The document provides information on two drugs, ofloxacin and cefuroxime, including their generic and brand names, classifications, dosages, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. It also includes an assessment of a patient complaining of epigastric pain with a nursing diagnosis of acute pain, a nursing analysis of the pain as an unpleasant sensory experience, and a plan to intervene and reassess the patient's pain level after 30 minutes.
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The document provides information on two drugs, ofloxacin and cefuroxime, including their generic and brand names, classifications, dosages, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. It also includes an assessment of a patient complaining of epigastric pain with a nursing diagnosis of acute pain, a nursing analysis of the pain as an unpleasant sensory experience, and a plan to intervene and reassess the patient's pain level after 30 minutes.
The document provides information on two drugs, ofloxacin and cefuroxime, including their generic and brand names, classifications, dosages, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. It also includes an assessment of a patient complaining of epigastric pain with a nursing diagnosis of acute pain, a nursing analysis of the pain as an unpleasant sensory experience, and a plan to intervene and reassess the patient's pain level after 30 minutes.
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The document provides information on two drugs, ofloxacin and cefuroxime, including their generic and brand names, classifications, dosages, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. It also includes an assessment of a patient complaining of epigastric pain with a nursing diagnosis of acute pain, a nursing analysis of the pain as an unpleasant sensory experience, and a plan to intervene and reassess the patient's pain level after 30 minutes.
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NAME NAME ION ON EFFECTS RESPONSIBILI TIES -Ofloxacin -Antibacterial -indicated for -contraindicated -Liver -Determine (Bactericidal; the for the treatment damage and history of ofloxacin treatment of of certain dysglycemia hypersensitivi acts adults with sexually ty reactions intracellularl mild to transmitted -multiple to drug. y by moderate diseases adverse inhibiting infections events as -history of DNA gyrase. (unless -hypersensitivity "fluoroquinol allergies, DNA gyrase otherwise to ofloxacin or one particularly to is an indicated) other quinolone toxicity". drugs, before essential caused by drugs. therapy is bacterial susceptible -Reports of initiated. enzyme that strains of -patients with hepatic or is a critical microorganis liver disease hypersensiti -Monitor for catalyst in ms. vity manifestation the -contraindicated vasculitis s of replication, within the hypersensitivi transcription, pediatric -increased ty. deactivation, population, risk of and repair of pregnancy, tendinopath bacterial nursing mothers, y (including DNA.) patients with rupture) psychiatric illnesses and in - patients with Hematologic epilepsy or other reactions seizure (including disorders. agranulocyt osis, thrombocyto penia), and renal toxicities GENERIC BRAND CLASSIFICAT DOSAGE INDICATION CONTRAINDICATI ADVERSE NURSING NAME NAME ION ON EFFECTS RESPONSIBILI TIES - -Antibacterial -indicated for -Penicillin or -GI -Determine Cefuroxime (Bactericidal; the other allergy. disturbances history of ofloxacin treatment of -History of colitis , transient hypersensitivi acts adults with -Renal increase of ty reactions intracellularl mild to impairment AST, ALT, to drug. y by moderate LDH, inhibiting infections eosinophilia, -history of DNA gyrase. (unless bitter taste; allergies, DNA gyrase otherwise convulsions particularly to is an indicated) (overdose) drugs, before essential caused by therapy is bacterial susceptible -Large doses initiated. enzyme that strains of can cause is a critical microorganis cerebral -Monitor for catalyst in ms. irritation manifestation the and s of replication, convulsions; hypersensitivi transcription, nausea, ty. deactivation, vomiting, -Lab tests: and repair of diarrhoea, Perform bacterial erythema culture and DNA.) multiforme, sensitivity Stevens- tests before Johnson initiation of syndrome, therapy and epidermal periodically necrolysis. during - therapy if Potentially indicated. Fatal: Therapy may Anaphylaxis, be instituted nephrotoxici pending test ty, results. pseudomem Monitor branous periodically colitis. BUN and creatinine clearance.
Bangkas, Maria Perpetua Julianne FEU-NRMF BSN 4E1 NCP-room
DIAGNOSIS ANALYSIS NS SUBJECTIVE: -acute pain -unpleasant -after 30 -assess and - to establish -after 30 related to sensory and minutes of interview rapport minutes of “maayos appearance of emotional nursing client (nurse nursing naman ang epigastric pain experience intervention patient interventions pakiramdam as manifested arising from the patients intercation) done to ko. pero may -to visualize by actual or pain will be payient was nararamdama -assess pain degree of verbalization potential reduced to a able to n akong sakit (location, discomfort of the client tissue tolerable level manifest the paminsan and positive damage. as manifested duration, following: minsan” as facial grimace. by: intensity) verbalized by -to have -painscale the patient. -painscale -attain rating changed baseline data rating from 6 patients vital from 6 to 3 OBJECTIVE: to 2 signs -promotes relaxation and -positive -facial grimace -deceased -provide verbalization diverts facial patient some of pain has -pain scale of sensation of grimicing diversional decreased and 6 pain activities facial grimce -clients -pain is has lessened. MEASURES: verbalization subjective and BP- 130/70 of pain level cannot be felt -accept and has by others acknowledge TEMP-37.6 decreased. the pain RR-19 experience of patient - to promote PR-87 non -provide pharmacologic comfort al pain measures management
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