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AURO University: Module Leader: DR Rohit Singh

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AURO University

Sales and Distribution Management

Semester- V

Module Handbook: 2019


Module Leader: Dr Rohit Singh

Email: rohit@aurouniversity.edu.in

Phone Ext: 157

AURO University

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Module Objectives: ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Coverage: ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Learning outcomes: ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Assessment structure:.................................................................................................................................... 5
Contact hours: ............................................................................................................................................... 5
References:.................................................................................................................................................... 6
Weekly Coverage: ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Assessments (Detailed Instructions): ....................................................................................................... ….8
Regulations ................................................................................................................................... 11
Support for your learning ............................................................................................................................ 13
Using unfair means in assessments ............................................................................................................. 12
Week 01: Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 17
Week 02: Salesmanship .............................................................................................................................. 18
Week 03: Selling Theories & Strategies ..................................................................................................... 19
Week 04: The Selling Process .................................................................................................................... 20
Week 05: Sales Organization ...................................................................................................................... 21
Week 06: Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force .................................................................................. 22
Week 07: Sales Force Training & Compensation ....................................................................................... 23
Week 08: Reading Week ............................................................................................................................ 23
Week 09: Sales Territories .......................................................................................................................... 25
Week 10: Sales Quota ................................................................................................................................. 26
Week 11: Evaluation of Sales Force ........................................................................................................... 27
Week 12: Sales Budget & Control .............................................................................................................. 28
Week 13: Distribution Channel Strategy - functions, designing & selecting channels .............................. 29
Week 14: Motivating & Evaluating Channel Members, Channel Conflict & Dynamics ........................... 30
Week 15: Retailing & Wholesaling, Logistics-Management and Channel Control ................................... 31
Week 16: Revision

AURO University



Organizations, large or small, are into selling something or the other for their survival and
growth. Sales and Distribution Management is an integrated marketing function, which focuses
on the management of the sales force and marketing channels through the development and
execution of sound sales and distribution strategies. Sales executive not only plan and implement
sales operations and programs but also other important aspect of marketing strategy. The focus
of sales and distribution management has shifted from enhancing individual performance to
improving the selling approach, which calls for downsizing the sales force, more use of
information technology, effective use of telemarketing, key account management, electronic data
interchange, cross- functional team selling and outsourcing of sales function.

Sales and Distribution in India is characterized by the presence of a large number of

channel intermediaries. The distribution sector is dominated by wholesalers and personal selling
is a norm in sales organizations. However, organized retailing and franchising has grown
tremendously in recent times. The module adopts an integrated approach to the study of Sales
and Distribution Management, which plays an important role in building successful business

Module Objectives:
The course intends to develop an understanding of concepts, methods and strategies of
sales and distribution management with special reference to markets at home and abroad.

Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills:

The module will develop knowledge, understanding and the ability to apply skills relating

 The linkages between Salesmanship, Selling Process and Sales Management

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 Sales Force Management and Control in various types of Sales Organizations

 The Distribution Channels and their role in Marketing Strategy
 The Sales and Distribution Planning Process
 The Function of Sales and Distribution within a wider marketing arena

General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills:

Upon successful completion students will demonstrate the ability to:

 Integrate the Sales & Distribution knowledge with Strategic Aspects of the Marketing
 Develop an ability to map and manage the Logistical Aspects of Sales and
 Develop Analytical Skills through Case Study Analysis
 Utilize a range of Personal Skills and Competencies that will enable them to operate
effectively in their industry


Introduction: Sales And Distribution Strategy: An Overview- Marketing Sales And Distribution
Linkage; What Is Selling?

Salesmanship: Its Relationship With Sales Management & Personal Selling; Myths About
Selling, Characteristics Of Sales Job; Conceptual Model Of “Salesperson-Buyer”, Dyadic
Relationship; Selling Theories, Formulation Of Personnel Selling Strategies.

Selling Process And Sales Organization: Prospecting; Pre-Approach And Call Planning;
Approach And Presentation; Objection Handling And Sales Close, Purpose Of Sales
Organization, Setting Up A Sales Organization, Basic Types Of Sales Organizational Structure.

Sales Force Management And Control: Recruitment And Selection Of Sales Force; Sales
Force Training: Objective And Techniques; Basic Issues Sales Force Compensation, Sales
Territories: Concept, Reason For Establishing Territories, Revising Routing & Scheduling Sales
Personnel. Sales Quotas: Types Of Quotas & Their Administration. Performance Appraisal And
Evaluation. Sales Control, Sales Budget, Determining The Size Of Sales Force, Sales Contest &

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Distribution Marketing: Channel Strategy; Structure And Functions, Designing And Selecting
Channel, Motivating & Evaluating Channel Members, Channel Conflict & Dynamics, Retailing
& Wholesaling, Logistics Management And Channel Control

Learning outcomes:

Subject Specific: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills:

On successful completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:
 Understand the Various Aspects of Sales Force Management and Control
 Plan and Execute Sales and Distribution Strategies.
 Evaluate The Role of Distribution Channels in The Marketing Strategy
 Diagnose and Evaluate Sales and Distribution Management Activities
 Develop and Present Sales and Distribution Plans

General: Knowledge, Understanding and Skills:

On successful completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:
 Develop Problem Solving Skills
 Demonstrate Critical Thinking Skills
 Demonstrate The Ability to Work in Teams
 Communicate Ideas Clearly and in The Most Appropriate Manner
 Think Logically and Coherently
 Evaluate Business Performance Through Case Study Analysis

Assessment Structure:

 50%- End Term Exam

 25%- Case Study Analysis
 25% - Group Exercise (15%) & Presentation (10%)

Contact Hours:

 24 hours – Lecture
 16 hours – Tutorials/Workshops/Seminars

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Core Text:

 Still, R.R. et.al (2019), Sales Management Decisions, Strategies and Cases, 5/e, New
Delhi, Pearson

Other References:

1. Blattberg , R.C. and Scott A. (1990) Sales promotion: Concepts, Methods & Strategies,
2. Calvin, R.A., 2002. Sales Management, New Delhi: TMH.
3. Churchill, G.A. and Ford, N.M., 2000.Sales Force Management.6/e. New York: McGraw
4. Donaldson, B., 2007.Sales Management Theory and Practice. 3/e. New York : Palgrave
5. Futrell, C., 2001.Sales Management: Teamwork, Leadership and Technology .6 / e.
Texas: Harcourt Brace.
6. Ingram, Thomas N., 2007. Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making. 6/e. New
Delhi: Cengage Learning.
7. Jobber, D. and Lancaster, G., 2009. Selling & Sales Management. 8/e. Harlow: Financial
Time Prentice Hall.
8. Panda, Tapan K., Sahadev, Sunil (2009) Sales and Distribution Management, New Delhi:
9. Ramachandran, S., 2002.Distribution and Sales Management. New Delhi : Allied New
10. Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Sage Publications, New Delhi.
11. Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Macmillan India Ltd, New

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Weekly Coverage:
S. No. Week Coverage

1 Week 1 Introduction

2 Week 2 Salesmanship

3 Week 3 Selling Theories and Strategies

4 Week 4 Selling Process

5 Week 5 Sales Organization

6 Week 6 Recruitment & Selection of Sales Force

7 Week 7 Sales Force Training & Compensation

8 Week 8 Reading Week

9 Week 9 Sales Territories

10 Week 10 Sales Quota

11 Week 11 Evaluation of Sales Force

12 Week 12 Sales Budget & Control

Distribution Channel Strategy - functions , designing
13 Week 13 & selecting channels

14 Week 14 Motivating & Evaluating Channel Members, Channel

conflict & Dynamics

15 Week 15 Retailing &Wholesaling, Logistics-Management and

Channel Control

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Assessments (detailed instructions):

1. End Term Examination (50%):

This would be a three hours duration close-book examination. The examination paper
will comprise of two sections. Section I will be long answer questions and the Section II will
be Case Study. The Case Study will be distributed 1 day prior to the examination date. The
students are required to read the case and may bring one A4 sheet with the details of the case in
points. They will be issued a fresh case study on the day of the examination.

2. Case Study Analysis (25%):


Select a Case Study/Company/Organization/Industry which highlights any aspect of the

sales management strategy of an organization viz., organizing the sales effort, sales force
management, controlling sales effort etc. Critically evaluate the sales strategy of the
organization in the context of the case study.

Organizing the Sales Force is one of the most important decisions made by sales management.

It has a significant impact on every aspect of the salesperson's performance. Changes in the way

selling is done, the increasing importance of effectively managing customer relationships, and

the need to assimilate new technologies in the selling function have led to fundamental changes

in the organization of today's sales forces.

The important elements are:

 Identify the purposes of sales organization.

 Understand the different horizontal organizational structures of a sales force.

 Outline the major issues in key account and team selling.

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 Discuss key vertical structure issues in sales organizations.

 Identify important issues in starting a new sales force from the ground up.

Sales Force Management are

 Information systems
 Marketing information system
 Customer relationship management

Controlling Sales Effort

 Forecasting
 Budgeting
 Quota Selling: sales, revenue, profit & activities
 Compensation & Evaluation

Word Limit: 8000 words (Font size: 12, Times New Roman, single space)

Submission deadline: Week 8 class day 10:00 A.M.

3. Group Exercise (25%):


An international firm is planning to enter the Indian market. It has approached you to design
a distribution strategy for its Indian operations. Regard yourself as consultants helping this
international firm to design and implement distribution strategy for the Indian market. The
following is the breakup of marks for the assessment components:

 Report (15%)
 Presentation (10%)

Group Size and Composition:

AURO University

 Group will be defined by the program office on behalf of the faculty member.

Word Limit: 10000 words (Font size: 12, Times New Roman, single space)

Group Presentation (10%): A 20 minute presentation with 10 minutes Q&A

The group presentation should highlight the following:

1. Introduction of the Industry and the Rationale of Entry

2. Sales and Distribution in the Chosen Industry

3. Designing the Distribution System

4. Operating and Managing the Distribution System

5. Conclusions

Assessment Criteria (Group Presentation)

1. Content of the presentation - 30 %

2. Level of analysis - 20 %

3. Communication skills - 30%

4. Questions & Answers - 20 %

Submission Deadline: Week 15 class day10:00 A.M.

Common guidelines for all submissions:

1. Your work must be original and fully referenced (using Harvard Referencing System).
For Harvard Referencing System guidelines, download the Manual from the AURO
2. Any kind of plagiarism would lead to severe penalties amounting to a resubmission or
marks reduced to zero

.Note: The complete assessment schedule will be notified separately.

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Penalties for late submissions

Prior to the submission deadlines there are published procedures for the granting of
extensions. Work submitted after a deadline but within the time limit of an approved extension
shall not be subject to penalty. Work submitted late without an approved extension shall
normally be penalized as follows:
Work submitted between 1-7 days late will receive a penalty of 25 percentage points.
Work submitted more than 7 days late will be awarded a mark of zero.
Extensions for medical reasons or extenuating circumstances must be agreed with the
Module Leader in advance of the deadline where possible and supported by medical evidence
where appropriate. Problems with printing and binding will not normally be accepted as valid
reasons for lateness.

Regulations regarding illness during exams

Main Exams/Tests
If a student is medically unfit at the time of a written examination properly authorized
medical certificates must be presented to Program Office in order for alternative arrangements to
be made. Without such documentation a fail will be recorded and any further examination will be
treated as a re-sit. (If you are unable to take any written exam/test assessment then the same must
be communicated, either by a telephone call or an email to the Program Office, before the
commencement of the assessment followed by submission of medical documents within seven
days of the date of the exam/test.)
A student who provides evidence of illness may be permitted to be reassessed as a
candidate of first sitting, in which case the restriction on marks shall not apply. A student who
fails an examination (taken along with the resit students) under these conditions shall be
permitted to resit in the next iteration of its examination only.

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Resit Exams
Where a candidate is absent from a resit examination and presents no valid documented evidence
for the reason for absence, or the evidence does not constitute good cause, the fail mark from the
original examination shall stand.
Where a candidate is absent from a resit examination but provides a well-documented
and acceptable case for the absence, he or she shall be offered a further opportunity to resit in the
next iteration of its examination (i.e. – in the following academic year).
Where a candidate is due to sit a substantial number of resit examinations (two or more
units) but fails to attend without explanation or good cause, they shall be assumed by the
Registrar to have withdrawn from the Program /University.
The principles above also apply where the reassessment is a coursework assignment that
has either not been submitted or has been submitted but not by the specified dates, as part of the
re-assessment, or first sitting requirement.

Attendance and Progress Monitoring

The University operates a progress monitoring system and will contact any student who it
considers is falling behind in his/her work. Our assessment is based on performance in tutorial
workshops, theory classes etc. Attendance is taken at lectures as well as workshops/seminars and
tutorials. If there is persistent non-attendance students will be contacted.
To remain in good standing a student needs to attend most of the compulsory elements
(all lectures, tutorials and workshops – 80 % is the minimum), and submit most of the
coursework (80% minimum). Students who do not meet these criteria may find themselves
referred to the Academic Attendance Committee, possibly with a recommendation that they
should be excluded from the University.
A student's attendance record is maintained and recorded on the Universities central
database LMS (Learning Management System). If you are absent for a good reason, the Program
Office must be informed. Where you are absent from your studies for medical reasons,
documentary evidence must be provided within 7 days of the date of your first absence. Any
evidence presented beyond this period will not be considered as grounds for mitigation at
examination boards or other hearings.
FAQ's- What does this mean for me?

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That you must keep your attendance up, there is a trend of absence vs. performance. Most
of the students with poor attendance tend to have a high failure rate - Students who have good
attendance seem to do a lot better! It seems obvious, but sometimes we may need to give you a
poke, it’s part of our job to look after your well-being, you have paid to be here and learn and
we intend to teach you. If you are struggling or having any problems, please do take these
opportunities to let us know.
However, do not panic if you miss the occasional lecture - we will not pounce on you - just the
persistent offenders!

Support for your learning

The main form of support will be through your module leaders and seminar/workshop
leaders, who are available on appointment. Also, the online support in the form of material
available on the AURO UNIVERSITY server (VLE) regarding your module should be used to
keep oneself updated.

The library resources are extended through the availability of Electronic Databases,
containing Research Journals and various other types of publications that provide you with
enhanced readings and facilitate your understanding.

There are a number of expectations for your study on this module which you should be aware
of. These are that you will:

 Adhere to the guidelines vis-à-vis – submission deadlines; weekly readings and tasks;
practice tests schedule
 Regularly log-in to check on the AURO UNIVERSITY server for announcements (and
material) pertaining to this module
 Attend all the face to face sessions and regularly connect with module/workshop leaders
for any clarification pertaining to the module
 Be aware of the plagiarism norms of the AURO UNIVERSITY and take care to not to
infringe upon the any of the same

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 Using unfair means in assessments

All assessments are intended to determine your individual skills, abilities, understanding and
knowledge. Cheating is defined as obtaining an unfair academic advantage and any of you found
using any form of cheating, attempting to cheat or assisting someone else to cheat may be subject
to disciplinary action in accordance with the AURO UNIVERSITY’s Disciplinary Procedure.
The Institute takes this issue very seriously and you may be expelled or have your degree
withheld for cheating in assessments. If you are having difficulty with your work it is important
to seek help from your tutor rather than be tempted to use unfair means to gain marks. Do not
risk losing your degree and all the work you have done. AURO UNIVERSITY defines a number
of different forms of cheating, although any form of cheating is strictly forbidden. These are:

 Submitting other people's work as your own - either with or without their knowledge.
This includes copying in examinations; using notes or unauthorized materials in
 Impersonation - taking an assessment on behalf of or pretending to be another student,
or allowing another person to take an assessment on your behalf or pretend to be you
 Plagiarism - taking or using another person's thoughts, writings or inventions as your
own. To avoid plagiarism you must make sure that quotations, from whatever source, are
clearly identified and attributed at the point where they occur in the text of your work by
using one of the standard conventions for referencing. It is not enough just to list sources
in a bibliography at the end of your essay or dissertation if you do not acknowledge the
actual quotations in the text. Neither is it acceptable to change some of the words or the
order of sentences if, by failing to acknowledge the source properly, you give the
impression that it is your own work
 Collusion - except where written instructions specify that work for assessment may be
produced jointly and submitted as the work of more than one student, you must not
collude with others to produce a piece of work jointly, copy or share another student's
work or lend your work to another student in the reasonable knowledge that some or all
of it will be copied

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 Duplication - submitting work for assessment that is the same as, or broadly similar to,
work submitted earlier for academic credit, without acknowledgement of the previous
 Falsification - the invention of data, its alteration, it’s copying from any other source, or
otherwise obtaining it by unfair means, or inventing quotations and/or references.

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Week 01: Introduction

Learning Objectives:

• Identify clearly the differences between the functions of marketing and sales
• Describe various marketing and sales approaches
• Describe the marketing mix and the sales management model
• Identify the various functions of a sales manager and his/her objectives
• Identify the reasons why company needs a separate Sales Department

Lecture Outline Week 01:

• Introduction to Sales Management & Marketing

• Marketing Approaches & Its Relation to Sales
• Understanding Marketing and Sales
• Evolution of Sales Department
• Functions of the Sales Manager
• Sales Management Model

Readings for Week 01:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 1

 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Sage Publications, New Delhi.
 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Macmillan India Ltd, New

Week 01 Seminar:

Overview of the Assessments – Case Study Analysis and Group Exercise- Study of Amway,
Fedex & Nike

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Week 02: Salesmanship

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the linkage between salesmanship, sales management and personal selling
 To be able to define and explain the concept of sales and salesmanship
 To understand selling and what entails in a sales job
 To understand the relationship between buyer and seller
 To identify and point out different types of salesman, their traits and job functions

Lecture Outline Week 02:

 The Art and Science of Selling: A Perspective

 Salesmanship – A Definition
 Selling, Myths about Selling,
 Characteristics of Sales Job;
 Conceptual model of “Salesperson-Buyer” Dyadic relationship

Readings for Week 02:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 2

 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Chapter 7 Macmillan India
Ltd, New Delhi.
Week 02 Seminar:

 Case Discussion on “Designs by Kate The Power of Direct Sales” “Kitchen Appliances”
Week 02 Workshop:

 Role Play pertaining to sales of different products

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Week 03: Selling Theories & Strategies

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the selling approaches through appreciating various selling theories

 To understand the formulation of personal selling strategy
 To understand the concept of consumer oriented strategy
 To understand how companies apply the selling strategies

Lecture Outline Week 03:

 Theories of Selling - AIDAS, right set of circumstances, buying formula and behavioral
 Characteristics of Selling Strategy
 Effectiveness of Selling Strategies in Buying Process
 Selling Strategies

Readings for Week 03:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 2, 5

 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 7, Sage Publications, New Delhi

Week 03 Seminar:

 Case Study: Windsor Machines Limited Mumbai

 Case Study: TMT Bars

Week 03 Workshop:

 Framing of Selling Strategy Matrix

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Week 04: The Selling Process

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the various stages of the selling process

 To understand the selling strategies used during the stages of the selling process
 To identify the traits required by salespeople for effective selling

Lecture Outline Week 04:

 The Selling Process

 Pre – sale Preparation
 Prospecting & Pre – Approach Before Selling
 Approach to the Customer
 Sales Presentation & Handling Customer Objections
 Closing the Sale & Follow up actions
 Process of Selling and how it is related to Consumer Decision Making Process

Readings for Week 04:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019) & Panda & Sahadev (2009): Chapter: 3

Week 04 Workshop:

 Class discussion and Role Play

Week 04 Seminar:

 Write the diversity of selling situation with suitable illustrations

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Week 05: Sales Organization

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the various types of sales organization

 To apply the organizational design to sales function
 To understand the various emerging organizational designs
 To understand what are the challenges in setting up sales organisation

Lecture Outline Week 05:

 Sales Organization – Objectives & purpose

 Need for Setting up a Sales Organization
 Sales Organization Structures & Challenges in Setting Up Structures
 Principles of a Sales Organization

Readings for Week 05:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 7

Week 05 Seminar:

 Class discussion on designing of Hypothetical Organisation Structure

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Week 06: Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the hiring process of sales personnel

 To understand the recruitment and selection strategy for sales department
 To understand and analyse the salesperson tasks and activities.
 To find out the importance of sales force socialization
 To understand the steps involved in selection process.

Lecture Outline Week 06:

 Organizing for Recruitment and Selection:
 Defining the Selection Criteria
 Sources of Recruitment
 Recruitment Effort
 Process of Selecting a Salesperson
 Sales Force Socialization

Readings for Week 06:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 11, 12
 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 17, Sage Publications, New Delhi
 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Chapter 10, Macmillan
India Ltd, New Delhi

Week 06 Seminar:
 Group Discussion on "Appropriate selection policies and procedures result in greater
efficiency and reduce the training costs as well"

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Week 07: Sales Force Training

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the sales training objectives and challenges

 To understand the theories , principles and methods of sales training
 To be able to design a sales training program
 To understand & explain the methods of improving the productivity of sales force

Lecture Outline Week 07:

 Sales Training - Aims and Content

 Sales Force Training Methods & Development
 Execution & Evaluation of Sales Training Program
 Methods of Improving Sales Force Productivity

Readings for Week 07:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 13, 14

 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Chapter 12, Macmillan
India Ltd, New Delhi

Week 07 Seminar:

 Case Study Discussion on “Firestone Ltd”

Submission Deadline: Case Study Analysis due next week (class day 10:00 am)

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Week 07: Sales Force Compensation

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the various types of compensation plans

 To be able to evaluate the trends in Sales Compensation
 To develop an ability to design a compensation plan

Lecture Outline Week 07:

 Types of Compensation Plan

 Steps in Designing a Compensation Plan
 Requirements of a good compensation plan
 Devising a sales compensation plan

Readings for Week 07:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 16

 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Chapter 12, Macmillan
India Ltd, New Delhi

Week 07 Seminar:

 Case Study: “Biomed Co Ltd; Designing a New Sales Compensation Plan”.

 Students are also asked to design a new compensation plan based on the learning
outcomes and discussion of a Case Study.

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Week 09: Sales Territories

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the concept of sales territory and its benefits

 To develop an ability to understand & design sales territory
 To understand the relationship between the sales people and the sales territory

Lecture Outline Week 09:

 Sales Territories – concept

 Reasons & Procedure of designing a sales Territory
 Assigning sales personnel to territories
 Redesigning the Sales Territories & its Need

Readings for Week 09:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 22

 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Chapter 15, Macmillan
India Ltd, New Delhi
 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 18, Sage Publications, New Delhi

Week 09 Seminar:

 Class discussion on Tata Motors creating rural sales segment & territory as a separate
process (Hub & Spoke Model of Distribution)

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Week 10: Sales Quota

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the role of sales quota in organizing the Sales Job

 To evaluate the type, methods and problem of setting sales quota
 To understand the relevance of good quota system

Lecture Outline Week 10:

 Sales Quota – Organization of the Sales Job

 Defining Annual Objectives
 Procedure for Setting Quota
 Types of Sales Quota
 Methods & Problems in Setting Sales Quota

Readings for Week 10:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 21

 Kapoor, Ramneek, 2008, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Chapter 17, Macmillan
India Ltd, New Delhi
 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 20, Sage Publications, New Delhi

Week 10 Seminar:

 Case Study for and Against the sales Target

 Case Study discussion on : “Candym Enterprises: Falling Sales in Territory”

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Week 11: Evaluation of Sales Force

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the process of evaluating the sales performance

 To understand the concept of sales force supervision and evaluation.
 To understand the quantitative as well as qualitative standards of performance.
 To Know the types of sales reports

Lecture Outline Week 11:

 Introduction to Performance Evaluation

 Time Horizon for Evaluation
 Types of Standards of Performance: Quantitative & Qualitative
 Sales Force Performance Evaluation Process

Readings for Week 11:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 19

 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 20, Sage Publications, New Delhi

Week 11 Seminar:

 Class discussion on Case Study “Technosoft Russia”

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Week 12: Sales Budget & Control

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the need for sales budget

 To understand the process of developing a sales budget
 To evaluate the techniques of sales analysis and methods of improving the productivity of
sales force

Lecture Outline Week 12:

 Sales Budget – Purpose, Form and Content

 Sales Audit
 Budgetary Procedure
 Marketing Cost Analysis

Readings for Week 12:

 Still, Cundiff , Govoni & Puri (2019): Chapter 20

Week 12 Seminar:

 Case Study (TBC) and preparing the Flexible Budgeting for a Sales Department based
on 5year projections.

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Week 13: Distribution Channel Strategy - Functions, Designing &

Selecting Channels

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the functions of distribution channels

 To evaluate the distribution channel strategy
 To understand the process of designing a customer oriented channel

Lecture Outline Week 13:

 Distribution Channel – Functions

 Distribution Channel Strategy
 Distribution Channel Management
 Designing a Customer Oriented Channel
 Comparing the Channel Design

Readings for Week 13:

 Panda & Sahadev (2009): Chapter: 13

 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 11, Sage Publications, New Delhi

Week 13 Seminar:

 Case Study: “The Sales Learning Curve”

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Week 14: Motivating & Evaluating Channel Members, Channel Conflict &

Learning Objectives:

 To understand the process of motivating and evaluating the channel members

 To understand the conflict and dynamics of a distribution channel
 To understand how to manage the channel conflict to sustain the flow

Lecture Outline Week 14:

 Channel Relationships
 Channel Power , Control and Positioning
 Channel Influencing Strategies
 Appraisal of Channel Members
 Managing Channel conflict

Readings for Week 14:

 Panda & Sahadev (2009): Chapter: 16

 Venugopal, Pingali. 2011, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective,
Chapter 14,15 & 16, Sage Publications, New Delhi

Week 14 Seminar:

 Class discussion on Case “TAFE”

Submission Deadline: Group exercise due next week (class day 10:00 am.)

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Week 15: Retailing & Wholesaling, Logistics-Management and Channel


Learning Objectives:

 To understand the retail marketing mix

 To understand the customer oriented logistics management
 To evaluate the importance of Inventory Management in Sales

Lecture Outline Week 15:

 Retail Marketing Mix and Retail Positioning

 Objectives of logistics
 Logistics Planning
 Inventory Management Process

Readings for Week 15:

 Panda & Sahadev (2009): Chapter: 15, 17

Week 15 Seminar:

 Group Exercise Presentations

Week 16: Revision

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