LP130100171 Final Report 1 November 2017
LP130100171 Final Report 1 November 2017
LP130100171 Final Report 1 November 2017
Ute Knoch
Catherine Elder
Robyn Woodward-Kron
Eleanor Flynn
Elizabeth Manias
Tim McNamara
Barbara Zhang Ying
Annemiek Huisman
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records project was carried out with
funding from the Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP130100171 and Cambridge
Boxhill Language Assessment (Partner Organisation).
PhD scholars
Sharon Yahalom
Simon Davidson
Associated Investigators
Dr Alison Dwyer, Austin Health
Acknowledgments: The research team would like to thank the staff at Cambridge Boxhill
Language Assessment, our partner organisation for their contributions to the project. We wish
to thank the medical, nursing, and health information managers from the two hospital settings
who participated in interviews and workshops in Phases 1 and 4, with particular
acknowledgment of Dr Carolyn Kamenjarin and Ms Catherine Dooling at Goulburn Valley
Health for their facilitation of data collection and their insights. Our thanks are also due to
staff and doctors at Shepparton Medical Centre for assistance with the conduct of an on-site
workshop, and to clinical academics in the Melbourne Medical School. We also wish to
acknowledge the language assessors from Boxhill Language Assessment who participated in
Phase 3 of the project, and Dr Susy Macqueen, Australian National University, formerly
Language Testing Research Centre, University of Melbourne, for her input into Phases 1 and
2 of the project.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
5. Phase one: Understanding the writing processes that constitute written patient records
5.1 Methodology 11
5.2 Findings 12
5.3 Summary of Phase 1 14
7. Phase three: Developing a professionally-relevant rating scale for the OET writing task
7.1 Scale criteria and top level descriptor development 20
7.2 Scale development workshop and pilot ratings - senior OET raters 21
7.3 Assessor training 22
7.4 Findings – OET raters application of professionally-relevant rating scale 23
7.5 Summary of Phase Three 26
9. Recommendations 31
9.1 Recommendations for Practice 31
9.2 Recommendations for Research 34
10. References 36
Appendix 1: Rating scale used for large-scale trial with OET raters (Phase 3) 38
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
This report sets out the background, aims, methods and findings of a project funded under an
Australian Research Council Linkage Project grant with matching funding from Cambridge
Boxhill Language Assessments, the partner organisation. The project was undertaken by a
cross-disciplinary team consisting of language assessment specialists, health professionals
and health professional educators, and experts in health communication. The project was
conducted in four phases over a three and a half year period, and commenced in 2014.
The impetus for the project came from a concern that the current English language screening
mechanisms used for overseas-trained health professionals may not adequately distinguish
between health professionals with and without the requisite language skills to fully participate
in English-speaking workplaces. This project focussed on written communication, following
on from a previous project (Elder, McNamara, Woodward-Kron, Manias, McColl, Webb,
2013) which focussed on spoken communication.
The project focussed on the criteria used for the assessment of the writing sub-test of the
Occupational English Test (OET), an English language screening test designed for twelve
health care professions. The OET is used in Australia and other English speaking countries to
assess the English language proficiency of overseas-trained applicants seeking registration in
English-speaking countries. The task is currently assessed by language experts using a
traditional linguistically-oriented rating scale.
1) to gain a detailed understanding of the writing practices that constitute medical records
and to collect samples of written handover communication from real patient records
(Phase 1).
2) to elicit the aspects of written communication valued by informants from three key
professions (doctors, nurses, health information managers) and to translate these
values into more professionally-relevant criteria for the OET writing task (Phase 2).
3) to involve OET language expert raters in the design of the new criteria and understand
whether these criteria can be successfully implemented by the wider group of OET
writing raters (Phase 3).
4) to empirically set new standards on the OET writing task by involving domain experts
from medicine and nursing in a process called standard-setting (Phase 4).
The methodology used to address these aims is described in detail in the report which follows.
The outcomes of the project’s four phases are summarised below.
Phase One: During Phase 1, we gained a detailed understanding of how patient medical
records are created, what aspects are included in patient records, who contributes to and
accesses this documentation and what is valued in such records. The data showed that there
were differences between a metropolitan hospital and a rural hospital in terms of how these
medical records were created and stored, creating unique challenges at both institutions. We
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
were also provided with access to de-identified patient records from 199 patients from which
written handover documentation was extracted as stimulus material for Phase 2.
Phase Two: During Phase 2, we elicited what doctors, nurses, quality and patient safety
officers and health information managers value when reading written handover
documentation. These values, or ‘indigenous assessment criteria’ (Jacoby & McNamara,
1999; Jacoby, 1998) formed the basis for a list of indicators which we created based on the
interviews in Phase 1 and the workshop comments recorded in Phase 2. The indicators were
grouped into (a) those which could be applied to the current OET test as well as (b) those
which could either only be applied if the test was changed, or (c) if health professionals
(domain experts) were involved in rating, or (d) those which could not be applied to a testing
domain. The first group of indicators were then used as the basis for the rating scale developed
and trialled in Phase 3.
Phase Three: During Phase 3, we went through several stages to develop a new, more
professionally-relevant rating scale based on the list of indicators developed in Phase 2. We
then trialled the new scale with fifteen experienced OET raters who each rated one hundred
OET writing samples each. The results showed that the raters were generally able to apply the
new criteria consistently, although it was clear from the qualitative data that more training
was needed and that the raters would have liked more support from domain experts in the
Phase Four: In Phase 4, we convened standard-setting panels for both nursing and medicine
to empirically set new standards on the OET writing sub-test, resulting in new cut-scores on
the test. The results showed that if the new standards were implemented, fewer OET test takers
would pass (i.e., receive an OET A or B band level) and that the medicine panel set more
stringent passing standards compared with the nursing panel.
The results of the study have implications for both practice and research. These are outlined
and explained in detail in the final section (Section 9) of this report and listed here.
With respect to the OET test design, and administration, we recommend that:
1. the new professionally-relevant writing criteria (Appendix 1) are adopted for the OET
writing sub-test,
2. the OET revise the existing specifications for the OET writing task to include scenarios
and contextual information needed to elicit the qualities of communication valued by
participants but currently not included in the writing task,
3. domain experts be involved in the training of OET writing raters and available for
consultation during operational rating,
4. additional support materials be offered to raters during operational rating periods,
5. the OET provide training materials to accompany the new rating criteria to both test
candidates and test preparation centres,
6. prior to implementation of any changes to the OET rating criteria, the test specifications
or the test tasks, key professional groups be involved in a consultation process,
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
With respect to further research arising from this project, we recommend that:
8. the new rating criteria be verified and trialled across a wider range of OET tasks for
medicine and nursing and across tasks from all other ten professions,
9. additional standard-setting panels be convened to set cut-scores for the other
The findings from this project, as well as from a previous ARC Linkage study focussing on
the spoken component of the Occupational English Test (LP0991153; Elder et al, 2013, if
implemented, provide the opportunity of enhancing the Occupational English Test by making
it more professionally-relevant.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Overseas trained health professionals play a crucial role in meeting Australia’s health
workforce shortages (Barton, Hawthorne, Singh & Little, 2003). International Medical
Graduates (IMGs) will remain essential to primary, rural and acute health care delivery for
the foreseeable future (Garling, 2008; Hawthorne, 2012). For example, in rural and remote
Queensland, 46% of doctors are IMGs; in Victoria 36% of GPs are overseas trained
(Hawthorne, 2012). Between 2001 and 2006, nearly 7000 internationally educated nurses
(IENs) migrated to Australia (Hawthorne, 2012). Many IMGs and IENs are from developing
countries, where English is not the official language (Mullan, 2005) and where clinical
communication skills training tends not to be a foundational component of the medical or
nursing curriculum (Dorgan , Lang, Floyd & Kemp, 2009). While there are local language
and communication skills’ interventions to enhance the quality and safety of IMGs and
overseas trained nurses’ spoken communication (Woodward-Kron, Stevens & Flynn 2011;
Woodward-Kron, Fraser, Pill & Flynn, 2014; Konno, 2006), few interventions address the
written communication skills required of health professionals.
Writing is used by healthcare professionals to communicate about patient care with other
health professionals between departments, specialties and primary care. Written
documentation provides a record of information used for monitoring patients’ progress, for
tracking their journey through the healthcare system, and for other administrative, legal and
accounting purposes. The patient record includes a number of high level writing tasks:
requests for investigations, referrals to another service to review the patient, and discharge
and transfer summaries. Effective written records relating to clinical handover of patient
information are crucial for safe and high quality patient care, and are particularly important in
an ageing society where managing chronic conditions across multiple healthcare settings is a
frequent experience (Manderson, McMurray & Piraino, 2012). Incomplete and inaccurate
patient notes can lead to disrupted continuity of care as patients move between different
environments and/or when various health professionals are involved in patients’ care, leading
to an increased risk of adverse events (Manias, Jorm & White, 2008).
One cause of incomplete and inaccurate patient records may be the language proficiency and
written communicative competence of the health professionals contributing to the record. This
highlights the need for defensible language tasks, criteria and standards for assessing overseas
trained doctors’ and nurses’ readiness to communicate safely and effectively in the Australian
healthcare setting. The need for fair and appropriate language proficiency measures emerged
as a priority in stakeholder submissions to the 2012 parliamentary inquiry into the assessment
and registration processes for International Medical Graduates (Standing Committee on
Health and Ageing, 2012). The findings of this inquiry add urgency to the current
investigation, which focuses on a particular proficiency measure designed expressly for use
in the healthcare context: the Occupational English Test (OET).
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The Occupational English Test (OET) was designed to establish the adequacy of the
workplace related language and communication skills of overseas-trained non-native speaking
health professionals (McNamara, 1996). Administered by the OET Centre (partially owned
by Box Hill Institute), the OET is administered in major cities across Australia and overseas.
Doctors and nurses are the largest group of test takers.
The OET is a 4-skill test, measuring listening and reading comprehension as well as speaking
and writing skills. While a recent study considered how performance is assessed on the
speaking sub-test and proposed revisions to the associated rating criteria and minimum
performance standards (Elder et al, 2013), there is scant available research on the writing
component of the OET.
The OET writing task, which was the focus of the current study, is specific to each of the
twelve health professions taking the test, requiring test takers to write a letter of referral based
on written material (or case notes) provided to the test taker. The tasks are intended to reflect
the writing demands of the respective professions. Candidate performances on these writing
tasks are used to make inferences about their writing abilities in non-test situations, such as in
healthcare settings, and on a range of writing tasks relevant to their workplace. However, test
performances on the OET writing task are currently rated by linguistically-trained judges
against a set of linguistic criteria developed by McNamara (1996). There is no routine
involvement by health professionals in the judging stage; this absence of health professional
input has implications for the relevance of the task for assessing candidates’ communicative
readiness for the workplace.
In order to address this issue, Jacoby and McNamara (1999) propose the use of criteria
indigenous to the specific communicative context, which specific purpose tests like the OET,
are designed to target. Identifying such criteria entails sustained engagement with the relevant
real world context in order to find out what aspects of communication are valued by those
involved. The claim is that identifying valued communicative practices and basing
assessment criteria on these valued behaviours will yield more valid and professionally
relevant measures of communicative competence.
The current study therefore sets out to gain an understanding of the health professional
perspective on written communication in a range of healthcare settings. The insights thus
gained were used to inform subsequent revisions to the current OET criteria, against which a
candidate’s performance is assessed. Health professionals were also involved in setting
minimum standards of performance on the test, to ensure that those admitted to the profession
were able to communicate safely and effectively in the workplace. The specific aims and
research questions that guided the study are set out in further detail below.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The first aim of the study was to gain an understanding of the writing practices that constitute
patient records, the types of documents included in patient records that are written or read by
nurses and medical professionals and used as handover documents at different transition
points of care, the purposes of different documents as well as the structure and layout and the
type of information included in these documents. Because health information managers (i.e.,
those responsible for reading and coding health records for funding purposes) are a key
stakeholder group when it comes to patient records, we also included members from this group
in the Phase 1 interviews.
The second aim of the study was to gain a detailed understanding of the aspects of written
handover communication valued by both nursing and medical professionals with the aim of
eliciting indigenous assessment criteria (Jacoby, 1998; Jacoby & McNamara, 1999); that is,
the types of criteria that professionals draw on when engaging with these types of documents.
These criteria were elicited by showing domain experts (nurses and doctors) samples of
written handover documents, in particular, referral letters and discharge summaries extracted
from real patient records. Based on these values, more professionally-relevant criteria were
created for the Occupational English Test.
The third aim of the study was to train experienced raters from the Occupational English test
in the use of these professionally-relevant rating criteria and to evaluate how well the new
rating scale functioned both quantitatively (via statistical analysis of scoring outcomes) and
qualitatively (by eliciting feedback from the rater participants).
The fourth aim of the study was to set new passing standards for entry into the nursing and
medical profession by involving groups of domain experts from the two professions in a
process called standard-setting. This process required doctors and nurses to review sample
writing performances from the OET test and judge the readiness of each writer for entry into
the profession.
1) What are the practices that underlie the creation of written patient records?
2) What aspects of written communication do health professionals (nurses, doctors)
3) Can such professionally relevant criteria be used as the basis for language assessments
carried out by language experts of migrant health professionals seeking registration in
4) What minimum standards should be set for professional registration of migrant health
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The research questions listed above were addressed over a three and a half year period by a
multi-disciplinary research team including experts in language testing, applied linguistics,
medical communication, and medical and nursing educators. The project also provided the
opportunity for two PhD students to work on data related to the project, one funded by the
Linkage grant.
The project was conducted in four phases as summarised below in Table 1. More details of
each phase and its outcomes are provided in the following sections of the report.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
5.1 Methodology
Two large Victorian hospitals agreed to participate in the first two phases of the study, one
metropolitan and one rural. They differed in their practice in relation to patient records in that
while both used hand written hard copy records to record contemporaneous inpatient events,
one used electronic discharge summaries and letters to referrers while the other used a mixture
of typed and hand written handover documents which were scanned following the discharge
of a patient.
Phase One comprised interviews with key stakeholders in both hospitals in relation to patient
records. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with doctors (N=18; mean years of
experience 14), nurses (N=31; mean years of experience 25) and health information systems
staff (N=6; mean years of experience 15). Health information systems staff were not involved
as focus group participants in the project because they are not a target test taker group of the
OET. However, they are important stakeholders as they are responsible for coding the patient
records for hospital funding and therefore key readers of written hospital documentation.
The interviews focussed on a range of topics, including the types of documents participants
read and contributed to, the intended readership of each of these documents, how key
handover documents were created and for what purpose, the structure of the documents, what
information needed to be included and what made for a good and poor document. In particular,
we focussed on discharge summaries and referral letters as these are the documents closest to
the writing task used in the OET.
The interview data was transcribed and then analysed qualitatively by coding for salient
themes and sub-themes. Coding was undertaken by both applied linguistics and medical
educator project staff to ensure interpretations were as accurate as possible. A sub-sample of
interviews were also double-coded and the inter-coder reliability was 0.87 (Cohen’s Kappa).
The findings from the interviews are presented below. As the interviews also informed the
second research questions, any codes that related to what participants value in the handover
documents are described with the findings of Phase 2 below.
A further aim of the first phase was to collect full patient records from the two hospitals. These
were all from patients who were discharged within a twelve month period from the year
preceding the commencement of data collection. Records were sought from weekday as well
as weekend discharges from medical and surgical wards. The aim was to collect between 90-
100 patient records from each hospital and from a diverse sample of clinical settings. The
records were then redacted for any identifying patient, hospital, and clinician information. The
redacted records were then used to extract the stimulus materials (referral letters and discharge
summaries) to be used in the workshops in Phase 2 (described below).
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
5.2 Findings
The findings for the writing practices that contributed to discharge summaries and referral
letters in the two hospitals were similar in regards to their purpose, audience, contributors,
and components; however, they differed in the participating hospitals’ use of digital platforms,
digitisation of the records and templates to record the admission and transferral of patients,
the degree of auto-populated text and free text, and in what form and method of transfer the
record reached its intended audience. There were also reported differences in practices within
hospitals across units.
Discharge summaries: The nursing and doctor participants reported the primary purpose of
the discharge summary was summarising for general practitioners and other external agencies
what happened during the patient’s stay while in hospital. Health information service
participants emphasised that the discharge summary was the primary document for coding
purposes as it provided the principal diagnosis, allowing the hospital to charge for clinical
services provided. Discharge summaries were reportedly written almost exclusively by interns
(doctors in their first year post graduation). Information that needed to be included in the
discharge summary was:
While one hospital had implemented an electronic health record, the other hospital was in the
process of moving to a digital record. In this process, some discharge summaries were hand
written then typed up, with the medical record then scanned as a PDF.
General concerns about discharge summaries were that they were often incomplete, resulting
in the need for follow up and subsequent time inefficiencies for general practices and health
information services staff. Reasons for incompleteness or missing discharge summaries were
seen to be a lack of understanding of the dual purpose of the discharge summary and that they
were written by the most junior of doctors with little education or monitoring from more senior
medical colleagues.
Referral letters: Medical records often include referral letters from the hospital to outside
health professionals as well as referral for patients coming into hospital. Referral letters can
be faxed or emailed or the patient can also present the referral letter in hard copy in person.
Outgoing referrals from the hospital tend to be faxed while within the hospital, electronic
referral systems are in place for between unit referral and verbal referrals were also reported.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The nursing and doctor participants reported that the primary purpose of referral letters was
twofold: summarizing the medical treatment so far, and specifying what needs to be done by
the next health professional. According to participants, referral letters should therefor include:
Participants reported that the majority of incoming referral letters were written by General
Practitioners. When coming from the hospital, they were usually written by the treating doctor
or specialist. Occasionally they were written by more junior doctors. The intended audience
of referral letters was generally doctors or specialists, but referral letters were read by a wider
audience, including nurses who cared for the patient during the stay in their ward.
General concerns about referral letters were that they were either not specific enough, for
example in their request, or that too many irrelevant details were included. Both cases resulted
in having to spend time assessing the patient to establish the problem and to make a treatment
plan, which in fact was reported as one of the purposes of the referral letter.
Although the focus of phase 1 was to gain a greater understanding of the writing practices
contributing to discharge summaries and referral letters, the following quote from a health
information services manager highlights the importance of the medical record as a
communication tool, as a patient safety and quality of care mechanism, and as a tool that has
important budgetary and planning implications for the hospital. The multiplicity of roles and
overall importance of the medical record identified by the informant underscores the need for
the OET writing task to reflect the values and purpose of what constitutes effective written
communication from multiple stakeholder perspectives.
Going back to health information 101, the record is a tool for communication […] but it’s also
central to what the hospital does. Without that record you can’t treat the patient effectively
next time they come in. Without the record there is no money for funding, the position to treat
that patient. Without that record, there is no data for building the new hospital that’s required
or the new theatre that’s required, so it’s very much a communication tool but it’s a business
communication, it’s a treatment communication, it’s a planning communication tool, so
there’s many uses for it, that the clinician at the bed side may well not understand, but if they
write effectively for treating the patient, the other things will follow well too. (HIS)
Finally, phase 1 also involved the collection and redaction of records from both sites. In total,
199 records were collected. The medical records ranged in scope from a small number of
pages to voluminous documents. We identified approximately fifty different component
documents in the medical record, including an admission risk screen, nursing care plan,
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The purpose of Phase 1 was to provide background information on the writing practices
associated with the medical record, with a particular focus on discharge summaries and
referral letters as these constitute the writing task of the OET. These practices included
identifying the format and pathways of these documents, who contributed to them and who
received them, as well as identifying their purpose. Informants were clinicians from a range
of specialties, some of whom had educator roles, nurses, and health information service staff.
Informants spoke in general about these aspects, including what they valued as effective
written communication, which is the focus of the next section. Further, phase 1 included
retrieving 199 medical records in total from both hospital sites, whose content assisted data
collection in Phase 2.
6.1 Methodology
Phase Two of the project investigated the values of doctors, nurses and health information
managers when reviewing samples of written documentation, in particular discharge
summaries and referral letters. These documents were extracted from the patient records from
the two hospitals. After careful review of all the referral letters and discharge summaries
relating to the last admission of each patient, ten documents were chosen. These documents
were selected to represent a range of writers and audiences, a range of medical conditions and
diagnoses and a range of features related to writing or language (e.g. unusual organisation of
the information in the document, letters written by non-native speakers with grammatical
inaccuracies). We included some handwritten documents and ensured that we represented
documents from both the rural and the metropolitan setting. These were slightly different for
nurses and doctors, with some overlap, while health information managers reviewed the same
documents as doctors. If the document was originally written by someone in the hospital
(rather than a GP), the participants also had access to the complete (redacted) patient records.
Thirty-one nurses, eighteen doctors and six health information managers took part in a series
of small workshops. Nurses were drawn from a range of sub-disciplines and work areas (e.g.
nursing unit managers, clinical nurse specialists, district nurses etc) and had an average
experience working in their profession of 25 years. The eighteen doctors who participated
were also drawn from a range of disciplines (e.g. general practitioners, ICU senior staff, an
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
anaesthetist, oncologists, registrars etc.) and had worked in their profession for an average of
14 years. The six health information managers had an average of 15 years of experience.
Workshops for each of these professions were held separately. Following a general
introduction and overview of the project, participants worked in pairs or groups of three with
one facilitator. Participants were shown one document at a time and asked to comment on the
strengths and weaknesses of each. The discussion was therefore not constrained to language
and writing issues, to allow the participants to verbalise their indigenous criteria. The
discussion about each document was recorded, transcribed and then analysed for themes and
sub-themes by several team members together to ensure that applied linguistic and language
testing staff understood the data fully. Through a process of refining the draft scheme and
applying the new scheme again to all data, the final coding scheme was developed.
The codes identified in the data focussed on aspects relating to the text itself (which was the
key interest of the study) but also focussed on the conditions the document was presumably
created under (e.g. whether it was written at the side of a patient bed; or under time pressure),
when it was written, timing of the referral, effects the letter may have (both bad and good)
and professional judgements of the writers.
As the purpose of the study was to identify indigenous criteria which could be applied to the
rating criteria of the OET, any quotes that related to textual features were then extracted from
the data set. Values expressed by the health professionals in relation to particular documents
were converted into a list of general indicators of document quality. Below are two examples
of how we moved from workshop extracts to indicators. Extract 1 below, from Doctor
workshop 2, which involves two GPs discussing a referral letter.
P: I find it quite difficult sometimes when you are referring to a consultant, I don’t like to be saying
‘Well this is what I would like’ because sometimes consultants don’t like being told what to do
Extract 2 was obtained from another doctor workshop, where two participants are reviewing
a referral letter.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Based on this procedure, we created a list of 48 indicators, which were then grouped into
several sub-areas, as can be seen in the following section. All 48 indicators were carefully
reviewed by the project team to ensure their wording captured the qualitative data as closely
as possible.
6.2 Findings
Table 2 presents the full list of 48 indicators created based on the workshop data as well as
the sections of the Phase 1 interviews relating to the textual features of the handover
documents. These are presented under some broad groupings (or constructs), which we
created in an initial step towards rating scale design. It is important to note, however, that
several of the indicators could have been grouped under more than one heading (or construct)
and that, as a group of researchers, we decided collectively where these would be best placed
for this purpose.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
A further list of 26 indicators related to the content items that could be expected in a discharge
summary or referral letter (Table 3). We have listed these separately, as these are more useful
in the stage of creating test specifications, rather than applicable to a rating scale, where not
all of these might be relevant to each task. They are, however, a useful list of points that could
be supplied to raters (with a selection of these shown as relevant to a particular task) to ensure
key information is present in an answer.
ISBAR: Identify, Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation; SOAP: Subjective data,
Objective Data, Assessment, Plan
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Key patient details (name, gender, address, GP, relevant recipients) are included
It is clear who has written document (including name, designation and contact details)
Key dates are listed and clear (DOB, practice attendance, past and planned examinations,
discharge, date when document was compiled)
Principal diagnosis is stated clearly (where possible, even if provisional) and differential diagnoses
are described
It is clear which diagnoses are active and which are dormant (if applicable)
Symptoms or presenting complaint are described
Clear context to case is set out
Specific request or question is posed (and this is reasonable/realistic)
Concern of writer is specified (if applicable)
Urgency has been assessed and is clear from the letter (if applicable)
Relevant past medical history is sufficiently described
Social/family history is sufficiently described (if applicable)
Patient level of independence is specified (if applicable)
Patient consent and life choices are clearly flagged (if applicable)
Any food restrictions or food allergies are described (if applicable)
Relevant/key investigations are detailed (if applicable)
Findings/results are described
Present or immediate past management of patient is described
Current medications are listed (e.g. medications and doses at discharge; at time of referral) or NIL
Recent medication changes are highlighted and unambiguous with explanations where necessary
(if applicable)
Potential allergies to analgesia or medications are provided (if applicable)
Changes following or reactions to medications are described (if applicable)
[discharge summary] Patient’s stay is described (including changes/complications/response to
treatment/effectiveness of treatment)
A clinical synopsis is presented
Follow-up/treatment plans and responsibilities are clear (including instructions to family/parents)
[discharge only] Discharge destination is clear (if applicable)
The 48 indicators listed in Table 2 could not all be applied as formulated to the OET writing
task. Many indicators were applicable to the OET task as it is currently designed, but many
others are not relevant to the current specifications. For this reason, the multi-disciplinary
project team met to code each indicator into one of the following categories:
Table 4 below presents all the indicators which were placed into Category A (applicable to
current OET task).
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Table 4 lists the 27 indicators which apply to the current OET task. The complete construct
‘Professionalism and clinical ability of writer’ was deleted because it was not possible to
operationalise under the current task specifications. A number of indicators in this section, as
seen in Table 2, relate to concepts of using a patient-centred approach and are probably the
types of indicators that would be helpful to include in the OET to generate positive washback
on candidates and their teachers in preparing for the test. We have included some
recommendation in relation to this later in the report.
As this list of 27 indicators by themselves are not practical to apply in a proficiency test
setting, further work was necessary to create a rating scale that could be applied by the
language-trained raters used by the OET. These steps are described further under Phase 3.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
In Phase Two we elicited the aspects that key groups of stakeholders (doctors, nurses, health
information managers) reading and contributing to patient records value in written handover
communication. This was elicited by providing the health professionals with stimulus
materials extracted from patient records provided by two hospitals. The “indigenous criteria”
underlying health professionals’ feedback on these handover documents were uncovered via
a thematic analysis. The themes uncovered were converted to a list of 48 indicators. Since not
all of these indicators could directly be applied to the current OET task, the list was shortened
to 27 indicators. The process of converting these indicators into a rating scale for the OET, is
described in the following section.
The research question addressed in Phase Three was “Can such professionally relevant criteria
be used as the basis for language assessments carried out by language experts of migrant
health professionals seeking registration in Australia?” To answer this research question, the
indicators developed in Phase 2 needed to be converted into a rating instrument that is
practical for language-trained OET raters and then trialled. This was done in several stages,
which will be outlined in this section.
The project team carefully reviewed the 27 indicators prepared in Phase 2 and grouped these
into the following six criteria:
• Purpose: The workshop and interview participants very frequently mentioned that the
purpose of a document needs to be immediately identifiable. For this reason, this was
given its own category, rather than adding this into the content category. Identifying
the purpose gives health professionals a quick and precise sense of what is asked of
• Content: This criterion was designed to focus the raters’ attention on whether the key
information is included in the document (i.e. is everything that is needed to continue
care present) and whether the information present is accurate. This criterion taps into
audience awareness in that the writer needs to be aware what information is needed
by the reader.
• Conciseness and clarity: This criterion focusses on whether the information is
summarized effectively and no unnecessary information is included. This criterion
focusses on audience awareness as a clear and efficient summary ensures that may
result in time efficiencies for the recipient.
• Genre and style: this criterion is designed to focus the rater on the appropriateness of
the tone and register to the purpose and audience of the document.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
As the data provided by the health professionals do not provide an indication of levels which
could be suitable for the use of level descriptors in the rating scale, this first phase only
prepared the highest level descriptors in the rating scale, drawing directly on the indicators
developed in the previous phase. Table 5 below shows how this draft scale was laid out.
7.2 Scale development workshop and pilot ratings - senior OET raters
We decided that to develop the remaining level descriptors, it was important to include
experienced OET raters in the process. Two senior raters participated in this phase together
with three project team members with expertise in language test development. The level
descriptors were developed using a ‘bottom up’ process by carefully reviewing OET writing
samples at different score levels, considering the qualities in these writing samples in relation
to each of the criteria and formulating the descriptors. This involved a process of designing a
descriptor, reading more OET writing samples (written in response to four different task types;
two for nurses and two for doctors), revising the descriptors, considering the relationship of
the descriptors to the adjacent levels and so on. The rationale for this approach was to ensure
that the descriptors as closely resemble the discourse used by test takers as possible.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Following this workshop, the two OET senior raters and the three project team participants
individually applied the rating scale to a further 20 OET writing samples from different score
levels. Any differences in ratings were discussed following these pilot ratings and the agreed
scores for these 20 scripts were stored for the larger rater training described below. Further
minor adjustments to the rating scale were made at this point following comments by the
raters. The final rating scale developed for the larger trial are found in Appendix 2.
To help the OET language assessors understand and apply the new criteria, a rater training
workshop was held at the OET Centre. Fifteen experienced OET raters agreed to participate
in the training and the subsequent rating of 100 writing samples.
In advance of the workshop, the OET provided the project team with a large number of writing
samples, written in response to four OET writing prompts (two for nursing and two for
At the workshop, assessors were briefed about the project and given an outline of how the
level descriptors were created. Following this, the raters were provided with the rating scale
(Appendix 2) and an accompanying document providing more information about each rating
scale category (Appendix 3). Raters were also briefed in detail on each rating scale criterion.
Raters were then given sample OET writing performances one by one, asked to rate the
performances and then provided with the agreed scores. In total, the raters rated eight writing
samples in the training session. For four of these the scores were provided prior to rating and
for a further four the scores were only provided once the raters had applied the new rating
criteria themselves. Following each script, there was a discussion in the group. We also
provided the raters with a highlighted version of the case notes, where crucial information was
highlighted in yellow and redundant information was highlighted in pink. This use of
highlighting was done to ensure raters were consistent in identifying these pieces of
information. However, we did not provide the raters with a sample answer to the four prompts.
Following the rater training workshop, raters completed a feedback questionnaire and were
then provided with a pack of 100 writing samples which were selected from the writing
samples provided by the OET Centre, drawing on scripts at all OET levels and written in
response to four different tasks. Each rater was also provided with the prompts, the rating
scale and description of criteria and a further questionnaire to be completed at home following
the completion of the rating. The rating samples were distributed to raters so that all scripts
were rated by at least three raters (in some cases four) in the group of fifteen participants.
Each rater received a different sample of scripts, but we ensured that there was sufficient
overlap between writing scripts to allow for appropriate and meaningful statistical analysis.
Following the completion of the rating of the 100 writing samples, each rater participated in
a 30-minute interview with a researcher on the project team.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
The rating data was subjected to a many-facet Rasch analysis using the statistical software
FACETS (Linacre, 2016). With this analysis, we explored rater behaviour and the functioning
of the rating scale as a whole, as well as the individual sub-scales.
To investigate whether the rating scale assessed separate abilities, we used principal axis
factoring. Before this analysis, both the determinant of the R-matrix and the Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin measure of sample adequacy were calculated to ensure suitability of the data to the
analysis. To determine the number of factors to be retained in the analysis, scree plots and
eigenvalues were examined. Eigenvalues above 1 were retained.
The questionnaire data were summarized. The interview data (following transcription) as well
as any qualitative comments on the questionnaires were subjected to a qualitative analysis,
involving the identification of themes and sub-themes. This analysis involved a hermeneutic
process of reading, analysing and re-reading of the data (Hycner, 1985). The coding themes
that emerged during the process were then grouped into categories. The results of these
analyses are described below.
The statistical analysis set out to achieve several goals; (1) to examine whether raters were
able to apply the scale consistently and without too much variation in terms of severity; (2) to
examine rating scale functioning, both for the rating scale as a whole and at individual sub-
scale level; and (3) to examine whether the scale tapped into an overarching construct or
whether several sub-dimensions were identified, requiring discussions about score reporting.
The analysis of rater functioning was conducted using many-facet Rasch analysis. The results
showed that the raters differed in their severity from each other, but that this was no more than
would be expected on any performance assessments (Eckes, 2011; McNamara, 1996). The
most severe rater was rating about one score point harsher than the most lenient raters. The
raters were all bunched within one logit either side of the mid-point of the logit scale.
In terms of consistency, we drew on the infit mean-square statistics from a many-facet Rasch
analysis. High infit mean-square statistics provide an indication of raters rating erratically,
more than predicted by the model. A rater is found to be rating inconsistently if their infit
mean-square value is more than two standard deviations (SD) from the mean (Linacre, 2003).
Only one rater was identified as misfitting using these criteria. Considering that the rater
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
training was very short and that the raters were applying the new criteria for the first time, the
results were therefore encouraging.
We were also interested in how well the rating scale as a whole and the individual sub-scales
functioned during the first large-scale trial. To examine this, we first examined the fit statistics
of the six criteria. None of these were found to be misfitting. We also scrutinized the category
statistics for the rating scale (Linacre, 2004; Bond & Fox, 2007). The requirement that the
average measures advance monotonically with each higher band level was met by both the
rating scale as a whole as well as all trait sub-scales. The Rasch-Andrich thresholds (the
category thresholds) should also advance monotonically. This was generally also the case,
although there were some instances where this did not hold at the very lowest level of some
sub-scales, where very little data was available. The lowest scale category, Level 1, was rarely
used by raters. This makes sense, as OET test takers are usually relatively proficient and rarely
display features consistent with very low ability writers. We were also not provided any
samples of scripts previously rated at Band E for this study. No mean-square outfit statistics
for individual band scales were found to be higher than 2., showing that the data fit the model.
It was further of interest to us whether any of the sub-scales are able to discriminate between
the test takers more than others. To arrive at the results of this analysis, we scrutinized the
variance of the person ability for each criterion. Table 6 below presents the results of the
analysis. It can be seen that ‘Purpose’ was the least discriminating sub-scale, while
‘Language’ was the most discriminating. It is interesting that the three criteria that were found
to be the least discriminating related to the sub-scales assessing content, the area arguably
least familiar to the raters, while the sub-scale that was found to be the most discriminating
was ‘Language’, the trait with which most raters are most at ease.
A further aspect we were interested in was whether the various sub-scales or traits were
combining to measure one underlying construct or whether the analysis could identify multi-
dimensionality in the data. We drew on three different analyses, to explore this question.
Firstly, we examined a correlation matrix of the six criteria in our analysis. Table 7 shows that
the correlations ranged from .417 to .624, indicating some relationship but little indication
that any of the criteria are redundant.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Purpose (PUR) *
Content (CON) .599 *
Conciseness and clarity (CC) .568 .624 *
Genre/style (GS) .494 .499 .611 *
Organisation/layout/presentation (ORG) .484 .517 .625 .608 *
Language (LAN) .417 .431 .535 .584 .562 *
We then conducted an analysis using principal axis factoring to examine whether several
components can be identified among the criteria. The analysis indicated that there was only
one large factor with an eigenvalue of 3.839, accounting for 64% of the variance. No further
large components were identified, indicating that the criteria were all working together to
measure one underlying construct.
A final principal components analysis was conducted on the residuals of the criteria using
Winsteps (Linacre, 2016). The eigenvalue of the first contrast (first PCA component in the
residuals) was 1.76, which was only slightly higher than the value expected for random data
(Raiche, 2005). Two sub-strands could be identified. Content and Purpose were the first sub-
strand and Language and Genre/style formed the second. While these indicate that each are
measuring slightly different things, these were not strong enough to be called separate
dimensions (Linacre, March 2017, personal communication) and therefore do not justify
separate score reporting.
The results from the post-training questionnaire as well as the post-rating questionnaire
showed that only about half of the raters felt comfortable using the revised scale. This is not
surprising considering that it was their first encounter with the revised descriptors and that the
rater training was fairly short. The majority of the raters felt that the ‘rating scale helped them
distinguish between test taker performances (60% of raters), that the scale reflects what health
care professionals look for when reading written handover communication (87%) and that the
layout of the scale was appropriate (87%). Their confidence in the ‘Language’ and ‘Purpose’
subscales was the highest (80% and71% respectively) while only 53% were confident in their
use of ‘Organisation/Layout/ Presentation’ and 40% in ‘Conciseness and clarity’.
The interviews showed that the raters varied in their assessment of the rating scale. Some
thought that it was a considerable improvement on the current criteria while others were
concerned about the shift away from language to medical communication, which some
thought they were not qualified to assess. Raters suggested that they would need to be
provided with more support if these descriptors would be implemented for operational rating,
a suggestion which we will further elaborate on in the recommendations of this report.
Raters also commented on the individual sub-scales. Most raters liked the new criterion
‘Purpose’ as well as the inclusion of ‘legibility’ under ‘Organisation/Layout/ Presentation’.
Two raters felt that the ‘Content’ and ‘Conciseness and clarity’ categories overlapped or were
difficult to distinguish. The raters liked that they were provided with the highlighted tasks,
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
providing an indication of which aspects of the case notes should be included in the letter and
which should be excluded. Some suggestions were made on improving this system which we
discuss in the recommendation section. They also commented on the fact that they would have
liked to draw on a sample answer while rating.
The statistical results as well as the feedback from the raters indicate that raters can apply the
more professionally-relevant rating criteria to the OET writing in a meaningful and consistent
manner. The results showed that the criteria seemed to measure one underlying construct. In
the interviews, the raters asked for more training and more guidance on certain aspects during
the training to ensure that they are able to move from the focus on language to commenting
on medical communication more broadly.
The final phase involved a standard setting exercise for the OET writing test using the
judgements of clinical educators in medicine and nursing. The participants provided
judgements on OET writing samples for which scores on the new rating scale were available
as well as scores using the previous criteria. It was therefore possible to evaluate and compare
the standard-setting judgements on the rating results from the two scales. The phase set out to
answer the final research question: ‘What minimum standards should be set for professional
registration of migrant health professionals?’
8.1 Methodology
Several small workshops were conducted with both nurses and doctors as standard-setting
subject-matter specialist informants. The data collected with the workshops with the medical
professionals formed the data for Simon Davidson’s PhD thesis. He also collected additional
data from doctors in the form of think-aloud protocols, which do not form part of the main
funded study and are not therefore included in this report.
Eighteen doctors participated in the doctors’ workshops, drawn from a variety of sub-
disciplines and contexts (GPs, specialists, consultants and medical educators). Some of the
participants were also from non-English-speaking backgrounds. The mean years spent in their
profession was 21. A number of the participants also had experience in supervisory positions,
supervising junior, entry-level doctors. Eighteen nurses participated in the nursing standard-
setting workshops. They were recruited from a range of contexts and sub-disciplines (e.g.,
intensive care, perioperative, community health, nursing education, general wards). On
average, they had 17 years’ experience working in nursing. Almost all of them had experience
in supervising new graduates and new entrants into the profession.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
To set the minimum standards, we selected the analytic judgement method (Plake &
Hambleton, 2011) for this project. The analytic judgement method has the advantage that
participants are not presented with the writing samples in any particular order and do not know
how the writing samples were previously rated. In this specific-purpose context, this has the
advantage of not forcing the ranking of the writing samples on the participants, who may order
the writing samples differently from the language-focussed OET raters. Workshop
participants were asked to decide whether a writing sample they read is ‘strong’, ‘minimally
competent’, ‘not yet competent’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ or whether it falls in any category between
these broad groupings. The procedure and decision document was trialled on a small group of
participants prior to the main data collection.
In each of the workshops participants were presented with a short introduction to the overall
project. They were then asked to discuss orally in the group what it means for an overseas-
trained health professional to be ‘minimally competent’ in written English communication
skills in their respective workplace (this was already set as a homework task beforehand, so
that the health professionals were prepared). Following this discussion, the participants were
also asked to discuss what features in their writing would make a health professional ‘strong’,
‘not yet competent’ or ‘unsatisfactory’. Following this discussion, the participants were
presented with six writing samples, which they each individually read and then placed into
one of the main categories (strong, minimally competent, not yet competent, unsatisfactory)
or one of the in-between categories. Once they had made their judgement, they discussed this
in their groups. Any discrepancies were discussed and participants were able to change their
ratings if they wanted to. There was no requirement to agree within the group, however.
Following the workshop, each participant was given a take-home pack of a further 30 scripts
to judge at home. Following the workshop as well as the in-house rating, the participants also
completed a questionnaire. This was to elicit their reactions to the workshop and the task and
their confidence in their judgements.
The quantitative workshop data were analysed using two methods. Firstly, we conducted a
many-facet Rasch analysis using FACETS (Linacre, 2016) to ascertain how the standard-
setting judges performed. In particular, we were interested in establishing whether any of the
judges were rating differently to the group, in particular by being very harsh or lenient or
inconsistent in their ratings. We expected differences in leniency and harshness between the
judges because, other than in the training of judges rating language performances for large-
scale tests, the workshop participants in this phase were not required to agree or rate like the
other judges. The participants also all drew on experiences from different work contexts which
may have slightly different expectations and requirements for written communication. We
were, however, concerned about judges being inconsistent, that is, applying the rating
categories differently to the other judges. Identifying any such judges was important to ensure
that their judging behaviour did not adversely affect the standards set for the professions.
One judge from each profession was removed from each data set because of inconsistent rating
behaviour. We tallied the OET writing scores provided by the OET raters (using the existing
criteria) for any scripts that the remaining standard-setting judges placed in any in-between
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
categories. For example, any script that was placed in the category between ‘minimally
competent’ and ‘not yet competent’ was tallied and the mean of the OET writing scores was
calculated. The mean signified the new cut-score between ‘minimally competent’ and ‘not yet
competent’. This process was repeated for all the other in-between categories to arrive at cut-
scores between the different OET writing levels.
8.2 Findings
The results section of Phase 4 aims to address a number of questions. First, do the standards
set in the workshops (by the health professionals) differ from the current, operational
standards? If so, would any test candidates be classified differently according to these new
Second, do the standards set for nurses differ from those for doctors?
Third, would candidates, when scored against existing criteria, be classified into the same
score categories if their performances were scored against the new criteria?
The findings are reported in three sections to directly answer these questions.
8.2.1. Findings – new standards compared to existing standards (medicine and nursing
Currently, the OET has one set of cut-scores which are applied across all professions equally.
For this reason, we also calculated new, combined cut-scores, based on the data collected from
both nursing and doctor workshops. Table 8 sets out the new cut-scores combined to the
existing standards. It can be seen that the passing standard (between band B and C) is slightly
higher when applying the results from our standard-setting workshops. The B band is much
narrower and the A band much wider. Similarly, the C band is narrower, meaning it would be
harder to get a C for those on the cusp between bands C and D.
Table 9 shows the impact of these revised combined cut-scores on the distribution of band
scores across the data set of 490 writing scripts that was used for our study. What can be seen
in Table 9 is that the pass rate would be significantly lower if the new standards were applied
using the existing rating criteria. While the pass rate using the existing cut-scores was 53.26%
for this data set, if the new cut-scores were applied, the pass rate would only be 38.16%.
Within the group that passes the OET, there would however be a higher percentage of test
takers in the A band level and fewer in the B band.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Some redistribution would also be seen in the band levels assigned to test takers not passing,
with fewer receiving a C band and more being grouped into a D band level.
8.2.2. Findings – new standards compared to existing standards (comparison of nursing and
medicine standards)
We conducted separate workshops for nurses and doctors to establish whether members of
these two professions would set different standards. Table 10 sets out the new nursing
standards (in comparison to the existing standards) and the same information can be seen in
Table 11 for medicine. It can be seen that the passing standard (i.e., the cut-score between B
and C) was set lower for the nurses (but still slightly higher than the current cut-score) when
compared to that of the doctors (Table 11). The doctors’ passing standard set empirically in
the workshops was substantially higher than it is currently on the OET.
Tables 12 and 13 show the impact on the pass and fail rates for the data set used in this study.
In the case of the nursing data (Table X), 46.3% of nurses would have passed (i.e. received an
A or B grade) using the existing cut-scores. With the new cut-scores, the pass rate would have
been 38.49%. As was seen in the combined data set above, there would have been substantially
more A grade passes than B grade passes and a higher proportion of D grades in the fail group.
Table 12. Nursing cut-scores – impact on score distribution
Impact of Nursing standards
Band Old rating scale old cut-scores Old rating scale new cut-scores
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
A 22 8.73% 62 24.60%
B 94 37.30% 35 13.89%
C 79 31.35% 66 26.19%
D 55 21.83% 89 35.32%
E 2 0.01% - -
The same trend as above can also be seen in the Medicine data set shown in Table 13. Using
the existing descriptors and cut-scores, the pass rate on the data set used in this study was
60.93%. If the same descriptors were used but the new cut-scores would be implemented, the
pass rate will be significantly lower, at just 43.69%. The same redistribution among test takers
falling into A and B grades as well as C and D grades was also seen.
8.2.3. Findings – comparison of passing standards using new and existing criteria
Table 14. Cut-scores on new rating criteria compared to existing cut-scores – both professions
Medicine and Nursing combined
Band Score range new cut-scores on new rating criteria Score range existing cut-scores
A 6.00 - 4.67 6.00 - 5.60
B 4.66 - 4.37 5.59 – 4.80
C 4.37 - 4.20 4.79 – 4.20
D 4.19 – 0.01 4.19 – 3.40
E The range for E was not considered in this study 3.39 – 0.01
Table 14 above sets out the corresponding cut-scores between the OET grade levels for the
new rating scale. These are quite different and indicate how differently the raters engaged with
the new rating criteria. Tables 15 and 16 below set out the same cut-scores for medicine and
nursing separately. The lower cut-scores were reflected in the rater interviews in Phase 3,
where raters reported feeling liberated from the existing criteria and the sense that they should
not award scores below 4. The scores awarded in Phase 3, although on the same number of
band levels, were substantially lower.
Table 15. Cut-scores on new rating criteria compared to existing cut-scores – medicine only
Band Score range new cut-scores on new rating criteria Score range existing cut-scores
A 6.00 - 4.65 6.00 - 5.60
B 4.64 - 4.43 5.59 – 4.80
C 4.42 - 4.25 4.79 – 4.20
D 4.24 – 0.01 4.19 – 3.40
E The range for E was not considered in this study 3.39 – 0.01
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Table 16. Cut-scores on new rating criteria compared to existing cut-scores – nursing only
Band Score range new cut-scores on new rating criteria Score range existing cut-scores
A 6.00 - 4.68 6.00 - 5.60
B 4.67 - 4.35 5.59 – 4.80
C 4.34 - 4.15 4.79 – 4.20
D 4.14 – 0.01 4.19 – 3.40
E The range for E was not considered in this study 3.39 – 0.01
Overall, this phase was successful in establishing new cut–scores, which were arrived at
empirically drawing on the judgements of subject-matter experts from two domains, medicine
and nursing. If the cut-scores were to be adopted, the pass rates for both professions would be
reduced, with some additional shifts in the band allocation for both the passing and the failing
group. It was also interesting to note that the standards set on the medicine sub-tests were
more stringent than those on the nursing test. This requires a discussion of whether different
professions should have different passing standards. If the new cut-scores were adopted, it
might result in fewer concerns by health professionals that overseas-trained health
professionals are not yet ready to practice in Australian health care settings. We also
calculated the corresponding cut-scores if the new rating scale was adopted to ensure this data
is available if Recommendation 1 of this report is implemented.
There are a number of recommendations from this study which relate to the delivery of the
OET writing sub-test.
This recommendation is based on the outcomes of the current study, which elicited health
professionals’ values of written handover communication and converted these into rating
criteria which can be used by the language-trained OET raters in judging performances on the
OET writing test. The results showed that despite a short training session, the raters were able
to reliably apply the new rating criteria to OET performances. The new rating scale expands
the construct of written communication as measured by the OET writing task and is therefore
an important advance in the assessment of written English for health care professionals. While
raters need more training and support to implement the criteria (see recommendations below),
the trial results were promising.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Recommendation 2: We propose the OET revise the existing specifications for the OET
writing task to include scenarios and contextual information needed to elicit the qualities of
communication valued by participants but currently not included in the writing task.
A careful scrutiny of the descriptors written to represent the values of the health professionals
revealed that not all could be incorporated into the current OET criteria due to limitations in
the current OET writing task specifications. Most of these descriptors could be incorporated
into an elaborated set of test specifications of the writing test, with the effect of broadening
the abilities assessed by the task and most likely yielding positive washback on test takers’
understanding of what is required in the domain and on test preparation activities. We
recommend that the following aspects are included into the test specifications:
Each writing task could include information about both the writer and the recipient of the
document, including what each already knows about the patient, the professional background,
speciality and possible hierarchy between the writer and the recipient and (if applicable)
whether and how the patient has been involved in any decision-making regarding their care.
We further recommend that the test specifications have provisions for including a problematic
point in the writing task or case notes. This should enable test takers to demonstrate the ability
to express doubts or uncertainty about a patient’s symptoms or diagnosis, a feature mentioned
by the health professional workshop participant when reviewing the written handover letters.
We recommend that the OET consider extending the writing specifications to include the
possibility that writing tasks are written for multiple audiences and for multiple purposes. This
was found to be commonly the case in the real-world healthcare domain and would enable
writers/ test takers to demonstrate that they can, for example, write at the same time to a
professional colleague as well as adding information that is important for a patient or their
family members, or for health information services staff.
4. Language requirements
It was clear from the sample letters collected from the patient records in Phase 1 as well as
the comments on the qualities from health care professionals in Phase 2, that it is acceptable
in the domain to use bullet-points and sentence fragments in the types of documents we
examined. While it is clear that sustained use of these features would make the assessment of
the OET writing task difficult, we recommend that the test specifications allow for use of
bullet-points at certain points in the documents (e.g., when previous conditions or medications
are listed, or when the requirements for follow-up are described). Allowing this flexibility
would have no direct implications for the rating criteria we developed (as these contain no
stipulation that complete sentences be used), but the option of using bullet points where
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
appropriate would need to be included in the training of OET raters as well as in the
instructions to candidates.
Feedback from raters involved in trialling the new rating criteria showed that raters require
additional support to implement more professionally-relevant criteria. We therefore
recommend that one or more domain experts be available when raters are trained to answer
domain-specific questions. For example, during the trial it became clear that raters were not
always sure about the expected discourse structure of certain response types and we therefore
recommend including more guidelines on this area in the training. Domain experts could
discuss acceptable organisational structures (such as the ISBAR or SOAP2 protocols) with the
raters during training to raise their awareness of accepted conventions in health care contexts.
Similarly, there were many questions about which specific information in the case notes
should be included into the response and which aspects should be left out, as they were
redundant. While the trial of the highlighted task materials (see Recommendation 4) was
helpful, this did not completely alleviate all concerns and it would therefore be helpful to have
domain experts available to help with any such content-related questions. We further feel that
having domain experts available or ‘on call’ to answer crucial questions about specific tasks
during rating periods would be advisable.
After a successful trial in Phase 3 of this study, we recommend that the OET adopt the practice
of providing raters with information about key and unnecessary information in the case notes
to support their rating activities. Each of these areas was highlighted in a different colour
during the trial and the raters suggested during the interviews that absolutely necessary
information could further be presented in bold font. The raters were generally very positive
about this practice. The list of indicators provided in Table 3 may also be useful for test
developers when preparing the tasks and the support materials for raters.
We also recommend the continuation of the current practice of providing raters with a sample
response. It is important however that the content included in this response matches with the
highlighting in the case notes (see above). Furthermore, it is important that raters understand
that the discourse structure in the sample response is not necessarily the only possible way the
response could be organised. Again, we refer to Recommendation 3, the inclusion of domain
expert input during training, to support any discussion about what kind of variations from the
sample response might be acceptable.
ISBAR: Identify, Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation
SOAP: Subjective data, Objective Data, Assessment, Plan
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Recommendation 5: We recommend that the OET inform test candidates and test preparation
centres of the new rating criteria and make available training materials which reflect the
qualities embodied by these criteria
We also recommend that the rating criteria are published on the OET website and included in
any training materials to ensure all stakeholders understand the criteria used to judge the
writing performances.
To ensure that the OET writing task results in positive washback on the teaching and learning
which takes in preparation for the test, we recommend that training materials are published
which are easily accessible to both test candidates and test preparation providers. In particular,
we recommend that the materials include detailed guidance on the qualities of effective
written communication in a richer context than possible on the test itself so that the importance
of patient-centredness as a core value of health professions can be signalled and positive
washback is achieved. Furthermore, such materials should clearly signal to potential test
takers what criteria will be used to assess their performances and how these link with
expectations of performance in the real- world domain.
This research only focussed on two professional groups which directly contribute to, or access
patient records, namely, doctors and nurses. While we think the proposed changes to the
criteria are equally applicable to the other professions covered by the OET, we recommend
that their suitability to the broader healthcare context is explored in consultation with key
professional groups covering those professions (see also Recommendation 9 for further
research) as well as with members from professional boards representing each profession.
Recommendation 7: We recommend that the new cut-scores are implemented for nursing and
The results of the standard-setting workshops made it clear that, according to our subject
matter expert participants, the current pass mark is too lenient. This also mirrors some
indications from the professions that overseas-trained health care professionals are entering
Australian workplaces without sufficient language skills. We therefore recommend that the
new cut-scores are implemented for nursing and medicine.
We further recommend that the different nursing and medicine cut-scores are adopted, making
it slightly easier for nurses to pass the OET. This is a reflection of the differing workplace
demands of the two professions.
Apart from the recommendations for practice we discussed above, we would also like to make
a number of recommendations for further research arising from this project.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
Recommendation 8: We recommend that the new rating criteria are verified and trialled
across a wider range of tasks for medicine and nursing and across tasks from all other ten
For the purposes of this study, OET raters rated OET writing performances based on four task
scenarios (two from nursing and two from medicine). We recommend that the new rating
criteria are verified and trialled across more tasks, including tasks from other professions to
ensure that the criteria apply more widely.
We also recommend canvassing the opinions of health professionals from the ten professions
not included in this study as to the applicability of the revised descriptors to writing relevant
to their discipline.
The current study only focussed on two professions: nursing and medicine. To ensure the cut-
scores implemented are representative of all twelve professions of the OET, we recommend
that further standard-setting panels are convened and the impact of these new cut-scores on
the pass rate is considered.
Towards Improved Quality of Written Patient Records
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Criterion Description
Purpose Due to time constraints, health care professionals want to understand the purpose behind a
- Helps the reader get a written handover document (e.g. referral letter) very quickly and efficiently. This criterion
quick and precise sense of therefore examines how clearly the writing communicates the purpose of the document to the
what is asked of them reader. The purpose for writing should be introduced early in the document and then clearly
expanded on later (often near the end of the document). The purpose should be highlighted to
the reader, so there is no need to search for it.
For example, a writer might at the beginning of the letter write ‘I’m writing to you today to
refer patient X who is now being discharged from hospital into your care’. Later in the letter,
specific instructions for the health care professional on continuing care should be listed.
Organisation/Layout/Presentation Health professionals value documents that are clearly structured so it is easy for them to
- Considers organisational efficiently retrieve relevant information. This criterion examines how well the document is
features of the document organised and presented. It examines whether the paragraphing is appropriate to the genre,
- Considers handwriting whether sub-sections within the document are logically organised and whether key information
is clearly highlighted to the reader so that this is not easily missed. The criterion also considers
whether the layout of the document is appropriate and the handwriting legible.
Language Health professionals are concerned with linguistic features only to the extent that they facilitate
- Considers aspects of or obstruct retrieval of information This criterion examines whether the language used is
language proficiency such accurate and does not interfere with reading comprehension or speed.
as vocabulary and Please note: unlike the current OET rating scale, this criterion does not consider the complexity
grammar of the language used as complexity was not mentioned as something valued by our health
professional participants.