Methods of Wireless Transmission of Electrical Power
Methods of Wireless Transmission of Electrical Power
Methods of Wireless Transmission of Electrical Power
HE idea of transmitting power through the space was conceived over a century ago, with Nikola
Tesla’s pioneering ideas and experiments perhaps being the most well-known early attempts to do
so. His vision was to wirelessly distribute power over large distances using the earth’s ionosphere.
Most approaches to wireless power transfer use an electromagnetic (EM) field of some frequency as
the means by which the energy is sent. At the high frequency end of the spectrum are optical
techniques that use lasers to send power via a collimated beam of light to a remote detector where
the received photons are converted to electrical energy.
Efficient transmission over large distances is possible with this approach; however, complicated
pointing and tracking mechanisms are needed to maintain proper alignment between moving
transmitters and/or receivers. In addition, objects that get between the transmitter and receiver can
block the beam, interrupting the power transmission and, depending on the power level, possibly
causing harm. At microwave frequencies, a similar approach can be used to efficiently transmit
power over large distances using the radiated EM field from appropriate antennas. However, similar
The concept here is the ionization of air due to the electromagnetic field produced. This technique exists in
nature and its implementation requires high fields of about 2.11 MV/m. Richard E. Vollrath, a California
inventor has developed an ingenious sand-storm generator, which sends blasts of dust-laden air through
copper tubes, generating electricity which can be stored in sphere and used later [8].Example of this technique
is seen in nature lightning.
i. Evanescent Wave Coupling.
This method uses non-radiative electromagnetic energy resonant tunneling. Since the
electromagnetic waves tunnel through the air, energy absorption by air is eliminated and
electronic devices are not disrupted. Unlike electromagnetic radiation, it is not considered
harmful for the human body.
ii. Electromagnetic Transmission
Electromagnetic waves can also be used to transfer power without wires. By converting electricity
into light, such as a laser beam, then firing this beam at a receiving target, such as a solar cell on a
small aircraft, power can be beamed to a single target[10].
LASER Technology uses the same principle as microwave wireless transmission but here
energy emission is of high frequency and is coherent. The other great advantage of LASER
power transmission is the aperture collection efficiency. The antenna can be made small due to the
collimation of the beams. LASER transmission does not get dispersed for long distance but it gets
attenuated when it propagates though atmosphere.
Number of household points receives electricity at the same frequency using single transmitting coil
as long as they all are at resonance (figure 4).
• Make devices more reliable by eliminating the most failure prone component in most electronic
systems—the cords and connectors [10].
• Make devices more environmentally sound by eliminating the need for disposable batteries.
Companies make about 40 billion disposable batteries each year, and wireless electricity could do
away with that [11]. Using grid power is much less expensive and more environmentally sound
than manufacturing, transporting, and using batteries based on traditional electro-chemistries.
• Reduce system cost by leveraging the ability to power multiple devices from a single source
• Charging will likely become possible for mobile devices from different manufacturers via wireless
charging pads in public spaces such as cafés, airports, taxis, offices, and restaurants.
• LED (light emitting diode) lights can be directly powered with wireless electricity, eliminating the
need for batteries in under-cabinet task lighting, and enabling architectural lighting designers to
create products that seemingly float in mid-air, with no power cord[12].
• The unmanned planes or robots (where wires cannot be involved viz: oceans, volcanic mountains
etc.) which are run by the wireless power over an area, as they could fly for months at a time,
could be used for research.
A Tesla Coil consists of two concentric coils which are not electrically connected to each other. The
Primary Coil usually consists of a few turns of heavy wire, and has a shape ranging from a solenoid to
a flat spiral. This coil is usually connected to some capacitor, forming the Primary LC circuit. The
secondary circuit consists of a long coil of wire, usually having several hundreds to thousands of
turns wound on a pipe, and placed concentrically in the middle of the coil [14]. The control circuit
consists of solid state devices.
• Power source.
• Switching circuit. The circuits that make the tesla coil work at the correct frequency and duty
• Primary coil. The primary coil (figure 5) is powered by the control circuitry and generates the
magnetic field that the secondary use to create the high voltage. It is the few turns of thick wire
at the base of the secondary coil.
• Secondary coil .The secondary coil (figure 5) is a long cylinder. It is PVC pipe covered by an
enameled wire. One side is connected to ground; high voltage comes through the other side.
• The Top load: The top load is the metallic object at the top of the secondary coil. It provides a
capacitance to the Tesla coil.
Antenna section. It is the feedback mechanism (figure 8). This part of the circuit is designed to
capture feedback from the secondary coil to keep the circuit resonating. The antenna could be any
straight piece of wire connected to the circuit. The other end is left unconnected.
A solid state Tesla coil works by switching the primary coil at a resonant frequency. This frequency
varies due to the height of the coil, the top load, and the environment [14].
The used driver changes its frequency based on what the antenna receives from the
Tesla coil. Antenna feedback is designed to capture feedback from the secondary to keep the circuit
resonating. Because we use feedback to provide the signa to the half bridge, the coil is always in
tune. Using schottky diodes (diodes with a low forward voltage
Figure 6 Functional block diagram • drop, and hence, fast) to clamp the signal to
ground and +Vcc, to ensure the drive is not
It shows how the system modules relate to one another. destroyed; a square signal to the driver input is
A. System Modules Gate drive. This part of the circuit combines and
• Two power supplies are provided-One that powers amplifies the interrupter and feedback signals to
the tesla coil switching circuit and the other the drive the gate drive transformer (figure 9). The
primary coil (Figure 6). circuit works by generating a square wave from the
• The Interrupter (Figure 7) turns turn the Tesla coil respective outputs of the inverting and non-
on and off at a certain frequency. This doubles as a inverting MOSFET drivers and they operate in
power control if the duty cycle of the circuit is phase.
Thus, a fixed frequency oscillator is not ideal.
• Half bridge Inverter. These are two MOSFET that alternate switching on and off to produce
alternating current (figure 11). This is done at a high voltage, mainly so that power can be
pumped through the primary coil. This causes a magnetic field to be formed that excites the
secondary coil (resonator).
Where μo is the permeability of free space and a and b are expressed in meters. N is the number of
Figure 14 Cartoon of a solenoid Inductor with marked dimensions.
where ‘a’ is the radius of the coil and ‘b’ the height of the coil.
a. Wheeler’s Formula
The Wheeler’s formula was used to estimate the inductance of the Tesla coil.
b. Estimating Capacitance
Medhurst Capacitance
Co ≈ 2Ha[pF] (3)
Where a is radius of the solenoid in centimeters and H is a factor based on the Medhurst table [15].
The Spherical top load capacitance was estimated using the formula:
C=4πεOR (4)
The transmitter Tesla coil (figure 16) consisted of 10 primary turns while the secondary consisted
of 530 turns made of 14AWG (1.63mm) enameled copper wire and 23AWG (0.51mm) enameled
copper wire respectively.
The receiver Tesla coil (figure 17) consisted of 250 primary turns while the secondary consisted of
50 turns all made of 23AWG (0.51mm) enameled copper wire respectively.
The receiver circuit (figure 15) consisted of nine concentric led lamps and power control circuit.
The control circuit (figure 14) consisted of sub-circuits that make the tesla coil work at the correct
frequency and duty cycle.
The transmitter primary was fed with 20v ac power at 50Hz; the output was 1060v ac power at 73
KHz. The theoretical resonant frequency was calculated to be 67.4 KHz. The deviation in the actual
resonance frequency from the theoretical resonance frequency is due to the imperfections in
designing the Tesla coil. Parasitic capacitance and inductance also contributed to this difference.
Nine Led lamps were light at a distance of 1 meter. It had a typical efficiency was 40% for a distance
of 1m.Losses in the control circuit and the half bridge were major constraints.
Power transmission was maximum when a common ground was used between the transmitter and
the receiver.
Figure 16 Transmitter Tesla coil
The main objective of this paper was to demonstrate wireless power transmission using solid state
tesla coils. Tesla coils are remarkable devices able to generate high voltage, high frequency
waveforms with little control circuitry. Most of the builders of Tesla coils are interested in producing
electric arcs and visible effects suitable for displays and general amusement, not in producing power
supplies and power effects units which may have significant practical importance. The paper has
demonstrated that tesla coils can be designed for wireless power transmission.
• Design of a full wave inverter to power the Tesla coils. This will minimize the losses since full wave
inverters do not exhibit the losses prevalent in half wave rectifiers.
• A better feedback mechanism can be adopted instead of using a wire. A small current-transformer
on the secondary coil can be used, instead, to obtain feedback. This is constructed by wrapping
around 50 turns of wire on a small ferrite core with the secondary wire going through this ring on
the ground side. Care must be taking to ensure the right phasing.
[1] Nicola Tesla, “The transmission of
electrical energy without wires”,
Electrical World and Engineer,
m/tesla/1904-03-05.htm, (acc.
May. 2014).
[2] William C. Brown, “The history of
power transmission by radio waves”,
Microwave Theory and Techniques,
IEEE Transactions, 32(9):12301242,
September 1984.
[3] J. C. Maxwell, A Treaty of Electricity
and Magnetism, 1st ed. New York,
U.S.A.: Cambridge University Press,
[4] Nikola Tesla, "The Transmission of
Electrical Energy without
Wires as a means for Further Peace,"
Electrical World and Engineering, p. 21,
January, 7 1905.
[5] William C. Brown and E. Eugene Eves,
"Beamed Microwave Power
Transmission and its Application to
Space," IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.
40, no. 6, pp. 1239-1250, June 1992.