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When I Was Your Man Piano Notes

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Nail Care Tools and


Nail care refers to the proper maintenance of the fingernails and toenails. Nail care is
important because it helps prevent nail problems, such as fungal nail infections and ingrown
toenails. However, in some cases, nail problems are symptoms of an underlying medical
condition, such as an infection throughout the body.

It is a small tool that is used to trim or cut

 NIPPER back the cuticles on the fingernails or
toenails. It is made from durable metal
such as stainless steel.

 NAIL CUTTER It is also called a nail trimmer or nail

clipper. It is a hand tool used to trim
fingernails and toenails.

 ORANGE It is a tool use to push back cuticles, clean

STICKS excess polish from nail folds or to clean
beneath the free-edge of nails.
It is used to clean nails. This is usually
 NAIL BRUSH made with short, strong bristles that can
slough away dirt that has collected on the
nails, around the nail bed.
 PUSHER It is used to gently push back overgrown

 NAIL FILE These are used to smooth jagged nails and

AND EMERY shape them into the desired shape.

 NAIL POLISH It is used to eliminate any traces of old

REMOVER polish and remove oil and dirt.

 COTTON These are used in removing the nail polish

BALLS using the nail polish remover.

 PUMICE It is used for pedicure to smoothen out

STONE / FOOT rough heels. It exfoliates the dead cells
FILE from the feet soles and helps in softening
the calluses.

 TOE It is place between the toes before putting

SEPARATORS on nail polish so that they do not smudge.

It is used to moisturize and soften the

 CUTICLE layers of dead skin surrounding the
CREAM fingernails and toenails. It is often applied
before a manicure or a pedicure.
It is use to keep the skin around the nails
 CUTICLE OIL soft and supple, preventing unsightly rips
and infections.

 CUTICLE It is a liquid used to soften nail cuticles.


 NAIL POLISH It is applied to human fingernails or

toenails to decorate and/or protect the nail

It is a clear, slightly tacky product that is

 BASE COAT brushed onto nails before the application
of nail polish.

It is typically brushed onto the polished

 TOP COAT nail as a way of sealing in the color and
strengthening the nail.

 FINGER It is used for holding warm soapy water.


It is a cosmetic beauty tool that can be

 NAIL BUFFER used to give the fingernails or toenails a
high gloss shine.
 SUPPLY TRAY It is a flat container that holds the
necessary cosmetics and implements.

It is a wheeled cart that is pushed by hand

 TROLLEY and used for transporting manicuring and
pedicuring tools and materials.

 FOOT SPA It is an electronic device used for soaking,

MACHINE bathing, and massaging the feet during
foot spa.

Proper Use of Nail Care Tools and Equipment

1. Scrub your hands, especially under the nails to remove all signs of dirt.
2. Cut your nails into the shape you desire; square or
3. Hold the emery board at an angle to your nails so
that the board slants upwards.
4. Use minimum pressure and file your nails, making
sure you file only in one direction to avoid jagged
edges, when you have achieved the smooth shape
you desire, wash and moisturize your hands.

1. Soften the nails and cuticles before using the cuticle pusher.
2. Apply cuticle remover on the nail. You can also use
cuticle remover. Make sure to spread it evenly all
over the edges. Leave it for 2 minutes.
3. Submerge the finger in a small bowl of warm water
and soak them for about 3 minutes. This will help
soften the cuticles even more. Dry the fingernails
with small towel.
4. Push back the cuticles. Use the rounded part of the
cuticle pusher to push back the cuticles on the
surface of the nail. Angle pusher 35-45 degrees and gently slide it towards the
base of the nail and push away the softened cuticles.
5. Use the pointed, sharp part to push down the cuticles at the corners of the
nails. You can also use this tip to clean under the nails. Repeat this process for
all the nails.

1. Pick up the nippers by handles and turn the cutting
edges towards you.
2. Place the bent tip of the shank.
3. Place the thumb on the side of the handle and the
remaining fingers over the opposite side handle.

Trim the nails with a good nail cutter. Be sure to
choose a nail cutter that creates sharp clean cuts. Do
not use clippers that are of poor quality.

1. Insert the ring finger and pinky in the nail brush.
2. Brush the nails with a downward stroke from the base to
the fingertips to clean the nails and fingers.

1. Remove any leftover nail polish with remover and then soak your hands and
nails in a bowl of warm water. This will help soften your cuticles.
2. Dry your hands, before using a tweezer to pluck any hangnails in the cuticle.
3. Use nail scissors or cutters to get shorten nails, or otherwise use a nail file to
get them into a slightly rounded shape.
4. Use the second coarsest side of the nail
file buffer to create an even surface on
your nail. Quickly and gently rub the
nail file buffer in light circular motions
over the nails. If the nail becomes dry,
reapply a light layer of olive oil.
Continue to use the nail file buffer until there are no visible ridges on the top
of the nails.

1. Soak your feet in warm water to soften the skin.
2. After soaking for 15 minutes, start filling your feet
using brisk motions. Use the rough side of the file and
slide it against the balls of the feet, bottom of the toes
and the heel. This will help in removal of the thick,
calloused skin of your foot. Now use the fine side of
the fie to soften the feet. Make sure you maintain even
pressure while filing.
3. After filling, use a moisturizer or oil to massage your
feet. This will relax and increase the blood circulation
of your feet.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 SMOCK GOWN is a garment, usually fastened in the back, worn

over all part of the front of the body to protect clothing.

 GLOVES is a garment use to cover and protect the whole hand.

 MASK is a device normally worn on the face. It is used to protect face

from chemical exposure.
 HEADBANDS are clothing accessory worn in the hair or around the
forehead that hold hair away from the face or eyes.

LESSON 2 Maintain Tools and


What is sanitation?
Sanitation is synonymous to cleanliness. It is the process of removing all visible dirt
and debris from surfaces, tools and equipment. This process includes scrubbing, using ultrasonic
unit, or solvent.


o Wash tools or equipment with antibacterial soap and hot water.
o Rinse with non-diluted alcohol.
o Soak plastic materials in a bleach water solution (5 to 10 bleach).

What is sterilization?
Sterilization is the process of destroying all living microorganisms that might cause
infection. This makes use of physical agents like heat and radiation, and chemical agents like
antiseptics, disinfectants, and vapor fumigants.


o Wash tools with soap and water thoroughly.
o Boil in water for 20 minutes.
o Soak in rubbing alcohol for 20 minutes.


o Preheat oven to 375ºF.
o Wash tools with detergent and hot water. Rinse tools and dry.
o Place tools in a cookie sheet or baking sheet.
o Remove from the oven and let it cool down
o Place tools in an airtight container or medical pouch.

What is disinfecting?
Disinfecting is the application of a substance that can control or kill harmful
microorganisms on nonliving surfaces such as tools, equipment, and fixtures.


o Measure and mix disinfectant as directed in the label.
o Always add the disinfectant to water.
o Always wear gloves when mixing.
o Immerse tools in disinfectant for 10 minutes.
o Use tongs to remove implements from solutions.
o Dispose of sanitizing solution as stated in the label.


A manicurist must ensure that storage of nail care tools, materials, and equipment within
the establishment meets the following requirements.
 Flammable and combustible chemicals are stored away from potential sources of heat
such as open flame or an electrical device.
 All nail care chemicals are stored in closed bottles or containers.
 Storage Units
o Cabinets, drawers, containers used for storage of implements and towels are
o Clean linen is stored in an enclosed, dust-proof cabinet or container.
o Implements which have been used on a client are segregated from the clean
 Supplies
o Unused supplies, except product application brushes, are stored in a clean, closed
container of drawer.
o Used/soiled disposable supplies are discarded immediately in a clean, closed
waste receptacle.
 Implement Storage
o Implements that have been used on a client or soiled in any manner are placed in a
properly labeled covered receptacle until disinfected.
o Sanitized implements are stored in a clean closed container or drawer ready for
 Towels
o Cloth towels are deposited in a closed receptacle after use.
o Used/soiled cloth towels are not used again until properly laundered and sanitized.
o Disposable towels are discarded in a covered waste receptacle immediately
following each nail care service.

LESSON 3 Structure, Shapes,

and Styles of Nail

NAIL PLATE is the actual fingernail, made of translucent keratin. The pink appearance of the
nail comes from the blood vessels underneath the nail.
NAIL BED is the underneath surface of the nail that has grooves along the length of the nail that
help anchor it to the nail bed.
NAIL GROOVES is the skin that frames each of your nails on three sides.
CUTICLE is also called eponychium which is situated between the skin of the finger and the
nail plate fusing these structures together and providing a waterproof barrier. The cuticle tissue
overlaps your nail plate at the base of your nail.
LUNULA is the whitish, half-moon shape at the base of the nail.
PERIONYCHIUM is the skin that overlies the nail plate on its sides. It is also known as the
paronychial edge. The perionychium is the site of hangnails, ingrown nails, and an infection of the
skin called paronychia.
HYPONYCHIUM is the area between the nail plat and the fingertip. It is the junction between
the free edge of the nail and the skin of the fingertip, also providing a waterproof barrier.
condition characterized by a forward growth of the hyponychium
characterized by live tissue firmly attached to the underside of the
nail plate, which contains a blood supply and nerves. Possible
causes are systemic, hereditary, or from an allergic reaction to
acrylics or solvents.
FREE EDGE is the end of the nail plate that is shaped during manicure and pedicure.
MATRIX is where the nail is made. It is the only living part of the nail that contains nerves and
blood vessels so that cell reproduction can occur.

Shapes and Types of Nail

This style, where a nail is in the shape of almonds, is very feminine and makes the fingers
appear thinner and delicate.

These are nails that are perfectly rounded towards the top. They are durable and simple,
yet chic. They are perfect for those who use their hands a lot and don’t want their nails to
get in the way. They are also perfect for those with weak nails, and for those who just like
to keep it short.

It is also known as the squoval which is a softer take on the square nail and it has
remained popular because it looks good on most fingers. It’s less prone to catching on
clothing and seems to weather wear and tear a little better than severely squared nails.

Like a stiletto heel, the stiletto nail shape is long and pointy.
This is a powerful shape that draws attention to your hands, because it leaves the
full width of the nail intact and makes a big statement. While it’s the shape that’s
typically chosen for a French manicure, the large surface area also leaves plenty
of room for painted patterns and nail jewelry. The downside is that the sharp
corners tend to get caught on fabrics, so it works best on strong nails that aren’t
prone to tearing and breakage. This style seems to look best on long nails, as a
shorter version can make hands look heavy and chunky.

These are nails that are shaped pointed at the top in such a way that the top part
resembles the peak of a mountain.

Nail Disorder and Diseases

A nail disorder is a condition that can be treated. They can be caused by internal
and external factors and most people will experience one of these conditions at some
1. BEAUS LINES. Wavy horizontal ridges across the nail plate,
often caused through illness, medication or heart diseases. Light
buffing can help improve this condition.

2. FURROWS. Ridges from the matrix to the free edge often

caused through arthritis, incorrect removal of nail extensions or
damage to matrix. Light buffing can help improve this condition.
A dark polish or opal polish will highlight the ridges, so it is
recommended to apply a clear or light polish.

3. LEUKONYCHIA. White spots in the nail plate, which are

commonly mistaken as the result of calcium deficiency, are
actually caused through minor trauma to the nail. White spots will
grow up and out so one should treat the nail with care and avoid
pressure. It is commonly caused through over filing when
blending nail extensions.

4. EGGSHELL NAILS. Thin, curved over the free edge and fragile
nails. This condition is usually due to nervous disorders, poor diet,
and internal dysfunction or even due to side effects of medication.
The only solution is to keep your nails trimmed.

5. HANGNAIL. A small tear or split in the cuticle, which can be

removed with cuticle nippers during a manicure. Regular nail
treatments are needed to improve dry skin conditions.

6. DISCOLORED NAILS. It is one of the most common nail

problems faced by people. This is caused due to infections.
Sometimes, the poor blood circulation or a weak heart can trigger
this disorder. The nails become white, yellow or green among
others depending on the infection type and the conditions of one’s
skin. This can be treated by working on the overall health of the
body. One can also use nail polish and artificial nails to hide the
7. ONYCHAUXIS. It is characterized by abnormal thickening of the
nails, often the toenails. The condition, though generally
hereditary, can be caused due to other factors too, such as poor
diet, infection, trauma, psoriasis and acromegaly among others.
Regular filing and buffing the nail can reduce the thickness of the
nails significantly.

8. INGROWN NAIL. Onychocryptosis or ingrown nail is the

condition in which the nails grow into the sides of the skin. One of
the main reasons for this disorder is wearing footwear of the wrong
size. People suffering from this often complain of pain along the
margins of the nail and are extremely sensitive to any kind of
pressure. Filing the nails properly and wearing comfortable shoes
are the sole solution.


A nail disease is more serious and if not treated, can result in deep infection or
extreme cases, can cause permanent damage to the nail.


finger will appear red and swollen. This can mean that there
is a bacterial infection present.

2. ATROPHY. An injury or disease of the nail, where the

nail plate will be wasting away.

3. HYPERTROPHY. A fungal infection where the nail plate

will become very thick and over grow at the side walls. If
there is no infection present, nails can be buffed regularly
to help thin the nail plat. This condition can be hereditary.
4. WHITLOW. A bacterial infection, often the result of
hangnails becoming infected. The infection may result in
permanent damage to the nail plate.

5. WARTS. A viral infection with lumps on the hands and

fingers. They are very contagious and this should be
referred to the doctor immediately.

6. RINGWORM. A fungal infection, white patches are often

found on the nail plate as a result of rotting on the nail.

7. OYCHOSMADESIS. An injury or disease that can cause

the nail plate to lift away from the cuticle (a nail grows and pushes the old nail
plate off). The nail must be allowed to regrow fully before any treatments are
carried out.
8. ONYCHOLOSIS. An infection where trauma or psoriasis
has caused the nail plate to detach from the nail bed starting
at the free edge. Care should be taken, as the nail can be
easily ripped off. This is very common after incorrect or
home removal of nail extensions.

A well-balanced diet is the secret for achieving healthy nails.
Foods that are particularly good for fingernail health include:

a. Chicken wings. Contains collagen which is good for healthy nails and skin.
b. Soy bean products. Contains essential amino acids and minerals. These are
very low in calories, and because they are so nutritious, they can be a
replacement for beef products. It works in a way that is similar to female
hormones, so they help in reducing the discomfort of periods.
c. Eggs. Contain all essential amino acids and is a source of many vitamins and
minerals (Vitamin A, D and E).
a. Grapefruit. Contains vitamin E which smoothes blood and prevents the nails
and skin from drying out.
b. Strawberries/Kiwi Fruit/Oranges. Contains Vitamin C which encourages
collagen production. This has an anti-oxidant effect which helps slow down
the ageing process.
a. Seaweed. Contains magnesium and helps promote good nail and hair growth.
b. Seafood (sardines and oysters). Contains zinc which has an anti-oxidant
effect which slows down the ageing process.
c. Liver and tuna. Contains iron which helps bring oxygen into the body
system, making the system function better.


 Moisturize the cuticle area as this will help prevent peeling and cracking, and give
you the healthy cuticles.
 Nail buffing, especially if you are inclined to suffer from ridges.
 When trimming nails, always be careful you don’t cut too much off.
 Wear gloves when cleaning around the house.
 Always use a sunscreen on your hands and nails.
 Guard against infections, always disinfects any implements you intend to use.
 Avoid using them to open anything.

Different Basic Nail Designs

It is the old-fashioned application of nail polish to the
entire nail plate.

It is a style where a half moon shape, the lunula, at the
base of the nail is unpolished.

It is a style where you leave a slight margin on each side
of the nail plate. This makes wide nails appear narrower.

It is a style where the nail polish is applied to the whole
nail and a section at the top is removed with polish remover. This
prevents the polish from chipping.

It is a style where the free edge of the nail is left
unpolished to prevent chipping.

It is a style when the entire nail is polished.

Basic Types of Manicure and Pedicure


It is one of the most popular treatment types concerning
both the procedures. It imparts clean and natural look to the nails
of both hands and feet. The treatment is characterized by neutral
colored nails featuring white nail tips. Beauty techniques like
hand and feet massaging, pumice scrubbing and moisturizing are
also provided in this kind of manicure and pedicure treatment.


It involves some basic steps that are known to most of
beauty professionals. First, the hands and feet are re-soaked
inside soapy water. This leads to softening of dead skin and also
the dry nails. After sometime, the techniques like scrubbing, nail
clipping, massage, moisturizing and nail polishing are done onto
the nails.
It is used to provide better health and hygiene to the
nails of hands and feet. In its waxy form the paraffin is applied
to both hands and feet and thereafter the cleaning, nail-shaping
and polishing methods are applied to both hands and feet.


It is a kind of procedure that the fingernails and toenails are
given a spa treatment for manicure and pedicure. This is a bit
costly method but it does relax your skin as well as the nails.

Basic Manicure Procedure

1. Arrange your implements and tools on the table towel of top of your
working surface so they are within your easy reach. Wash your hands
with a mild detergent or hand soap, rinse well and dry thoroughly.

2. Remove all traces of old enamel by moistening a cotton with the remover of your choice.
Press the pad onto the nail plate, hold for a few seconds, then swipe
toward the free edge. Change the pad often as the remover cannot
perform well if it is saturated with old enamel. Dark pigmented enamels
are the hardest to remove, and the old polish may get on your skin or
underneath the free edge. If this happens, wrap a small piece of cotton
on the end of the orangewood stick, saturate it with remover and clean
the enamel from the cuticle line and under the free edge.

3. Shape the nail, using a file or emery board. File each nail tip from corner
to center; do not file in a see-saw motion with the emery board because
doing so can cause ridges in the nail and nail splitting.

4. Apply cuticle remover, oil or lotion all around the cuticle area if you desire, then immerse
the nails in the soaking dish for no more than 3 minutes. If you are performing this
procedure on yourself, soak one hand at a time and proceed to the next step. Perform the
procedure on the other hand. Soaking for more than 3 minutes will fully saturate the nail
plate, causing it to swell. Once the plate returns to its normal shape, any
polish that is applied will crack and chip.

5. Massage the client hands and rinse them. You can use the finished
product or a mixture of coarse salt with essential oils. Massage
improves blood circulation to the hands.

6. Apply softener (cream, lotion, or oil) around the nail. Then dip the
fingertips in a bath of warm soapy water for no more than three
minutes. Prolonged soaking will swell the nails.

7. Remove the fingers from soaking dish, and holding the orangewood
stick or metal cuticle pusher much as you would in a pencil, proceed to
push the invisible cuticle skin from the nail plate surface back toward
the live tissue. Do not use downward force when performing this

8. Move the pusher gently from the side to center.

9. Using the orangewood stick or the curved end of the metal cuticle
pusher, clean under the free edge of the nail plate. Once again, do not
apply pressure when performing this procedure to prevent a tear or
break down occurring in the nail plate seal. Any tear or break in the seal
between the nail plate and the nail bed is the perfect entry point for
bacterial microorganisms that may cause an infection.

10. Remove any lose skin and hangnail with a nipper and a gauze wipe.
11. Remove any dirt with a nail brush.

12. Dispense a small amount of sloughing lotion into the palm of one hand.
Distribute the lotion evenly between your palms, and apply with a gentle
massaging action to the client’s hand and fingers. Massage into the palm
of the hand and the fingers, being expressly gentle with the back of the
hand. Massage for just a few minutes, then rinse the lotion from the hand
and fingers, or wipe clean with a wet terry cloth towel and dry thoroughly.

13. Begin the polishing application by applying a clear base coat on the nails
once they are clean and dry. A base coat will help the colored nail polish
go on smoothly and evenly.

14. Roll the bottle of colored nail polish in between the hands to mix the
polish thoroughly. Do not shake the bottle, as this will create air bubbles
that will affect the quality of the polish.

15. Apply one strip of color in the middle of the thumb or pinky nail. Then,
paint on the left, then to the right.
16. Allow the nails to dry, (for at least half hour) before applying a
protective clear top coat on all the nails.

Pedicure/Manicure Safety
1. All equipment must be new or sanitized. Do not use items such as emery boards,
orangewood sticks on more than one client.
2. Ensure the client does not have an infection of the nail or nail bed.
3. Do not perform manicures or pedicures if you have a contagious disease or an infected
4. All containers on the manicure table must be covered and labelled.
5. Use clean dry towels only.
6. Do not push the cuticle past a few millimeters; if the cuticle is overgrown, if may take
more than one treatment to correct it.
7. Do not file a nail too far into the nail corner; you may accidentally cut the skin.
8. If using the cuticle nippers, be careful not to cut the skin. If the skin is cut, apply an
antiseptic solution immediately.

Cleaning and Sanitizing of Tools and Implements

Sanitizing tools and implements means reducing the amount of pathogens found on the
surface. Remember, sanitation is not sterilization.
1. Remove all hair from brushed and combs.
2. Rinse tools and equipment in hot soapy water.
3. Rinse with clear water to remove all traces of soap.
4. Following manufacturer’s directions, immerse equipment in the chemical sanitizer to
remove pathogens.
5. Rinse in hot water to remove traces of chemical (which may be an irritant to clients).
6. Store sanitized equipment in a dry cabinet until ready to be used.
7. Do not use water based or chemical sanitizers on electrical equipment.
8. Tools and equipment must be sanitized after each use.
9. If tools and equipment are dropped on the floor, ensure that they are sanitized before
being used again.
Sanitation for Implements
1. Wash with soap and warm water.
2. Completely immerse metal implements.
3. Store implements properly.
Hand Massage

Massage is the practice of rubbing and kneading the body using the hands. During a
massage, a massage therapist will apply gentle or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the
body to ease pain and tension. A massage therapist is a person trained in giving massages.

Basic Strokes of Massage Therapy


 This type of massage stroke is a long gliding


 This stroke can be done using the practitioner's

one hand, both hands, palms of hands, knuckles,
and/or forearms. This would depend on the
specific body part that is being worked on.

 This stroke is used to apply and deliver the

massage lotion/oil and also to evaluate the soft tissue that is being work on. You can
determine if there is tightness or trigger points that will need to have additional work

 This is usually the first stroke when starting a new body part, it can be used in between
other more specific strokes, and is usually the last stroke on a body part before moving on
to the next area to be worked on.

 As the practitioner works on an area, the pressure of the strokes increased, it provides a
stretch to the muscles which will result in increased relaxation.

 This type of massage stroke is often described as one
that the practitioner is kneading, rolling, wringing,
and lifting the soft tissue being worked on.

 This stroke usually occurs after effleurage, and once

the practitioner determines what type of massage
stroke should come next.

 Petrissage is used to help free up knotted and tight

muscles and soft tissues. It also helps increase blood
and lymphatic flow to the area which assists in the
healing process.


 Friction is a warming stroke that is used on specific

areas of the body that the practitioner determines needs
deeper work. This stroke will generate heat in order to
warm up the area that is to be worked on.

 This stroke can be done by applying pressure to the

client's tolerance and either: going in the direction of
the muscle fibers, going against the direction of the
muscle fibers (cross-fiber friction), or going in small
circular movements.


 This type of massage stroke is a percussive stroke in which the hand action rhythmically
applied to an area being worked on in order to stimulates nerves, muscles, and circulation

 This can be achieved by such hand positions as:

cupping your hands, with flat palms, using soft
fists, and/or with the practitioner's fingers


 This category of strokes usually refers to as

rocking, shaking, or trembling movements.
 Vibration can be done to a specific area, like an arm or leg, or can be done to the entire

 These movements can be done slowly or rapidly depending on the outcome the
practitioner is looking for.

 The goal of this type of stroke is to decrease tension in an area while increasing

LESSON 5 Nail Art

Nail Art Tools

1. Matte Topcoat. A matte topcoat instantly gives your nails a cool-girl, non-
glossy mod finish.

2. A Nail Polish Correcting Pen. It can erase any mistakes along the
side walls of your nails easily.

3. Striping Tape. This very thin metallic tape can be applied and kept
on your nail to enhance your nail art, or it can be pressed onto your nail
to create super straight lines and then lifted away.
4. Transfer Foils. Foil paper creates a cool design when you paint your
nails a desired base color, apply a clear glue over top, and then press
and pull the tape away quickly, leaving behind imperfect traces of foil
on your nails for a cool finish.

5. Dotter Tool. If you want to make tiny or large dots on your nails, or
create a design using a series of circles, a dotter tool is the way to go. It
creates perfect tiny or large dots in seconds.

6. Striper Brush. This tiny brush helps create thin lines and intricate
detail. Just make sure you properly clean the brush with nail polish
remover before dipping it into another color if you're using multiple

7. Loose Glitter. Take any main to the next level by sprinkling a little
loose glitter (that you can get at any craft store) evenly all over your
base color while it's still wet, or concentrating it at the tip of your nail
for an ombré effect.

8. Studs. If you want substantial 3-D embellishments on your nails,

stash tiny studs, metallic circles, colored crystal domes, and
iridescent shavings in your nail kit, which you can also pick up at
your local craft store.

9. Domed Pearls. For a more ladylike design, pack pearls and clear
crystals in your nail kit to doll up your digits.
10. Nail Stickers/Wraps. If you don't have time to create cool nail art,
pick up a premade design and press it onto your fingertips for notice-
me nails.

Basic Nail Art Designs for Beginners











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