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Oracle Autonomous

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The document discusses Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse and provides examples of SQL queries on analytic views.

The document is about using Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse and discusses analytic views and hierarchies that can be used with star schemas.

Analytic views in the document are used to extend star schemas with hierarchical business models, aggregation and measure calculation rules, and presentation and application-specific metadata.

Oracle® Cloud

Using Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse

September 2019
Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse,


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Primary Author: Thomas Van Raalte

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Part I Using Autonomous Data Warehouse

1 Getting Started with Autonomous Data Warehouse

About Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-1
Before You Begin with Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-3
Key Features of Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-4
Typical Workflow for Using Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-5
Use Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-6
Build Reports and Dashboards with Analytics in Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-7
Use Sample Data Sets in Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-7
Security and Authentication in Autonomous Data Warehouse 1-8
Quickstart Tutorials 1-9
Quickstart Tutorial: Getting Started and Provisioning an Autonomous Database 1-9
Quickstart Tutorial: Connecting SQL Developer to Autonomous Data
Warehouse 1-9
Quickstart Tutorial: Loading Your Data 1-9
Quickstart Tutorial: Running a Query on Sample Data 1-9
Quickstart Tutorials for Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data
Warehouse 1-10

2 Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse

About Connecting to an Autonomous Data Warehouse Instance 2-1
Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application 2-4
About Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application 2-5
Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI Connections 2-5

Prepare for JDBC Thin Connections 2-8
Using Applications with Support for Wallets 2-8
Download Client Credentials (Wallets) 2-9
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools 2-10
Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later) 2-10
Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (earlier than Version 18.2) 2-12
Connect with SQL*Plus 2-14
Connect with Oracle SQLcl Cloud Connection 2-15
Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web 2-16
About SQL Developer Web 2-16
Access SQL Developer Web as ADMIN 2-17
Provide SQL Developer Web Access to Database Users 2-18
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets 2-20
JDBC Thin Driver Connection Prerequisites 2-20
Using a JDBC URL Connection String with JDBC Thin Driver 2-21
Using a JDBC Connection with 18.3 JDBC Driver 2-22
Connecting Using JDBC Thin Driver 12.2 or Older 2-24
JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy 2-26
Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Connections and Wallets 2-27
Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Data Warehouse 2-27
Connect with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop 2-28
Connect with Oracle Analytics Cloud 2-28
Connect Applications to Autonomous Data Warehouse 2-28
Connect with Microsoft .NET and Visual Studio 2-28
Connect with JDBC Thin Driver and UCP 2-29
Connect with Python, Node.js, and other Scripting Languages 2-29
Connect with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect 2-32
Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with Service Gateway 2-32
Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with VCN Transit Routing 2-33
Restrict Access Using a Network Access Control List 2-33
Enable and Disable Application Continuity 2-33
Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse 2-35
Create Database Links 2-35
Drop Database Links 2-38

3 Loading Data with Autonomous Data Warehouse

About Data Loading 3-1
Load Data from Files in the Cloud 3-2
Load Data - Create Credentials and Copy Data into an Existing Table 3-2
Load Data – Monitor and Troubleshoot Loads 3-3

Load Data – List Credentials 3-5
Load Data – Delete Credentials 3-5
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse 3-6
Export Your Existing Oracle Database to Import into Autonomous Data
Warehouse 3-6
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump Version 18.3 or Later 3-7
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump (Versions and Earlier) 3-9
Access Log Files for Data Pump Import 3-10
Use Oracle GoldenGate to Replicate Data to Autonomous Data Warehouse 3-11
Load Data from Local Files Using SQL*Loader 3-11
Managing DML Performance and Compression 3-11

4 Querying External Data with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Query External Data 4-1
Query External Data with Parquet or Avro Source Files 4-3
Validate External Data 4-5

5 Creating Dashboards, Reports, and Notebooks with Autonomous

Data Warehouse
About Creating Dashboards, Reports, and Notebooks with Oracle Machine Learning
Work with Oracle Machine Learning for Data Access, Analysis, and Discovery 5-2
Work with Analytics and Visualization 5-3
Using Oracle Analytics Cloud with Autonomous Data Warehouse 5-3
Working with Data Visualization Desktop in Autonomous Data Warehouse 5-4

6 Moving Data from Autonomous Data Warehouse to Other Oracle

Use Data Pump to Create a Dump File Set on Autonomous Data Warehouse 6-1
Move Dump File Set from Autonomous Data Warehouse to Your Cloud Object Store
Download Dump Files, Run Data Pump Import, and Clean Up Object Store 6-4

7 Creating Applications with Oracle Application Express in

Autonomous Database
About Oracle Application Express 7-1
Access Oracle Application Express Administration Services 7-2
Create Oracle Application Express Workspaces in Autonomous Data Warehouse 7-4

Access Oracle Application Express App Builder 7-5
Use Web Services with Oracle Application Express 7-6
Send Email from Oracle Application Express 7-7
Restrictions and Limitations for Oracle Application Express with Autonomous Data
Warehouse 7-8

8 Developing RESTful Services in Autonomous Database

About Oracle REST Data Services in Autonomous Database 8-1
Develop Oracle REST Data Services with Autonomous Database 8-1
Develop SODA for REST with Autonomous Database 8-2

9 Creating and Managing Directories

Create Directory in Autonomous Database 9-1
Drop Directory in Autonomous Database 9-2
List Contents of Directory in Autonomous Database 9-3
Copy Files Between Object Store and a Directory in Autonomous Database 9-3

Part II Managing and Monitoring Autonomous Data Warehouse

10 Starting, Stopping, and Scaling Autonomous Data Warehouse

Provision Autonomous Data Warehouse 10-1
Start Autonomous Data Warehouse 10-3
Stop Autonomous Data Warehouse 10-3
Terminate Autonomous Data Warehouse 10-4
Add CPU or Storage Resources or Enable Auto Scaling 10-4
Remove CPU or Storage Resources or Disable Auto Scaling 10-6
Use Auto Scaling 10-6

11 Managing Users on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse 11-1
Remove Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse 11-2
Manage the Administrator Account on Autonomous Data Warehouse 11-2
Change the Administrator Password in Autonomous Data Warehouse 11-3
Unlock the Administrator Account in Autonomous Data Warehouse 11-3
Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse 11-4
Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning 11-6
Create User 11-6

Add Existing Database User Account to Oracle Machine Learning 11-7

12 Managing and Monitoring Performance of Autonomous Data

Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse 12-1
Monitor Activity and Utilization 12-1
Console Overview 12-2
Console Activity 12-4
Monitor SQL Statements 12-7
Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse 12-10
Manage CPU/IO Shares on Autonomous Data Warehouse 12-12
Manage Runaway SQL Statements on Autonomous Data Warehouse 12-13
Manage Optimizer Statistics on Autonomous Data Warehouse 12-15
Monitor Autonomous Data Warehouse with Performance Hub 12-16
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle Management
Cloud 12-18

13 Backing Up and Restoring Autonomous Data Warehouse

About Backup and Recovery on Autonomous Data Warehouse 13-1
Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse Database 13-2
Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse 13-6
Configure Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse 13-7
Perform Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse 13-8

14 Cloning or Moving a Database with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Clone Autonomous Data Warehouse 14-1
Optimizer Statistics for a Cloned Database 14-3
Resource Management Rules and Performance Data for a Cloned Database 14-3
Move an Autonomous Data Warehouse Database to a Different Compartment 14-4

15 Security with Access Control Lists and Change License Type

Set Access Control List with Autonomous Data Warehouse 15-1
Update License Type with Autonomous Data Warehouse 15-2

16 Work Requests and Managing Events and Notifications

About Events and Notifications 16-1

About Work Requests 16-1

Part III Appendixes


Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms A-1
COPY_DATA Procedure A-2
COPY_DATA Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files A-3
CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files A-8
DELETE_FILE Procedure A-10
DELETE_OBJECT Procedure A-10
GET_OBJECT Procedure A-11
LIST_FILES Function A-12
LIST_OBJECTS Function A-13
PUT_OBJECT Procedure A-13
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats A-15
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options A-18
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options for Parquet and Avro A-22
DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle Data Type Mapping A-23
DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data Type Mapping A-24
DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle Column Name Mapping A-25
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms A-28
ENABLE_APP_CONT Procedure A-31

B Autonomous Data Warehouse for Experienced Oracle Database

About the Autonomous Data Warehouse Database B-1
Restrictions for Database Initialization Parameters B-2
Restrictions for SQL Commands B-3
Restrictions for Data Types B-5

Managing Partitions, Indexes, and Materialized Views B-6
Restrictions for Database Features B-6
Restrictions for Oracle XML DB B-6
Restrictions for Oracle Text B-7
Restrictions for Oracle Spatial and Graph B-8
Restrictions for Oracle Application Express B-9
List of Restricted and Removed Oracle Features B-10

C Migrating Amazon Redshift to Autonomous Data Warehouse

Autonomous Data Warehouse Redshift Migration Overview C-1
Connect to Amazon Redshift C-2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse C-4
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard C-5
Review and Finish the Amazon Redshift Migration C-11
Use Generated Amazon Redshift Migration Scripts C-12
Perform Post Migration Tasks C-14

D Sample Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) Queries and Analytic

Star Schema Benchmark Queries D-1
Star Schema Benchmark Analytic Views D-4


This document describes how to manage, monitor, and use Oracle Autonomous Data
Warehouse and provides references to related documentation.

This document is intended for Oracle Cloud users who want to manage and monitor
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.
This document is also intended for developers and end users who want to load and
query data in Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs
if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents
Autonomous Data Warehouse is built using Oracle Database 18c. Many database
concepts and features of this service are further documented here:
Oracle Database 18c
For additional information, see these Oracle resources:
• Getting Started with Oracle Cloud
• Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Documentation
• Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud
• Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage
• GoldenGate Real-Time Data Replication in Cloud
• Using Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service
• Getting Started with Oracle Analytics Cloud
• User’s Guide for Oracle Data Visualization Desktop


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an
action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you
supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Part I
Using Autonomous Data Warehouse
This part provides information on using Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• Getting Started with Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Loading Data with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Querying External Data with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Creating Dashboards, Reports, and Notebooks with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Moving Data from Autonomous Data Warehouse to Other Oracle Databases
• Creating Applications with Oracle Application Express in Autonomous Database
• Developing RESTful Services in Autonomous Database
• Creating and Managing Directories
Getting Started with Autonomous Data
Provides an overview of the service and describes how to get started with
Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• About Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Before You Begin with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Key Features of Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Typical Workflow for Using Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Use Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Build Reports and Dashboards with Analytics in Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Use Sample Data Sets in Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Security and Authentication in Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Quickstart Tutorials

About Autonomous Data Warehouse

Autonomous Data Warehouse provides an easy-to-use, fully autonomous data
warehouse that scales elastically, delivers fast query performance and requires no
database administration. It is designed to support all standard SQL and business
intelligence (BI) tools, and provides all of the performance of the market-leading
Oracle Database in an environment that is tuned and optimized for data warehouse
As a service Autonomous Data Warehouse does not require database administration.
With Autonomous Data Warehouse you do not need to configure or manage any
hardware, or install any software. Autonomous Data Warehouse handles creating the
data warehouse, backing up the database, patching and upgrading the database, and
growing or shrinking the database.
Additionally, Autonomous Data Warehouse does not require any tuning. Autonomous
Data Warehouse is designed as a "load and go" service: you start the service, define
tables, load data, and then run queries. When you use Autonomous Data Warehouse,
no tuning is necessary. You do not need to consider any details about parallelism,
partitioning, indexing, or compression. The service automatically configures the
database for high-performance queries.
Autonomous Data Warehouse is built upon Oracle Database, so that the applications
and tools that support Oracle Database also support Autonomous Data Warehouse.
These tools and applications connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse using standard
SQL*Net connections. The tools and applications can either be in your data center or

Chapter 1
About Autonomous Data Warehouse

in a public cloud. Oracle Analytics Cloud and other Oracle Cloud services provide
support for Autonomous Data Warehouse connections.
Autonomous Data Warehouse is a completely elastic service. When you get started
with Autonomous Data Warehouse, simply specify the number of OCPUs and the
storage capacity in TB's for the data warehouse. At any time, you can scale, increase
or decrease, either the OCPUs or the storage capacity. When you make resource
changes for your Autonomous Data Warehouse, the data warehouse resources
automatically shrink or grow, without requiring any downtime or service interruptions.
Autonomous Data Warehouse includes a cloud-based service console for managing
the service (for tasks such as stopping, starting, or scaling the service), and monitoring
the service (for tasks such as viewing the recent levels of activity on the data
Autonomous Data Warehouse also includes the following:
• Oracle Application Express (APEX): a low-code development platform that
enables you to build scalable, secure enterprise apps with world-class features.
• Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS): a Java Enterprise Edition based data service
that makes it easy to develop modern REST interfaces for relational data and
JSON Document Store.
• Oracle SQL Developer Web: a browser-based interface of Oracle SQL Developer.
• Oracle Machine Learning: a cloud-based notebook application which provides
simple querying, data-visualization, and collaboration capabilities. The notebook is
designed to be used alongside other business intelligence applications.
You can use Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop to
easily create visualizations and projects that reveal trends in your company’s data and
help you answer questions and discover important insights about your business.
The following figure shows the Autonomous Data Warehouse architecture.

Developer Autonomous Business

Tools Data Warehouse Intelligence Services
Service Built-in Query and Application Oracle Analytics
Management Development Tools Cloud

Oracle Data
SQL Service Machine SQL REST Data Application
Developer Console Learning Developer Web Services Express 3rd Party BI on
Oracle Cloud
Data Integration
Services 3rd Party BI
Oracle DI
Platform Cloud Autonomous
3rd Party DI
on Oracle
Infrastructure Oracle Object
Storage Cloud
3rd Party DI Data Files for Loading and
On-premises External Access

Chapter 1
Before You Begin with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Before You Begin with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Before you begin using Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, you should be familiar
with Oracle Cloud.
See Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.
Before you create an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance:
• On Oracle Cloud, sign up for a free trial subscription or purchase a subscription.
You cannot create an Autonomous Data Warehouse deployment until you do so.
• (Optional) if you want to leverage an object store for data loading you need your
object store credentials to use with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse,
including a username and a password. For details on the required credentials,
depending on the object store you want to use, see the following:
– Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, the username is your Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure user name. The password is your auth token. See
Working with Auth Tokens.
– Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic, the username is your
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic user name and the password is your
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic password.
– Amazon S3, the username is your AWS access key ID and the password is
your AWS secret access key. See AWS Identity and Access Management.
– Azure Blob Storage, the username is your Azure storage account name and
the password is an Azure storage account access key. See About Azure
storage accounts.
• (Optional) Create a bucket for cloud storage manual backups:
If you want to manually back up Autonomous Data Warehouse to cloud storage
you must associate an instance with a cloud storage backup location. For
information on defining your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage and
creating the bucket for manual backups, see Configure Manual Backups on
Autonomous Data Warehouse.
After you create an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance:
• (Optional) Reset the administrator password:
When you create an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance you are required to
set the administrator password. If you want to change the administrator password
or if you need to unlock the administrator account, see Manage the Administrator
Account on Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• (Optional) Add Oracle Machine Learning users. See: Create User .
• (Optional) Download Oracle Data Visualization Desktop and add a connection to
Autonomous Data Warehouse. See Work with Analytics and Visualization.

Chapter 1
Key Features of Autonomous Data Warehouse

Key Features of Autonomous Data Warehouse

This section describes key features of Autonomous Data Warehouse, an affordable,
feature-rich service in the cloud.

Key Features
• Managed: Oracle simplifies end-to-end management of the data warehouse:
– Provisioning new databases
– Growing or shrinking storage and compute resources
– Patching and upgrades
– Backup and recovery
• Fully Tuned: “Load and go”:
– Define tables, load data, run queries
– Provides good performance out of the box
– Run your queries using any business analytics tool or cloud service
– Built-in SQL worksheet and notebook also included
• Fully elastic scaling: Scale compute and storage independently to fit your data
warehouse workload with no downtime:
– Size the Autonomous Data Warehouse to the exact compute and storage
– Scale the Autonomous Data Warehouse on demand: Independently scale
compute or storage
– Shut off idle compute to save money
• Auto scaling: Enable auto scaling to allow Autonomous Data Warehouse to use
more CPU and IO resources automatically when the workload requires it:
– Specify the number of OCPUs for Autonomous Data Warehouse workloads.
– Enable auto scaling to allow the database to use up to three times more CPU
and IO resources depending on workload requirements.
– Enable auto scaling when you provision an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance or using Scale Up/Down on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
• Autonomous Data Warehouse supports:
– Existing applications, running in the cloud or on-premises
– Connectivity via SQL*Net, JDBC, ODBC
– Third-party data-integration tools
– Oracle cloud services: Oracle Analytics Cloud, Oracle GoldenGate Cloud
Service, Oracle Integration Cloud Service, and others
• High-performance queries and concurrent workloads: Optimized query
performance with preconfigured resource profiles for different types of users.
• Oracle SQL: Autonomous Data Warehouse is compatible with existing
applications that support Oracle Database.

Chapter 1
Typical Workflow for Using Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Built-in web-based data analysis tool: Web-based notebook tool for designing
and sharing SQL based data-driven, interactive documents.
• Database migration utility: Easily migrate from Amazon AWS Redshift, SQL
Server, and other databases.

Simple Cloud-based Data Loading

Autonomous Data Warehouse provides:
• Fast, scalable data-loading from Oracle Object Store, Azure Blob Storage, AWS
S3, or on-premises data sources.

SQL Developer Autonomous Data Warehouse Support

Using Autonomous Data Warehouse with SQL Developer you can do the following:
• Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Create tables in Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Load data into Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Copy tables to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Transfer a schema to Autonomous Data Warehouse

Business Intelligence Tools Support

Autonomous Data Warehouse is compatible with a number of business intelligence
and data visualization tools from Oracle and from trusted third parties.
• Oracle Analytics Cloud
• Oracle Data Visualization Desktop
• Third-party Business Intelligence tools

Typical Workflow for Using Autonomous Data Warehouse

Describes the steps to start using Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Task Description More Information

Create and log in to your Provide your information and sign up for Getting Started with Oracle Cloud
cloud account an Oracle Cloud Service.
Provision Autonomous Create an Autonomous Data Quickstart Tutorial: Getting Started and
Data Warehouse Warehouse instance. Provisioning an Autonomous Database
Start the data warehouse Start and verify that an Autonomous Start Autonomous Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse instance is up and
Create database users and Create accounts for your users and Create Users with Autonomous Data
obtain security credentials assign them appropriate privileges. Warehouse
Assign the necessary Autonomous Data
Warehouse roles.
Connect to your data Download SQL Developer or another Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse
warehouse using SQL database client tool. Obtain security Using Oracle Database Tools
Developer credentials and connect to your
Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Chapter 1
Use Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Task Description More Information

Connect to your data Download a database client. Obtain Connecting to Autonomous Data
warehouse using a security credentials and connect to your Warehouse
database client Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
Scale the data warehouse Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Starting, Stopping, and Scaling
Console to scale an instance to add or Autonomous Data Warehouse
remove CPU or storage resources.
Load data into the data Use the available tools to load data into Loading Data with Autonomous Data
warehouse the data warehouse. Warehouse
Migrate data from Amazon Migrate data from an existing Amazon Migrating Amazon Redshift to Autonomous
Redshift Redshift data warehouse. Data Warehouse
Monitor the data Check on the health and performance of Managing and Monitoring Performance of
warehouse the data warehouse. Autonomous Data Warehouse
Manage the data Check on the day-to-day operation of All aspects of the database lifecycle are
warehouse your service, monitor performance, and simplified by the service, including patching
review important notifications. and upgrading the database. You can
obtain service information including the
service and database version from the
service console.
Backing Up and Restoring Autonomous
Data Warehouse
Clone the data warehouse Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloning or Moving a Database with
console to clone a database. You can Autonomous Data Warehouse
choose to clone either the full database
or only the database metadata.

Use Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data

Oracle Machine Learning provides a notebook style application designed for advanced
SQL users and provides interactive data analysis that lets you develop, document,
share, and automate reports based on sophisticated analytics and data models.
Key features of Oracle Machine Learning:
• Allows collaboration among data scientists, developers, business users
• Leverages the scalability and performance of Oracle Platform and its Cloud
To use Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data Warehouse you need to add
or create Oracle Machine Learning users and access Oracle Machine Learning:
• OML User Management lets the Admin (user with administrative privileges)
create and modify Oracle Machine Learning user accounts. See Create and
Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning for details on accessing OML
User Management.
• OML Application – application users access Oracle Machine Learning to create,
view, and share notebooks for data analytics, data visualization, and other Oracle
Machine Learning tasks. Users access Oracle Machine Learning by clicking the
Oracle Machine Learning Home icon on the User Administration page or from the

Chapter 1
Build Reports and Dashboards with Analytics in Autonomous Data Warehouse

account details mailed to a new user. See Work with Oracle Machine Learning for
Data Access, Analysis, and Discovery for details on using the OML application.

Build Reports and Dashboards with Analytics in

Autonomous Data Warehouse
Working with Oracle Analytics Cloud
You can use Oracle Analytics Cloud with Autonomous Data Warehouse. Use Oracle
Analytics Cloud to select interactive visualizations and automatically create advanced
calculations to reveal the insights in your data.
For more information, see Using Oracle Analytics Cloud with Autonomous Data

Working with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop

You can use Oracle Data Visualization Desktop with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Just connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse, select the elements that you’re
interested in, and let Data Visualization Desktop find the best way to visualize it.
Choose from a variety of visualizations to look at data in a specific way.
For more information see Working with Data Visualization Desktop in Autonomous
Data Warehouse.

Use Sample Data Sets in Autonomous Data Warehouse

For users who want to start using the service without creating their own tables,
Autonomous Data Warehouse provides the read-only Sales History and Star Schema
Benchmark data sets.
These data sets are provided as Oracle Database schemas SH and SSB respectively.
Any user can query these data sets without any manual configuration.

Both SH and SSB are provided as schema-only users, so you cannot unlock
or drop those users or set a password. The storage of the sample data sets
does not count towards your database storage.

Sales History (SH) Schema

The SH schema provides a small data set you can use to run the sample queries in
the Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide. Note that you need to prefix the table
names with the schema name SH in your queries. For example, the following query
shows you how the SQL function RANK() works:

SELECT channel_desc, TO_CHAR(SUM(amount_sold), '9,999,999,999') SALES$,

RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold)) AS default_rank,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC NULLS LAST) AS custom_rank
FROM sh.sales, sh.products, sh.customers, sh.times, sh.channels,

Chapter 1
Security and Authentication in Autonomous Data Warehouse

WHERE sales.prod_id=products.prod_id AND sales.cust_id=customers.cust_id

AND customers.country_id = countries.country_id AND
AND sales.channel_id=channels.channel_id
AND times.calendar_month_desc IN ('2000-09', '2000-10')
AND country_iso_code='US'
GROUP BY channel_desc;

For more information on the SH schema see Sample Schemas and Schema

Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) Schema

The SSB schema provides a well-known large sample data set. The SSB schema in
the Autonomous Data Warehouse contains 1 TB of data. You can use this schema to
test the performance of your service. You can run the sample queries on this schema
with different database services, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW and with different number of
OCPUs to test the performance of different Autonomous Data Warehouse
The SSB schema contains the tables: lineorder, customer, supplier, part, and
dwdate. See Sample Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) Queries and Analytic Views for a
list of sample queries you can use against the SSB schema. Note that you need to
prefix the table names with the schema name SSB in your queries.

For more information on database services, see Predefined Database Service Names
for Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Security and Authentication in Autonomous Data

Autonomous Data Warehouse stores all data in encrypted format in the Oracle
Database. Only authenticated users and applications can access the data when they
connect to the database.
All connections to Autonomous Data Warehouse use certificate-based authentication
and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This ensures that there is no unauthorized access to
Autonomous Data Warehouse and that communications between the client and server
are fully encrypted and cannot be intercepted or altered.
Certificate based authentication uses an encrypted key stored in a wallet on both the
client (where the application is running) and the server (where your database service
on the Autonomous Data Warehouse is running). The key on the client must match the
key on the server to make a connection. A wallet contains a collection of files,
including the key and other information needed to connect to your database service in
the Autonomous Data Warehouse. For more information on connections to
Autonomous Data Warehouse see About Connecting to an Autonomous Data
Warehouse Instance.
You do not need to do any manual configuration to encrypt your data and the
connections to your database. These are implemented by Autonomous Data

Chapter 1
Quickstart Tutorials

Autonomous Data Warehouse uses strong password complexity rules for all users
based on Oracle Cloud security standards. For more information on the password
complexity rules see Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
You can further restrict connections by specifying a network Access Control List
(ACL). By specifying a network ACL a specific Autonomous Data Warehouse
database only accepts connections from addresses on the ACL and rejects all other
client connections. See Set Access Control List with Autonomous Data Warehouse for
more information.

Quickstart Tutorials
Provides links to the Autonomous Data Warehouse quickstart tutorials.

Quickstart Tutorial: Getting Started and Provisioning an Autonomous

This tutorial shows you how to log in to the Autonomous Data Warehouse console,
create an instance, and create a user.

Quickstart Tutorial – Getting Started and Provisioning an Autonomous Database

Quickstart Tutorial: Connecting SQL Developer to Autonomous Data

This tutorial shows you how to connect SQL Developer to a database in Autonomous
Data Warehouse.

Quickstart Tutorial – Connecting SQL Developer and Creating Tables

Quickstart Tutorial: Loading Your Data

This tutorial shows you how to load data from an Oracle Object Store into a database
in Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Quickstart Tutorial – Loading Your Data

Quickstart Tutorial: Running a Query on Sample Data

This tutorial shows you how to use SQL Developer to query tables in an Autonomous
Data Warehouse database.

Quickstart Tutorial – Running a Query on Sample Data

Chapter 1
Quickstart Tutorials

Quickstart Tutorials for Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous

Data Warehouse
These tutorials show you how to use Oracle Machine Learning with Autonomous Data

Quickstart Tutorial –Creating Projects and Workspaces in Oracle Machine


Quickstart Tutorial – Creating and Running Notebooks in Oracle Machine


Quickstart Tutorial – Collaborating in Oracle Machine Learning

Quickstart Tutorial – Creating a SQL Script in Oracle Machine Learning

Quickstart Tutorial – Running SQL Statements in Oracle Machine Learning

Connecting to Autonomous Data
Describes methods to securely connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• About Connecting to an Autonomous Data Warehouse Instance

• Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application
• Download Client Credentials (Wallets)
• Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools
• Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web
• JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets
• Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Connections and Wallets
• Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Connect with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop
• Connect with Oracle Analytics Cloud
• Connect Applications to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Connect with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect
• Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with Service Gateway
• Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with VCN Transit Routing
• Restrict Access Using a Network Access Control List
• Enable and Disable Application Continuity
• Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse

About Connecting to an Autonomous Data Warehouse

Applications and tools connect to an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance using
Oracle Net Services (also known as SQL*Net). Oracle Net Services enables a network
session from a client application to an Oracle Database server.
When a network session is established, Oracle Net Services acts as the data courier
for both the client application and the database. It is responsible for establishing and
maintaining the connection between the client application and the database, as well as
exchanging messages between them.
Oracle Net Services support a variety of connection types to the Autonomous Data
Warehouse, including:

Chapter 2
About Connecting to an Autonomous Data Warehouse Instance

• Oracle Call Interface (OCI), which is used by many applications written in C

language. Examples include Oracle utilities such as Oracle SQL*Plus,
SQL*Loader, and Oracle Data Pump.
• ODBC drivers, which can be used by applications running on Microsoft Windows,
are layered over Oracle Call Interface (OCI).
• JDBC OCI, which is used by Java language applications. JDBC OCI adds a layer
over Oracle Call Interface for Java applications. The Oracle SQLcl command-line
interface uses JDBC OCI.
• JDBC Thin Driver, also for Java applications, is a pure Java driver. Oracle SQL
Developer supports JDBC Thin Driver connections.
Third-party products and custom applications may use any of these connection types.

Secure Connections to Autonomous Data Warehouse

Connections to Autonomous Data Warehouse are made over the public Internet, and
all applications use a secure connection. If you are familiar with using an Oracle
Database within your own data center, you may not have previously used these
secure connections; next we describe the basic concepts of secure database
Many applications provide support for more than one connection type, but each type of
connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse uses certificate authentication and
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This ensures that there is no unauthorized access to the
Autonomous Data Warehouse and that communications between the client and server
are fully encrypted and cannot be intercepted or altered.
Certification authentication uses an encrypted key stored in a wallet on both the client
(where the application is running) and the server (where your database service on the
Autonomous Data Warehouse is running). The key on the client must match the key
on the server to make a connection. A wallet contains a collection of files, including the
key and other information needed to connect to your database service in the
Autonomous Data Warehouse. All communications between the client and the server
are encrypted.
The following figure shows client secure connections to Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Chapter 2
About Connecting to an Autonomous Data Warehouse Instance

Client Computer


Oracle Call
Interface (OCI) JDBC “Thin”


TCP/IP encrypted using

SSL over public Internet


Oracle Autonomous
Data Warehouse

Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse Through a Firewall

Most organizations protect networks and devices on a network using a firewall. A
firewall controls incoming and outgoing network traffic using rules which allow the use
of certain ports and access to certain computers (or, more specifically IP addresses or
host names). An important function of a firewall is to provide separation between
internal networks and the public internet.
Autonomous Data Warehouse is accessed using the public internet. To access the
Autonomous Data Warehouse from behind a firewall, the firewall must permit the use
of the port specified in the database connection when connecting to the servers in the
connection. The default port number for Autonomous Data Warehouse is 1522 (find
the port number in the connection string from the tnsnames.ora file in your
credentials ZIP file). For example, see the port value in the following
tnsnames.ora file:

my_adwc_high = (description = (


Chapter 2
Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application

OU=Oracle BMCS US,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Redwood

Your firewall must allow access to servers within the .oraclecloud.com domain using
port 1522. To connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse, depending upon your
organization's network configuration, you may need to use a proxy server to access
this port or you may need to request that your network administrator open this port.

Using Application Continuity

Application Continuity is a feature that enables the replay, in a non-disruptive and
rapid manner, of a request against the database after a recoverable error that makes
the database session unavailable so an outage appears to the user as no more than a
delayed execution of the request. With Application Continuity, Autonomous Data
Warehouse, the Oracle drivers, and the Oracle connection pools all collaborate to
mask many outages in a safe and reliable way.
You can change the failover type on Autonomous Data Warehouse using the
DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN procedures to enable or to disable Application Continuity. New
sessions use the new failover type from the time when you modify the current value.

By default Application Continuity is disabled.

See Overview of Application Continuity for more information on Application Continuity.

See Enable and Disable Application Continuity for information on enabling and
disabling Application Continuity in Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client

Autonomous Data Warehouse is preconfigured to support Oracle Net Services (a TNS
listener is installed and configured to use secure TCPS and client credentials).
The client computer must be prepared to use Oracle Net Services to connect to
Autonomous Data Warehouse.

• About Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application
• Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI Connections
• Prepare for JDBC Thin Connections
• Using Applications with Support for Wallets

Chapter 2
Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application

About Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client

Applications can connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse using any of the connection
types supported by Oracle Net Services.
Consult your application documentation for details about how your application
connects to Oracle. The following steps describe the process of connecting to
Autonomous Data Warehouse using a client application:
1. Determine what connection type your application uses, (for example OCI, ODBC,
JDBC Thin, and so on).
2. Prepare your client computer for the type of connection used by your application.
See the following sections.
3. Within your application, set up the connection.
The steps required to prepare the client computer depend on the type of connection
used by the client application. In all cases, client credentials in the form of the wallet
file must be downloaded to the client.

Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI
Preparing for any type of Oracle Call Interface(OCI) connection requires the
installation of client software, downloading client credentials, and configuring certain
files and environment variables.

New Oracle Client Installation

The following steps assume Oracle client software has not already been installed on
the client computer. If Oracle client software has already been installed and there are
working copies of sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora, see Updating an Existing Oracle
Client Installation.
Before making an Oracle Call Interface(OCI), ODBC, or JDBC OCI connection, do the
1. Install Oracle Client software on your computer. Use either the full Oracle
Database Client (or higher) or the Oracle Instant Client (or
higher). The Instant Client contains the minimal software needed to make an
Oracle Call Interface connection. The Instant Client (or higher) is
sufficient for most applications.
2. Download client credentials and store the file in a secure folder on your client
computer. See Download Client Credentials (Wallets).
3. Unzip/uncompress the credentials file into a secure folder on your client computer.
4. Edit the sqlnet.ora file in the folder where you unzip the credentials file,
replacing "?/network/admin" with the name of the folder containing the client

Chapter 2
Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application

For example, edit sqlnet.ora as follows:



To (UNIX/Linux example):



To (Windows example):



5. Create the TNS_ADMIN environment variable and set it to the location of the
credentials file.

Use this environment variable to change the directory path of Oracle Net
Services configuration files from the default location of ORACLE_HOME
\network\admin to the location of the secure folder containing the
credentials file you saved in Step 2. Set the TNS_ADMIN environment
variable to the directory where the unzipped credentials files are, not to
the credentials file itself.

Connections with an HTTP Proxy

If the client is behind a firewall and your network configuration requires an HTTP proxy
to connect to the internet, then perform the following steps to update the sqlnet.ora
and tnsnames.ora files.

Connections through an HTTP proxy are only available with Oracle Client
software version or later.

1. Add the following line to the sqlnet.ora file to enable connections through an
HTTP proxy:


2. Add the HTTP proxy hostname and port to the connection definitions in
tnsnames.ora. You need to add the https_proxy and https_proxy_port
parameters in the address section of connection definitions. For example, the

Chapter 2
Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application

following sets the HTTP proxy to proxyhostname and the HTTP proxy port to 80;
replace these values with your HTTP proxy information:

ADWC1_high =


OU=Oracle BMCS US,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Redwood

Configuring sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora for the HTTP proxy may not be
enough depending on your organization's network configuration and security
policies. For example, some networks require a username and password for
the HTTP proxy. In such cases contact your network administrator to open
outbound connections to hosts in the oraclecloud.com domain using port
1522 without going through an HTTP proxy.

For more information on SQLNET.USE_HTTPS_PROXY, see Net Services Reference.

For information on HTTPS_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY_PORT, see Net Services Reference.

Updating an Existing Oracle Client Installation

If you have an existing Oracle Client installation, you already have sqlnet.ora and
tnsnames.ora files and the TNS_ADMIN environment variable. In this case, do the
1. Update your sqlnet.ora file by adding the following:



2. Copy the entries in the tnsnames.ora file provided in the Autonomous Data
Warehouse wallet to your existing tnsnames.ora file.

Chapter 2
Connect Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Client Application

Prepare for JDBC Thin Connections

Applications that use JDBC Thin connections include the software necessary to make
an Oracle Net Services connection. It is not necessary to download and install Oracle
Client software.
Some applications use the JDK installed on your computer while others use a JDK that
is embedded in the application installation. If your application uses the JDK installed
on your computer and that JDK is version 8, 8u161 or later, no additional preparation
is required. If your computer does not have JDK version 8, 8u161 or later, already
installed then install the latest JDK first. You can download JDK version 8 from https://
If your application is using a JDK version 8, prior to 8u161, then the JCE Policy Files
must be updated within your application.
See JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets for the steps required to use JDBC Thin
connections to connect to an Oracle Database server.

Using Applications with Support for Wallets

Some applications allow you to choose a credentials file as part of the connection
For example, in SQL Developer 18.3 and higher, in the Connection Type field select
the value Cloud Wallet that allows you to enter a credentials file in the Configuration
File field. SQL Developer then presents a list of the available connections in the
Service field (the connections are included in the credentials files).
If your application provides support for wallets or provides specific support for an
Autonomous Data Warehouse connection, for example, Oracle SQL Developer,
Oracle recommends that you use that type of connection.

Chapter 2
Download Client Credentials (Wallets)

Download Client Credentials (Wallets)

Oracle client credentials (wallet files) are downloaded from Autonomous Data
Warehouse by a service administrator. If you are not an Autonomous Data Warehouse
administrator, your administrator should provide you with the client credentials.
To download client credentials, do the following from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
1. Navigate to the Autonomous Data Warehouse details page.
2. Click DB Connection.
3. On the Database Connection page click Download.
4. In the Download Wallet dialog, enter a wallet password in the Password field and
confirm the password in the Confirm Password field.
The password must be at least 8 characters long and must include at least 1
letter and either 1 numeric character or 1 special character.

This password protects the downloaded Client Credentials wallet. This
wallet is not the same as the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) wallet
for the database; therefore, use a different password to protect the Client
Credentials wallet.

5. Click Download to save the client security credentials zip file.

By default the filename is: Wallet_databasename.zip. You can save this file as
any filename you want.
You must protect this file to prevent unauthorized database access.
The zip file includes the following:
• tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora: Network configuration files storing connect
descriptors and SQL*Net client side configuration.
• cwallet.sso and ewallet.p12: Auto-open SSO wallet and PKCS12 file.
PKCS12 file is protected by the wallet password provided in the UI.
• keystore.jks and truststore.jks: Java keystore and truststore files. They
are protected by the wallet password provided while downloading the wallet.
• ojdbc.properties: Contains the wallet related connection property required for
JDBC connection. This should be in the same path as tnsnames.ora.

Chapter 2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools


• Wallet files, along with the Database user ID and password provide
access to data in your Autonomous Data Warehouse database. Store
wallet files in a secure location. Share wallet files only with authorized
users. If wallet files are transmitted in a way that might be accessed by
unauthorized users (for example, over public email), transmit the wallet
password separately and securely.
• For better security, Oracle recommends using restricted permissions on
wallet files. This means setting the file permissions to 600 on Linux/Unix.
Similar restrictions can be achieved on Windows by letting the file owner
have Read and Write permissions while all other users have no
• Autonomous Data Warehouse uses strong password complexity rules for
all users based on Oracle Cloud security standards. For more
information on the password complexity rules see Create Users with
Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle

Database Tools
Oracle Database Tools such as SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, and SQLcl can be used
with the Autonomous Data Warehouse.
The following sections provide step-by-step instructions for connecting to Autonomous
Data Warehouse using these tools.


• Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later)

• Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (earlier than Version 18.2)
• Connect with SQL*Plus
• Connect with Oracle SQLcl Cloud Connection

Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later)

Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies
the development and management of Oracle Database in both traditional and cloud
SQL Developer can connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse using an Oracle Wallet
and contains enhancements for key Autonomous Data Warehouse features. Oracle
SQL Developer provides support for wallet files using the Cloud Wallet Connection
Type (SQL Developer 18.2 shows this as Cloud PDB). Oracle recommends that you
use version 18.2 (or later); however, earlier versions of SQL Developer will work with
Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Chapter 2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools

Download the latest version of Oracle SQL Developer for your platform from the
Download link on this page: Oracle SQL Developer.
To create a new connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse, do the following:
Obtain your credentials to access Autonomous Data Warehouse. For more
information, see Download Client Credentials (Wallets).
1. Start Oracle SQL Developer and in the connections panel, right-click Connections
and select New Database Connection....

2. Choose the Connection Type Cloud Wallet.

Chapter 2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools

3. Enter the following information:

• Connection Name: Enter the name for this connection.
• Username: Enter the database username. You can either use the default
administrator database account (ADMIN) provided as part of the service or
create a new schema, and use it.
• Password: Enter the password for the database user.
• Connection Type: Select Cloud Wallet (with SQL Developer 18.2, this is
Cloud PDB)
• Configuration File : Click Browse, and select the client credentials zip file.
• Service: Enter the service name. The client credentials file provides the
service names.

Versions of SQL Developer before 18.2 require that you enter a
Keystore Password. For more information, see Connect with
Oracle SQL Developer (earlier than Version 18.2).

4. Click Connect to connect to the database.

Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (earlier than Version 18.2)

Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies
the development and management of Oracle Database in both traditional and cloud
SQL Developer versions after SQL Developer 17.4.1 (or later) can connect to
Autonomous Data Warehouse using an Oracle Wallet and this version contains
enhancements for key Autonomous Data Warehouse features. Oracle SQL Developer
and later provides support for wallet files using the Cloud PDB Connection Type.
Oracle recommends that you use version 18.2 (or later); however, earlier versions of
SQL Developer will work with Autonomous Data Warehouse.

To create a new connection to the Autonomous Data Warehouse, do the following:

Obtain your credentials to access Autonomous Data Warehouse. For more
information, see Download Client Credentials (Wallets).
1. Start Oracle SQL Developer and in the connections panel, right-click Connections
and select New Connection.

Chapter 2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools

2. Choose the Connection Type Cloud PDB.

3. Enter the following information:

Versions of SQL Developer starting with 18.2.0 do not require that you
enter a Keystore Password and do not provide this field. For more
information, see Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later).

• Connection Name: Enter the name for this connection.

Chapter 2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools

• Username: Enter the database username. You can either use the default
administrator database account (ADMIN) provided as part of the service or
create a new schema, and use it.
• Password: Enter the password for the database user.
• Connection Type: Select Cloud PDB.
• Configuration File : Click Browse, and select the client credentials zip file.
• Keystore Password: Enter the password generated while downloading the
client credentials from Autonomous Data Warehouse.
See Download Client Credentials (Wallets).
• Service: Enter the service name. The client credentials file provides the
service names.

Connect with SQL*Plus

SQL*Plus is a command-line interface used to enter SQL commands. SQL*Plus
connects to an Oracle database.
To install and configure the client and connect to the Autonomous Data Warehouse
using SQL*Plus, do the following:
1. Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC and JDBC OCI Connections. See
Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI Connections.
2. Connect using a database user, password, and database service name provided
in the tnsnames.ora file.
For example:
sqlplus sales_dwh@adwc1_low

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 3 15:09:53 2019


Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter password:
Last Successful login time: Wed Apr 03 2019 14:50:39 -07:00

Connected to:
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


The Oracle Wallet is transparent to SQL*Plus because the wallet
location is specified in the sqlnet.ora file. This is true for any Oracle
Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, or JDBC OCI connection.

Chapter 2
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools

Connect with Oracle SQLcl Cloud Connection

SQLcl is a command-line interface used to enter SQL commands. SQLcl connects to
connects to an Oracle database.
You can use SQLcl version 4.2 or later with Autonomous Data Warehouse. Download
SQLcl from oracle.com.
SQLcl can connect to the Autonomous Data Warehouse using either an Oracle Call
Interface (OCI) or a JDBC thin connection.
• If you use Oracle Call Interface (OCI), prepare for OCI, ODBC and JDBC OCI
Connections. See Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI
• If you use JDBC Thin, prepare for JDBC Thin Connections. See Prepare for JDBC
Thin Connections.
SQLcl with Oracle Call Interface
To connect using Oracle Call Interface, use the –oci option, supply the database user
name, a password, and the database service name provided in the tnsnames.ora
file. For example:

sql -oci

SQLcl: Release 18.4 Production on Wed Apr 03 15:28:40 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Username? (''?) sales_dwh@adwc1_low

Password? (**********?) **************
Last Successful login time: Wed Apr 03 2019 15:29:19 -07:00

Connected to:
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


When connecting using Oracle Call Interface, the Oracle Wallet is transparent to
SQLcl with a JDBC Thin Connection
To connect using a JDBC Thin connection, first configure the SQLcl cloud
configuration and then connect to the Autonomous Data Warehouse database.
1. Start SQLcl with the /nolog option.
sql /nolog
2. Configure the SQLcl session to use your Oracle Wallet:
SQL> set cloudconfig directory/client_credentials.zip
Wallet Password: **********
3. Connect to the Autonomous Data Warehouse database:

Chapter 2
Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web

SQL> connect username@servicename


For example:

sql /nolog

SQLcl: Release 18.4 Production on Thu Jan 24 11:29:41 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> set cloudconfig /home/adwc/wallet_ADWC1.zip

Wallet Password: **********

SQL> connect admin@adwc1_medium

For more information, on the connection types specified in tnsnames.ora, see

Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse.
For information on SQLcl, see Oracle SQLcl.

Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web

You can access SQL Developer Web, a browser-based interface of Oracle SQL
Developer, from Autonomous Data Warehouse. You can run SQL statements and
scripts in a worksheet and perform other tasks on your database with SQL Developer


• About SQL Developer Web

• Access SQL Developer Web as ADMIN
• Provide SQL Developer Web Access to Database Users

About SQL Developer Web

Oracle SQL Developer Web in Autonomous Data Warehouse provides a development
environment and a data modeler interface for Autonomous Data Warehouse.
The main features of SQL Developer Web are:
• Run SQL statements and scripts in the worksheet
• Export data
• Design Data Modeler diagrams using existing objects
SQL Developer Web is a browser-based interface of Oracle SQL Developer and
provides a subset of the features of the desktop version. See About Oracle SQL
Developer Web for more information.

Chapter 2
Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web

Access SQL Developer Web as ADMIN

SQL Developer Web is bundled with each Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
Oracle SQL Developer Web runs in Oracle REST Data Services and access is
provided through schema-based authentication. To use Oracle SQL Developer Web,
you must sign in as a database user whose schema is enabled for SQL Developer
Web. By default the ADMIN user is enabled to access SQL Developer Web. See
Provide SQL Developer Web Access to Database Users to enable another database
user's schema to access SQL Developer Web.
To access SQL Developer Web:
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the instance details page click Service Console.
2. Click Development.
3. Click SQL Developer Web.

Chapter 2
Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web

4. In the SQL Developer Web Sign in page, enter your Username and Password.
5. Click Sign in.
This shows the SQL Developer Worksheet tab.

Provide SQL Developer Web Access to Database Users

The ADMIN user can provide access to SQL Developer Web to other database users.
Database users, who are not service administrators, do not have access to the
Autonomous Database service console. The ADMIN user provides access to SQL
Developer Web by enabling access for a user and providing a URL to access SQL
Developer Web.
See Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse for information on adding
database users.
To enable schema access to SQL Developer Web:
1. Run the following code as the ADMIN user:


Chapter 2
Connect with Built-in SQL Developer Web

p_enabled => TRUE,

p_schema => 'schema-name',
p_url_mapping_type => 'BASE_PATH',
p_url_mapping_pattern => 'schema-alias',
p_auto_rest_auth => TRUE

• schema-name is the database schema name in all-uppercase.
• schema-alias is an alias for the schema name to use in the URL to access
SQL Developer Web.
• p_auto_rest_auth specifies the REST /metadata-catalog/ endpoint requires
authorization. REST uses the metadata-catalog to get a list of published
services on the schema. Set this parameter to TRUE.

Oracle recommends that you use the schema-allias and do not use the
schema name itself to access SQL Developer Web, as described in the
following step, as a security measure to keep the schema name from
being exposed.

2. After enabling user access for the specified schema, the ADMIN provides a user
with the URL to access SQL Developer Web, as follows:
a. Select the Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
b. On the instance details page click Service Console.
c. Click Development.
d. Right-click SQL Developer Web and choose Copy URL.
The copied URL is the same as the URL the ADMIN enters to access SQL
Developer Web. For example:


e. To provide a user with access to SQL Developer Web you need to edit the
copied URL to use the alias for the schema specified with the parameter
p_url_mapping_pattern in step 1.
For a user to access SQL Developer Web the part of the copied URL with
"admin" is replaced with the "schema-alias".
For example, after editing you would provide this URL for the user to login:


3. Provide the user with the modified URL.

Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

To access SQL Developer Web a user pastes the URL into their browser and then
enters the schema's Username and Password in the Sign-in dialog.

JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

Autonomous Data Warehouse mandates a secure connection that uses Transport
Layer Security (TLSv1.2). Java applications that use JDBC Thin driver require either
Oracle Wallet or Java KeyStore (JKS). The wallet and keystore files are included in the
client credentials .zip file that is available by clicking DB Connection on the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure console.


• JDBC Thin Driver Connection Prerequisites

• Using a JDBC URL Connection String with JDBC Thin Driver
• Using a JDBC Connection with 18.3 JDBC Driver
• Connecting Using JDBC Thin Driver 12.2 or Older
• JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy

JDBC Thin Driver Connection Prerequisites

Applications that use JDBC Thin driver require the Oracle database credentials
including the Oracle wallets or Java KeyStore (JKS) files when connecting to an
Autonomous Data Warehouse database.
Perform the following steps before connecting to an Autonomous Data Warehouse
1. Provision Autonomous Data Warehouse: Create an Autonomous Data
Warehouse database and obtain your database credentials (username and
2. Download Client Credentials: Unzip the wallet_databasename.zip to a
secure location. Make sure that only authorized users have access to these files.
See Download Client Credentials (Wallets) for information on downloading client
credentials for Autonomous Data Warehouse.
3. Verify your JDK version for security: If you are using JDK11, JDK10, or JDK9
then you don’t need to do anything for this step. If your JDK version is less than
JDK8u162 then you need to download the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction
Policy Files. Refer to the README file for installation notes. Download the JCE files
from Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy
Files 8 Download.
4. Check JDBC Driver Version: Download the latest 18.3 JDBC Thin driver
(ojdbc8.jar and ucp.jar) from Oracle Database 18c (18.3) JDBC Driver &
UCP Downloads. Use the latest 18.3 JDBC driver, or newer, to take advantage of
recent enhancements that simplify connections and provide easy steps for
configuration. You also need the additional jars: oraclepki.jar,
osdt_core.jar, and osdt_cert.jar for use with Oracle wallets.

Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

Using a JDBC URL Connection String with JDBC Thin Driver

The connection string is found in the file tnsnames.ora which is part of the client
credentials download. The tnsnames.ora file contains the predefined services
identifiable as high, medium, and low. Each service has its own TNS alias and
connection string.
See Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Data Warehouse for more
A sample entry, with dbname_high as the TNS alias and a connection string in
tnsnames.ora follows:

dbname_high= (description=
US,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Redwood City,ST=California,C=US")))

Set the location of tnsnames.ora with the property TNS_ADMIN in one of the following
• As part of the connection string (only with the 18.3 or newer JDBC driver)
• As a system property, -Doracle.net.tns_admin
• As a connection property (OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TNS_ADMIN)
Using the 18.3 JDBC driver, the connection string includes the TNS alias and the
TNS_ADMIN connection property.

Sample connection string using 18.3 JDBC driver (Linux):


Sample connection string using 18.3 JDBC driver (Windows):


The TNS_ADMIN connection property specifies the following:

• The location of tnsnames.ora.

• The location of Oracle Wallet (ewallet.sso, ewallet.p12) or Java KeyStore
(JKS) files (truststore.jks, keystore.jks).
• The location of ojdbc.properties. This file contains the connection properties
required to use Oracle Wallets or Java KeyStore (JKS).

Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

If you are using or older JDBC drivers, then the connection string
contains only the TNS alias. To connect using older JDBC drivers:
• Set the location of the tnsnames.ora, either as a system property with
-Doracle.net.tns_admin or as a connection property
• Set the wallet or JKS related connection properties in addition to
For example, in this case you set the TNS alias in the DB_URL without the
TNS_ADMIN part as:


Using a JDBC Connection with 18.3 JDBC Driver

Applications that use JDBC Thin driver can either use Oracle Wallets or Java
KeyStore (JKS) to connect to an Autonomous Data Warehouse database.

Using Oracle Wallet

If you choose to use the Oracle Wallet for Java connectivity to Autonomous Data
Warehouse using the 18.3 JDBC Thin Driver, do the following:
1. Make sure that the prerequisites are met: See JDBC Thin Driver Connection
Prerequisites for more information.
2. Verify the connection: You can either use a Java program, a servlet, or IDEs to
verify the connection to the Autonomous Data Warehouse database. A simple test
is to download DataSourceSample.java or UCPSample.java from JDBC code
samples and update the connection URL to have the required TNS alias and pass
TNS_ADMIN, providing the path for tnsnames.ora and the wallet files. Also,
update the database username and password. For example:


3. Set the wallet location: The properties file ojdbc.properties is pre-loaded

with the wallet related connection property.


You do not modify the file ojdbc.properties. The value of TNS_ADMIN
determines the wallet location.

Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

4. Compile and Run: Compile and run the sample to get a successful connection.
Make sure you have oraclepki.jar , osdt_core.jar, and osdt_cert.jar, in the
classpath. For example:

java –classpath
osdt_core.jar:./lib/osdt_cert.jar:. UCPSample

The auto-login wallet part of Autonomous Data Warehouse downloaded
client credentials zip file removes the need for your application to use
username/password authentication.

Using Java KeyStore

Follow these steps to connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse using Java KeyStore
(JKS) and the 18.3 JDBC Thin Driver:
1. Make sure that the prerequisites are met: See JDBC Thin Driver Connection
Prerequisites for more information.
2. Ready the database details: You can either use a Java program, a servlet, or
IDEs to check the connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse database. A simple
test is to download DataSourceSample.java or UCPSample.java from JDBC code
samples. In this sample, use the connection URL as shown below. Note that the
connection DB_URL contains the TNS alias, for example, dbname_high present in
tnsnames.ora. You can provide the path for tnsnames.ora file through
TNS_ADMIN property as shown in the URL. Make sure to use the database
username and password related to your Autonomous Data Warehouse database.


3. Set JKS related connection properties: Add the JKS related connection
properties to ojdbc.properties file. The keyStore and truststore password are
the password specified when you're downloading the client credentials .zip file
from the Autonomous Data Warehouse service console.
To use SSL connectivity instead of Oracle Wallet, specify the keystore and
truststore files and their respective password in the ojdbc.properties file as

# Properties for using Java KeyStore (JKS)


Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

Make sure to comment the wallet related property in
ojdbc.properties. For example:

# Property for using Oracle Wallets

# oracle.net.wallet_location=(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)

4. Compile and Run: Compile and run the sample to get a successful connection.
For example:

java –classpath ./lib/ojdbc8.jar:./lib/ucp.jar UCPSample

Connecting Using JDBC Thin Driver 12.2 or Older

If you are using the JDBC driver or older, set the Java properties prior to
starting the application. Usually you set the properties in the application's startup
If you are not able to use the latest 18.3 JDBC drivers, then you can connect to
Autonomous Data Warehouse using or other older JDBC drivers. The 12.2 or
older JDBC drivers do not support the ojdbc.properties file. With older JDBC
driver versions, you need to pass wallets or JKS related properties either as system
properties or as connection properties to establish a connection.

Using Oracle Wallet

If you choose to use the Oracle Wallet for Java connectivity to Autonomous Data
Warehouse using 12.2 or older JDBC Drivers, do the following:
1. Make sure that the prerequisites are met: See JDBC Thin Driver Connection
Prerequisites for more information.
2. Verify the connection: You can either use a Java program, a servlet, or IDEs to
verify the connection to the Autonomous Data Warehouse database. A simple test
is to download DataSourceSample.java or UCPSample.java from JDBC code
samples and update the connection URL to have the required TNS alias. Also,
update the database username and password. For example:


3. Set the wallet location: Add the OraclePKIProvider at the end of the provider list
in the file java.security (this file is part of your JRE install located
at $JRE_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security) which typically looks


4. Compile and Run: Compile and run the sample to get a successful connection.
Make sure to have oraclepki.jar , osdt_core.jar, and osdt_cert.jar, in the

Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

classpath. Also, you need to pass the connection properties. Update the
properties with the location where tnsnames.ora and wallet files are located.

java –classpath
-Doracle.net.ssl_version=1.2 (Not required for 12.2)
-Doracle.net.wallet_location= “(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)

These are Windows system examples. Add a \ continuation character if you
are setting –D properties on multiple lines on UNIX ( Linux or a Mac).

Using Java KeyStore

Follow these steps to connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse using Java KeyStore
(JKS) and the 12.2 or older JDBC Thin Driver.
1. Make sure that the prerequisites are met: See JDBC Thin Driver Connection
Prerequisites for more information.
2. Verify the connection: You can either use a Java program, a servlet, or IDEs to
verify the connection to the Autonomous Data Warehouse database. A simple test
is to download DataSourceSample.java or UCPSample.java from JDBC code
samples and update the connection URL to have the required TNS alias and pass
TNS_ADMIN, providing the path for tnsnames.ora and update the connection URL
to have the required TNS alias. Also, update the database username and
password. For example:


3. Compile and Run: Compile and run the sample to get a successful connection.
You need to pass the connection properties as shown below. Update the
properties with the location where tnsnames.ora and JKS files are placed. If
you want to pass these connection properties programmatically then refer to
DataSourceForJKS.java. For example:

-Doracle.net.ssl_version=1.2 // Not required for 12.2

Chapter 2
JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets

JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy

If the client is behind a firewall and your network configuration requires an HTTP proxy
to connect to the internet, you need to use the JDBC Thin Client 18.1 or higher which
enables connections through HTTP proxies.
To connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse through an HTTPS proxy, open and
update your tnsnames.ora file. Add the HTTP proxy hostname(https_proxy) and port
(https_proxy_port) to the connection string. Replace the values with your HTTPS proxy
information. For example:
1. Add the HTTP proxy hostname and port to the connection definitions in
tnsnames.ora. You need to add the https_proxy and https_proxy_port
parameters in the address section of connection definitions. For example, the
following sets the HTTP proxy to proxyhostname and the HTTP proxy port to 80;
replace these values with your HTTP proxy information:

ADWC1_high =

(security=(ssl_server_cert_dn="adw.example.oraclecloud.com,OU=Oracle BMCS
US,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Redwood City,ST=California,C=US")


• JDBC Thin client versions earlier than 18.1 do not support connections
through HTTP proxy.
• Successful connection depends on specific proxy configurations and the
performance of data transfers would depend on proxy capacity. Oracle
does not recommend using this feature in Production environments
where performance is critical.
• Configuring tnsnames.ora for the HTTP proxy may not be enough
depending on your organization's network configuration and security
policies. For example, some networks require a username and password
for the HTTP proxy.
• In all cases, contact your network administrator to open outbound
connections to hosts in the oraclecloud.com domain using the relevant
port without going through an HTTP proxy.

Chapter 2
Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Connections and Wallets

Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Connections and Wallets

Oracle Net Services can find the location of the Autonomous Data Warehouse wallet
using the WALLET_LOCATION parameter in the sqlnet.ora file.

When WALLET_LOCATION is used, Oracle Net Services automatically uses the wallet.
The wallet is used transparently to the application. See Prepare for Oracle Call
Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI Connections for information on setting

See Download Client Credentials (Wallets) for information on downloading client

credentials for Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Data

The tnsnames.ora file provided with the credentials zip file contains three database
service names identifiable as high, medium, and low. The predefined service names
provide different levels of performance and concurrency for Autonomous Data
• high: The High database service provides the highest level of resources to each
SQL statement resulting in the highest performance, but supports the fewest
number of concurrent SQL statements. Any SQL statement in this service can use
all the CPU and IO resources in your database. The number of concurrent SQL
statements that can be run in this service is 3, this number is independent of the
number of CPUs in your database.
• medium: The Medium database service provides a lower level of resources to
each SQL statement potentially resulting a lower level of performance, but
supports more concurrent SQL statements. Any SQL statement in this service can
use multiple CPU and IO resources in your database. The number of concurrent
SQL statements that can be run in this service depends on the number of CPUs in
your database and scales linearly with the number of CPUs.
• low: The Low database service provides the least level of resources to each SQL
statement, but supports the most number of concurrent SQL statements. Any SQL
statement in this service can use a single CPU and multiple IO resources in your
database. The number of concurrent SQL statements that can be run in this
service can be up to 100 times the number of CPUs.
Sessions in these services may get disconnected if they stay idle for more than five (5)
minutes and other users' sessions require the resources consumed by the idle
session. This allows resources to be freed for other active users in your database.
The following table shows sample values for a database with 16 OCPUs.

Database Service Name Number of Concurrent Queries

high 3
medium 20
low Up to 100 times the number of CPUs

Chapter 2
Connect with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop

Choose whichever database service offers the best balance of performance and

When connecting for replication purposes, use the low database service
name. For example use this service with Oracle GoldenGate connections.

Connect with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop

Oracle Data Visualization Desktop makes it easy to visualize your data so you can
focus on exploring interesting data patterns. Just connect to Autonomous Data
Warehouse, select the elements that you’re interested in, and let Data Visualization
Desktop find the best way to visualize it. Choose from a variety of visualizations to look
at data in a specific way.
For details on connecting Autonomous Data Warehouse with Data Visualization
Desktop, see User’s Guide for Oracle Data Visualization Desktop.

Connect with Oracle Analytics Cloud

Oracle Analytics Cloud is a scalable and secure public cloud service that provides a
full set of capabilities to explore and perform collaborative analytics for you, your
workgroup, and your enterprise.
For details for connecting Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle Analytics Cloud,
see Visualizing Data and Building Reports in Oracle Analytics Cloud.

Connect Applications to Autonomous Data Warehouse

Developers can use standard tools to connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• Connect with Microsoft .NET and Visual Studio

• Connect with JDBC Thin Driver and UCP
• Connect with Python, Node.js, and other Scripting Languages

Connect with Microsoft .NET and Visual Studio

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse supports connectivity to the Microsoft .NET
Framework and Visual Studio.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Unmanaged Driver and Oracle Data Provider for .NET,
Managed Driver provide run-time ADO.NET data access to the database service.
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio support design-time support for the database
service. Oracle Providers for ASP.NET can store web application state using the

Chapter 2
Connect Applications to Autonomous Data Warehouse

These software components are bundled together in a single software installation

called Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for Windows and are available as a
free download.
Oracle recommends using the latest ODAC version with Autonomous Data
Set-up Instructions
Click the following link for instructions on how to download, install, and configure
ODAC for use with Autonomous Data Warehouse: Developing .NET Applications for
Oracle Autonomous Database.

Connect with JDBC Thin Driver and UCP

You can use programs with JDBC Thin driver and Universal Connection Pool (UCP) to
connect to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.
See JDBC Thin Connections and Wallets for more information.

Connect with Python, Node.js, and other Scripting Languages

You can use programs in different languages, including Python, Node.js, PHP, Ruby,
R, Go, and Perl to connect to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. Security is
enforced using client credentials.
These scripting languages have database access APIs or drivers that use the Oracle
Call Interface libraries. The Oracle Call Interface libraries can be either from the full
Oracle Client or from Oracle Instant Client.

Install the Language Driver and Client Libraries

To connect to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse from your scripting language, first
install the language driver and client libraries as follows:
1. Install Instant Client or the Full Client. The minimum version supported for the Full
Client is Version; for the Oracle Instant Client use version or
The Instant Client works well for most applications. To install the Instant Client do
the following:
a. Select your desired architecture from the Instant Client Downloads page and
download a Basic Package (available on the download page): Oracle Instant
Alternatively download the Basic Light Package from the download page for
your desired architecture if the Basic Light globalization limitations suit your
b. If you are building a language API or driver from source code, you may also
need to download the Instant Client SDK: Oracle Instant Client
c. Unzip the base package you selected. For example unzip to C:
\instantclient_12_2 or /home/myuser/instantclient_18_5. If you also
download the SDK, unzip it in the same directory.
d. On Windows, add the path to the PATH variable in the "System variables"
section of the Environment Variables pane (for example add C:

Chapter 2
Connect Applications to Autonomous Data Warehouse

\instantclient_12_2). On Windows 8 access the PATH variable setting area

by navigating to Control Panel>System>Advanced System
Settings>Environment Variables. If you have multiple versions of Oracle
libraries installed make sure the new directory occurs first in the path.
e. On non-Windows platforms, create a symbolic link if it does not exist. For

cd /home/myuser/instantclient_18_5
ln -s libclntsh.so.18.1 libclntsh.so

If there is no other Oracle software on your system that will be impacted, add
Instant Client to the runtime link path. For example:

sudo sh -c "echo /home/myuser/instantclient_18_5 > /etc/

sudo ldconfig

Alternatively set the library path in each shell that runs your application. For

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/myuser/

The Linux Instant Client download files are available as .zip files
or .rpm files. You can use either version.

2. Install the relevant language driver for Oracle Database:

• Python: To install cx_Oracle for Python, use the instructions on the following
page: cx_Oracle Installation.
• Node.js : To install node-oracledb for Node.js,, use the instructions on the
following page: Installing node-oracledb.
• ROracle: To install ROracle for R, use the instructions on the following page:
• PHP: To install PHP OCI8 for PHP, use the instructions on the following page:
Configuring PHP with OCI8.
Windows DLLs are available on http://php.net/downloads.php and are also
available from PECL oci8.
• PHP PDO_OCI: To install PHP PDO_OCI for PHP, use the instructions on the
following page: Oracle Functions (PDO_OCI).
Windows DLLs are available on http://php.net/downloads.php included in PHP.
• Ruby: To install ruby-oci8 for Ruby, use the instructions on the following page:
Install for Oracle Instant Client
• DBD for Perl: To install DBD::Oracle for Perl, set ORACLE_HOME and your
library search path such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH to the Instant Client

Chapter 2
Connect Applications to Autonomous Data Warehouse

directory and use the instructions on the following page: Installing DBD-

Enable Oracle Network Connectivity and Obtain the Security Credentials (Oracle
1. Obtain client security credentials to connect to an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance. You obtain a zip file containing client security credentials and network
configuration settings required to access your Autonomous Data Warehouse
database. You must protect this file and its contents to prevent unauthorized
database access. Obtain the client security credentials file as follows:
• ADMIN user: Click DB Connection. See Download Client Credentials
• Other user (non-administrator): Obtain the Oracle Wallet from the
administrator for your Autonomous Data Warehouse.
2. Extract the client credentials (wallet) files:
a. Unzip the client credentials zip file.
b. If you are using Instant Client, make a network/admin subdirectory
hierarchy under the Instant Client directory if necessary. Then move the files
to this subdirectory. For example depending on the architecture or your client
system and where you installed Instant Client, the files should be in the






• If you are using a full Oracle Client move the file to $ORACLE_HOME/
c. Alternatively, put the unzipped wallet files in a secure directory and set the
TNS_ADMIN environment variable to that directory name.

From the zip file, only these files are required: tnsnames.ora,
sqlnet.ora, cwallet.sso, and ewallet.p12.

3. If you are behind a proxy follow the steps in “Connections with an HTTP Proxy”, in
Prepare for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), ODBC, and JDBC OCI Connections.

Chapter 2
Connect with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect

Run Your Application

1. Update your application to connect using your database username, your
password, and the Oracle Net connect name given in the unzipped
tnsnames.ora file. For example, user, adwc_user, password, and adwc_low as
the connect string.
2. Alternatively, change the connect string in tnsnames.ora to match the string
used by your application.
3. Run your application.

Connect with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect provides an easy way for you to connect your
on-premises network to Autonomous Data Warehouse using FastConnect Public
Peering. FastConnect provides higher-bandwidth options, and a more reliable and
consistent networking experience compared to internet-based connections.
Use FastConnect to access public services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure without
using the internet, for example, access to Object Storage, or the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console and APIs. Without FastConnect, the traffic destined for public IP
addresses would be routed over the internet. With FastConnect, that traffic goes over
your private physical connection.
For details for connecting Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure FastConnect see FastConnect Overview

Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with Service Gateway

Autonomous Data Warehouse supports private access from Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources in a VCN through a service gateway.
A service gateway allows connectivity to Autonomous Data Warehouse from private IP
addresses in private subnets without requiring a NAT Gateway in your VCN. After a
service gateway is configured, there are no special steps required to connect to
Autonomous Data Warehouse. Use the same connection steps as described in this
chapter, depending on your application type or the client tool you are using to connect
to the database.
After a service gateway is configured, there are no special steps required to access
Oracle Application Express or SQL Developer Web, or to consume RESTful services
published in Oracle REST Data Services.
See Access to Oracle Services: Service Gateway for details.

Chapter 2
Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with VCN Transit Routing

Access Autonomous Data Warehouse with VCN Transit

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure supports private access from your on-premises network to
an Autonomous Data Warehouse database with virtual cloud network (VCN) Transit
Transit routing refers to a network setup in which your on-premises network uses a
connected virtual cloud network (VCN), through a service gateway on the VCN for
connectivity to an Autonomous Data Warehouse database. You connect the on-
premises network to the VCN with FastConnect or VPN Connect, and then configure
the VCN routing so that traffic transits through the VCN to an Autonomous Data
Warehouse database beyond the VCN.
After transit routing is configured, there are no special steps required to access Oracle
Application Express or SQL Developer Web, or to consume RESTful services
published in Oracle REST Data Services.
See Transit Routing: Private Access to Oracle Services for more details and options
availble with Transit Routing.
See VPN Connect for more information on VPN Connect.

Restrict Access Using a Network Access Control List

Autonomous Data Warehouse supports restricted access using a network Access
Control List (ACL).
Using an ACL a specific Autonomous Data Warehouse database only accepts
connections from addresses specified on the ACL and rejects all other client
connections. By default, when there are no network ACLs specified the database is
accessible from any IP address.
See Set Access Control List with Autonomous Data Warehouse for details.

Enable and Disable Application Continuity

Change the failover type on Autonomous Data Warehouse using the
DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN procedures to enable or to disable Application Continuity. New
sessions use the new failover type from the time when you modify the current value.
Application Continuity masks outages from end users and applications by recovering
the in-flight work for impacted database sessions following outages. Application
Continuity performs this recovery beneath the application so that the outage appears
to the application as a slightly delayed execution.
See Overview of Application Continuity for more information on Application Continuity.
Enabling Application Continuity requires Oracle Client software version 18.3 (or
Application Continuity is enabled on a per database service level. You supply a value
for the service_name. You can obtain the value for the service_name parameter to

Chapter 2
Enable and Disable Application Continuity

supply when you enable or disable Application Continuity using one of these two
• Look in the tnsnames.ora file in wallet.zip file you use to connect to your
service. For example:


• Use a command similar to the following on your database and identify the service
where you want to enable or disable Application Continuity:

SELECT name, failover_restore, drain_timeout FROM v$services;

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------
nvthp2ht_adb1_low.adwc.oraclecloud.com NONE 0
nvthp2ht_adb1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com NONE 0
nvthp2ht_adb1_medium.adwc.oraclecloud.com NONE 0

By default Application Continuity is disabled.

1. Use DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.ENABLE_APP_CONT to enable Application Continuity.

For example, to enable Application Continuity for the service named
nvthp2ht_adb1_high in Autonomous Data Warehouse, run the following:

service_name => 'nvthp2ht_adb1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com'

2. Use DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.DISABLE_APP_CONT to disable Application Continuity.

If you enabled Application Continuity in the service named nvthp2ht_adb1_high
and want to disable Application Continuity for this service, run the following:

service_name => 'nvthp2ht_adb1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com'

See ENABLE_APP_CONT Procedure for more information on


See DISABLE_APP_CONT Procedure for more information on


Chapter 2
Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse

You can create database links to Oracle databases that are accessible from an
Autonomous Data Warehouse database.


• Create Database Links

• Drop Database Links

Create Database Links

Use DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK to create database links.

To use database links with Autonomous Data Warehouse the target database must be
configured to use TCP/IP with SSL (TCPS) authentication. Autonomous Databases
use TCP/IP with SSL (TCPS) authentication by default, so you do not need to do any
additional configuration in your target database for an Autonomous Transaction
Processing or Autonomous Data Warehouse database. Other databases must be
configured to use TCP/IP with SSL (TCPS) authentication. See Configuring Secure
Sockets Layer Authentication for more information.
To ensure security, the database link port is restricted to the range 1521-1525. You
specify the target database port when you create a database link with

To use database links the target database must be accessible. Some databases,
including Autonomous Databases may limit access, for example using Access Control
Lists. If access to the target database is limited and does not include the database
where you are creating the database link, this would prevent using database links with
those target databases. See Set Access Control List with Autonomous Data
Warehouse for more information.
To create database links to a target database do the following:
1. Copy your target database wallet, cwallet.sso, containing the certificates for
the target database to Object Store.

The wallet file, along with the Database user ID and password provide
access to data in the target Oracle database. Store wallet files in a
secure location. Share wallet files only with authorized users.

2. Create credentials to access your Object Store where you store the cwallet.sso.
See CREATE_CREDENTIAL Procedure for information about the username and
password parameters for different object storage services.
3. Upload the target database wallet to the data_pump_dir directory, or to another
directory where you have write privileges, using DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT.

Chapter 2
Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse

For example:

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR');

The credential_name you use in this step is the credentials for the
Object Store. In the next step create the credentials to access the target

4. On Autonomous Data Warehouse create credentials to access the target

database. The username and password you specify with
DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL are the credentials for the target database that
you use to create the database link.

Supplying the credential_name parameter is optional if you use the
same credentials on the target database. If credential_name is not
supplied in the following step, or is supplied with a NULL value, the
database link is created using the connected user credentials (the link is
created and uses the credentials, username and password, of the user
who is accessing the link).

For example:

credential_name => 'DB_LINK_CRED',
username => 'NICK',
password => 'password'

The characters in the username parameter must be all uppercase letters.

This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted format. You
can use any name for the credential name.
5. Create the database link to the target database using

Chapter 2
Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse

For example:

db_link_name => 'SALESLINK',
hostname => 'adb.eu-frankfurt-1.oraclecloud.com',
port => '1522',
service_name => 'example_medium.adwc.example.oraclecloud.com',
ssl_server_cert_dn =>
'CN=adwc.example.oraclecloud.com,OU=Oracle BMCS FRANKFURT,O=Oracle
Corporation,L=Redwood City,ST=California,C=US',
credential_name => 'DB_LINK_CRED',
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR');

Users other than ADMIN require privileges to run

Procedure for more information.
6. Use the database link you created to access data on the target database.
For example:


Notes for database links:

• Only one wallet file is valid per directory for use with database links. You can only
upload one cwallet.sso at a time to the DATA_PUMP_DIR directory. This means
with a cwallet.sso in DATA_PUMP_DIR you can only create database links to the
databases for which the wallet is valid. To use multiple cwallet.sso files with
database links you need to create additional directories and put each
cwallet.sso in a different directory. When you create database links with
DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK, specify the directory that contains the
wallet with the directory_name parameter. See Create Directory in Autonomous
Database for information on creating directories.
• The DATA_PUMP_DIR is the only available predefined directory for uploading the
target database wallet with DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT. You can specify a different
directory as the directory argument if you previously created the directory and you
have write privileges on the directory. See Create Directory in Autonomous
Database for information on creating directories.
• Supported target database versions are: 19c, 18c, 12.2.0, 12.1.0, and 11.2.0.

For complete information on supported versions, see Client Server
Interoperability Support Matrix for Different Oracle Versions (Doc ID

• To list the database links accessible to the connected user, use the ALL_DB_LINKS
view. See ALL_DB_LINKS for more information.

Chapter 2
Using Database Links with Autonomous Data Warehouse

For additional information, see:

• GET_OBJECT Procedure

Drop Database Links

After you create a database link you can drop the database link.
1. Drop a database link to a target database using
For example:

db_link_name => 'SALESLINK' );

See DROP_DATABASE_LINK Procedure for detailed information about the


Loading Data with Autonomous Data
Describes packages and tools to load data with Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• About Data Loading

• Load Data from Files in the Cloud
• Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Use Oracle GoldenGate to Replicate Data to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Load Data from Local Files Using SQL*Loader
• Managing DML Performance and Compression

About Data Loading

You load data into Autonomous Data Warehouse using Oracle Database tools, and
Oracle or other 3rd party data integration tools.
In general you load data from files local to your client computer or from files stored in a
cloud-based object store. For data loading from files in the cloud, Autonomous Data
Warehouse provides a new PL/SQL package, DBMS_CLOUD.

For the fastest data loading experience Oracle recommends uploading the source files
to a cloud-based object store, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage,
before loading the data into your Autonomous Data Warehouse. Oracle provides
support for loading files that are located locally in your data center, but when using this
method of data loading you should factor in the transmission speeds across the
Internet which may be significantly slower.
For more information on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, see Putting Data
into Object Storage and Overview of Object Storage.
For a tutorial on data loading using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, see
Loading Your Data.

If you are not using ADMIN user, ensure the user has the necessary privileges
for the operations the user needs to perform. See Manage User Privileges
with Autonomous Data Warehouse for more information.

Chapter 3
Load Data from Files in the Cloud

Load Data from Files in the Cloud

The PL/SQL package DBMS_CLOUD provides support for loading data from text, Parquet,
and Avro files in the Cloud to your tables in Autonomous Data Warehouse.
The package DBMS_CLOUD supports loading from files in the following cloud services:
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object
Storage Classic, Azure Blob Storage, and Amazon S3.


• Load Data - Create Credentials and Copy Data into an Existing Table
• Load Data – Monitor and Troubleshoot Loads
• Load Data – List Credentials
• Load Data – Delete Credentials

Load Data - Create Credentials and Copy Data into an Existing Table
For data loading from files in the Cloud, you need to first store your object storage
credentials in your Autonomous Data Warehouse and then use the procedure
DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA to load data.

The source file in this example, channels.txt, has the following data:
S,Direct Sales,Direct
T,Tele Sales,Direct

1. Store your object store credentials using the procedure



credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted format. You
can use any name for the credential name. Note that this step is required only
once unless your object store credentials change. Once you store the credentials
you can then use the same credential name for all data loads.
For detailed information about the parameters, see CREATE_CREDENTIAL

Chapter 3
Load Data from Files in the Cloud

Some tools like SQL*Plus and SQL Developer use the ampersand
character (&) as a special character. If you have the ampersand
character in your password use the SET DEFINE OFF command in those
tools as shown in the example to disable the special character and get
the credential created properly.

2. Load data into an existing table using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA. For


(channel_id CHAR(1),
channel_desc VARCHAR2(20),
channel_class VARCHAR2(20)

table_name =>'CHANNELS',
credential_name =>'DEF_CRED_NAME',
file_uri_list =>'https://objectstorage.us-
format => json_object('delimiter' value ',')

The parameters are:

• table_name: is the target table’s name.
• credential_name: is the name of the credential created in the previous step.
• file_uri_list: is a comma delimited list of the source files you want to load.
• format: defines the options you can specify to describe the format of the
source file, including whether the file is of type text, Parquet, or Avro.
For detailed information about the parameters, see COPY_DATA Procedure and
COPY_DATA Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files.

Load Data – Monitor and Troubleshoot Loads

All data load operations done using the PL/SQL package DBMS_CLOUD are logged in the
tables dba_load_operations and user_load_operations:

• dba_load_operations: shows all load operations.

• user_load_operations: shows the load operations in your schema.

Chapter 3
Load Data from Files in the Cloud

Query these tables to see information about ongoing and completed data loads. For

SELECT table_name, owner_name, type, status, start_time, update_time, logfile_table,

FROM user_load_operations WHERE type = 'COPY';


---------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------------------- ---------------------
--------------- -------------

Using this SELECT statement with a WHERE clause predicate on the TYPE column, shows
load operations with the type COPY.

The LOGFILE_TABLE column shows the name of the table you can query to look at the
log of a load operation. For example, the following query shows the log of the load
select * from COPY$21_LOG;

The column BADFILE_TABLE shows the name of the table you can query to look at the
rows that got errors during loading. For example, the following query shows the
rejected records for the load operation:
select * from COPY$21_BAD;

Depending on the errors shown in the log and the rows shown in the specified
BADFILE_TABLE table you can correct the error by specifying the correct format options

The LOGFILE_TABLE and BADFILE_TABLE tables are stored for two days for
each load operation and then removed automatically.

See DELETE_ALL_OPERATIONS Procedure for information on clearing the

user_load_operations table.

Monitor and Troubleshoot Parquet and Avro File Loading

As with other data files, Parquet and Avro data loads generate logs that are viewable
in the tables dba_load_operations and user_load_operations. Each load
operation adds a record to dba[user]_load_operations that indicates the table
containing the logs.
The log table provides summary information about the load.

Chapter 3
Load Data from Files in the Cloud

For Parquet and Avro files, when the format parameter type is set to the
value parquet or avro the BADFILE_TABLE table is always empty.

• PRIMARY KEY constraint errors throw an ORA error.

• If data for a column encounters a conversion error, for example, the
target column is not large enough to hold the converted value, the value
for the column is set to NULL. This does not produce a rejected record.

Load Data – List Credentials

The PL/SQL package DBMS_CLOUD provides the ability to store your object storage
credentials in the database using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. You
can list credentials from the view ALL_CREDENTIALS.

For example, to list credentials, run the following command:

SELECT credential_name, username, comments FROM all_credentials;

---------------------------–----------------------------- --------------------
---------------------------–----------------------------- --------------------
ADB_TOKEN user_name@example.com
{"comments":"Created via DBMS_CLOUD.create_credential"}
DEF_CRED_NAME user_name@example.com
{"comments":"Created via DBMS_CLOUD.create_credential"}

See ALL_CREDENTIALS for more information.

Load Data – Delete Credentials

The PL/SQL package DBMS_CLOUD provides the ability to store your object storage
credentials in the database using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. You
remove credentials with DBMS_CLOUD.DROP_CREDENTIAL.

For example, to remove the credential named DEF_CRED_NAME, run the following


For more information about the DBMS_CLOUD procedures and parameters, see
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms.

Chapter 3
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data

Oracle Data Pump offers very fast bulk data and metadata movement between Oracle
databases and Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Data Pump Import lets you import data from Data Pump files residing on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage, Microsoft Azure, AWS S3, and Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage Classic. You can save your data to your Cloud Object
Store and use Oracle Data Pump to load data to Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• Export Your Existing Oracle Database to Import into Autonomous Data

• Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump Version 18.3 or Later
• Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump (Versions and Earlier)
• Access Log Files for Data Pump Import

Export Your Existing Oracle Database to Import into Autonomous Data

You need to use Oracle Data Pump Export to export your existing Oracle Database
schemas to migrate them to Autonomous Data Warehouse using Oracle Data Pump
Oracle recommends using the following Data Pump Export parameters for faster and
easier migration to Autonomous Data Warehouse:

Oracle Data Pump Export provides several export modes, Oracle recommends using
the schema mode for migrating to Autonomous Data Warehouse. You can list the
schemas you want to export by using the schemas parameter.
For a faster migration, export your schemas into multiple Data Pump files and use
parallelism. You can specify the dump file name format you want to use with the
dumpfile parameter. Set the parallel parameter to at least the number of CPUs you
have in your Autonomous Data Warehouse database.
The exclude and data_options parameters ensure that the object types not required in
Autonomous Data Warehouse are not exported and table partitions are grouped
together so that they can be imported faster during the import to Autonomous Data
Warehouse. If you want to migrate your existing indexes, materialized views, and
materialized view logs to Autonomous Data Warehouse and manage them manually,
you can remove those object types from the exclude list which will export those object

Chapter 3
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse

types too. Similarly, if you want to migrate your existing partitioned tables as-is without
converting them into non-partitioned tables and manage them manually you can
remove the data_options argument which will export your partitioned tables as-is. For
more information, see Managing Partitions, Indexes, and Materialized Views.
The following example exports the SH schema from a source Oracle Database for
migration to an Autonomous Data Warehouse database with 16 CPUs:
expdp sh/sh@orcl \
zonemap,db_link \
data_options=group_partition_table_data \
parallel=16 \
schemas=sh \

You can use other Data Pump Export parameters, like compression, depending on
your requirements. For more information on Oracle Data Pump Export see Oracle
Database Utilities.

Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump Version 18.3 or Later

Oracle recommends using the latest Oracle Data Pump version for importing data from
Data Pump files into your Autonomous Data Warehouse as it contains enhancements
and fixes for a better experience.
Download the latest version of Oracle Instant Client, which includes Oracle Data
Pump, for your platform from Oracle Instant Client Downloads. See the installation
instructions on the platform install download page for the installation steps required
after you download Oracle Instant Client.
In Oracle Data Pump version 18.3 and later, the credential argument authenticates
Data Pump to the Cloud Object Storage service you are using for your source files.
The dumpfile argument is a comma delimited list of URLs for your Data Pump files.
In Oracle Data Pump, if your source files reside on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Object Storage you can use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure native URIs or the Swift
URIs. See DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats for details on these file URI

Importing with Oracle Data Pump and Setting credential Parameter

1. Store your Cloud Object Storage credential using


credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

For more information on the credentials for different Cloud Object Storage
services, see CREATE_CREDENTIAL Procedure.

Chapter 3
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse

2. Run Data Pump Import with the dumpfile parameter set to the list of file URLs on
your Cloud Object Storage and the credential parameter set to the name of the
credential you created in the previous step. For example:
impdp admin/password@ADWC1_high \
directory=data_pump_dir \
credential=def_cred_name \
dumpfile= https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/adwc/b/
adwc_user/o/export%u.dmp \
parallel=16 \
partition_options=merge \
transform=segment_attributes:n \
transform=dwcs_cvt_iots:y transform=constraint_use_default_index:y \


For the best import performance use the HIGH database service for your import
connection and set the PARALLEL parameter to the number of CPUs in your
Autonomous Data Warehouse as shown in the example.
For information on which database service name to connect to run Data Pump
Import, see Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data
For the dump file URL format for different Cloud Object Storage services, see
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats.
This example shows the recommended parameters for importing into your
Autonomous Data Warehouse.
In this example:
• Partitioned tables are converted into non-partitioned tables.
• Storage attributes for tables are ignored.
• Index-organized tables are converted into regular tables.
• Indexes created for primary key and unique key constraints will be renamed to
the constraint name.
• Indexes, clusters, indextypes, materialized views, materialized view logs, and
zone maps are excluded during Data Pump Import.

To perform a full import or to import objects that are owned by other
users, you need the DATAPUMP_CLOUD_IMP role.

For information on disallowed objects in Autonomous Data Warehouse, see

Restrictions for SQL Commands.
For detailed information on Oracle Data Pump Import parameters see Oracle
Database Utilities.

Chapter 3
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump (Versions and Earlier)
You can import data from Data Pump files into your Autonomous Data Warehouse
using Data Pump client versions and earlier by setting the
default_credential parameter.

Data Pump Import versions and earlier do not have the credential parameter.
If you are using an older version of Data Pump Import you need to define a default
credential property for Autonomous Data Warehouse and use the
default_credential keyword in the dumpfile parameter.

Importing with Older Oracle Data Pump Versions and Setting


1. Store your Cloud Object Storage credential using


credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

For more information on the credentials for different Cloud Object Storage
services, see CREATE_CREDENTIAL Procedure.
2. Set the credential as the default credential for your Autonomous Data Warehouse,
as the ADMIN user. For example:
alter database property set default_credential = 'ADMIN.DEF_CRED_NAME'
3. Run Data Pump Import with the dumpfile parameter set to the list of file URLs on
your Cloud Object Storage, and set the default_credential keyword. For
impdp admin/password@ADWC1_high \
directory=data_pump_dir \
ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/adwc/b/adwc_user/o/export%u.dmp \
parallel=16 \
partition_options=merge \
transform=segment_attributes:n \


For the best import performance use the HIGH database service for your import
connection and set the PARALLEL parameter to the number of CPUs in your
Autonomous Data Warehouse as shown in the example.
For information on which database service name to connect to run Data Pump
Import, see Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data

Chapter 3
Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse

For the dump file URL format for different Cloud Object Storage services, see
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats.
This example shows the recommended parameters for importing into your
Autonomous Data Warehouse.
In this example:
• Partitioned tables are converted into non-partitioned tables.
• Storage attributes for tables are ignored.
• Indexes, clusters, indextypes, materialized views, materialized view logs, and
zone maps are excluded during Data Pump Import.

To perform a full import or to import objects that are owned by other users,
you need the DATAPUMP_CLOUD_IMP role.

For information on disallowed objects in Autonomous Data Warehouse, see

Restrictions for SQL Commands.
For detailed information on Oracle Data Pump Import parameters see Oracle
Database Utilities.

Access Log Files for Data Pump Import

The log files for Data Pump Import operations are stored in the directory you specify
with the data pump impdp directory parameter.

To access the log file you need to move the log file to your Cloud Object Storage using
the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT. For example, the following PL/SQL block
moves the file import.log to your Cloud Object Storage:

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
file_name => 'import.log');

For more information, see Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms.

Chapter 3
Use Oracle GoldenGate to Replicate Data to Autonomous Data Warehouse

Use Oracle GoldenGate to Replicate Data to Autonomous

Data Warehouse
You can replicate data to Autonomous Data Warehouse using Oracle GoldenGate On
Premises and Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service.
For more information, see Replicating Data to Oracle Autonomous Database.

Load Data from Local Files Using SQL*Loader

Instead of using SQL*Loader Oracle recommends loading data from the Cloud Object
Storage for better performance and enhanced functionality.
For information on loading from Cloud Object Store, see Load Data from Files in the
If you use SQL*Loader to load data, note that Autonomous Data Warehouse does not
gather optimizer statistics for your load and you need to gather optimizer statistics
manually as explained in Manage Optimizer Statistics on Autonomous Data
For detailed information on SQL*Loader see, Oracle Database Utilities.

Managing DML Performance and Compression

Autonomous Data Warehouse uses Hybrid Columnar Compression for all tables by
default. This gives the best compression ratio and optimal performance for direct-path
load operations like the loads done using the DBMS_CLOUD package. If you perform
DML operations like UPDATE and MERGE on your tables these may cause the
compression ratio for the affected rows to decrease leading to larger table sizes.
These operations may also perform slower compared to the same operations on an
uncompressed table.
For the best compression ratio and optimal performance Oracle recommends using
bulk operations like direct-path loads and CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statements. But, if
your workload requires frequent DML operations like UPDATE and MERGE on large parts
of a table, you can create those tables as uncompressed tables to achieve better DML
performance. For example, the following statement creates the table SALES as an
uncompressed table:


time_id DATE NOT NULL,
channel_id NUMBER NOT NULL,
quantity_sold NUMBER(10,2) NOT NULL,
amount_sold NUMBER(10,2) NOT NULL)

Chapter 3
Managing DML Performance and Compression

At any point in time you can use the ALTER TABLE MOVE statement to compress these
tables without impacting queries accessing them. For example, the following statement
compresses the table SALES using Hybrid Columnar Compression.


Querying External Data with Autonomous
Data Warehouse
Describes packages and tools to query data with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Although queries on external data will not be as fast as queries on database tables,
you can use this approach to validate and quickly start running queries on your source

If you are not using ADMIN user, ensure the user has the necessary privileges
for the operations the user needs to perform. See Manage User Privileges
with Autonomous Data Warehouse for more information.


• Query External Data

• Query External Data with Parquet or Avro Source Files
• Validate External Data

Query External Data

To query data in files in the Cloud, you need to first store your object storage
credentials in your Autonomous Data Warehouse, and then create an external table

The source file in this example, channels.txt, has the following data:
S,Direct Sales,Direct
T,Tele Sales,Direct

1. Store your object store credentials using the

For example:

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

Chapter 4
Query External Data


This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted format. You
can use any name for the credential name. Note that this step is required only
once unless your object store credentials change. Once you store the credentials
you can then use the same credential name for creating external tables.
See CREATE_CREDENTIAL Procedure for information about
the username and password parameters for different object storage services.
2. Create an external table on top of your source files using the procedure
For example:

table_name =>'CHANNELS_EXT',
credential_name =>'DEF_CRED_NAME',
file_uri_list =>'https://objectstorage.us-
format => json_object('delimiter' value ','),
column_list => 'CHANNEL_ID NUMBER,

The parameters are:

• table_name: is the external table name.
• credential_name: is the name of the credential created in the previous step.
• file_uri_list: is a comma delimited list of the source files you want to query.
• format: defines the options you can specify to describe the format of the
source file.
• column_list: is a comma delimited list of the column definitions in the source
You can now run queries on the external table you created in the previous step.
For example:

SELECT count(*) FROM channels_ext;

If there are any rows in the source files that do not match the format options you
specified, the query reports an error. You can use DBMS_CLOUD parameters, like
rejectlimit, to suppress these errors. As an alternative, you can also validate the
external table you created to see the error messages and the rejected rows so that
you can change your format options accordingly.

Chapter 4
Query External Data with Parquet or Avro Source Files

For detailed information about the parameters, see CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE


Query External Data with Parquet or Avro Source Files

Autonomous Data Warehouse makes it easy to access Parquet or Avro data stored in
object store using external tables. Parquet and Avro sources have metadata
embedded in them and the DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE procedure can utilize
this metadata to simplify the creation of external tables.
You don’t need to know the structure of the data, DBMS_CLOUD can examine the file and
convert either Parquet or Avro types to Oracle data types. You only need to know the
location of the data in object store, specify its type, Parquet or Avro, and have
credentials to access the source file on your object store.

The steps to use external tables are very similar for Parquet and Avro. These
steps show working with a Parquet format source file.

The source file in this example, sales_extended.parquet, contains Parquet

format data. To query this file in Autonomous Data Warehouse, do the following:
1. Store your object store credentials, to access the object store, using the

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted format. You
can use any name for the credential name. Note that this step is required only
once unless your object store credentials change. Once you store the credentials
you can then use the same credential name for creating external tables.
See CREATE_CREDENTIAL Procedure for information about
the username and password parameters for different object storage services.
2. Create an external table for Parquet or Avro on top of your source files using the
procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE. By default, the columns created
in the external table automatically map their data types to Oracle data types for the
fields found in the source file(s) and the external table column names match the
source field names:

table_name =>'sales_extended_ext',
credential_name =>'DEF_CRED_NAME',

Chapter 4
Query External Data with Parquet or Avro Source Files

file_uri_list =>'https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/n/adwc/b/
format => '{"type":"parquet", "schema": "first"}'

The parameters are:

• table_name: is the external table name.
• credential_name: is the name of the credential created in the previous step.
• file_uri_list: is a comma delimited list of the source files you want to query.
• format: defines the options to describe the format of the source file. For a
Parquet file, use the format parameter to specify the type parquet. For an
Avro file use the format parameter to specify the type avro.
By default the format schema parameter is set and the columns and data types are
derived automatically and the fields in the source match the external table columns
by name. Source data types are converted to the external table column Oracle
data types according to the DBMS_CLOUD mapping for Parquet or Avro data types.
The valid schema parameter values are:
• first: Analyze the schema of the first Parquet or Avro file that DBMS_CLOUD
finds in the specified file_uri_list (first is the default value for schema).
• all: Analyze all the schemas for all the Parquet or Avro files found in the
file_uri_list. Because these are simply files captured in an object store,
there is no guarantee that each file’s metadata is the same. For example, File1
may contain a field called “address”, while File2 may be missing that field.
Examining each file to derive the columns is a bit more expensive but may be
required if the first file does not contain all the required fields.

If the column_list parameter is specified, then you provide the column
names and data types for the external table and the schema value, if
specified is ignored. Using column_list you can limit the columns in the
external table. If column_list is not specified then the schema default
value is first.

3. You can now run queries on the external table you created in the previous step:

DESC sales_extended_ext;
Name Null? Type
-------------- ----- --------------

Chapter 4
Validate External Data


SELECT prod_id, quantity_sold, gender, city, income_level

FROM sales_extended_ext


1 13 1 M Adelaide K: 250,000 – 299,999
2 13 1 M Dolores L: 300,000 and above
3 13 1 M Cayuga F: 110,000 – 129,999
4 13 1 F Bergen op Zoom C: 50,000 – 69,999
5 13 1 F Neuss J: 190,000 – 249,999
6 13 1 F Darwin F: 110,000 – 129,999
7 13 1 M Sabadell K:250,000 – 299,999

This query shows values for rows in the external table. If you want to query this
data frequently, after examining the data you can load it into a table with
See CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files and
COPY_DATA Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files for more information.

Validate External Data

To validate an external table you can use the procedure

Before validating an external table you need to create the external table. To create an
external table use the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE (see Query
External Data for more details):

table_name => 'CHANNELS_EXT');

This procedure scans your source files and validates them using the format options
specified when you create the external table.
The validate operation, by default, scans all the rows in your source files and stops
when a row is rejected. If you want to validate only a subset of the rows, use the
rowcount parameter. When the rowcount parameter is set the validate operation scans
rows and stops either when a row is rejected or when the specified number of rows are
validated without errors.
For example, the following validate operation scans 100 rows and stops when a row is
rejected or when 100 rows are validated without errors:


Chapter 4
Validate External Data

table_name => 'CHANNELS_EXT',


If you do not want the validate to stop when a row is rejected and you want to see all
rejected rows, set the stop_on_error parameter to FALSE. In this case
VALIDATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE scans all rows and reports all rejected rows.

If you want to validate only a subset of rows use the rowcount parameter. When
rowcount is set and stop_on_error is set to FALSE, the validate operation scans rows
and stops either when the specified number of rows are rejected or when the specified
number of rows are validated without errors. For example, the following example
scans 100 rows and stops when 100 rows are rejected or when 100 rows are validated
without errors:

table_name => 'CHANNELS_EXT',

For detailed information about DBMS_CLOUD.VALIDATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE parameters see

To see the result of a validate operation you can query the tables
dba_load_operations and user_load_operations:

• dba_load_operations: shows all validate operations.

• user_load_operations: shows the validate operations in your schema.

SELECT table_name, owner_name, type, status, start_time, update_time, logfile_table,

FROM user_load_operations


------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- -------------
--------------- ---------------

Using this SQL statement with a WHERE clause on the TYPE column displays all of the
load operations with type VALIDATE.

The LOGFILE_TABLE column shows the name of the table you can query to look at the
log of a validate operation. For example, the following query shows the log of the
above validate operation:


Chapter 4
Validate External Data

The column BADFILE_TABLE shows the name of the table you can query to look at the
rows that got errors during validation. For example, the following query shows the
rejected records for the above validate operation:


Depending on the errors shown in the log and the rows shown in the BADFILE_TABLE,
you can correct the error by dropping the external table using the DROP TABLE
command and recreating it by specifying the correct format options in

The LOGFILE_TABLE and BADFILE_TABLE tables are stored for two days for
each validate operation and then removed automatically.

Creating Dashboards, Reports, and
Notebooks with Autonomous Data
Autonomous Data Warehouse includes built-in support for data analytics using Oracle
Machine Learning (OML) a browser-based interactive data analysis environment for
data scientists.


• About Creating Dashboards, Reports, and Notebooks with Oracle Machine

• Work with Oracle Machine Learning for Data Access, Analysis, and Discovery
• Work with Analytics and Visualization

About Creating Dashboards, Reports, and Notebooks with

Oracle Machine Learning
Oracle Machine Learning provides the following:
Collaborative Interface for real-time analytics:
• Based on Apache Zeppelin
• Allows creation of workspaces, projects, and notebooks
• Provides a browser-based interactive data analysis environment to develop,
document, share, and automate analytical methodologies
• Notebooks execute in Zeppelin Servers and make secure (TCPS) JDBC
connections to Autonomous Data Warehouse for data access.
OML Components:
• OML User Administration Application:
– Web based administrative UI for managing (list, create, update, delete) Oracle
Machine Learning users
– Oracle Machine Learning users map to Autonomous Data Warehouse
database users
– Access to Oracle Machine Learning User Management is limited to the
See Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning for more
informaiton on OML User Adminsitration.
• OML Application

Chapter 5
Work with Oracle Machine Learning for Data Access, Analysis, and Discovery

– Web based application for data scientists

– Allows for creation of workspaces, projects, and notebooks
– Notebook execution happens in Zeppelin servers
See Work with Oracle Machine Learning for Data Access, Analysis, and Discovery
for information on accessing OML user workspaces, projects, and notebooks.

Work with Oracle Machine Learning for Data Access,

Analysis, and Discovery
You can use Oracle Machine Learning to access data and for data discovery,
analytics, and notebooks.
To access Oracle Machine Learning:
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

• Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console by clicking the next to Oracle
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
1. Select an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance and on the details page click
Service Console.

Chapter 5
Work with Analytics and Visualization

2. Click Development.
3. On the Development page click OML Notebooks.
4. Enter your username and password.
The Administrator creates OML users. See Create and Update User Accounts for
Oracle Machine Learning for details.
5. Click Sign In.
This shows Oracle Machine Learning user application.

Oracle Machine Learning allows you to access your data in Autonomous Data
Warehouse and build notebooks with the following:
• Data Ingestion and Selection
• Data Viewing and Discovery
• Data Graphing, Visualization, and Collaboration
• Data Analysis
You can also create and run SQL statements and create and run SQL scripts that
access your data in Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Work with Analytics and Visualization

Gain insight into your data with Oracle Analytics Cloud and Data Visualization
Desktop. These tools let you explore your Autonomous Data Warehouse data through
advanced analytics and interactive visualizations.

• Using Oracle Analytics Cloud with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Working with Data Visualization Desktop in Autonomous Data Warehouse

Using Oracle Analytics Cloud with Autonomous Data Warehouse

You can use Oracle Analytics Cloud with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Built on a high-performance platform with flexible data storage, Oracle Analytics Cloud
provides a complete set of tools for deriving and sharing data insights.
• Data preparation: Analysts can ingest, profile, and cleanse data using a variety of

Chapter 5
Work with Analytics and Visualization

• Data flow: Analysts can prepare, transform and aggregate data, and then run
machine-learning models at scale.
• Data discovery: Subject matter experts can easily collaborate with other business
users, blending intelligent analysis at scale, machine learning, and statistical
• Data visualization: Analysts can visualize any data, on any device, on premises
and in the cloud.
• Data collaboration: Large organizations and small teams can share data more
simply, as you don't need to manage or consolidate multiple versions of
• Data-driven: Application developers can utilize interfaces that enable them to
extend, customize, and embed rich analytic experiences in the application flow.
For information on connecting from Oracle Analytics Cloud to Autonomous Data
Warehouse, see Connect with Oracle Analytics Cloud.
You can find out more information on Oracle Analytics Cloud in Visualizing Data and
Building Reports in Oracle Analytics Cloud.

Working with Data Visualization Desktop in Autonomous Data

Gain insight into your data with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop. Data Visualization
Desktop lets you explore your Autonomous Data Warehouse data through interactive
Data Visualization Desktop provides powerful personal data exploration and
visualization in a simple per-user desktop download. Data Visualization Desktop is the
perfect tool for quick exploration of sample data from multiple sources or for rapid
analysis and investigation of your own local data sets.
Data Visualization Desktop makes it easy to visualize your Autonomous Data
Warehouse data so you can focus on exploring interesting data patterns. Just connect
to Autonomous Data Warehouse, select the elements that you’re interested in, and let
Data Visualization Desktop find the best way to visualize it. Choose from a variety of
visualizations to look at data in a specific way.
Data Visualization Desktop also gives you a preview of the self-service
visualization capabilities included in Oracle Analytics Cloud, Oracle's industrial-
strength cloud analytics platform. Oracle Analytics Cloud extends the data exploration
and visualization experience by offering secure sharing and collaboration across the
enterprise, additional data sources, greater scale, and a full mobile experience
including proactive self-learning analytics delivered to your device. Try Data
Visualization Desktop for personal analytics and to sample a taste of Oracle’s broader
analytics portfolio.
Data Visualization Desktop’s benefits include:
• A personal, single-user desktop application.
• Offline availability.
• Completely private analysis.
• Full control of data source connections.

Chapter 5
Work with Analytics and Visualization

• Lightweight single-file download.

• No remote server infrastructure.
• No administration tasks.
For information on connecting Oracle Data Visualization Desktop to Autonomous Data
Warehouse, see Connect with Oracle Data Visualization Desktop.
To download Data Visualization Desktop, see Oracle Data Visualization Desktop.

Moving Data from Autonomous Data
Warehouse to Other Oracle Databases
Oracle Data Pump offers very fast bulk data and metadata movement between
Autonomous Data Warehouse and other Oracle databases.
To export data and move the data from Autonomous Data Warehouse to other Oracle
databases, do the following:
1. Use Data Pump Export to export to a directory on Autonomous Data Warehouse.
2. Move the dump file set from the directory on Autonomous Data Warehouse to your
Cloud Object Store.
3. Depending on the target database you may need to download the dump files from
the Cloud Object Store.
4. Run Data Pump Import with the dump files.
5. Perform any required clean up such as removing the dump file set from Cloud
Object Store.


• Use Data Pump to Create a Dump File Set on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Move Dump File Set from Autonomous Data Warehouse to Your Cloud Object
• Download Dump Files, Run Data Pump Import, and Clean Up Object Store

Use Data Pump to Create a Dump File Set on Autonomous

Data Warehouse
Oracle recommends using the latest Oracle Data Pump version for exporting data from
Autonomous Data Warehouse to other Oracle databases, as it contains
enhancements and fixes for a better experience.
Download the latest version of Oracle Instant Client and download the Tools Package,
which includes Oracle Data Pump, for your platform from Oracle Instant Client
Downloads. See the installation instructions on the platform install download page for
the installation steps required after you download Oracle Instant Client and the Tools

Chapter 6
Use Data Pump to Create a Dump File Set on Autonomous Data Warehouse

The Autonomous Data Warehouse Service Console provides a link for
Oracle Instant Client. To access this link from the Service Console click
Development and select Download Oracle Instant Client.

1. Run Data Pump Export with the dumpfile parameter set, the filesize parameter set
to less than 5G, and the directory parameter set. For example, the following shows
how to export a schema named SALES in an Autonomous Data Warehouse named
ADWC1 with 16 OCPUs:

expdp sales/password@ADWC1_high directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=exp

%U.dmp parallel=16
filesize=1G logfile=export.log

For the best export performance use the HIGH database service for your export
connection and set the PARALLEL parameter to the number of OCPUs in your
Autonomous Data Warehouse. For information on which database service name
to connect to run Data Pump Export, see Managing Concurrency and Priorities on
Autonomous Data Warehouse.
After the export is finished you can see the generated dump files by running the
following query:


For example, the output from this query shows the generated dump files and the
export log file:
------------------------------ ----------
exp01.dmp 12288
exp02.dmp 8192
exp03.dmp 1171456
exp04.dmp 348160
export.log 1663

Chapter 6
Move Dump File Set from Autonomous Data Warehouse to Your Cloud Object Store


• To perform a full export or to export objects that are owned by other

users, you need the DATAPUMP_CLOUD_EXP role.
• The DATA_PUMP_DIR is the only predeifned directory. You can specify a
different directory as the directory argument if you previously created the
directory and you have write privileges on the directory. See Create
Directory in Autonomous Database for information on creating
• The API you use to move the dump files to your Object Storage supports
file sizes up to 5GB, so make sure you do not specify sizes higher than
that in the filesize argument.
• For more information on Oracle Data Pump Export see Oracle Database

Move Dump File Set from Autonomous Data Warehouse to

Your Cloud Object Store
To move the dump file set to your Cloud Object Store, upload the files from the
Autonomous Data Warehouse database directory to your Cloud Object Store.
1. Connect to your Autonomous Data Warehouse database.
2. Store your object store credentials using the
For example:

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted format. You
can use any name for the credential name. Note that this step is required only
once unless your object store credentials change. Once you store the credentials
you can then use the same credential name.
See CREATE_CREDENTIAL Procedure for information about
the username and password parameters for different object storage services.
3. Move the dump files from the Autonomous Data Warehouse database to your
Cloud Object Store by calling DBMS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT.

Chapter 6
Download Dump Files, Run Data Pump Import, and Clean Up Object Store

For example:

object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
file_name => 'exp01.dmp');
object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
file_name => 'exp02.dmp');
object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
file_name => 'exp03.dmp');
object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
file_name => 'exp04.dmp');

See PUT_OBJECT Procedure for information on PUT_OBJECT.

Download Dump Files, Run Data Pump Import, and Clean

Up Object Store
If required, download the dump files from Cloud Object Store and use Oracle Data
Pump Import to import the dump file set to the target database. Then perform any
required clean up.
1. Download the dump files from Cloud Object Store.

This step is not needed if you are importing the data to an Autonomous
Data Warehouse database or to an Autonomous Transaction Processing

2. Run Data Pump Import to import the dump file set to the target database.
If you are importing the data to another Autonomous Data Warehouse database,
see Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Data Warehouse.
If you are importing the data to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database,
see Import Data Using Oracle Data Pump on Autonomous Transaction

Chapter 6
Download Dump Files, Run Data Pump Import, and Clean Up Object Store

3. Perform post import clean up tasks. If you are done importing the dump files to
your target database(s) then drop the bucket containing the data or remove the
dump files from the Cloud Object Store bucket, and remove the dump files from
the location where you downloaded the dump files to run Data Pump Import.
For detailed information on Oracle Data Pump Import parameters see Oracle
Database Utilities.

Creating Applications with Oracle
Application Express in Autonomous
You can create applications with Oracle Application Express on Autonomous Data


• About Oracle Application Express

• Access Oracle Application Express Administration Services
• Create Oracle Application Express Workspaces in Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Access Oracle Application Express App Builder
• Use Web Services with Oracle Application Express
• Send Email from Oracle Application Express
• Restrictions and Limitations for Oracle Application Express with Autonomous Data

About Oracle Application Express

Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a low-code development platform that enables
you to build scalable, secure enterprise applications with world-class features that can
be deployed anywhere.
Oracle APEX provides you with an easy-to-use browser-based environment to load
data, manage database objects, develop REST interfaces, and build applications
which look and run great on both desktop and mobile devices. You can use Oracle
APEX to develop a wide variety of solutions: import spreadsheets and develop a single
source of truth in minutes, create compelling data visualizations against your existing
data, deploy productivity applications to elegantly solve a business need, or build your
next mission-critical data management application.
Oracle APEX embraces SQL. Anything you can express with SQL can be easily
employed in an Oracle APEX application. Oracle APEX also embodies low code with
powerful data management and data visualization components, as well as responsive
development out of the box. Instead of writing code by hand, you are able to use
intelligent wizards to guide you through the rapid creation of applications and
Oracle APEX on Autonomous Database provides a preconfigured, fully managed and
secured environment to both build and deploy world-class data-centric applications.
There are no limits on the number of developers or end users for your Oracle APEX
applications; Autonomous Database can instantly scale compute and storage online
as needed, based upon your workload. Additionally, Oracle APEX applications

Chapter 7
Access Oracle Application Express Administration Services

developed on-premises can be easily deployed to Oracle APEX on Autonomous

Database, or vice-versa.
Configuration, patching, monitoring, and upgrading of all Oracle Application Express
components is fully managed by Oracle, leaving you free to focus on developing your
solutions and solving your business problems. With Oracle APEX and low code, your
organization can be more agile and develop solutions faster, for less cost, and with
greater consistency. You can adapt to changing requirements with ease. And you can
empower professional developers and everyone else in your organization to be a part
of the solution.
This chapter covers information on Oracle Application Express specific to working on
Autonomous Data Warehouse. See Oracle Application Express for complete

Access Oracle Application Express Administration Services

Each Autonomous Data Warehouse instance includes a dedicated instance of Oracle
Application Express ; you can use this instance to create multiple workspaces. A
workspace is a shared work area where you can build applications. You create
workspaces in Application Express Administration Services.
To access Application Express Administration Services:
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the instance details page click Service Console.
2. Click Development.
3. Click APEX.

Chapter 7
Access Oracle Application Express Administration Services

The Application Express Administration Services sign-in page appears.

If you already created a workspace, the Application Express workspace
page appears instead. To open Administration Services, click
Administration Services link.

4. In the Password field, enter the password for the Autonomous Data Warehouse
ADMIN user.
See Change the Administrator Password in Autonomous Data Warehouse to
change the password.

Chapter 7
Create Oracle Application Express Workspaces in Autonomous Data Warehouse

5. Click Sign In to Administration.

When you sign in for the first time, follow the prompts to create an Application
Express workspace. See Create Oracle Application Express Workspaces in
Autonomous Data Warehouse for more information.
You can also use Administration Services to manage your Application Express
instance. See Oracle Application Express Administration Services in Oracle
Application Express Administration Guide for more information.

Create Oracle Application Express Workspaces in

Autonomous Data Warehouse
An Autonomous Data Warehouse instance does not have any precreated workspaces
for Oracle Application Express. Create a workspace if you have not already done so or
use these instructions to create additional workspaces.
To create an Oracle Application Express workspace:
1. Sign in to Application Express Administration Services.
See Access Oracle Application Express Administration Services for more
2. Click Create Workspace.

Chapter 7
Access Oracle Application Express App Builder

3. On the Create Workspace page, in the Database User field, enter a new database
username or choose an existing user from the list.
4. In the Password field, provide a strong password if the database user is a new
user. If the user is an existing database user you do not enter a password. See
Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse to learn more about the default
password complexity rules.
5. (optional) In the Workspace Name field, change the name of the workspace that
was automatically populated.
6. Click Create Workspace.

Access Oracle Application Express App Builder

Use App Builder to create and manage Oracle Application Express applications and
application pages. The App Builder home page displays all installed applications in the
current Oracle Application Express workspace.
To access Oracle Application Express App Builder:
1. Sign in to Application Express using the workspace name, username, and
password you specify when you create the workspace.
2. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
You can create additional developer accounts in Application Express workspaces and
provide direct access to the Application Express instance. When you create a
developer account, a corresponding database user is automatically created.
To create developer accounts and provide direct access to Application Express:
1. Sign in to Application Express using the workspace name, username, and
password you specified when you created the workspace.
2. Pull down the Administration menu in the upper right of any page and choose
Manage Users and Groups.

Chapter 7
Use Web Services with Oracle Application Express

3. Click Create User.

4. In the Username field, enter a username.
5. In the Email Address field, enter an email address.
6. (Optional) Use the on-screen and in-line help to fill in additional fields.
7. In the User is a developer field, select Yes.
8. In the Password field, enter a strong password. See Create Users with
Autonomous Data Warehouse to learn more about the default password
complexity rules.
9. In the Confirm Password field, confirm the password.
10. Click Create User.

To share sign-in details with developers:

1. Select an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
2. On the instance details page click Service Console.
3. Click Development.
4. Right-click APEX and choose Copy URL.
5. Provide the copied URL, along with the Workspace Name, the Username, and the
Password for the developer account you created.
Using this URL developers can access the Application Express environment without
having to navigate to the Autonomous Data Warehouse Service Console.
See Workspace and Application Administration in Oracle Application Express
Administration Guide for more information.

Use Web Services with Oracle Application Express

You can interact with both SOAP and RESTful style web services from Application
Express in your Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
Web services enable applications to interact with one another over the web in a
platform-neutral, language independent environment. In a typical web services
scenario, a business application sends a request to a service at a given URL by using
the HTTP protocol. The service receives the request, processes it, and returns a
response. Web services are typically based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
or Representational State Transfer (REST) architectures.
Using Web Source Modules, Application Express developers can declaratively access
data services from a variety of REST endpoints, allowing both read and write
operations. In addition to supporting smart caching rules for remote REST data, Oracle
Application Express also offers the unique ability to directly manipulate the results of
REST data sources using industry standard SQL.
The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package enables you to integrate other systems with
Application Express by allowing you to interact with web services anywhere you can
use PL/SQL in your application. The package contains procedures and functions to
call both SOAP and RESTful style web services, and to simplify implementation of
OAuth 2.0 flows.
Note the following when working with web services in Application Express with
Autonomous Data Warehouse:

Chapter 7
Send Email from Oracle Application Express

• All web services must be secured. Only HTTPS services are supported on the
default port (443). Your Application Express instance is pre-configured with an
Oracle Wallet that contains more than 90 of the most common trusted root and
intermediate SSL certificates. The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package automatically takes
advantage of this Oracle Wallet without additional configuration from application
developers. This Oracle Wallet is centrally managed and therefore you cannot
consume 3rd party web services that are protected using self-signed SSL
• Each Autonomous Data Warehouse instance is preconfigured with a network
access control list (ACL) to permit outbound web service calls from Application
Express. No further configuration by application developers is necessary.
• Your Application Express instance does not require an outbound web proxy.
• There is a limit of 50,000 outbound web service requests per Application Express
workspace in a 24-hour period.
To learn more, see:
• APEX_WEB_SERVICE in Oracle Application Express API Reference
• Managing Web Source Modules in Oracle Application Express App Builder User's

Send Email from Oracle Application Express

You can use the APEX_MAIL package to send emails from Oracle Application Express
applications deployed in Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Before you use APEX_MAIL you must configure an email provider in your Application
Express instance. Currently, the only supported email provider is Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Email Delivery service.
To enable APEX_MAIL functionality in your Application Express instance in Autonomous
Data Warehouse:
1. Identify the SMTP connection endpoint for Email Delivery. You configure the
endpoint as the SMTP Host in your Application Express instance in Step 4. See
Configure SMTP Connection for more information.
2. Generate SMTP credentials for Email Delivery. Your Application Express instance
uses credentials to authenticate with Email Delivery servers when you send email.
See Generate SMTP Credentials for a User for more information.
3. Create an approved sender for Email Delivery. You need to complete this step for
all email addresses you use as the "From" with APEX_MAIL.SEND calls, as the
Application Email From Address in your apps, or in the SMTP_FROM instance
parameter. See Managing Approved Senders for more information.
4. Connect to your Autonomous Data Warehouse as ADMIN user using a SQL client
and configure the following SMTP parameters using
• SMTP_HOST_ADDRESS: Specifies the SMTP connection endpoint from Step 1.
• SMTP_USERNAME Specifies the SMTP credential user name from Step 2.
• SMTP_PASSWORD Specifies the SMTP credential password from Step 2.

Chapter 7
Restrictions and Limitations for Oracle Application Express with Autonomous Data Warehouse

For example:


5. Send a test email using APEX SQL Workshop, SQL Commands specifying one of
the approved senders from Step 3 as "From". For example:

APEX_MAIL.SEND(p_from => 'alice@example.com',
p_to => 'bob@example.com',
p_subj => 'Email from Oracle Autonomous Database',
p_body => 'Sent using APEX_MAIL');

6. To monitor email delivery in your Application Express instance:

a. Sign in to APEX Administration Services.
b. Open the Manage Instance page.
c. Click the Mail Queue link in the Manage Meta Data section.
Alternatively, query APEX_MAIL_QUEUE and APEX_MAIL_LOG views using a SQL

There is a limit of 5,000 emails per workspace in a 24-hour period. Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Email Delivery may impose additional limitations.

For more information, see:

• Overview of the Email Delivery Service
• APEX_MAIL in Oracle Application Express API Reference
• APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN in Oracle Application Express API Reference

Restrictions and Limitations for Oracle Application Express

with Autonomous Data Warehouse
This section lists the feature restrictions and limitations of Oracle Application Express
when used within the context of Autonomous Data Warehouse. Certain limitations are
required to protect the security and performance of your Oracle Application Express

Chapter 7
Restrictions and Limitations for Oracle Application Express with Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Application Express Administration Services: Certain Application Express instance

configuration options are disabled. The following are examples of configuration
options that have been predefined by Oracle and cannot be altered:
– Authentication scheme used to access App Builder
– Ability to submit and approve self-service workspace requests and change
– Web proxy, Oracle Wallet, and print server configuration
– Daily limits of outbound web service calls and email messages
– An option to make insecure outbound web service calls
• The following application authentication schemes are not supported: HTTP Header
Variable, LDAP Directory, Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On.
• PDF, Excel, and Word printing options are disabled. You may be able to configure
a 3rd party print server within Application Express apps.
• Only SMTP Application Express instance parameters may be set using the
APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN package. Other utilities provided by APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN
are disabled. See APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN in Oracle Application Express API
Reference for more information.
• Vanity URLs or custom domain names are not supported.

Developing RESTful Services in
Autonomous Database
You can develop and deploy RESTful Services with native Oracle REST Data
Services (ORDS) support on an Autonomous Data Warehouse database. Autonomous
Data Warehouse also supports SODA for REST; this allows you to use Autonomous
Data Warehouse database as a simple JSON document store.

• About Oracle REST Data Services in Autonomous Database
• Develop Oracle REST Data Services with Autonomous Database
• Develop SODA for REST with Autonomous Database

About Oracle REST Data Services in Autonomous Database

Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) makes it easy to develop modern REST
interfaces for relational data in the Autonomous Data Warehouse database. A mid-tier
Java application, ORDS maps HTTP(S) verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) to
database transactions and returns any results formatted using JSON.

The Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) application in Autonomous Data
Warehouse is preconfigured and fully managed. It is not possible to connect
a customer-managed ORDS application to Autonomous Data Warehouse.

See Oracle REST Data Services for information on using Oracle REST Data Services.

Develop Oracle REST Data Services with Autonomous

Autonomous Data Warehouse supports Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS).
Developing RESTful Services is easy with either of the following development
• SQL Developer (desktop): With SQL Developer on your desktop, you can connect
to your Autonomous Data Warehouse database and REST enable tables and
views, or develop custom RESTful Services based on your SQL and PL/SQL
code. See Connect with Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later) for more

Chapter 8
Develop SODA for REST with Autonomous Database

• Oracle Application Express (APEX): With APEX you can use the RESTful Services
development pages to build and maintain your services and REST enabled
objects. You can use the APEX SQL Workshop to access your Oracle RESTful
Services and REST Enabled objects. See How to Access RESTful Services for
more information.
The Autonomous Data Warehouse ADMIN account is REST Enabled. This allows for
REST Services to be published in the ADMIN schemas and allows you to access SQL
Developer Web using the ADMIN database user account. Oracle recommends you
create an application schema account for your RESTful Services and REST Enabled
objects. Services are secured using Database Authentication and your REST Enabled
The authenticated database user is only permitted access if the schema is REST
enabled and the URL mapping for the request points to their own schema, the user is
not authenticated when a request points to any other database schema. For example,
the following request authenticated as REST enabled schema HR, is accessible:

GET /ords/hr/module/service/

However, when authenticated as REST enabled schema SCOTT, the same request:

GET /ords/hr/module/service/

would result in an error: 401 HTTP Unauthorized response/error.

Any database user whose credentials are correct and meets the above rules is
authenticated and granted the ORDS, mid-tier, role: SQL Developer. This enables the
user to access any endpoint that requires the SQL Developer role.

See REST-Enable a Database Table in Quick Start Guide for information on how to
enable a table for REST access.

Develop SODA for REST with Autonomous Database

Autonomous Data Warehouse supports Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) for
Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) for REST is a pre-deployed REST service
that can be used to store JSON documents in an Autonomous Data Warehouse
database. SODA enables flexible, NoSQL-style application development without
having to use SQL. With SODA, JSON documents are stored in named collections and
managed using simple CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete). And while
SQL isn't required, JSON stored in SODA collections is still fully accessible from SQL
when needed. For example, an operational application may be fully built using SODA
(without SQL) but then the data may be later analyzed using SQL from outside of the
application. Autonomous Database SODA gives application developers the best of the
NoSQL and SQL worlds - fast, flexible, and scalable application development without
losing the ability to leverage SQL for analytics and reporting.
SODA for REST is deployed in ORDS under the following URL pattern:


Chapter 8
Develop SODA for REST with Autonomous Database

Where schema corresponds to the REST enabled database schema (for example,
The following examples use the cURL command line tool (http://curl.haxx.se/) to
submit REST requests to the Autonomous Data Warehouse database. However, other
3rd party REST clients and libraries should work as well.
This command creates a new collection named "fruit" in the ADMIN schema:

> curl -X PUT -u 'ADMIN:password' \


These commands insert three JSON documents into the fruit collection:

> curl -X POST -u 'ADMIN:password' \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name":"orange", "count":
42}' \


> curl -X POST -u 'ADMIN:password' \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name":"pear", "count":5}' \


> curl -X POST -u 'ADMIN:password' \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name":"apple", "count":12,
"color":"red"}' \


This example retrieves a stored JSON document from the collection:

> curl -X POST -u 'ADMIN:password' \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name":"orange"}' \

"items": [

"value":{"name":"orange", "count":42}

Chapter 8
Develop SODA for REST with Autonomous Database


And finally, the following sample SQL query accesses the fruit collection:

FROM fruit f;

This query returns three rows:

name count color

--------- --------- -------
orange 42 null
pear 5 null
apple 12 red

These examples show a small subset of the SODA and SQL/JSON features. For more
information see:
See SODA for REST for information on Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA).
See SODA for REST HTTP Operations for information on the SODA for REST HTTP

Creating and Managing Directories
Each Autonomous Data Warehouse database includes a predefined data_pump_dir
directory where you can place files. For example you can use this directory for Data
Pump import and export operations. To create additional directories use the database
CREATE DIRECTORY command. Use the database DROP DIRECTORY command to drop
directories. Use DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES to list the contents of a directory.

• Create Directory in Autonomous Database
• Drop Directory in Autonomous Database
• List Contents of Directory in Autonomous Database
• Copy Files Between Object Store and a Directory in Autonomous Database

Create Directory in Autonomous Database

To create directories use the database CREATE DIRECTORY command. Using CREATE
DIRECTORY you specify the path as a relative path for the new directory.

CREATE DIRECTORY creates the database directory object and also creates the file
system directory if it does not already exist. If the file system directory exists then
CREATE DIRECTORY only creates the database directory object. For example, the
following command creates the database directory named staging and creates the
file system directory stage:

CREATE DIRECTORY staging AS 'stage';

You can also create subdirectories. For example, the following command creates the
database directory object sales_staging and the file system directory stage/

CREATE DIRECTORY sales_staging AS 'stage/sales';

When you create subdirectories you do not have to create the initial file system
directory. For example, in the previous example if the directory stage does not exist
then the CREATE DIRECTORY command creates both directories stage and stage/

To add a directory, you must have the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. The
ADMIN user is granted the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. The ADMIN user
can grant CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege to other users.

See CREATE DIRECTORY for more information.

Chapter 9
Drop Directory in Autonomous Database


• CREATE DIRECTORY creates the database directory object in the

Autonomous Data Warehouse database and also creates the file system
directory. For example the directory path could be:


• You can create a directory in the root file system to see all the files with
the following commands:


After you create the ROOT_DIR directory, use the following command to
list all files:


To run DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES with a user other than ADMIN you need

to grant read privileges on the directory to that user. See LIST_FILES
Function for more information.
• Space in the file system allocated for the directories you create and their
contents is part of your storage allocation. See Console Overview to
view the total space allocated.

Drop Directory in Autonomous Database

Use the database DROP DIRECTORY command to drop a directory object.

For example, the following command drops the database directory object staging:


The DROP DIRECTORY command does not delete files in the directory. If you want to
delete the directory and the files in the directory, first use the procedure
DBMS_CLOUD.DELETE_FILE to delete the files. See DELETE_FILE Procedure for more
To drop a directory, you must have the DROP ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. The
ADMIN user is granted the DROP ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. The ADMIN user
can grant DROP ANY DIRECTORY system privilege to other users.

See DROP DIRECTORY for more information.

Chapter 9
List Contents of Directory in Autonomous Database


• You are not allowed to drop the predefined directories: data_pump_dir

or sql_tcb_dir
• If you just want to drop the directory and you do not remove the files in
the directory, after you drop the directory you can view all the files in the
file system, including any files that were in the directory you dropped, as


Then list the contents of ROOT_DIR with the following command:


To run DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES with a user other than ADMIN you need

to grant read privileges on the directory to that user. See LIST_FILES
Function for more information.
• The DROP DIRECTORY command does not remove the underlying file
system directory. The Autonomous Data Warehouse database manages
the underlying file system directory; users do not remove the file system

List Contents of Directory in Autonomous Database

Use the function DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES to list the contents of a directory.

For example, to list the contents of the stage directory, run the following query:


To run DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES with a user other than ADMIN you need to grant read
privileges on the directory to that user. See LIST_FILES Function for more information.

Copy Files Between Object Store and a Directory in

Autonomous Database
Use the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT to copy a file from a directory to Object
Store. Use the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT to copy a file from Object Store to a
For example, to copy a file from Object Store to the stage directory, run the following

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',

Chapter 9
Copy Files Between Object Store and a Directory in Autonomous Database

object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.usphoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/n/

directory_name => 'STAGE');

To run DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT with a user other than ADMIN you need to grant write
privileges on the directory to that user.
To run DBMS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT with a user other than ADMIN you need to grant read
privileges on the directory to that user.
See GET_OBJECT Procedure and PUT_OBJECT Procedure for more information.

Part II
Managing and Monitoring Autonomous
Data Warehouse
This part provides information on managing Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• Starting, Stopping, and Scaling Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Managing Users on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Managing and Monitoring Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Backing Up and Restoring Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Cloning or Moving a Database with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Security with Access Control Lists and Change License Type
• Work Requests and Managing Events and Notifications
Starting, Stopping, and Scaling
Autonomous Data Warehouse
This section describes starting and stopping Autonomous Data Warehouse and covers
scaling processing power and storage capacity for the service.


• Provision Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Start Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Stop Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Terminate Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Add CPU or Storage Resources or Enable Auto Scaling
• Remove CPU or Storage Resources or Disable Auto Scaling
• Use Auto Scaling

Provision Autonomous Data Warehouse

Follow these steps to provision a new Autonomous Data Warehouse instance using
the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

• Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console by clicking the next to Oracle
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
1. Choose your region. See Switching Regions for information on switching regions
and working in multiple regions.
2. Click Create Autonomous Database.
3. Provide basic information for the Autonomous Database.
• Choose a compartment. See Compartments for information on using and
managing compartments.
• Display name Specify a user-friendly description or other information that
helps you easily identify the resource. The display name does not have to be
• Database name Specify the database name; it must consist of letters and
numbers only. The maximum length is 14 characters.

Chapter 10
Provision Autonomous Data Warehouse

The same database name cannot be used for multiple Oracle
Autonomous Database databases in the same tenancy in the same

4. Choose a workload type. Select the workload type for your database from the
• Data Warehouse
• Transaction Processing
To create an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance select Data Warehouse.
5. Configure the database.
• CPU core count Specify the number of CPU cores for your Autonomous Data
Warehouse database.
• Storage (TB) Specify the storage you wish to make available to your
Autonomous Data Warehouse database, in terabytes.
• Auto Scaling Select to allow the system to automatically use up to three times
more CPU and IO resources to meet workload demand. See Use Auto Scaling
for more information.
6. Create administrator credentials. Set the password for the Autonomous Data
Warehouse Admin user. The password must meet the strong password complexity
criteria based on Oracle Cloud security standards. For more information on the
password complexity rules see Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Username This is a read only field.
• Password Set the password for the Autonomous Data Warehouse Admin
user. The password must meet the strong password complexity criteria based
on Oracle Cloud security standards. For more information on the password
complexity rules see Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Confirm password Enter the same password again to confirm your new
7. Choose a license type
• Bring Your Own License
My organization already owns Oracle database software licenses. Bring my
existing database software licenses to the database cloud service (details).
• License Included
Subscribe to new database software licenses and the database cloud service.
(Optional) Click Show Advanced Options to enter additional options.
If you want to use Tags, enter the TAG KEY and VALUE. Tagging is a metadata
system that allows you to organize and track resources within your tenancy. Tags
are composed of keys and values which can be attached to resources.
8. Click Create Autonomous Database.
On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console the State shows Provisioning... until the
new Autonomous Data Warehouse database is available.

Chapter 10
Start Autonomous Data Warehouse

Start Autonomous Data Warehouse

Describes the steps to start an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Start.
Start is only shown for a stopped instance.
2. Click Start to confirm.

When an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance is started, Autonomous
Data Warehouse CPU billing is initiated based on full-hour cycles of usage.

Stop Autonomous Data Warehouse

Describes the steps stop an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Stop.
2. Click Stop to confirm.

When an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance is stopped, the following
details apply:
• Tools are no longer able to connect to a stopped instance.
• Autonomous Data Warehouse in-flight transactions and queries are
• Autonomous Data Warehouse CPU billing is halted based on full-hour
cycles of usage.

Chapter 10
Terminate Autonomous Data Warehouse

Terminate Autonomous Data Warehouse

Describes the steps to terminate an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance.

Terminating an Autonomous Data Warehouse database permanently deletes
the instance and removes all automatic backups. You cannot recover a
terminated database.

1. Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

2. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
3. On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Terminate.
2. On the Terminate Database page enter the database name to confirm that you
want to terminate the database.
3. Click Terminate Database.

Add CPU or Storage Resources or Enable Auto Scaling

Describes how to scale your Autonomous Data Warehouse on demand by adding
CPU cores or storage (TB). Also describes how to enable auto scaling.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

• Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console by clicking the next to Oracle
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. From the Details page click Scale Up/Down.

Chapter 10
Add CPU or Storage Resources or Enable Auto Scaling

2. On the Scale Up/Down prompt, select the change in resources for your scale
• Click up arrow to select a value for CPU Core Count. The default is no
• Click up arrow to select a value for Storage (TB). The default is no change.

3. To enable auto scaling, select Auto Scaling.

Select auto scaling to allow the system to automatically use up to three times more
CPU and IO resources to meet workload demand, compared to the database

Chapter 10
Remove CPU or Storage Resources or Disable Auto Scaling

operating with auto scaling disabled. The additional resources are available until
you disable auto scaling by deselecting Auto Scaling. See Use Auto Scaling for
more information.
4. Click Update to change your resources.
When you click Update with a resource change for CPU Core Count, Storage, or to
enable or disable Auto Scaling, the Lifecycle State changes to Scaling in Progress....
After the Lifecycle State changes to Available the changes apply immediately.

If auto scaling is disabled while more CPUs are in use than the specified
CPU Core Count, then Autonomous Data Warehouse scales the number of
CPU cores in use down to the CPU Core Count number.

Remove CPU or Storage Resources or Disable Auto Scaling

Describes how to scale your Autonomous Data Warehouse on demand by removing
CPU cores or storage (TB). Also describes how to disable auto scaling.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. From the Details page click Scale Up/Down.
2. On the Scale Up/Down page, select the change in resources for your scale
• Click down arrow to select a value for CPU Core Count. The default is no
• Click down arrow to select a value for Storage (TB). The default is no change.
3. When auto scaling is enabled deselect Auto Scaling to disable auto scaling.
4. Click Update to change your resources.
If auto scaling is disabled while more CPUs are in use than the specified CPU Core
Count, then Autonomous Data Warehouse scales the number of CPU cores in use
down to the CPU Core Count number.

Use Auto Scaling

You can select auto scaling during provisioning or later using the Scale Up/Down
button on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
When you select auto scaling Autonomous Data Warehouse can use up to three times
more CPU and IO resources than specified by the number of OCPUs currently shown
in the Scale Up/Down dialog. When auto scaling is enabled, if your workload requires
additional CPU and IO resources the database automatically uses the resources
without any manual intervention required.

Chapter 10
Use Auto Scaling

To see the average number of OCPUs used during an hour you can use the "Number
of OCPUs allocated" graph on the Overview page on the Autonomous Data
Warehouse service console. See Console Overview for more information.
Enabling auto scaling does not change the concurrency and parallelism settings for
the predefined services. See Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous
Data Warehouse for more information.
See Add CPU or Storage Resources or Enable Auto Scaling for the steps to enable
auto scaling.

Managing Users on Autonomous Data
This section describes administration tasks for managing users on Autonomous Data


• Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Remove Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Manage the Administrator Account on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning

Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse

To create users in your database, connect to the database as the ADMIN user using
any SQL client tool.
For example, connect using Oracle SQL Developer (see Connect with Oracle SQL
Developer (earlier than Version 18.2)).
1. As the ADMIN user run the following SQL statement:

CREATE USER new_user IDENTIFIED BY password;


This creates new_user with connect privileges. This user can now connect to
Autonomous Data Warehouse and run queries. To grant additional privileges to users,
see Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse.

The administrator needs to provide the credentials wallet to the user
new_user. See Connecting to Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Autonomous Data Warehouse requires strong passwords; the password you specify
must meet the default password complexity rules.
• The password must be between 12 and 30 characters long and must include at
least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one numeric character.
Note, the password limit is shown as 60 characters in some help tooltip popups.
Limit passwords to a maximum of 30 characters.

Chapter 11
Remove Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse

• The password cannot contain the username.

• The password cannot be one of the last four passwords used for the same
• The password cannot contain the double quote (") character.
• The password must not be the same password that is set less than 24 hours ago.
The database user accounts in Autonomous Data Warehouse are locked for 24 hours
after ten (10) failed login attempts for security purposes. To unlock an account,
connect to your database as the ADMIN user and run the following command:


For more information about the ALTER USER command, see SQL Language Reference.

See Provide SQL Developer Web Access to Database Users to add users for SQL
Developer Web.
See Create Oracle Application Express Workspaces in Autonomous Data Warehouse
for information on creating APEX workspaces.
See Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning to add user
accounts for Oracle Machine Learning.

Remove Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse

To remove users from your database, connect to the database as the ADMIN user
using any SQL client tool.
For example, connect using Oracle SQL Developer (see Connect with Oracle SQL
Developer (earlier than Version 18.2)).
1. As the ADMIN user run the following SQL statement:


This removes user_name and the objects owned by that user.

This removes all user_name objects and the data owned by user_name is

Manage the Administrator Account on Autonomous Data

You can change the administrator user password and when locked unlock the
administrator user account on Autonomous Data Warehouse.


Chapter 11
Manage the Administrator Account on Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Change the Administrator Password in Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Unlock the Administrator Account in Autonomous Data Warehouse

Change the Administrator Password in Autonomous Data Warehouse

From the service console, change the password for the ADMIN user by following these
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Admin Password.
2. On the Admin Password page enter the new password and confirm.
3. Click Update.
The password for the default administrator account, ADMIN, has the same password
complexity rules mentioned in the section Create Users with Autonomous Data
If your administrator password is locked due to too many failed login attempts, see
Unlock the Administrator Account in Autonomous Data Warehouse for details on
changing and unlocking the ADMIN password.

Unlock the Administrator Account in Autonomous Data Warehouse

Like other user accounts the ADMIN user account gets locked for 24 hours after 10
failed login attempts.
If you cannot wait for 24 hours before the ADMIN user account is automatically
unlocked or if you cannot remember the ADMIN user password, you need to change
the ADMIN password. Use the following steps to change the ADMIN password and
unlock the account:
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
See Signing in to Your Cloud Account in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Admin Password.

Chapter 11
Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse

2. On the Admin Password dialog box enter the new password and confirm.
3. Click Update.
This operation also unlocks the ADMIN account if it was locked.

The password for the default administrator account, ADMIN, has the same
password complexity rules mentioned in the section Create Users with
Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Autonomous Data Warehouse databases come with a predefined database role
named DWROLE. This role provides the common privileges for the data warehouse
developer. Depending on the usage requirements you may also need to grant
individual privileges to users.
1. To grant DWROLE role, connect to the database as ADMIN user using any SQL
client tool. For example, connect using Oracle SQL Developer (see Connect with
Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later)).

Chapter 11
Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse

2. As the ADMIN user grant DWROLE. For example, the following command grants
DWROLE to the user ADBUSER:


3. Grant individual privileges to users with the GRANT command instead of or in

addition to granting DWROLE privileges. See Oracle® Database SQL Language
4. If a user needs to load data, do one of the following to add the privileges required
to load data:
• Use DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.GRANT_TABLESPACE_QUOTA to explicitly grant a quota to
a user. See GRANT_TABLESPACE_QUOTA Procedure for more information.
• Grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privileges to a user. For example, the following
command grants unlimited tablespace privileges to the user ADBUSER:


This privilege overrides any quota that was granted using


Granting UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege allows a user to use all the
allocated storage space. You cannot selectively revoke tablespace
access from a user with the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege. You can
grant selective or restricted access only after revoking the privilege.

The privileges in DWROLE are the following:

EXECUTE privilege on the PL/SQL package DBMS_CLOUD

Chapter 11
Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning

Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine

An administrator can add an existing database user account to Oracle Machine
Learning or create a new user account and user credentials with the Oracle Machine
Learning User Management interface.

• Create User
• Add Existing Database User Account to Oracle Machine Learning

Create User
An administrator creates a new user account and user credentials for Oracle Machine
Learning in the User Management interface.

You must have the administrator role to access the Oracle Machine Learning
User Management interface.

To create a user account:

1. Select an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance and on the details page click
Service Console.
2. On the Service Console click Administration.
3. Click Manage OML Users to open the Oracle Machine Learning User
Administration page.
4. Click Create on the Oracle Machine Learning User Administration page.

5. In the Username field, enter a username for the account. Using the username, the
user will log in to an Oracle Machine Learning instance.
6. Enter a name in the First Name field.

Chapter 11
Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning

7. Enter a name in the Last Name field.

8. In the Email Address field, enter the email ID of the user.
9. Select the option Generate password and email account details to user. User
will be required to reset the password on first sign in. to auto generate a
temporary password and send an email with the account credentials to the user.
If you select this option, you need not enter values in the Password and Confirm
Password fields; the fields are grayed out.
10. In the Password field, enter a password for the user, if you choose to create a
password for the user.
This option is disabled if you select the Generate password... option to auto
generate a temporary password for the user.
11. In the Confirm Password field, enter a password to confirm the value that you
entered in the Password field.
By doing so, you create the password for the user. The user can change the
password when first logging in.
12. Click Create.

This creates a new database user and grants the required privileges to use Oracle
Machine Learning.

With a new database user, an administrator needs to issue grant commands
on the database to grant table access to the new user for the tables
associated with the user's Oracle Machine Learning notebooks.

Add Existing Database User Account to Oracle Machine Learning

An administrator adds an existing database user account for Oracle Machine Learning
in the User Management interface.

You must have the administrator role to access the Oracle Machine Learning
User Management interface.

To add an existing database user account:

1. Select an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance and on the details page click
Service Console.
2. On the Service Console click Administration.
3. Click Manage OML Users to add Oracle Machine Learning users.
4. Click Show All Users to display the existing database users.

Chapter 11
Create and Update User Accounts for Oracle Machine Learning

Initially, the Role field shows the role None for existing database users.
After adding a user the role Developer is assigned to the user.

5. Select a user. To select a user select a name in the User Name column. For
example, select ANALYST1.
Selecting the user shows the Oracle Machine Learning Edit User page.
6. Enter a name in the First Name field. (Optional)
7. Enter the last name of the user in the Last Name field. (Optional)
8. In the Email Address field, enter the email ID of the user.
Making any change on this page adds the existing database user with the required
privileges as a Oracle Machine Learning user.
9. Click Save.
This grants the required privileges to use the Oracle Machine Learning application. In
Oracle Machine Learning this user can then access any tables the user has privileges
to access in the database.

Managing and Monitoring Performance of
Autonomous Data Warehouse
This section describes managing and monitoring the performance of Autonomous
Data Warehouse.

• Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Manage CPU/IO Shares on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Manage Runaway SQL Statements on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Manage Optimizer Statistics on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Monitor Autonomous Data Warehouse with Performance Hub
• Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle
Management Cloud

Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

The Overview and Activity tabs in the Service Console provide information about the
performance of the service. The Activity tab also shows past and current monitored
SQL statements and detailed information about each statement.


• Monitor Activity and Utilization

• Console Overview
• Console Activity
• Monitor SQL Statements

Monitor Activity and Utilization

The Overview and Activity tabs show real-time and historical information about the
utilization of the service.
Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
See Signing in to Your Cloud Account in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.
The Overview tab shows general information about the utilization of the service.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

1. From the Autonomous Data Warehouse landing pad select an instance.

2. From the Details page click Service Console.

3. Autonomous Data Warehouse shows the service console.

You can bookmark the service console URL and go to that URL directly
without logging in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. If you logout
and use the bookmark, then to see the service console you need to enter the
ADMIN username, the password, and click Sign in. See Change the
Administrator Password in Autonomous Data Warehouse if you need to
change the password for the ADMIN user.

Console Overview
The Overview page shows real-time and historical information about the utilization of
the service.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

The components on this page are:

• Storage
This chart shows the total and used storage capacity of the service. It indicates
what percentage of the space is currently in-use. The used storage capacity is the
total allocated space for all tablespaces.
• CPU utilization (%)
This chart shows the historical CPU utilization of the service:
– Auto Scaling Disabled: This chart shows hourly data. A data point shows the
average CPU utilization for that hour. For example, a data point at 10:00
shows the average CPU utilization for 9:00-10:00.
The utilization percentage is reported with respect to the number of CPUs the
database is allowed to use which is two times the number of OCPUs. For
example, if the database has four (4) OCPUs, the percentage in this graph is
based on 8 CPUs.
– Auto Scaling Enabled: For databases with auto scaling enabled the
utilization percentage is reported with respect to the maximum number of
CPUs the database is allowed to use, which is six times the number of
OCPUs. For example, if the database has four OCPUs with auto scaling
enabled the percentage in this graph is based on 24 CPUs.
• Running SQL statements
This chart shows the average number of running SQL statements historically. This
chart shows hourly data. A data point shows the running SQL statements for that
hour. For example, a data point at 10:00 shows the average number of running
SQL statements for 9:00-10:00.
• Number of OCPUs allocated
This chart shows the number of OCPUs allocated:
– Auto Scaling Disabled: For databases with auto scaling disabled, for each
hour the chart shows the number of OCPUs allocated to the database if the
database is open for at least some part of the hour.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

– Auto Scaling Enabled: For databases with auto scaling enabled, for each
hour the chart shows the average number of OCPUs used during that hour if
that value is higher than the number of OCPUs provisioned. If the number of
OCPUs used is not higher than the number of OCPUs provisioned, then the
chart shows the number of OCPUs allocated for that hour.
– Stopped Database: If the database was stopped for the full hour the chart
shows 0 OCPUs allocated for that hour.
• SQL statement response time (s)
This chart shows the average response time, in seconds, of SQL statements
historically. This chart shows hourly data. A data point shows the average SQL
statement response time for that hour. For example, a data point at 10:00 shows
the average SQL statement response time, in seconds, for the hour from
The default retention period for performance data is eight days. So, the CPU
utilization, running statements, and average SQL response time charts show data for
the last eight days by default.

The retention time can be changed by modifying the Automatic Workload
Repository retention setting with the PL/SQL procedure
increasing the retention time will result in more storage usage for
performance data. See Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types

Console Activity
The Activity page shows real-time and historical information about the utilization of
the service.
To access detailed information about the service performance click the Activity tab in
the service console.

The default view in this tab is real-time. This view shows performance data
for the last hour.

The components on this page are:

• Database Activity
This chart shows the average number of sessions in the database using CPU or
waiting on a wait event. See Oracle Database Reference for more information on
wait events.
• CPU Utilization
This chart shows the CPU utilization of each consumer group. The utilization
percentage is reported with respect to the number of CPUs the database is

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

allowed to use which is two times the number of OCPUs. For example, if the
database has four (4) OCPUs, the percentage in this graph is based on 8 CPUs.
For databases with auto scaling enabled the utilization percentage is reported with
respect to the maximum number of CPUs the database is allowed to use, which is
six times the number of OCPUs. For example, if the database has four OCPUs
with auto scaling enabled the percentage in this graph is based on 24 CPUs.
See Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse for
detailed information on consumer groups.
• Running Statements
This chart shows the average number of running SQL statements in each
consumer group. See Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data
Warehouse for detailed information about consumer groups.
• Queued Statements
This chart shows the average number of queued SQL statements in each
consumer group. See Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data
Warehouse for detailed information on consumer groups.

To see earlier data click Time period. The default retention period for performance
data is eight days. So, this view shows information for the last eight days by default.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

The retention time can be changed by changing the Automatic Workload
Repository retention setting with the PL/SQL procedure
increasing the retention time results in more storage usage for performance
data. See Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.

In the time period view you can use the calendar to look at a specific time in the past
eight days.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

You can also use the time slider to change the period for which performance data is

Monitor SQL Statements

The Monitored SQL tab shows information about current and past monitored SQL
See About Monitoring Database Operations in Database SQL Tuning Guide.
Click the Monitored SQL tab to see these statements.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

1. To see the detailed SQL Monitor report for a statement, select a statement and
click Show Details. The Overview tab in the pop-up shows general information
for that statement.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

Click Plan Statistics tab to see the runtime execution plan of the statement.

Click Parallel tab to see information about the parallel processes, if the statement
uses parallelism.

If you want to download an active SQL Monitor report for a statement, select the
statement in the Monitored SQL page and click Download report. This will save the
active SQL Monitor report to your client. See About Monitoring Database Operations in
Database SQL Tuning Guide.
To cancel a running statement, select that statement in the Monitored SQL list and
click Cancel execution.

Chapter 12
Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data

Concurrency and prioritization of user requests in Autonomous Data Warehouse is
determined by the database service the user is connected with.

Users are required to select a service when connecting to the database. The service
names are in the format:
• databasename_high
• databasename_medium
• databasename_low
These services map to the LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH consumer groups. For example, if
you provision an Autonomous Data Warehouse service with the name ADW1, your
service names are:
• adw1_high
• adw1_medium
• adw1_low
For example, a user connecting with the adw1_low service uses the consumer group

The basic characteristics of these consumer groups are:

• HIGH: Highest resources, lowest concurrency. Queries run in parallel.
• MEDIUM: Less resources, higher concurrency. Queries run in parallel.
• LOW: Least resources, highest concurrency. Queries run serially.

Idle Time Limits

Autonomous Data Warehouse has predefined idle time limits for sessions so that idle
sessions do not hold system resources for a long time.
A session may be terminated if it stays idle for more than five (5) minutes and the
resources it consumes are needed by other users. This allows other active sessions to
proceed without waiting for the idle session.
If you want sessions to be terminated after a certain amount of time independent of the
consumed resources needed by other users, then set the MAX_IDLE_TIME initialization
parameter. The MAX_IDLE_TIME parameter specifies the maximum number of minutes
that a session can be idle. After the specified amount of time, MAX_IDLE_TIME kills
See MAX_IDLE_TIME for more information.

The concurrency level of these consumer groups changes based on the number of
OCPUs you subscribe to. The HIGH consumer group’s concurrency is fixed and does

Chapter 12
Managing Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse

not change based on the number of OCPUs. The MEDIUM and LOW consumer
groups can run more concurrent SQL statements if you scale up the compute capacity
of your service.

The HIGH consumer group is configured for low concurrency, even a single
query in this consumer group can use all resources in your database. If your
workload has concurrent queries Oracle recommends using the MEDIUM
consumer group. If your concurrency requirements are not met with the
MEDIUM consumer group, you can use the LOW consumer group or you
can scale up your compute capacity and continue using the MEDIUM
consumer group.

For example, for an Autonomous Data Warehouse with 16 OCPUs, the HIGH
consumer group will be able to run 3 concurrent SQL statements when the MEDIUM
consumer group is not running any statements. The MEDIUM consumer group will be
able to run 20 concurrent SQL statements when the HIGH consumer group is not
running any statements. The LOW consumer group will be able to run 1600 concurrent
SQL statements. The HIGH consumer group can run at least 1 SQL statement when
the MEDIUM consumer group is also running statements. When these concurrency
levels are reached for a consumer group new SQL statements in that consumer group
will be queued until one or more running statements finish.

Predefined Job Classes with Oracle Scheduler

Autonomous Data Warehouse includes predefined job_class values to use with
Oracle Scheduler.
The predefined job_class values, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH map to the corresponding
consumer groups. These job classes allow you to specify the consumer group a job


STORED_PROCEDURE job types for the job_type parameter in Autonomous Data
For example: use the following to create a single regular job to run in HIGH consumer

job_name => 'update_sales',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
start_date => '28-APR-19 07.00.00 PM Australia/Sydney',
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2',
end_date => '20-NOV-19 07.00.00 PM Australia/Sydney',
auto_drop => FALSE,
job_class => 'HIGH',
comments => 'My new job');

Chapter 12
Manage CPU/IO Shares on Autonomous Data Warehouse

To use DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB additional grants for specific roles or
privileges might be required. The ADMIN user and users with DWROLE have the
required CREATE SESSION and CREATE JOB privileges. If a user does not have
DWROLE then grants are required for CREATE SESSION and CREATE JOB

See Scheduling Jobs with Oracle Scheduler for more information on Oracle Scheduler

Manage CPU/IO Shares on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Autonomous Data Warehouse comes with predefined CPU/IO shares assigned to
different consumer groups. You can modify these predefined CPU/IO shares if your
workload requires different CPU/IO resource allocations.
By default, the CPU/IO shares assigned to the consumer groups HIGH, MEDIUM,
LOW are 4, 2, and 1, respectively. The shares determine how much CPU/IO resources
a consumer group can use with respect to the other consumer groups. With the default
settings the consumer group HIGH will be able to use 4 times more CPU/IO resources
compared to LOW and 2 times more CPU/IO resources compared to MEDIUM, when
needed. The consumer group MEDIUM will be able to use 2 times more CPU/IO
resources compared to LOW, when needed.
You can set CPU/IO shares from the service console or using the PL/SQL package

Follow these steps to set CPU/IO shares from the service console:
1. From the Autonomous Data Warehouse details page, click Service Console.
2. On the Service Console click Administration.
3. Click Set Resource Management Rules.
4. Select CPU/IO shares to set CPU/IO share values for consumer groups.
5. Set the CPU/IO share values.
6. Click Save changes.
For example, the following figure shows CPU/IO share values that you can modify:

Chapter 12
Manage Runaway SQL Statements on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Click Load Default Values to load the default values; then click Save changes to
apply the populated values.
You can also change the default values using the PL/SQL procedure

For example, running the following script with the ADMIN user sets CPU/IO shares to
8, 2, and 1 for consumer groups HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW respectively. This will
allow the consumer group HIGH to use 4 times more CPU/IO resources compared to
the consumer group MEDIUM and 8 times CPU/IO resources compared to the
consumer group LOW:

cs_resource_manager.update_plan_directive(consumer_group => 'HIGH',
shares => 8);
cs_resource_manager.update_plan_directive(consumer_group => 'MEDIUM',
shares => 2);
cs_resource_manager.update_plan_directive(consumer_group => 'LOW',
shares => 1);

Manage Runaway SQL Statements on Autonomous Data

Specifies how you configure Autonomous Data Warehouse to terminate SQL
statements automatically based on their runtime or the amount of IO they are doing.
You can set rules from the service console or using the PL/SQL package

Follow these steps to set rules from the service console:

Chapter 12
Manage Runaway SQL Statements on Autonomous Data Warehouse

1. From the Autonomous Data Warehouse details page, click Service Console.
2. On the Service Console click Administration.
3. Click Set Resource Management Rules.
4. Select the Run-away criteria tab to set rules for consumer groups.
5. Select the Consumer group: HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW.
6. Set runaway criteria values:
• Query run time (seconds)
• Amount of IO (MB)
7. Click Save changes.
For example, the following shows values for setting the runtime limit to 120 seconds
and the IO limit to 1000MB for the HIGH consumer group:

When a SQL statement in the specified consumer runs more than the specified
runtime limit or does more IO than the specified amount, then the SQL statement will
be terminated.
Click Load Default Values to load the default values; then click Save changes to
apply the populated values.
You can also use the procedure cs_resource_manager.update_plan_directive to set
these rules. For example, to set a runtime limit of 120 seconds and an IO limit of
1000MB for the HIGH consumer group run the following command when connected to
the database as the ADMIN user:

cs_resource_manager.update_plan_directive(consumer_group => 'HIGH',
io_megabytes_limit => 1000, elapsed_time_limit => 120);

Chapter 12
Manage Optimizer Statistics on Autonomous Data Warehouse

To reset the values and lift the limits, you can set the values to null:

cs_resource_manager.update_plan_directive(consumer_group => 'HIGH',
io_megabytes_limit => null, elapsed_time_limit => null);

Manage Optimizer Statistics on Autonomous Data

Describes Autonomous Data Warehouse commands to run when you need to gather
optimizer statistics or enable optimizer hints.

Managing Optimizer Statistics

Autonomous Data Warehouse gathers optimizer statistics automatically for tables
loaded with direct-path load operations. For example, for loads using the DBMS_CLOUD
package the database gathers optimizer statistics automatically.
If you have tables modified using conventional DML operations you can run
commands to gather optimizer statistics for those tables. For example, for the SH
schema you can gather statistics for all tables in the schema using the following


This example gathers statistics for all tables that have stale statistics in the SH schema.

For more information about direct-path loads see Loading Tables.
For more information on optimizer statistics see Database Concepts.

Managing Optimizer Hints

Autonomous Data Warehouse ignores optimizer hints and PARALLEL hints in SQL
statements by default. If your application relies on hints you can enable optimizer hints
by setting the parameter OPTIMIZER_IGNORE_HINTS to FALSE at the session or system
level using ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM. For example, the following command
enables hints in your session:


Chapter 12
Monitor Autonomous Data Warehouse with Performance Hub

You can also enable PARALLEL hints in your SQL statements by setting
OPTIMIZER_IGNORE_PARALLEL_HINTS to FALSE at the session or system level
using ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM. For example, the following command enables
PARALLEL hints in your session:


Monitor Autonomous Data Warehouse with Performance

You can view real-time and historical performance data from the Performance Hub.
Performance Hub shows Active Session History (ASH) Analytics and SQL Monitoring.
Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
1. From the Autonomous Data Warehouse landing pad select an instance.
2. From the Details page click Performance Hub.

3. Autonomous Data Warehouse shows the Performance Hub page.

Chapter 12
Monitor Autonomous Data Warehouse with Performance Hub

The Time Range selector is on the top of the Performance Hub page. Use the Select
Duration field to set the time duration. By default, Last hour is selected. You can
choose to view Last 8 hours, Last 24 hours, Last week, or specify a custom time
range using the Custom option.
The Time Range field shows active sessions in chart form for the time period selected.
The active sessions chart displays the average number of active sessions broken
down by CPU, User I/O, and Wait. The active sessions chart also shows the Max
CPU usage.
The sliding box on the time range chart is the time slider. Use the time slider to select
the exact period of time for which data is displayed in the Performance Hub tables and
graphs. This is a subsection of the period of time shown in the Time Range field.

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle Management Cloud

You can slide the box to the left or the right to shift the time period under analysis. To
slide the entire box, left-click anywhere inside the box and drag the box to the left or
the right. Widen or narrow the box to increase or decrease the length of time under
analysis. To widen or narrow the box, left-click and hold the handlebar on either side of
the box, then drag to the left or the right to increase or decrease the size of the current
time range box.
Click Refresh to refresh the data in Performance Hub according to the time range
Select either ASH Analytics or SQL Monitoring:
• Active Session History (ASH) Analytics:
This shows Active Session History (ASH) analytics charts to explore Active
Session History data. You can drill down into database performance across
multiple dimensions such as Consumer Group, Wait Class, SQL ID, and User
Name. Select an Average Active Sessions dimension and view the top activity for
that dimension for the selected time period.
• SQL Monitoring:
The SQL statements are only monitored if they've been running for at least five
seconds or if they're run in parallel. The table displays monitored SQL statement
executions by dimensions including Last Active Time, CPU Time, and Database
Time. The table displays currently running SQL statements and SQL statements
that completed, failed, or were terminated. The columns in the table provide
information for monitored SQL statements including Status, Duration, and SQL
The Status column has the following icons:
– A spinning icon indicates that the SQL statement is executing.
– A green check mark icon indicates that the SQL statement completed its
execution during the specified time period.
– A red cross icon indicates that the SQL statement did not complete, either due
to an error, or due to the session being terminated.
– A clock icon indicates that the SQL statement is queued.
To terminate a running or queued SQL statement, click Kill Session.
Select the link in the SQL ID column to go to the corresponding Real-time SQL
Monitoring page. This page provides additional details to help you tune the
selected SQL statement.
See Active Session History (ASH) in Oracle Database Concepts for more information
on Active Session History.

Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse

with Oracle Management Cloud
Oracle Management Cloud allows you to monitor your Autonomous Data Warehouse
database availability and performance. You can use Oracle Database Management,

Chapter 12
Monitor the Performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse with Oracle Management Cloud

part of Oracle Management Cloud, to monitor Autonomous Databases and On-

premises Oracle Databases.
For information on using Oracle Management Cloud with Autonomous Data
Warehouse see the following:
• Using Oracle Database Management for Autonomous Databases
• Getting Started with Oracle Management Cloud

Backing Up and Restoring Autonomous
Data Warehouse
This section describes backup and recovery tasks on Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• About Backup and Recovery on Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse Database
• Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

About Backup and Recovery on Autonomous Data

Autonomous Data Warehouse automatically backs up your database for you. The
retention period for backups is 60 days. You can restore and recover your database to
any point-in-time in this retention period.

Manual Backups
You do not have to do any manual backups for your database as Autonomous Data
Warehouse backs up your database automatically. You can do manual backups using
the cloud console; for example if you want to take a backup before a major change to
make restore and recovery faster. The manual backups are put in your Cloud Object
Storage bucket. When you initiate a point-in-time recovery Autonomous Data
Warehouse decides which backup to use for faster recovery.

You can initiate recovery for your Autonomous Data Warehouse database using the
cloud console. Autonomous Data Warehouse automatically restores and recovers your
database to the point-in-time you specify.

Listing Backups
The list of backups available for recovery is shown on the Autonomous Data
Warehouse details page under Backups.

Chapter 13
Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse Database

Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse

The Autonomous Data Warehouse console Actions drop-down Restore operation
allows you to initiate recovery for your database.
To restore and recover your database to a point in time, do the following:
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

Chapter 13
Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse Database

• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Restore to display
the Restore prompt.

2. In the Restore prompt, select Specify Timestamp or Select Backup to restore to

a point in time or to restore from a specified backup.
• SPECIFY TIMESTAMP: Enter a timestamp to restore to in the ENTER
TIMESTAMP calendar field.

Chapter 13
Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse Database

• SELECT BACKUP: Select a backup from the list of backups. Limit the number
of backups you see by specifying a period using the FROM and TO calendar

3. Click Restore.

Chapter 13
Restore and Recover your Autonomous Data Warehouse Database

Restoring Autonomous Data Warehouse puts the database in the
unavailable state during the restore operation. You cannot connect to a
database in that state. The only lifecycle management operation
supported in unavailable state is terminate.

The details page shows Lifecycle State: Restore In Progress...

4. When the restore operation finishes your Autonomous Data Warehouse instance
opens in read-only mode and the instance details page Lifecycle State shows
Available Needs Attention.

5. At this point you can connect to your Autonomous Data Warehouse instance and
check your data to validate that the restore point you specified was correct:
• If the restore point you specified was correct and you want to open your
database in read-write mode click Stop and after the database stops, click
Start to start the database. After stopping and starting, the database opens in
read-write mode.

Chapter 13
Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

After the instance is opened in read-write mode some of your
backups are invalidated.

• After checking your data if you find that the restore date you specified was not
the one you needed you can initiate another restore operation to another point
in time.

Note 1:
When you restore your database and open it in read-write mode, all backups
between the date the restore completes and the date you specified for the
restore operation - the restore time - are invalidated. After the database is
opened in read-write mode after a restore, you cannot initiate further restore
operations to any point in time between the restore time and restore
completion time. You can only initiate new restore operations to a point in
time older than the restore time or more recent than the time when the actual
restore succeeded.
For example, assume you initiate a restore operation on Oct 8, 2018, 2 pm
and specify Oct 1, 2018, 2 pm as the point in time to restore to and the
restore completes on Oct 8, 2018, 2:30 pm. If you open your database in
read-write mode at this point, backups between Oct 8, 2018, 2:30 pm
and Oct 1, 2018, 2 pm will be invalidated. You will not be able to restore to
any date between Oct 1, 2018, 2 pm and Oct 8, 2018, 2:30 pm. If you initiate
a restore to a point in time between these dates the restore will fail with an

Note 2:
The restore operation also restores the DATA_PUMP_DIR directory and user
defined directories to the timestamp you specified for the restore; files that
were created after that timestamp would be lost.

Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

In addition to automatic backups Autonomous Data Warehouse also allows you take
manual backups to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.

• Configure Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Perform Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Chapter 13
Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Configure Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Follow these steps to define your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage
credentials and tenancy URL and to create the bucket for manual backups.
To perform manual backups you need to define your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Object Storage credentials and your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage
tenancy URL; you also need to create a bucket to hold the backups. The manual
backup configuration tasks are a one-time operation. After you define your credentials
and your tenancy URL you can initiate manual backups without doing the same
operations again unless the URL, the credentials, or bucket change.
For this task you need a client tool that is connected to Autonomous Data Warehouse
to perform the DDL commands. For example, use SQL Developer or SQL*Plus. See
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse Using Oracle Database Tools.
1. Set the database default_bucket property to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Object Storage tenancy URL. The format of the tenancy URL is https://
swiftobjectstorage.region.oraclecloud.com/v1/object_storage_namespace. Note
that you need to do this using the ADMIN user.
For example:

ALTER DATABASE PROPERTY SET default_bucket='https://


2. On your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, create a bucket to hold the
backups. The format of the bucket name is backup_databasename. Where
databasename is lowercase.
a. Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service console from MyServices
through the Services menu or the Services Dashboard tile.
b. Select Object Storage from the menu.
c. Select Object Storage from the submenu.
d. Create a bucket in a compartment by clicking Create Bucket.
Manual backups are only supported with buckets created in the standard storage
tier, make sure you pick Standard as the storage tier when creating your bucket.
For information on the Standard Object Storage Tier, see Overview of Object
For example, if you provision an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance named
ADWC1, the bucket name should be backup_adwc1. Following the same example,
the URL of this bucket would be (the bucket name is lowercase):


3. Create a credential for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage account
Note that you need to do this using the ADMIN user. For example:


Chapter 13
Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',

username => 'adwc_user@example.com',
password => 'password'

4. Set the database property DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL to the credential you created in

the previous step. For example:


To list the current value for the default bucket, use the following command:


Perform Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

In addition to automatic backups Autonomous Data Warehouse also allows you take
manual backups to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the details page, under Backups, click Create Manual Backup.

Chapter 13
Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

2. In the Create Manual Backup dialog enter a name in the Name field.
3. In the Create Manual Backup dialog click Create.

Note 1:
Each manual backup creates a full backup on your Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage bucket and the backup can only be used by the
Autonomous Data Warehouse instance when you initiate a point-in-time-

Chapter 13
Manual Backups on Autonomous Data Warehouse

Note 2:
The retention period for manual backups is the same as automatic backups
which is 60 days.

Note 3:
While backing up a database, the database is fully functional; however
during the backup lifecycle management operations are not allowed. For
example, stopping the database is not allowed during the backup.

Cloning or Moving a Database with
Autonomous Data Warehouse
Autonomous Data Warehouse provides cloning where you can choose to clone either
the full database or only the database metadata. You can also move an Autonomous
Data Warehouse database to a different Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartment.


• Clone Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Move an Autonomous Data Warehouse Database to a Different Compartment

Clone Autonomous Data Warehouse

Shows you the steps to clone an Autonomous Data Warehouse database using the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

• Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console by clicking the next to Oracle
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
1. Choose your region. See Switching Regions for information on switching regions
and working in multiple regions.
2. Choose your Compartment. See Compartments for information on using and
managing compartments.
3. Select an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance from the list in your
4. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Create Clone.
Create Clone is only enabled only when the instance state is Available or
Available Needs Attention.
5. In the Create Autonomous Database Clone page, enter the following
6. Choose clone type from the choices:
• Full Clone: creates a new database with the source database’s data and
• Metadata Clone: creates a new database with the source database’s
metadata without the data.
7. Provide basic information for the Autonomous Database.

Chapter 14
Clone Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Create in Compartment. See Compartments for information on using and

managing compartments.
• Origin Database Name This is a read-only field that identifies the name of the
source database.
• Display Name Specify a user-friendly description or other information that
helps you easily identify the resource. The display name does not have to be
You can use the name provided, of the form: Clone of DBname or change this
to the name you want to use to identify the database. The supplied DBname is
the name of the source database that you are cloning.
• Database Name Specify the database name; it must consist of letters and
numbers only. The maximum length is 14 characters.

The same database name cannot be used for multiple Oracle
Autonomous Database databases in the same tenancy in the same

8. Configure the database.

• CPU core count Specify the number of cores for your Autonomous Data
Warehouse database.
• Storage (TB) Specify the storage you wish to make available to your
Autonomous Data Warehouse database, in terabytes.
For a Full Clone, the minimum storage that you can specify is the source
database's actual used space rounded to the next TB.
• Auto scaling Select to allow the system to automatically use up to three times
more CPU and IO resources to meet workload demand. See Use Auto Scaling
for more information.
9. Create administrator credentials.
• Username This is a read-only field.
• Password Set the password for the Autonomous Data Warehouse Admin
user. The password must meet the strong password complexity criteria based
on Oracle Cloud security standards. For more information on the password
complexity rules see Create Users with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Confirm password Specify a value to confirm the password.
10. Choose a license type.

• Bring Your Own License

My organization already owns Oracle database software licenses. Bring my
existing database software licenses to the database cloud service (details).
• License Included
Subscribe to new database software licenses and the database cloud service.
(Optional) Click Show Advanced Options to enter additional options.

Chapter 14
Clone Autonomous Data Warehouse

If you want to use Tags, enter the TAG KEY and VALUE. Tagging is a metadata
system that allows you to organize and track resources within your tenancy. Tags
are composed of keys and values which can be attached to resources.
On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console the State shows Provisioning... until the
new Autonomous Data Warehouse database is available.
For the clone operation, note the following:
• Oracle Machine Learning workspaces, projects, and notebooks of the source
database are not cloned to the new database.
• If there is an ongoing clone operation on a source database, you cannot initiate a
new clone operation on the database being cloned until the ongoing operation
• You can only clone an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance to the same
tenancy and the same region as the source database.
• If you define a network Access Control List (ACL) on the source database, the
network ACL is cloned to the new database.
See Cloning an Autonomous Database for information on using the API.

Optimizer Statistics for a Cloned Database

During the provisioning for either a Full Clone or a Metadata Clone, the optimizer
statistics are copied from the source database to the cloned database.
The following applies for optimizer statistics for tables in a cloned database:
• Full Clone: loads into tables behave the same as loading into a table with statistics
already in place.
• Metadata Clone: the first load into a table after the clone clears the statistics for
that table and updates the statistics with the new load.
For more information on Optimizer Statistics, see Optimizer Statistics Concepts.

Resource Management Rules and Performance Data for a Cloned

The following applies for resource management rules and performance data in a
cloned database:
• During the provisioning for either a Full Clone or a Metadata Clone, any resource
management rule changed by the user in the source database is carried over to
the cloned database.
• Performance data for the time before the clone operation is not visible on the
service console of the cloned database.
For more information on setting resource management rules, see Manage Runaway
SQL Statements on Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Chapter 14
Move an Autonomous Data Warehouse Database to a Different Compartment

Move an Autonomous Data Warehouse Database to a

Different Compartment
Shows you the steps to move an Autonomous Data Warehouse database to a different
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartment.


• To move an Autonomous Data Warehouse database you must have the

right to manage autonomous databases in the database's current
compartment and in the compartment you are moving it to.
• As soon as you move an Autonomous Data Warehouse database to a
different compartment, the policies that govern the new compartment
apply immediately and affect access to the database. Therefore, your
access to the database may change, depending on the policies
governing your Oracle Cloud user account's access to resources.

• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.

• Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console by clicking the next to Oracle
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
1. Choose your region. See Switching Regions for information on switching regions
and working in multiple regions.
2. Choose your Compartment. See Compartments for information on using and
managing compartments.
3. Select an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance from the list in your
4. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Move Resource.
5. In the Move Resource to a Different Compartment page, select the new

Chapter 14
Move an Autonomous Data Warehouse Database to a Different Compartment

6. Click Move Resource.

See Moving Database Resources to a Different Compartment for more information.

Security with Access Control Lists and
Change License Type
This section describes setting an Access Control List (ACL) for Autonomous Data
Warehouse and describes how you can change your license type.


• Set Access Control List with Autonomous Data Warehouse

• Update License Type with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Set Access Control List with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Describes how to specify a network access control list with Autonomous Data
Specifying an access control list blocks all IP addresses that are not in the list from
accessing the database. Once an access control list is set that specific Autonomous
Data Warehouse database only accepts connections from addresses on the access
control list and rejects all other client connections. By default, when there is no
network access control list specified the database is accessible from any IP address.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Access Control
2. On the Access Control List page enter values for the access control list:
• IP Notation Type: Select one of: IP Address or CIDR Block.
• IP Addresses or CIDR Blocks: Enter the values for the IP Address or the
CIDR Block.
3. Click + Additional Entry to add a new value to the access control list.
4. Click x to remove an entry.
You can also clear the value in the IP Addresses or CIDR Blocks field to remove
an entry.
5. Click Update.
If the Lifecycle State is Available when you click Update the Lifecycle State changes
to Updating until the ACL is set. The database is still up and accessible, there is no
downtime. When the update is complete the Lifecycle State returns to Available and
the network ACLs from the access control list are in effect.

Chapter 15
Update License Type with Autonomous Data Warehouse

An IP address specified in a network ACL entry should be the public IP address of the
client that is visible on the public internet that you want to grant access. For example,
for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM, this is the IP address shown in the Public IP
field on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console for that VM.
Access Control List Notes:
• If you have an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network that is configured to use a
service gateway to access your database, you cannot use the public IP addresses
of the client machines in that network in your ACL definition. If you want to only
allow connections coming through a service gateway you need to use the IP
address of the service gateway in your ACL definition. If you want to only allow
connections coming through a service gateway you need to add an ACL definition
with the CIDR source type with the value
See Access to Oracle Services: Service Gateway for more information.
• When you restore a database the existing ACLs are not overwritten by the restore.
• The network ACLs apply to the database connections and Oracle Machine
Learning notebooks. If an ACL is defined, if you try to login to Oracle Machine
Learning from a client whose IP not specified on the ACL this shows the "login
rejected based on access control list set by the administrator" error.
• Oracle Application Express (APEX), RESTful services, and SQL Developer Web
are not subject to ACLs.
• The Autonomous Data Warehouse Service console is not subject to ACLs.
• If you have a private subnet in your VCN that is configured to access the public
internet through a NAT Gateway, you need to enter the public IP address of the
NAT Gateway in your ACL definition. Clients in the private subnet do not have
public IP addresses. See NAT Gateway for more information.

Update License Type with Autonomous Data Warehouse

Describes how to update your licensing with Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Account at cloud.oracle.com.
• From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Autonomous Data
• On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Data Warehouse
instance from the links under the Name column.
1. On the Details page, from the Actions drop-down list, select Update License
2. On the Update License Type page select the license type:
• My organization already owns Oracle database software licenses
Bring my existing database software licenses to the database cloud service
• Subscribe to new database software licenses and the database cloud service
3. Click Update.

Work Requests and Managing Events and
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events enable you to create automation based on state
changes for resources. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure work requests allow you to monitor
long-running operations such as cloning or backing up an Autonomous Data
Warehouse database.


• About Events and Notifications

• About Work Requests

About Events and Notifications

An event could be a resource lifecycle state change or a system event impacting a
resource. For example, an event can be emitted when a backup or restore operation
begins or ends. You can use events to manage actions, including notifications and
other actions.
See Overview of Events for more information.

About Work Requests

Autonomous Databases support Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Work Requests. A work
request is an activity log that enables you to track each step in an operation's
progress. Each work request has an Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) that allows you to
interact with it programmatically.
Autonomous Database work requests are created for the following operations:
• Creating or terminating an Autonomous Database instance
• Starting or stopping an Autonomous Database instance
• Restoring an Autonomous Database instance
• Cloning an Autonomous Database instance
• Creating or deleting manual backups.
• Scaling database storage or CPU
• Updating the database license type
• Updating a database's network access control list (ACL)
Under Resources on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console click Work Requests to
see recent work requests.

Chapter 16
About Work Requests

Click the link under Operation to see more details for a work request.

Chapter 16
About Work Requests

See Work Requests Integration for more information.

Part III
Part III contains the Appendixes.



• Autonomous Data Warehouse for Experienced Oracle Database Users
• Migrating Amazon Redshift to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Sample Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) Queries and Analytic Views
Packages DBMS_CLOUD and
This section provides information about the DBMS_CLOUD and DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN
packages you use with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.


• Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

• DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats
• DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options
• DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options for Parquet and Avro
• DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle Data Type Mapping
• DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data Type Mapping
• DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle Column Name Mapping
• Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms

Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

This section covers the DBMS_CLOUD subprograms provided with Autonomous Data

To run DBMS_CLOUD subprograms with a user other than ADMIN you need to
grant EXECUTE privileges to that user. For example, run the following
command as ADMIN to grant privileges to adwc_user:



• COPY_DATA Procedure
• COPY_DATA Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files
• CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

• DELETE_FILE Procedure
• GET_OBJECT Procedure
• LIST_FILES Function
• PUT_OBJECT Procedure

COPY_DATA Procedure
This procedure loads data into existing Autonomous Data Warehouse tables from files
in the Cloud.


table_name IN VARCHAR2,
credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
file_uri_list IN CLOB,
schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT,
field_list IN CLOB DEFAULT,


Parameter Description
table_name The name of the target table on the Autonomous Data Warehouse
database. The target table needs to be created before you run
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
file_uri_list Comma-delimited list of source file URIs. You can use wildcards in
the file names in your URIs. The character "*" can be used as the
wildcard for multiple characters, the character "?" can be used as
the wildcard for a single character.
The format of the URIs depend on the Cloud Object Storage service
you are using, for details see DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI
schema_name The name of the schema where the target table resides. The default
value is NULL meaning the target table is in the same schema as
the user running the procedure.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

Parameter Description
field_list Identifies the fields in the source files and their data types. The
default value is NULL meaning the fields and their data types are
determined by the target table definition. This argument's syntax is
the same as the field_list clause in regular Oracle external
tables. For more information about field_list see Oracle®
Database Utilities.
For an example using field_list, see
format The options describing the format of the source files. For the list of
the options and how to specify the values see DBMS_CLOUD
Package Format Options.
For Parquet and Avro file format options, see DBMS_CLOUD
Package Format Options for Parquet and Avro.

COPY_DATA Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files

This procedure with the format parameter type set to the value parquet or avro loads
data into existing Autonomous Data Warehouse tables from Parquet or Avro files in
the Cloud. Similar to text files, the data is copied from the source Parquet or Avro file
into the preexisting internal table.


table_name IN VARCHAR2,
credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
file_uri_list IN CLOB,
schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT,
field_list IN CLOB DEFAULT,


Parameter Description
table_name The name of the target table on the Autonomous Data Warehouse
database. The target table needs to be created before you run
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
file_uri_list Comma-delimited list of source file URIs. You can use wildcards in
the file names in your URIs. The character "*" can be used as the
wildcard for multiple characters, the character "?" can be used as
the wildcard for a single character.
The format of the URIs depend on the Cloud Object Storage service
you are using, for details see DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI
schema_name The name of the schema where the target table resides. The default
value is NULL meaning the target table is in the same schema as
the user running the procedure.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

Parameter Description
field_list Ignored for Parquet and Avro files.
The fields in the source match the external table columns by name.
Source data types are converted to the external table column data
For Parquet files, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle
Data Type Mapping for details on mapping.
For Avro files, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data
Type Mapping for details on mapping.
format The options describing the format of the source files. For Parquet
and Avro files, only two options are supported: see DBMS_CLOUD
Package Format Options for Parquet and Avro.

Usage Notes
As with other data files, Parquet and Avro data loads generate logs that are viewable
in the tables dba_load_operations and user_load_operations. Each load
operation adds a record to dba[user]_load_operations that indicates the table
containing the logs.
The log table provides summary information about the load.

For Parquet or Avro files, when the format parameter type is set to the value
parquet or avro, the BADFILE_TABLE table is always empty.

• For Parquet files, PRIMARY KEY constraint errors throw an ORA error.
• If data for a column encounters a conversion error, for example, the
target column is not large enough to hold the converted value, the value
for the column is set to NULL. This does not produce a rejected record.

This procedure stores Cloud Object Storage credentials in the Autonomous Data
Warehouse database.
Use stored credentials for data loading or for querying external data residing in the
Cloud, where you use DBMS_CLOUD procedures with a credential_name parameter.
This procedure is overloaded. Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure-related parameters,
including: user_ocid, tenancy_ocid, private_key, and fingerprint only when you
are using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure native authentication.


credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
username IN VARCHAR2,

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
user_ocid IN VARCHAR2,
tenancy_ocid IN VARCHAR2,
private_key IN VARCHAR2,
fingerprint IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
credential_name The name of the credential to be stored.
username The username and password arguments together specify your
object storage credentials. See below for what to specify for the
username and password for different object stores.
password The username and password arguments together specify your
object storage credentials.
user_ocid Specifies the user's OCID. See Where to Get the Tenancy's OCID
and User's OCID for details on obtaining the User's OCID.
tenancy_ocid Specifies the tenancy's OCID. See Where to Get the Tenancy's
OCID and User's OCID for details on obtaining the Tenancy's
private_key Specifies the generated private key. Private keys generated with a
passphrase are not supported. You need to generate the private
key without a passphrase. See How to Generate an API Signing
Key for details on generating a key pair in PEM format.
fingerprint Specifies a fingerprint. After a generated public key is uploaded to
the user's account the fingerprint is displayed in the console. Use
the displayed fingerprint for this argument. See How to Get the
Key's Fingerprint and How to Generate an API Signing Key for more

Usage Notes
• This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted format.
• You can see the credentials in your schema by querying the user_credentials
• The ADMIN user can see all the credentials by querying the dba_credentials table.
• You only need to create credentials once unless your object store credentials
change. Once you store the credentials you can then use the same credential
name for DBMS_CLOUD procedures that require a credential_name parameter.
• This procedure is overloaded. If you provide one of the key based authentication
attributes, user_ocid, tenancy_ocid, private_key, or fingerprint, the call is
assumed to be an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Native credential.
• Private keys generated with a passphrase are not supported. You need to
generate the private key without a passphrase. See How to Generate an API
Signing Key for more information.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Credentials

If your source files reside in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage the username
is your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user name. The password is your Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure auth token. See Working with Auth Tokens.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic Credentials

If your source files reside in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic, the
username is your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic user name and the password is
your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic password.

Amazon S3 Credentials
If your source files reside in Amazon S3 the username is your AWS access key ID and
the password is your AWS secret access key. See AWS Identity and Access

Azure Blob Storage Credentials

If your source files reside in Azure Blob Storage, the username is your Azure storage
account name and the password is an Azure storage account access key. See About
Azure storage accounts.

This procedure creates an external table on files in the Cloud. This allows you to run
queries on external data from Autonomous Data Warehouse.


table_name IN VARCHAR2,
credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
file_uri_list IN CLOB,
column_list IN CLOB,
field_list IN CLOB DEFAULT,


Parameter Description
table_name The name of the external table.
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
file_uri_list Comma-delimited list of source file URIs. You can use wildcards
in the file names in your URIs. The character "*" can be used as
the wildcard for multiple characters, the character "?" can be used
as the wildcard for a single character.
The format of the URIs depend on the Cloud Object Storage
service you are using, for details see DBMS_CLOUD Package
File URI Formats.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

Parameter Description
column_list Comma-delimited list of column names and data types for the
external table.
field_list Identifies the fields in the source files and their data types. The
default value is NULL meaning the fields and their data types are
determined by the column_list parameter. This argument's syntax
is the same as the field_list clause in regular Oracle external
tables. For more information about field_list see Oracle®
Database Utilities.
format The options describing the format of the source files. For the list of
the options and how to specify the values see DBMS_CLOUD
Package Format Options.
For Parquet or Avro format files, see
CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE Procedure for Parquet or Avro


credential_name =>'OBJ_STORE_CRED',
file_uri_list =>'&base_URL/
format => json_object('type' value 'csv', 'skipheaders' value
field_list => 'REPORT_DATE DATE''mm/dd/yy'',
REPORT_DATE_COPY DATE ''yyyy-mm-dd'',
column_list => 'REPORT_DATE DATE,


actual_mean_temp > 69 and actual_mean_temp < 74

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE Procedure for Parquet or Avro Files

This procedure with the format parameter type set to the value parquet or avro
creates an external table with either Parquet or Avro format files in the Cloud. This
allows you to run queries on external data from Autonomous Data Warehouse.


table_name IN VARCHAR2,
credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
file_uri_list IN CLOB,
column_list IN CLOB,
field_list IN CLOB DEFAULT,


Parameter Description
table_name The name of the external table.
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
file_uri_list Comma-delimited list of source file URIs. You can use wildcards
in the file names in your URIs. The character "*" can be used as
the wildcard for multiple characters, the character "?" can be used
as the wildcard for a single character.
The format of the URIs depend on the Cloud Object Storage
service you are using, for details see DBMS_CLOUD Package
File URI Formats.
column_list (Optional) This field, when specified, overrides the format-
>schema parameter which specifies that the schema, columns
and data types, are derived automatically. See the format
parameter for details.
When the column_list is specified for a Parquet or Avro source,
the column names must match those columns found in the file.
Oracle data types must map appropriately to the Parquet or Avro
data types.
For Parquet files, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle
Data Type Mapping for details.
For Avro files, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data
Type Mapping for details.
field_list Ignored for Parquet or Avro files.
The fields in the source match the external table columns by
name. Source data types are converted to the external table
column data type.
For Parquet files, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle
Data Type Mapping for details.
For Avro files, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data
Type Mapping for details.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

Parameter Description
format For Parquet and Avro, there are only two supported parameters.
See DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options for Parquet and
Avro for details.

Examples Avro

format => '{"type":"avro", "schema": "all"}'

format => json_object('type' value 'avro', 'schema' value 'first')

Examples Parquet

format => '{"type":"parquet", "schema": "all"}'

format => json_object('type' value 'parquet', 'schema' value 'first')

AVRO and Parquet Column Name Mapping to Oracle Column Names

See DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle Column Name Mapping
for information on column name mapping and column name conversion usage in
Oracle SQL.

This procedure clears either all data load operations logged in the
user_load_operations table in your schema or clears all the data load operations
of the specified type, as indicated with the type parameter.




Parameter Description
type Specifies the type of operation to delete. Type values can be found in
the TYPE column in the user_load_operations table.
If no type is specified all rows are deleted.

Usage Note
• DBMS_CLOUD.DELETE_ALL_OPERATIONS does not delete currently running operations
(operations in a "Running" status).

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

This procedure removes the specified file from the specified directory on Autonomous
Data Warehouse.


directory_name IN VARCHAR2,
file_name IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
directory_name The name of the directory on the Autonomous Data Warehouse
file_name The name of the file to be removed.

To run DBMS_CLOUD.DELETE_FILE with a user other than ADMIN you need to
grant write privileges on the directory that contains the file to that user. For
example, run the following command as ADMIN to grant write privileges
to adwc_user:

GRANT WRITE ON DIRECTORY data_pump_dir TO adwc_user;

This procedure deletes the specified object on object store.


credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
location_uri IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
location_uri Object or file URI for the object to delete. The format of the URI
depends on the Cloud Object Storage service you are using, for
details see DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

This procedure removes an existing credential from Autonomous Data Warehouse.


credential_name IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
credential_name The name of the credential to be removed.

GET_OBJECT Procedure
This procedure reads an object from Cloud Object Storage and copies it to
Autonomous Data Warehouse. The maximum file size allowed in this procedure is 5
gigabytes (GB).


credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
object_uri IN VARCHAR2,
directory_name IN VARCHAR2,
startoffset IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
endoffset IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,


Parameter Description
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
object_uri Object or file URI. The format of the URI depends on the Cloud
Object Storage service you are using, for details see
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats.
directory_name The name of the directory on the Autonomous Data Warehouse

file_name Specifies the name of the file to create. If file name is not specified,
the file name is taken from after the last slash in the object_uri
parameter. For special cases, for example when the file name
contains slashes, use the file_name parameter.
startoffset The offset, in bytes, from where the procedure starts reading.
endoffset The offset, in bytes, until where the procedure stops reading.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

Parameter Description
compression Specifies the compression used to store the object. When
compression is set to ‘AUTO’ the file is uncompressed (the value
‘AUTO’ implies the object specified with object_uri is
compressed with Gzip).

To run DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT with a user other than ADMIN you need to grant WRITE
privileges on the directory to that user. For example, run the following command as ADMIN to
grant write privileges to adwc_user:

GRANT WRITE ON DIRECTORY data_pump_dir TO adwc_user;


credential_name => 'OBJ_STORE_CRED',
object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/n/
directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR');

This function lists the files and their sizes in the specified directory on Autonomous
Data Warehouse.


directory_name IN VARCHAR2)


Parameter Description
directory_name The name of the directory on the Autonomous Data Warehouse

This is a pipelined function that returns a row for each file. For example, use the
following query to use this function:


Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms

To run DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES with a user other than ADMIN you need to
grant read privileges on the directory to that user. For example, run the
following command as ADMIN to grant read privileges to adwc_user:

GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY data_pump_dir TO adwc_user;

This function lists objects and their sizes in the specified location on object store.


credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
location_uri IN VARCHAR2)


Parameter Description
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
location_uri Object or file URI. The format of the URI depends on the Cloud
Object Storage service you are using, for details see
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats.

This is a pipelined function that returns a row for each object. For example, use the
following query to use this function:



PUT_OBJECT Procedure
This procedure copies a file from Autonomous Data Warehouse to the Cloud Object
Storage. The maximum file size allowed in this procedure is 5 gigabytes (GB).


credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
object_uri IN VARCHAR2,
directory_name IN VARCHAR2,
file_name IN VARCHAR2);

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms


Parameter Description
credential_name The name of the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage.
object_uri Object or file URI. The format of the URI depends on the Cloud
Object Storage service you are using, for details see
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats.
directory_name The name of the directory on the Autonomous Data Warehouse

file_name The name of the file in the specified directory.

To run DBMS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT with a user other than ADMIN you need to grant read
privileges on the directory to that user. For example, run the following command as ADMIN to
grant read privileges to adwc_user:

GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY data_pump_dir TO adwc_user;

This procedure validates the source files for an external table, generates log
information, and stores the rows that do not match the format options specified for the
external table in a badfile table on Autonomous Data Warehouse.


table_name IN VARCHAR2,
schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT,
stop_on_error IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT);


Parameter Description
table_name The name of the external table.
schema_name The name of the schema where the external table resides. The default
value is NULL meaning the external table is in the same schema as
the user running the procedure.
rowcount Number of rows to be scanned. The default value is NULL meaning all
the rows in the source files are scanned.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats

Parameter Description
stop_on_error Determines if the validate should stop when a row is rejected. The
default value is TRUE meaning the validate stops at the first rejected
row. Setting the value to FALSE specifies that the validate does not
stop at the first rejected row and validates all rows up to the value
specified for the rowcount parameter.
If the external table refers to Parquet or Avro file(s) the validate stops
at the first rejected row. When the external table specifies the format
parameter type set to the value parquet or avro, the parameter
stop_on_error is effectively always TRUE. Thus, the table badfile will
always be empty for an external table referring to Parquet or Avro

DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats

Describes the format of the source file URIs in operations with DBMS_CLOUD. The format
depends on the object storage service you are using.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage URI Format

If your source files reside on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage you can
use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure native URIs or the Swift URIs. The format for files can
be either:



Where: object_storage_namespace is a unique and uneditable system-generated

string assigned during account creation and applies to all regions. For some older
tenancies, the namespace string might be the tenancy name in all lower-case letters.
For example, the Native URI for the file channels.txt in the adwc_user bucket in the
adwc object storage name in the Phoenix data center:


For example, the Swift URI for the file channels.txt in the adwc_user bucket in the
adwc object storage name in the Phoenix data center:

You can find the URI from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage "Object
Details" in the right hand side ellipsis menu in the Object Store:
1. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation list click Object Storage →
Object Storage.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats

2. From the Name column, select a bucket.

3. In the Objects area, click View Object Details.

4. On the Object Details page, the URL Path (URI) field shows the URI to access
the object.

The source files need to be stored in an Object Storage tier bucket.
Autonomous Data Warehouse does not support buckets in the Archive
Storage tier. See Overview of Object Storage for more information.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage URI Format Using Pre-Authenticated

Request URL
If your source files reside on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage you can
use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure pre-authenticated URIs. When you create a pre-
authenticated request, a unique URL is generated. You can then provide the unique
URL to users in your organization, partners, or third parties to access the Object
Storage resource target identified in the pre-authenticated request.

Carefully assess the business requirement for and the security ramifications
of pre‑authenticated access. When you create the pre-authenticated request
URL, note the Expiration and the Access Type to make sure they are
appropriate for your use.
A pre-authenticated request URL gives anyone who has the URL access to
the targets identified in the request for as long as the request is active. In
addition to considering the operational needs of pre-authenticated access, it
is equally important to manage its distribution.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package File URI Formats

The format for pre-authenticated request URLs is:


For example, a sample pre-authenticated URI for the file channels.txt in the
adwc_user bucket in the adwc object storage name in the Phoenix data center:

You can use a pre-authenticated URL in any DBMS_CLOUD procedure that takes a URL
to access files in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure object store, without the need to create a
credential. However, you need to either specify the credential_name parameter as
NULL or not supply a credential_name parameter.

For example:

table_name =>'CHANNELS',
file_uri_list =>'https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/p/
format => json_object('delimiter' value ',') );

A list of mixed URLs is valid. If the URL list contains both pre-authenticated
URLs and URLs that require authentication, DBMS_CLOUD uses the specified
credential_name to access the URLs that require authentication and for the
pre-authenticated URLs the specified credential_name is ignored.

See Using Pre-Authenticated Requests for more information.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic URI Format

If your source files reside in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic, see
the REST page for a description of the URI format for accessing your files: About
REST URLs for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic Resources.

Amazon S3 URI Format

If your source files reside in Amazon S3, see the following for a description of the URI
format for accessing your files: Accessing a Bucket.
For example the following refers to the file channels.txt in the adwc bucket in the
us-west-2 region.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options

Azure Blob Storage URI Format

If your source files reside in Azure Blob Storage, see the following for a description of
the URI format for accessing your files: Resource URI Syntax.
For example the following refers to the file channels.txt in the adwc container in the
storage account adwc_user:


DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options

The format argument in DBMS_CLOUD specifies the format of source files.

The two ways to specify the format argument are:

format => '{"format_option" : “format_value” }'

format => json_object('format_option' value 'format_value'))

format => json_object('type' VALUE 'CSV')

To specify multiple format options, separate the values with a ",".

For example:
format => json_object('ignoremissingcolumns' value 'true', 'removequotes' value
'true', 'dateformat' value 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS', 'blankasnull' value 'true')

For Parquet and Avro format options, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Format
Options for Parquet and Avro.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options

Table A-1 DBMS_CLOUD Format Options

Format Option Description Syntax Default

recorddelimiter Specifies the record recorddelimiter : newline
delimiter. character By default, DBMS_CLOUD
tries to automatically find
the correct newline
character as the delimiter.
It first searches the file for
the Windows newline
character "\r\n". If it finds
the Windows newline
character, this is used as
the record delimiter for the
file. If a Windows newline
character is not found, it
searches for the UNIX/
Linux newline character
"\n" and if it finds one it
uses it as the record
delimiter for the file.
Specify this argument
explicitly if you want to
override the default
behavior, for example:

format =>
elimiter' VALUE

delimiter Specifies the field delimiter delimiter : character | (pipe character)

trimspaces Specifies how the leading trimspaces : rtrim| notrim
and trailing spaces of the ltrim| notrim|
fields are trimmed. lrtrim| ldrtrim
See the description of
trim_spec in Oracle
Database Utilities, 18c
characterset Specifies the characterset characterset : string Database characterset
of source files
skipheaders Specifies how many rows skipheaders : number 0 if not specified, 1 if
should be skipped from the specified without a value
start of the file.
escape The character "\" is used as escape : true False
the escape character when
ignoreblanklines Blank lines are ignored ignoreblanklines : False
when set to true. true

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options

Table A-1 (Cont.) DBMS_CLOUD Format Options

Format Option Description Syntax Default

type Specifies the source file type : csv|csv with Null
type. embedded|csv without
Cannot be specified embedded
together with delimiter csv is the same as csv
or quote. without embedded.
See the description of CSV
in Oracle Database
Utilities, 18c
Package Format Options
for Parquet and Avro for
type values parquet and
quote Specifies the quote quote : character Null meaning no quote
character for the fields, the
quote characters are
removed during loading
when specified.
ignoremissingcolumns If there are more columns ignoremissingcolumns False
in the field_list than : true
there are in the source
files, the extra columns are
stored as null.
truncatecol If the data in the file is too truncatecol : true False
long for a field, then this
option will truncate the
value of the field rather
than reject the row.
removequotes Removes any quotes that removequotes: true False
are around any field in the
source file.
blankasnull When set to true, loads blankasnull : true False
fields consisting of spaces
as null.
dateformat Specifies the date format in dateformat : string Database date format
the source file. The format
option AUTO searches for
the following formats:

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options

Table A-1 (Cont.) DBMS_CLOUD Format Options

Format Option Description Syntax Default

timestampformat Specifies the timestamp timestampformat : string Database timestamp
format in the source file. format
The format option AUTO
searches for the following

timestamptzformat Specifies the timestamp timestamptzformat: Database timestamp with

with timezone format in the string timezone format
source file. The format
option AUTO searches for
the following formats:

timestampltzformat Specifies the timestamp timestampltzformat : Database timestamp with

with local timezone format string local timezone format
in the source file. The
format option AUTO
searches for the following

conversionerrors If a row is rejected because conversionerrors : reject_record

of data type conversion reject_record |
errors, the related columns store_null
are stored as null or the
row is rejected.
rejectlimit The operation will error out rejectlimit : number 0
after specified number of
rows are rejected.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options for Parquet and Avro

Table A-1 (Cont.) DBMS_CLOUD Format Options

Format Option Description Syntax Default

compression Specifies the compression compression: auto| Specifying the value auto
type of the source file. gzip|zlib|bzip2 checks for the compression
types: gzip, zlib,
Null value meaning no
language Specifies a language name laguage : string Null
(for example, FRENCH),
from which locale-sensitive
information can be derived.
See Locale Data in Oracle
Database Globalization
Support Guide for a listing
of Oracle-supported
territory Specifies a territory name territory : string Null
to further determine input
data characteristics.
See Locale Data in Oracle
Database Globalization
Support Guide for a listing
of Oracle-supported

DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options for Parquet and

The format argument in DBMS_CLOUD specifies the format of source files.

The two ways to specify the format argument are:

format => '{"format_option" : “format_value” }'

format => json_object('format_option' value 'format_value'))

format => json_object('type' VALUE 'CSV')

To specify multiple format options, separate the values with a ",".

For example:
format => json_object('ignoremissingcolumns' value 'true', 'removequotes' value
'true', 'dateformat' value 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS', 'blankasnull' value 'true')

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle Data Type Mapping

Table A-2 DBMS_CLOUD Parquet and Avro File Format Options

Format Option Description Syntax

type Specifies the file type. type : parquet | avro
schema When schema is set to first or all, the external table schema : first | all
columns and data types are automatically derived from
the Parquet or Avro file. The column names will match
those found in Parquet or Avro. The data types are
converted from Parquet or Avro data types to Oracle
data types. All columns are added to the table.
Specifies to use the metadata from the first Parquet or
Avro file or from all Parquet or Avro files in the
file_uri_list to auto generate the columns and their
data types. Use first if all of the files have the same
schema. Use all (slower) if the files may have different
Default: If column_list is specified, then the schema
value, if specified is ignored. If column_list is not
specified then the schema default value is first.

DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet to Oracle Data Type

Describes the mapping of Parquet data types to Oracle data types.

The external table supports scalar data types only. Complex types, such as
maps, arrays, and structs, are not supported.

Table A-3 Parquet Data Type Support

Parquet Type Oracle Type


Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data Type Mapping

Table A-3 (Cont.) Parquet Data Type Support

Parquet Type Oracle Type


DBMS_CLOUD Package Avro to Oracle Data Type Mapping

Describes the mapping of Avro data types to Oracle data types.

For Avro, the external table supports scalar data types only, with the
following exceptions:
• DBMS_CLOUD supports UNION of types [null, SIMPLE_TYPE], where
• DBMS_CLOUD does not support UNION of multiple types, for example [null,
• Files that contain arrays and/or maps of simple types can be read. These
columns are skipped.
• Files that contain arrays and/or maps of complex types, for example an
array of records, cannot be read and report an error. For example:
querying an Avro file with unsupported types shows:

ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN

threw an error when attempting to automatically define columns
that aren't supported:
ORA-20000: Error building column list from file

• Files that contain records of simple types can be read.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle Column Name Mapping

Table A-4 Avro Data Type Support

Avro Type Oracle Type

ENUM VARCHAR2(n) Where: "n" is the actual
maximum length of the AVRO ENUM's
possible values

DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle

Column Name Mapping
Describes rules for how Parquet and AVRO column names are converted to Oracle
column names.
The following are supported for Parquet and AVRO column names, but may require
use of double quotes for Oracle SQL references in external tables. Thus, for ease of
use and to avoid having to use double quotes when referencing column names, if
possible do not use the following in Parquet or AVRO column names:
• Embedded blanks
• Leading numbers
• Leading underscores
• Oracle SQL reserved words
The following table shows various types of Parquet and AVRO column names, and
rules for using the column names in Oracle column names in external tables.

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle Column Name Mapping

Parquet or CREATE TABLE Oracle Valid SQL Notes

part, Part, or part, Part, PART PART select part Oracle implicitly
PART uppercases
select Part
unquoted column
select paRt names
select PART
Ord No "Ord No" Ord No select "Ord Double quotes
No" are required
when there are
blanks, which
also preserves
the character
__index_key__ "__index_key__" __index_key__ select Double quotes
"__index_key_ are required
_" when there is a
which also
preserves the
character case
6Way "6Way" 6Way select "6Way" Double quotes
are required
when there is a
leading numeric
digit, which also
preserves the
character case
create, Create, or "CREATE" CREATE select Double quotes
on. (any case around Oracle
select SQL Reserved
partition, "PARTITION" words. These are
Partition, forced to
PARTITION, and uppercase, but
so on (for an must always be
Oracle Reserved double-quoted
word) when used
anywhere in SQL

Appendix A
DBMS_CLOUD Package Parquet and AVRO to Oracle Column Name Mapping

Parquet or CREATE TABLE Oracle Valid SQL Notes

rowid, Rowid, rowid select For ROWID, any
ROWid, and so "rowid" mixed or lower-
on (for ROWID case variation of
see notes)
select ROWID
"Rowid" preserves the
select case and must
"ROWid" always be
select and use the
"rowid" original case
variations. Due to
the inherent
conflict with
Oracle ROWID
for the table, if
you specify
ROWID, it is
stored as lower-
case "rowid" and
must always be
when referenced.


• In general a column name in an external table can be referenced without

double quotes.
• Unless there is an embedded blank, a leading underscore ("_") or
leading numeric digit ("0" through "9") in the column name, the original
case of the column name is preserved, and it must always be referenced
with double quotes and using the original case (upper, lower or mixed-
case) of the AVRO or Parquet column name.
• After using DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE to create an external
table with AVRO or Parquet format specified, use the DESCRIBE
command in SQL*Plus to view the table's column names.
• When Oracle SQL Reserved Words are used in Parquet or AVRO
column names, they must always be double-quoted when referenced
anywhere in SQL. See Oracle SQL Reserved Words for more

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms

Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms

This section covers the DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN subprograms provided with Autonomous
Data Warehouse.



This procedure creates a database link to a target database in the schema calling the
API. You first need to upload the wallet (cwallet.sso) containing the certificates for
the target database using DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT and then create the database link
using the wallet.


db_link_name IN VARCHAR2,
hostname IN VARCHAR2,
service_name IN VARCHAR2,
ssl_server_cert_dn IN VARCHAR2,
credential_name IN VARCHAR2,
directory_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT);


Parameter Description
db_link_name The name of the database link to create.
hostname The hostname for the target database.
port The port for the target database. To ensure security, ports are
restricted to: 1521-1525.
service_name The service_name for the database to link to. For a target
Autonomous Data Warehouse the service name consists of three
• database_name: the name of your database.
• priority is one of: _high | _medium| _low
• adwc.oraclecloud.com
You can find the service names in the tnsnames.ora file in the
wallet.zip that you download from Autonomous Data
Warehouse for your connection.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms

Parameter Description
ssl_server_cert_dn The DN value found in the server certificate.
credential_name The name of a stored credential created with
DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. This is the credentials to
access the target database.
Supplying this argument is optional. If credential_name is not
supplied or is supplied with a NULL value, the database link uses
the connected user credentials (the link is created and uses the
credentials, username and password, of the user who is
accessing the link).
directory_name The directory for the stored cwallet.sso file. The default
value for this parameter is 'data_pump_dir'.

Usage Notes
To run DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK with a user other than ADMIN you
need to grant EXECUTE and CREATE DATABASE LINK privileges to that user. For
example, run the following command as ADMIN to grant privileges to adwc_user:




username => 'adwc_user', password => 'password');
db_link_name => 'SALESLINK',
hostname => 'adb.eu-frankfurt-1.oraclecloud.com',
port => '1522',
service_name => 'example_medium.adwc.example.oraclecloud.com',
ssl_server_cert_dn => 'CN=adwc.example.oraclecloud.com,OU=Oracle
BMCS FRANKFURT,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Redwood City,ST=California,C=US',
credential_name => 'DB_LINK_CRED');

This procedure disables database application continuity for the session associated
with the specified service name in Autonomous Data Warehouse.


service_name IN VARCHAR2);

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms


Parameter Description
service_name The service_name for the Autonomous Data Warehouse service. The
service name consists of three parts:
• database_name: the name of your database.
• priority is one of: _high | _medium| _low
• adwc.oraclecloud.com
You can find the service names in the tnsnames.ora file in the
wallet.zip that you download from Autonomous Data Warehouse
for your connection.

Usage Notes
See Overview of Application Continuity for more information on Application Continuity.


service_name => 'nv123abc1_adb1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com' );

Verify the value as follows:

SELECT name, failover_restore, drain_timeout FROM v$services;

------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

This procedure drops a database link.


db_link_name IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
db_link_name The name of the database link to drop.

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms


db_link_name => 'SALESLINK' );

Usage Notes
After you are done using a database link and you run
DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.DROP_DATABASE_LINK, to ensure security of your Oracle database
remove any stored wallet files. For example:
• Remove the wallet file in Object Store.
• Use DBMS_CLOUD.DELETE_FILE to remove the wallet file from the data_pump_dir
directory or from the user defined directory where the wallet file was uploaded.

This procedure enables database application continuity for the session associated with
the specified service name in Autonomous Data Warehouse.


service_name IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
service_name The service_name for the Autonomous Data Warehouse service.
The service name consists of three parts:
• database_name: the name of your database.
• priority is one of: _high | _medium| _low
• adwc.oraclecloud.com
You can find the service names in the tnsnames.ora file in the
wallet.zip that you download from Autonomous Data Warehouse
for your connection.

Usage Notes
See Overview of Application Continuity for more information on Application Continuity.


service_name => 'nvthp2ht_adb1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com'

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms


Verify the value as follows:

SELECT name, failover_restore, drain_timeout FROM v$services;

------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
LEVEL1 300

This procedure grants a storage quota to a specified database user. When a
tablespace quota is granted to a user Autonomous Data Warehouse limits the storage
space used by that user to the specified quota. Using the value UNLIMITED specifies
unlimited tablespace privilege.


username IN VARCHAR2,
tablespace_quota IN VARCHAR2);


Parameter Description
user_name The database username to grant the tablespace quota to.
tablespace_quota The quota to assign to the specified user in bytes. For kilobytes,
megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes you can specify K, M, G, or T
after the numeric value respectively.
Alternatively you can specify UNLIMITED, which is equivalent to

Usage Notes
See System Privileges (Organized by the Database Object Operated Upon -
TABLESPACE) for more information.
See Manage User Privileges with Autonomous Data Warehouse for information on
privileges granted with the role DWROLE.


username => 'ADBUSER',
tablespace_quota => '10G'

Appendix A
Summary of DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN Subprograms


username => 'ADBUSER',
tablespace_quota => 'UNLIMITED'

Autonomous Data Warehouse for
Experienced Oracle Database Users
This appendix provides information on using Autonomous Data Warehouse for
experienced Oracle Database users.


• About the Autonomous Data Warehouse Database

• Restrictions for Database Initialization Parameters
• Restrictions for SQL Commands
• Restrictions for Data Types
• Managing Partitions, Indexes, and Materialized Views
• Restrictions for Database Features

About the Autonomous Data Warehouse Database

Autonomous Data Warehouse configures and optimizes your database for you. You
do not need to perform administration operations for configuring the database. SQL
commands used for database administration such as CREATE TABLESPACE are not
available. Similarly, other administrative interfaces and utilities such as RMAN are not
Characteristics of an Autonomous Data Warehouse database:
• The default data and temporary tablespaces for the database are configured
automatically. Adding, removing, or modifying tablespaces is not allowed.
The name of the default data tablespace is DATA.
• The database character set is Unicode AL32UTF8.
• Compression is enabled by default. Autonomous Data Warehouse uses Hybrid
Columnar Compression for all tables by default. You can specify different
compression methods for your tables using the compression clause in your CREATE
TABLE or ALTER TABLE commands.
• Oracle Database Result Cache is enabled by default for all SQL statements.
Changing the result cache mode is not allowed.
Accessing an Autonomous Data Warehouse database:
• You do not have direct access to the database node or to the local file system.
Parallel Execution:
• Parallelism is enabled by default. Degree of parallelism for SQL statements is set
based on the number of OCPUs in the system and the database service the user

Appendix B
Restrictions for Database Initialization Parameters

is connecting to. For more information on database services see Managing

Concurrency and Priorities on Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Parallel DML is enabled by default. If you do not want to run DML operations in
parallel you can disable parallel DML in your session using the following SQL


See VLDB and Partitioning Guide for more information on parallel DML operations.

Restrictions for Database Initialization Parameters

Autonomous Data Warehouse configures database initialization parameters
automatically when you provision a database. You do not need to set any initialization
parameters to start using your service. But, you can modify some parameters if you
need to.

List of Initialization Parameters that can be Modified

TIME_ZONE: (Allowed only with ALTER SESSION)

For more information on initialization parameters see Oracle Database Reference. For
more information on TIME_ZONE, see Database SQL Language Reference.

Appendix B
Restrictions for SQL Commands

For more information on OPTIMIZER_IGNORE_HINTS and

OPTIMIZER_IGNORE_PARALLEL_HINTS, see Manage Optimizer Statistics on Autonomous
Data Warehouse.

Restrictions for SQL Commands

Autonomous Data Warehouse allows most of the SQL commands available in the
Oracle Database. To ensure the security and the performance of Autonomous Data
Warehouse, some SQL commands are restricted.
This section provides a list of SQL command limitations that are required to protect
security and for performance integrity in Autonomous Data Warehouse. Most of the
standard SQL and PL/SQL syntax and constructs used with the Oracle Database work
in Autonomous Data Warehouse.

If you try to use a restricted SQL command the system reports:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

This error indicates that you are not allowed to run the SQL command in
Autonomous Data Warehouse.

The following SQL statements are not available in Autonomous Data Warehouse:

Use DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK to create database links
in Autonomous Data Warehouse. See Create Database Links for more


SQL Statements with Restrictions in Autonomous Data Warehouse

The following DDL statements are available in Autonomous Data Warehouse with

Appendix B
Restrictions for SQL Commands

SQL Command Restrictions

ALTER PLUGGABLE Only the following clauses are allowed:
ALTER SESSION Only the following clauses are allowed:
ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION. SET can only be used to set
parameters listed in Restrictions for Database Initialization
ALTER USER The following clauses are ignored:
ALTER TABLE For restrictions, see ALTER TABLE Restrictions.
CREATE TABLE For restrictions, see CREATE TABLE Restrictions.
CREATE USER The following clauses are ignored:

CREATE TABLE Restrictions

XMLType tables are not allowed.

The clauses not in this list are allowed.

Clause Comment
physical_properties Ignored
logging_clause Ignored
inmemory_table_clause Ignored
ilm_clause Ignored
organization index Ignored
organization external Ignored
cluster Ignored

Appendix B
Restrictions for Data Types

Clause Comment
LOB_storage_clause Ignored

For more information on CREATE TABLE, see Database SQL Language

ALTER TABLE Restrictions

The clauses not in this list are allowed.

Clause Comment
physical_attributes_clause Ignored
logging_clause Ignored
inmemory_table_clause Ignored
ilm_clause Ignored
allocate_extent_clause Ignored
deallocate_unused_clause Ignored
shrink_clause Ignored
alter_iot_clauses Ignored
modify_LOB_storage_clause Ignored

For more information on ALTER TABLE, see Database SQL Language

Restrictions for Data Types

Autonomous Data Warehouse allows most of the data types available in the Oracle
Database. To ensure the security and the performance of Autonomous Data
Warehouse, some data types are restricted.
The following data types are not supported in Autonomous Data Warehouse:
• Media types
• Spatial types
For a list of Oracle data types see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

Appendix B
Managing Partitions, Indexes, and Materialized Views

Managing Partitions, Indexes, and Materialized Views

Autonomous Data Warehouse allows manual creation of partitioned tables, indexes,
and materialized views using the partitioning clause in the CREATE TABLE statement,
the CREATE INDEX statement, and the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement
Oracle recommends that you do not manually create these structures, and leave
performance optimizations to the Autonomous Data Warehouse. If you're a highly
skilled Oracle Database tuning expert and decide to manually create these access
structures, please be advised to test the impact of your manual tuning efforts on your
full workload.

Restrictions for Database Features

Autonomous Data Warehouse is built for data warehouse workloads. In some cases,
features which are present in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition are not available in
Autonomous Data Warehouse. Additionally, database features designed for
administration are not available.

• Restrictions for Oracle XML DB
• Restrictions for Oracle Text
• Restrictions for Oracle Spatial and Graph
• Restrictions for Oracle Application Express
• List of Restricted and Removed Oracle Features

Restrictions for Oracle XML DB

The following describes support for Oracle XML DB features in Autonomous Data
Warehouse databases. To ensure the security and the performance of Autonomous
Data Warehouse, some Oracle XML DB features are restricted.
The following is supported, in addition to the features listed in Table B-1:
• Full support for XMLQuery, XMLTable, and other SQL/XML standard functions
• Indexing schema including functional indexes using SQL/XML expressions,
Structured XMLIndex and XQuery Full Text Index

If you migrate tables containing XMLType columns to Autonomous Data
Warehouse using Oracle Data Pump, you need to convert to Non-Schema
Binary XML prior to using Oracle Data Pump Export (expdp).

Appendix B
Restrictions for Database Features

Table B-1 XML DB Supported Features with Autonomous Database

Area XML DB Feature Supported More Information

s Database
Repository XML DB Protocol No Repository Access Using Protocols
Repository XML DB Resources No Oracle XML DB Repository
Repository XML DB ACLs No Repository Access Control
Storage XML Schema Registration No XML Schema Registration with
Oracle XML DB
Storage CLOB No Deprecated
Storage Object Relational No XML Schema and Object-Relational
Storage Binary XML Yes (Non XMLType Storage Models
based only)
Index Structured XML Index Yes XMLIndex Structured Component
Index XQuery Full Text Index Yes Indexing XML Data for Full-Text
Index Unstructured XMLIndex No XMLIndex Unstructured Component
Packages XML DOM package Yes PL/SQL DOM API for XMLType
Packages XML Parser Package Yes PL/SQL Parser API for XMLType
Packages XSL Processor Yes PL/SQL XSLT Processor for

For details on Oracle XML DB, see Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide.

Restrictions for Oracle Text

The following describes support for Oracle Text features in Autonomous Data
Warehouse databases. To ensure the security and the performance of Autonomous
Data Warehouse, some Oracle Text features are restricted.

Table B-2 Oracle Text Restricted Features with Autonomous Database

Oracle Text Feature Supported in More Information

All logging, and APIs which Not Supported QUERY_LOG_SUMMARY
perform logging such as
File and URL datastore Not Supported Datastore Type
CREATE INDEX with Not supported by Improved Response Time Using the
BIG_IO option default.1 BIG_IO Option of CONTEXT Index

Appendix B
Restrictions for Database Features

Table B-2 (Cont.) Oracle Text Restricted Features with Autonomous Database

Oracle Text Feature Supported in More Information

rebuild mode default.(see Footnote

This is supported if you grant the privilege to create a trigger to the user (GRANT CREATE TRIGGER).
You must also disable parallel DML at the session level (ALTER SESSION DISABLE PARALLEL

For details on Oracle Text, see Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide.

Restrictions for Oracle Spatial and Graph

The following describes support for Oracle Spatial and Graph features in Autonomous
Data Warehouse databases. To ensure the security and the performance of
Autonomous Data Warehouse, some Oracle Spatial and Graph features are restricted.

Autonomous Database does not include Oracle Spatial and Graph 3-
Dimensional geometry types and related operators, functions, or utilities.

Table B-3 Oracle Spatial and Graph Supported Features with Autonomous

Spatial Graph Feature Supported in More Information

2D Geometry data types Yes SDO_GEOMETRY Object Type
2D Spatial operators Yes Spatial Operators
2D Spatial functions Yes SDO_GEOM Package (Geometry)
Coordinate Transformation Yes SDO_CS Package (Coordinate System
Spatial Utility Functions Yes SDO_UTIL Package (Utility)
(except GML and KML
conversion functions)
Spatial Aggregate Yes Spatial Aggregate Functions
Spatial indexing and Yes SQL Statements for Indexing Spatial Data
querying features Spatial Query
2D Linear Referencing Yes SDO_LRS Package (Linear Referencing
System System)

Appendix B
Restrictions for Database Features

Table B-3 (Cont.) Oracle Spatial and Graph Supported Features with
Autonomous Database

Spatial Graph Feature Supported in More Information

GeoJSON and JSON Yes JSON and GeoJSON Support in Oracle
support for Spatial data Spatial and Graph
Location Tracking Server Yes SDO_TRKR Package (Location Tracking)
Spatial Analysis and Mining Yes Spatial Analysis and Mining
features SDO_SAM Package (Spatial Analysis
and Mining)
Flat Model for Point Cloud Yes DO_PC_PKG.CLIP_PC_FLAT
RDF Graph No RDF Semantic Graph Overview
Property Graph No Spatial and Graph Property Graph
Support Overview
Network Data Model No Network Data Model
GeoRaster No SDO_GEOR Package Reference
Routing Engine No Routing Engine
Geocoder No Geocoding Address Data
Spatial Visualization No Introduction to the Map Visualization
Topology Data Model No Topology Data Model Overview
Open Geospatial No SDO_WFS_PROCESS Package (WFS
Consortium Web Services Processing)
(WMS, WFS-T, C-SW, SDO_OLS Package (OpenLS)
WCS, OpenLS)
Point Cloud Object Type No SDO_PC_PKG Package (Point Clouds)
Triangulated Irregular No SDO_TIN_PKG Package (TINs)
Network (TIN) types

For details on Oracle Spatial and Graph, see Oracle Spatial and Graph Developer's

Restrictions for Oracle Application Express

Autonomous Data Warehouse supports Oracle Application Express. To ensure the
security and the performance of Autonomous Data Warehouse, some Oracle
Application Express features are restricted.
See Restrictions and Limitations for Oracle Application Express with Autonomous Data
Warehouse for details.

Appendix B
Restrictions for Database Features

List of Restricted and Removed Oracle Features

Lists the Oracle Database features that are not available in Autonomous Data
Warehouse. Additionally, database features designed for administration are not

List of Removed Oracle Features

• Oracle Real Application Testing

• Oracle Database Vault
• Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)
• Oracle OLAP
• Oracle R capabilities of Oracle Advanced Analytics
• Oracle Industry Data Models
• Oracle Tuning Pack
• Oracle Database Lifecycle Management Pack
• Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting Pack
• Oracle Cloud Management Pack for Oracle Database
• Oracle Multimedia
• Java in DB
• Oracle Workspace Manager

Migrating Amazon Redshift to Autonomous
Data Warehouse
The SQL Developer Amazon Redshift Migration Assistant, available with SQL
Developer 18.3 and later versions provides a framework for easy migration of Amazon
Redshift environments on a per-schema basis.
This section describes the steps and the workflow for both an online migration of
Amazon Redshift and for the generation of scripts for a scheduled, manual migration
that you run at a later time.

• Autonomous Data Warehouse Redshift Migration Overview
• Connect to Amazon Redshift
• Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse
• Start the Cloud Migration Wizard
• Review and Finish the Amazon Redshift Migration
• Use Generated Amazon Redshift Migration Scripts
• Perform Post Migration Tasks

Autonomous Data Warehouse Redshift Migration Overview

Using SQL Developer you can migrate database files from Amazon Redshift to
Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Capture: Captures Metadata schemas and tables from source database and
stores in Migration Repository.
• Convert: Redshift Datatypes are mapped to Oracle Datatypes. Redshift Object
names are converted to Oracle names based on Oracle Naming Convention. The
Column Defaults that use Redshift functions are replaced by their Oracle
• Generate: Generate schemas and DDLs based on the converted metadata.
• Deploy: Deploy the generated schemas and DDLs.
• Copy Data: Unload data from Redshift tables to Amazon Storage S3 then copy
data from Amazon Storage to Autonomous Data Warehouse tables(in schemas)
that were Deployed earlier.

Appendix C
Connect to Amazon Redshift

Connect to Amazon Redshift

Using SQL Developer you can migrate database Schemas and Tables from Amazon
Redshift to Autonomous Data Warehouse. To extract metadata and data from Amazon
Redshift for a migration, you need to connect to Amazon Redshift with SQL Developer.

Download Amazon Redshift JDBC Driver and Add the Third Party Driver
1. Download an Amazon Redshift JDBC driver to access Amazon Redshift. Consult
the Amazon Redshift documentation for the location of the most recent JDBC
driver. For more information, see Configure a JDBC Connection.

Use the Amazon Redshift JDBC Driver JDBC 4.2–compatible driver.

2. Store the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver in a local directory where SQL Developer
can access the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver.
3. Add the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver as third party to SQL Developer before
making a connection. Within SQL Developer, go to Tools > Preferences >
Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers (for Mac, this is Oracle SQL Developer >
Preferences Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers).
4. Click Add Entry and select the path to the Amazon Redshift JDBC Driver that you

5. Click OK to add the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver that you download.

Appendix C
Connect to Amazon Redshift

Add Connection to Amazon Redshift Database

Connect to the Amazon Redshift database.
1. In the Connections panel, right-click Connections and select New Connection....
2. Select the Amazon Redshift tab and enter the connection information for Amazon
If you are planning to migrate multiple schemas it is recommended to connect with
the Master username to your Amazon Redshift system.

Appendix C
Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse

• For more details for configuring a JDBC Connection and obtaining the Amazon
Redshift JDBC URL, see AWS: Configure a JDBC Connection.
• For more details for configuring security options for the connection ( in case of
"Amazon [500150] connection error"), see AWS: Configure Security options for
Connection ( in case of "Amazon [500150] connection error").
• If you deployed your Amazon Redshift environment within a Virtual Private Cloud
(VPC) you have to ensure that your cluster is accessible from the Internet. See
access.html for details of how to enable public Internet access.
• If your Amazon Redshift client connection to the database appears to hang or
times out when running long queries, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/
latest/mgmt/connecting-firewall-guidance.html for possible solutions to address
this issue.
Test the connection before you save it.

Additional Information for Amazon Authentication and Access Control

• AWS: Security
• AWS: Managing Cluster Security Groups Using the Console

Connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse

Using SQL Developer you create a connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse
Obtain the client credentials wallet zip file. For more information, see Download Client
Credentials (Wallets).
1. In the Connections panel, right-click Connections and select New Connection....
2. Select the Oracle tab and enter the connection information for Autonomous Data
3. For the AWS Redshift Migration connection, select the _low connection to your
database. For more information, see Predefined Database Service Names for
Autonomous Data Warehouse.
4. Add a connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Appendix C
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

For more information, see Connecting with Oracle SQL Developer (18.2 or later).
Test the connection before you save it.

Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

Invoke the Cloud Migration Wizard from the Tools menu of SQL Developer to initiate
your Amazon Redshift migration to Autonomous Data Warehouse.
The Cloud Migration wizard starts when you click Cloud Migrations from Migration in
the Tools menu. The Cloud Migrations wizard enables you to migrate schemas,
objects (tables), and data from an Amazon Redshift database to Autonomous Data

The Cloud Migration Wizard is an easy set of steps. The Cloud Migration Wizard
guides you to:
• Identify the schemas in your Amazon Redshift database that you want to migrate.
• Identify the target Autonomous Data Warehouse.
• Define whether you want to migrate the metadata (DDL), the data, or both.
• Choose to migrate your system online, to generate scripts, or both.

Identify the Amazon Redshift Database

Identify the schemas in the Amazon Redshift database to migrate. All objects, mainly
tables, in the schema will be migrated. Migration to Autonomous Data Warehouse is
on a per-schema basis. Schemas cannot be renamed as part of the migration.

Appendix C
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

1. In the AWS Redshift Migration, specify the Connection.

• Connection: Name of the Redshift database connection.

• Available Schemas: Schemas available for the specific connection.
• Selected Schemas: Click the Add icon to select the schemas you want to migrate
from Available Schemas.
• Include Data: DDL and DATA migrates the selected schemas and data.
When you migrate data, you have to provide the AWS access key, AWS Secret
Access Key, and an existing S3 bucket URI where the Redshift data will be unloaded
and staged. The security credentials require certain privileges to store data in S3. It is
recommended to create new, separate access keys for the migration. The same
access key is used later on to load the data into the Autonomous Data Warehouse
using secure REST requests.
• AWS Access Key: For more information on access keys, see AWS Identity and
Access Management.
• AWS Secret Access: For more information on access keys, see AWS Identity
and Access Management.
• S3 Bucket URI: For information on common S3 ServiceException errors, see
S3ServiceException Errors.
For more information an S3 buckets, see Creating and Configuring an S3 Bucket.

Appendix C
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

Amazon S3 Bucket URI Format

For the source files that reside in Amazon S3, see the following for a description of the
URI format for accessing your files: Accessing a Bucket For example the following
refers to the file folder 'folder_name' in the adwc bucket in the us-west-2 region.


S3 Bucket Configuration Example 1

If you provide the following S3 Bucket URI :


The wizard verifies the entire path including my_bucket. An attempt is made to write a
test file, if it is not accessible there is a prompt. In case, my_bucket does not exist,
there is an error reported:

Validation Failed

Then the code generation creates the following path for the DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA

file_uri_list => "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my_bucket/


The migration assistant creates these folders: oracle_schema_name/

oracle_table_name inside the bucket: my_bucket.

S3 Bucket Example 2
If you provide the following S3 Bucket URI :


The wizard verifies the entire path including my_bucket. An attempt is made to write a
test file, if it is not accessible there is a prompt. In case, my_bucket does not exist,
there is an error reported:

Validation Failed

In this case the another_folder does not have to exist. The migration creates the
another_folder bucket inside my_bucket.

Then the code generation creates the following path for the DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA

file_uri_list => ‘https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my_bucket/


Appendix C
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

Step 2 of 3: Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud

First create a connection for your target Autonomous Data Warehouse See Connect to
Autonomous Data Warehouse. The user for this connection must have the
administrative privileges; the connection is used throughout the migration to create
schemas and objects.

Use the ADMIN user or a user with admin role.

The Amazon Redshift Migration Assistant allows you to do an online migration right
away, to generate all scripts necessary for a migration, or both. If you chose to store
the scripts in a local directory you have to specify the local directory (the directory
must be writable by the user).

• Connection: Name of the Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud

connection. Create a connection for the Autonomous Data Warehouse if
required. The user must have administrative privileges since this connection is
used throughout the migration to create schemas and objects.
• Migration Repository Password: Password for the migration repository that is
installed in the Autonomous Data Warehouse as part of the schema
migration. Either use the pre-filled password or enter a new password.

Appendix C
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

• Remove repository on successful migration: Select this option to remove the

repository after the migration is completed. The repository is not required after
• Migrate Now: Select this option to perform an online migration immediately.


– If Include Data from Step 1 and Migrate Now are both unselected,
you are opting for just generation of all required SQL Scripts for
manual migration.
– If Include Data from Step 1 is unchecked and Migrate Now is
selected, then all selected schemas and their tables will be deployed
in Autonomous Data Warehouse but data will not be loaded into
– If Include Data from Step 1 and Migrate Now are both selected,
then all selected schemas and their tables will be deployed in
Autonomous Data Warehouse and data will be loaded into tables.

• Directory: Specify the director to store the generated scripts necessary for the
migration; this saves the scripts in a local directory.

Advanced Settings (Optional)

The default settings should work unless you want to control the format options when
Unloading to S3 storage or Copying from S3 storage to Autonomous Data Warehouse.
For more information on Format Options, see DBMS_CLOUD Package Format
Options. To use advanced options, click Advanced Settings.

Appendix C
Start the Cloud Migration Wizard

Output Directory: Enter the path or click Select Directory to select the directory or
folder for the migration.
Maximum Number of Threads: Enter the number of parallel threads to enable when
loading data to tables in Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Use Scheduler: Select this option to enable the scheduler for migration. You can
schedule jobs for data load migration operations from the AWS S3 bucket to
Autonomous Data Warehouse. You have the option to run the scheduled jobs
immediately or at a future date and time. To monitor the data load scheduled jobs, use
the Scheduler node in the Connections navigator.
Migration Execution Choice:
• Immediate runs the scheduler as soon as the Redshift migration is triggered.
• Once runs the scheduler on a future date. You specify the Start Date and Time
Zone. By default, the Start Date displays the current date and time of the local
system. To change the start date, use the calendar icon to double-click and select
the date or use the spinner to highlight the date and then click the field to set it.
Redshift Unload Options: Allow Overwrite: If this option is enabled, the unload
process will overwrite existing files, including the manifest file (lists the data files that
are created by the unload process). By default, unload fails if there are files that can
be overwritten.
ADWC format options: Reject Limit: Enter the number of rows to reject when
loading data to tables in Autonomous Data Warehouse. The migration operation will
error out after the specified number of rows are rejected. The default is 0.

Appendix C
Review and Finish the Amazon Redshift Migration

Review and Finish the Amazon Redshift Migration

The summary shows a summary of the information that you have specified.
To change any information, press Back as needed.

If you have chosen an immediate migration, then the dialog of the migration wizard
stays open until the migration is finished. If you select generate scripts, the migration
process generates the necessary scripts in the specified local directory, and does not
run the scripts.
To perform the migration, click Finish
If the selected schema name in AWS Redshift already exists in Autonomous Data
Warehouse, the migration process excludes deploying these selected schemas and
displays a dialog:

Appendix C
Use Generated Amazon Redshift Migration Scripts

Summary: What The Migration Assistant Creates

• Creates a new Autonomous Data Warehouse user using the schema_name from
• Creates a new bucket on S3 based on the schema name.
• Creates sub-folders on S3 for each table.

Use Generated Amazon Redshift Migration Scripts

When you choose to generate migration scripts a new subdirectory is created in the
local directory specified in the migration Wizard. You can run these scripts in real time
or use them for programmatic processing.
The directory contains the following scripts:
• redshift_s3unload.sql
• adwc_ddl.sql
• adwc_dataload.sql
• adwc_dataload_scheduler.sql
These scripts contain all necessary commands to migrate your Amazon Redshift
system to Autonomous Data Warehouse. You can run these scripts in real time or use
them for programmatic processing.

Unload Your Amazon Redshift Data into S3

The first step of a successful migration is to unload your Amazon Redshift data into
Amazon S3, which acts as a staging area. Script redshift_s3unload.sql has all the
Amazon Redshift unload commands to unload the data using the access credentials
and the S3 bucket that were specified in the Migration Wizard workflow.
Connect to your Amazon Redshift environment to run this script.

Create Your Data Warehouse Objects

To prepare your Autonomous Data Warehouse create your empty data warehouse
schema prior to loading data. The Amazon Redshift Migration Assistant converted all
Amazon Redshift schema structures into Oracle structures in script adwc_ddl.sql.
The script must be executed while you are connected to your Autonomous Data
Warehouse as privileged user; for example, ADMIN.
By default, the schema created for the migration has the same name as the schema in
Amazon Redshift. You must change the password to the valid password for the
specified user either in the script or after the script runs. If you want to change the
schema name then change the schema name and all references to the name.

Load Your Amazon Redshift Data into Your Oracle Autonomous Data
The script adwc_dataload.sql contains all the load commands necessary to load your
unloaded Amazon Redshift data straight from S3 into your Autonomous Data

Appendix C
Use Generated Amazon Redshift Migration Scripts

Execute the script while connected to your Autonomous Data Warehouse as a

privileged user; for example ADMIN.
If you want to change the target schema name when you create your data warehouse
objects then you must adjust the target schema names in this script accordingly.


SQL Developer provides a graphical interface for using the DBMS_SCHEDULER
PL/SQL package to work with Oracle Scheduler objects. To use the SQL Developer
scheduling features, please refer 'Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer' topic of SQL
Developer User Guide and Oracle Database Administrator's Guide to understand
the concepts and essential tasks for job scheduling.
The Scheduler node for a connection appears in the Connections navigator and in the
DBA navigator. Use ADWC 'admin' user to navigate which displays Scheduler objects
owned by the 'admin' monitoring status of data load jobs.
Under ADWC 'admin' Connection → Scheduler → Jobs, you will see AWS Redshift to
ADWC data load jobs are created with name <schema_name>_<table_name>.
To see the status of completion of each data load, please expand each scheduled job
and check the status.
Also for more detailed information about data load operation see table MD_REPORT in
SQLDEV_MIGREPOS schema that stores information about table columns: and








Redshift Migration Log and Report Files

After Redshift Migration, you will find three files:
• MigrationResults.log : Log file of Redshift migration
• readme.txt : file explains how to use the Generated Amazon Redshift Migration
• redshift_migration_reportxxx.txt : Contains information about
Migration, here is sample:


Appendix C
Perform Post Migration Tasks


SOURCE TABLE : listing
START TIME : 2018-09-27 17:25:18.662075
END TIME : 2018-09-27 17:25:25.012695

Perform Post Migration Tasks

After successful migration of your Redshift environment you should consider the
following post-migration tasks:
• Drop the Amazon S3 bucket used for staging
• Harden the Amazon account used for accessing S3
• Drop the database credential used for data loading from S3
• Harden your accounts in your Autonomous Data Warehouse
1. Drop schema SQLDEV_MIGREPOS
As part of the schema migration the Migration Assistant installs a minimal
migration repository in the target Autonomous Data Warehouse. After the
migration this account is no longer needed and can be dropped or alternatively
2. Drop the Amazon S3 Bucket Used for Staging
Unless you desire to use the unloaded Redshift data otherwise you can drop the
bucket containing the unloaded data.
3. Harden the Amazon Account Used for Accessing S3
You should inactivate the security access key used for S3 access unless needed
for other purposes.
4. Drop the database credential used for data loading from S3
The Amazon security credentials to access S3 are stored encrypted as database
credential REDSHIFT_DWCS_CREDS in your Autonomous Data Warehouse in the
privileged user schema that was used for the migration. Oracle recommends you
drop this credential after successful migration unless needed for other purposes.
For more information, see DROP_CREDENTIAL Procedure.
5. Harden your Accounts in Your Autonomous Data Warehouse
For the new schema created as part of the migration with the Migration Assistant,
ensure to change the passwords of these accounts or lock and expire them if
they’re solely used for data storage.

Sample Star Schema Benchmark (SSB)
Queries and Analytic Views
The SSB schema contains the tables: lineorder, customer, supplier, part, and dwdate.
The following is a list of sample queries and analytic views you can use against the
SSB schema. Note that you need to prefix the table names with the schema name
SSB in your queries.

Both SH and SSB are provided as schema-only users, so you cannot unlock
or drop those users or set a password. And the storage of the sample data
sets does not count towards your database storage.


• Star Schema Benchmark Queries

• Star Schema Benchmark Analytic Views

Star Schema Benchmark Queries

Star Schema Benchmark Queries

select sum(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) as revenue

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_yearmonthnum = 199401
and lo_discount between 4 and 6
and lo_quantity between 26 and 35;

select sum(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) as revenue

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_year = 1993
and lo_discount between 1 and 3
and lo_quantity < 25;

select sum(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) as revenue

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_yearmonthnum = 199401
and lo_discount between 4 and 6
and lo_quantity between 26 and 35;

Appendix D
Star Schema Benchmark Queries

select sum(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) as revenue

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_weeknuminyear = 6
and d_year = 1994
and lo_discount between 5 and 7
and lo_quantity between 26 and 35;

select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate, ssb.part, ssb.supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_category = 'MFGR#12'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;

select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate, ssb.part, ssb.supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_brand1 between 'MFGR#2221' and 'MFGR#2228'
and s_region = 'ASIA'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;

select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1

from ssb.lineorder, ssb.dwdate, ssb.part, ssb.supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_brand1 = 'MFGR#2221'
and s_region = 'EUROPE'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;

select c_nation, s_nation, d_year, sum(lo_revenue) as revenue

from ssb.customer, ssb.lineorder, ssb.supplier, ssb.dwdate
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and c_region = 'ASIA' and s_region = 'ASIA'
and d_year >= 1992 and d_year <= 1997
group by c_nation, s_nation, d_year
order by d_year asc, revenue desc;

select c_city, s_city, d_year, sum(lo_revenue) as revenue

from ssb.customer, ssb.lineorder, ssb.supplier, ssb.dwdate
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and c_nation = 'UNITED STATES'

Appendix D
Star Schema Benchmark Queries

and s_nation = 'UNITED STATES'

and d_year >= 1992 and d_year <= 1997
group by c_city, s_city, d_year
order by d_year asc, revenue desc;

select c_city, s_city, d_year, sum(lo_revenue) as revenue

from ssb.customer, ssb.lineorder, ssb.supplier, ssb.dwdate
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and (c_city='UNITED KI1' or c_city='UNITED KI5')
and (s_city='UNITED KI1' or s_city='UNITED KI5')
and d_year >= 1992 and d_year <= 1997
group by c_city, s_city, d_year
order by d_year asc, revenue desc;

select c_city, s_city, d_year, sum(lo_revenue) as revenue

from ssb.customer, ssb.lineorder, ssb.supplier, ssb.dwdate
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and (c_city='UNITED KI1' or c_city='UNITED KI5')
and (s_city='UNITED KI1' or s_city='UNITED KI5')
and d_yearmonth = 'Dec1997'
group by c_city, s_city, d_year
order by d_year asc, revenue desc;

select d_year, c_nation, sum(lo_revenue - lo_supplycost) as profit

from ssb.dwdate, ssb.customer, ssb.supplier, ssb.part, ssb.lineorder
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and c_region = 'AMERICA'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
and (p_mfgr = 'MFGR#1' or p_mfgr = 'MFGR#2')
group by d_year, c_nation
order by d_year, c_nation;

select d_year, s_nation, p_category, sum(lo_revenue - lo_supplycost) as

from ssb.dwdate, ssb.customer, ssb.supplier, ssb.part, ssb.lineorder
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and c_region = 'AMERICA'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
and (d_year = 1997 or d_year = 1998)
and (p_mfgr = 'MFGR#1'
or p_mfgr = 'MFGR#2')
group by d_year, s_nation, p_category order by d_year, s_nation,

select d_year, s_city, p_brand1, sum(lo_revenue - lo_supplycost) as profit

Appendix D
Star Schema Benchmark Analytic Views

from ssb.dwdate, ssb.customer, ssb.supplier, ssb.part, ssb.lineorder

where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and c_region = 'AMERICA'
and s_nation = 'UNITED STATES'
and (d_year = 1997 or d_year = 1998)
and p_category = 'MFGR#14'
group by d_year, s_city, p_brand1 order by d_year, s_city, p_brand1;

Star Schema Benchmark Analytic Views

SSB Analytic Views
Analytic views make it easy to extend a star schema with a hierarchical business
model, aggregation and measure calculation rules, presentation and application-
specific metadata that can be used to enhance the content of a data set and to simplify
the development of business intelligence applications. The SSB schema includes an
analytic view and four hierarchies that use the tables of the star schema. Use the
following queries to query the analytic Sample SSB view. Note that the analytic view is
in the SSB schema.

dwdate_hier.member_name as year,
part_hier.member_name as part,
customer_hier.member_name as customer,
FROM ssb.ssb_av
dwdate_hier.d_year = '1998'
AND dwdate_hier.level_name = 'MONTH'
AND part_hier.level_name = 'MANUFACTURER'
AND customer_hier.c_region = 'AMERICA'
AND customer_hier.level_name = 'NATION'

dwdate_hier.member_name as time,
part_hier.member_name as part,
customer_hier.member_name as customer,
supplier_hier.member_name as supplier,

Appendix D
Star Schema Benchmark Analytic Views

FROM ssb.ssb_av
dwdate_hier.d_year = '1998'
AND dwdate_hier.level_name = 'MONTH'
AND part_hier.level_name = 'MANUFACTURER'
AND customer_hier.c_region = 'AMERICA'
AND customer_hier.c_nation = 'CANADA'
AND customer_hier.level_name = 'CITY'
AND supplier_hier.s_region = 'ASIA'
AND supplier_hier.level_name = 'REGION'

dwdate_hier.member_name as year,
part_hier.member_name as part,
customer_hier.member_name as customer,
supplier_hier.member_name as supplier,
FROM ssb.ssb_av
dwdate_hier.d_yearmonth = 'Apr1998'
AND dwdate_hier.level_name = 'DAY'
AND part_hier.level_name = 'MANUFACTURER'
AND customer_hier.c_region = 'AMERICA'
AND customer_hier.c_nation = 'CANADA'
AND customer_hier.level_name = 'CITY'
AND supplier_hier.level_name = 'REGION'

dwdate_hier.member_name as year,
part_hier.member_name as part,
supplier_hier.member_name as supplier,

Appendix D
Star Schema Benchmark Analytic Views

FROM ssb.ssb_av
dwdate_hier.level_name = 'YEAR'
AND part_hier.level_name = 'MANUFACTURER'
AND supplier_hier.level_name = 'SUPPLIER'
AND supplier_hier.s_suppkey = '23997';

dwdate_hier.member_name as time,
part_hier.member_name as part,
FROM ssb.ssb_av
dwdate_hier.member_name = 'June 10, 1998 '
AND dwdate_hier.level_name = 'DAY'
AND part_hier.level_name = 'PART'
AND part_hier.p_size = 32;

dwdate_hier.member_name as time,
part_hier.member_name as part,
lo_revenue - lo_supplycost as profit
FROM ssb.ssb_av
dwdate_hier.d_yearmonth = 'Aug1996'
AND dwdate_hier.d_dayofweek = 'Friday '
AND dwdate_hier.level_name = 'DAY'
AND part_hier.level_name = 'PART'
AND part_hier.p_color in ('ivory','coral')


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