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Credit Section

LB: Livable Buildings

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 49 of 223
Credit Section
LBo: Livable Outdoors

T he Natural Systems part of this document emphasize the primary elements that must be discovered,
embraced and nurtured for all forms of life to flourish. This section, Livable Outdoors focus on those
elements that influences the quality of human life and are in the direct and deliberate control of the
design and development team.

The design of outdoor space is fundamental to an individual's well-being and, as a direct consequence of
this, the prosperity of a city. Not only does this relate to public spaces, but also to commercial and
private outdoor space.

“Our ultimate goal is to create a cohesive, contemporary and

sustainable urban fabric for this new city and prosper as an
attractive, livable place that preserves the Emirate’s unique
culture and environment.”
— H.E. Falah Mohamed Al Ahbabi – General Manager, Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council.

In order to be considered truly sustainable, new development must go beyond the environment to address
the other three pillars of Estidama – social, cultural and economic. This requires consideration of issues
such as increased mobility and access to community facilities and connectivity and comfort of the public
realm to encourage increased pedestrian activity.

Establishing an iterative and inclusive design process where stakeholders and key design professionals can
contribute to, and help evaluate, a range of alternative solutions will greatly enhance a development’s
success in terms of sustainability, livability and market performance.

This section aims to address these issues by encouraging:

 the provision of outdoor space – private, as well as communal, to promote active urban environments;
 the provision of shaded walkways and other measures to provide more thermally comfortable outdoor
 the provision of local amenities;
 the use of alternative modes of transport such as buses, trams and metros (once completed), car
sharing, the use of alternative fuel vehicles, cycling and walking; and
 the reduction of urban light pollution.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 50 of 223

LBo Livable Outdoors

Credit Credit Title




LBo-R1 Plan 2030 R R R R R

LBo-R2 Urban Systems Assessment R R R R R
LBo-R3 Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy R R R R R
LBo-1 Improved Outdoor Thermal Comfort 2 2 2 2 2
LBo-2 Pearl Rated Communities 1 1 1 1 1
LBo-3 Accessible Community Facilities 1 1 1 1 1
LBo-4 Active Urban Environments 1 1 1 1 1
LBo-5 Private Outdoor Space 1 n/a n/a 1 n/a
LBo-6 Public Transport 3 3 3 3 3
LBo-7 Bicycle Facilities 2 2 2 2 2
LBo-8 Preferred Car Parking Spaces 1 1 1 1 1
LBo-9 Travel Plan 1 1 1 1 1
LBo-10 Light Pollution Reduction 1 1 1 1 1

TOTAL 14 13 13 14 13

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 51 of 223
LBo-R1: Plan 2030
Intent To ensure that all new development supports the vision for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi,
as defined by the applicable Plan 2030, and/or Development Code, and/ or Area Plan.

Demonstrate that the proposed development is located within an Urban Growth
Boundary as identified by UPC’s adopted Framework Plans.

Demonstrate that the proposed development’s Floor Area Ratio (FAR), dwelling units
per hectare (du/ha), building height, building mass, transportation and open space
networks are consistent with the applicable Plan 2030 and/or Development Code
and/or Area Plan.

Requirement This is a requirement. There are no Credit Points awarded.


Credit  A letter from the UPC confirming that the proposed development is:
 Located within an established Urban Growth Boundary; and
Design Rating
 Did not require significant variance or special relief from Plan 2030,
Development Code and/or Area Plan for approval.

Credit There is no required submission at this stage.

Calculations and Development Code relationship to other Plans, Policies and Regulations:
Methodology  The Development Code will generally conform to Plan 2030. In cases where there is
a conflict between the Code and Plan 2030 or Plan Districts, the Code governs.
 Outside of Plan Districts, when there are two Code regulations or guidelines on the
same subject, the more restrictive governs, except were a less restrictive provision
is clearly intended (e.g. greater height around transit stations).
 When a Plan District regulation or guideline and a Code regulation or guidelines
address the same topic, the Plan District guidelines govern.
 When there is no regulation or guideline in a Plan District to address an issue but
there is an appropriate regulation or guideline in the general Code, the Code
provisions apply.
 In case of conflict on any subject with any other plan, policy, regulation or
guideline, including affection plans imposed or issued by other agencies in the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Code provisions govern.

The Code may refer to plans, policies and guidelines, created by the Urban Planning
Council, the ADM or external agencies that supplement regulations and guidelines in
this Code.

References  Plan 2030 relevant to the site

 Development Codes relevant to the site.
 Area Plans relevant to the site.
Please refer to the UPC and/or Estidama Website for the latest relevant documents or
contact the UPC directly.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 52 of 223
LBo-R2: Urban Systems Assessment
Intent To ensure that, before the design process begins, a thorough understanding of the
project site is developed within its urban context to better inform project
programming, connectivity and built form.

Requirements GENERAL
Demonstrate that, before the start of the design process and site clearance, an urban
systems assessment has been carried out for the project site and at the following
 Sub-regional, and
 Regional scale.

Based on the urban systems analysis, identify opportunities and constraints associated
with the development and present them in an Urban Systems Assessment Report.


Requirement This is a requirement. There are no Credit Points awarded.


Credit  Urban Systems Assessment report including:

Design Rating
 Maps; and
 Site photographs.
Maps, diagrams and site photographs must clearly identify the existing site conditions.
 CV of the appointed suitably qualified professional.

Credit There is no required submission at this stage


Calculations and The urban systems analysis must include a detailed assessment of the following
Methodology elements, as applicable to the various scales:
 Distance and access to community facilities as defined by the UPC Community
Facility Requirements;
 Significant areas of public interest (e.g. public beaches, cultural and heritage
 Solar orientation and shading patterns;
 Adjoining street patterns;
 Access to public transit stops (existing and proposed);
 Bicycle and pedestrian paths;
 Utility plots and corridors;
 Job availability; and
 Land uses, including retail centres, food provision and/ or food opportunities
(markets, shops, cafés/ restaurants and/or food production plots).

Site Scale refers to the project itself, defined by the specific site project boundaries.
Local Scale/ Sub-Regional Scale and Regional Scale are to be determined, based on the
project size, by the suitably qualified professional.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 53 of 223
The Urban Systems Assessment is to be undertaken in combination with NS-R1 Natural
Systems Assessment.

The Urban Systems Assessment must be documented as a consolidated assessment

report and include the following:

 Narrative- the written component of the report which highlights the key elements,
key issues and the opportunities and constraints at the project site, local, sub-
regional and regional scale. Additionally, this should include a section which
summaries how this information is reflected in the final site plan solution,
supported by graphics.
 Maps and Diagrams- the graphic component should highlight the existing situation
and opportunities and constraints relating to the elements explored.

A suitably qualified professional is an individual with:

 a degree in a relevant subject (e.g. Architecture, Town Planning and/or Landscape
 a minimum of five years relevant work experience,
 a proven track record on working on similar projects in the region.

References  Plan 2030 (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Western Region or Eastern Region) www.upc.gov.ae
 Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council , Development Review Process
 Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council, Coastal Development Guidelines

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 54 of 223
LBo-R3: Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy
Intent To increase outdoor thermal comfort during transition months and reduce thermal
discomfort during summer months in public spaces and walkways.

Demonstrate that an outdoor thermal comfort strategy has been employed to improve
the building’s exterior microclimate. The strategy is to consider the following as
appropriate within the project’s specific context:
 Selection of high-albedo surfaces;
 Evaporative cooling;
 Radiative cooling; and
 Thermal mass.

Shade measures (cover or shade) must be provided in all applicable spaces and achieve
the following minimum % shading:

Space Type Minimum % shading

Exterior Surface Parking with more than 10 spaces 40%
(including parking on roof surfaces)
Public Open Spaces (including privately owned) 60%
Primary Pedestrian Walkways (based on 1.8m width 75%
within the through zone)
Secondary Pedestrian Walkways (based on 1.8m width 75%
within the through zone)
Cycle Tracks 50%
Playgrounds 90%


 Where cover is provided by structures such as canopies or other architectural

elements, the outer surface of the shading element must have a minimum Solar
Reflectance Index (SRI) of 29.
 Shade from trees is to be measured at 3 years growth.
 Public realm spaces shade requirements excludes active recreational areas such as
playing fields and ball courts.

Requirement This is a requirement. There are no Credit Points awarded.


Credit  Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy report highlighting all measures contributing to
Submission: improving the building’s exterior microclimate including:
Design Rating  narrative;
 drawings of the public realm spaces and priority shade areas;
 Plan and tabulated results showing achievement of % of shading of applicable
spaces at 1:00pm clock time on the Equinox and Summer Solstice; and
 Extracts from specifications relating to the SRI of all cover elements.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 55 of 223
Credit  Updated outdoor thermal comfort strategy including narrative supported by as-built
Submission: drawings and photographs of the applicable shade areas, highlighting all measures
Construction contributing to improving the exterior microclimate, including planned or existing
Rating features; and
 Evidence that all purchased and installed covers have compliant outer surface SRIs.

Calculations and  Primary pedestrian walkways are those located along boulevards, avenues, streets
Methodology or access lanes as defined in the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual (Chapter
 Secondary pedestrian walkways are all other walkways, including sikkas.
 Through zones are defined in the UPC Urban Street Design Manual.
 Shade calculations must be undertaken on the equinox (March 21 st) and the summer
solstice (June 21st) at 1.00pm clock time. The compliant shaded area must be in
shade at both the equinox and summer solstice.
 In all calculations, shade from adjacent buildings and / or structures can be
 Dappled shade of more than 60%, such as that created by a grid or lattice, may be
considered fully shaded. Dappled shade less than 60% must be calculated based on
the actual shaded portion.
 SRI values for the outer surface of cover elements can be calculated based on solar
reflectance and emittance numbers as defined in the American Society of Testing
and Materials Standard E1980-01. Alternatively manufacturer’s evidence can be
supplied where the testing is in accordance with the referenced standards below.

References  ASTM E1980 - 01 Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of
Horizontal and Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces
 ASTM E1918-06, Standard Test Method for Measuring Solar Reflectance of
Horizontal and Low-Sloped Surfaces in the Field
 ASTM C1549-09, Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance
Near Ambient Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer
 ASTM E 408-71(2008), Standard Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of
Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter Techniques
 ASTM C1371-04a, Standard Test Method for Determination of Emittance of
Materials Near Room Temperature Using Portable Emissometers
 Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual
 Community facilities requirements, Urban Planning Council

Please refer to the UPC and/or Estidama Website for the latest relevant UPC documents
or contact the UPC directly.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 56 of 223
LBo-1: Improved Outdoor Thermal Comfort
Intent To improve outdoor thermal comfort during transition months and further reduce
thermal discomfort during summer months in public spaces and walkways.

Demonstrate that the outdoor thermal comfort strategy has been improved beyond the
minimum established under credit LBo-R3 Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy by
increasing the shade measures as follows :

Space Type 1 Credit 2 Credit

Point Points
Surface car parking (including parking on roof 50 % 55 %
Public Open Space (including privately 65 % 70 %
Primary Pedestrian Walkway (based on 1.8m 80 % 85 %
width within the through zone)
Secondary Pedestrian Walkway (based on 80 % 85 %
1.8m width within the through zone)
Cycle tracks 55 % 65 %

 Where cover is provided by structures such as canopies or other architectural
elements, the outer surface of the shading element must have a minimum Solar
Reflectance Index (SRI) of 29.
 Shade from trees should be measured at 3 years growth.
 Public open space shade requirements exclude active recreational areas such as
playing fields and ball courts.

Awarding Credit
Design Rating
1 Meet shading requirements for 1 credit point.
2 Meet shading requirements for 2 credit points.
Construction Rating
1 Meet shading requirements for 1 credit point.
2 Meet shading requirements for 2 credit points.

Credit  Updated Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy report from LBo-R3 with additional
Submission: section that compares and demonstrates shading improvements;
Design Rating  Plan and tabulated results showing achievement of % of shading of applicable
spaces at 1:00pm clock time on the Equinox and Summer Solstice; and
 Extracts from specifications relating to the SRI of all cover elements.

Credit  Updated outdoor thermal comfort strategy including narrative supported by as-built
Submission: drawings and photographs of the applicable shade areas, highlighting all measures
Construction contributing to improving the exterior microclimate, including planned or existing

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 57 of 223
Rating features; and
 Evidence that all purchased and installed covers have compliant outer surface SRIs.

Calculations and  Primary pedestrian corridors are those pedestrian networks located along
Methodology boulevards, avenues, streets or access lanes as defined in the Abu Dhabi Urban
Street Design Manual (Chapter 5).
 Secondary pedestrian walkways are all other walkways, including sikkas.
 Through zones are defined in the UPC Urban Street Design Manual.
 Shade calculations must be undertaken on the equinox (March 21 st) and the summer
solstice (June 21st) at 1.00pm clock time. The compliant shaded area must be in
shade at both the equinox and summer solstice.
 In all calculations, shade from adjacent buildings is to be included.
 Dappled shade of more than 60%, such as that created by a grid or lattice, may be
considered fully shaded. Dappled shade less than 60% must be calculated based on
the actual shaded surface.
 SRI values for the outer surface of cover elements can be calculated based on solar
reflectance and emittance numbers as defined in the American Society of Testing
and Materials Standard E1980-01. Alternatively manufacturer’s evidence can be
supplied where the testing is in accordance with the referenced standards in LBo-

References  Refer to LBo-R3 Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 58 of 223
LBo-2: Pearl Rated Communities
Intent To encourage new buildings to be built within Pearl Rated communities.

Demonstrate that the building location is within a Pearl Rated community.

Awarding Credit
Design Rating
Demonstrate that the building is located within a Pearl Rated
Construction Rating
Demonstrate that the building is located within a Pearl Rated

Credit  Pearl Community Rating Certificate for the community in which the building is
Submission: located.
Design Rating

Credit  Pearl Community Rating Certificate for the community in which the building is
Submission: located.

Calculations and None


References None

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 59 of 223
LBo-3: Accessible Community Facilities
Intent To minimize reliance on private car use by locating buildings in areas with a mix of uses
and amenities.

Demonstrate the building is located within 350m safe walking distance (from the
building entrance to any publicly accessible building entrance) of any five of the
 Women’s Center / Youth center
 Kindergarten / Daycare
 Post Office
 Police station
 Medical Services / Pharmacy
 Grocery store or supermarket
 Public open space that contains shaded playgrounds and/or shaded picnic areas
 Retail comprising any of :
o Bank / ATM
o Restaurant
o General Retail shopping

Facilities inside a building also count towards this Credit.

Amenities scheduled for opening within three years of the project’s construction
completion can contribute to the project meeting the Credit Requirements.


Awarding Credit
Design Rating
Demonstrate that the building is located within 350m safe
walking distance of any of the five listed amenities.
Construction Rating
Demonstrate that the building is located within 350m safe
walking distance of any of the five listed amenities.

Credit  Brief narrative demonstrating how the project meets the requirements, including a
Submission: list of all qualifying facilities;
Design Rating  Land use map indicating the locations of all amenities meeting the criteria, and
pedestrian walking routes from the building to the amenities, noting specific
distances for each route; and
 For amenities scheduled to open within three years of the building construction
completion date, provide a copy of the development approval or other evidence
from the municipality.

Credit  Updated narrative on how the project meets the Credit Requirements, including an
Submission: updated list of all qualifying facilities;

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 60 of 223
Construction  Updated land use map indicating the locations of all amenities meeting the criteria
Rating and the pedestrian walking routes from the building to the amenities, noting
specific distances for each route; and
 For amenities scheduled for opening within three years of the building construction
completion date, provide a copy of the development approval or other evidence
from the municipality.

Calculations and Walking distances must be calculated using actual safe pedestrian routes from the main
Methodology entrance of the building to the main entrance of the facility.

References  Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council Development Code, www.upc.gov.ae

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LBo-4: Active Urban Environments
Intent To encourage active lifestyles by providing building occupants and users with
recreational public open spaces.

Demonstrate that outdoor spaces have been provided and programmed to encourage
activity, including sport and recreation. The spaces must be specifically developed for
any of, or any combination of, the following:
 Landscaped areas for recreation;
 Playground areas; and/or
 Sports field areas.

Develop and implement an Active Urban Environment Program which details the
programming of spaces for the following types of uses:
 women and children only; and
 men only.

If sports fields areas are provided, demonstrate that accessible showers and change
rooms are located within 350 meters walking distance.

Funding arrangements must be in place for maintenance.


Awarding Credit
Design Rating
Demonstrate provision of outdoor spaces compliant with the
Credit Requirements.
Construction Rating
Demonstrate provision of outdoor spaces compliant with the
Credit Requirements.

Credit  Brief narrative describing how the project meets the Credit Requirements including
Submission: planned uses for the area, accessibility and maintenance arrangements; and
Design Rating  Site plans, marked up to clearly demonstrate how the area meets the requirements
highlighting the planned uses for the area, including communal areas, areas for
woman and children only, men only, and accessible shower locations.

Credit  As-built site plans marked up to clearly demonstrate how the area meets the use
Submission: requirements highlighting the uses for the areas; and
Construction  Photographs of the areas.
Calculations and None

References None

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 62 of 223
LBo-5: Private Outdoor Space
Intent To improve the occupiers quality of life by providing private outdoor space.

This credit is only applicable to residential developments.

Demonstrate that a private outdoor space is provided for at least 90% of the residential
units. This space must be equal in size to at least 10% of the internal floor area of its
associated unit and be a minimum of 2.0m wide x 3.0m long.

To qualify for the credit, the private external spaces must have the
following characteristics:
 Be directly adjacent to and directly accessible from the unit;
 95% of the balconies must be at least 90% shaded from direct sunlight for a
minimum of three hours between 9am and 5pm, as measured on 21 st July; and
 Include a facility for drying clothes outdoors in a visually shielded area.


Awarding Credit
Design Rating
Residential Only: Provide 90% of units with outdoor amenity
space as per the Credit Requirements
Construction Rating
Residential Only: Provide 90% of units with outdoor amenity
space as per the Credit Requirements

Credit  Brief narrative describing how the project meets the Credit Requirement, including
Submission: calculations demonstrating compliance with the space requirement;
Design Rating  Floor plan for all unit layouts clearly indicating size of the unit and the outdoor
space, the location of outdoor space, access from the unit and design details of
clothes drying area;
 Drawings of the façade, plans, balconies, projections and shading devices including
 Evidence of any design features to mitigate or control solar penetration or climatic
extremes (e.g. double skin envelopes); and
 Report including a detailed hour by hour summary, including computer model
snapshots, of each balcony floor for each of the three successful shaded hours.

Credit  Updated narrative describing how the project meets the Credit Requirement,
Submission: including calculations demonstrating compliance with the space requirement;
Construction  As built typical floor plan for all unit layouts clearly indicating size of the unit and
Rating the outdoor space, the location of outdoor space, access from the unit and design
details of clothes drying area;
 As-built drawings of the façade, plans, balconies, projections and shading devices
(including materials) and any other design features to mitigate or control solar
penetration or climatic extremes (e.g. double skin envelopes); and
 Report including a detailed hour by hour summary, including computer model

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 63 of 223
snapshots, of each balcony floor for each of the three successfully shaded hours.
The report from the Design Rating can be submitted provided there have been no
changes to the design.

Calculations and For every unit size, calculations must indicate total indoor unit area in square meters,
Methodology size of qualifying outdoor area in square meters and the relationship of the size of the
outdoor area to the indoor area expressed as a percentage.

External Shading of Balcony Percentage Calculation:

Calculation of the shade percentage must be undertaken by measuring the total shaded
area of each balcony over each whole hour between the times specified on 21 st July.

References None

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 64 of 223
LBo-6: Public Transport
Intent To encourage the use of public transport by building occupants and visitors.

Demonstrate that the building is within 350 meters actual safe walking distance to
public transport nodes as follows:
 2 Credit Points: at least one tram and/or bus stop with maximum 15 minute midday
single-direction frequency.
 3 Credit Points: where the above requirement is met AND the project is also within
350m safe walking distance of a metro or regional rail station.


Design Rating
Demonstrate that the building is within 350m of a tram and/or
bus stop with a 15 minute frequency.
Demonstrate that the building is also within 350m of a metro or
regional rail station.
Construction Rating
Demonstrate that the building is within 350m of a tram and/or
bus stop with a 15 minute frequency.
Demonstrate that the building is also within 350m of a metro or
regional rail station.

Credit  Brief narrative describing how the project meets the Credit Requirements,
Submission: including the number of transit stops, the distance to each and the frequency of
Design Rating service accessible at each stop;
 Site plan of building and surrounding environment clearly marked to indicate
locations of all transit stations, the safe pedestrian walking routes from the project
to the station and the distances of each route; and
 For planned public transport, confirmation from the Department of Transport (DOT)
of the timetable for opening of the services must be referenced.

Credit  Updated narrative describing how the project meets the Credit Requirements,
Submission: including the number of transit stops, the distance to each and the frequency of
Construction service;
Rating  As-built site plan of building and surrounding environment clearly marked to
indicate locations of all transit stations, the safe pedestrian walking routes from
the project to the station and the distances of each route; and
 For planned public transport, confirmation from the Department of Transport (DOT)
of the timetable for opening of the services referenced.

Calculations and Route length will be calculated along the most direct safe pedestrian route, from the
Methodology main building entrance to the transport node.

Planned and funded metro or light rail transit stations can contribute to the project
meeting the Credit Requirements if they are scheduled for opening within three years
of construction completion of the project.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 65 of 223
Planned bus stops and routes can contribute to the project meeting the Credit
Requirements if they are scheduled for operation within a year of construction
completion of the project. Confirmation of frequency of the bus service is required for
the transport company due to operate the service.

References  Surface Transport Masterplan, Abu Dhabi Department of Transport, April 2009,

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 66 of 223
LBo-7: Bicycle Facilities
Intent To minimize greenhouse gas emissions, improve connectivity and encourage bicycle use
(particularly during the cooler winter months).

Demonstrate commitment to sustainable travel through provision of cycle parking in
safe, secure and convenient locations.

 1 Credit Point: An appropriate number of cycle parking spaces (for each building
type), of the appropriate quality, must be provided at a convenient location. All
parking spaces must comply with the following:
o The stands must be solid (and securely fixed to the ground) and allow both
the wheel and the frame of the cycle to be locked safely to the structure
(ideally u-shaped steel structure type ‘Sheffield’ stands or similar);
o Each bicycle space must be at least 2 x 0.75 m;
o There must be an aisle at least 1.5m wide alongside the bicycle parking to
allow for bicycle maneuvering;
o All parking spaces must be shaded; and
o If the parking is not visible from the street and the building, clear signage
must be provided; and
o Specifically for:
 Long-term commuter parking (for commuters and residents): The
occupant parking must be off the street either inside a communal
bicycle parking room/area (this can be internal or external
provided it is sheltered and secure) or conveniently located within
a garage (with safe entrance and exit point for bicycles only); or
 Short-term visitor parking (for visitors and students): All of the
stands must be located within 30m walking distance of the
entrance point of the building and be conveniently accessible for
everybody from the adjacent road/ cycle path.

 2 Credit Points: In addition to above, provide shower facilities for staff at a

minimum of one shower per gender for every 5,000 m 2, or fraction thereof, of GFA,
up to a maximum of 10 showers per gender. Provide adjacent dedicated clothes
changing areas (separate areas for men and women) and clothes lockers provided
at a ratio of one locker per bicycle parking space.

Please note this this criteria is not applicable to Multi- Residential – see below for
specific details for Multi-Residential.

Provide bicycle parking spaces catering for both commuters and visitors according to
 Long-term commuter parking: A minimum of 1 space per 500 m2 GFA
 Short-term visitor parking: A minimum of 1 space per 500 m 2 GFA

Provide bicycle parking spaces catering for both commuters and visitors according to
 Long-term commuter parking: A minimum of 1 space per 500 m 2 GFA
 Short-term visitor parking: A minimum of 1 space per 500 m 2 GFA

Multi-Residential Buildings

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 67 of 223
Provide bicycle parking spaces catering for both occupants and visitors according to
 Long-term occupant parking: A minimum of 1 space per unit
 Short-term visitor parking: A minimum of 1 space per 4 units

2 Credit Points: In addition to above, provide cycling paths on the development site
complying with the following:
 Cycle lanes providing direct access to any cycle storage facilities provided on the
 Cycle lanes connecting to any cycle lanes outside the development boundaries and/
or connecting to adjacent roads;
 The cycle lanes meet the following minimum dimensions:
o Where pedestrian and cycle routes are shared the minimum total width of
the combined path is 3m;
o Where the cycle lane is segregated from both the pedestrian route and
carriageway the minimum width of the cycle path is 2m; and
 The routes must also comply with the Urban Street Design Manual.

Provide bicycle parking spaces catering for both commuters and visitors according to
 Long-term commuter parking: A minimum of 1 space per classroom
 Short-term visitor parking: A minimum of 2 spaces per classroom (schools up to K-6
are exempt from this requirement)


Design Rating
Meet the Credit Requirements for bicycle parking facilities
according to above.
Meet the Additional Credit Requirements for shower, locker and
changing facilities and/or cycle lanes according to above.
Construction Rating
Meet the Credit Requirements for bicycle parking facilities
according to above
Meet the Credit Requirements for shower, locker and changing
facilities and/or cycle lanes according to above.

Credit  Brief narrative with calculations showing how the project meets the Credit
Submission: Requirements, including numbers of bicycle parking spaces, location of parking,
Design Rating type of stands and security arrangements, description of any cycle paths, showers
and clothes lockers; and
 Plans and/or drawings showing the location of the bicycle and shower facilities,
distances from main building entrances, locations of signage and/or cycle paths, as

Credit  Updated narrative with calculations showing the project meets the Credit
Submission: Requirements, including numbers of bicycle parking spaces, where the parking is
Construction situated, type of stands and security arrangements, description of any cycle paths,
Rating showers and clothes lockers;
 As-built plans and/or drawings showing the location of the bicycle and shower
facilities, distances from main building entrances, locations of signage and/or cycle
paths, as appropriate; and
 Photographs of cycle parking spaces, changing facilities, clothes lockers and cycle
lanes as appropriate.

Calculations and The bicycle parking also must to comply with all the minimum requirements as set out

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 68 of 223
Methodology by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council’s Development Code.

The distance from the furthest cycle parking stand to the nearest building access is the
safe walking distance.

The submitted drawings will be expected to show the means of access to the external
highway/cycle paths from the parking spaces.

The number of bicycle spaces can be halved if a public bicycle sharing scheme is in
place. In order to comply the sharing scheme needs to meet the following
 Bicycles are available at strategic locations throughout the city;
 The average distance between service terminals in inner city locations is around
500 m;
 The service terminal is located within 500m of the building entrance; and
 The scheme is open to everybody and operated in a way as can be seen as ‘bicycle
transit’ i.e. intended to be used for one way rides to work, (e.g. education,
shopping centers etc).

References  Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council’s Development Code, www.upc.gov.ae

 Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council’s Urban Street Design Manual, 2010,

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 69 of 223
LBo-8: Preferred Car Parking Spaces
Intent To encourage car sharing and more fuel-efficient forms of personal transport.

6% of parking spaces provided must be identified for the sole use of priority vehicles
(electric vehicles, gas vehicles and hybrids or those forming part of a defined and
approved car-sharing scheme or car club).

The spaces must be optimally located for building access and half of the spaces must be
supplied with vehicle charging points.

A mechanism of enforcement of the above restrictions must be implemented to ensure
that access to the priority spaces is safeguarded for priority vehicles.


Design Rating
Design Preferred Parking Spaces complying with the Credit
Construction Rating
Provide Preferred Parking Spaces complying with the Credit

Credit  Floor plans showing locations of all Preferred Parking Spaces and charging points;
 Extracts from specifications indicating provision of suitable charging points and
Design Rating electrical system capable of supplying the required charging load; and
 Evidence of an enforcement scheme.

Credit  As-built floor plans showing locations of all Preferred Parking Spaces and charging
Submission: points;
Construction  Photos of typical Preferred Parking Spaces indicating location and signage;
 As-built mechanical drawings indicating provision of suitable charging points and
electrical system capable of supplying the required charging load; and
 Evidence of an enforcement scheme.

Calculations and The means of enforcing the preferred use of priority parking spaces is at the discretion
Methodology of the building user/operator but evidence of a robust strategy will be expected to be

Preferred Car Parking Spaces are spaces specifically:

 for electric vehicles, gas vehicles and hybrids or those forming part of a defined
and approved car-sharing scheme or car club;
 supplied with vehicle charging points; and
 are optimally located for the building access.

References None

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LBo-9: Travel Plan
Intent To reduce single occupancy vehicle use by managing the demand for travel and by
maximizing the availability of alternatives to traveling by car.

Demonstrate the development of a Travel Plan. The Travel Plan must include:
 details of the type of measures proposed to manage the demand for travel by car;
 targets for reducing car travel;
 means of monitoring the effectiveness of the Plan; and
 remedial measures that will be implemented in the event that the stated targets
are not delivered.


Design Rating
1 Develop a Travel Plan for the project.
Construction Rating
1 Update and implement the Travel Plan for the project.

Credit  Travel Plan. The plan will be expected to include details of:
 Proposed targets for the reduction in single occupancy car journeys;
Design Rating
 The type of measure likely to form part of the plan for delivering the stated
 The program of monitoring and review to record the effectiveness of the plan;
 Details of mitigating measures to be initiated in the event that the stated plan
targets are not achieved.

Credit  Updated Travel Plan, as set out in Design Submission requirements above; and
 Evidence that Travel Plan has been implemented.
Calculations and Successful plans will be expected to secure reductions in single-occupancy car use by
Methodology between 5% and 10% in the first three years of operation.

References  Abu Dhabi Department of Transport Surface Transport Plan 2009,

 Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council, www.upc.gov.ae

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 71 of 223
LBo-10: Light Pollution Reduction
Intent To encourage the reduction of night time light pollution and its associated impacts on
human and ecological health.

Demonstrate that the project meets the following lighting requirements:
Interior lighting
 The angle of maximum candela from each interior luminaire, as positioned in the
building, must not exit through the windows. Alternatively, all non-emergency
interior lighting must be controlled to automatically turn off outside the normal
hours of occupancy. Manual override must be enabled to allow for any out-of-hours
Exterior lighting
 All non safety and security external lighting, including display, advertising and
speciality lighting, must be automatically switched off between 23.00hrs and
07.00hrs and outside these hours if daylight levels are sufficient.
o If safety lighting is provided and will be used between 23.00hrs and
07.00hrs, this part of the lighting system must comply with the lower levels
of lighting recommended during these hours by IESNA RP-33-99 and IES RP-
8. For example by using an automatic switch to reduce the lighting levels
at 23.00 or earlier.
o If security lighting is provided, it must be activated using motion sensors so
that luminaires only turn on when someone is in the immediate area.
Lighting levels at the boundary and beyond
 All projects must be classified under one of the zones defined in the IECC 2009
Exterior Lighting Table 505.6.2(1). The exterior lighting must be designed to meet
the following requirements:
Maximum Initial
Maximum Initial Illuminance at
Maximum %
Lighting Zone Illuminance at Site Specified Distance
Boundary, Lux Beyond Site
Boundary, Lux
Parks and rural <1 N/A 0%
1.1 <1 at 3 meters 2%
Residential areas
2.2 <1 at 4.5 meters 5%
All other areas

The percentage uplight is the percentage of the total initial designed fixture lumens
emitted at an angle of 90 degrees or higher from nadir (straight down). Only the
portion of uplight leaving the site is included. For site boundaries that abut public
rights-of-way, light trespass requirements may be met relative to the curb line instead
of the site boundary.

If there is no external lighting on or around the assessed building, the credit will be
awarded by default.

Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction, Version 1.0, April 2010 72 of 223
Awarding Credit
Design Rating
Demonstrate light pollution reduction in compliance with the
Credit Requirements.
Construction Rating
Demonstrate light pollution reduction in compliance with the
Credit Requirements.

Credit  Internal lighting layouts demonstrating that the maximum candela from internal
Submission: luminaires does not exit through any transparent/translucent building surfaces, OR,
Design Rating that controls have been installed to automatically turn off interior lighting outside
normal occupancy hours with a manual override capability to enable out-of-hours
 External lighting drawings and details of lighting controls and locations of daylight
sensors. Specification and luminaire schedule confirming mounting heights and all
information relating to the aiming of each luminaire;
 Control Strategy confirming which luminaires will be turned off during curfew and
which luminaries will operate at the reduced levels. Specification confirming that
the safety or security lighting used between 23.00 and 07.00 complies with the
lower levels of lighting recommended in IESNA RP-33-99 and IES RP-8; and
 Report detailing the lighting calculations for the external lighting demonstrating
that the required illuminances, both at the site boundary and at the specified
distance beyond, and percentage uplight limits have been met.

Credit  Revised Design submission to reflect any changes in the constructed building;
 As built electrical specifications and drawings confirming external lighting
Construction (including security lighting) and controls; and
 Photographic evidence confirming:
 External lighting and controls; and
 Cutoff luminaires, if provided, have been angled to limit spill light to
potentially obtrusive directions.

Calculations and Calculations must consider, at a minimum, lights such as: security, feature, foyer,
Methodology display, landscape, car park lighting, external signage and advertising, 24 hour office
lighting, and any light visible through skylights and atria.

High structure aircraft hazard lights are excluded from the calculations.

Any floodlighting used, for example for school sports grounds, for a limited amount of
time in the evening can also be excluded from the calculations.

Safety lighting – Lighting provided to enhance occupant safety, often used outside of
daylight hours to provide sufficient light levels to enable safe use of areas such as main
entrances, pathways, steps and car parks.

Security lighting - Lighting provided to deter intruders and protect property.

References  International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2009, www.energycodes.gov

 Illuminating Engineers Society of North America, IESNA RP-33-99, www.iesna.org
 Illuminating Engineering Society IES RP-8, www.iesna.org

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