Med Surg 1 Exam 1
Med Surg 1 Exam 1
Med Surg 1 Exam 1
- Crystallized Intelligence gained through education and lifelong experiences (ex: verbal
* Remains intact with aging
- Falls 7th cause of death for older people and most common cause of non-fatal injuries
* Most common incident report in hospital/care facilities
* Infants and older adults are most at risk for injury from falls
* Older women who fall sustain greater degree of injury then men
* Men are more likely to die from a fall injury
* Hip fracture is the most common fracture as result from fall
* Falls are most common on nights, weekends, and holidays
* Causes
- Illness
- Poor lighting or poor vision
- Clutter; slippery floors; throw rugs; high bed; low toilet
- Neurologic changes or cognitive impairment
- Sensory Impairment (decreased vision, proprioception, hearing)
- Medication side effects/polypharmacy
- Improper footwear
- Mobility difficulty; poor balance
- Alcohol use
- Decreased coordination
- Drowsiness
- Postural hypotension; dizziness
- Pets
* Many who fall become fearful and lose self-confidence
* Encourage patients/families to make simple changes to reduce fall risk
- Ex: increase lighting, remove throw rugs, grab bars, and declutter walkways
* Upon admission assess fall risk; those at risk are assessed every 8 hours
- Impaired Hearing
* Attend to hearing aids
* Close captioned TV
* Regular inspection of ear canals (especially if they wear hearing aids)
* Teach techniques to improve communication
* Promote safety
* Assess for social isolation (are they confused, angry, or withdrawn?)
* Face client with good lighting for lip-reading and nonverbal communication
-Use simple sentence structure
- Don’t ask too many questions; only ask one at a time
- Have patient validate what you say and ask them to repeat it
- Allow patient to question what you say and validate what they have heard
*Common Hearing Deficits
- Conduction deafness: structure that transmits vibrations is affected
- Nerve deafness: damage to cranial nerve VIII or receptors in cochlea
- Presbycusis: loss with aging due to deterioration of the hair cells in cochlea
- Central Deafness: damage to auditory areas of temporal lobe (tumor,
trauma, CVA)
- Tinnitus: ringing in ears
- Impacted cerumen: blocked ear canal (earwax)
- Otosclerosis: hardening of bones in middle ear (stapes)
- Otitis Media: middle ear infection
* Hearing Loss
- Occurs in 3/1000 births; ½ are genetically related
* Genetic Syndromes associated with hearing loss
- Waardenburg Syndrome
- Usher Syndrome
- Pendred Syndrome
- Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
-Risk Factors
* Male gender
* Family history
* Low birth weight
* Use of Otoxic medications
* Recurrent ear infections
* Bacterial meningitis
* Chronic exposure to loud noise
* Perforation of tympanic ear drum
* Occupation (carpentry, plumbing, coal mining, etc.)
* Impacted cerumen (conductive hearing loss)
* Otitis media
* Otosclerosis
* Damage to cochlea or vestibulocochlear nerve (sensoneural loss)
* Emotional reaction leading to psychogenic nonorganic hearing loss
- Signs/Symptoms
* Deafness partial or complete loss of ability to hear
* Tinnitus
* Increasing inability to hear when in a group
* Need to turn up volume of TV
* Lead to change in attitude, awareness of surroundings, or ability to
protect one’s self
* May have feelings of isolation
* Difficulty communicating and hearing parts of conversation
- Prevention
* Avoid loud noise
- Noise-induced hearing loss long period of exposure to loud
- Acoustic Trauma hearing loss caused by a single exposure
to an intense noise
- Minimum level known to cause noise- induced hearing loss is
85-90 dB
* Wear ear protection when exposed to loud noises
- Hearing loss is permanent because the hairs are destroyed
- Gerontologic Considerations
* Cerumen tends to become harder and drier impactions occur
* Tympanic membrane may atrophy or become sclerotic
* Cells at base of cochlea degenerate
* Presbycusis progressive hearing loss in elderly
* Difficulty hearing high frequencies
* Some of their medications may produce Otoxic effects
* Increased risk for depression, isolation, and confusion
* Increases risk of falls
- Nursing Implications
* Nurse should assess for
- Speech deterioration
- Fatigue when trying to follow conversation
- Indifference
- Social withdrawal
- Insecurity
- Indecision and procrastination
- Suspiciousness
- False pride; overcompensate
- Loneliness/unhappiness
- Tendency to dominate the conversation
* Use facial expressions and gestures
* Speak in normal tones
* Determine how person prefers to communicate
* Try to determine the context of what person is trying to say
* If you can’t understand them, have them write it out
* Always speak facing patient directly
* Speak slowly and distinctly with lots of pauses
* Tinnitus symptom of an underlying disorder of ear that is associated with
hearing loss; roaring/buzzing/hissing sound in one or both ears
- Most prevalent between ages of 40-70
- Ranges from mild to sever
- Contributing Factors
* Otoxic Substances
- Diuretic agents (furosemide)
- Chemotherapeutic agents
- Antimalarial agents
- Anti-inflammatory agents (aspirin)
- Chemicals (alcohol, arsenic)
- Aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin)
- Other antibiotics (erythromycin, minocycline, polymyxin B,
- Metals (gold, mercury, led)
* Underlying disorders
- Thyroid disease
- Hyperlipidemia
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Psychological disorders (depression/anxiety)
- Fibromyalgia
- Otologic disorders (Meniere’s disease, acoustic neuroma)
- Neurologic disorders (MS, head injury)