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The Agriculturists 16(2):131-142(2018) ISSN 2304-7321 (Online), ISSN 1729-5211 (Print)

A Scientific Journal of Krishi Foundation Indexed Journal

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.3329/agric.v16i02.40351 Impact Factor: 0.568 (GIF, 2015)
Review Article

Utilization of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Seed’s Flour in Food

Processing: A Review

Bonany Akter and M. Amdadul Haque*

Department of Agro-processing, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University

(BSMRAU), Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author and Email: amdad115@gmail.com

Received: 21 October 2018 Accepted: 25 December 2018


Although jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds have significant food value, these are
underutilized by both human and animals due to lack of information about nutrient contents and its
effective use in food formulations. This review article aimed to highlight the information regarding
physicochemical properties, nutrient contents and prospective use of jackfruit seeds flour in food
formulations. Various research results on preparation of food products like bread, cake and noodles by
supplementing jackfruit seeds flour are reported herein. Seeds flour contains high amount of starch,
protein, fiber, ash and essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. Functional properties –
water/oil absorption capacity, solubility, swelling power, bulk density, gelatinization, foaming
capacity, emulsification- of seeds flour are summarized. Facts from nutritional, functional and sensory
assessments suggest that jackfruit seeds flour can be used in various processed products. It can also be
used as an alternate source for starch.

Keywords: Jackfruit seed flour, nutritional potential, functional properties, processed products.

1. Introduction Chittagong, Sylhet and on the highland of

Gazipur, Mymensingh, Tangail, Comilla and
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is one of the Jessore. The jackfruit ranks third in area of
important fruits belonging to the family cultivation and second in production among the
Moraceae and to the genus Artocarpus. This fruits of Bangladesh. Nearly, 935965 tons of
genus comprises about 100 species that are jackfruits grow annually from an area of 9977
distributed in the Indo-Malayan region and hectares at the rate of 93.81 tons per hectare
China. The fruit is widely cultivated in tropical (BBS, 2011). It accounts about 22% of total fruit
region like in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, production in the country.
Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Jackfruit is also found in East Africa, as well as Jackfruit grows on evergreen and deciduous trees
Brazil and Caribbean nation like Jamaica. producing more yield than any other fruit tree
Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh, and species. Various cultivars grow in Bangladesh
is known as "kathal". It grows all over in such as khaja, gala, and durasha (Haque, 1993).
Bangladesh, mainly on the hilly area of Jack fruit is cheaply available in large quantities
132 Akter & Haque /The Agriculturists 16(2): 131-142 (2018)

during the season in this country. Energy the season. The seeds can be processed to
available to humans from jackfruit has been intermediate products like flour, which can be
calculated as approximately 2 MJ/Kg wet weight stored for long time. This flour can further be
of ripe perianth (Ahmed et al., 1986). For easy utilized individually or blended with other grain
availability and low purchasing cost, it is flours to manufacture new food items such as
commonly referred as “poor man’s fruit” in cake, bread and biscuit without affecting the
Bangladesh (Rahman et al., 1995). The juicy functional and sensory profiles of the final
pulp of the ripe fruit is eaten fresh or preserved product. Many benefits from consuming of
in syrup and has wide potential for preparing jackfruit seeds are suggested in the literature.
food items like jam and jelly and value added The most common benefits are preventing skin
products due to the presence of pectin (Elevitch wrinkles, anti-cancer property and promoting
and Manner, 2006). digestion. Being a good source of vitamin A,
vitamin B, vitamin C and pectin, jackfruit seeds
Jackfruit seeds are important by-products which also help in alleviating the pancreatic ailments
consist more than 15% of total weight of a fruit and aid in blood purification. Vitamin C is vital
(Prathima, 2008). The preliminary studies to the production of collagen; a protein that
reported that this part of jackfruit is a good provides skin with structure and gives firmness
source of valuable nutrient components such as and strength (Babitha et al., 2004). Jacalin, the
starch, protein and minerals (Ocloo et al., 2010). major protein from the jackfruit seeds has proved
Currently, jack fruit seeds are underutilized in as useful tool for the improvement of immune
both human and animal diets. Common reason status of patients infected with HIV (Morton,
for not consuming seeds is that it is not a 1987). Soong and Barlow (2004) suggested the
traditional practice. Most peoples are not aware use of jackfruit seeds as a source of natural food
about the usage of seeds flour. Lack of additives and ingredients. Bhushan et al., (2008)
awareness on nutrient contents and decent and Z- zaman (2012) found its antioxidant
technologies for utilization of jackfruit seeds in properties. For these medicinal values and
food formulations are greatly responsible for efficient ingredients seeds flour has prospectus to
such wastes of this fruit seeds (Gunasena et al., be utilized in food manufacturing and marketing.
1996). A pictorial view of jackfruit plant and it’s Such as an initiation can create employment
edible portions is presented in Fig. 1. among the rural dwellers including women,
which would contribute in economic
Jackfruit is highly seasonal. Therefore, seeds empowerment.
have shorter shelf life, hence, go wasted during

a) b)
Fig. 1. a) A jackfruit tree with fruits, and b) Juicy cells of jackfruit and seeds
Jackfruit seeds flour in food processing 133

Considering the above background and benefits seeds contains lignans, isoflavones, saponins,
of jackfruit seeds, their utilization in an industrial and many phytonutrients. The health benefits of
level is important. For successful/profitable use these phytochemicals are wide-ranging from
in food formulations concentrated information anti-cancer to anti-hypertensive. These
regarding nutrient contents, functional properties antioxidants are also useful as anti-ulcer and
and previous data on usability of flour in food anti-aging tonic. The seeds contain starch which
preparation is necessary. Hence, the objectives of is considered as useful in relieving biliousness,
this review article were: besides the roasted seeds are considered as an
aphrodisiac. For good hair growth jackfruit seeds
1. Summarizing the nutritional and are very beneficial, besides, assist in healthy
functional information of jackfruit seeds blood circulations (Swami et al., 2012). Jackfruit
flour seeds contain 2 lectins namely jacalin and
2. Presenting the findings of the studies artocarpin which show anti-bacterial, anti-fungal
regarding utilization of jackfruit seed and anti-carcinogenic properties (Chowdhury et
flour in food processing. al., 2012; Haq, 2006). Presence of high amount
of dietary fiber makes it an excellent bulk
2. Chemical composition of jackfruit seeds laxative. Siddappa (1957) showed that the
presence of high fiber content in jackfruit seeds
Protein and carbohydrate contents of jackfruit flour prevents constipation and produces smooth
seeds are reported as 13.50%, and 79.34%, bowel movements. Fiber have ability to protect
respectively (dry basis) (Ocloo et al., 2010). The the colon mucous membrane by reducing
seeds flour contains 2.70 % and 1.27 %ash and exposure time and also binding to cancer-causing
fat, respectively. (Ocloo et al., 2010) reported chemicals in the colon (Mondal et al., 2013).
that the Jackfruit seeds contain high amount of This seed is also helpful in bone health because
calcium that is 3087 mg/kg, iron 130.74 mg/kg, rich in magnesium which is an essential mineral
potassium 1478 mg/ kg, sodium 60.66 mg/kg, for absorption of calcium and works for
copper 10.45 mg/kg and manganese 1.12 mg/kg. strengthening the bones and prevents disease like
However, the nutrient contents may vary based Osteoporosis (Maurya, 2016).
on variety and locality of growing. Various
triterpenes and flavonoids can be isolated from 4. Preparation of jack fruit seed flour
this fruit seeds. It contains alkaloids, phenols,
tannins, saponins, steroids etc. (Swami et al., Different methods for preparation of jackfruit
2012). Jackfruit seed is very good source of seeds flour are suggested in literatures. The most
vitamin B2 (Arpit and John, 2015). common methods are listed below.
 Lye peeling
3. Health benefits of jackfruit seeds  Heat processing
 Mechanical peeling
Jackfruit seeds are effective against diarrhea and
dysentery and also helpful in digestion. It is 4.1 Lye peeling method
known that excess number of free radicals Tulyathan et al. (2002) used lye peeling method
disrupts the biomolecules, hence, their for preparation of jack fruit seeds flour. In this
prevention is vital for cytoprotective effects. method Jack fruit seeds were collected and were
Previous studies proved that the antioxidants treated with 3 % NaOH for 3 minutes to remove
such as polyphenols, carotenoids and the thin brown spermoderm. Fleshy white
anthocyanin work as excellent scavengers of the cotyledons were obtained and were sliced into
free radicals, thus the human body is protected thin chips and dried at 50º cover night. Chips
from cellular damage (Baliga et al., 2011). were ground in a pin mill to get flour. Then the
Omale and Friday (2010) reported that jackfruit
134 Akter & Haque /The Agriculturists 16(2): 131-142 (2018)

flour was packed in plastic pouches and stored in is higher in flour than in starch. It is also seen
refrigerator (<5 ºC). that jackfruit seeds flour contains almost 15%
protein which must claim attention of the
4.2 Heat processing method researchers for valorization of this important
Munishammana et al. (2007) used heat nutrient component.
processing method for preparation of jack fruit
seeds flour. In this method, jack fruit seeds were Airani (2007)studied the seeds flour for some
boiled for 10-15 minutes. Water was decanted important characteristics parameters such as
and seeds were cooled. Outer skin and seed coat amylose and amylopectin content etc. It was
were removed. Then they were cut into 3-4 found that the starch recovered from the jackfruit
pieces and were dried in sunlight or hot air oven seeds flour contained 80% amylopectin and 20%
(40-50 oC) for 48 hours. Finally, dried seeds amylose. Titratable acidity and lactic acid were
were ground into flour, sieved and packed into also estimated and found as 5.78 and 1.12 %
plastic pouches. respectively. Neutral detergent fiber was found
as 5.19%.
4.3 Mechanical processing method
Praveenasri et al. (2006) used mechanical 7. Functional properties of jackfruit seeds
processing method for preparation of jackfruit flour
seeds flour. In this method, jackfruit seeds were Seeds are generally processed to boost up
soaked in water for 10 minutes. Then individual functional, nutritional or organoleptic
seed was scraped by knife to remove thin brown characteristics in the resultant flour. The
spermoderm. Fleshy white cotyledon was then functional properties are important in food
sliced into thin chips and dried over night at 50 processing for the creation of new products.
ºC. Chips were ground in a pin mill and packed Results of the experiments to assess the water
in plastic pouches, labeled and stored in and oil absorption capacities, dispersibility,
refrigerator (<5 ºC). swelling power and percent solubility of jackfruit
seeds flour is depicted in (Table 2). The flour
5. Percent recovery of flour from jackfruit possess adequate water and oil absorption
seeds by different methods capacities recorded as 112.00 ml/100g and 126
Airani (2007) carried out a comparative study to ml/100g, respectively. High water absorption
observe the percent recovery of jackfruit seeds capacity is a characteristic of the jackfruit seeds
flour from jackfruit seeds. Yield of flour from flour which is employed for bread making (Kent,
jackfruit seeds employing different methods are 1975). Oil absorption capacity is an important
presented in (Table 1). Recoveries of the jack property in food formulations because fats
fruit seeds flour were estimated as 50%, 46%, improve the flavor and mouth feel of foods
and 43% from lye peeling, boiling, and (Kinsella, 1976). The dispersibility of the seed
mechanical peeling methods, respectively. flour was found as 30%. The property of
dispersibility determines the tendency of flour to
6. Proximate composition of jackfruit seed move apart from the water molecules and reveals
flour and starch (g/100 g) its hydrophobic action. The jackfruit seeds flour
shows good foaming properties, which are very
Prathima (2008) compared jackfruit seeds flour important determinants for the physical quality
and starch for proximate compositions such as such as swelling and softness of bakery products.
moisture content, crude protein, and crude fiber The bulk density (BD) of the flour is amenable.
and the results are presented as in Fig. 2. As seen The lower the BD value the easier is to transport
in figure, each of the component except moisture and packaging.
Jackfruit seeds flour in food processing 135

Table 1. Percent recovery of flour prepared from jack fruit seeds by employing different methods

Treatment Whole seed Kernel Weight of Dry Weight of Percent

weight (g) weight (g) husk (g) weight (g) flour (g) recovery
Lye peeling 1000 884 116 552 522 50
Heat 1000 866 134 509 460 46
Mechanical 1000 862 138 504 430 43
(Source: Airani, 2007)


Jack fruit seed flour
12 Jack fruit seed starch

a 8

Moisture Protein Fat Crude fiber Total ash
Proximate composition

Fig. 2. Proximate compositionsof jack fruit seeds flour and jackfruit seeds starch (adapted from
Prathima, 2008).

Table 2. Functional properties of jackfruit seeds flour

Properties Values
Water absorption capacity (ml/100 g) 112.00
Oil absorption capacity (ml/100 g) 126.90
Dispersibility (%) 30.00
Swelling power (g/g) 3.62
Per cent solubility (%) 1.80
Foaming Capacity (%) 25.34
Foam Stability (%) 33.00
Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.80
(Source: Airani, 2007)
136 Akter & Haque /The Agriculturists 16(2): 131-142 (2018)

8. Isolation of starch and protein from quantified the in-vitro digestibility of protein and
jackfruit seeds flour starch from jackfruit seeds flour. In result, the
protein in-vitro digestibility was documented as
8.1 Isolation of Starch 78.17% and the starch digestibility was
Starch is the most common digestible form of estimated as high as 69.30%. They observed that
carbohydrate, therefore, a major source of energy the digestibility slightly increased from 57.28%
in human diet. Starch was prepared by using jack to 69.30% when the time was increased from 30
fruit seed flour by employing different methods min to 60 min.
suggested by Prothima (2008). The study
assessed the performance of several methods for 10. Shelf-life of jackfruit seeds flour
percent recovery of the starch. Starch extraction
was done by three different proportions of flour Some research findings based on storage stability
and water as 1: 5 (Flour: water), 1: 10 (flour: of jackfruit seeds flour are found in the
water) and treatment with KMS 1:10 (flour: literatures. Polyethylene and foil coated
water). Maximum recovery was found when the aluminium pouches are easily available,
flour was mixed with 10 (ten) folds of water. comfortable, economic and commonly used for
Percent starch yield from 1:5 (flour: water) ratio storage. Airani (2007) compared the shelf life of
was 41% followed by 1: 10 (flour:water) ratio the flour packed in polyethylene pouches at
(47%) and by treatment with KMS 1:10 (flour: ambient and refrigerated temperature. The flour
water) ratio (40%). Bobbio et al. (1978) reported stored in refrigerator was found in good
that jackfruit seed starch can be useful in food condition for the period of six months with no
industry where stable paste and rigid gel unwanted changes in sensory and apparent
property are desirable. visible properties. However, there was a gradual
increase in moisture level over the period of
8.2 Isolation of Protein extended life. Higher increase of moisture was
Unlike starch isolation of protein from jackfruit observed in the samples stored at ambient
seeds has got less attention by the researchers. temperature. The moisture content increased
However, recently Akter (2018) has successfully significantly from 7.3 to 8.9 %. No significant
isolated protein and determined the important reduction was observed in the nutrients during
functional properties. This study abled to isolate storage except crude fiber.
the crude protein with 76.9% purity. The isolated
protein was subjected to characterization for 11. Processed productsmade from jackfruit
functional properties and found acceptable seed flour
foaming, emulsion and gelling properties. These Munishamanna et al. (2007) explored the
properties are very important determinants in possibility of the use of jack fruit seeds as a food
food processing when the protein is used as an ingredient. Hema (2015) reported that jack fruit
ingredient. The author also analyzed the protein seeds flour could be an alternative use of wheat
for secondary structural elements by Fourier flour that can be used in some food products like
Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer vada, chapatti, bread, cake, buttered biscuit,
and found the β-sheet is the prominent structural pancake and noodles. The standard protocols for
element which consisted 50.28%. The other processing of these products were used. The
elements are found as 21.71%, 8.86% and organoleptic characters like color, texture,
19.15% α-helix, β-turn and unordered structure, appearance, flavor, taste and overall acceptability
respectively. of the developed products were found to be
highly acceptable. Praveenasri et al. (2006)
9. Nutritional quality of jackfruit seed flour studied for incorporation of jack fruit seeds flour
Nutritional quality of food material can be in the extruded products like snacks, noodles and
determined by in-vitro study. Airani, (2007) vermicelli. Jack fruit seed flour was substituted
Jackfruit seeds flour in food processing 137

from 30-50 % levels. They found that The specific baking volume of the bread was
incorporation of 40 % level of jackfruit seeds reduced by 51% at 5% replacement with
flour gave the best results. Moreover, the jackfruit seeds flour. The bread prepared mixed
incorporation of seed flour to deep fat fried with jackfruit seeds flour had the color of the
products has found to reduce the fat absorption wheat flour 'brown bread'. The sensory panel
to a remarkable extent (Rajarajeshwari and assessed the products with acceptable rating.
Jamuna, 1999). Tulyathan et al. (2002) reported that the
substitution of wheat flour with 5, 10 and 20%
11.1 Bread levels of jackfruit seeds flour markedly reduced
Utilization of jackfruit seeds flour in preparation the gluten strength of the mixed dough. Butool
of bread and some other confectionary products and Butool (2013) studied for replacement of
were studied by Ayodele and Oginni (2003). wheat flour with various proportions (10%, 20%)
Jackfruit seeds were processed into flour and of jackfruit seeds flour. The dry ingredients
used to make the products like bread, cake, along with salt and baking powder were mixed
buttered biscuit and pancake. Hasidah and Noor properly and sieved through 1 mm sieve.
(2003) reported that jackfruit seeds flour can be Supplementation of jack fruit seeds flour was
an alternative ingredient to be used in bakery and found to increase the crude fiber content in bread
bread preparation in particular. With increasing (Fig. 3). The organoleptic characters like colour,
level of replacement, the water absorption texture, appearance, flavor, taste and overall
capacity increased which resulted in the reduced acceptability of the developed products were
bread dough peak time and dough stability time. found to be highly acceptable.


50 10% Jackfruit seed flour

20% Jackfruit seed flour
% Value




Fig. 3. Nutritional comparison of bread using 10% & 20% jackfruit seeds flour (adapted from Butool,
and Butool, 2013).
138 Akter & Haque /The Agriculturists 16(2): 131-142 (2018)

11.2 Biscuit 11.3 Cake

The jackfruit seeds flour was utilized in the Cake is very important product in the baking
preparation of biscuits at different proportions to industry. The consumers in all over the world
ascertain the acceptable level of incorporation like this product. Cake is high in calorific
(Airani, 2007).In another study, the experimental content, hence, overconsumption leads to
biscuit samples were prepared by Butool and obesity. Therefore, the consumers demand for
Butool (2013) incorporating jack fruit seeds flour reduced or low calorie and high fiber cake which
in various proportions (10%, 20%). Biscuits would ensure the essential nutrients. Various
made from jackfruit seeds flour had dark brown researches are on the tract to prepare bakery
color (Fig. 4). The biscuit samples were prepared products fortified with high fiber ingredients. In
according to the standard protocol of biscuit this connection, few researches aimed with
preparation. The ingredients were mixed fortification of jackfruit seeds flour in cake
properly and kneaded with the shortened preparation have also been found in the
hydrogenated fat and required amount of milk. literature. Arpit and John (2015) incorporated
The biscuits were baked at 150 oC temperature in jackfruit seeds flour 5 to 15 % in cake
an oven. The chemical analyses revealed that preparation and abled to prepare cake with
incorporation of jack fruit seeds flour slightly positive panel response in sensory evaluation.
increased the ash and crude fiber in the Mixing of jackfruit seeds flour increased protein
formulated biscuits. The authors argued that and decreased fat content in the cake samples.
increment of ash and fiber content could be
attributed to the more mineral and fiber content 11.4 Cookie
of the seeds flour. The prepared mixed flours Cookie is a sweet baked food that is usually
biscuits secured appreciable scores in the small, flat, and round or square shaped. Airani
organoleptic taste. In a rigorous sensory (2007) incorporated 10% to 50% jackfruit seeds
assessment of biscuit supplemented with flour blended with wheat flour (maida and full
jackfruit seeds flour Hasan et al. (2010) wheat flour) for the preparation of cookies. The
suggested that the intensity of brown color and product at 20% and 30% incorporation were
consistency of the biscuit increased with acceptable with good sensory profile, while 50
increasing the jackfruit seed flour in the per cent incorporation resulted hard texture.

Fig. 4. Prepared biscuits using 10% & 20% jackfruit seeds flour (adapted from Butool and Butool, 2013).
Jackfruit seeds flour in food processing 139

Table 3. Replacement of wheat flour by jackfruit seeds flour

Types of food % Replacement References

Noodles 20% Nandkule et al.(2015)
Wheat bread 5, 10, 20% Tulyathan et. al.(2002)
Chapatti 25 % Sultana et. al.(2014).
Cake 5, 15 % Arpit and John (2015)

11.5 Noodles 9x104 spores per gm dry mass substrate. The

Extruded product also prepared by using yield of pigment after 7 days of inoculation was
jackfruit seed flour like noodles. Nandkule et al. 25 optical density units per gm of dry matter
(2015) extruded up to 20% seeds flour in noodle fermented substrate. Use of this pigments in
and its protein and dietary fibers were increased. foods has a great potential.
Amin (2009) used jackfruit seeds flour in
noodles and observed more protein content and 12. Conclusions
improvement of overall nutritional value of the The information piled in this review suggest that
noodles. The samples substituted with jackfruit jackfruit seeds flour supplementation with wheat
seeds flour were high in fat and moisture content flour has great potential in developing bakery
compared to control noodles. Substitution of products without affecting sensory qualities.
30% jackfruit seeds flour had higher ash and Addition of jackfruit seeds flour resulted in
crude fiber contents than that of control sample. nutritionally superior products, particularly
enriched with mineral and fiber content. The
11.6 Chapatti literature also suggests that the functional
Sultana et al. (2014) carried out research on properties of seeds flour are favorable for
preparation of chapatti fortified with jackfruit manufacturing processed food. Based on the
seeds flour. They suggested that up to 25% nutritional facts, functional properties and
wheat flour can be replaced by jackfruit seeds overall acceptability it can be concluded that
flour within sensory acceptance. Addition of these seeds can be processed and utilized for
preservatives such as alcohol, various purposes. The recommended scopes for
vinegar, benzoates, and sorbatesin such chapatti utilization of jackfruit seeds flour are common
could extend the shelf life up to 3 to 4 days at bakery products (bread, cookies, and cake),
ambient temperature and up to 30 days at extruded products (snacks, noodles, and
refrigeration temperature (Sultana et al., 2014). breakfast cereals), baby foods etc. These seeds
Due to low viscosity and lack of gluten protein, can also be utilized for starch and protein
previously many researchers have used jackfruit extraction. Majority of the reviewed studies
seed starch or flour as an alternative substitute of indicated that processing of jackfruit seeds flour
wheat flour to prepare gluten free bakery into value added products certainly serves
products. Some of the studies are summarized in towards sustaining farm income of jackfruit
Table 3. growers through enhancing their return.

11.7 Use of jackfruit seeds flour as substrate References

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