Starting A Lending Business
Starting A Lending Business
Starting A Lending Business
A micro-lending business is one that lends small amounts of money, usually to individuals or micro
businesses. This venture, if properly run, is very lucrative as the demand for cash is present in almost every
People and small businesses go to micro-lenders even if the interest rate is higher than banks. The first and
most important reason is the difficulty in obtaining small loans from banks. Secondly, when the need is
urgent, banks cannot beat the instant availability of cash offered by micro-lenders. Third is that micro-lenders
usually do not require collateral, while banks generally need to have collateral before they release the loan.
If you are going to start your own lending company, here are the steps to take:
Comply with registration requirements. The company must be in the form of a corporation so it must
register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). You will need a minimum of one million pesos
paid-up capital. Besides the SEC, you also have to register with the barangay, City Hall, BIR, SSS, HMDF and
Know the current legal requirements. There is a law called the “Lending Company Regulation Act of 2007,”
which governs the micro-lending business. Other pertinent laws to comply with is the “Truth in Lending Act”
which requires you to disclose in writing the computation of interest, charges and other matters related to
the loan. Note that there are other laws that should be complied with.
Study your target market. This is essential to guide you on where to locate your business, your renovation
expenses, marketing and other matters. Know where there are the best opportunities and the least
competition. Even the way your office looks would have to be in accordance with the income bracket of your
target market. Your study of the market would also be very useful to determine the type of loans to offer.
Hire the right employees. You will need only three employees if you are just starting and each of them has a
critical role. There must be a loan application processor, collector and bookkeeper. Your loan processor and
bookkeeper must have a meticulous personality. A single mistake and you may be unable to recover your
loan or, in the case of the bookkeeper, get you into trouble with the regulatory agencies. Your collector must
have both patience and firmness at the same time in dealing with your clients. Remember to be careful in
selecting your employees because it will be almost impossible to change their personality if you find them
unsuitable for the position.
Learn how to screen and collect from clients. This is actually the core competence that you must develop in
order to be successful in money-lending. Know what borrowers you must avoid and how to detect them.
Learn the C’s of credit assessment, among which are Character, Capacity, Capital and Collateral. In the matter
of collection, it is vital to know what you can legally do to avoid complications. Recently, the small claims
court was established for loans whose principal is not more than P100,000. This may save you money
because no lawyers are allowed in the proceedings.
Micro-lending can be your passport to riches, but like all ventures, you need to know how to operate the
To know more about this business, BusinessCoach, Inc., a leading business seminar provider, conducts an
excellent seminar on this entitled Starting a Micro Lending Business. Contact (02) 727-5628, (02) 727-8860,
(0915) 205-0133 or visit for details.
Click here to view details of the seminar: How to Start a Micro-Lending Business »
In accordance with the Truth in Lending Act and prior to the consummation of the
transaction, a lending company shall furnish each debtor a disclosure statement, setting
forth, to the extent applicable, the following information:
i. Information Sheet;
iv. President’s Sworn Statement and Undertaking that the corporation will not accept or
solicit investments, other than loans, from more than 19 persons without SEC approval, and
upon presentation of valid claims, it shall immediately indemnify or return the investments of
persons from said unauthorized public solicitation of funds; Moreover, the sworn statement
shall likewise contain an undertaking that the country or state of the foreign applicant allows
Filipino citizens and corporations to do lending business therein.
v. Business plan including method of marketing its product and sources of the funds and
maturities of credit; and
vi.Statement of its compliance with Rule 17.1(2)(A)(i) and (ii) of the Amended Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Securities Regulation Code.
ii. No lending company shall establish or operate a branch, extension office or unit or
satellite office without prior approval by the SEC. The following documents shall be
submitted for the opening of a branch office:
1) Information Sheet on the proposed branch;
2) NBI clearance of the manager, cashier and administrative officer of the proposed branch;
iii. The Certificate of Authority to operate a branch, extension office, unit or satellite office
shall be coterminous with that of the Head Office.
1) Head Office –
A fee of 1/10 of 1% of the paid-up capital of the lending company shall be paid for the
issuance of a Certificate of Authority to Operate as a Lending Company.
A fee of 1/10 of 1% of the assigned capital of the branch, extension office, unit or satellite
office shall likewise be paid for the issuance of an original Certificate of Authority.
An annual fee shall be paid not later than forty five (45) days before the anniversary date of
the CA.
1) Head Office – 1/8 of 1% of the required paid-up capital
Usage of Funds
Lending Companies shall use at least 51% of their funds for direct lending purposes.
The total investment of a lending company in real estate and in shares of stock in a real
estate development corporation and other real estate based projects shall not at any time
exceed twenty-five (25%) percent of its net worth.
Maintenance of Books of Accounts and Records
(a) Every lending company shall maintain books of accounts and records as may be
required by the SEC and prescribed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and
other government agencies. In case a lending company engages in other businesses, it
shall maintain separate books of accounts for these businesses.
(b) The Manual of Accounts prescribed by the BSP for lending investors shall continue to be
adopted by lending companies for uniform recording and reporting of their operations, until
a new Manual of Accounts shall have been prescribed by the SEC.
Reportorial Requirements
General Information Sheet (GIS) – Within thirty (30) days from annual meeting, as stated
in its SEC approved bylaws
Audited Financial Statements prepared by an external auditor accredited by the
SEC – Within One Hundred Twenty (120) days from end of fiscal year, as stated in its SEC
approved bylaws
Special Forms for Financial Statements in Electronic Format – Within thirty (30) days
from the last day of submission of the annual Audited Financial Statements
Interim semi-annual financial statements (using Special Form) including the following:
• Balance Sheet;
• Income and Expense statement;
• Cash flow
• Statement of Changes in Equity
• Schedule of Liabilities
• List of Directors and Officers
• Aging of Receivables
– Within forty-five (45) calendar days from the end of the interim semi-annual period
covered by the report.