Camp Dutch Oven - Kitchen Dutch Oven - Deep Fryer - Aebleskiver Pan - Iron Griddle
Camp Dutch Oven - Kitchen Dutch Oven - Deep Fryer - Aebleskiver Pan - Iron Griddle
Camp Dutch Oven - Kitchen Dutch Oven - Deep Fryer - Aebleskiver Pan - Iron Griddle
Cast-Iron Cookbook I
Ye s t e r d a y a n d To d a y
Volume I:
Deep Fryer
Iron Griddle
Aebleskiver Pan
Camp Dutch Oven
Kitchen Dutch Oven
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................. i
How to Season and Care for Your Cast Iron Skillets and Pans.............. ii
A History of Cast Iron.............................................................................iv
Dutch Oven .............................................................................................v
Dutch Oven Tips......................................................................................v
Camp Dutch Oven.................................................................................. 1
Cakes................................................................................................. 1
Cobblers............................................................................................. 6
Casseroles........................................................................................ 11
Meats............................................................................................... 12
Vegetables........................................................................................ 14
Kitchen Dutch Oven............................................................................. 15
Breads.............................................................................................. 15
Casseroles........................................................................................ 17
Meats............................................................................................... 18
Vegetables........................................................................................ 20
Soups & Stews................................................................................ 22
Deep Fryer............................................................................................. 28
Aebleskiver Pan...................................................................................... 29
Iron Griddle........................................................................................... 31
Pancakes & Fritters......................................................................... 31
Home-style cooking can be symbolized by no other cookware quite the way it
is by cast iron. This durable and timeless cookware has been handed down from
generation to generation. Cast iron cooking, a time-honored tradition, is again
growing in popularity as our culture embraces basic traditions from the past.
The selection of cookware has grown considerably with this popularity, cast iron
cookware ranges from skillets and Dutch ovens to woks and hibachi grills. Cast-
iron is considered the original non-stick cookware and a superb heat conductor.
It’s perfect for cooking with less fat or oils and readily adapts to a wide range of
ethnic cuisine.
This cookbook illustrates the versatility of cast iron in today’s kitchens, provides
a brief history of cast iron, and provides information on the proper care and use
of cast iron cookware. The recipes complied in this cookbook are easy to make
using ingredients readily available in the grocery store. The great mix of traditional
and contemporary recipes encourages home cooks and discerning chefs alike to
expand their cast iron cooking and even try some West Virginia Grown products.
While there is a plethora of fried chicken and cornbread recipes out there, along
with those traditional favorites, you will find variety in this book.
When compared to other cookware, cast iron has its drawbacks. It can rust,
pit, stick to food and have reactivity. These problems can be eliminated with
proper seasoning, sometimes known as curing. Seasoning means coating the
entire pan, inside and out with oil, shortening, or lard and baking it to seal the fat
into the pan. This process allows the coating to fill cavities and pitted surfaces
permeating pores and developing a non-stick surface to prevent water from creating
rust and acidic food from creating reactivity. This protective layer of seasoning
breaks down over time and the process must be repeated. Some cast iron pans
are coated with enamel. This is an attempt to improve the deficiencies of cast
iron while maintaining exceptional heat conduction.
Seasoning and caring for your cast-iron cookware may seem like a time-
consuming task. However, cast iron cookware will last a lifetime with the proper
care. The time it takes to care for this cookware is well worth it when you consider
the value of the cast iron, the irreplaceable flavor it gives food and its durable
quality. To ensure success when cooking with cast iron, follow the tried and true
tips on cooking, proper seasoning, and care of cast iron in this cookbook.
How to Season and Care for Your
Cast Iron Skillets and Pans
By Harry Lynch – Summersville, W.Va.
Proper care and seasoning of cast iron skillets and pans make cooking in
them a joy. Neglect, on the other hand, will cause disappointment and poorly
cooked food. Here are a few tips to keep those pans in top-notch shape:
1. If you have a new cast iron pan, wash with hot, soapy water to remove the
protective coating that has been applied at the factory. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
If the pan is old and shows some signs of rust, lightly sand rusted area and apply
Cola for 10-15 minutes. Then wash with mild soapy water, rinse, towel-dry and
place over low heat to remove excess water from the porous metal.
• Clean the cast-iron with a mild detergent and stiff brush. Be sure to wash
both the inside and outside of the piece.
2. Lightly coat the entire pan’s surface – inside and out – with cooking oil, lard
or shortening. Do not use butter or margarine. Use a paper towel to spread the
• Lard spoils faster than oil. While lard adds more favor, it requires that
the cookware be used weekly to keep the seasoning from going bad.
Oil, on the other hand, stays fresh longer but may become sticky and
collect dust.
• Be sure to coat all exterior parts such as handles and lids.
• Using too much oil or grease during seasoning causes a pool of excess
oil or grease to gum up.
• If excess oil or gummed up grease is found after seasoning, scrape it
off and re-season the effected spot.
• Heating pans upside down typically will prevent gumming.
3. Place pan upside down on oven rack and heat without pre-heating in a 400°F
oven for 1½-2 hours. Put aluminum foil in bottom of the oven to catch oil drippings.
Let pan cool in oven. Remove from oven and wipe clean. It is now ready to use.
• Seasoning can generate smoke and odors. Season your cast iron
cookware on a nice day to allow you to open windows and doors for air
circulation or use an outdoor grill.
• If using an oven with two racks, just line the lower rack with aluminum
foil to catch any excess oil or shortening.
• Be sure that both racks are in the two bottom positions
• Remove cast-iron from the oven only after it has cooled.
• Cast-iron may come out slightly brown. At this time, it is ready for use.
Repeating the process will further season your cast-iron and make it
darker, thus improving its appearance.
• Seasoning at higher temperatures to the point where most oils will begin
to smoke can result in a darker seasoned piece in less time that won’t
be sticky or gummy.
• After coating warm cast iron with a thin layer of oil or grease, most
manufacturers suggest heating the pan for 1 hour. However, some
cooks suggest that seasoning cast iron requires 4 to 5 hours of baking
to achieve the right amount. Other cooks repeat the thin layer of oil or
grease and the 1 hour baking process several times before using the
• Some cooks believe seasoning should be repeated each time the cast
iron cookware is used.
4. A well-seasoned cast iron pan takes time and improves each time it is used.
However, high acid foods that contain tomatoes should be avoided until the pan
had been thoroughly seasoned through usage. Hot liquids will also break down
the seasoning until it has had a chance to completely fill the pores in the metal.
Cooking beans should also be avoided at first. Frying or baking is good choices
for first time usage. If you do cook acidic foods or beans, be prepared to re-season
your cookware in the oven.
5. There’s a rule of thumb that a seasoned cast iron pan should never be washed
with soapy water or placed in the dishwasher. Rather, clean it with hot water and
a plastic scrub brush. If you do have to wash with soap, you must re-season your
cookware in the oven.
6. Always dry cast iron cookware thoroughly after cleaning. Then spray lightly-the
word lightly is emphasized — with vegetable oil. Wipe dry and store. Never store
cast iron pans with lids on them. Cast iron cookware needs the air to circulate.
Humid weather can create moisture and lead to rust in cast iron cookware sealed
with lids, therefore, lids should be stored separately. Place paper towels inside
cast iron cookware to absorb any moisture that may form.
7. Frequent use of cast iron cookware is recommended. If stored too long or if
a heavy coat of oil was applied before storage, expect the oil to become rancid
and to affect the taste of the food being cooked. It may be removed by heating
over low heat until a pool of oil forms in bottom of pan, and then wiped clean. If
this technique does not work, prepare to wash in soapy water and re-season.
A History of Cast Iron
Cast iron is iron that is heated to a liquid state and then poured into a mold.
Sand and a small mix of clay, to hold the sand in shape, line a mold. After the
heated iron is poured into the mold, the shaped casting will have a rough surface
because of the rough texture of the sand used in the mold. The texture of the
surface will distinguish cast iron from forged metal. Cast iron is poured at a foundry,
not a blacksmith shop. Cast iron cannot be heated and re-shaped, or welded.
For hundreds of years, foundries have used the sand casting technique.
The techniques have changed very little over time. Minor changes in the casting
techniques enable us to determine the approximate date of most pieces. The
oldest pieces will have a circular ‘sprue’ mark on the underside of the piece. The
sprue is the point where the molten iron is poured into the mold. This technique
was used until the mid-to late 1700s. Cast iron pieces will have at least one point
on where the iron entered the mold.
Cast iron pieces made from the mid-1700s to the late 1800s will have a long
thin line on the bottom of the piece called a ‘gate’ mark, where the iron entered
the mold. Smooth bottom pieces were made from around 1875 to present time,
because the entrance for the iron was placed on the sides of the mold. These
pieces can have one or more places on the side that have been heavily grinded
to disguise where the iron entered the mold or to get rid of the excess metal from
the pour.
Refined casting techniques produced some extremely well-made cast
iron cookware pieces between 1875 and 1940. In efforts to refine the casting
techniques from 1875 to 1900, cast iron cookware manufacturers created thinner
pieces. Manufacturers soon learned this thinness did not maintain the durability
that made the cookware famous. In fact, a high number of those pieces cracked
or warped during use. Pieces produced during this time also had a slightly more
primitive appearance due to fewer finishing steps on the production line. Pieces
made between 1900 and 1940 were both thicker and more finished. The height
of quality in cast iron production was realized between 1920 and 1940. During
this time, cast iron pieces were produced with glass-like surfaces as a result of
a series of polishing steps in the manufacturing process. Manufacturers might
tumble small cast iron pieces in a large rotating drum containing small pieces
of metal which polished the pieces. Skillets and Dutch ovens would be turned
on lathes to create a smooth cooking surface. Lathe marks can be found on the
inside of pieces created during this time.
Griswold, Wapak, Favorite Ware, Wagner Ware, and Lodge are some of
the more recognized foundries for cast iron cookware. Cast iron cookware from
these manufacturers is some of the hottest items in the antiques and collectibles
market today.
In many West Virginia families the cast iron skillet is a treasured heirloom
passed down from generation to generation. Since cast iron cookware is now
considered collector’s items they are rare to fine at garage or estate sales. Look
in your attic, basement, or garage and dig out your heirloom and enjoy what many
of us crave…food cooked in cast iron.
Dutch Oven
A very common and popular cast iron piece; so much so that there is even
an International Dutch Oven Society, which holds an annual world championship
cook-off in Salt Lake City each year. The Dutch oven has been a kitchen staple
for more than two centuries. Dutch oven cooking in America dates to 1707. An
English man named Abraham Darby experimented with a Dutch casting process
and eventually began casting pots and shipping them to America and throughout
the world. Impressed by their durability and versatility, people began spreading
the word and they grew in popularity. It’s considered the original slow cooker
and pressure cooker put together and can even work well as a deep fryer. Noth-
ing will hold a good, even temperature better than it and can go from stovetop
to oven without missing a beat. When the piece is seasoned properly and the
recipe prepared correctly, food comes out more tender and tastier than if it was
prepared conventionally.
Dutch ovens are categorized as either “kitchen” or “camp” style. You can
use a kitchen style Dutch oven for outdoor cooking on a grill or over a campfire.
If cooking over a campfire, the bail handle is used to hang oven on a tripod. The
lid of a kitchen style Dutch oven can be used as a skillet.
A camp style Dutch oven is considered a portable stove and is recommended
for cooking on charcoal or in the embers of a campfire. Camp style Dutch ovens
have a smooth bottom with three short legs. The legs raise it above a heat source,
enable it to stay balanced during campfire and fireplace cooking, and allow for
stacking it on top of another camp style Dutch oven. The camp style Dutch oven
has a flat lid with a flange around the edge to keep charcoal on top. Hot coals
placed on top of the lid provide a more uniformed heat. The lid of a camp style
Dutch oven can be used upside down as a griddle.
Dutch Oven Tips
• Temperature Testing Dutch Ovens: Place a spoonful of flour in a small
pie pan and place pan inside hot Dutch oven with a lid for 5 minutes.
Flour-still white – less than 300° F; Flour-light brown – approx. 350°F;
Flour-dark brown – approx. 450° F; Flour-black or burned – too hot for
• When baking bread, rolls, or cake in a Camp Dutch oven, remove
bottom heat after 2/3 of cooking time. It will finish cooking from the top
heat. This will keep it from burning on the bottom.
• For camp style Dutch oven cooking, each charcoal briquette provides
approximately 10-15° F of heat for about an hour period.
• A rule of thumb to determine the amount of charcoal briquettes needed
for camp style Dutch oven cooking is as follows: Diameter of oven +
3 briquettes on top & Diameter of oven – 3 briquettes on bottom. Of
course, one needs to allow for weather conditions during cooking.
• To avoid hot spots on Camp Dutch ovens, rotate oven ¼ turn every 15
minutes and the lid ¼ turn in the opposite direction.
Camp Dutch Oven
Sift together flour, baking soda and salt. In large mixing bowl, beat butter,
vanilla and butter flavor until soft. Gradually mix in 1½ cups sugar until light.
Beat in egg yolks 1 at a time. Alternately mix in flour and buttermilk starting and
ending with flour. Stir in coconut. In separate bowl, beat egg whites and cream
of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually mix in the remaining ½ cup sugar and
continue beating until stiff but not dry. Gently fold egg whites into batter one half
at a time.
Grease the bottom and sides of a 12” Dutch oven. Pour batter into Dutch
oven and spread evenly to sides. Bake using 8-10 coals on bottom and 14-16
coals on top until lightly golden and top springs back when touched, about 60
minutes. For best results rotate oven and lid 90 degrees in opposite directions
every 15 minutes while baking. Allow cake to cool in pan for 15 minutes. Invert
cake onto a cooling rack and finish cooling. Cut cake in half horizontally. Separate
Frosting: In chilled bowl, whip the cream. Mix in powdered sugar and vanilla.
Chill for 5 minutes.
Set 1 cake layer on a plate cut side up. Spread on blueberry pie filling. Top with
second cake layer, cut side down. Frost top and sides with whip cream frosting.
Garnish with fresh blueberries and white chocolate curls. Serves: 12-15.
In large bowl, mix together oil, sugar, eggs, carrots, pineapple, orange peel
and vanilla. In separate bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder,
cinnamon and salt. Stir flour mixture into wet ingredients then stir in coconut and
Grease and flour the bottom and sides of a 12” Dutch oven. Pour batter into
Dutch oven and spread evenly to sides. Bake using 8-10 coals bottom and 14-16
coals top for 45-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center of cake comes
out clean. For best results rotate oven and lid 90 degrees in opposite directions
every 15 minutes while baking. Allow cake to cool in pan for 15 minutes. Invert
cake onto a cooling rack and finish cooling. Cut cake in half horizontally. Separate
Frosting: Cream together all ingredients. Transfer a of the frosting to another
bowl and stir in pineapple.
Set 1 cake layer on a plate cut side up. Spread the pineapple frosting across
top of cake half. Top with second cake layer, cut side down. Frost top and sides
with remaining frosting. Serves: 12-15.
In large mixing bowl, mix together cake mix, eggs, vegetable oil and drained
syrup from peaches until smooth (about 2 minutes). Pour batter into buttered
12” Dutch oven. Arrange peach slices over top of batter. Cover oven and bake
using 8-10 briquettes bottom and 14-16 briquettes top for 60 minutes or until top
center of cake springs back when touched. Serve topped with whipped cream.
Serves: 8-10.
In large bowl, sift together flour, sugar, soda, salt and cinnamon. Add remaining
ingredients and mix together until just thoroughly combined. Turn batter out into
a greased and floured 10” Dutch oven and spread evenly. Place lid on oven and
bake using 6-8 briquettes bottom and 12-14 briquettes top for 60-75 minutes or
until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
Remove all heat from Dutch oven and let cake rest uncovered for 20 minutes.
Run a rubber spatula around the edge of the oven to loosen the cake. Lay a piece
of parchment paper across the top of the oven then put the lid on and carefully
invert the oven so that the cake drops onto the lid. Lift the oven off the lid then
slide the cake off the lid onto a cooling rack and remove the parchment paper.
Allow the cake to cool to room temperature.
Frosting: In medium bowl, cream butter until light. Add powdered sugar and
pineapple juice and mix together until smooth. Stir in pineapple. Spread icing on
top and sides of cake. Serves: 10-12.
Cake: Frosting:
1 white cake mix 1 8-ounce package cream
1 3-ounce box strawberry Jell-O cheese, room temperature
1 cup vegetable oil 4 tablespoons butter, room
4 large eggs, beaten temperature
½ cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flaked coconut ¾ cup strawberries, mashed
1 cup strawberries, mashed 3 cups powdered sugar
1 cup chopped pecans ½ cup pecans, chopped
In large bowl, stir together cake mix and Jell-O. Mix in oil, eggs, and milk until
well mixed. Stir in coconut, strawberries and pecans.
Spray a 10” Dutch oven with cooking spray then pour in cake batter and
spread evenly. Cover oven and bake using 6-8 briquettes bottom and 12-14
briquettes top for 45-50 minutes or until top center of cake springs back when
lightly touched. Remove heat from oven and let cake rest in oven with the lid
cracked for 10 minutes.
Run a rubber spatula around the edge of the oven to loosen the cake. Lay
a piece of parchment paper across the top of the oven then put the lid on and
carefully invert the oven so that the cake drops onto the lid. Lift the oven off the
lid then slide the cake off the lid onto a cooling rack and remove the parchment
paper. Allow the cake to cool to room temperature.
Frosting: In large bowl cream together the cream cheese and butter. Mix in
vanilla and powdered sugar until a firm spreadable consistency is achieved. Chill
the frosting if it seems a bit soft. Stir in strawberries and pecans.
Slice cooled cake in half horizontally and remove top half. Frost the cut side
of bottom cake half then replace top half of cake cut side down. Frost top and
sides of cake generously with frosting. Serves: 10-12.
Diaper Rash/Prickly Heat – Burn flour until black
(stirring gently) in a cast iron skillet. When cooled, spread the
black powder on affected area. Repeat as needed.
Submitted by Karen Hoth, Huntington, W.Va.
WV Company: Scent From Heaven
Sift together flour, pudding, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a large
mixing bowl beat butter, vanilla, and orange zest until soft. Gradually mix in 2 cups
sugar until light. Beat in egg yolks 1 at a time. Combine pineapple juice, water, and
rum in a measuring cup. Alternately mix in flour and pineapple juice mixtures starting
and ending with flour. DO NOT over beat the batter. Stir in coconut. In separate
bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually mix in
the remaining b cup sugar and continue beating until stiff but not dry. Gently fold
egg whites into batter one half at a time.
Grease the bottom and sides of a 12" Dutch oven. Pour batter into Dutch
oven and spread evenly to sides. Bake using 10-12 coals bottom and 14-16 coals
top until lightly golden and top springs back when touched, about 90 minutes. For
best results rotate oven and lid 90 degrees in opposite directions every 15 minutes
while baking. Allow cake to cool in pan for 15 minutes. Invert cake onto a rack and
finish cooling. Cut cake in half horizontally. Separate halves. Place in icebox until
Frosting: In a large bowl cream together cream cheese, butter, vanilla, and
coconut extract. Slowly mix in powdered sugar and rum. Transfer 1 cup frosting to
another bowl and stir in pineapple.
Set 1 cake layer on a plate. Spread with pineapple frosting. Top with second
cake layer, smooth side up. Frost top and sides of cake with remaining frosting.
Press toasted coconut into frosting on top and sides of cake. Return to icebox and
chill for 1 hour. Garnish with whipped cream and sliced strawberries. Serves: 18.
Melt butter in a 12” Dutch oven using 10-12 briquettes bottom heat.
Wash fresh blackberries and drain. In a large bowl combine blackberries,
sugar and lemon zest; stir to coat blackberries. Let rest.
In a separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, and egg;
mix until smooth. Pour batter over melted butter – do not stir. Carefully spoon
blackberries over top of the batter – do not stir. Sprinkle cinnamon over top.
Cover and bake using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 18-20 briquettes top for
35-45 minutes rotating the oven and lid 1/4 turn in opposite directions every 10
minutes until crust is golden brown. Serve topped with whipped cream or serve
with vanilla ice cream. Serves: 10.
Melt butter in 12” Dutch oven using 10-12 briquettes bottom heat.
Wash fresh blueberries and drain. In a large bowl combine blueberries,
sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of the cinnamon and water; stir to
coat blueberries. Let rest.
In separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk and egg; mix
until smooth. Pour batter over melted butter – do not stir. Carefully spoon blueberries
over top of the batter – do not stir. Sprinkle remaining cinnamon over top.
Cover and bake using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 18-20 briquettes top
for 35-45 minutes rotating oven and lid ¼ turn in opposite directions every 10
minutes until crust is golden brown. Serve topped with whipped cream or serve
with vanilla ice cream. Serves: 10.
Line a 12” Dutch oven with heavy duty foil. To lined Dutch oven add fruit,
almond extract, cinnamon, and ½ cup of the dry cake mix; stir to mix.
In separate bowl, mix together the remaining cake mix and the sweetened
condensed milk to form a batter. Pour batter over the top of the fruit and sprinkle
with toasted almonds.
Cover and bake for 45-60 minutes using 8-10 briquettes bottom and 14-16
briquettes top until topping is golden brown. Serve topped with whipped cream
or serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves: 8-10.
Linda Winkel – Charleston, W.Va.
Pour cherry pie filling in bottom of 12” Dutch oven. Pour dry cake mix over
filling (do not mix). Pour soda over cake mix but do not stir. Put lid on Dutch oven
and then place 7-8 pieces of charcoal on bottom and 17-18 on top of lid. Cooking
time is about 30 minutes.
1 30-ounce can fruit ½ cup instant tapioca
cocktail ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 30-ounce can sliced ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
peaches 1 yellow or lemon cake mix
1 12-ounce can crushed 1 cup brown sugar
pineapple ¼ pound butter, cut into pieces
Into a 12” Dutch oven add canned fruit (juice included), tapioca, cinnamon,
and nutmeg. Stir to mix. Sprinkle cake mix evenly over top of fruit. Sprinkle brown
sugar over top of cake mix. Dab butter all over top of brown sugar. Place lid on oven.
Bake for 45 minutes to an hour using 12 briquettes top and 12 briquettes bottom
heat. Cobbler is done when top is brown and cake has absorbed fruit juices.
Variation: Combine 1 cup of crushed pecan halves with the brown sugar for
a crunchier topping. Serves: 8-10.
Melt butter in 12” Dutch oven using 10-12 briquettes bottom heat.
In separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk and egg;
mix until smooth. Pour batter over melted butter – do not stir. Spoon pie filling by
tablespoons over batter – do not stir.
Cover and bake using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 18-20 briquettes top for
35-45 minutes rotating oven and lid ¼ turn in opposite directions every 10 minutes
until crust is golden brown. Serve topped with whipped cream or with vanilla ice
cream. Serves: 12.
Drain most of the juice from the peaches. Dump the peaches into the bottom
of 12” Dutch oven. Sprinkle cinnamon over peaches. Pour dry cake mix over
peaches. Pour can of soda over cake mix but do not stir. Put lid on Dutch oven
and place 7-8 pieces of charcoal on bottom and 17-18 on top of lid. Cooking time
is about 30 minutes.
Filling: Topping:
8 cups Granny Smith 2 cups flour
apples, thinly sliced 2 cups sugar
1 cup dried currants or raisins 2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sugar ½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 eggs, well beaten
1¼ cups pecans, coarsely 1 cup evaporated milk
chopped, divided ½ cup butter, melted
Filling: Place apples in a buttered 12” Dutch oven. Sprinkle raisins over apples.
In separate bowl combine sugar, cinnamon, and 1 cup of the pecans; stir to mix.
Sprinkle over apples.
Topping: In a large bowl sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
In a separate bowl mix together eggs, evaporated milk and melted butter. Add liquid
ingredients to dry all at once and mix until smooth. Pour batter over apples then
sprinkle with remaining pecans.
Cover and bake for 45-60 minutes using 8-10 briquettes bottom and 14-16 briquettes
top until topping is golden brown. Serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves: 12-14.
10 ripe bananas; peeled 1½ cups brown sugar
1½ cups orange juice 1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons vanilla 1 teaspoon salt
1 cup flour 1½ sticks butter; cut into pieces
1 cup instant oats
Slice bananas into ¼” pieces; place in a lightly buttered 12” Dutch oven.
Combine orange juice and vanilla; pour over bananas.
In separate bowl, combine flour, oats, brown sugar, nutmeg and salt; stir to
mix. Cut in the butter until mixture is about the size of small peas. Spoon crumble
mixture over fruit.
Cover and bake for 20-30 minutes using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 16-18
briquettes top until crumble is golden brown. Serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves:
Filling: In 12” Dutch oven add apples and lemon juice; stir to coat apples.
In separate dish, combine remaining filling ingredients and stir to mix. Pour dry
ingredients over apples and stir until apples are well coated.
Topping: In eparate bowl, combine brown sugar, flour, oatmeal and walnuts;
stir to mix. Using a fork, mix in butter. Spread topping evenly over apples.
Cover Dutch oven and bake using 12-14 briquettes bottom and 16-18 briquettes
top for 60 minutes. Serve topped with whipped cream. Serves: 12-14.
In buttered 12” Dutch oven add apples and lemon juice; stir to coat apples.
In separate dish combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and salt; stir to
mix. Pour dry ingredients over apples and stir until apples are well coated. Spread
out apples and pour caramel sauce over the top.
In medium bowl combine brown sugar, flour, oatmeal, and walnuts; stir to
mix. Using a fork, mix in melted butter to form coarse crumbs. Spread topping
evenly over apples.
Cover Dutch oven and bake using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 16-18 bri-
quettes top for 60 minutes. Serves: 16.
Add bread cubes to a well greased 12” Dutch oven. Drizzle butter over bread;
sprinkle cheese over the top. Whisk together eggs, milk and mustard. Season
with salt and pepper. Pour eggs over bread and cheese. Sprinkle sausage over
the top. Cover and bake using 6-8 briquettes bottom and 12-14 briquettes top
for 30-45 minutes until eggs are set. Serves: 8-10.
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and pour into a well buttered Dutch oven.
Cook until eggs are set and cheese is melted. Use 9 briquettes under the oven
and 12 briquettes on the lid. May be stacked.
Preheat the lightly greased Dutch oven with briquettes. Mix soup, veggies
and cooked meat and dump into the oven. Mix milk, egg and baking mix. Spread
over meat mixture. Bake 30 minutes or until golden. Thirteen coals on lid and 7
*Leftover cooked pork or squirrel or rabbit works well. Canned chicken works, too.
Heat 12” Dutch oven using 16-18 briquettes bottom until hot. To hot oven add
butter and olive oil. When butter is melted, add zucchini, onion and garlic; season
with salt and pepper. Cook 5-10 minutes until onion turns golden brown. Stir in
tomatoes and bell pepper. Season with Italian seasoning and additional salt and
pepper to taste. Top vegetables with cheese then cover oven and bake using
8-10 briquettes bottom and 14-16 briquettes top for 20 minutes until vegetables
are tender and cheese is bubbly. Serves: 4-6.
Linda Winkel – Charleston, W.Va.
Place ribs in the bottom of the Dutch oven. Cut onions into quarters and
place on top of ribs. Pour BBQ sauce over onions and ribs. Place lid on Dutch
oven then place 15-18 charcoals on top and 12-15 on bottom. Cooking time is
about 60 to 90 minutes.
Mix turkey with seasoning mix. Layer turkey, refried beans, chopped onion and
shredded cheese in a 12” Dutch oven. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350°F (15 coals on
top and 9 coals underneath). Serve with nacho chips, salsa and sour cream.
Put the potatoes in the bottom of the oven. Put the onions and mushrooms
on top of the potatoes. Put the steak chunks on top of them. In a bowl, mix the
soup, water and the rest of the ingredients together and pour over the steak.
Place over 14 briquettes and put 10 briquettes on top of lid. Cook for at least an
hour, don’t lift the lid, don’t even peek at it ... it’s doing just fine. Replenish the
coals if you wish to cook it longer. The longer you cook it the better it gets.
Heat 12” deep Dutch oven using 18-20 briquettes bottom until oven is hot.
Cut bacon into 1” slices and place in oven and fry until brown. Add onions, garlic,
and mushrooms. Stir, then cover and cook until onions are translucent. Add
potatoes. In large bowl, combine remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour soup
mixture over potatoes and stir until all potatoes are coated. Cover and cook 60
minutes using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 12-14 briquettes top heat. Stir pot
gently every 15 minutes. Serves: 12.
Pour peas and water into Dutch oven. Place Dutch oven over briquettes
and bring to a slow simmer. Cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Soak 1
hour. Add all other ingredients, with the exception of the diced celery and carrots,
and bring to a boil. Simmer over slow heat for 1½-2 hours. Replace charcoal
briquettes as needed. Stir often to prevent scorching. Remove bone from soup.
Cut off meat and dice. Discard bone and fat. Return meat to Dutch oven. Add the
diced celery and carrots. Cook slowly for 45-50 more minutes. Leave lid slightly
cracked to allow moisture to escape and soup to thicken. Serves 6-7.
Combine all ingredients in a 12” Dutch oven. Bake with 8 coals under and
12 on lid for about 2½ hours, stirring occasionally. Remove lid for last 30 minutes
to let moisture escape. Serves 10-20.
Celestine Ervin – Charleston, W.Va.
Combine dry ingredients. Work in shortening and add buttermilk. Knead and
pinch off desired amounts and place in a greased Dutch oven. Bake 15-20
minutes on hot coals. (Can bake in conventional oven at 350°F).
Mix melted butter and chili powder together. Thaw rolls and cut in half. Dip
in butter mixture and drop in the Bundt pan until about half full. Let the rolls rise.
Place Bundt pan inside a Dutch oven and bake at temperature of dinner roll
instruction. When bread is done remove Bundt pan and let set for a few minutes.
Turn upside down on a plate and pull apart as you want.
Variation: Use brown sugar and cinnamon instead of chili powder.
Thelma Neal – Gauley Bridge, W.Va.
This recipe is probably 200 years old. I have been making it for over 45 years.
Some people call it “Sweeten Pone.” Whatever you call it, it is GOOD!
Night before baking: In large mixing bowl, combine top four ingredients
listed above (corn meal, boiling water, sugar and salt); mix well. Cover and let
set overnight at room temperature.
Next morning: Add flour, buttermilk, slightly beaten egg, baking powder,
baking soda and melted butter or oleo to mixture; mix well. Pour into greased
heavy Dutch oven (use one with lid). Bake in a pre-heated 450°F oven uncovered
for 15 minutes. (Put lid in oven at the same time as the pone so the lid will be hot
and not slow the baking). Reduce heat to 350° F. Cover with lid and continue
baking for 45 minutes. When pone is taken from the oven, let it stand for about
1 hour with lid on before cutting.
After pone is removed from oven, water will form on underside of lid. Lift the
lid very carefully and drain the water off. Dry with paper towel and replace lid.
Do this 2 or 3 times while pose is setting. If you cut pone as soon as it is baked,
it will fall apart. Refrigerate any leftovers.
Harry Lynch – Summersville, W.Va.
Preheat a 12” Dutch oven to 425°F. Combine frozen hash browns, cheese,
and onion in large bowl. Mix until well blended the milk, beef stock, half the melted
butter, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper in a separate bowl. Pour over the
hash browns and mix well. Melt the remaining butter in the Dutch oven. Spoon in
the hash brown mixture. Cook, stirring occasionally until hot and all the cheese
has melted. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until surface is brown.
Ric Menefee – Houston, TX
In well-seasoned Dutch oven, sauté in olive oil; chopped onions, sliced jalapeno
peppers, banana peppers cut into strips, and cubed link sausage. Stir frequently
until onions are clear.
Reduce to low heat and add all 3 kinds of beans. Cover and stir at least once
each 30 minutes.
After 1 hour add the ingredients from one of the optional flavor choices. Cover
and continue to cook on low heat additional 1-2 hours, stirring approximately
every 30 minutes.
Salt and pepper to individual taste when served. Additional seasoning will
vary based on flavor option.
Mary Thompson – Charleston, W.Va.
Combine loaf ingredients, mix and form loaf. Place in a cast iron skillet or
a 8-quart Dutch oven. Bake uncovered meatloaf for 1 hour at 350°F. Combine
topping ingredients in small mixing bowl. Add topping to loaf and bake another 15
Grease and preheat a 10” or 12” Dutch oven. Slice or dice SPAM®. Pour
rice and broth into Dutch oven. Slice and dice SPAM® and layer over rice. Cover
with shredded cheese. Cover with lid and bake for 35-45 minutes at 350°F. Serve
hot. Serves 6
Preheat oven to 325°F. In Dutch oven, on the stove top, sear the meat to
hold in the juices. Combine the water and Zest Sauce and pour over the roast.
Put lid on the Dutch oven and place in the center of your oven on a rack and cook
for 6-hours. Roast should be well done and when inserted with a fork it easily
breaks away.
Tastes like an expensive brisket and venison can be substituted for beef.
In large Dutch oven, combine ham hock, water, and salt. Bring to a boil, cover
and reduce heat, and simmer for 20-minutes.
Add turnip greens and sugar. Cook, without stirring, for 20-30 minutes, or until
greens are tender. Makes 6-8 servings
Combine all ingredients in Dutch oven; mix well. Place on medium heat on
stovetop or preheated grill. Simmer covered for several hours; stir often. Remove
from heat when vegetables are soft. Makes 8 servings
Carl Thompson – Charleston, W.Va.
3 cups white beans, cooked 1 tablespoon brown spicy
until soft mustard
1½ cups bean soup 1 cup ham, ⅜"-½" thick diced/
½ cup honey or molasses chopped pieces
1 tablespoon bacon or ham ¼ cup ketchup
drippings 1 teaspoon salt
½ cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons maple syrup
1 cup onion, chopped 1 teaspoon liquid smoke
Combine in an 8-quart cast iron Dutch oven. Bake covered at 300°F for
2 hours. Uncover and bake approximately 1 hour. Check beans until desired
Soups & Stews
Preheat oven to 300°F. In large Dutch oven with ovenproof handles, heat
vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add beef to Dutch oven; brown well, stirring
often. If your Dutch oven is small, do this in batches rather than trying to brown
all the beef at once. Return all beef to the Dutch oven, add onion and Kielbasa.
Sauté until onion is translucent, stirring often. Stir in garlic salt and pepper. Add
red wine and stir to loosen browned bits. Stir in both canned soups, tomatoes
with their juice, potatoes, carrots and barbecue sauce. Stir well, cover and bake
in oven for at least 3 hours. Before serving, remove the Dutch oven and place it
on the stove over medium-high heat. Reduce, stirring often, until sauce thickens
to desired consistency. Add green peas and lima beans and stir until heated
through. Serves 10.
Coat beef in mixture of flour, paprika, 1 teaspoon chili powder and salt. Heat
lard and brown coated beef in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion
and garlic and cook until soft. Then add tomatoes, chili powder, cinnamon, cloves
and peppers. Cover and simmer 2 hours. Add potatoes and carrots and cook
until vegetables are done, about 45 minutes. Makes 6-8 servings.
Harry Lynch – Summersville, W.Va.
Heat olive oil in Dutch oven; add all of the ingredients except the potatoes.
Simmer for approximately 30 minutes. Add potatoes and simmer for 15-20 minutes
or until potatoes are cooked.
Shrimp, mussels, clams, crabs, oysters, lobster can also be added to the stew
but cooking time for different types of fish/shellfish must be varied accordingly.
In Dutch oven, cook beef, onion, and garlic over medium-high heat until
browned; stirring until meat crumbles, drain well. Stir in tomatoes and remaining
ingredients. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes.
Soup: Place diced potatoes and onions in 12” or 14” Dutch oven.
Add enough water to barely cover. Add bullion cubes, crushed so they will
dissolve quickly. Simmer until potatoes and onions are done. Add cream and
bring back to simmer. Add roux enough to thicken. Stir in chopped parsley
Roux: Melt butter over medium heat. Add flour and cook a few minutes. Let
the flour mixture brown a little, but not burn. Makes about ½ cup.
Wash beans and soak overnight in cold water; drain. Put beans in a large
Dutch oven, add water and simmer 1 hour. Add onion, garlic, bacon rind, chili
powder, oregano and chili peppers. Cover and simmer 2 hours, adding salt the
last hour. Makes 6 servings.
Brown ground beef in large Dutch oven. Drain beef and return it to the Dutch
oven. Add ranch mix, taco seasoning, drained tomatoes and chilies, tomatoes
with onions, drained chili beans, drained corn and pepper sauce to the Dutch
oven. Cover; cook on medium heat for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove
Dutch oven from heat and spoon into individual serving bowls. Add 1-2 ounces
of cheddar cheese and ½-1 tablespoon sour cream. Serve with corn chips if
desired. Serves 8-10 adults
Combine ingredients in a cast iron Dutch oven with lid. Heat on medium-high
for 5 minutes. Simmer for 10 more minutes. Serve with crackers or cornbread.
Top with cheese if desired.
This recipe may be used with the 3 or 5 lb. container sizes of Custard Stand
Hot Dog Chili®, just increase other ingredients accordingly.
Brown beef with onions in a Dutch oven; pour off fat. Add remaining ingredients;
cover and simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Makes 6 servings.
Wayne Casto – Martinsburg, W.Va.
Preheat oven to 350° F or build a big camp fire. Melt one stick of butter in
large well-seasoned cast iron Dutch oven on medium fire or heat. Add chopped
onions and garlic to butter and cook until onions are clear. Remove mixture from
Dutch oven. Add steak, Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce. Brown steak, do
not over cook. Remove meat from Dutch oven. Add second stick of butter to
Dutch oven. Put in onions, garlic, chopped tomatoes, red kidney beans, tomato
juice, red sweet peppers and jalapeno pepper. Bring this mixture to a boil. Do
not scorch. Add meat and whiskey to the mixture. Stir and cover the entire top
of the mixture with the biscuits. Cover with lid and place in the oven or hot coals
until the evening meal. (about 3 hours)
Place in bowls, add fresh chopped onions and cheese to the top. ENJOY!
Heat oil to 375°F. In mixing bowl, combine egg, milk, water, mustards and
season to taste with salt and pepper. In separate mixing bowl, combine cornmeal
and garlic and season again with salt and pepper. Set aside. Dip fish or seafood
in egg mixture and then into cornmeal mixture. Place into the deep-fry basket;
carefully lower into the hot oil. Cook until seafood floats, approximately 3 minutes.
Remove, drain and keep warm until serving. Serves 6.
1¾ cups whole milk 1 tablespoon cinnamon
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon table salt
cut into 8 pieces 1½ teaspoon instant yeast
2 cups flour unbleached all- 2 large eggs
purpose (10 ounces) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 2
1 tablespoon granulated sugar tablespoons vanilla sugar
Heat milk and butter in small saucepan over medium-low heat until butter is
melted, 3-5 minutes. Cool milk/butter mixture until it is about 109°F. Meanwhile,
whisk flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon and yeast in large bowl to combine. Gradually
whisk warm milk/butter mixture into flour mixture; continue to whisk until batter
is smooth. In small bowl, whisk eggs and vanilla until combined, then add egg
mixture to batter and whisk until incorporated. Scrape down sides of bowl with
rubber spatula, cover bowl with plastic wrap, and refrigerate at least 12 and up to
24 hours. Be sure to place the bowl on a plate with a rim as the yeast will likely
cause the batter to overflow the bowl.
Set oven to 200°F. Heat aebleskiver pan over a medium-high heat until a few
drops of water thrown on the pan sizzle. Transfer batter to an old plastic catsup
bottle to make dispensing it into the divots easy and quick or use a large rounded
tablespoon to drop the batter into the pan. Allow the batter to cook for about 30
seconds, and then use a wooden skewer, insert it near the top rim of the cooking
batter and flip the pancake over in one quick motion. Let them cook for another 45
seconds or so and flip over again until the outside is a nice golden brown color.
Place finished aebleskivers in the warm oven in a single layer on a baking
sheet while you are making others to keep them warm and non-soggy. Serve
with apple marmalade, apple butter or jam and whipped cream. Makes: about 64
2 cups cake flour ¼ cup melted shortening
4 eggs, separated 2 scant cups milk
1 teaspoon baking ½ teaspoon salt
powder 1 tablespoon sugar
Beat egg yolks; add sugar. Sift dry ingredients and add alternately with milk.
Fold in beaten egg whites. Place small amount of shortening in each depression
of aebleskiver pan and fill b full of dough. Cook until bubbly; turn carefully with
fork and finish baking on other side. Serve with butter and maple syrup, jam or
brown sugar.
2 eggs, separated 1 cup flour
1½ teaspoons sugar 1 cup milk
½ teaspoon baking powder 1½ tablespoons pure vanilla
¼ teaspoon salt 7 tablespoons apricot preserves
1 tablespoon vegetable oil or cooked apples
In medium bowl beat egg whites until stiff. Stir together remaining dry
ingredients, and in a separate bowl mix the remaining liquid as well. LIGHTLY
fold the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients by hand until a pancake
consistency is reached.
An aebleskiver pan is required, which is like an upside down frying pan with
7 cupped areas, much like an egg poacher. Spray with cooking spray, spoon in a
few tablespoons of batter, then a spoon of apricot preserves or cooked apples in
the center, then top off with more batter. Once it’s done on one side, use two forks
to flip the pancakes over to cook on the top side. Then flip the 7 pancakes onto
a plate, garnish with powdered sugar, mint leaves, and maple syrup. 7 pancakes
per person
Teresa Halloran – Charleston, W.Va.
2 cups buttermilk 1 teaspoon soda
2 cups flour 2 teaspoons sugar
3 eggs, separated 7-10 tablespoons applesauce
1 teaspoon baking powder 7-10 tablespoons butter
½ teaspoon salt ¼ cup WV maple syrup
Beat egg yolks. Add sugar, salt and milk; then add flour, soda and baking
powder which have been sifted together. Last, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
Place small amount of shortening in each depression of aebleskiver pan and fill
b full of dough. Place a small teaspoonful of apple sauce on top of dough, and
then barely cover applesauce with a little more dough. Cook until bubbly; turn
carefully with a metal skewer or knitting needle and finish baking on other side.
Serve with butter and maple syrup, jam or brown sugar. NOTE: Avoid spilling
apple sauce in cups as this will cause the aebleskiver to stick. Fresh apple or
preserves may be substituted for apple sauce.
Iron Griddle Recipes
This piece of cast-iron cookware makes indoor grilling a snap
and can be used on a campfire if necessary.
Both electric or gas stove top ranges have burners spaced to allow
for the cast iron griddle to fit well over two burners on the stovetop.
Some models have a flat surface on one side and ribbed surface on the other
side to add variety to the preparation and appearance of
grilled meats and vegetables.
¾ cup white flour ¾ teaspoon salt
¾ cup buckwheat flour 1 egg, well beaten
3 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk
3½ teaspoons baking 3 tablespoons oil
powder 1 tablespoon molasses
Sift dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. Combine remaining ingredients is a
separate bowl and then pour into dry mixture. Stir just enough to moisten dry
ingredients. Do not beat. Pour onto to a hot, greased iron griddle.
Special Thanks
We gratefully thank and acknowledge those that have
contributed to this cookbook. We appreciate each recipe, tip
and historical tid-bit we received. Our contributors ranged from
West Virginia residents and agribusiness owners to West Virginia
Department of Agriculture employees to those who have West
Virginia ties and even those that just hold a special place in
their hearts for West Virginia. Without each and every piece of
information we received, this cookbook would not be possible.
We feel sure you have not only allowed us to
engage appetites, but also memories!
Cakes Hash Brown Casserole................................. 17
Texas Ranch Beans...................................... 18
Blueberry Fantasy Cake............................... 1
Carrot Pineapple Cake................................. 2 Meats
Easy “Peachy” Cake..................................... 2 Meatloaf........................................................ 18
Banana Pineapple Cake............................... 3 Swiss Steak.................................................. 19
Fruit Dump Cake.......................................... 3 Spam Bake................................................... 19
Strawberry Pecan Cake................................ 4 Rump Roast Special..................................... 19
Colada Cake......................................... 5 Sunday Pot Roast Brisket............................. 20
Cobblers Vegetables
Blackberry Cobbler....................................... 6 Turnip Greens............................................... 20
Blueberry Cobbler......................................... 6 Trail Drive Beans.......................................... 20
Peach-Orange Dump Cobbler...................... 7 BBQ Beans................................................... 21
Fruit Cobbler Deluxe..................................... 7 Baked Beans................................................ 21
Cherry Cobbler............................................. 7 Soups & Stews
Fruit Cobbler Delight..................................... 8
Dutch Oven Beef Stew................................. 22
Easy Fruit Cobbler........................................ 8
Chuckwagon Stew........................................ 22
Dump Cake/Peach Cobbler.......................... 8
Uncle Harry’s Burgoos Stew......................... 23
Apple Cobbler Deluxe................................... 9
Feel-Better Chicken Noodle Soup................ 23
Cherry Crisp Cobbler.................................... 9
Fish Stew...................................................... 24
Banana Crumble........................................... 9 I Taco Soup..................................................... 24
Dutch Apple Crisp......................................... 10
N Cream of Potato Soup.................................. 25
Caramel Apple Crisp..................................... 10 Pinto Bean Soup........................................... 25
Casseroles D Chili Soup With Beans.................................. 26
Tasty Bowl Chili............................................ 26
Breakfast Sausage Souffle........................... 11 E Wild Card Chili.............................................. 26
Camping Breakfast Casserole...................... 11
Dutch Oven Yard Bird Pie............................. 11 X Hunting Camp Chillie.................................... 27
Zucchini Cheese Bake ................................. 12 Chili ............................................................ 27
Ribs ............................................................ 12 Deep-Fried Cat Fish/ Seafood Blend............ 28
BBQ Chicken................................................ 12 Four Grandsons Hush Puppies.................... 28
Turkey Nacho Supper .................................. 13 Old Time Cornmeal Balls.............................. 28
Beef & Gravy................................................ 13
Viking Balls................................................... 29
Dutch Oven Potatoes................................... 14
Standard Aebleskiver.................................... 29
Split Pea Soup With Ham............................. 14
Aebleskiver Pancackes................................ 30
Bacon Baked Beans..................................... 15
Quick and Easy Aebleskiver......................... 30
KITCHEN DUTCH OVEN Danish Ebleskivers....................................... 30
Walt Helmick, Commissioner
1900 Kanawha Blvd., East
Charleston, WV 25305