Portable Executable File Format
Portable Executable File Format
Portable Executable File Format
Milind Borate
Sandeep Phadke
Published:October 1999
Portable Executable File Format Publisher: M&T Books
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This chapter gives you a comprehensive picture of the Portable Executable file format for Windows
NT. The PE format is portable across all Microsoft 32-bit operating systems.
MICROSOFT INTRODUCED A NEW executable file format with Windows NT. This format is called
the Portable Executable (PE) format because it is supposed to be portable across all 32-bit operating
systems by Microsoft. The same PE format executable can be executed on any version of Windows
NT, Windows 95, and Win32s. Also, the same format is used for executables for Windows NT
running on processors other than Intel x86, such as MIPS, Alpha, and Power PC. The 32-bit DLLs
and Windows NT device drivers also follow the same PE format.
It is helpful to understand the PE file format because PE files are almost identical on disk and in
RAM. Learning about the PE format is also helpful for understanding many operating system
concepts. For example, how operating system loader works to support dynamic linking of DLL
functions, the data structures involved in dynamic linking such as import table, export table, and so
The PE format is not really undocumented. The WINNT.H file has several structure definitions
representing the PE format. The Microsoft Developer’s Network (MSDN) CD-ROMs contain
several descriptions of the PE format. However, these descriptions are in bits and pieces, and are by
no means complete. In this chapter, we try to give you a comprehensive picture of the PE format.
Microsoft also provides a DLL with the SDK that has utility functions for interpreting PE files. We
also discuss these functions and correlate them with other information about the PE format.
In this section, we discuss the overall structure of a PE file. In the sections that follow, we go into
detail about the PE format. A PE file comprises various sections. Because Microsoft’s 32-bit
operating systems follow the flat memory model, an executable no longer contains segments. Still,
different parts of an executable, such as code and data, have different characteristics. These different
parts of an executable are stored as different sections. Thus, a PE file is a concatenation of data
stored in sections.
A few sections are always present in a PE file generated by the Microsoft linker. Other linkers may
generate similar sections with different names. A PE file generated with the Microsoft linker has a
.text section that contains the code bytes concatenated from all the object files. As for the data, it
can be classified into different categories. The .data section contains all the initialized global and
static data, while the .bss section contains the uninitialized data. The read-only data, such as string
literals and constants, is stored in the .rdata section. This section also contains some other read-only
structures, such as the debug directory, the Thread Local Storage (TLS) directory, and so on, which
we explain later in this chapter. The .edata section contains information about the functions exported
from a DLL, while the .idata section stores information about the functions imported by an
executable or a DLL. The .rsrc section contains various resources, such as menus and dialog boxes.
The .reloc section stores the information required for relocating the image while loading.
The names of the sections do not have any significance. As mentioned earlier, different linkers may
use different names for the sections. Programmers can also create new sections of their own. The
#pragma code_seg and #pragma data_seg macros can be used to create new sections while working
with Microsoft compiler. The operating system loader locates the required piece of information
from the data directories present in the file headers. Shortly, we will present an overview of file
headers and then look at them in more detail.
Apart from the sections consisting of the actual data, a PE file contains various headers that describe
the sections and the important information present in the sections.
If you look at the hex dump of a PE file, the first 2 bytes might look familiar. Aren’t they M and Z?
Yes, a PE file starts with the DOS executable header. It is followed by a small program that prints
an error message saying that the program cannot be run in DOS mode. It’s the same idea that was
used in 16-bit Windows executables. This program code is executed, if the PE image is run under
After the DOS header and the DOS executable stub comes the PE header. A field in the DOS header
points to this new header. The PE header starts with the 4-byte signature “PE” followed by two
nulls. The PE format is based on the Common Object File Format (COFF) used by Unix. The PE
signature is followed by the object file header borrowed from COFF. This header is present also for
the object files produced by Microsoft’s 32-bit compilers. This header contains some general
information about the file, such as the target machine ID, the number of sections in the file, and so
forth. The COFF style header is followed by the optional header. This header is optional in the sense
that it is not required for the object files. As far as executables and DLLs are concerned, this header
is mandatory. The optional header has two parts. The first part is inherited from COFF and can be
found in all COFF files. The second part is an NT-specific extension of COFF. Apart from other
NT-specific information, such as the subsystem type, this part also contains the data directory. The
data directory is an array in which each entry points to some important piece of information. One of
the entries in the data directory points to the import table of the executable or DLL, another entry
points to the export table of the DLL, and so on.
XREF: We will look at the detailed formats of the different pieces of information later in this
The data directory is followed by the section table. The section table is an array of section headers.
A section header summarizes the important information about the respective section. Finally, the
section table is followed by the sections themselves.
We hope that this gives you an overview of the organization of a PE file. Before diving into the
details of the PE format, let’s discuss a concept that is vital in interpreting a PE file.
Because the PE format always talks in terms of RVAs, it’s difficult to find the location of the
required information within a file. A common practice while accessing a PE file is to map the file in
memory using the Win32 memory mapping API. It’s a bit complicated to calculate the address for
the given RVA in this memory-mapped file. You first need to find out the section in which the
given RVA lies. You can accomplish this by iterating through the section table. Each section header
stores the starting RVA for the section and the size of the section. A section is guaranteed to be
contiguously loaded in memory. Hence, the offset from the start of the section for a particular piece
of data is bound to be the same whether the file is memory mapped or loaded by the operating
system loader for execution. Hence, to find out the address in a memory-mapped file, you simply
need to add this offset to the base address of the section in the memory-mapped file. Now, this base
address can be calculated from within the file offset of the section, which is also stored in the
respective section header. Quite an easy procedure, isn’t it?
Don’t worry, there is an easier way out. Microsoft comes to our rescue here with IMAGEHLP.DLL.
This DLL exports a function that computes the address in the memory-mapped file, given an RVA.
LPVOID ImageRvaToVa(
NtHeaders Pointer to an IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure. This structure represents the
PE header and is defined in the WINNT.h file. A pointer to the PE header
within a PE file can be obtained using the ImageNtHeader() function exported
Base Base address where the PE file is mapped into memory using the Win32 API
for the memory mapping of files.
Rva Given relative virtual address.
LastRvaSection Last RVA section. This is an optional parameter, and you can pass NULL.
When specified, it points to a variable that contains the last section value used
for the specified image to translate an RVA to a VA. This is used for
optimizing the section search, in case the given RVA also falls within the
same section as the one for the previous call to the function. The
LastRVASection is checked first, and the regular sequential search for the
section is carried out only if the given RVA does not fall within the
If the function succeeds, the return value is the virtual address in the mapped file; otherwise, it is
NULL. The error number can be retrieved using the GetLastError() function.
The ImageRvaToVa() function needs a pointer to the PE header. The ImageNtHeader exported from
the IMAGEHLP.DLL can provide you this pointer.
LPVOID ImageBase
ImageBase Base address where the PE file is mapped into memory using the Win32 API
for the memory mapping of files.
If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure
within the mapped file; otherwise, it returns NULL.
The IMAGEHLP.DLL can also take care of memory mapping a PE file for you. The
MapAndLoad() function maps the requested PE file in memory and fills in the LOADED_IMAGE
structure with some useful information about the mapped file.
BOOL MapAndLoad(
LPSTR ImageName,
LPSTR DllPath,
BOOL DotDll,
BOOL ReadOnly
ImageName Name of the PE file that is loaded.
DllPath Path used to locate the file if the name provided cannot be found. If NULL is
passed, then normal rules for searching using the PATH environment
variable are applied.
LoadedImage The structure LOADED_IMAGE is defined in the IMAGEHLP.H file. The
structure has the following members:
ModuleName Name of the loaded file.
hFile Handle obtained through the call to CreateFile.
MappedAddress Memory address where the file is mapped.
FileHeader Pointer to the PE header within the mapped file.
LastRvaSection The function sets it to the first section (see ImageRvaToVa).
NumberOfSections Number of sections in the loaded PE file.
Sections Pointer to the first section header within the mapped file.
Characteristics Characteristics of the PE file (this is explained in more detail later in this
fSystemImage Flag indicating whether it is a kernel-mode driver/DLL.
fDOSImage Flag indicating whether it is a DOS executable.
Links List of loaded images.
SizeOfImage Size of the image.
The function sets the members in the structure appropriately after loading the PE file.
DotDll If the file needs to be searched and does not have an extension, then either
the .exe or the .dll extension is used. If the DotDll flag is set to TRUE, the .dll
extension is used; otherwise, the .exe extension is used.
ReadOnly If the flag is set to TRUE, the file is mapped as read-only.
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
After you are done with the mapped file, you should call the UnMapAndLoad() function. This
function unmaps the PE file and deallocates the resources allocated by the MapAndLoad() function.
BOOL UnMapAndLoad(
LoadedImage Pointer to a LOADED_IMAGE structure that is returned from a call to the
MapAndLoad() function.
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
We will discuss the other useful functions from this DLL as we continue in this chapter.
The WINNT.H file has the structure definitions representing the PE format. We refer to these
structure definitions while describing the PE format. Let’s begin at the beginning. The DOS header
that comes at the beginning of a PE file does not contain much important information from the PE
viewpoint. The fields in this header have values pertaining to the DOS executable stub that follows
this header. The only important field as far as PE format is considered is e_lfanew, which holds the
offset to the PE header. You can add this offset to the base of the memory-mapped file to get the
address of the PE header. You can also use the ImageNtHeader() function explained earlier, or
simply use the FileHeader field from the LOADED_IMAGE after a call to the MapAndLoad()
The IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure that represents the PE header is defined as follows in the
WINNT.H file:
typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS {
DWORD Signature;
The signature is PE followed by two nulls, as mentioned earlier. The COFF style header is
represented by the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure and is followed by the optional header
represented by the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER structure. The fields in the COFF style header
are as follows:
MachineTarget machine ID. Various values are defined in the WINNT.H file–for example, 0x14C
is used for Intel 80386 (and compatibles) and 0x184 is used for Alpha AXP.
Note: The COFF style header is followed by the optional header. The optional header is absent in
the object files. The format of the optional header is defined as the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER
structure in the WINNT.H file. The first few fields in this structure are inherited from COFF.
Microsoft added some NT-specific fields to the optional header. These fields are as follows:
ImageBase If the file is loaded at this address in memory, the loader need not do any base
relocations. This is because the linker resolves all the base relocations at the
time of linking, assuming that the file will be loaded at this address. We discuss
this in more detail in the section on the relocation table. For now, it is enough to
know that the loading time is reduced if a file gets loaded at the preferred base
address. A file may not get loaded at the preferred base address because of the
nonavailability of the address. This happens when more than one DLL used by
an executable use the same preferred base address. The default preferred base
address is 0x400000. You may want to have a different preferred base address
for your DLL so that it does not clash with that of any other DLL used by your
application. You can change the preferred base address using a linker switch.
You can also change the base address of a file using the rebase utility that
comes with the Win32 SDK.
The ReBaseImage() function from the IMAGEHLP.DLL also enables you to change the preferred
base address.
BOOL ReBaseImage(
LPSTR CurrentImageName,
LPSTR SymbolPath,
BOOL fReBase,
BOOL fRebaseSysfileOk,
BOOL fGoingDown,
DWORD CheckImageSize,
LPDWORD OldImageSize,
LPDWORD OldImageBase,
LPDWORD NewImageSize,
LPDWORD NewImageBase,
DWORD TimeStamp
CurrentImageName Filename that is rebased.
SymbolPath In case the symbolic debug information is stored as a separate file, the path to
find the corresponding symbol file. This is required to update the header
information and timestamp of the symbol file.
fReBase The file is really rebased only if this value is TRUE.
fRebaseSysfileOk If the file is a system file with the preferred base address above 0x80000000, it
is rebased only if this flag is TRUE.
fGoingDown If you want the loaded image of the file to lie entirely below the given address,
set this flag to TRUE. For example, if the loaded size of a DLL is 0x2000 and
you call the function with the fGoingDown flag as TRUE and give the address
as 0x600000, the DLL will be rebased at 0x508000.
CheckImageSize Rebasing might change the loaded image size of the file because of the section
alignment requirements. If this parameter is nonzero, the file is rebased only if
the changed size is less than this parameter.
OldImageSize Original image size before the rebase operation is returned here.
OldImageBase Original image base before the rebase operation is returned here.
NewImageSize New loaded image size after the rebase operation is returned here.
NewImageBase New base address. Upon return, it contains the actual address where the file is
TimeStamp New timestamp for the file.
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
DWORD VirtualAddress;
The VirtualAddress field contains the RVA of the respective piece of information, and the Size field
contains the size of the data. To get to the actual data, you need to convert the RVA to the actual
address in the memory-mapped PE file. This can be accomplished with the
ImageDirectoryEntryToData() function exported by IMAGEHLP.DLL.
PVOID ImageDirectoryEntryToData(
BOOLEAN MappedAsImage,
USHORT DirectoryEntry,
Base Base address where the file is mapped in memory.
MappedAsImage Set this flag to TRUE if the system loader maps the file. Otherwise, set the flag
DirectoryEntry Index into the data directory array.
Size Upon return, the size from the data directory is filled here.
If the function succeeds, the return value is the address in the memory-mapped file where the
required data resides. Otherwise, the function returns NULL.
Export Directory
The data directory entry at the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT index points to the
export directory for the file. The RVA in this directory entry points to the .edata section. The
information about the functions exported by the file (generally a DLL) is stored here. The data
directory entry points to the export directory that is defined as the
IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure in the WINNT.H file. The fields in this structure are as
The export-functions array may have gaps. This is beacause some ordinals might be left unused
while exporting functions, and some ordinals might not have any corresponding export. In such a
case, the corresponding array entry is set to 0.
AddressOfNames RVA of an array called as the export-names array that has an entry for
every function that is exported by name. Hence, the size of this array is
equal to the NumberOfNames field. Each entry in this array is an RVA
pointing to an ASCIIZ string containing the export name. The array is
sorted on the lexical order so as to allow binary search.
AddressOfNameOrdinals RVA of an array of ordinals henceforth called as the export-ordinals
array. This array has the size same as that of the AddressOfNames array.
All three arrays, namely, export-names, export-ordinals, and export-
functions, are instrumental in resolving imports by name. For resolving
an import by name, the loader first searches the name in the export-
names array. If the name matches an entry with index i, the ith entry in
the export-ordinals array is the ordinal of the function. Finally, the
address of the function can be found from the export-functions array.
Import Directory
The next index in the data directory, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, is reserved for the
import directory of an executable/DLL. The RVA in this data directory entry points to the import
directory, which is nothing but a variable-sized array of IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTORs, one
for each imported DLL. The first field in this structure is a union. If the Characteristics field in this
union is 0, it indicates the end of the variable-sized import descriptors array. Otherwise, the union is
interpreted using the other member, OriginalFirstThunk.
OriginalFirstThunk This is an RVA of what Microsoft calls as the Import Lookup Table (ILT).
Each entry in the ILT is a 32-bit number. If the MSB of this number is set, it is
treated as an import by ordinal. The bits 0 through 30 are treated as the ordinal
of the imported function. If the MSB is not set, the number is treated as an
RVA to the IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME structure. The first member of this
structure is a hint for searching for the imported name in the export directory
of the imported DLL. The loader uses this hint as the starting index in the
export-names array when it does a binary search while resolving the import
reference. The hint is followed by an ASCIIZ name of the import reference.
The WINNT.H file provides the IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL macro to determine whether it’s
an import by ordinal. It also provides the IMAGE_ORDINAL macro to get the ordinal from the 32-
bit number in the ILT. The ILT is a variable-sized array. The end of the ILT is marked with a 0.
TimeDateStamp This field is set to 0, unless the imports are bound. Soon, we discuss what’s
meant by binding the imports of a PE file.
ForwarderChain The field is used only if the imports are bound.
Name RVA of the ASCIIZ string that stores the name of the imported DLL.
FirstThunk RVA of the Import Address Table (IAT). The IAT is another array parallel to
the ILT, unless the image is bound. The IAT also has ordinals or pointers to the
IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME structures. When the loader resolves the import
references, it replaces the entries in the IAT with the actual addresses of the
corresponding functions. Astonishingly, that is all it needs to do to achieve
dynamic linking–everything else is already set in place by the linker and import
librarian. Let’s see how all these components work together to achieve dynamic
The situation is a bit different if you use the new __declspec(dllimport) directive while prototyping
an imported function. In that case, the compiler itself generates an import table. In addition, it
generates an indirect call referring to the appropriate location in the generated IAT. This method
does away with the overhead of an extra jump.
The forwarded functions pose another problem with binding. The addresses of the forwarded
functions cannot be calculated at bind time, and so these functions have to be resolved at load time.
A list of all the forwarded functions for an imported DLL is maintained through the
ForwarderChain member in the corresponding IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR. This member
stores the index of a forwarded function in the IAT. The IAT entry at this index stores the index of
the next forwarded function, and so on, forming a list of forwarded functions. The list is terminated
by a –1 entry.
The bind utility that is shipped with Win32 SDK enables binding of PE files. Also, the BindImage
and BindImageEx() functions in the IMAGEHLP.DLL provide this functionality.
BOOL BindImage(
LPSTR ImageName,
LPSTR DllPath,
LPSTR SymbolPath
ImageName The filename of the file to be bound. This can contain only a filename, a partial
path, or a full path.
DllPath A root path to search for ImageName if the filename contained in ImageName
cannot be opened.
SymbolPath A root path to search for the corresponding symbol file. If the symbol file is
stored separately, the header of the symbol file is changed to reflect the changes
in the PE file.
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
This function is very similar to BindImage function except it provides more customization such as
getting a periodic callback during the progress of binding process.
BOOL BindImageEx(
IN LPSTR ImageName,
IN LPSTR SymbolPath,
This function has the following additional parameters:
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE.
Resource Directory
The next index in the data directory, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE, refers to the
resource directory for a PE file. The resource directory and the resources themselves are generally
stored in a section named .rsrc section. The resources are maintained in a tree structure similar to
that in a file system. The root directory contains subdirectories. A subdirectory can contain
subdirectories or resource data. The subdirectories can be nested to any level. But Windows NT
only uses a three-level structure. At each level, the resource directory branches according to certain
characteristics of the resources. At the first level, the type of the resource–bitmap, menu, and so on–
is considered. All the bitmaps are stored under one subtree, all the menus are stored under another
subtree, and so on. At the next level, the name of the resource is considered, and the third level
classifies the resource according to the language ID. The third-level resource directory points to a
leaf node that stores the actual resource data.
A resource directory consists of summary information about the directory followed by the directory
entries. Each directory entry has a name or ID that is interpreted as a type ID, a name ID, or a
language ID, depending on the level of the directory. A directory entry can point either to the
resource data or to a subdirectory that has a similar format.
This summary information is followed by the directory entries. Each directory has a format as
defined by the IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY structure in WINNT.H. This
structure is composed of two unions. The first union stores the ID of the entry. If the MSB is set,
then the lower 31 bits in this field is an RVA of the Unicode string that stores the name of the entry.
The Unicode string consists of the length of the string followed by the 16-bit Unicode characters. If
the MSB is not set, then the union stores the integer ID of the resource. This first union stores the
type ID, the name ID, or the language ID, depending on the level of the directory. The second
union, in the IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY structure, points either to another
resource directory or to the resource data, depending on the MSB. If the bit is set, the lower 31 bits
is an RVA of another subdirectory. If the MSB is not set, then it’s an RVA of the resource data
entry that forms a leaf node of the resource directory tree structure. The format of the resource data
entry is defined as the IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY structure in the WINNT.H file and
has following members:
Relocation Table
A PE file needs only based relocations. The linker resolves all the relative relocations, assuming
that the file will get loaded at the preferred base address. For example, if a function foo has the
RVA as 0x100 and the preferred base address is 0x400000, the linker resolves the call to foo as a
call to address 0x400100. At run time, if the file is loaded at the preferred base address of
0x400000, then no relocation needs to be preformed. If, for some reason, the file cannot be loaded
at the base address of 0x400000, the loader needs to patch the call. If the loader manages to load the
file at a base address of 0x600000, it needs to change the call address to 0x600100. In general, it
needs to add the difference of 0x200000 to all the to-be-patched locations. This process is called as
the based relocation. The list of the to-be-patched locations, also called as fixups, is maintained in
the relocation table that is generally present in the .reloc section and is pointed to by the data
directory entry at the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC index. The relocation table
is nothing but a series of relocation blocks, each representing the fixups for a 4K page. Each
relocation block has a header followed by the relocation entries for the corresponding page. The
relocation block format is defined as the IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION structure in the
WINNT.H file, and it has following fields:
Each relocation entry is a 16-bit word. The higher 4 bits indicate the type of relocation, and the
lower 12 bits are the offset of the fixup location within the 4K page. The address-to-patched is
calculated by adding the base address for loading, the RVA of the page to be patched, and the 12-bit
offset within the page. The relocation types are defined in the WINNT.H file–only two of them are
used on Intel machines:
Debug Directory
The operating system is not concerned with the debug information present in a PE file. The
debugging tools access the debug information in a PE file. There are various debugging tools,
which expect the debug information in different formats. The corresponding compilers/linkers also
store the debug information in different formats. The PE format allows the debug information to be
stored in different formats, such as COFF, Frame Pointer Omission (FPO), CodeView (CV4), and
so on. A single file may contain debug information in more than one format. The debug directory
pointed to by the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG entry in the data directory is an array
of debug directory entries, one for each debug information format. The
IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY structure in the WINNT.H file represents the format of a debug
directory entry.
Of the different debug information formats, three are frequently encountered in PE files. The first
one is the format used by the popular CodeView debugger. This format is defined in the CV4
specification. The FPO format is used to describe nonstandard stack frames. Not all the files in a PE
file need have an FPO format debug entry. The functions without one are assumed to have a normal
stack frame. The third important format is COFF, which is the native debug information format for
PE files. The PE header itself points to the COFF symbol table. The COFF debug information
consists of symbols and line numbers.
In such a case, each thread gets a private copy of i. Whenever a particular thread is running, its own
private copy of i should be automatically activated. This is achieved in Windows NT using the
Thread Local Storage (TLS) mechanism. Let’s see how it works.
Do not confuse the local data of a thread with the local variables that are created on stack. Each
thread has a separate stack and local variables that are created and destroyed separately for each
thread as the stack grows and shrinks. In this section, the phrase local data means global variables
that have a separate copy for each thread.
The operating system maintains a structure called as the Thread Environment Block (TEB) for
every thread running in the system. The FS segment register is always set such that the address FS:0
points to the TEB of the thread being executed. The TEB contains a pointer to the TLS array. The
TLS array is an array of 4-byte DWORDs. Similar to the TEB, a separate TLS array is present for
each thread. A thread can store its local data in the TLS array. Generally, programs store pointers to
local data in some slot in the TLS array. The slot allocation for the TLS array is controlled by the
API functions TlsAlloc() and TlsFree(). The Win32 API also provides functions to set and get the
value at a particular index in the TLS array.
It is cumbersome to access the thread-specific data using the API functions. An easier way is to use
the __declspec(thread) specification while declaring global variables that need to have a private
copy for each thread. All such variables are gathered by the compiler/linker, and a single TLS array
index is automatically allotted to this bunch of data. The TLS array entry at this index contains the
pointer to a local data buffer that stores all these variables. These variables are accessed as any other
normal variable in the program. Whenever such a variable is accessed, the compiler takes care to
generate the code to access the TLS array entry and the data at a proper offset within the local data
This discussion is bit off the track. However, it is necessary before discussing the
IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS data directory entry. The TLS directory structure is defined
as IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY in the WINNT.H. Let’s have a look at this structure and see how it
fits in the TLS mechanism.
StartAddressOfRawData Each time a new thread is created, the operating system allocates a new
local data buffer for the thread and initializes the buffer with the data that
is pointed to by this field. Note that this address is not an RVA, but it is a
proper virtual address that has a relocation entry in the .reloc section.
EndAddressOfRawData Virtual address of the end of the initialization data. The rest of the local
data buffer is filled with zeros.
AddressOfIndex Address in the data section where the loader should store the
automatically allotted TLS index. The code accessing TLS variables
accesses the index from this location.
AddressOfCallBacks Pointer to a null-terminated array of TLS callback functions. Each
function in this array is called whenever a new thread is created. These
functions can perform additional initialization (for example, calling
constructors) for the TLS data. The TLS callback has the same
parameters as the DLL entry-point function.
SizeOfZeroFill Size of the local data that is to be initialized to zero. The total size of the
local data is (EndAddressOfRawData StartAddressOfRawData) +
Characteristics Reserved.
Section Table
We’ve roamed through the PE format without bothering about the section formats. This is possible
because of the data directory that directly locates the important pieces of information within a PE
file. You need not know about the sections at all to interpret a PE file. Nevertheless, in case you
need to modify a PE file, you may be required to know about the sections and section headers. For
example, you may want to add, remove, or extend a particular section, and this requires changes to
the section table, among other things.
As mentioned earlier, the PE header is followed by the section table. The section table is an array of
section headers. The format of the section header is defined by the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
structure in the WINNT.H file. The members of a section header are as follows:
Name Character array of size
name of the section.
VirtualSize Size of the section.
VirtualAddress RVA of the section data when loaded in memory.
SizeOfRawData Size of the section as stored in the file. This is
equal to the VirtualSize rounded to the next file
alignment multiple.
PointerToRawData Within file offset to the section data. If you
memory map a PE file, this field needs to be used
to get to the section data.
PointerToRelocations Used only in the object files.
PointerToLinenumbers Within file offset to the COFF style line number
NumberOfRelocations Used only in the object files.
NumberOfLinenumbers Number of records in the line number
Characteristics The attributes of the section. It is an OR of the
section characteristics flags defined in the
WINNT.H file. Some of the important flags are as
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE Section contains executable code.
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA Section contains initialized data.
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA Section contains uninitialized data.
IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE Section will not become part of the loaded image.
The .debug section may have this flag set.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE Section can be discarded. The relocation table and
debug information can be discarded after the
loading process is over. Hence, the .debug and
.reloc sections have this flag set.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED Section cannot be cached.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED Section is not pageable.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED Section can be shared in memory. If a DLL has
the data section with this flag set, all the instances
of the DLL in different processes share the same
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE Section can be executed. For the code sections,
both the IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE and
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE flags are set.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ Section can be read.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE Section can be written to.
Let’s see how the loader interprets a PE file and prepares a memory image for execution. The loader
needs to find the free virtual address space to map the file in memory. The loader tries to load the
image at the preferred base address. After this is done, the loader maps the sections in memory. The
loader goes through the section table and maps each section at the address calculated by adding the
RVA of the section to the base address. The page attributes are set according to the section’s
characteristic requirements. After mapping the section in memory, the loader performs based
relocation if the base address is not equal to the preferred base address. Then, the import table is
checked and the required DLLs are loaded. The same procedure for loading an executable–mapping
sections, based relocation, resolving imports, and so on–is applied while loading a DLL. After
loading each DLL, the IAT is fixed to point to the actual imported function address.
Microsoft introduced the Portable Executable (PE) file format with Windows NT. The PE format
serves as the executable file format for all the 32-bit Microsoft operating systems (that is, the
various versions of Windows NT and Windows 95/98) though these operating systems still support
the older executable file formats, including the DOS executable file format.
Various components in a PE file are addressed using the relative virtual address (RVA). The
IMAGEHLP.DLL provides us with utility functions to memory map a PE file to find the address in
the memory corresponding to the RVA specified in the PE file. A PE file is composed of the file
headers, the data directory, the section table, and the various sections. The data directory points to
the important parts of the PE file: the export directory, the import directory, the relocation table, the
debug directory, and the Thread Local Storage. The export directory lists the symbols exported
from the PE file, which is most likely a DLL. The import directory lists all the symbols imported by
the PE file. When a PE file is loaded in memory for execution, the loader resolves the imported
symbols to actual virtual addresses in the DLL that exports the symbols. This process is termed
dynamic linking.
The PE headers are followed by the section table that points to all the sections, including the ones
pointed to by the various data directory entries. The loader reads the section table and maps various
sections of a PE file in memory. Then it prepares the image for execution by relocating the image
for the mapped address and resolving various imported symbols after loading the required DLLs.