Cooling Tower Institute Journal Win 06
Cooling Tower Institute Journal Win 06
Cooling Tower Institute Journal Win 06
It is CTI’s objective to: 1) Maintain and
expand a broad base membership of
Feature Articles
individuals and organizations 8 Pressure Recovery Effects in Air-Cooled Installations
interested in Evaporative Heat
Transfer Systems (EHTS), 2) Identify Henk Van Der Spek
and address emerging and evolving
issues concerning EHTS, 3) Encour- 16 Lightning Protection For Cooling Towers
age and support educational
programs in various formats to James F. Blake, Jr. and Bill Howard
enhance the capabilities and
competence of the industry to realize 24 Evaluation to the Use of Mine Drainage To Supplement
the maximum benefit of EHTS, 4)
Encourge and support cooperative
Cooling Water
research to improve EHTS Technology Dr. A. Harriram and J.G. Nieuwenhuis
and efficiency for the long-term
benefit of the environment, 5) Assure
acceptable minimum quality levels
30 Finally, an Alternative to Azoles
and performance of EHTS and their Eric C. Ward, Al L. Foster, and Dane E. Glaser
components by establishing standard
specifications, guidelines, and 46 Bacterial Resistance To Biocides In Recirculating Cooling
certification programs, 6) Establish
standard testing and performance Water Systems
analysis systems and prcedures for
EHTS, 7) Communicate with and Dr. Chris L. Wiatr
influence governmental entities
regarding the environmentally 60 Atmospheric Emissions From Evaporative Cooling
responsible technologies, benefits,
and issues associated with EHTS, and
8) Encourage and support forums and Wayne Micheletti
methods for exchanging technical
information on EHTS.
Letters to the editor and manuscripts
for publication should be sent to: The
Cooling Technology Institute, PO Box
Special Sections
73383, Houston, TX 77273.
70 CTI Licensed Testing Agencies
The CTI Journal is published in
January and June. Complimentary
72 CTI ToolKit
subscriptions mailed to individuals in
the USA. Library subscriptions $20/yr. 74 Cooling Towers Certified by CTI Under STD-201
Subscriptions mailed to individuals
outside the USA are $30/yr.
Request must be received at
subscription office eight weeks before
effective date. Send both old and new 02 Meeting Calendar
addresses for the change. You may
fax your change to 281.537.1721 or 04 View From the Tower
D 24 Hour Service on Your Lumber and Plywood Requirements
BOX 1240 • OPELOUSAS, LA 70571-1240
800-326-4050 • 337-948-3067 • 337-948-3069 (FAX)
Jim Baker,
CTI President
Some changes are happening at CTI in response show” format will help to attract more attendance at
to feedback from the Owner/Operator Council, the Annual Conference by Owner/Operators. The
chaired by Jennifer Cunningham of Air Liquide. CTI Board of Directors has made the policy and
One of the changes is the inclusion of a table- bylaws changes to enable this “mini” trade show.
top display session during one of the evening I would like to encourage Owner/Operators, whether
receptions at the upcoming Annual Conference CTI members or not, to attend the upcoming An-
in Houston. As the long time attendees of CTI nual Meeting, and participate in the table top dis-
will know, the policy against advertising during play session as well as the technical papers, educa-
CTI meetings has prevented this sort of com- tion seminars and technical committee activities that
pany information sharing in the past. While this Paul Lindahl are a part of the Cooling Technology Institute’s
policy has been a positive thing for creating an Editor-In-Chief Annual Conference format.
atmosphere of technical progress for the industry, it has left The Annual Conference program is available on
owner/operators without access to information about what the, please take a look and sign up today!
various vendors in our industry have to offer during the meet-
The Owner/Operator Council specifically asked for this type of
venue to enable easy access for these members of CTI to ven- Paul Lindahl
dor information. It is hoped that inclusion of this type of “trade CTI Journal Editor
That is exactly the way it always has been done. However, the prin-
cipal point is that due to the rotating component of the air velocity,
the velocity into the bundle is higher than the axial velocity alone.
When the air has passed the bundle, the rotating component has
been eliminated. What has happened? The situation is illustrated
Figure 3: Measuring concept for air-cooled heat exchanger
by Figure 5.
bundles as has been applied by HTRI and HTFS
The difference between the reference conditions in the wind tunnel
The same approach has also been used for the axial flow fans. The and the air-cooled installation is that in the reference installation
performance measurements have been done in special measuring there is no change of the air velocity, and in the air-cooled installa-
facilities and according to very detail defined procedures like AMCA tion there are a few significant ones:
210 or BS 848. The very detailed and extensive procedures must 1. Due to the change in cross section between the fan ring and
guarantee that the fans are charged by only a “real” flow resis- the plenum, there is a 3 to 6 time reduction of the axial veloc-
tance and that pressure recovery effects and other flow distur- ity, depending on the section ratio.
bances do not affect the readings. For cooling fans, AMCA 210,
The total kinetic power level Nkin-tot is calculated then from the
addition of the contribution of the radial sections. It was found that
in spite of the comparative geometric features of the fans, and the
equal duty point, there is a difference of almost 20 percent in kinetic
power output level (down stream) between fan A and fan B. This is
in spite of a difference in fan efficiency of only 3 percent. This
evidence is found to be the explanation for the 10 percent lower
power consumption of fan A in an air-cooled heat exchanger. It is a
direct benefit of the better pressure recovery.
Figure 9. Power balance of two different fan designs Conclusions
The shaft power and the effective AMCA power are standard pa- 1. The conversion of air speed into pressure and the inverse is
rameters of the fan performance test. The kinetic output power is an ongoing process in an aircooled installation.
derived by measuring the dynamic pressures, downstream of the 2. This can no longer be ignored in performance definitions of
fan, with a pitot tube at regular radial stations. From that data, the air-cooled installations .For instance, one needs to avoid
kinetic power level of the air flow has been calculated for every that confusing fan selections are made that exceed the AMCA
radial station as follows: performance of the fan.
Nkin-rad = Qrad × ρdyn [2] 3. The level of conversion depends on the construction of the
air-cooled installation. An adequate plenum enhances the
favorable effects of the pressure recovery.
4. An optimal conversion results directly into power consump-
tion savings.
5. The design of the axial flow fan in an air-
cooled installation is an important param-
eter also with respect to pressure recovery
6. Fans with the highest kinetic output power
have the best recovery potential and that
can result in power savings.
[1] Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance, 3rd
Edition, I.E. Idelchik, Begell House
[2] ANSI/AMCA 210,
[3] ANSI/ASHRAE 51-1985
[4] British Standard 848
Figure 6 - Air terminal (through flange) missing Figure 8 - Stanchions: Near air terminal vibrating loose,
due to vibration. far air terminal missing.
Figure 5: Pits present on the coupon from the hot side of the
Figure 2: A comparison of corrosion on the coupons. pilot plant operating with the control program
The composition of the coupon deposits did not vary from that of
the tubes but significant amounts of iron were detected on the
control deposit. The source of iron was probably from oxidation
by-products such as iron oxides or hydroxides. In addition iron is
Figure 7: A comparison of scaling on the coupons. known to complex with organics and deposit in low flow areas.
The Sasol standards are The morphology of the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) im-
<2 mg/dm2.d: Optimum
ages showed the presence of an amorphous, non-crystalline scale
2-4 mg/dm2.d: Acceptable
>4 mg/dm2.d: Unacceptable in the blend system (Figure 8).
Based on the results, the treatment approach used did not decrease
or control P. aeruginosa, which had the capability to grow a slime
exopolymer. In some cases the slime polymer was overproduced, as
Note: Assumes spherical particulate matter having a density of 2.36 gm/cm3 and 0.002% drift rate.
Note: Assumes spherical particulate matter having a density of 2.36 gm/cm3 and 0.002% drift rate.
Those Manufacturers who have not yet chosen to certify their product lines FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Towers
are invited to do so at the earliest opportunity. Contact Virginia A. Manser, Optional Accessories and Constructions – Certification Status
Cooling Technology Institute, PO Box 73383, Houston, TX 77273 for Construction Options Suffix CTICertified Capacity Adjustment
further information. (Note 1) Required
Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. Cleanable Tube Coil A Yes Note 2
FXT Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers Heavy Duty Coil S Yes Note 2
CTI Certification Validation Number 92-11-01
Low Sound Fan Q Yes Note 3
FXT-6 FXT-26-CM FXT-58-EM FXT-160-HM Internal Access Package none Yes Note 4
FXT-7.5 FXT-26 FXT-58-FM FXT-160
Not CTI Certified X No Note 5
FXT-7.5-CM FXT-30 FXT-58 FXT-175
FXT-33 FXT-68 FXT-200 Note:
FXT-11 1. Typically no suffix is used for an accessory or modification that does not affect
FXT-11-CM FXT-38 FXT-74-FM FXT-216-JM capacity.
FXT-11-DM FXT-42 FXT-74 FXT-216 2. Construction does not affect thermal capacity, but does increase Process Fluid
FXT-47 FXT-87 FXT-250 Pressure Drop as noted in BAC Selection Software.
FXT-16 FXT-47-HM FXT-99 FXT-268 3. Low Sound fans on models with Two Air Inlet Side and Two coils incur a capac-
FXT-16-CM ity reduction of 2% relative to the same model with a standard fan.
FXT-20 FXT-115-GM 4. Internal Access Package on the models with One Air Inlet Side and One Coil
FXT-20-EM FXT-115 incur a capacity reduction of 1.8%, depending on the model and operating con-
FXT-130 ditions. Refer to BAC Selection Software to determine the effect on a specific
FXT-142 model at a specific operating condition.
1. Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not 5. This suffix is affixed to model numbers of units that are not CTI Certified, due
listed. either to application or product accessories or modifications to the tower.
2. Towers which include the suffix “X” added to the models above (e.g. FXT-11X) 6. The CTI thermal performance certification applies only to units with water as the
are not CTI Certified, due either to application, product accessories or modifica- process fluid.
TM105319 TM205319 TM305319 TM405319 TM505319 TM605319 · USS is used to indicate units with stainless steel materials for corrosion
TM175319 TM275319 TM375319 TM475319 TM575319 TM675319 resistance.
TM110319 TM210319 TM310319 TM410319 TM510319 TM610319 · UT is used to indicate units with super low sound fans.
TM115319 TM215319 TM315319 TM415319 TM515319 TM615319 · REP is used to indicate units with water inlet on the end rather than the
TM105419 TM205419 TM305419 TM405419 TM505419 TM605419
2. Certification includes units with optional gear drive in place of standard belt
TM175419 TM275419 TM375419 TM475419 TM575419 TM675419 drive.
TM110419 TM210419 TM310419 TM410419 TM510419 TM610419 3. Certification includes use of side, end, or bottom water inlet configuration.
TM115419 TM215419 TM315419 TM415419 TM515419 TM615419 4. Certification includes use of optional water silencers.
5. Certification includes use of optional external platforms/ladders for access.
TM105312 TM205312 TM305312 TM405312 TM505312 TM605312 6. Certification includes an optional supplier for fans on standard models or
TM175312 TM275312 TM375312 TM475312 TM575312 TM675312 optional super low sound fans.
TM110312 TM210312 TM310312 TM410312 TM510312 TM610312
TM115312 TM215312 TM315312 TM415312 TM515312 TM615312
Evapco, Inc.
AT Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers
TM105412 TM205412 TM305412 TM405412 TM505412 TM605412
CTI Certification Validation Number 99-13-01
TM175412 TM275412 TM375412 TM475412 TM575412 TM675412
TM110412 TM210412 TM310412 TM410412 TM510412 TM610412 AT Series Models
TM115412 TM215412 TM315412 TM415412 TM515412 TM615412 UBT
Evapco, Inc. 8-56B 8-012B 8-318B 8-324B 12-212B 12-324B 12-236B3 24-218B 24-524B
8-66B 8-112B 8-418B 8-424B 12-312B 12-424B 12-336B3 24-318B 24-624B
AT Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers
8-76B 8-212B 8-518B 8-524B 12-412B 12-524B 12-436B3 24-418B 24-724B
CTI Certification Validation Number 99-13-01 8-86B 8-312B 8-618B 8-624B 12-512B 12-624B 12-536B3 24-518B 24-824B
8-96B 8-412B 8-718B 8-724B 12-612B 12-724B 12-636B3 24-618B 24-924B
AT Series
8-512B 8-818B 8-824B 12-712B 12-824B 12-736B3 24-718B
AT, USS, REP, UT 8-29B 8-612B 8-918B 8-924B 12-812B 12-924B 12-836B3 24-818B 24-336B
8-39B 8-712B 12-912B 12-936B3 24-918B 24-436B
18-49 28-428 19-111 29-024 112-314 212-036 312-260 424-036 228-0124 8-49B 8-812B 8-536B 12-136B 24-536B
18-59 28-528 19-211 29-124 112-414 212-136 312-360 424-136 228-0224 8-59B 8-912B 8-636B 12-218B 12-236B 12-454B 24-636B
18-69 28-628 19-311 29-224 112-514 212-236 312-460 424-236 228-0324 8-69B 8-736B 12-318B 12-336B 12-554B 24-736B
18-79 28-728 19-411 29-324 112-614 212-436 312-560 424-336 228-0424 8-79B 8-836B 12-418B 12-436B 12-654B 24-836B
18-89 28-828 19-511 29-424 112-714 212-536 312-660 424-436 228-0524 8-89B 8-936B 12-518B 12-536B 12-754B 24-936B
18-99 28-928 19-611 29-524 112-814 212-636 312-760 424-536 228-0624 8-99B 12-618B 12-636B 12-854B
19-711 29-624 112-914 212-736 312-860 424-636 228-0724 12-718B 12-736B 12-954B
18-511 38-236 19-811 29-724 212-836 312-960 424-736 228-0824 12-818B 12-836B
18-611 38-336 19-911 29-824 112-018 212-936 424-836 228-0924 12-918B 12-936B
18-711 38-436 29-924 112-118 224-018 424-936 Footnotes:
18-811 38-536 19-412 112-218 312-036 224-118 428-0148
1. UBT is the prefix to be added to the basic numeric model designations listed
18-911 38-636 19-512 29-228 112-318 312-136 224-218 114-0124 428-0248
above to indicate units with alternate fabrication methods for seismic resistance.
38-736 19-612 29-328 112-418 312-236 224-318 114-0224 428-0348
18-312 38-836 19-712 29-428 112-518 312-336 224-418 114-0324 428-0448 2. Certification includes units with optional gear drive in place of standard belt
18-412 38-936 19-812 29-528 112-618 312-436 224-518 114-0424 428-0548 drive.
18-512 19-912 29-628 112-718 312-536 224-618 114-0524 428-0648 3. Certification includes use of side, end, or bottom water inlet configuration.
18-612 38-442 29-728 112-818 312-636 224-718 114-0624 428-0748
18-712 38-542 19-114 29-828 112-918 312-736 224-818 114-0724 428-0848
4. Certification includes use of optional water silencers.
18-812 38-642 19-214 29-928 312-836 224-918 114-0824 428-0948 5. Certification includes use of optional external platforms/ladders for access.
18-912 38-742 19-314 112-520 312-936 114-0924 428-1048 6. Certification includes an optional supplier for fans on standard models or op-
38-842 19-414 39-336 112-620 224-720 114-1024 428-1148 tional super low sound fans.
18-214 38-942 19-514 39-436 112-720 312-042 224-820 114-1124 428-1248
18-314 19-614 39-536 112-820 312-142 224-920 114-1224
ESW 72-23I
ESW 96-23H
ESW 96-23I
ESW 142-23H
ESW 142-23I
ESW 77-23H
ESW 77-23I
ESW 102-23H
ESW 102-23I
ESW 153-23H
ESW 153-23I
ESW 144-23I
ESW 144-23J
ESW 216-23J
ESW 216-23K
· L = One motor size smaller
ESW 72-23J ESW 96-24H ESW 142-23J ESW 77-23J ESW 102-24H ESW 153-23J ESW 144-23K ESW 216-23L · U = Two motor sizes smaller
ESW 72-24H ESW 96-24I ESW 142-24H ESW 77-24H ESW 102-24I ESW 153-24H ESW 144-24I ESW 216-23M · LI = Intake sound attenuation + One motor size smaller
ESW 72-24I
ESW 72-24J
ESW 96-24H
ESW 96-25I
ESW 142-24I
ESW 142-24J
ESW 77-24I
ESW 77-24J
ESW 102-25H
ESW 102-25I
ESW 153-24I
ESW 153-24J
ESW 144-24J
ESW 144-24K
ESW 216-24J
ESW 216-24K
· LD= Discharge sound attenuation + One motor size smaller
ESW 72-25H ESW 96-26H ESW 142-25H ESW 77-25H ESW 102-26H ESW 153-25H ESW 144-25I ESW 216-24L · LH = Tapered Discharge Hood + One motor size smaller
ESW 72-25I ESW 96-26I ESW 142-25I ESW 77-25I ESW 1-2-26I ESW 153-25I ESW 144-25J ESW 216-24M · LF =Full sound attenuation + One motor size smaller
ESW 72-25J ESW 142-25J ESW 77-25J ESW 153-25J ESW 144-25K ESW 216-25J
2. The optional tower configurations are unique in capacity. Selection software
ESW 72-26H ESW 96-33H ESW 142-26H ESW 77-26H ESW 102-33H ESW 153-26H ESW 144-26I ESW 216-25K
should be consulted for appropriate ratings of the tower configuration.
ESW 72-26I ESW 96-33I ESW 142-26I ESW 77-26I ESW 102-33I ESW 153-26I ESW 144-26J ESW 216-25L
ESW 72-26J ESW 96-33J ESW 142-26J ESW 77-26J ESW 102-33J ESW 153-26J ESW 144-26K ESW 216-25M
ESW 72-34I ESW 96-35J ESW 142-34I ESW 77-34I ESW 102-35J ESW 153-34I ESW 144-34I ESW 216-33K
LSTB 5112 LSTB 8P112 LSTB 8P124 LSTB 10112 LSTB 10124
ESW 72-34J ESW 96-36H ESW 142-34J ESW 77-34J ESW 102-36H ESW 153-34J ESW 144-34J ESW 216-33L
LSTB 5212 LSTB 8P212 LSTB 8P224 LSTB 10212 LSTB 10224
ESW 72-35H ESW 96-36I ESW 142-35H ESW 77-35H ESW 102-36I ESW 153-35H ESW 144-34K ESW 216-33M
LSTB 5312 LSTB 8P312 LSTB 8P324 LSTB 10312 LSTB 10324
ESW 72-35I ESW 96-36J ESW 142-35I ESW 77-35I ESW 102-36J ESW 153-35I ESW 144-34L ESW 216-34K
ESW 72-35J ESW 142-35J ESW 77-35J ESW 153-35J ESW 144-35I ESW 216-34L
LSTB 5412 LSTB 8P412 LSTB 8P424 LSTB 10412 LSTB 10424
ESW 72-36H ESW 96-43I ESW 142-36H ESW 77-36H ESW 102-43I ESW 153-36H ESW 144-35J ESW 216-34M LSTB5512 LSTB 8P512 LSTB 8P524 LSTB 10512 LSTB 10524
ESW 96-43J ESW 142-36I ESW 77-36I ESW 102-43J ESW 153-36I ESW 144-35K ESW 216-35K LSTB 10612
ESW 72-36I ESW 96-44I ESW 142-36J ESW 77-36J ESW 102-44I ESW 153-36J ESW 144-35L ESW 216-35L
ESW 72-36J ESW 96-44J ESW 102-44J ESW 144-36I ESW 216-35M LSTB 5118 LSTB 8P118 LSTB 8P136 LSTB 10118 LSTB 10136
ESW 72-43I ESW 96-45I ESW 142-43I ESW 77-43I ESW 102-45I ESW 153-43I ESW 144-36J ESW 216-36K LSTB 5218 LSTB 8P218 LSTB 8P236 LSTB 10218 LSTB 10236
ESW 72-43J ESW 96-45J ESW 142-43J ESW 77-43J ESW 102-45J ESW 153-43J ESW 144-36K ESW 216-36L
LSTB 5318 LSTB 8P318 LSTB 8P336 LSTB 10318 LSTB 10336
ESW 72-44I ESW 96-46I ESW 142-43K ESW 77-44I ESW 102-46I ESW 153-43K ESW 144-36L ESW 216-36M
LSTB 5418 LSTB 8P418 LSTB 8P436 LSTB 10418 LSTB 10436
ESW 72-44J ESW 96-46J ESW 142-44I ESW 77-44J ESW 102-46J ESW 153-44I
LSTB 5518 LSTB 8P518 LSTB 8P536 LSTB 10518 LSTB 10536
ESW 72-45I ESW 142-44J ESW 77-45I ESW 153-44J ESW 144-43J ESW 216-43K
LSTB 5618 LSTB 8P618 LSTB 10618 LSTB 10636
ESW 72-45J ESW 142-44K ESW 77-45J ESW 153-44K ESW 144-43K ESW 216-43L
ESW 72-46I ESW 142-45I ESW 77-46I ESW 153-45I ESW 144-43L ESW 216-43M
LSTB 5718 LSTB 10718
ESW 72-46J ESW 142-45J ESW 77-46J ESW 153-45J ESW 144-44J ESW 216-43N
ESW 216-46K
· F = Full sound attenuation
ESW 216-46L
· L = One motor size smaller
ESW 216-46M · U = Two motor sizes smaller
ESW 216-46N · LI = Intake sound attenuation + One motor size smaller
· LD = Discharge sound attenuation + One motor size smaller
1. Certification includes units with optional High Flow Header Connections for better
process fluid distribution at higher flows. · LH = Tapered Discharge Hood + One motor size smaller
2. Certification includes units with optional gear drive in place of standard belt drive · LF = Full sound attenuation + One motor size smaller
3. Certification includes use of optional external platforms/ladders for access.
2. The optional tower configurations are unique in capacity. Selection software
4. Certification includes an optional supplier for fans on standard models or optional super low should be consulted for appropriate ratings of the tower configuration.
sound fans.
IMC 806-080-1-3 IMC 812-205-1-15 IMC 1212-265-1-15 IMC 1218-840-2-20 Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not listed.
IMC 806-100-1-5 IMC 812.200-1-10 IMC 1212-290-1-20 IMC 1218-910-2-25
IMC 806-110-1-7.5 IMC 812-245-1-20 IMC 1212-305-1-25 IMC 1218-960-2-30 Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd
IMC 806-112-1-5 IMC 812-246-1-15 IMC 1212-325-1-30 IMC 1218-1085-2-25 MXR Series Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers
IMC 806-125-1-10 IMC 812-260-1-20 IMC 1212-345-1-20 IMC 1218-1150-2-30 CTI Certification Validation Number 04-26-01(RI)
IMC 806-115-1-5 IMC 812-247-1-10 IMC 1212-360-1-25 IMC 1218-1255-2-40
IMC 806-130-1-7.5 IMC 812.273.1-15 IMC 1212-438-1-25 IMC 1218-1250-2-30 MXR-L Series MXRI-L Series MXR-SL Series MXRI-SL Series
IMC 806-136-1-7.5 IMC 812.280.1-15 IMC 1212-457-1-30 IMC 1218-1342-2-40 Standard Low Noise Standard Low Noise Super Low Noise Super Low Noise
IMC 806-145-1-10 IMC 812-297-1-20 IMC 1218-1427-2-50 (FRP casing & (FRP casing & (FRP casing & (FRP casing &
IMC 806-155-1-15 IMC 812-317-1-25 IMC 1212-580-2-20 HDG steel structure) HDG steel structure) HDG steel structure) HDG steel structure)
IMC 1212-610-2-25 IMC 1218-1370-3-25
IMC 809-140-1-7.5 IMC 809-310-2-10 IMC 1212-685-2-20 IMC 1218-1445-3-30 MXR-80L MXRI-80L MXR-80SL MXRI-80SL
IMC 809-156-1-10 IMC 809-300-2-7.5 IMC 1212-720-2-25 IMC 1218-1730-3-30 MXR-100L MXRI-100L MXR-100SL MXRI-100SL
IMC 809-170-1-10 IMC 809-340-2-10 IMC 1212-760-2-30 IMC 1218-1885-3-40 MXR-125L MXRI-125L MXR-125SL MXRI-125SL
IMC 809-190-1-15 IMC 809-380-2-15 IMC 1212-870-2-25 IMC 1218-2000-3-40 MXR-150L MXRI-150L MXR-150SL MXRI-150SL
IMC 809-180-1-10 IMC 809-360-2-10 IMC 1212-927-2-30 IMC 1218-2127-3-50 MXR-175L MXRI-175L MXR-175SL MXRI-175SL
IMC 809-206-1-15 IMC 809-447-2-20 MXR-200L MXRI-200L MXR-200SL MXRI-200SL
IMC 809-217-1-15 IMC 809-467-2-20 IMC 1218-460-1-25 IMC 1218-1750-4-25 MXR-225L MXRI-225L MXR-225SL MXRI-225SL
IMC 809-234-1-20 IMC 1218-485-1-30 IMC 1218-1955-4-20 MXR-250L MXRI-250L MXR-250SL MXRI-250SL
IMC 812-440-2-20 IMC 1218-545-1-25 IMC 1218-2100-4-25 MXR-300L MXRI-300L MXR-300SL MXRI-300SL
IMC 812-405-2-10 IMC 1218-580-1-30 IMC 1218-2215-4-30 MXR-350L MXRI-350L MXR-350SL MXRI-350SL
IMC 812-430-2-10 IMC 1218-630-1-40 IMC 1218-2410-4-40 MXR-400L MXRI-400L MXR-400SL MXRI-400SL
IMC 812-520-2-20 IMC 1218-627-1-30 IMC 1218-2587-4-40 MXR-500L MXRI-500L MXR-500SL MXRI-500SL
IMC 812-590-2-20 IMC 1218-677-1-40 IMC 1218-2750-4-50 MXR-600L MXRI-600L MXR-600SL MXRI-600SL
IMC 812-600-2-20 IMC 1218-717-1-50 MXR-700L MXRI-700L MXR-700SL MXRI-700SL
IMC 812-632-2-25
1. Model numbers listed above are for standard construction of FRP (Fiberglass
KIMCO (Kyung In Machinery Company, Ltd.) Reinforced Plastic) casing and HDG (Hot Dipped Galvanized) steel structure.
Certified models with optional SS (Stainless Steel) casing and structure are also
EnduraCool Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers available but not listed.
CTI Certification Validation Number 93-18-01
· For FRP casing with SS structure add the suffix –S, for example MXR-80L-S.
EX Seriesa EC Seriesa EX Seriesa EC Seriesa
(SI – Metric Units) (IP – English Units) (SI – Metric Units) (IP – English Units) · For SS casing with SS structure add the suffix –SC, for example MXRI-700SL-
Standard Fans Standard Fans Low Noise Fans Low Noise Fans SC.
2. Certification includes units with optional gear drive in place of standard belt
EX-80KLb EC-65 EX-80KLSb EC-65L
EX-100KLb EC-80 EX-100KLSb EC-80L
EX-125KLb EC-100 EX-112.5KLSb EC-90L 3. Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not
EX-125KLSb EC-100L listed.
EX-150KLb EC-120
EX-175KLb EC-140 EX-150KLSb EC-120L Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd
EX-175KLSb EC-140L MCR Series Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers
EX-200KLb EC-160 CTI Certification Validation Number 05-26-02
EX-200KLSb EC-160L
EX-225KLb EC-180 MCR Series MCRI-L Series MCR-SL Series MCRI-SL Series
EX-250KLb EC-200 MEX-250KLS EC-200L Standard Low Noise Standard Low Noise Super Low Noise Super Low Noise
MEX-300KLS EC-240L (FRP casing & (FRP casing & (FRP casing & (FRP casing &
MEX-300 EC-240 HDG steel structure) HDG steel structure) HDG steel structure) HDG steel structure)
MEX-350 EC-280 MEX-350KLS EC-280L
MEX-400 EC-320 MEX-400KLS EC-320L
MEX-500 EC-400
a EX Series models are manufactured and distributed by KIMCO. MCR-175L MCRI-175L MCR-175SL MCRI-175SL
b EC Series models are manufactured by KIMCO and distributed in North America MCR-200L MCRI-200L MCR-200SL MCRI-200SL
by Great Lakes Fluid/Air, Inc. (GLFA) with equivalent dimensions and thermal MCR-225L MCRI-225L MCR-225SL MCRI-225SL
ratings. MCR-250L MCRI-250L MCR-250SL MCRI-250SL
Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not listed. MCR-350L MCRI-350L MCR-350SL MCRI-350SL
1. Suffixes -GI, -SS, -AS, -AG are added to the basic model numbers listed above to
indicate the tower construction materials or options :
-GI for FRP casing, FRP basin and HDG structural members and hardware.
-SS for FRP casing, FRP basin and stainless steel structural members and hard-
-AS for stainless steel casing, basin, structural members and hardware.
-AG for HDG casing, basin, structural members and hardware.
2. Certification includes units with optional gear drive in place of standard belt
3. Certification includes use of optional handrail and/or optional caged ladders.
MHF702B061 MHF703C061 MHF704D061 MHF705F061 MHF706E061 MHF707H061 AV61001 AV63001 AV65001 AV67001
MHF702B062 MHF703C062 MHF704D062 MHF705F062 MHF706E062 MHF707H062
AV61011 AV63011 AV65011 AV67011
MHF702B081 MHF703C081 MHF704D081 MHF705F081 MHF706E081 MHF707H081
AV61021 AV63021 AV65021 AV67021
MHF702B082 MHF703C082 MHF704D082 MHF705F082 MHF706E082 MHF707H082 AV61031 AV63031 AV65031 AV67031
MHF702B101 MHF703C084 MHF704D084 MHF705F084 MHF706E084 MHF707H084 AV61041 AV63041 AV65041 AV67041
MHF702B102 MHF703C101 MHF704D101 MHF705F101 MHF706E101 MHF707H101 AV65051
MHF702B121 MHF703C102 MHF704D102 MHF705F102 MHF706E102 MHF707H102
AV62001 AV64001
MHF702B122 MHF703C121 MHF704D121 MHF705F121 MHF706E121 MHF707H121
MHF703C122 MHF704D122 MHF705F122 MHF706E122 MHF707H122 AV62011 AV64011 AV66001
MHF702C061 MHF703C124 MHF704D124 MHF705F124 MHF706E124 MHF707H124 AV62021 AV64021 AV66011
MHF702C062 AV62031 AV64031 AV66021
MHF702C081 MHF703D061 MHF704E061 MHF705H061 MHF706H061 MHF707J061 AV62041 AV64041 AV66031
MHF702C082 MHF703D062 MHF704E062 MHF705H062 MHF706H062 MHF707J062
AV62051 AV64051 AV66041
MHF702C101 MHF703D081 MHF704E081 MHF705H081 MHF706H081 MHF707J081
MHF702C102 MHF703D082 MHF704E082 MHF705H082 MHF706H082 MHF707J082 Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not listed.
MHF702C121 MHF703D084 MHF704E084 MHF705H084 MHF706H084 MHF707J084
MHF702C122 MHF703D101 MHF704E101 MHF705H101 MHF706H101 MHF707J101 Tower Tech, Inc
MHF703D102 MHF704E102 MHF705H102 MHF706H102 MHF707J102
TTXE Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers
MHF702D061 MHF703D121 MHF704E121 MHF705H121 MHF706H121 MHF707J121
MHF702D062 MHF703D122 MHF704E122 MHF705H122 MHF706H122 MHF707J122 CTI Certification Validation Number 04-17-04
MHF702D081 MHF703D124 MHF704E124 MHF705H124 MHF706H124 MHF707J124
MHF702D082 3.0 hp/fan Models 5.0 hp/fan Models 7.5 hp/fan Models
MHF702D101 MHF703E061 MHF704G061 MHF705J061 MHF706J061 MHF707L061
MHF702D102 MHF703E062 MHF704G062 MHF705J062 MHF706J062 MHF707L062
TTXE-021930 TTXE-021950 TTXE-021975
MHF702D121 MHF703E081 MHF704G081 MHF705J081 MHF706J081 MHF707L081
MHF702D122 MHF703E082 MHF704G082 MHF705J082 MHF706J082 MHF707L082 TTXE-031930 TTXE-031950 TTXE-031975
MHF703E084 MHF704G084 MHF705J084 MHF706J084 MHF707L084 TTXE-041930 TTXE-041950 TTXE-041975
MHF703E101 MHF704G101 MHF705J101 MHF706J101 MHF707L101 TTXE-061930 TTXE-061950 TTXE-061975
MHF703E102 MHF704G102 MHF705J102 MHF706J102 MHF707L102
MHF703E121 MFH704G121 MHF705J121 MHF706J121 MHF707L121
TTXE-081930 TTXE-081950 TTXE-081975
MHF703E122 MFH704G122 MHF705J122 MHF706J122 MHF707L122 TTXE-101930 TTXE-101950 TTXE-101975
MHF703E124 MFH704G124 MHF705J124 MHF706J124 MHF707L124
Models listed above are for single cells with a base inlet height of 6-ft.
MFH704H061 MHF705K061 MHF706L061 MHF707M061
Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not listed.
MFH704H062 MHF705K062 MHF706L062 MHF707M062
MHF704H081 MHF705K081 MHF706L081 MHF707M081 Models with inlet heights more or less than 6-ft are also available but not listed.
MHF704H082 MHF705K082 MHF706L082 MHF707M082 Multiple cell models of the single cell models and/or models with air inlet heights more
MHF704H084 MHF705K084 MHF706L084 MHF707M084 or less than 6-ft require capacity correction per the TTGE correction table submitted with
MHF704H101 MHF705K101 MHF706L101 MHF707M101 the CTI Certification application.
MHF704H102 MHF705K102 MHF706L102 MHF707M102
MHF704H121 MHF705K121 MHF706L121 MHF707M121 The Trane Company
MFH704H122 MHF705K122 MHF706L122 MHF707M122 Series Quiet Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers
MFH704H124 MHF705K124 MHF706L124 MHF707M124 CTI Certification Validation Number 92-14-01
Standard Models
MHF706M061 MHF707N061
MHF706M062 MHF707N062
MHF706M081 MHF707N081 TQ8301C TQ 8303E TQ 8305D TQ 8307E TQ 8310C TQ 8312C
MHF706M082 MHF707N082 TQ8301D TQ 8303F TQ 8305E TQ 8307F TQ 8310D TQ 8312D
MHF706M084 MHF707N084 TQ 8301E TQ 8303G TQ 8305F TQ 8307G TQ 8310E TQ 8312E
MHF706M101 MHF707N101 TQ 8301F TQ 8303H TQ 8305G TQ 8307H TQ 8310F TQ 8312F
MHF706M102 MHF707N102 TQ 8305H TQ 8307J TQ 8310G TQ 8312G
MHF706M121 MHF707N121 TQ 8305J TQ 8307K TQ 8310H TQ 8312H
MHF706M122 MHF707N122
TQ 8305K TQ 8307M TQ 8310J TQ 8312J
MHF706M124 MHF707N124
TQ 8310K TQ 8312K
MHF706N061 TQ 8312N
MHF706N062 TQ 8312R
MHF706N081 TQ 8302D TQ 8304D TQ 8306D TQ 8309C TQ 8311C
MHF706N082 TQ 8302E TQ 8304E TQ 8306E TQ 8309D TQ 8311D
MHF706N084 TQ 8302F TQ 8304F TQ 8306F TQ 8309E TQ 8311E
MHF706N101 TQ 8302G TQ 8304G TQ 8306G TQ 8309F TQ 8311F
MHF706N102 TQ 8304H TQ 8306H TQ 8309G TQ 8311G
MHF706N121 TQ 8306J TQ 8309H TQ 8311H
TQ 8306K TQ 8309J TQ 8311J
TQ 8309K TQ 8311K
TQ 8311N
SPX Cooling Technologies Multiple cell models of the single cell models above are also available but not listed.
Product Branding: Marley
Quadraflow Series Line of CTI Certified Cooling Towers Low Noise Models
CTI Certification Validation Number 92-14-02
TQ 8301AL TQ 8303AL TQ 8305AL TQ 8307AL TQ 8310AL TQ 8312AL
21121 22121 23121 24121 TQ 8301BL TQ 8303BL TQ 8305BL TQ 8307BL TQ 8310BL TQ 8312BL
21122 22122 23122 24122 TQ 8301CL TQ 8303CL TQ 8305CL TQ 8307CL TQ 8310CL TQ 8312CL
21123 22123 23123 24123
21124 23124 24124 TQ 8301DL TQ 8303DL TQ 8305DL TQ 8307DL TQ 8310DL TQ 8312DL
22221 24125 TQ 8301EL TQ 8303EL TQ 8305EL TQ 8307EL TQ 8310EL TQ 8312EL
21221 22222 23221 24126 TQ 8303FL TQ 8305FL TQ 8307FL TQ 8310FL TQ 8312FL
21222 22223 23222 24127 TQ 8305GL TQ 8307GL TQ 8310GL TQ 8312GL
22224 23223 TQ 8305HL TQ 8307HL TQ 8310HL TQ 8312HL
21321 22225 23224 24221 TQ 8305JL TQ 8307JL TQ 8310JL TQ 8312JL
21322 23225 24222 TQ 8305KL TQ 8310KL TQ 8312KL
21323 24223
Albemarle 9
Aggreko Cooling Tower Services 42, 43
AHR Expo 71
Amarillo Chittom AirFlo 3
Amarillo Gear Company IBC
Amcot Cooling Tower Corporation 15
American Cooling Tower, Inc. 23, 37
AMSA, Inc. 13, 33
Bailsco Blades & Castings, Inc. 29
Baltimore Aircoil OBC
Bedford Reinforced Plastics 39
Bettle Plastics, LLC 25
Brentwood Industries, Inc. 17
ChemTreat, Inc. 11
Cooling Tower Resources, Inc. 65
CTI Certified Towers under STD-201 74 - 83
CTI License Test Agencies 70
CTI ToolKit 72, 73
Dynamic Fabricators, LLC 7
Gaiennie Lumber Company 2
Goodway 83
Hewitech 6
Howden Cooling Fans 5
Hudson Products Corporation 45
Industrial Cooling Tower 68,IFC
Mid-South Chemical Company, Inc. 19
Midwest Towers, Inc. 51
Multi-Wing America, Inc. 61
Myron L Company 4
Neri srl 67
Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. 57
C.E. Shepherd Company, L.P. 59
Spraying Services, Inc. 53
SPX Cooling Technologies 27
Strongwell 55
Swan Secure Products, Inc. 14
Towe Engineering, Inc. 41
Tower Performance, Inc. 84
Water Quality Association 35