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Word Operational Definition Formal Definition: Giardia Lamblia

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13 Pacaoco, Japheth Lance R.

Group 3
14 Pul-oc, Bede Benedict G. BSMLS 2D
15 Saballa, Fhilip Ruis S. 0898L - S(7:30-10:30)
16 Santos, Daren M. Aug 30, 2019
17 Santos, Patrick Simon H.
18 Sayson, Justin M.

Word Operational Definition Formal Definition

Intestinal • Can be acquired by a person if • It refers to a parasite that resides in
parasites he/she played with pets and did a human body, specifically in the
not wash their hands. intestines.
• This can be a cause for
gastrointestinal problems.
Parasitism • Mostly affects children • A relationship wherein one
organism benefits while the other
is harmed.
• This can be seen with a child as
host and worms as the parasite.
Giardia • A flagellated protozoon that • This refers to the suggested,
lamblia resides in the intestines causing revealed or indicated.
giardiasis specifically in the
lumen of the small intestines
(Oxford University Press, 2003)
Fecal-oral • Mode of transmission for Giardia • A mode of transmission wherein a
route lamblia parasite from another host exits
through the feces and can be
transmitted when in contact with
water or food for consumption.
Zoonosis • Mode of transmission for Giardia • Describes that a certain disease can
lamblia be transferred to a human being
from an animal.
Dormant • Describes activity of a certain • This describes being inactive and
thing. can be activated in a later time.
Microbial • Microorganism which is a cause • This refers to micro organisms that
of disease causes a disease.
Cyst • Can survive for a long amount of • Cyst is a sac-like membrane that
time in a favorable condition may contain micro organisms or
other fluids.
Prevalence • Used to describe an amount of a • Used to quantify a phenomenon.
Water • Measure to lessen the amount of • This is a method in which water is
treatment risk of developing parasitic treated to kill or suppress the
organisms growth of microbial organisms.
Chlorination • A method for water treatment • This refers to the method of
treating water where Chlorine is
added as a disinfectant
Ozonolysis • A method for water treatment • Used Ozone to break bonds of
alkenes or alkynes
Parasitism • Phenomenon where parasites, • It refers to the relationship between
helminthic or non-helminthic two organisms where a parasite
inhabit hosts and causes various resides in a living host that can also
diseases cause health problems
Prevalence • It refers to how widely spread the • It refers to the number of
disease is individuals who got afflicted by the
disease in a specific/certain period
Asymptomatic • The disease does not show signs • This refers to the condition where
of infection a patient, who is a carrier of a
certain type of disease, does not
exhibit any noticeable symptoms
usually associated to the said
Diagnosis • This refers to the detection of the • This refers to the identification of
illness’ origins the nature of the complication of
the disease and its varying
Frequency • The rate at which something • This refers to the total number of
happens in a period times a value/data occurs in each
experiment or study
Exposure • The vulnerability of the • This refers to the state of being in
population to the disease direct contact with something or
being affected by a condition/event
that is likely to bring harm
Factors • Conditions that contribute to the • This refer to the events,
occurrence of something characteristics or other definable
entities that can contribute to a
change in outcome
Immuno- • This refers to having a weakened • This refers to the state where
compromised immune system patients do not have an ability to
fight back infections due to having
an impaired immune system
Deworming • The process of removing • Also known as dehelmintization; it
parasites from the host’s body refers to the consuming of an
anthelmintic drug to get rid of
helminths present in the body
Cross • Aka. Prevalence Study. • In medical research and social
Sectional • A descriptive study designed to science, a cross-sectional study
Study measure the number of affected (also known as a cross-sectional
people over the total number of analysis, transverse study,
populations in a specified period prevalence study) is a type of
of time observational study that analyzes
data from a population, or a
representative subset, at a specific
point in time

Formalin • Technique used for • Ritchie's method modified by

Ether (Richie) parasitological examinations Régis Anécimo, is a soapy warm
Technique water centrifugal sedimentation
Giardia • Most common parasite found • Infectious Parasites
nana and
Interventions • Measures and methods used to • An action or ministration that
prevent the prevalence of non- produces an effect or that is
helminthic parasites intended to alter the course of a
pathologic process.
Helminthic • Parasitic organisms that are • Parasitic worms, also known
parasites visible to the naked eye. as helminths, are large
macroparasites; adults can
generally be seen with the naked
• Many are intestinal worms that
are soil transmitted and infect the
gastrointestinal tract.
• Other parasitic worms such
as schistosomes reside in blood
vessels. Non-helminthic parasite
means parasite that is not a worm.
Impoverished • Health services provided that are • Reduced to poverty : POOR
Health deprived and limited.
Pit Latrines • Alternative toilet used by the • A type of outdoor latrine used
residents for fecal wastes. where it is impractical to provide a
standard, flushing-type toilet.
• The structure, which is excavated
in the soil, may be manufactured
and installed so that odors and flies
are minimized.
Cognitive • Development of cognitive • The developmental process by
Development functions such as remembering, which an infant becomes an
problem solving, and decision intelligent person, acquiring
making that starts from childhood knowledge with growth and
through adulthood. improving his or her ability to
think, learn, reason, and abstract.
Prevalence • Refers to how many individuals • The number of cases of a disease
or families are being affected by existing in each population at a
non-helminthic parasites specific period of time (period
prevalence) or at a particular
moment in time (point prevalence).
Correlation • Refers to the relationship of two • In statistics, the degree and
things that are being direction of association of variable
investigated. phenomena; how well one can be
predicted from the other.

Enteric • Something in relation to the GIT • Being or having a coating designed

to pass through the stomach

Heterogenous • Can from not only one but two or • Having multiple etiologies
more diagnoses and or prognosis
Domestic • Indoor-outdoor pets • Species of vertebrates that has been
domesticated by humans

Waterborne • Any liquid area a disease may • Disease obtained from the bodies
possibly grow or originate of water


Parasitic worm.(n.d). Wikipedia. Retrieved August 30 2019 from


Impoverished.(n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved August 30 2019 fromhttps://www.merriam-


Health services.(n.d.). Collins. Retrieved August 30 2019 from


Intervention. (n.d.) Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing. (2012). Retrieved
August 30 2019 from https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/intervention

Cognitive development. (n.d.) Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. (2009). Retrieved August
30 2019 from https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cognitive+development

Pit latrine. (n.d.) Medical Dictionary. (2009). Retrieved August 30 2019 from https://medical-

Prevalence. (n.d.) Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved August 30 2019
from https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/prevalence
Correlation. (n.d.) Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. (2007). Retrieved August
30 2019 from https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/correlation

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