Fred Forum 2018
Fred Forum 2018
Fred Forum 2018
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
As the world leaders resolved to embrace an ambitious and transformative 2030 agenda for sustainable development,
the discussion on development finance has reached new heights. There is a realization that the world needs a new
architecture for development finance. Additionally, it needs a global change of mindsets, approaches and accountabilities.
Today, many governments seek the private sector’s help to advance the development goals. They maximize their
development resources by drawing on private financing and sustainable private sector solutions to provide value for
money and meet the highest environmental, social, and fiscal responsibility standards, and thereby reserve scarce public
financing for those areas where private sector engagement is not optimal or available. Many businesses offer valuable
skills, resources, and access to markets—and many recognize that promoting sustainable development makes good
business sense. Implementation of the sustainable development goals have begun, but the clock is ticking.
The 3rd Financial Reform for Economic Development Forum in Asia (FRED III) being held in Karachi, Pakistan on
24th of September 2018 will adopt the theme ‘Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions - Role of the Accountancy
Profession’. It is a continuation of FRED II which probed into ways of strengthening public financial management, as
an essential pillar to create conditions conducive to the flow of private capital, domestic and foreign, into productive
investments and to reduce illicit financial flows.
FRED III will explore the enhanced role of the professional accountant from stewardship to decision making and how the
profession is gearing up to meet the new demands at this critical juncture when development finance is transforming and
the private sector is providing not only development finance but also solutions for development.
FRED forum started as a joint initiative of the World Bank and the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA),
under the support and endorsement of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The partnership has subsequently
embraced the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) and the ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA) in order to
deliver FRED throughout the region. FRED III will be led by SAFA and hosted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Pakistan (ICAP) and the Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan).
Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions for Development -Role of the Accountancy Profession
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), a self-governing autonomous body, was formed under the Chartered
Accountants Ordinance, 1961 for the purpose of regulating the accountancy profession. ICAP offers great service to the nation by
fostering and nurturing young talent for leadership through its robust education and examination system throughout the years,
producing high calibre professionals.
ICAP is committed to encouraging good corporate governance and ethical practices. ICAP continues to support and facilitate
not only its members but also the government, the regulators and the business community at large. The Institute, being the
custodian of the accounting profession in Pakistan, has gradually evolved processes to ensure transparency, accountability and
good governance within the profession.
ICMA Pakistan (the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan) is Pakistan’s only body of management
accountants. With 6,000 members and 15,000 students, our network of cost and management accountants is the largest
in Pakistan.
By virtue of the CMA Act, ICMA Pakistan has the authority to regulate and promote the profession of Management
Accounting in Pakistan and provide education, examine competencies and confer internationally recognized post graduate
professional certification. Members of ICMA Pakistan are known for their expertise in the areas of Business Planning and
Development, Operational Management, Financial Management, Cost Management, Tariff setting, Risk Management,
Taxation and Corporate Affairs.
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
FRED Partners
The Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) is recognised by the global accountancy profession (represented by
the International Federation of Accountants, IFAC) as a regional organisation representing 31 national professional accountancy
organisations (PAOs) operating in Asia Pacific. These PAOs, referred to as CAPA’s members, represent about 1.6 million
accountants. The mission of CAPA is to develop, coordinate, and advance the accountancy profession in the region, encompassing
both the public and private sectors, and all facets of the accountancy profession.
South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA), an Apex Body of SAARC was set up in 1984 for promoting the accounting
profession in the countries in South Asia and internationally with a mission to bring the accounting bodies in the region
together at a common forum and facilitate professional cooperation in the areas of education, training, technical and
ethical standards.
SAFA as an Apex Body of SAARC and an Acknowledged Accounting Grouping of IFAC has been playing a pivotal role for
the harmonization of professional standards in the areas of accounting, auditing, ethics and education and is committed
to raise the level of profession in the Region. SAFA is a forum representing the members of ten professional accountancy
bodies in six South Asian countries namely Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. Bhutan and
Maldives where no Accountancy bodies exist have been given an Observer Status. SAFA provides special impetus to
cooperation amongst its member bodies for the overall growth of the accountancy profession in the SAARC region and
explores means in which, it as a representative forum, could play prolific role in the development of the accountancy
The ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA) has membership of all ten ASEAN member countries–Brunei Darussalam,
Kampuchea, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. AFA’s objective is
development of the accounting profession in the region with identifying and highlighting vital problems and formulating
solutions for the same.
The World Bank Group is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world.
It has set two goals for the world to achieve by 2030: (1) End extreme poverty by decreasing the percentage of people
living on less than $1.90 a day to no more than 3%; and (2) Promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of
the bottom 40% for every country.
Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions for Development -Role of the Accountancy Profession
09:00 Opening
(Recitation and National Anthem)
Master of Ceremony Ms. Hena Sadiq, Partner Assurance, Deloitte Yousuf Adil Chartered Accountants
09:35 Key Note Address: Expanding Finance for Growth: Governance and Role of the Profession
Mr. James A. Brumby, Director Governance Global Practice, World Bank
09:55 Unleashing the Private Sector for Development: Catalytic Role of the World Bank
Address by Mr. Illango Patchamuthu, Pakistan Country Director, World Bank
10:50 PLENARY A: Fostering an Enabling Environment: Private Sector Investments for Development
Moderator: Ms. Yolanda Tayler, Practice Manager, Solutions and Innovations in Procurement, World Bank
1. Dr. Cao Dat Khoa, Director of the Capital Management Department, Electricity of Vietnam
2. Mr. Moonis Alvi, CEO, K-Electric, Pakistan
3. Mr. Manil Jayasinghe, Partner E&Y, Sri Lanka
4. Mr. Moazzam Ahmed, Senior Country Officer, International Finance Corporation, Pakistan
5. Mr. Irshad Kaleemi, Deputy Auditor General of Pakistan
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
11:55 PLENARY B: Gearing for the future: New Skills for the profession
Moderator: Mr. Yacoob Suttar, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Board member
1. Mr. Arjuna Herath, Chair of Professional Accounting Organization Development Committee of IFAC
2. Dr. PVS Jagan Mohan Rao, Vice President, South Asian Federation of Accountants
3. Ms. Hajerah Ahsan Saleem, Head Investment Infrastructure Development & Corporate Affairs,
Crescent Steel & Allied Products Limited, Pakistan
4. Mr. Francis Cyril, ASEAN Manager, International Integrated Reporting Council/Partner, Audit & Assurance,
BDO Kuala Lumpur
5. Mr. Saad Kaliya, System & Process Assurance Partner, A. F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered Accountants, Pakistan
13:00 Lunch
14:15 PLENARY C: Building Investor Trust through Effective Public Sector Institutions:
Impact on the Accountancy Profession
Moderator: Mr. Shabih Ali Mohib, Program Leader, Equitable Growth, Finance & Institutions Pakistan, World Bank
1. Mr. Jeffrey I. Manalo, Director, PPP Centre Philippines
2. Mr. Abdul Khalil, CFO, Lahore Knowledge Park Co., Pakistan
3. Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Former Federal Secretaries for Finance Division, Pakistan
4. Mr. Shauzab Ali, Commissioner, Security & Exchange Commission of Pakistan
5. Mr. Ather Saleem Ch., Head of Compliance and Taxation, Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Ltd
Session Descriptions
Key Note Address:
Expanding Finance for Growth: Governance, Development and Role of the Profession
The key note speaker will explain World Bank Group’s corporate agenda for maximising private sector finance for development
and its relevance for sustainable and economic growth. The speaker will share global experiences of Bank’s projects supporting
this agenda and its impact on a nation’s economy. The session will suggest tangible steps to strengthen enabling environment
for enhanced private sector involvement in development finance and how the accountancy profession can play a supporting
role for the public and private sector to work in partnership while safeguarding public interest.
Unleashing the Private Sector for Development: Catalytic Role of the World Bank
The Pakistan Country Director for the World Bank will discuss World Bank strategies and potential areas of collaboration with
private sector for maximizing finance for development. He will describe the numerous opportunities in sectors such as health,
education, utilities, urban development and infrastructure. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Bank and
other multilateral development banks have pledged to catalyze greater development investment and mobilize private capital. He
will discuss policy suggestions based on underpinning analytical work for enabling environment for private sector participation.
The objective of this address is to emphasize relevance of the forum-theme towards the development agenda of Pakistan
and provide examples of such Public-Private collaborations in Pakistan. The chief guest will explain the foundations that
the Government of Pakistan is putting in place to leverage private sector funding and solutions and the ongoing initiatives.
This session provides the opportunity to hear the views of key leaders from within the accounting and auditing professions who
are actively engaged in managing or overseeing public enterprises; and/or advising public enterprises and private sector, on
how to foster an enabling environment thereby supporting the public sector to systematically leverage all sources of finance,
expertise, and solutions to support developing countries’ sustainable growth.
State-owned enterprise reforms, with partial or full privatization of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) via IPOs, issuance of
green bonds/sukuk etc. and Public Private Partnerships, are gaining importance as main sources of private sector financing
in development. Central to these arrangements is good governance and ethics, risk management, accurate and transparent
financial information and control of illicit financial flows. The panel will share their practical experiences on the importance
placed in good management practices of private sector investments via: compliance with and enforcement of International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); monitoring, divulging, and addressing of expenditure arrears and other risks; good
corporate governance etc.
This session identifies the new skills required for the private sector accountant to contribute to the development agenda, as
the private sector embark on providing finance and solutions to the public sector. The discussion will focus on the role of
the accountants as a facilitator for effective implementation of public private partnerships and other forms of solutions. Panel
will describe their diverse experience in the use of skills in areas of inter alia IT, project management, financial advisory and
integrated reporting which are essential for development. In addition, this session will focus on new and evolving approaches to
enhancing transparency and addressing corruption, for example the new audit report, integrated reporting, data management,
tracking, and analytical tools.
Furthermore, the panel will discuss the role of the professional accountancy institutes in ensuring that accountants are appropriately
skilled and there is a constant stream of newly skilled accountants entering the market to meet the demands of the future.
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
Building Investor Trust through Effective Public Sector Institutions: Impact on the Accountancy Profession
The panel creates awareness among private sector accounting professionals, of the new Government regulations and
procedures that are being introduced for public private partnerships and the implications on their role. The panel is
expected to discuss and present the challenges that the private sector may face while investing in public sector through
PPPs. The panel will provide good regulatory practices, governance and accountability frameworks for PPP, the impact/
implications of such regulations and processes on the countrys’ legal framework, reporting and auditing arrangements/
practices. Further the panel will also present examples of how challenges have been handled in their respective countries
via training, knowledge sharing etc.
Panel highlights the priorities of the regional accountancy associations and some of the professional accountancy organizations
in enhancing the accountancy profession and describe the role of FRED as a forum for growth. Asia as a region has witnessed
a wide range of accountancy related reform initiatives. Given that Asia differs widely between, and within, countries due
to its vast size, huge range of different cultures etc. reforms across the region remains uneven and fractured. The regional
organizations play a pivotal role in facilitating reforms and bridging performance gaps between the most evolved performer
and the least. The panel will discuss these unique and innovate regional initiatives.
FRED was devised to be a unique platform in Asia Pacific to bring together decision makers and influencers, directly and
indirectly involved with the accountancy profession, to effect change and reform to benefit economic development. The panel
will discuss how FRED as a valuable venue for networking and knowledge-sharing can be further explored to bring regional
synergies. Furthermore panel will discuss the plans for the future of FRED and its sustainability. Panel will also discuss the
growing topics of importance which will set the tone for the next FRED theme.
Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions for Development -Role of the Accountancy Profession
Mr. Abdul Khalil is CFO of Lahore Knowledge Park Company. He has earlier worked as General
Manager Finance, Army Welfare Trust Aviation and held positions of Senior Manager Finance, Army
Welfare Trust and Member of Advisory Board International Research Association. He is a Fellow
Member of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan), a Fellow
Member of Institute Public & Finance Accountants of Pakistan (PIPFA), a Fellow Member of Institute of
Financial Accountants (IFA) of UK. He also holds professional qualification of Licensed International
Financial Analyst (LIFA) USA and Certificated Project Manager (CPM) USA. He has remained Member
of ICMA Pakistan’s National Council and Chairman CPD Committee during 2012-14. He has given
lectures and presentations at various International and National level Seminars and Conferences.
Mr. Arjuna Herath, FCA, CGMA, FCMA, became Chair of the IFAC Professional Accountancy
Organization Development Committee in January 2017, having served as a member of the
committee since 2013. Currently, being the Senior Partner at Ernst & Young, Sri Lanka and Maldives,
Mr. Herath has been a President and a Council Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Sri Lanka (ICAS), and has also served as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission
of Sri Lanka (SEC). Presently, he is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Accounting and Auditing
Standards Board, the Sri Statutory Accounting Standards Committee, Statutory Auditing Standards
Committee and the Advisory Commission on Company Law in Sri Lanka. He is the immediate Past
President of SAFA and was a Board member of the Confederation of Asian Pacific Accountants.
Mr. Ather Saleem, is Head of Compliance & Taxation of Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited, he
has over 25 years of practical experience. He has worked with various accounting firms, the telecom
sector as Departmental head, Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer. His vast experience of
working with top management teams, Board of Directors has given him the expertise in data analysis
and interpretation; and accounting for mergers and acquisitions. He is a Fellow Member of Cost and
Management Accountant, having a degree in law and is a Member National Council and Chairman
CPD Committee of ICMA Pakistan.
Dr. Cao Dat Khoa is a Director of the Capital Management Department, Vietnam Electricity
(EVN) and has earlier held various key positions in EVN as Economic expert, Management Board
for North-South 500kV Transmission line Project, Ministry of Energy; The Northern Power Projects
Management Board. He has been responsible for the privatization, divestiture and transferring of
the SOEs into joint stock companies; managing subsidiaries and affiliates in the form of joint stock
companies; attracting private investment in the divestiture of Power Generation Corporations. He
played a key role in transforming EVN from state corporation into state economic group in the form
of holding company; member of Electric Service Industry working group in ASEAN’s electricity utilities.
He holds a doctorate in Economics and is an Engineer in electric power network along with a Post
Graduate Diploma in the Development Planning Techniques.
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
Mr. Francis Cyril commenced his career in 1995 with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and was an
Executive Director with the Assurance practice prior to joining BDO as Partner Audit & Assurance.
Currently he is a member of ACCA Malaysia’s Public Practice Committee. He has been involved in
cross border acquisitions/due diligences on power plants and media companies along with special
assignments, which comprise preparation of accountant’s report and reviews of prospective
financial information and proforma financial information for submission to relevant authorities
for various corporate exercises. He has extensive experience in the audits of various industries in
the manufacturing, trading, services, technology, construction, oil & gas, entertainment and media,
info-comm, telecommunications and utilities sectors. The diversity of his clientele entailed him working
on projects across Europe, Africa and Asia.
Ms. Hajerah Ahsan Saleem is working as the Group Head of Corporate Affairs, and the
Business Unit Head of the Investments and Infrastructure Development Division of Crescent
Steel and Allied Products Limited. Additionally, Hajerah also serves as the Chief Executive Officer
of CS Capital (Private) Limited and as a non-executive director on the boards of Shakarganj Limited,
Crescent Hadeed (Private) Limited. Prior to joining Crescent Steel in 2012, she worked at Barclays Bank
PLC Pakistan and has experience working in a Corporate Banking function with specialist focus on
relationship management, business development and transaction banking.
Mr. Irshad Ahmed Kaleemi, Deputy Auditor General of Pakistan started his career in Civil Service
in 1984 and has served in Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Resources, Ministry of Law, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and in Ministry of Railways. He
has remained Governor SAARC Energy Development Board and convened and hosted various Joint
Governmental and Joint Ministerial meetings with 47 countries. He has done Project loan negotiations
with many IFIs (World Bank, USAID, IFAD, etc.) and their portfolio monitoring in Pakistan. He is Visiting
Faculty in RIPHAH University, Islamabad; Pakistan and teaches the subject of: “Crisis Communication”
to masters class. He has authored two Books which are in final stages of publishing: 1) OBOR, 2)
Central Asian Socio Politics.
Mr. Ismaila B. Ceesay is the World Bank’s Practice Manager, Governance Global Practice,
South Asia Region - focusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan. Prior to this, he has been a Lead Financial
Management Specialist of the World Bank in the Governance Global Practice spanning for eleven
years and has worked in South Asia and Africa Regions at headquarter and country levels. Prior to
joining the World Bank, Ismaila served as Financial Analyst and Accountant of the Gambia National
Investment Board, Managing Director of public enterprises in The Gambia (Livestock Marketing and
Public Transport Corporation), Chairman of The Gambia Telecommunications Company Ltd., Gambia’s
Head of Mission to the EU, Director of Treasury, Accountant General, and Deputy Head of the Central
Fiscal Authority in Timor-Leste under the auspices of the United Nations.
Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions for Development -Role of the Accountancy Profession
Mr. James A (Jim) Brumby is a Director of the Governance Global Practice, and is responsible
for the governance program in the East Asia & Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean and the
South Asia regions. He also heads the public sector family which comprises staff working on domestic
resource mobilization, public economics, justice and public sector reform. Jim has been engaged on
public management and economic reform at state, national and international levels for more than
thirty years, having worked for the Treasury of the state of Victoria in Australia, the Treasury of New
Zealand, the OECD, the IMF and currently since 2007, at the World Bank. He returned to World Bank
headquarters in Washington DC in 2015 to take up the position of Director after a period in Indonesia
as Lead Economist and Sector Manager. He holds an MPA from Harvard University.
Mr. Jeffrey I. Manalo as OIC Director heads the Policy Formulation, Project Evaluation, and
Monitoring Service (PFPEMS) of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center of the Philippines.
Since he joined the Center in 2011, he has been involved in key facets of the PPP Program including
project management, policy and program development, as well as capacity building and knowledge
management. He was also given a brief assignment at the Department of Transportation’s Office of
the Under secretary for Planning and Project Development in 2014. Prior to joining the PPP Center, he
worked with the Local Government Academy of the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Jeff holds a degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines. He has also attended
an executive program on Infrastructure in a Market Economy at the Harvard Kennedy School of
Mr. Manil Jayesing is currently the Head of Assurance/Senior Partner, Professional Practice
Director, in charge of Banking and Financial Services practice of Ernst & Young, Sri Lanka, counting
over 35 years of extensive experience. He is also a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants (UK), Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
and a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy. He is also serving as the Vice
President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Chairman of the Statutory Accounting
Standards Committee, Member of the Statutory Auditing Committee and serves as the Chairman of
the Accounting Standards Committee of the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA). He has
also served as Consultant to the Audit Committees of the Listed Companies, and as Council Member
of CMA Sri Lanka.
CA. Manoj Fadnis is President of Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) for the
term Nov 2017 to Nov 2019. He was elected as President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India, (ICAI) New Delhi for the year 2015-16 and as the Vice President of the ICAI for the year 2014-
15. As President, he was the Chairman of all the Standing Committees, Disciplinary Committee and the
Board of Discipline of the ICAI. He was also the non-executive Director of the Insurance and Regulatory
Development Authority of India (IRDA), Member of the National Direct Taxes Advisory Committee of
the Central Board of Advisory Committee. He is also a Member of the Small and Medium Practitioners
Committee of IFAC. He has held representation and strategic positions at various forums such as the
Company Law Committee set up by Ministry of Corporate Affairs Government of India and Directorship
in many Boards including the State Bank of Indore.
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
Mr. Moazzam Ahmed is a Senior Country Officer in Pakistan for the International Finance
Corporation (IFC), a World Bank organization. He has been working in Pakistan for the last 12
years, managing the Karachi office for IFC in addition to managing IFC portfolio companies in the
manufacturing sector. Moazzam has also been involved in conducting transactions in MENA and Africa
regions. Prior to IFC, Moazzam was a consultant with Cap Gemini Ernst and Young for over 10 years,
in Chicago office. He was involved with CGEY’s strategy division and involved in developing strategies
for fortune 50 Pharmaceutical companies in the US; Moazzam has also been involved in a number of
start-up in the United States and Pakistan.
Dr. P V S Jagan Mohan Rao is a member of the IFAC Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB)
committee. He also serves as a central Council Member of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India
and as Vice President of the South Asian Federation of Accountants. Dr. Rao has previously
served as National President of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, a member of the National
Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards, a member of Accounting Standards Board of SEBI and
a member of Company Law Committee and Committee on Banking & Insurance of Federation of AP
Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India. He has held the positions as Director (Finance), CFO, Vice
President (Finance) & Company Secretary and worked with several organizations including Nagarjuna
Construction Company Ltd, Karvy Consultant Ltd, and the Naandi Foundation. Dr. Rao obtained his
Doctorate in Capital Markets from the School of Management Science – JNTU – Hyderabad.
Mr. Patchamuthu Illangovan (Illango) assumed responsibility as the World Bank’s Country
Director for Pakistan on October 1, 2015. Prior to his current position, he has held several managerial,
operational and technical positions in East Asia and Pacific and South Asia regions of the Bank. His
previous assignments include: Senior Regional Advisor for Europe and Central Asia Region, a newly
created position following the establishment of the Bank’s new operating model in July, 2014. He also
served as Manager, Operations for Afghanistan in Kabul; Advisor to Vice President for East Asia and
Pacific Region in Washington D.C.; Country Manager for Laos in Vientiane; and Sector Leader for South
East Asia in Bangkok. Mr. Patchamuthu’s Bank career span over two decades including leading teams
that have delivered complex and innovative operations to Bank clients in environment and natural
resources, water energy and urban sectors. Mr. Patchamuthu, a Srilankan national, joined the World
Bank in 1993 as an Environment and Natural Resources Specialist.
Ms. Rasmimi Ramli is Deputy Executive Director of Professional Practices & Technical at MIA.
She is responsible for finance and technical activities which includes public sector and financial reporting.
She is a member of the Government Accounting Standards Advisory Committee (GASAC), a committee
that develops public sector accounting standards in Malaysia. Rasmimi develops draft responses to the
International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) consultation documents and writes
technical articles and publications on public sector. She actively participates in working groups and
task forces on the Malaysian accounting standards and provides technical assistance to the World Bank
Group on IFRS transition projects. She was a Technical Advisor of the IPSASB from 2013 to 2015. She
spent 8 years with major audit firms in Malaysia and United Kingdom (UK). Prior to joining MIA, she
was an Internal Audit Manager with a major telco. Rasmimi is a Chartered Accountant of MIA and a
Fellow Member of ACCA. She graduated from Cardiff University, UK.
Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions for Development -Role of the Accountancy Profession
Mr. Riaz A. Rehman Chamdia is a Fellow Member of ICAP. Mr. Riaz qualified in 1993 and is serving
as Country Leader - Audit & Assurance (Designate) in EY Ford Rhodes, Chartered Accountants, a
member firm of Ernst & Young Global since past 19 years. Mr. Riaz has been elected as the President
of ICAP for the term 2017-18. He has also has been elected as a member of the Council for the terms
of 2013-17 and 2017-21 and Vice President for the term 2013-14. He has also served as a Member
of the Southern Regional Committee from 2009-2013 and as CPD Convener, Honorary Secretary
and its Chairman. Mr. Riaz has also served as Chairman of the Accounting Standards Committee and
Examinations Committee and served as a member of several committees of ICAP.
Mr. Saad Kaliya is Partner in A. F. Ferguson & Co (a member firm of the PwC network) and leads
the practice of Technology Consulting and Risk Assurance. An experienced professional and a thought
leader with over 25 years of extensive experience both locally and internationally, he started his carrier
in assurance, however, chasing his passion, he moved to lead the technology practice of the firm. He
has been involved in setting up firm’s IT department and headed for more than 10 years where he
gained an insight into working practices and security requirements for running an IT department. Saad
has been involved with the provision of broad and diversified range of services to multiple clients on
IT due diligence, information governance, technology strategy, IT GRC, IT risk assessment, ERP project
implementation, business continuity planning and IT disaster recovery management. He has fondness
in articulating, designing and implementing business solutions including data analytics and BI.
Mr. Shabih Ali Mohib is the Program Lead for the World Bank’s programs on equitable growth,
finance and institutions for Pakistan. Shabih has worked extensively on macroeconomics and fiscal
policy, governance of public finances, competitiveness and institutional transformation in Southeast
Asia. In his more than 15 years of work on international development, he has led advisory, technical
assistance and investment operations in countries spanning Europe and Central Asia, Africa, and most
recently in the East Asia and the Pacific Region. Prior to joining the World Bank, Shabih worked as
an Economist in the Ministry of Finance, Tanzania. His professional expertise is on fiscal policy and
management of public finances. He holds a post graduate degree in Economics from the University of
Oxford, UK.
Mr. Shauzab Ali is SECP Commissioner for Specialized Companies Division, Investor Education &
International Relations Department, Anti Money Laundering Department, Information Systems and
Technology Department, Information Security Department. Mr. Shauzab Ali is a Chartered Accountant
with more than 25 years of professional experience with focus on development banking and finance,
corporate banking, project finance, corporate finance, portfolio management, planning & budgeting
and financial management. Before his appointment as Commissioner in March 2018, he was with
the Asian Development Bank where he was responsible for all the public finance and financial sector
activities of the Asian Development Bank in Pakistan. Prior to that, he worked with Standard Chartered
and Allied Bank in senior positions in corporate and investment banking and financial control functions.
He has also worked for the NBFC sector in senior positions including CFO of an investment bank and
the Lahore Stock Exchange.
FRED I I I 2018 Karachi, Pakistan – September 24, 2018
Dr. Suvod Kumar Karn is the President of SAFA and has also served as Past President of the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of Nepal. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Nepal, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and CMA Sri Lanka. He is also a fellow member of
Common Wealth Association of Accountants. He was also the Chairman of Committee to study Fiscal
regimes and other statutory requirements of business in SAARC countries and a member of Small and
Medium Practices Committee of SAFA. He was also on the Board of SAFA for the period 2010-13 and
2016 and the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) from 2008-09 and was the financial advisor Water
Tariff Fixation Board – Govt. of Nepal in 2008-10 and on the Board of. He is also the Chairman of
Nepal Accounting Technicians Board. Dr. Karn has been in public practice for over 24 years and has
specialisation in the area of internal and statutory audits.
Syed Moonis Abdullah Alvi was appointed CEO of K-Electric in June 2018 and has more than
28 years of diversified experience in the finance industry, with a focus towards driving operational
efficiencies, financial planning and capital restructuring. Mr. Alvi joined K-Electric in 2008 and has
served as K-Electric’s Chief Financial Officer. He has also served as KE’s Company Secretary and Head
of Treasury and has played an integral role in the transformation of K-Electric. He is a Fellow Member
of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan.
Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, former Federal Secretary for Finance Division, is an eminent economist
with wide-ranging experience of both public and private sectors. He has held several prestigious
positions in the Federal Government including Special Secretary to the Prime Minister, Secretary
Finance Division, Secretary Economic Affairs Division, Secretary Petroleum & Natural Resources and
Secretary Textile Industry. Apart from having several institutional and personal publications to his credit,
he has authored two books on the subject of elimination of Riba (interest) from the economy. He served
on the Boards of Directors of many local and international financial and banking institutions including
the State Bank of Pakistan, National Bank of Pakistan and Islamic Development Bank, and has also
represented Pakistan as the alternate Governor in IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
Mr. Yacoob Suttar is DMD Finance and CFO of Pakistan State Oil Company Limited. He is
a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan and the Institute of Cost and
Management Accountant of Pakistan. With over 30 years of professional work experience he served
as the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan for the term 2014-15. He has
recently been elected to the Board of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) for the term 2018-
2020. Mr. Suttar joined Engro Chemicals Pakistan Ltd in 1988 and worked in various positions with
them for over 17 years. Later Mr. Suttar joined Pakistan State Oil Company Limited (PSO) as Executive
Director (Finance & IT) in 2005. Mr. Suttar served as MD and CEO of Asia Petroleum Limited from Feb,
2013 to Feb. 2018.
Maximizing Private Sector Finance and Solutions for Development -Role of the Accountancy Profession
Ms. Yolanda Tayler is a Practice Manager in the Solutions and Innovations in Procurement
(SIP) Department of the World Bank’s Governance Global Practice (GGP-SIP) where she leads
the Bank’s public procurement reform efforts in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries
and oversees the delivery of the procurement function in the entire regional portfolio. Yolanda was a
recipient of the 2017 World Bank Group Staff Association Excellence in Leadership Award, a distinction
granted to about a dozen managers on a yearly basis. She led the coordination of the implementation
of the new Procurement Framework Bank-wide on behalf of SIP. She has led the development of a
number of World Bank Group procurement policy publications, such as standard bidding documents
and technical guidance notes, and directed the dissemination strategy and capacity building efforts of
those publications. Her World Bank publication, Battling HIV/AIDS: a Decision Maker’s Guide to the
Procurement of Medicines and Related Supplies, was a ground breaking compendium that unblocked
Bank financing to increase access to life-saving antiretroviral drugs in the developing world.
Mr. Zia-Ul-Mustafa, FCMA, President ICMA Pakistan, has exposure of over twenty years in
corporate and public sector organizations. Presently; he is serving as Chief Financial Officer & Business
Administrator of Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited, a corporate entity owned by the Government
of Pakistan. He is also Chairman of SAFA Committee on Governmental and Public Sector Enterprises
Accounting. He also served as elected Board Member of Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance
(PICG) for three years and as Member Board of Directors of Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited with additional
responsibility of Chairman, Board Audit Committee for a period of three years. Mr. Zia ul Mustafa is
known for his initiatives taken for the accountants’ community especially for Management Accountants.
In recognition of such achievements under his leadership; ICMA Pakistan received the FPCCI Best
Achievement Award from the President of Pakistan in the year 2014.