MBR Vs SBR Vs Conventional Treatment PDF
MBR Vs SBR Vs Conventional Treatment PDF
MBR Vs SBR Vs Conventional Treatment PDF
An operation of a membrane bioreactor in sequencing batch mode named a sequencing batch membrane bioreactor (SBMBR) was
investigated for enhancing nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Its performance was compared with a conventional membrane bioreactor
(CMBR) at various influent COD/TN ratios of 3.4–28.2. The operational parameters were optimized to increase the treatment efficiency. COD
removal averaged at 94.9 and 97.7%, respectively, for SBMBR and CMBR during the 8 months experimental period. The SBMBR system
demonstrated good performance on nitrogen and phosphorus removal at different COD/TN ratios. When COD/TN was 6.3 and the total
nitrogen (TN) load was 0.22 kg/(m3 days), the TN and ammonium nitrogen removals of the SBMBR were maintained over 65 and 90%,
respectively. Total phosphorus (TP) removal of the SBMBR was approximately 90% during most of the experimental time. In comparison, the
CMBR did not perform so well. Its effluent TN concentration was close to that in the influent at COD/TN = 6.3 and TP removal was not stable.
The specific nitrification rate test showed that pH value affected the activity of nitrifiers but no irreversible harm was induced. Furthermore, the
sequencing batch mode operation of MBR retarded membrane fouling according to the monitoring of trans-membrane pressure (TMP).
# 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sequencing batch membrane bioreactor (SBMBR); Conventional membrane bioreactor (CMBR); Nitrogen and phosphorus removal; Membrane
fouling; Specific nitrification rate
1359-5113/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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88 H.-M. Zhang et al. / Process Biochemistry 41 (2006) 87–95
TN removals at 8–15 h HRT and a very long SRT. Ueda and 2. Materials and methods
Hata [10] introduced an intermittent suction method in a
membrane bioreactor for treatment of domestic sewage from 2.1. Reactors set-up and operation
rural settlements. Ng et al. [11] investigated the effect of
MLSS concentration in a sequencing batch membrane Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of experimental
bioreactor on COD and nitrogen removal. Bae et al. [12] apparatus consisting of two 11 L Plexiglas reactors.
evaluated the biological nutrient removal performance of a Temperature was controlled at 25 1 8C using thermostats.
membrane separation process coupled to a SBR in the A balance-box with a float-ball valve was used to control
treatment of dairy industry wastewater. All these studies water level of the two reactors. The membrane module used
demonstrated that MBR operated in an intermittent way can in the two systems was a bundle of U-shaped hollow fibre
obtain a high organic substrate and nitrogen removal. The membranes made of polyethylene (DAIKI, Japan) with a
removal of phosphorus remains inadequate, however, and pore size of 0.1 mm and a filtration area of 0.15 m2.
should be optimized to increase phosphorus removal. SBMBR and CMBR were in continuous operation in
The objective of this study was to enhance nitrogen and parallel for about 8 months. The variation of operational
phosphorus removal by sequential operation of a membrane parameter is listed in Table 1. The exchange ratio f B is
bioreactor in alternating aerobic and anoxic/anaerobic defined as the ratio between the volume discharged per cycle
condition. This system was named a sequencing batch and the entire working volume of the reactor. The water fed
membrane bioreactor (SBMBR). Besides the advantages of rate of the two systems was the same and the SRT was 60
no sedimentation phase and thus a shorter cycle time, the days.
combination may provide a suitable environment for both In the SBMBR system, the water was fed to the reactor
nitrobacteria and phosphorus accumulating organisms during the anaerobic phase and the discharging of water
(PAO) to survive under the appropriate operational condi- occurred during the aerobic phase. To make it work this way
tions. This combination can also make it possible that the a timer-controlled power supply system was used and a Y-
solids retention time (SRT) is independent of hydraulic shaped filter was installed before the electromagnetic valve
retention time (HRT). Furthermore, the intermittent suction that connected to the influent pipeline. An agitator was used
and the introduction of air diffusers near the membrane had for mixing during the anaerobic phase. The alternating
been reported as the effective methods to reduce fouling and aerobic and anaerobic conditions in the SBMBR was created
prolong membrane operation time and lifespan [13–16]. It by the on and off control of the air pump. The air pump and
also allowed good growth of strains with different doubling peristaltic pump worked simultaneously during the aerobic
times. phase, while the electromagnetic valve placed in the influent
The performance of the SBMBR and a conventional pipeline was closed. This resulted in discharge of water and
membrane bioreactor (CMBR) on nutrient removal was the descending of water level in the reactor. For the anoxic/
compared at different influent COD/TN ratios from 3.4 to anaerobic phase, the air pump and peristaltic pump were
28.2. The suitable operation parameters under each closed and the agitator started to work to keep a complete
condition were selected and membrane fouling monitored mixing of sludge and water. The feed water flowed into
at the same time. the SBMBR by gravitational force. Its level was controlled
Table 1
Operation parameters in the experiment
Phase Operational days (days) TNin (mg/L) COD/TN HRT (h) fB Cycle time of SBMBR (min)
Anaerobic Aerobic
I 1–12 16.5 (2.4) 28.2 (3.1) 22 9.1 60 60
II 13–30 22.9 (1.8) 19.4 (1.5) 22 9.1 60 60
III 31–72 47.1 (6.7) 9.4 (2.7) 22 9.1 60 60
IV 73–110 75.6 (8.1) 6.3 (1.4) 22 9.1 60 60
V 111–168 75.6 (8.1) 6.3 (1.4) 22 12.2 40 120
VI 169–175 75.6 (8.1) 6.3 (1.4) 11 24.2 40 120
VII 176–209 122.8 (7.2) 3.4 (1.4) 11 24.2 40 120
VIII 210–236 122.8 (7.2) 3.4 (1.4) 7.3 36.4 40 120
Standard deviation is given between parentheses; TNin, influent TN concentration.
by the balance-box during this time. When this anaerobic removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. For the SBMBR, the
phase was over the next cycle began with the aerobic phase. effluent of one cycle was collected in a beaker and the
The CMBR was operated continuously in aerobic mixture used for analysis, while the instantaneous effluent
environment through the whole experimental period. The was used for CMBR.
influent and the effluent were not interrupted. Other
conditions were the same as the SBMBR. 2.5.2. Cyclic studies
This test was carried out when the performance of
2.2. Feed medium SBMBR was stable. It was applied to the SBMBR for
optimizing nutrient removal, which includes a series of
Synthetic wastewater fed to the reactors consisted of sampling and analysis during one cycle. t = 0 min was set for
sucrose, NH4Cl, KH2PO4 and mineral solution containing the starting of the anaerobic phase. The sampling was done
MgSO47H2O, CaCl22H2O, FeSO42H2O and NaCl. The by manual adjustment peristaltic pump during the anaerobic
initial complete influent contained 400 mg COD/L, 20 mg phase. Cyclic studies could clarify the transformation of
NH4+-N/L and 4 mg PO4+-P/L. Holding the COD and TP various pollutions during the cycle time and provide
influent concentration, a gradual increase of TN concentra- information for adjusting the operation parameters.
tion was adopted during the experiment (Table 1).
Fig. 2. Comparison of COD concentrations and removal efficiencies in the two systems. Symbols: (*) CMBR effluent; (~) SBMBR effluent; (*) CMBR
COD removal; (~) SBMBR COD removal.
affect COD removal efficiency significantly for both efficiency climbed to 93.1%, was not effect by load increase
reactors. (phase VI). Since the influent COD/TN ratio decreased
further to 3.4 (TN load was 0.33 – 0.36 kg TN/(m3 days)) on
3.1.2. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal the 176th day, an even lower NH4+-N and TN removal
Fig. 3 illustrates the profile of NH4+-N, TN and TP efficiency was obtained, averaged at 75.2 and 20.7%,
concentrations as well as their removal efficiencies in the respectively (phase VII). On the 210th day, the f B was raised
two systems during the whole experiment. It can be seen that again to enhance TN removal (TN load was 0.50 –
in SBMBR, when COD/TN >19.4 (phases I and II) a high 0.60 kg TN/(m3 days)). TN removal was enhanced to
NH4+-N removal efficiency (>90%) has been achieved. TN 36.4%, while a low removal efficiency of NH4+-N
and TP removal in this period averaged at 91.5 and 93.3%, (<50%) occurred, and the effluent average concentration
respectively. NH4+-N removal efficiency decreased to about reached 70.1 mg/L (phase VIII). This result indicates that a
80% when the influent COD/TN ratio reduced to 9.4 (phase favorable nitrogen removal could not be reached under this
III). On increasing the air flow rate from 100 to 150 L/h, the low COD/TN ratio.
NH4+-N removal increased rapidly to over 90% and the After lengthening the aerobic time on the 111th day, the
effluent NH4+-N concentration decreased to below 1 mg/L. SBMBR phosphorus removal worsened and the average
This indicates that the higher TN load was the more drastic removal efficiency was 49.9%. Since the higher f B was adopted
competition for dissolve oxygen between heterotrophic on the 169th day and organic carbon supply increased and
bacteria with nitrifying bacteria. The increased intensity of the phosphorus removal recovered. Except phase V, the
injected air enhanced the penetrability of oxygen into SBMBR phosphorus removal efficiency was kept at about 90%
biological flocs, with benefits for both types of organism. TN and the average removal efficiency was 91.4%.
removal efficiency declined temporarily but soon recovered. As far as the CMBR was concerned, the TN and TP
The removal of TP did not make significant change during removal efficiency was 30.5 and 35.3%, respectively, when
this period. the influent COD/TN ratio was 19.4 and 28.2. During this
It was after 73 days when the influent COD/TN ratio time the NH4+-N average removal efficiency was 93.3%.
tuned down to 6.3 that the NH4+-N removal efficiency of This result indicated that the limiting step of nitrogen
SBMBR started a sharp decrease and the maximum effluent removal in the CMBR was denitrification. TN concentration
NH4+-N concentration had reached to 76.1 mg/L (phase IV). in effluent was close to the level in the influent at COD/
On the 111th day, the SBMBR cycle time was adjusted to TN = 6.3 and TP removal efficiency fluctuated from 14 to
40 min anaerobic and 120 min aerobic (total 160 min) from 95% under influent experiment conditions.
60 min anaerobic and 60 min aerobic (total 120 min)
(Table 1). This step was to enhance nitrification. Nitrifica- 3.2. Cyclic studies of SBMBR
tion improved and the NH4+-N removal efficiency increased
to 95% (Fig. 3(a)). But the average TN removal efficiency During phases I–III a higher removal efficiency of NH4+-
was only 31.9% in this period as shown in Fig. 3(b) (phase N, TP and TN persisted in the SBMBR. The DO cyclic test
V). In order to enhance denitrification and increase the of SBMBR on the 28th day (Fig. 4(a)) showed that after the
organic carbon supply, a higher f B (24.2%) was adopted on aerobic period the massive high volume influent can
the 169th day. The TN load was 0.22 kg TN/(m3 days). decrease the DO concentration quickly in reactor, thus
Denitrification was enhanced and TN removal efficiency sufficient anaerobic time was ensured, which contributed to
was improved to 67.6%. As to NH4+-N, the average removal higher nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the SBMBR.
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Fig. 3. The comparison of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and removal efficiencies in the two systems: (a) NH4+-N, (b) TN and (c) TP. Symbols: (—
*—) CMBR effluent; (—~—) SBMBR effluent; (—*—) CMBR removal efficiency; (—~—) SBMBR removal efficiency.
The cyclic test on the 109th day (Fig. 4(b)) showed that anaerobic and 120 min aerobic from 60 min anaerobic and
the time was not long enough for NH4+-N removal when 60 min aerobic.
COD/TN ratio was 6.3 with the aerobic time-controlled at This and the cyclic test on the 167th day (Fig. 4(c))
1 h (i.e. nitrification under this condition was not complete). indicates that nitrification is complete within 120 min
The anaerobic time 60 min has a margin for denitrifying and aerobic time but denitrification was restrained. In order to
phosphorus release. A shorter anaerobic time was therefore enhance denitrification without changing anaerobic time, a
adopted in the following days to avoid the secondary higher f B (24.2%) was adopted to increase the organic
phosphorus release. The cycle time was adjusted to 40 min carbon supply.
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92 H.-M. Zhang et al. / Process Biochemistry 41 (2006) 87–95
flux of the SBMBR was more than 1.33–2 times of the is ensured. Third, f B and cycles of the SBMBR can be
CMBR. adjusted easily according to the nitrogen and phosphorus
At the beginning of experiment, the MLSS was about concentration in the influent.
2 g/L in both systems. The activated sludge was discharged Attached Ciliates were always the dominant community
according to the same SBR during all experiments. At the in the SBMBR, which indicated that the sequencing batch
end of the experiment, the MLSS was almost the same in the operation is suitable for growth of attached Ciliates. The
SBMBR and the CMBR, which reached to around 5.6 g/L. sludge floc would be bigger and tighter when the attached
The EPS concentrations in both sludge systems varied Ciliates are dominant. The liquid filter capacity is better and
between 340 and 500 mg/L as shown in Fig. 8. A higher this is one reason why the membrane-fouling rate of the
concentration persisted in the SBMBR than in the CMBR SBMBR is lower than that of the CMBR. Another reason
during the whole experimental examination. These results might be attributed to the sequencing batch operation mode.
did not agree with the literature that there is a direct Agitation was introduced into the anaerobic phase when the
correlation between EPS concentration and membrane suction was discontinued. As a result, the aggregation of
fouling. substance onto the membrane surface was reduced but the
diffusion of adsorbents from the membrane surface back to
the liquid was enhanced. Therefore, EPS in the SBMBR was
4. Discussion always higher than that in the CMBR, but the membrane-
fouling rate of the SBMBR was lower than that in the
The CMBR and SBMBR have higher organics removal, CMBR.
the average COD removal were 94.9 and 97.7%, respec-
tively. COD removal decreased to about 80% as the
experiment was close to the end (Fig. 2). The influent of the 5. Conclusions
SBMBR is high and of high flow at the beginning of
anaerobic time and fresh nutrients was not put into the Nutrient removal from synthetic wastewater was studied
reactor during one cycle. The microorganism in the SBMBR using membrane bioreactors in both sequencing batch and
experienced following the log phase, stationary phase and continuous operations. The main findings from this study are
death phase. The influent of the CMBR was continuous. as follows:
Along with the MLSS increasing and F:M decreasing, the
microorganism of CMBR would get into death phase for (1) Both SBMBR and CMBR showed good performance on
long time for lack of nutrients, need to rely on themselves for organic substance removal during the whole experi-
obtaining energy, the products of metabolism were mental period. The average COD removals were 97.7
accumulated and led to worsening of the quality of the and 94.9%, respectively. Change of COD/TN ratio in
final effluent in CMBR. influent did not affect COD removal efficiency
After lengthening the aerobic time on the 111th day, significantly in either reactor.
enhanced nitrification resulted in a high nitrate concentra- (2) The SBMBR demonstrated a good performance on
tion in the anaerobic phase. Consequently, there is a nitrogen and phosphorus removal at different influent
competition for the organic carbon between denitrifying COD/TN ratios. Even running at low COD/TN ratio
bacteria and PAOs. The denitrifying bacteria using nitrate as (COD/TN = 6.3) with 0.22 kg TN/(m3 days), in sui-
electron acceptor can obtain more energy and were more table operation conditions, TN and NH4+-N removal
competitive, thus organic carbon was not converted into efficiencies were maintained above 65 and 90%,
VFAs with inhibition of phosphorus release of PAOs and respectively. As to TP, the removal efficiency was
formation of PHB. During phase V, the phosphorus removal maintained at approximately 90% all through the
worsened and the average removal efficiency decreased to whole experiment except for the starved organic
49.9%. The sequencing batch operation of the SBMBR in substrate feeding.
this experiment can increase organic carbon supply of one (3) The variation of influent COD/TN ratio affected the
cycle by increase f B and, does not require an exogenous CMBR more extensively than the SBMBR. TP removal
supply of organic carbon. After adjusting f B, on 169th day, efficiency fluctuated between 14 and 95% under influent
the TP average removal efficiency increased to about 90% experiment conditions and the TN concentration in the
and TN removal improved. effluent was close to that in the influent at the feed ratio
The CMBR showed some nitrogen and phosphorus COD/TN = 6.3.
removal by the existing anaerobic microenvironment, but (4) Specific nitrification rate tests demonstrated that the pH
the capacity was lower than that of the SBMBR. The reasons value could affect the activity of nitrifying bacteria with
are: first, the sequencing batch operation of the SBMBR can no irreversible harm.
offer alternative anaerobic/aerobic environments; second, (5) The sequencing batch operation mode can reduce
the influent was high and of high volume at the beginning of membrane fouling although a higher EPS existed in the
anaerobic time in the SBMBR and sufficient anaerobic time SBMBR system.
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