 0,00018 12,632 0,14017 0,0197

EICO, fig.3
Cruise flight,
2,60 10,40 4,78 1,57 4,256 5,30 0,00003 4,585 0,064 0,0040
EINO, fig.4

Figure 4. Dependence of ЕІCO on operation hours of CFM56-5C2/F engine of А340-300 aircraft

Figure 5. Dependence of ЕІNO on operation hours of CFM56-5C2/F engine of А340 aircraft

Method of linear regression was also used to analyze the measured EINOx, EICO and ambient
temperature (ta). Table 4 includes the main statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation,
correlation coefficient) due to implemented regression analysis. Figure 6, 7 demonstrates
correspondingly the regression lines of EICO at the idle mode (before and after engine test) and
EINOx at the cruise mode via ambient temperature, which are fitted in 0.95 prediction interval.
The evaluated determination coefficient R2 for EICO varies in the range of 0.029-0.05 and for
EINOx R2 varies in the range of 0.0016-0.0025. On the basis of regression analysis results and
evaluated correlation coefficients (r below 0.5), it was concluded the weak dependence of EICO
and EINOx on ambient temperature. It can be explained by quite small volume of random sample
(36 measurements) for considered investigation.
Table 4
Dependencies ЕІNO and ЕІCO of CFM56-5C2/F engine of A340-300 aircraft on ambient
temperature with statistical characteristics (correlation coefficient (r) and coefficient of
determination (R2)
Basic statistical characteristics Dependence emission indexes, EI on

Operational Prediction ambient temperature, ta EI(CO, NO) =

conditions Mini- Maxi- Standard ata + b
Mean interval,
mum mum deviation
± 95 % a b r R2
Idle, before

engine test, 7,5 22,50 14,65 4,592 11,728 17,56 -0,095 15,89 -0,196 0,038

Idle, after
10,0 20,0 14,31 3,353 12,182 16,44 -0,062 15,12 -0,174 0,03
engine test,
2,714 6,0 4,07 1,0433 3,41 4,73 -0,0045 4,13 -0,041 0,0016
flight, EINO
Idle, before
engine test, 5,0 41,11 15,68 6,96 13,36 18,01 -0,038 16,21 -0,054 0,0029

EICO, fig.5,a
Idle, after
engine test, 6,15 24,17 14,39 3,97 13,048 15,73 -0,092 15,52 -0,22 0,050
EICO, fig.5,b
flight, EINO, 2,71 10,50 4,78 1,58 4,256 5,31 0,008 4,80 0,05 0,0025

а b
Figure 6. Dependence of ЕІCO on ambient temperature for idling conditions of CFM56-5C2/F engine of
A340-300: а – before engine test; b – after engine test

Figure 7. Dependence of ЕІNO on ambient temperature for cruise conditions of CFM56-5C2/F engine of
A340-300 aircraft

Finally, regression analysis was done for measured EINOx and fuel flow (FF) cruise mode.
Figure 8 demonstrates correspondingly the linear dependences of EINOx at the cruise mode on the
fuel flow, which are fitted in 0.95 prediction interval. The evaluated determination coefficient R2
obtains 0.112 and correlation coefficient r gets 0.335.

Figure 8. Dependence of EINOx on measured fuel flow for cruise conditions of CFM56-5C2/F engine of
A340-300 aircraft
Also it was found, that fuel consumption index varies in a number of measurements
performed in the range of ± 5%, but sometimes there is also an extreme deviation of this
indicator, which may be due to sharply increased or decreased parameter of engine shaft rotation
(it is used usually for as engine operation control parameter) for the investigated operating mode.

2.3. Comparison of calculated emission indices under operation conditions with ICAO
Analysis of the measured data at IBA has shown that concentration peaks for NOx and CO2
are unambiguously correlated with aircraft plumes. Fig. 9 shows the background and plume
concentrations for NO, NOx and CO2 at 3.6 (B down) and 5.3 (B up) m sampling height for
different aircraft at take-off and landing conditions. The highest aircraft engine NOx emissions
were observed for take-off conditions while much lower NOx values were observed under
landing conditions [26].
NOx; Station A 3 m height NOx; Station B 3.6 m height
160 NOx; Station B 5.7 m height CO2; Station B 3.6 m height 400

140 B-734 B-735 B-734

take off take off arrival
NO and NOx [ppbV]

take off
CO2 [ppmV]

80 380


take off


0 360
13:25 13:30 13:35 13:40 13:45 13:50 13:55 14:00
time [hh:mm]

Figure 9. Background and plume concentrations for NO, NOx, CO2 at the stationary station A and mobile
station B for landing and take-off conditions and the prevailing wind direction

Figure 10 shows the comparison between calculated emission indices e.g. for take-off (T/O)
and taxing (TX) and ICAO data [29]. Differences between measurements and ICAO data for
EINOx at T/O and TX were found, the reason that real operation conditions are not corresponding
to certification one. Measured engine thrust and air temperature were very different from well
defined their values during certification procedure, first of all. Nevertheless these differences are
important since the ICAO data is currently used to calculate aircraft emission inventory and local
air concentration.

30 EI (NOx) ICAO


EI(NOx) [g/kg]
EI (NOx) measured
B733 B738 B738 B738 E-190 E-190 ERJ-193 B737 B763 B763

operation mode / aircraft type

Figure 10. Comparison of measured EINOx under real operation conditions for take-off (T/O) and
taxing (TX) with ICAO database

The obtained results of EINOx determination under real operation conditions are
supplemented with several measurement campaigns at different European airports (London-
Heathrow in 1999 and 2000, Frankfurt/Main in 2000, Vienna in 2001 and Zurich, 2003) aimed to
overcome expressed limitations of the ICAO database using non-intrusive spectroscopic methods
likeFTIR [10, 26, 30] and differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) [9, 10]. So, as it
is showed in Fig.11, the measured EINOx is significantly below the ICAO values.

Figure 11. Comparison measured EINOx by FTIR and DOAS with ICAO values during measurement
campaign for idling aircraft at European airports
But the value of emission index for NOx also depends on which method of the passive FTIR
emission spectrometry or DOAS is used for measurement campaign. Thus, for the FTIR EINOx is
generally lower than its results given from DOAS systems [9], fig.11. This is due to the chemical
transformation from NO to NO2, because the passive FTIR emission spectroscopy allows to
estimate EINOx from NO concentration detected at the nozzle section of aircraft engine [10],
while DOAS system – from NO2 measured in the exhaust plume behind the aircraft [26], so such
a transformation (usually very quick) is influencing the results substantially.
Under real circumstances the aircraft engine emission indices vary from the certificated
values due to the influence of operational and meteorological factors.
The dependences of the engine thermodynamic parameters and ЕINOx on the ambient
temperature have been obtained and proved by the investigation results for the aircraft engine D-
36 (installed on Yakovlev-42 and on Antonov-74, -148, -158 aircraft) and HK-8-2Y (installed on
Tupolev-154). So, in case of D-36 the values of ЕINOx vary up to 50% in relation to value at ISA
conditions inside the range of ambient temperatures between -30 and + 300C. And in case of HK-
8-2Y the responsible values of ЕINOx vary less (on 20% in matching with the data for ISA).
Analysis results of the measured ЕINOx and ЕICO under engine (CFM56-5C2/F) testing
conditions of A340 have demonstrated dependences of the emission indices on operational
period (engine age, hours), fuel flow of the engine and ambient temperature.
On the basis of the measured NOx, CO2 concentrations in the jet from aircraft engines at IBA,
the EINOx have been calculated under real operational conditions (landing and take-off).
Differences between measurements and ICAO data for EINOx at T/O and TX were found, because
real operation conditions are not corresponding to certification one. Measured engine thrust and
air temperature were very different from well defined their values during certification procedure,
first of all. Nevertheless these differences are important since the ICAO data is currently used to
calculate aircraft emission inventory and local air concentration.


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