Section - A Fundamentals of Computer Science Section - C Informatics Practices (Java)
Section - A Fundamentals of Computer Science Section - C Informatics Practices (Java)
Section - A Fundamentals of Computer Science Section - C Informatics Practices (Java)
Fundamentals of Computer Science Informatics Practices (Java)
1. What is a compiler? 7. Which of the following keywords is used to manually
(A) It translates entire source program into machine throw an exception?
language program. (A) throw (B) try
(B) It translates instruction of a high level language into (C) catch (D) finally
machine language.
8. AWT stands for:
(C) It is not involved in execution of program.
(A) Absolute Windowing Toolkit.
(D) All of these
(B) Applet Windowing Toolkit.
2. What is the other name of junk e-mail? (C) Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
(A) Spoof (B) Spam (D) Average Windowing Toolkit.
(C) Spool (D) Sniffer Scrift
9. Which of the following is not necessary in variable
3. Which font is used by default in MS-Word 2013 declaration?
document? (A) A data type (B) A semicolon
(A) Times New Roman (B) Century (C) An identifier (D) An assignment
(C) Impact (D) Calibri
SECTION - B Python
Computer Science (C++) 10. Which of the following is required to create a new
instance of the class?
4. Which of the following copies the actual value of an
(A) Class
argument into the formal parameter of the function?
(B) Constructor
(A) Call by value (B) Call by reference
(C) A value-returning method
(C) Call by pointer (D) All of these
(D) None method
5. Which of the following allows you to define a class in 11. Which of the following lets us join characters from a
terms of another class? string together by a character we specify?
(A) Polymorphism (B) Abstraction (A) join() (B) merge()
(C) Interfaces (D) Inheritance (C) together() (D) split()
6. Which is the correct syntax of for loop? 12. Which of the following sequence(s) is/are supported
(A) for (initialization: condition; increment/decrement) by python?
(B) for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) (A) str (B) list
(C) for (increment/decrement; initialization; condition) (C) tuple (D) All of these
(D) for (initialization, condition, increment, decrement)
International Informatics Olympiad - IIO 2019
Multimedia & Web Technology Reasoning and Aptitude
13. Which of the following audio formats was developed 16. Find out the missing terms marked with ‘?’.
by Microsoft? 17, 35, 62, 111, 195, ?, 520
(A) Real Audio (A) 235 (B) 342
(B) WAV (C) 327 (D) 308
(C) MIDI 17. In the following diagram, parallelogram represents
(D) AIFF women, triangle represents sub-inspectors of police
14. MMS stands for: and circle represents graduate. Which numbered area
(A) Multimedia System represents women graduate sub-inspectors of police?
(B) Multimedia Services
5 13
(C) Multimedia Messaging Services
(D) Multimedia Messaging System 3
6 2
15. The MPEG Format was developed for: 7 4
(A) Audio
(A) 5 (B) 8
(B) Video
(C) 3 (D) 13
(C) Image
18. Correct the following equations by interchanging the
(D) All of these two signs:
16 + 4 ÷ 2 – 21 × 7 = 21
(A) + and – (B) + and x
(C) – and ÷ (D) x and ÷
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. D