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Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping: A New Challenge in Clinical Medicine and Public Health. A Literature Review

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Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping: A New Challenge in Clinical Medicine and

Public Health. A Literature Review

Article  in  Frontiers in Public Health · November 2013

DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2013.00056 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Dominic Palazzolo
Lincoln Memorial University


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Characteristics and Composition of Aerosol Generated by Electronic Cigarettes: What is the Impact on Human Health? View project

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published: 18 November 2013
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2013.00056

Electronic cigarettes and vaping: a new challenge in

clinical medicine and public health. A literature review
Dominic L. Palazzolo*
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, TN, USA

Edited by: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use, or vaping, in the United States and worldwide is
SangNam Ahn, The University of
increasing. Their use is highly controversial from scientific, political, financial, psychologi-
Memphis School of Public Health,
USA cal, and sociological ideologies. Given the controversial nature of e-cigarettes and vaping,
Reviewed by: how should medical care providers advise their patients? To effectively face this new chal-
Laura Rudkin, University of Texas lenge, health care professionals need to become more familiar with the existing literature
Medical Branch, USA concerning e-cigarettes and vaping, especially the scientific literature. Thus, the aim of
Sandie Uyen Ha, University of Florida,
this article is to present a review of the scientific evidence-based primary literature con-
cerning electronic cigarettes and vaping. A search of the most current literature using the
Dominic L. Palazzolo, Department of pubmed database dating back to 2008, and using electronic cigarette(s) or e-cigarette(s) as
Physiology and Pharmacology, key words, yielded a total of 66 highly relevant articles. These articles primarily deal with
DeBusk College of Osteopathic (1) consumer-based surveys regarding personal views on vaping, (2) chemical analysis of
Medicine, Lincoln Memorial
e-cigarette cartridges, solutions, and mist, (3) nicotine content, delivery, and pharmacoki-
University, 6965 Cumberland Gap
Parkway, Harrogate, TN 37752, USA netics, and (4) clinical and physiological studies investigating the effects of acute vaping.
e-mail: dominic.palazzolo@ When compared to the effects of smoking, the scant available literature suggests that vap-
lmunet.edu ing could be a “harm reduction” alternative to smoking and a possible means for smoking
cessation, at least to the same degree as other Food and Drug Administration-approved
nicotine replacement therapies. However, it is unclear if vaping e-cigarettes will reduce or
increase nicotine addiction. It is obvious that more rigorous investigations of the acute and
long-term health effects of vaping are required to establish the safety and efficacy of these
devices; especially parallel experiments comparing the cardiopulmonary effects of vaping
to smoking. Only then will the medical community be able to adequately meet the new
challenge e-cigarettes and vaping present to clinical medicine and public health.
Keywords: electronic cigarettes, nicotine addiction, nicotine replacement, smoking cessation, vaping, harm

INTRODUCTION the many toxins found in cigarette smoke. For example, Electronic
Use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), referred to as vaping, Cigarette Consumer Reviews (3), an e-cigarette website, is filled
is a relatively new phenomenon that is quickly gaining the inter- with anecdotal consumer claims relating how e-cigarettes helped
est of many long-time tobacco smokers. According to a report by them to quit smoking and improved their overall health.
UBS Securities LLC (1), sales from the e-cigarette market dou- The FDA has reported that e-cigarette cartridges and solutions
bled from $250 to $500 million between 2011 and 2012, and contain nitrosamines, diethylene glycol, and other contaminants
are expected to quadruple by 2014. E-cigarettes are becoming a potentially harmful to humans (4). From their analysis, the FDA
preferred alternative for nicotine delivery among many smok- reasons that the sale of e-cigarettes should be prohibited or reg-
ers because of their realistic look, feel, and taste compared to ulated as dangerous nicotine delivery systems that comply with
traditional cigarettes. Furthermore, many cigarette smokers have the safety standards of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
turned to vaping because e-cigarette vendors have previously mar- (FDCA) (5). This presents an obvious dilemma since traditional
keted their product as a cheaper and safer smokeless alternative to cigarettes, which include nicotine, are proven to be harmful to
traditional cigarettes, and a possible smoking cessation tool. The human health, but are exempt from the FDCA safety standards.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected these claims, and After Smoking Everywhere, Inc., filed an injunction against the
in September of 2010 they informed the President of the Electronic FDA for restricting the sale of their e-cigarettes in the United
Cigarette Association (2) that warning letters had been issued to States (6), the US Court of Appeals (7) decided that e-cigarettes
five distributors of e-cigarettes for“violations of good manufactur- may not be marketed as a safer alternative to cigarettes, or as a
ing practices, making unsubstantiated drug claims, and using the smoking cessation device, but instead must be sold as a smoke-
devices as delivery mechanisms for active pharmaceutical ingre- less tobacco product subject to the same rules and regulations
dients.” Many web sites still claim that use of e-cigarettes is safe of other tobacco products. What makes this ruling so controver-
because tobacco is not burned and hence there is no inhalation of sial is that e-cigarettes contain no tobacco other than a miniscule

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

quantity found in the tobacco flavoring. Despite the court’s deci- be prudent for a patient who is unwilling to quit smoking or give
sion, e-cigarette vendors have embraced this ruling, and are happy up nicotine to vape instead of smoke? Given these circumstances,
to sell their devices as alternatives to conventional cigarettes, so how should patients be advised? The potential health hazards of
long as the FDA does not interfere with the sale of their prod- nicotine addiction from smokeless tobacco products have pre-
ucts. Nevertheless, the potential harmful effects of vaping have led viously been reviewed in a policy statement by the American
the FDA to issue Internet warnings regarding the risks of vap- Heart Association and include hemodynamic effects, endothelial
ing (8). While the FDA has serious concerns regarding their use, dysfunction, thrombogenesis, systemic inflammation, and other
Health New Zealand Ltd. (HNZ), a private enterprise which ana- metabolic effects (16). Understandably, the medical community
lyzed the safety of the Ruyan® e-cigarette with Ruyan® financial (15) is concerned that increased availability of e-cigarettes could
support, recommends the use of e-cigarettes as an alternative to increase worldwide nicotine dependence, especially among the
traditional smoking (9). HNZ bases its recommendation on the young as they are enticed by the various flavor options e-cigarettes
likelihood that vaping is potentially less dangerous than tradi- have to offer. Since vaping does not produce smoke from burning
tional smoking; in other words, their message is “harm reduction.” tobacco, the opponents of e-cigarettes fear that traditional smok-
Cahn and Siegel (10) support HNZ’s recommendation, conclud- ers will substitute vaping for smoking in settings where smoking
ing that “electronic cigarettes show tremendous promise in the is not permitted without any real intention of quitting conven-
fight against tobacco-related morbidity and mortality.” In addi- tional cigarettes. Furthermore, vaping in public places, coupled
tion to reducing tobacco-related morbidity and mortality, vaping with recent e-cigarette commercials on national television, could
may also reduce harm incurred from second hand smoke and possibly undermine or weaken current antismoking regulations.
benefit the environment (11). Health care professionals will need to consider and weigh what
Foulds et al. (12, 13) believe that more research needs to be is more harmful to the public, continued smoking or increased
conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of e-cigarettes as a nicotine addiction. As e-cigarettes gain greater popularity among
smoking cessation tool. However, they also state that individuals smokers, these challenges will undoubtedly occur with increasing
who have successfully quit smoking in favor of vaping should con- frequency.
tinue to use e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to conventional In order to face this new challenge, health care professionals
cigarettes. Although there are clear perceptions among e-cigarette will need to become familiar with the available scientific evidence-
users that e-cigarettes can be used as both a smoking cessation based literature concerning e-cigarettes and vaping. Currently, this
tool, and a safer alternative to smoking, they can be marketed as literature is sparse, but growing fast, and primarily deals with (1)
neither. The FDCA (5) precludes their use as a smoking cessation consumer-based surveys regarding personal views on vaping, (2)
tool, and the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control chemical analysis of e-cigarette cartridges, solutions, and mist, (3)
Act (14) precludes their use as a reduced-risk alternative; there- nicotine content, delivery, and pharmacokinetics, and (4) clinical
fore, e-cigarettes must be sold as a tobacco product. E-cigarettes and physiological studies investigating the acute effects of vap-
could play an important role in the future of smoking cessation, ing. Only after reviewing the current literature can physicians and
but their use is currently clouded by a tangle of legal and political other health care providers give appropriate counsel regarding the
issues. It is evident that more research on the safety and efficacy role of e-cigarettes and vaping as a safer alternative to smoking,
of e-cigarettes needs to be conducted, and that more stringent and as a smoking cessation tool (17). Consequently, the aim of
quality control measures should be implemented in order for the this article is to provide a review of the current literature concern-
legal and political ramifications surrounding these products can ing e-cigarettes and vaping so that the medical community can
be untangled. better prepare for the new challenge these devices bring to clini-
The medical community must prepare itself to face the new cal medicine and public health. The search for relevant scientific
challenge concerning e-cigarettes and vaping as a “harm reduc- literature was accomplished using the pubmed database in which
tion” tool. As a consequence of past lessons learned from “Big the key words electronic cigarette(s) or e-cigarette(s) were used.
Tobacco” companies, the medical community is suspicious of e- The search for articles extended back to 2008 and only highly rel-
cigarettes and has routinely advised against their use (15). The evant evidence-based primary literature was retrieved for review.
medical community advises on the side of caution, indicating that Sixty-six articles dealing with surveys soliciting personal views on
very little scientific evidence is available to show, one way or the vaping; studies analyzing potential toxins and contaminants in e-
other, that e-cigarettes are safe to use, or that they help in the cigarette cartridges, solutions, and mist; reports profiling nicotine
smoking cessation process. In addition, many physicians fear that content, delivery, and pharmacokinetics; and clinical and phys-
patients who vape are merely substituting one form of nicotine iological studies investigating the effects of acute vaping were
addiction for another. While there are certainly potential perils ultimately used. Of these articles, two were published between
associated with vaping, smoking, the leading cause of preventable 2008 and 2009. Six, ten, and fifteen articles were published in 2010,
disease in the United States, is likely to be more dangerous than 2011, and 2012, respectively. Thus far, 33 highly relevant articles
vaping, especially when considering the myriad of known toxins have been published in 2013, indicating a progressive increase in
found in cigarette smoke and the diseases which they promote. e-cigarette related research.
Assuming this premise is true, what should the primary med-
ical focus be for a patient who has successfully transitioned from CONSUMER-BASED SURVEYS
conventional cigarettes to e-cigarettes? Should it be to maintain Surveys have shown that awareness of e-cigarettes has quadrupled
smoking abstinence, or should it be to quit vaping? Would it not between 2009 and 2011 (18) and that they have a high adoption

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

rate among traditional smokers (19, 20). Many current and ex- by any intention to quit smoking. This is somewhat in contrast to
smokers use e-cigarettes as a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) Pokhrel et al. (34) who indicated more serious intentions toward
to help them reduce or quit smoking (13, 21–25) while others use smoking cessation among an older population of smokers using
e-cigarettes as a less harmful alternative to smoking (21, 23, 26, 27). e-cigarettes (mean age 42.3 ± 1.02 years) compared to smokers
At the end of 6 months, Polosa et al. found that vaping e-cigarettes not using e-cigarettes (mean age 45.63 ± 0.35 years). They also
decreased consumption of conventional cigarettes by 80% after reported that individuals who took up vaping as a means to quit
6 months (28) and 50% after 24 months (29). Caponnetto et al. smoking were significantly younger and had smoked for less years
reported similar reductions in cigarette consumption and ciga- than those who never vaped.
rette abstinence after a year-long trial of using e-cigarettes in both A concern of the FDA (8) and the medical community (15) is
normal smokers (30) and in chronic schizophrenic smokers (31). that availability of e-cigarettes will entice teens and young adults
The authors claim that withdrawal symptoms were minimal and toward vaping, which could ultimately lead to smoking conven-
that the perception and acceptance of e-cigarettes was satisfactory, tional cigarettes. Currently, there is little or no concrete evidence
even in the schizophrenic patients. The results of Vickerman et al. confirming the validity of this concern. Cho et al. (36) used data
(32) are less optimistic. They reported that nearly a third of 2758 collected from a Korean Health Project to determine awareness and
callers to six state tobacco quit lines had ever used e-cigarettes of use of e-cigarettes. They found that 10.2% of 4353 students were
which 61.7% used the e-cigarettes for <1 month. Barbeau et al. aware of e-cigarettes, but only 0.5% of those students had actually
(26) reported that using e-cigarettes, in comparison to other FDA- tried e-cigarettes. Pepper et al. (37) conducted a national online
approved NRTs, such as nicotine gum, patches, and inhalers, had survey of 228 male adolescents (ages 11–19) and determined that
less annoying side effects and were more effective in prevent- <1% of these individuals actually tried e-cigarettes. On the other
ing relapse, primarily because vaping retained the psychosocial hand, 67% of the respondents were aware of e-cigarettes with
aspects of real smoking better than the FDA-approved NRTs. Hua awareness being higher among the older boys. Of those individu-
et al. (33) found a total of 405 different health-related effects als who never tried e-cigarettes, 18% were willing to experiment
(78 positive, 326 negative, and 1 neutral) reported by e-cigarette with no preference toward flavored versus unflavored e-cigarettes.
users in three different online forums. Users reporting negative Additionally, smokers were more amiable to experiment with e-
health-related effects often reported multiple symptoms, while cigarettes than non-smokers. In contrast, discussions with 11 focus
users reporting positive health-related effects usually reported groups involving 66 young adults (ages 18–26) revealed that young
a single symptom. Additionally, negative health-related effects adults favorably perceive e-cigarettes and other new tobacco prod-
occurred most frequently in the respiratory, neurological, sen- ucts specifically because they come in different flavors and that
sory, and digestive systems while the positive health-related effects eliminating these flavors may reduce intentions to try these prod-
occurred solely in the respiratory system. ucts (38). Another study surveyed 2624 US Midwestern young
It is possible that the decreased daily consumption of conven- adults (ages 20–28) and indicated that 69.9% of the respondents
tional cigarettes among e-cigarette users, as seen in some studies were aware of e-cigarettes, but that only 7% actually tried vap-
(28–31), is at least partially due to a psychological element involv- ing (39). Goniewicz et al. (40) conducted a survey of students
ing smokers’ motivation to quit. Support for this idea is seen in a enrolled at 176 nationally representative Polish high schools (ages
recent Hawaiian multiethnic study (34) involving 1567 traditional 15–19) and universities (ages 20–24) and reported that 23.5% of
smokers of which 13% were also e-cigarette users attempting to high school students and 19% of university students had ever tried
quit smoking. This survey reported that smokers who used e- e-cigarettes. Of all the students who tried e-cigarettes, only 3.2%
cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool were more serious about were non-smokers, which compares closely to the 4.9% reported
wanting to quit smoking as compared to smokers who did not use by Sutfin et al. (35). Other strong correlates of e-cigarette use
e-cigarettes. In addition, e-cigarettes were also viewed as a viable among adolescents include male gender, and having parents who
option to other FDA-approved smoking cessation tools. Sutfin smoke (36, 40). While a small percentage of young non-smokers
et al. (35) surveyed 4444 students from eight North Carolina col- experiment with e-cigarettes, it is more likely that young smok-
leges and found that 216 of these students had experimented with ers will experiment with e-cigarettes. One fact emerges from these
e-cigarettes (ever e-cigarette users) while 4228 had never used e- studies; as e-cigarette popularity increases, so does awareness of
cigarettes (never e-cigarette users). Of the ever e-cigarette users, them among young individuals. How increasing awareness will
12% were never smokers, 30% were former or experimental smok- ultimately affect e-cigarette usage by adolescent and young adults
ers, 33% were current non-daily smokers, and 9% were current remains to be seen.
daily smokers compared to 53, 19, 14, and 4%, for the never A number of studies (41–43) indicate that all forms of NRT
e-cigarette users, respectively. When the ever e-cigarette users are at least initially successful in maintaining cigarette abstinence.
were asked about e-cigarette harm perception, 17% indicated e- However, the successful long-term smoking cessation rate still
cigarettes are as harmful as conventional cigarettes, 45% responded remains relatively low. Employing a meta-analysis study, Hughes
with less harmful, 3% thought e-cigarettes to be more harmful, et al. (41) found the 6-month smoking quit rates for NRTs to be
and 23% were unsure. The never e-cigarette users responded with between 1 and 11% in seven studies as compared to between 3
16, 22, 2, and 51%, respectively. This data suggest that vaping and 5% in smokers who tried to quit on their own (44). Rennard
is more common, but not exclusive, among traditional smokers. et al. (42) reported a quit rate of 8% among smokers who used
Another statistic revealed that vaping among young college stu- the nicotine inhaler for 15 months. In contrast, few studies have
dents (mean age 20.7 ± 2.9 years) does not appear to be motivated tested e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool (28, 29, 45). From

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

an online survey, Siegal et al. (45) reported that 31% (69 of 216) of fraction (0.008 µg/e-cigarette cartridge containing 16 mg of nico-
the respondents were no longer smoking cigarettes after 6 months tine) of what is typically found in traditional cigarettes (6.3 µg/full
of using e-cigarettes. Of those respondents who quit smoking, flavor Marlboro cigarette) (51). To put this into perspective, an e-
57% were still using e-cigarettes, 9% were using other tobacco free cigarette cartridge is good for about 150–300 puffs while a single
nicotine products, and 34% were completely nicotine free. Polosa conventional cigarette is good for about 10–15 puffs (52). The
et al. (28) investigated the effect of e-cigarettes on smoking cessa- amount of total TSNAs found in other FDA-approved nicotine
tion and discovered that 22.5% (9 of 40) of the participants had products was roughly equivalent to the total amount of TSNAs
not had a cigarette in 6 months. Of that cohort, 67% were still found in e-cigarettes (9, 10). Other studies (11, 53–56) confirm
using e-cigarettes while 33% were nicotine free. Similar results the low levels of TSNAs present in e-cigarette solutions and vapor,
were reported in a 24-month study by Polosa et al. (29). These as well as the low or undetectable levels of particulate matter,
studies and others (46, 47) suggest that e-cigarettes could play a trace metals, VOCs, and PAHs, especially when compared to the
role in smoking reduction and cessation, and as a result could amounts present in cigarette smoke.
reduce the harm incurred by smoking as effectively as any FDA- As previously mentioned (2), the FDA issued warnings to sev-
approved NRT. However, the role of e-cigarettes on total nicotine eral e-cigarette companies for selling e-cartridges and refill solu-
abstinence is still highly questionable, and it has been suggested tions containing active pharmaceutical ingredients such as rimon-
that one form of nicotine addiction is simply replacing another abant (Zimulti®) for the purpose of losing weight and reducing
(26). A summary of the studies involving consumer-based surveys smoking addiction, and tadalafil (the active ingredient in Cial-
regarding personal views of vaping are shown in Table 1. is®) for the purpose of increasing sexual capacity. FDA analyses of
these e-cartridges and solutions revealed the presence of amino-
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF E-CIGARETTE CARTRIDGES, tadalafil and not tadalafil, and the presence of an oxidative product
SOLUTIONS, AND MIST of rimonabant, as well as rimonabant (57), although the amount
The ingredients found in e-cigarette cartridges and solutions of either of these substances that is able to transfer from liquid to
are relatively few, and for the most part non-toxic and non- vapor phase is low (58). Table 2 summarizes the studies involving
carcinogenic, especially in the low quantities delivered. They chemical analyses of e-cigarette cartridges, solutions, and mist.
include nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, and tobacco flavor-
ing (4, 48). Propylene glycol, an FDA-approved solvent used in NICOTINE CONTENT, DELIVERY, AND PHARMACOKINETICS
foods, a vehicle for intravenous diazepam, and as the major ingre- E-cigarettes are designed to deliver nicotine in an aerosolized
dient found in e-cigarette fluids, makes up about 90% of the manner that simulates an authentic smoking experience with-
solution (9). Certain contaminates, most of which are derived out the real smoke. In this respect, e-cigarettes are similar to
from tobacco flavoring, have been detected in e-cigarettes. A small the FDA-approved nicotine inhaler. Bullen et al. (59) determined
amount of diethylene glycol (approximately 1%), a known car- the Ruyan® e-cigarette had a nicotine pharmacokinetic profile
cinogen and an ingredient in anti-freeze, was also detected in one very similar to the Nicotrol® inhaler, but the study’s participants
out of 18 cartridges analyzed by the FDA (4). The source of the thought the e-cigarettes were more pleasant to use and produced
diethylene glycol contamination is not clear but could reflect the less irritation to the mouth and throat. For e-cigarettes, the nico-
use of non-pharmaceutical grade propylene glycol (10). In com- tine is delivered through cartridges prefilled with a nicotine solu-
parison, cigarette smoke from burned tobacco products contains tion or cartridges that the user fills with a nicotine refill solution.
thousands of compounds, many of which have been shown to In either case, the nicotine concentration of the solutions or car-
induce or promote carcinogenesis (49); specifically the trace metals tridges can be purchased in strengths ranging from 0 to 24 mg or
(i.e., cadmium, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and lead), the tobacco more, according to user preference. Unfortunately, the amounts of
specific N-nitrosamines (TSNA), the polycyclic aromatic hydro- nicotine specified on the labels of various brands of e-cartridges
carbons (PAHs), and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). and solutions have not always been accurate or consistent (60).
While investigations have shown some of these hazardous com- The FDA (4, 57, 58) confirmed the ability of e-cigarettes to deliver
pounds to be present in e-cigarette cartridges, solutions, and mist, nicotine, but stated there is too much variability in the amount of
there are only a few reports detecting levels of these contami- nicotine delivered per puff of any e-cigarette cartridge for them to
nates high enough to be of significant risk to humans. The HNZ be considered safe. Repeated analysis of a menthol high strength
study (9) found levels of arsenic cadmium, chromium, nickel, and Njoy® e-cigarette cartridge (18 mg of nicotine) yielded nicotine
lead to be undetectable in e-cigarette cartridge liquid. In contrast, deliveries of 26.8, 34.9, and 43.2 µg/100 ml puff. The medium
Williams at al. (50) found levels of lead, chromium, and nickel in strength Smoking Everywhere® e-cigarette cartridge (11 mg of
e-cigarette aerosol to be equivalent to, and in some cases higher nicotine) and the medium strength Njoy® e-cigarette cartridge
than, what has been reported for cigarette smoke. They indicate (12 mg of nicotine) delivered 15.7 and 10.6 µg nicotine/100 ml
that the primary source of these trace metals are the filaments puff, respectively, and were found to be similar to the 10-mg
inside the e-cigarette cartomizer (i.e., the aerosolizing component Nicotrol® inhaler shown to deliver 15.2 µg nicotine/100 ml puff.
of the e-cigarette), and conclude that improved quality control Of major concern is that some e-cartridges and solutions that
of e-cigarette design and manufacturing would greatly reduce the were labeled as containing 0 mg of nicotine did in fact contain
presence of these trace metals. The FDA (4) and HNZ (9) both some nicotine (4, 57). The FDA (4, 58) also detected small quan-
reported that e-cigarettes contain trace amounts of TSNAs, but tities of cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, and several nicotine
the levels found in the e-cigarettes represent only a very small related impurities to include, anabasine, anatabine, myosmine, and

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 1 | Studies involving consumer-based surveys regarding personal views on vaping.

Authors (Reference) Study design Participants Participant’s location Key finding


Etter (21) Online French survey 81 Respondents, ages 81% France E-cigarettes were used to quit
at www.StopTabac.ch 19–65, 77% male, 63% 8% Belgium smoking
former smokers, 23% daily 6% Canada
smokers, 13% occasional 5% Switzerland

Cho et al. (36) Survey of adolescents 4353 Adolescent students Korea 444 adolescent students had heard
from five schools of e-cigarettes. 22 adolescents had
participating in a 2008 ever tried e-cigarettes. Significant
Health Promotion predictors of e-cigarette use include
Fund Project male gender and cigarette smoking

Etter and Bullen Survey of visitors to 3587 Respondents, ages 62% United States E-cigarette users believe that
(22) websites and online 31–52, 63% male, 70% 14% France e-cigarettes helped them to quit or
discussion forums former smokers, 19% daily 6% United Kingdom reduce smoking, and that vaping is
smokers, 11% occasional 4% Switzerland less toxic than smoking
smokers 3% Canada

Foulds et al. (12) Survey conducted at 104 Respondents, mean Philly Vapefest, 2011, E-cigarette users believe that
e-cigarette age 34 ± 9, 74% male, Philadelphia, PA e-cigarettes helped them to quit
enthusiast’s 88% Caucasian, 78% smoking, and vaping is less harmful
convention former smokers, 19% daily than smoking

Polosa et al. (28) Tracking daily 40 Subjects (26 males) Recruited from the local Vaping e-cigarettes decreased
consumption of began and 27 subjects (18 hospital staff in Catania, Italy consumption of traditional
cigarettes for males) ended 6 months cigarettes as verified by exhaled
6 months later carbon monoxide
Mean age 43 ± 9 years
Years smoked 27 ± 9 years

Siegal et al. (45) Online survey of new 216 Respondents (72% Worldwide. E-mail addresses After 6 months of vaping, 31% of
e-cigarette users who male), ages 18–65+ years, were provided for 5000 first respondents were no longer
recently purchased smokers for 5–30+ years time online e-cigarette smoking cigarettes
Blue e-cigarettes purchasers from the
Blue-cigarette distributor and
served as the pool of

Goniewicz and Survey of students 20,240 High school Poland About 20% of polish youth have
Zielinska-Danch enrolled in at 176 students (15–19 years) and tried e-cigarettes, but only 3% of
(40) nationally university students never smokers tried e-cigarettes.
representative high (20–24 years) 43% of Not clear if e-cigarettes are a
schools and students were male novelty that young people try once.
universities in Poland Significant predictors of e-cigarette
use include male gender and
cigarette smoking experience

Kralikova et al. (19) Interview of people 973 Respondents, average Five locations across Prague, 86% of respondents have heard of
buying cigarettes age 32 years, and 54% Czech Republic e-cigarettes
between 10 and 19 male
October 2011


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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 1 | Continued

Authors (Reference) Study design Participants Participant’s location Key finding

Barbeau et al. (26) Focus group Nine Men and two Boston University School of Vaping was more effective in
discussions posing women, ages 18–64 years Public Health, Boston, MA, maintaining cigarette abstinence
open ended questions USA than the FDA-approved nicotine
replacement therapies due to
retention of behavioral and social
components of smoking addiction

Bullen et al. (46) Survey using a E-cigarette Group Aukland, New Zealand E-cigarettes, with or without
randomized controlled (n = 289), age nicotine (placebo e-cigarette), were
trial. Participants 44 ± 13 years, 38% male. as effective at helping smokers quit
recruited via Nicotine patch Group as nicotine patches
community (n = 295), age
newspapers 40 ± 13 years, 38% male.
E-cigarette placebo group
(n-73), 43 ± 12 years, 38%

Caponnetto et al. Regular smokers 300 Participants, mean age Catania, Italy The use of e-cigarettes, with or
(30) recruited between 44 ± 13 years, 63% male without nicotine, decreased
June 2010 and and smoke at least 15–25 cigarette consumption and elicited
February 2011 were cigarettes/day tobacco abstinence as verified by
observed for exhaled carbon monoxide
12 months

Caponnetto et al. Chronic schizophrenic 14 Schizophrenic patients CTA, Villa Chiara-Psichiatrica The use of e-cigarettes decreased
(31) patients were (6 male), mean age Riabilitativa e Ricerca, e-cigarette consumption without
observed and 45 ± 13 years and smoked Catania, Italy causing significant side effects in
surveyed for at least 20–35 schizophrenic patients
12 months cigarettes/day

Choi and Forster Survey of U.S. Cohort of 2624 adults aged Midwestern United States Nearly 70% of the respondents
(39) Midwestern adults 20–28 years were aware of e-cigarettes, and 7%
had tried e-cigarettes. Significant
predictors of e-cigarette use include
male gender and cigarette smoking

Dawkins et al. (23) Online survey hosted 1347 Respondents, mean Respondents from 33 E-cigarettes are primarily used for
by the University of age 43 years, 70% male countries (72% European) smoking cessation, but for a longer
East London with links and 96% Caucasian duration than nicotine replacement
from TECC/TWEL therapies

Dockrell et al. (24) Three online surveys February 2010 online Great Britain E-cigarette use may bridge the
and one focus group. population survey smoking cessation process. There is
Respondents were (n = 12,597 for all little evidence to suggest that
recruited from panel respondents with n = 2297 e-cigarettes is widely used among
of adults in Britains for smokers). April 2010 never smokers
online smokers’ survey
(n = 1380). February 2012
online population survey
(n = 12,432 for all
respondents with n = 2093
for smokers). March 2010
focus group consisting of
smokers (n = 37)


Frontiers in Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion November 2013 | Volume 1 | Article 56 | 6
Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 1 | Continued

Authors (Reference) Study design Participants Participant’s location Key finding

Farsalinos et al. Recruitment and 111 Participants, 84% Visitors to a Hospital in E-cigarettes with higher nicotine
(25) survey of subjects male, mean age Kallithea, Greece and to an content were more successful in
who had completely 37 ± 6 years, that smoked electronic cigarette the smoking cessation process
substituted at least 20–30, consumers’ internet forum in
conventional cigarettes/day. Participants Greece
cigarettes with had a mean smoking
e-cigarettes for at duration of 37 ± 6 years
least 1 month and a smoking cessation
duration of 4–11 months

Goniewicz et al. Web-based survey of 179 Respondents Poland Participants primarily used
(27) e-cigarette users e-cigarettes to cease smoking and
reduce smoking related harm

Kralikova et al. (20) Interview of people 2012 Respondents, 17 cities across the Czech About one fifth of smokers who try
smoking cigarettes on average age 34 years, 51% Republic e-cigarettes go on to become
the street during May male regular e-cigarette users
of 2012

Li et al. (47) Telephone-based 840 Current smokers and New Zealand Only 7% of respondents ever
survey by random recent quitters purchased e-cigarettes, 33%
digit dialing of the perceived e-cigarettes as less
New Zealand Smoking harmful than conventional
Monitor to recruit cigarettes and 41% believed
current smokers and e-cigarettes are an acceptable
recent quitters means to smoking cessation

Pepper et al. (37) Online national survey 228 Male adolescents, United States Only 2 of 228 adolescents had ever
of male adolescents in ages 11–19 years tried e-cigarettes.18% of adolescent
November 2011. who were aware of e-cigarettes
Participants recruited were also willing to try them with
through parents who no preference to plain or flavored
were members of a
panel of U.S.

Pokhrel et al. (34) Cross-sectional survey 1567 Participants divided Hawaiian Islands Smokers who try e-cigarettes
of Hawaiian Islanders into two groups. Ever appear to be more serious about
recruited through –e-cigarette users (n = 202 smoking cessation and treat
newspaper students; mean age e-cigarettes as valid alternatives to
advertisement from 42 ± 1 years, 46% male) FDA-approved nicotine replacement
2010 to 2012 and never e-cigarette users therapies
(n = 1365; mean age
46 ± 0.4 years, 51% male)

Polosa et al. (29) Tracking daily Follow-up observational Recruited from the local Long-term e-cigarette use can
consumption of study of Polosa et al. (28). hospital staff in Catania, Italy substantially decrease conventional
cigarettes for See above cigarette consumption as verified by
24 months exhaled carbon monoxide

Regan et al. (18) Consumer-based 10587 Adult (18 years or United States Awareness of e-cigarettes doubled
mail-in survey older) respondents in 2009 from 16% in 2009 to 32% in 2010
and 10328 adult (18 years
or older) respondents in


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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 1 | Continued

Authors (Reference) Study design Participants Participant’s location Key finding

Sutfin et al. (35) Web-based survey in 4444 Students divided into Students from eight North E-cigarette use is more common
fall of 2009 two groups. Ever Carolina colleges among smokers but not exclusive to
e-cigarette users (n = 216 them. E-cigarette use among
students; mean age college students does not appear to
21 ± 3 years, 53% male) be motivated by intentions to quit
and never e-cigarette users
(n = 4228; mean age
21 ± 3 years, 36% male)

Vickerman et al. Survey of callers to six 2758 callers United States Only about one third of the
(32) state tobacco quit respondents had ever tried
lines 7 months after e-cigarettes of which 62% used for
initially receiving The actual states were not <1 month
intervention indicated
Choi et al. (38) Eleven focus group 66 young adults, ages University of Minnesota, Young adults perceive e-cigarettes
discussions 18–26 years old Minneapolis, Minnesota and other new tobacco products
positively, especially when they are

Hua et al. (33) Data collected from Total of 632 posts from Worldwide but mostly from A total of 405 different, mostly
postings of three high 560 different posters the United States and Canada negative health-related effects,
traffic online forums were reported by e-cigarette users

β-nicotyrine in some, but not all, e-cartridge solutions and mist safe packaging, and proper storage of e-cigarette refill solutions
samples analyzed. Flouris and Oikonomou (61) question the rigor are critical. Typically, a 5-ml vial of e-cigarette refill solution could
by which the FDA conducted these analyses, indicating that these contain a nicotine concentration of 20 mg/ml or 100 mg/vial, and
analyses “cannot be used to draw conclusions or inferences about the known lethal dose of nicotine has been estimated to be about
potential effects on health” until more rigorous chemical analy- 10 mg in children and between 30 and 60 mg in adults (62). Given
ses, followed by extensive animal and clinical trials in humans, the potential health hazards of nicotine (16), inadvertent skin con-
are conducted. Two other studies have also found discrepancies in tact, or consumption of just one of these vials by children or
the labeled nicotine content compared to the actual nicotine con- pets could have tragic consequences. It is important that extreme
tent in a number of e-cigarette brands (52, 62). Goniewicz et al. caution be used when storing nicotine solutions.
(52) reported relative percent differences between the labeled and Regardless of the inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the pro-
actual nicotine concentration per cartridges (or refill fluids) to duction of e-cigarette cartridges and solutions, puff-for-puff, the
range between −89 and 28% in 30 popular brands of e-cigarettes. amount of nicotine finding its way into the blood stream from
Cameron et al. (62) found the actual nicotine concentration in e- vaping an e-cigarette has been shown to be less than what you
cigarette cartridges and refill fluids to range from 1.8 to 23.7 mg/ml would expect from smoking a conventional cigarette with com-
less than the labeled nicotine concentration. However, a more parable nicotine content (59, 66, 67). These studies report little
recent study analyzing several brands of e-cigarette refill solu- or no increases in blood nicotine levels of naive subjects after
tions did find nicotine content to be accurate and consistent to acute predefined use of e-cigarettes compared to conventional
what was printed on the label (63). Inconsistencies reported in cigarettes. According to Bullen et al. (59), serum levels of nico-
nicotine concentrations, and hence deliveries, could be a reason tine were similar after use of either the Nicotrol® inhaler or a
why some e-cigarette users and not others report adverse reac- Ruyan® e-cigarette. They found serum nicotine levels to peak at
tions such as mouth and throat irritation, vertigo, headache, and 1.3 ng/ml after 19.6 min of vaping an e-cigarette, and 2.1 ng/ml
nausea (21, 26, 33). Incidentally, some of these same adverse reac- after 32 min of using the Nicotrol® inhaler, compared to 13.4 ng/ml
tions have also been reported for various FDA-approved NRTs after 14.3 min of smoking a cigarette. The Nicotrol® inhaler is said
(64). In a study evaluating design features, accuracy and clarity of to be inappropriately named since it does not deliver significant
labeling, and quality of printed materials and instruction manu- quantities of nicotine directly to the lungs (68, 69). This is because
als for e-cigarettes it was concluded that design flaws, inadequate the particle size of the delivered nicotine is too large to effectively
product labeling, and lack of quality control in the manufacturing reach pulmonary alveoli (70, 71). With each puff, the inhaler deliv-
of e-cigarettes are an indication that stricter oversight and reg- ers nicotine to the oral cavity which is subsequently absorbed by
ulation are required for these devices (65). Accurate production, the buccal mucosa and pharyngeal mucosa. It is not clear where

Frontiers in Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion November 2013 | Volume 1 | Article 56 | 8
Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 2 | Studies involving chemical analysis of e-cigarette cartridges, solutions, and mist.

Authors (Reference) E-cigarette brand Substances tested Analysis Key finding

Laugesen (9) Runyon TSNA LC-MS TSNAs are present but at levels much lower than
in conventional cigarettes and too small to be
Research funded by MAO-A and B Flourometric assay MAO-A and B are inhibited by tobacco smoke but
Runyan inhibitors unaffected by e-cigarette fluid
PAH GS-MS Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons undetectable
Heavy metals ICP-MS Heavy metals were undetectable
CO CO analyzer Exhaled carbon monoxide does not increase after
e-cigarette use

McAuley et al. (11) Brand not indicated. TSNA GC/MS TSNA, PAH, diethylene glycol, VOC, and carbonyls
PAH GC/MS in e-cigarette mist were all negligible compared to
Diethylene Glycol GC/MS cigarette smoke.
Carbonyls HPLC-UV

Pellegrino et. al. (56) Italian brand of Particulate matter Particle counter and smoking Particulate matter is lower in e-cigarette mist
e-cigarettes machine compared to cigarette smoke
Abstract in English
Full article in Italian

Goniewicz et al. (53) Eleven brands of Polish Carbonyls HPLC-DAD TSNA, VOC, and carbonyl compounds were
and one brand of English VOC GC-MS determined to be between 9 and 450 times lower
e-cigarettes TSNA UPLC-MS in e-cigarettes mist compared to conventional
Heavy metals ICP-MS cigarette smoke
Heavy metals present in e-cigarette mist

Kim and Shin (55) 105 Replacement liquid TSNA LC-MS TSNAs are present at low levels in e-cigarette
brands from 11 Korean replacement liquids
e-cigarette companies

Schripp et al. (54) Three unidentified brands VOC GC-MS VOC in e-cigarette cartridges, solutions, and
aerosolized mist were low or undetectable
compared to conventional cigarettes
Particulate matter Particle counter and smoking Particulate matter is lower in e-cigarette mist
machine compared to cigarette smoke
Westenberger (4) Njoy TSNA LC-MS TSNA present
FDA study Smoking everywhere Diethylene glycol GC-MS Diethylene glycol present
Tobacco specific GC-MS Tobacco specific impurities present

Trehy et al. (58) FDA Njoy Nicotine related HPLC-DAD Nicotine related impurities present
study Smoking everywhere impurities
Johnson creek

Hadwiger et al. (57) Brand not indicated Amino-tadalafil HPLC-DAD-MMI-MS Amino-tadalafil present
FDA study Rimonabant Rimonabant present

Williams et al. (50) Brand not indicated Heavy metals ICP-MS Heavy metal and silicate particles present in
Silicate particles Particle counter and smoking e-cigarette mist
machine, light and electron
microscopy, cytotoxicity testing,
x-ray microanalysis

TSNA, tobacco specific nitrosoamines; LC-MS, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; MAO-A and B, monoamineoxidase A and B; PAH, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons; GS-MS, gas chromatography – mass spectrometry; ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry; CO, carbon monoxide, VOC, volatile
organic compounds; UPLC-MS, ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; HPLC-DAD-MMI-MS, high performance liquid chromatography-diode
array detector-multi-mode ionization-mass spectrometry.

www.frontiersin.org November 2013 | Volume 1 | Article 56 | 9

Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

most of the nicotine from e-cigarettes is primarily absorbed; the nicotine content, the efficiency of the vaporization process that
alveoli, the airways or the oral cavity. In vitro evidence suggests that determines how much of the nicotine gets aerosolized, and the
e-cigarette aerosol particle size and distribution in the respiratory individual’s puffing topography on the efficacy of nicotine delivery
system is similar to conventional cigarette smoke (72–74). Sahu from e-cigarettes.
et al. (72) found the particle size of mainstream cigarette smoke Many smokers claim that smoking cigarettes increases cogni-
to range between 186 and 198 nm and deliveries to the pulmonary tive awareness, reduces stress, and induces a pleasurable feeling
alveoli, tracheal, and bronchiolar airways, and oral cavity were pre- of wellbeing. Consequently, this is what makes smoking cigarettes
dicted to be 29.8, 15.2, and 16.3%, respectively. Zhang et al. (73) so enjoyable and addictive. It is suggested that smoking has some
determined average e-cigarette aerosol particle diameters to be psychological beneficial effects relating to job performance, vigi-
approximately 400 nm, and alveolar deliveries to be between 7 and lance, and mnemonic tasks, and that these effects are induced by
18%. Zhang et al. (73) also indicate that nicotine delivery is highly nicotine, the addictive ingredient in tobacco (87). Similar effects
dependent on a number of factors, including vaping technique, have also been noted in non-smokers after a single dose of nicotine
particle evolution, and cloud effects. It is very likely that aerosol (88), and it is also worth mentioning that nicotine may have an
particle size and nicotine delivery via e-cigarettes may have similar ameliorating effect on both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s patients
distribution profiles that are intermediate between conventional (89). Dawkins et al. (90, 91) found a decrease in the desire to smoke
cigarettes and the Nicotrol® inhaler. and reduced withdrawal symptoms associated with tobacco absti-
In contrast to the aforementioned investigations (59, 66, 67), nence (1–10 h) among smokers vaping e-cigarettes with nicotine
three other study (75–77) found increased blood levels of nicotine in comparison to e-cigarettes without nicotine. Furthermore, the
in experienced e-cigarette users within 5 min of the first puff of nicotine from the e-cigarette also improved prospective memory
an e-cigarette. Dawkins et al. (76) reported blood nicotine levels and working memory performance. Nicotine is a central nervous
to increase from 0.74 ng/ml baseline to 6.77 ng/ml 10 min after 10 system (CNS) stimulant, and as such it is possible that a psycholog-
puffs of an e-cigarette, achieving a mean 13.91 ng/ml by the end ical need to enhance cognitive functioning reinforces addiction in
of a 1-h ad libitum vaping period. It has also been reported that smokers (92). Nicotine is also known to stimulate adrenergic and
cotinine in the saliva (78) and serum (79) of e-cigarette users is sig- dopaminergic neurons in mesolimbic areas of the brain involved
nificantly elevated to levels commonly found in cigarette smokers. with reinforcing pleasurable reward behavior (93). Monoamine
Vansickel and Eissenberg (75) also reported an increase in heart oxidases (MAO) normally reduce nicotine-induced adrenergic
rate, which is not surprising since smoking and nicotine have long and dopaminergic activities by oxidizing them to inactive metabo-
been known to stimulate heart rate and blood pressure (80, 81). It lites, and thereby limiting reward behavior. For cigarette smokers,
is interesting to note that the 2010 Vansickel et al. (67) study, and in however, nicotine is made even more addictive by synergizing with
Czogala et al. (82), heart rate and nicotine levels were significantly MAO inhibitors known to be present in cigarette smoke (94). Sup-
increased in smokers, but not vapers. However, the 2013 Vansickel porting evidence has been shown by Fowler et al. (95, 96) in which
and Eissenberg study (75) reported that both smoking and vaping- the activities of both MAO-A and MAO-B were reduced in vari-
induced similar concomitant increases in heart rate and blood ous brain regions of smokers but not of non-smokers. Lewis et al.
levels of nicotine. As suggested by Farsalinos et al. (83), this dis- (94) indicate that there are at least six different MAO inhibitors
crepancy could be attributed to differences in experimental design, present in cigarette smoke. In contrast, Laugesen et al. (9) were
and puffing topography of the participants in each study (i.e., unable to detect any MAO inhibitors in e-cigarette cartridges or
different daily durations of vaping, experience with e-cigarette the inhaled aerosol mist. These studies suggest that nicotine from
devices, personal puffing characteristics to include the amount of e-cigarettes and other FDA-approved NRTs may be less addictive
vacuum created on every puff, and the vaping-induced deposi- than nicotine from burned tobacco products, and may be the rea-
tion of nicotine into the oral cavity and/or size of the aerosolized son why e-cigarette users report a suppression of smoking and
particles). Trtchounian et al. (84), determined that smoke/aerosol nicotine cravings (59, 66, 67, 90, 91). These investigations support
density remained fairly constant while puffing on a conventional the rationale behind NRT treatment for smoking cessation, which
cigarette from start to finish (approximately 10 puffs), although is that nicotine from NRTs, and possibly e-cigarettes, does not
variations did exist between brands of conventional cigarettes. The occupy the nicotinic receptors to the same extent as nicotine from
aerosol density for e-cigarettes, while higher than conventional tobacco smoke (97). The effect is reducing withdrawal symptoms
cigarettes in three out of the four brands tested, also remained and cravings for cigarettes (71, 98) while possibly still providing
fairly constant for the first 10 puffs of a new e-cigarette cartridge. some enhanced cognitive awareness and pleasurable reward (92,
However, a decremental decrease in aerosol density was observed 93). A summary of the studies involving nicotine content, delivery,
as each cartridge approached its terminal life. Consequently, this and pharmacokinetics are listed in Table 3.
decrease in aerosol density would require the person vaping to
generate more vacuum to maintain an aerosol density equivalent CLINICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ACUTE VAPING
to the initial puffs and could be a reason contributing to longer The harmful effects of smoking on human health are obvious
puff duration for electronic cigarettes than for conventional cig- and well documented. In contrast, effects of vaping on human
arettes (85). Similar variations in the rate of airflow required to health are inconclusive due to the extreme paucity of empirical
produce aerosol between and within brands of e-cigarettes were research investigating the presence of vaping-induced health haz-
also reported by Williams and Talbot (86). According to Goniewicz ards and/or benefits. Few studies have actually reported deleterious
et al. (52), these studies demonstrate the importance of the initial effects of vaping. In one report, McCauley et al. (99) present a case

Frontiers in Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion November 2013 | Volume 1 | Article 56 | 10
Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 3 | Studies involving nicotine content, delivery, and pharmacokinetics.

Authors E-cigarette Devices, substances or Study design and analysis Key finding
(Reference) brand parameters tested


Bullen et al. Ruyan Nicotine pharmacokinetic Plasma nicotine (ng/ml) was Vaping e-cigarettes produce a
(59) profile was determined in . . . determined by HPLC-EC in participants nicotine pharmacokinetic profile
E-cigarette with 16 mg who smoked at least 10 cigarettes/day very similar to the Nicotrol inhalers
nicotine (n = 8) but considerably lower than
Nicotrol inhaler with 10 mg smoking a cigarette
nicotine (n = 10)
Participant’s usual cigarette
(n = 9)

Eissenberg Njoy Plasma nicotine and heart Sixteen smokers, naïve to e-cigarettes Smoking, but not vaping,
(66) Crown seven rate measured before and were cycled through the four device significantly increased plasma
after 10 puffs of each device groups. Participants were required to nicotine and heart rate
was determined in the have a 12-h period of cigarette
following groups . . . abstinence before the start of each
Njoy (16 mg nicotine) device test and 48-h between each
Crown seven (16 mg nicotine) device test
own brand cigarette
Sham own brand cigarette

Vansickel et al. Njoy Plasma nicotine, expired Sixteen smokers, naïve to e-cigarettes Plasma levels of nicotine, expired
(67) Crown seven carbon monoxide and heart were cycled through the four device carbon monoxide, and heart rate all
rate measured before and groups. Participants were required to increased after smoking, but not
after 10 puffs of each device have a 12-h period of cigarette vaping
were determined in the abstinence before the start of each
following groups . . . device test and 48-h between each
Njoy (18 mg nicotine) device test
Crown seven (16 mg nicotine)
Own brand cigarette
Sham own brand cigarette

Etter and Own brand Salivary cotinine and heart Experienced e-cigarette users vaped Vaping and smoking induce similar
Bullen (78) e-cigarettes rate ad libitum but abstained from increases in salivary cotinine levels
cigarettes or NRTs for 48 h upon which and heart rate
salivary cotinine was collected and
heart rate determined

Czogala et al. Brand not Systolic pressure Comparison of hemodynamic Vaping e-cigarettes failed to induce
(82) indicated Diastolic pressure parameters in smokers (n = 42; 50% the typical hemodynamic
Abstract in Pulse male) after smoking a cigarette or parameters associated with
English Full article Heart rate vaping an e-cigarette traditional smoking
In Polish

Dawkins et al. White Super Desire to smoke Random allocation of 86 smokers into E-cigarettes eliminated nicotine
(91) Nicotine withdrawal one of three groups. Desire to smoke withdrawal symptoms and desire to
symptoms and withdrawal symptoms rated at 0, smoke and enhanced working
Attention and working 5, and 20 min after vaping ad libitum for memory performance, suggesting
memory was determined in 5 min. Attention and working memory efficient nicotine delivery
the following groups . . . was determined using “The Letter
E-cigarette (18 mg nicotine) Cancelation” and “Brown–Peterson
E-cigarette (0 mg nicotine) Working Memory” tests
Just hold e-cigarette


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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 3 | Continued

Authors E-cigarette Devices, substances or Study design and analysis Key finding
(Reference) brand parameters tested

Ingebrethesen Two different E-cigarette aerosol particle Smoking machine and spectral Particle size in e-cigarette aerosol
et al. (74) brands not size transmission procedure and conventional cigarette smoke
specified Cigarette smoke particle size for nicotine delivery are similar

Vansickel et al. Vapor king Plasma nicotine Twenty smokers, not currently using E-cigarettes deliver significant
(77) concentration, heart rate, e-cigarettes, were cycled through four amounts of nicotine, increase heart
urge to smoke cigarette, and experimental sessions. Participants rate, and reduce nicotine withdrawal
nicotine withdrawal were required to have a 12-h period of symptoms and the urge to smoke
symptoms tested in four cigarette abstinence before the start of
sessions. Session 1: 10 puffs each device test and 48-h between
of e-cigarette; Session 2: each device test
choice of 10 puffs of No mention of how nicotine was
e-cigarette or cash; Session 3: assayed
choice of 10 puffs of
e-cigarette or 10 puffs of
conventional cigarette;
Session 4: choice of 10 puffs
of conventional cigarette or
cash. Each session consisted
of 6 bouts of puffing and
bouts were 30 min apart

Zhang et al. Bloog MaxX E-cigarette aerosol particle Smoking machine and scanning E-cigarette aerosol particle diameter
(73) fusion size mobility particle sizer was slightly larger and calculated
Alveolar delivery alveolar delivery is slightly lower
when compared to cigarette smoke.
Nicotine delivery depends on vaping
technique, particle evolution, and
cloud effect

Dawkins and First-generation Plasma nicotine Fourteen experienced e-cigarette users Vaping-induced reliable nicotine
Corcoran (76) e-cigarette Tobacco withdrawal abstinent from smoking and vaping for delivery after acute use in
(18 mg/ml symptoms 12 h before test period experienced e-cigarette users.
nicotine) Urge to smoke Blood samples collected at baseline Tobacco-related withdrawal
(0 min), after 10 puffs, after 1 h symptoms and urge to smoke were
ad libitum, and after a 2-h rest period reduced

Dawkins et al. Tornado Desire to smoke and Twenty smokers, abstinent for 8–10 h, Nicotine from e-cigarettes improves
(90) prospective memory was cycled through two experimental time-based prospective memory,
determined in two sessions sessions. Desire to smoke was suggesting efficient nicotine
determined using “Single-Item Desire delivery
to Smoke Scale” and “Mood and
Session 1: e-cigarette (18 mg Physical Symptoms Scale.”
nicotine) Prospective memory was measured
Session 2: e-cigarette (0 mg using “Cambridge Prospective
nicotine) Memory Test”

Etter et al. (63) Twenty models of Contents of nicotine, nicotine GC and LC The nicotine content in refill bottles
the 10 most degradation products, and are close to what is indicated on the
popular brands of nicotine impurities label. Impurities in several brands
refill liquids for are detectable but at levels
e-cigarettes considered harmless


Frontiers in Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion November 2013 | Volume 1 | Article 56 | 12
Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 3 | Continued

Authors E-cigarette Devices, substances or Study design and analysis Key finding
(Reference) brand parameters tested

Farsalinos Nobacco Puff number and duration, Forty-five e-cigarette users and 35 E-cigarette use topography and
et al. (83) inhalation time, exhalation smokers (smokers were in a conventional cigarette use
time, and nicotine consumed randomized cross-over design) were topography are different. At least
was determined in the observed for puff number and duration, 20 mg/ml nicotine in e-cigarette
following groups . . . and inhalation and exhalation times liquid is required to deliver the same
using video recordings. Nicotine amount of nicotine as conventional
E-cigarette users (vaping) consumed (e-cigarette group only) was cigarettes
Smokers (smoking and vaping measured by loss of weight of liquid in
subgroups) cartridge using a precision balance

Flouris et al. Nobacco Serum cotinine was Smokers (n = 15) went through a Acute vaping and acute smoking
(79) determined in . . . control session, an active smoking induce similar increases in serum
Smokers session, and an active vaping session. cotinine levels
Never smokers Never smokers went through control,
passive smoking and passive vaping
sessions. LC-MC used to measure
serum cotinine

Goniewicz Sixteen popular Nicotine content in e-cigarette E-cigarette aerosol was generated Nicotine in e-cigarette aerosol is
et al. (52) brands of aerosol using smoking machine. Nicotine lower than in cigarette smoke.
e-cigarettes from content in aerosol was determined Efficacy and consistency of nicotine
Poland, United using GS-TSD vaporization between brands is
Kingdom, and variable
United States

Hua et al. (85) Various brands Puff duration Analysis of Youtube videos of nine Longer puff durations may help
Exhalation duration conventional smokers and 64 e-cigarette users to compensate for
e-cigarette users poor nicotine delivery

Vansickel and Own brand Plasma nicotine Blood samples were collected at Vaping and smoking induce similar
Eissenberg Heart rate baseline (0 h), after 10 puffs, after 1 h increases in plasma nicotine and
(75) Experienced e-cigarette users ad libitum puffing, and after a 2-h rest heart rate
(n = 8) period
Westenberger Njoy Nicotine content in solutions HPLC-UV The nicotine in several e-cigarette
(4) Smoking and mist solutions is too variable to be
FDA Study everywhere considered safe. The amount of
nicotine delivered per puff is

Hadwiger Brand not Nicotine content in solutions HPLC-UV Presence of nicotine in products
et al. (57) indicated labeled as containing no nicotine
FDA Study

Trtchounian Liberty stix Vacuum required for each puff Manometer coupled to smoking More vacuum required to vape than
et al. (84) Smoking Aerosol or smoke density machine to smoke. Smoke and aerosol
everywhere Absorbance measurement using a density remained stable for
Njoy spectrophotometer conventional and e-cigarettes over
Crown seven the first 10 puffs. Aerosol density
versus eight for e-cigarettes gradually decreased
brands of as e-cigarette life extended to 300
conventional puffs. This is reflected by a gradual
cigarettes increase in vacuum required for
each puff on the e-cigarette.


www.frontiersin.org November 2013 | Volume 1 | Article 56 | 13

Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 3 | Continued

Authors E-cigarette Devices, substances or Study design and analysis Key finding
(Reference) brand parameters tested

Trehy et al. (58) Njoy Nicotine content in solutions HPLC-UV Nicotine in e-cigarette cartridges
FDA Study Smoking and nicotine delivery/puff Smoking machine and refill solutions is inaccurately
everywhere labeled and nicotine content varies
CIXI by manufacturer. The amount of
Johnson Creek nicotine delivered per puff is

Trtchounian Njoy Design flaws and defective E-cigarettes were purchased online. Design flaws, lack of adequate
and Talbot (65) Ncig parts Information about the parameters labeling, concerns about control and
Liberty stix Labels on cartridges, and inspected was obtained via e-mail to health issues argue for removal of
Crown seven wrappers vendors or by visual inspection of the e-cigarettes from the market
Smoking Leakiness of cartridges product and product literature
everywhere Disposal documentation
VapCigs Errors in filling of mail orders
Instruction manual
Truth in advertisement

Williams and Various brands Airflow rate required to Airflow meter Significant variability exists between
Talbot (86) produce aerosol Manometer and within brands of e-cigarettes in
Pressure drop Absorbance measurement using a the airflow rate required to produce
Aerosol density spectrophotometer aerosol, the pressure drop, the
length of time cartridges last, and
production of aerosol

Cheah et al. Twenty different Nicotine content in cartridges GC-MS Variable nicotine content in
(60) brands of E-cigarettes quality and Visual inspection of the product and cartridges of the same brand, and
e-cigarettes documentation product literature inconsistency with product labeling,
along with misleading information
on labels raises concern about
e-cigarette safety

Cameron et al. Brands of Nicotine content in solutions LC-MS Nicotine levels in e-cigarette
(62) e-cigarette and cartridges solutions were too variable to be
nicotine solutions considered safe
and cartridges
tested include . . .
Vapor liquid
No Brand liquid
Smart Smoke
BE112 cartridge
Vapor cartridge

HPLC-EC, high performance liquid chromatography – electrochemical detection; GS, gas chromatography; LC, liquid chromatography; GC-TSD, gas chromatography –
thermionic specific detection; HPLC-UV, high performance liquid chromatography – ultraviolet detection; GS-MS, gas chromatography – mass spectrometry; LC-MS,
liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; NRT, nicotine replacement therapy.

study concerning a 42-year-old woman diagnosed with exogenous causative agent. Computed axial tomography (CAT) images of
lipoid pneumonia due to e-cigarette use. She presented with a 7- her lungs revealed areas of patchy ground glass superimposed
month history of dyspnea, productive cough, and fevers which on interlobular septal thickening, a pattern typical of a restric-
coincided with her use of e-cigarettes. Samples of her sputum, and tive ventilatory defect with diffusion impairment, and consistent
bronchoalveolar lavage revealed lipid-laden macrophages. Glyc- with the patient’s diagnosis. Cessation of e-cigarette use resulted in
erin, an ingredient added to e-cigarette solutions for the purpose improvement of her symptoms that was verified by follow-up lung
of producing visual smoke when vaping, was thought to be the radiography, however, pulmonary function testing still indicated

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

mild diffusion impairment. Since the case study does not reveal to 2 ppm, and 35 to 5 ppm in three individuals who first success-
if the patient is a current or ex-smoker and for how long, it is fully transitioned from conventional cigarettes to e-cigarettes and
unclear whether the persistent diffusion impairment is a result of then quit e-cigarettes altogether. The first time carbon monoxide
a concurrent or previous smoking habit, the use of e-cigarettes, was measured, all individuals were heavy smokers (45 pack/year,
or the after effects of lipoid pneumonia per se. In another report, 28 pack/year, and 89 pack/year histories). The final time that
Vardavas et al. (100) found that 5 min of acute vaping among exhaled carbon monoxide was measured all individuals had been
healthy smokers had no effect on basic pulmonary parameters smoke- and vape-free for nearly 2 years. Using an experimen-
[i.e., forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1 ), forced vital capacity tal group of “healthy” smokers, Vardavas et al. (100) reported a
(FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF), or midexpiratory flows at 50 decreased fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) after just 5 min
(MEF50 ) and 75 (MEF75 ) percent]. This is in agreement Flouris of vaping (from 13.02 to 10.89 ppb) which they correlated with
et al. (79) who reported the FEV1 /FVC ratio after acute vaping to be airway inflammation and oxidative stress. In their introduction
non-significantly reduced by 3.0% (79). This study, also reported they state that “smokers have significantly lower concentrations of
the FEV1 /FVC ratio after acute tobacco smoking to be signifi- FENO – a non-invasive marker of bronchial inflammation – com-
cantly reduced by 7.2%. Vardavas et al. (100) did find decreased pared with non-smokers.” On the other hand, in their discussion
amounts of exhaled nitric oxide and increased peripheral air- they state that “nitric oxide is an additional marker that has been
way resistance and impedance in smokers who vaped for 5 min. implicated in the pathophysiology of airway diseases associated
From these results they concluded that acute vaping has “imme- with smoking, is strongly correlated with eosinophilic inflamma-
diate adverse physiological effects similar to some of the effects tion and bronchial hyperactivity, and has become an established
observed with smoking” but that the long-term health effects of marker for assessing oxidative stress, indicating the immediate
vaping are not known and potentially harmful. The authors went effect e-cigarette usage might have on pulmonary homeostasis.”
on to qualify their conclusion by stating that although the differ- From these two statements and from their FENO results, it is
ences in exhaled nitric oxide, airway resistance, and impedance unclear whether they mean that smoking and vaping produce less
were statistically significant, the differences are probably not clin- bronchial inflammation and oxidative stress or more bronchial
ically important. It is possible that the increased airway resistance inflammation and oxidative stress when compared to not smoking
and impedance demonstrated by Vardavas et al. (100) is partially or not vaping.
due to the nicotine inhaled from the e-cigarettes. Evidence for Although base levels of nitric oxide tend to be lower in smokers
this is seen in a study reporting that non-smokers who inhaled compared to non-smokers, Chambers et al. (114) observed signifi-
nicotine (0–64 mg/ml) showed a dose-dependent increase in both cant increases in exhaled nitric oxide from 2.6 ppb before smoking
the amount of coughing and airway obstruction, suggesting that to 4.8 ppb 1 min and 3.2 ppb 10 min after smoking a cigarette.
nicotine stimulates afferent nerve endings in the bronchial mucosa Buda et al. (115) reported FENO to be 18, 29, and 16% higher than
which then triggers parasympathetic cholinergic pathways leading baseline 30, 45, and 60 min after smoking a cigarette, respectively.
to bronchoconstriction (101). The findings of Vardavas et al. (100) concerning FENO levels after
In recent years there has been an effort to clinically use exhaled acute vaping are in direct opposition to what has been observed
nitric oxide as an important non-invasive adjunct to pulmonary immediately after smoking a cigarette (114, 115). These results
function testing (102) in order to monitor the degree of airway clearly demonstrate that acute vaping and acute smoking affect
inflammation and eosinophilia (103, 104) commonly observed pulmonary nitric oxide metabolism, and the associated airway
in conditions such as asthma. Unfortunately, interpretation of inflammatory responses, differently. From the available literature
exhaled nitric oxide levels in the clinical setting is complex and it is not clear how vaping might affect pulmonary inflammatory
confusing requiring adjustments for gender, age, height, respi- processes, but, as previously indicated, glycerin has been linked
ratory infection, allergies, and smoking (105, 106). Given these to lipoid pneumonia (99), and nicotine is known to generate
difficulties, its validity is controversial. The major consensus in endothelial dysfunction and systemic inflammation (16). Propy-
the literature is that the amount of exhaled nitric oxide is reduced lene glycol mist has been shown to produce ocular and respiratory
in long-time smokers, as compared to non-smokers (105–109). In irritation (116), and increase the risk of acquiring asthma (117),
addition, it has been shown that smoking cessation is associated although Robertson et al. (118) reported that long-term inhala-
with an increase in exhaled nitric oxide back toward non-smoker tion of propylene glycol vapor by both monkeys and rats produced
levels (110). A possible mechanism of action for the opposing rela- no deleterious pulmonary effects and Laugesen et al. (9) found no
tionship of exhaled nitric oxide in smokers versus non-smokers ill effects in humans. Bahl et al. (119) investigated the effects of a
could be the high levels of carbon monoxide present in ciga- number of e-cigarette refill fluids on cultured human embryonic
rette smoke since there is strong evidence suggesting that carbon stem cells (hESCs), and human pulmonary fibroblasts (hPFs) and
monoxide inhibits nitric oxide production by blocking nitric oxide found that nicotine in e-cigarette refill fluids had no effect on
synthase activity (111, 112). This mechanism is unlikely to occur hESC or hPF cytotoxicity at any concentration. However, they did
with long-term vaping since carbon monoxide levels in e-cigarette report a positive correlation between hESC cytotoxicity, and the
mist are negligible (9). In any case, there is no available literature number and concentration of other chemicals used to flavor e-
showing the long-term effects of vaping on exhaled nitric oxide cigarette refill fluids. Similar results were published by Romagna
or carbon monoxide, although Caponnetto et al. (113) did show et al. (120) who demonstrated that an extract of e-cigarette mist
exhaled carbon monoxide levels to decrease from 31 to 4 ppm, 29 was less cytotoxic to cultured murine fibroblasts than an extract of

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

Table 4 | Studies involving clinical and physiological effects of acute vaping.

Authors (Reference) Study design Subjects Study location Key finding


Caponnetto et al. Three case A 47-year old male University of Catania, Catania, Italy Participants successfully switched
(113) reports A 38-year old female from conventional cigarettes to
A 65-year old male e-cigarettes and then quit e-cigarettes.
Smoking cessation confirmed by
exhaled carbon monoxide

Bahl et al. (119) In vitro Human embryonic stem cells, University of California, Riverside, Nicotine in e-cigarette refill fluids had
cultures and pulmonary fibroblasts California no effect on the cytotoxicity of human
embryonic stem cells

Flouris et al. (121) Repeated- Thirty human smokers FAME Laboratory, Institute of Acute smoking, but not acute vaping,
measures (8 male) cycled through a Human Performance and induced increases in white blood cell
controlled control session, active Rehabilitation, Center for Research count, lymphocyte count and
study smoking session, and active and Technology, Trikala, Greece granulocyte count
vaping session University of Thessaly, Trikala, and
Fifteen never smokers Larissa, Greece
(8 male) cycled through a Palamas Health Center, Kardista,
control session, passive Greece
smoking session and passive University of Botswana, Botswana
vaping session University of Crete, Crete, Greece
University of Wolverhampton,
United Kingdom

Farsalinos and Case report A 28-year old male with Onasis Cardiac Surgery Center, Smoking cessation and e-cigarette use
Romagna (123) chronic iodiopathic Kallithea, Greece and Abich ABICH reversed symptoms of chronic
neutrophilia S.r.l. Toxicological Laboratory, iodiopathic neutrophilia. Smoking
Verbania, Italy cessation was confirmed by exhaled
carbon monoxide

Flouris et al. (79) Repeated- Thirty human smokers (8 FAME Laboratory, Institute of Vaping produced smaller changes in
measures male) cycled through a control Human Performance and pulmonary function but similar
controlled session, active smoking Rehabilitation, Center for Research nicotinergic impact compared to
study session and active vaping and Technology, Trikala, Greece smoking
session. Fifteen never
smokers (8 male) cycled
through a control session,
passive smoking session, and
passive vaping session

Romagna et al. (120) In vitro Murine Fibroblasts ABICH S.R.L. Toxicological Extract of e-cigarette mist is less
cultures Laboratory, Verbania, Italy cytotoxic than extract of cigarette
smoke to murine fibroblasts
Bahl et al. (119) In vitro Human embryonic stem cells, University of California, Riverside, The number and concentration of
cultures and pulmonary fibroblasts California chemicals (other than nicotine) used to
flavor e-cigarette refill fluids increased

McCauly et al. (99) Case report A 42-year woman with Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Termination of e-cigarette use cleared
exogenous lipoid pneumonia Center, Portland, Oregon the exogenous lipoid pneumonia

Vardavas et al. (100) Laboratory- Active vaping (experimental) Participants from a community in Five minutes acute vaping-induced a
based for 5 min in smokers (14 men) Athens, Greece decrease in exhaled nitric oxide, and an
intervention versus passive vaping increase in airway resistance and
study (control) for 5 min in 10 impedance in experienced smokers
smokers randomly selected
from the experimental group

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Palazzolo Electronic cigarettes: a new challenge

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