Guj Alkali
Guj Alkali
Guj Alkali
Equity Share Capital 73.44 73.44 73.44 73.44 73.44
Total Share Capital 73.44 73.44 73.44 73.44 73.44
Reserves and Surplus 3,749.19 3,283.34 2,854.67 2,063.25 1,890.29
Total Reserves and Surplus 3,749.19 3,283.34 2,854.67 2,063.25 1,890.29
Total Shareholders Funds 3,822.63 3,356.78 2,928.10 2,136.69 1,963.73
Long Term Borrowings 229.81 284.35 222.47 91.67 151.79
Deferred Tax Liabilities [Net] 350.98 306.42 325.37 316.57 336.32
Other Long Term Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.95
Long Term Provisions 90.71 80.50 70.30 55.34 41.49
Total Non-Current Liabilities 671.50 671.27 618.14 463.58 551.54
Short Term Borrowings 4.33 6.83 2.75 3.23 4.10
Trade Payables 278.56 225.77 184.83 230.97 96.14
Other Current Liabilities 187.62 170.17 154.53 111.99 86.89
Short Term Provisions 7.70 5.79 6.15 44.67 335.84
Total Current Liabilities 478.21 408.56 348.26 390.85 522.97
Total Capital And Liabilities 4,972.34 4,436.61 3,894.51 2,991.12 3,038.24
Tangible Assets 2,356.13 2,073.19 1,820.77 1,656.39 1,615.25
Intangible Assets 0.00 0.27 0.30 0.00 0.00
Capital Work-In-Progress 0.00 143.37 79.51 66.79 100.51
Intangible Assets Under Development 0.00 7.38 3.32 0.00 0.00
Fixed Assets 2,356.13 2,224.20 1,903.90 1,723.18 1,715.76
Non-Current Investments 1,144.86 1,005.95 845.97 190.86 179.72
Long Term Loans And Advances 0.56 0.75 0.15 236.05 41.02
Other Non-Current Assets 195.80 192.93 248.57 15.45 50.18
Total Non-Current Assets 3,697.35 3,423.84 2,998.59 2,165.54 1,986.68
Current Investments 2.30 11.21 8.70 2.28 2.12
Inventories 265.47 169.90 184.64 186.31 174.66
Trade Receivables 403.28 328.75 326.44 305.81 298.83
Cash And Cash Equivalents 134.11 131.08 50.18 187.01 237.46
Short Term Loans And Advances 376.29 292.13 256.56 125.65 338.49
OtherCurrentAssets 93.54 79.71 69.39 18.51 0.00
Total Current Assets 1,274.99 1,012.78 895.92 825.57 1,051.56
Total Assets 4,972.34 4,436.61 3,894.51 2,991.12 3,038.24
Non-Current Investments Quoted Market - 664.02 467.71 258.63 194.06
Non-Current Investments Unquoted Book - 338.92 378.20 94.41 83.29
Current Investments Quoted Market Value - 11.21 8.70 9.99 12.76
Current Investments Unquoted Book Valu - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
Yearly Results of Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals
Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '16 Mar '15 Mar '14
a) Pledged/Encumbered
- Number of shares (Crores) -- -- -- -- --
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total sh -- -- -- -- --
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total S -- -- -- -- --
b) Non-encumbered
- Number of shares (Crores) -- -- -- 3.4 3.4
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total sh -- -- -- 100 100
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total S -- -- -- 46.28 46.28
Key Financial Ratios of Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals
Jun '18 Mar '18 Dec '17 Sep '17 Jun '17
a) Pledged/Encumbered
- Number of shares (Crores) -- -- -- -- --
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total sh. o -- -- -- -- --
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total Share -- -- -- -- --
b) Non-encumbered
- Number of shares (Crores) -- -- -- -- --
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total sh. o -- -- -- -- --
- Per. of shares (as a % of the total Share -- -- -- -- --