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Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air 1

June 8-12, 2009, Orlando, of 2009
Florida, USA
ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air
June 8-12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA




Sergey Vorontsov, Stefan Irmisch, Alexey Karelin and Marcelo Rocha

ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd

GT11N2 customer engine. Performance validation

ABSTRACT runs, performed in May 2008 confirmed that the
This paper summarizes the development steps and design targets for power and efficiency were fully
measures taken for the upgrade of the GT11N2 met. The validation of the turbine parts lifetime is
Turbine. The main targets to be achieved were still ongoing.
specified as follows:
− GT power increase; 1 INTRODUCTION
− GT gross efficiency increase; The 60 Hz gas turbine GT11N2 was developed in the
− Flexible operation with respect to power early 1990s (1994 – first ignition). The GT11N2 to
output and service interval length. date has been rated at 115.4 MW with a 33.9%
All 4 turbine stages were re-designed in order to electrical efficiency (ISO) in open cycle and 348.5
optimize their aerodynamic performance and MW with 51.8% efficiency in combined cycle with
minimize cooling air consumption. Turbine dual pressure HRSG. Few GT11N2s are 50Hz
aerodynamic efficiency improvement was achieved engines working with a gear box. More than 50 units
by means of: are in commercial operation, and the GT11N2 fleet
- Turbine stage-to-stage loading optimization; has accumulated more than 1,270,000 OH. The 12-
- 3D airfoil profiling; month rolling average fleet reliability is more than
- Replacement of the damping bolt of blade 4 99.1% whilst the fleet leader has passed 73000 OH.
by a full shroud;
- Stator/rotor sealing optimization. The GT11N2 core engine layout is presented in
On top of that, cooling air consumption was reduced Figure 1. The engine consist of the inlet housing and
by means of cooling system optimization for Vane 1, the outlet axial diffuser as well as a 14 stage
Blade 1, Vane 2, Blade2 and SHS/A. This allowed compressor, an EV Dry Low NOx silo combustor and
an increase of TIT (inlet turbine mixed temperature) a 4-stage axial turbine with a cooled stage 1 and
keeping the hot gas temperature at the turbine inlet stage 2.
unchanged, which is important for meeting lifetime
and emission targets. One of the key requirements for In 2004, a service upgrade program for the GT11N2
this Turbine Upgrade was to use exclusively was initiated. The objective of this program was to
validated design approaches and design features as implement advanced aero/cooling technology into a
available from existing and proven Alstom Gas new expansion turbine module with increased power
Turbines ([1], [2], [3]) in order to minimize output and efficiency. For this, all 4 turbine stages
development- and implementation risks. were re-designed using an up-to-date 3D aero/cooling
Manufacturing of the new turbine parts was approach in order to minimize the cooling air mass
completed in an exceptionally short time, thanks to a flow and to increase turbine aerodynamic efficiency.
dedicated R&D Logistic and Manufacturing As part of the service upgrade program a test
support/process, an efficient NCR (Non Conformance campaign was conducted at two GT11N2 engines, in
Report) process, early supplier involvement and a order to obtain detailed boundary conditions and
very close/open work with suppliers. The first determine precisely the turbine and exhaust diffuser
prototype of this turbine was implemented in a
© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
efficiencies for design and off-design operation point TCLA - total cooling and leakage air mass flow
conditions. (related to intake mass flow)
The upgrade of the GT11N2 was conducted as a GT – Gas Turbine
retrofitable turbine redesign, which allows the
replacement of the whole turbine blading and heat 2 TURBINE DEVELOPMENT
shields, while vane carrier, rotor and the other GT 2.1 Performance & lifetime targets
components remain unchanged. The advantage of a The careful analysis of the performance data
retrofitable turbine upgrade is that the parts of the accumulated from the existing fleet and the
new design can be installed during a standard comparison with the original design, allowed the
maintenance outage, thus minimizing downtime and identification of areas of improvement, based on
subsequent loss of revenues for the customers. which the following turbine design targets were
However, as a consequence, this approach imposes specified for the two main operation options:
mechanical restrictions on the turbine design and Performance Mode and Lifetime Mode.
challenges the designer. In case of Performance Mode operation, the firing
Flexible operation was specified as a key requirement temperature remains unchanged compared to the
for the service upgrade program. This includes the original GT11N2. Savings in cooling air mass flow
options for the gas turbine owner to operate the allow an increase in turbine inlet mixed temperature
engine either with the highest power output and (TIT) without having to increase the firing
efficiency, but with unchanged length of the service temperature, which is beneficial from the combustor
interval, or to increase the length of the interval, but lifetime point of view. Half of the targeted
with a smaller increase in power output and improvements for gross power and efficiency are
efficiency. In the following, these two operation related to this increase in TIT only. The other half
options are called “Performance Mode” and relates to an improvement in the turbine flange-to-
“Lifetime Mode”. The first GT11N2 upgrade was flange efficiency.
installed in May 2008 in a GT11N2 customer engine.
During the subsequent validation phase, the new Table 1. Performance and lifetime targets for simple
rating, called GT11N2M, demonstrated that it meets cycle
all the performance and emission targets. Lifetime Engine and Performance Lifetime
validation based on the results of regular visual turbine parameters Mode Mode
inspections is still ongoing. change
The first part of this paper describes, the turbine TCLA -3.3% -3.3%
design changes developed for improving the engine πk +3.4% +2.5%
performance, and it compares the aerodynamic TIT +1.9% 0
characteristics of the upgraded turbine with those of THG 0 -2.0%
the original. The main contributors to the expansion η*bl +1.9% +2.0%
turbine efficiency increase are described in detail.
η*fl +1.9% +2.0%
A process of turbine parts manufacturing is detailed
C-insp. interval 0 +50%
in the second part of the paper.
Finally, in the third part, the predicted turbine and
In case of Lifetime Mode operation, the reduction in
exhaust diffuser efficiency is compared with those
cooling air mass flow allows the turbine inlet mixed
measured in the 1st prototype engine. These
temperature to remain unchanged compared to the
measurements confirmed the expected performance
original GT11N2, while the firing temperature and
improvement and the correctness of 3D aerodynamic
subsequent turbine flow path temperatures are
approach used for the upgrade.
reduced. This permitted the expansion of the interval
length between regular service inspections while also
gaining power and efficiency, thanks to the new
TIT - turbine inlet mixed temperature
turbine design.
TAT - turbine outlet temperature
In order to be fully retrofitable into existing GT11N2
THG - turbine inlet firing temperature units, the turbine upgrade needed to be compatible
p* - total pressure
with the existing exhaust diffuser. Since the results
G - mass flow
from the measurement campaign, conducted in
M - Mach number
GT11N2 engines, confirmed a high GT11N2 exhaust
S - airfoil relative curvilinear coordinate
diffuser efficiency, it was decided to keep the diffuser
T - temperature
unchanged. However, that resulted in an additional
η*fl - turbine flange-to-flange efficiency design requirement for the turbine upgrade, to keep
η*bl - turbine blading efficiency the turbine outlet flow conditions unchanged relative
πk - compressor pressure ratio to the original turbine.
Gred - Exhaust Diffuser inlet reduced mass flow
© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Cooling requirements the Performance Mode operation point. This
The main target for turbine cooling development was operation point is characterized by a 3.4% and 1.9%
the reduction of cooling air mass flow by introducing increase in turbine pressure ratio and TIT,
advanced cooling schemes, known and proven in respectively, compared to the original design (see
other designs, without any negative impact on Table 1).

Mechanical limits
- New Parts
The above listed design targets had to be achieved
under rather restrictive boundary conditions:
To minimize costs, re-work scope and
implementation time of the engine upgrade, the rotor
had to remain unchanged, and any new blade design
had to fit into the existing blade grooves. Since all
four blade rows have axial root fixations, there was
no possibility of changing the number of rotating
For the same reasons, the turbine vane carrier had to
remain unchanged: only additional machining
operations that can be carried out on-site were Figure 2. Principle turbine layout
allowed. However, since the stationary vanes are
mounted in radial grooves in the turbine vane carrier, The following basic modifications, directed at the
changing the vane count was a possibility. improvement of turbine blading efficiency, were
As stated earlier, the turbine upgrade needed to be introduced during the development phase:
compatible with the existing exhaust diffuser. Apart - Optimization of turbine stage-to-stage
from the design requirements with respect to the loading;
turbine outflow conditions, this also meant that - New airfoil profiling using advanced 3D
mechanical parameters like flow path diameter and aerodynamic approaches;
distance between turbine exit and diffuser struts - Optimization of stator-rotor sealing,
could not be changed. Finally, the turbine upgrade including a reduction of the maximum
had to insure a prescribed swallowing capacity to allowable radial gap and a decrease in
allow the engine to be operated with an enlarged sealing pressure ratio;
compressor pressure ratio (+3.4% in comparison with - Replacement of the damping bolt in the last
the current machine) to provide additional gross stage blade with a full shroud.
efficiency gain. On top of that, cooling air consumption was reduced
by optimizing the cooling system for Vane 1, Blade
1, Vane 2, Blade 2 and Stator Heat Shield A. This
allowed an increase in TIT (inlet turbine mixed
temperature), while keeping the hot gas temperature
at the turbine inlet and, consequently, combustor
lifetime and emissions unchanged.

As shown in figure 3, the sum of all these measures

results in about 2.0% increase in turbine total blading
efficiency η*bl. The growth in gross power is a result
of the increased turbine blading efficiency (about
53%) and the increase in the cycle performance
parameters TIT and πk (about 47%).

Figure 1. GT11N2 engine layout

2.2 GT11N2 M Turbine modification

Figure 2 shows the layout of the existing and

modified GT11N2 turbine. All hot flow path
components, including vane and blade rows as well
as stator and rotor heat shields, were redesigned. The
design point for the turbine upgrade was chosen to be
© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Turbine efficiency gain Gross Power gain

2.5 100% Vane3 inlet gas temperature

2 Reloading 80%
Efficiency gain, %

Cycle improvement 1

Power gain, MW
New profiling 70%
1.5 60%
0.45 Sealing optimization Turbine Efficiecy gain 0.9

Channel relative height

1 Blade4 tip upgrade 0.8
53% 0.7

0 0%
Figure 3. The contribution of the different 0.2
improvement measures to turbine efficiency and gross 0.1
power growth 0
0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76
2.2.1 Stage-to-stage loading optimization T/THG

Figure 4 shows the original GT11N2 turbine stage Figure 5. Vane 3 inlet gas temperature in GT11N2
pressure ratio distribution (blue bars) in comparison and GT11N2M turbine
with that of the upgraded turbine (red bars). The
concept behind the turbine loading optimization is
based on a de-loading of the front stages, which have Blade3 inlet relative gas temperature
the lowest aerodynamic efficiency, in favor of the
rear stages with higher efficiency. That is why, in the
GT11N2 M turbine, the pressure ratio was reduced at

Channel relative height

stages 1 & 2 and increased at stages 3 & 4. This load 0.7
optimization resulted in a continuous increase in 0.6 GT11N2M
pressure ratio from the first to the last stage. 0.5
According to the aerodynamic calculations, this load 0.4

optimization resulted in a 0.4% gain in turbine 0.3

blading efficiency.
Stage pressure ratio distribution. 0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7


1.15 GT11N2
Figure 6. Blade 3 inlet gas temperature in GT11N2
GT11N2M and GT11N2M turbine
Pressure ratio


2.2.2. Airfoil profiling
1 As indicated above, new advanced airfoils had to be
0.95 developed for the GT11N2 turbine upgrade, using
previously published 3D aerodynamic design
Stage1 Stage2 Stage3 Stage4 approaches ([4], [5]). Each row was tuned
Figure 4. Turbine stage-to-stage pressure ratio individually using 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes codes
distribution ([6], [7]).
The advantages of this approach are illustrated in
The fundamental disadvantage of front stage de- Figure 7, which shows a comparison of predicted
loading is the increase in gas temperature for the isentropic Mach number distributions for the original
downstream stages, namely the un-cooled stages 3 GT11N2 Blade 1 and the newly designed GT11N2 M
and 4. Owing to temperature profiles gradually Blade 1. The 3D Navier-Stokes code was used for
increasing towards larger radii (Figure 5, 6), the tip optimization of the aerodynamic shape of the airfoils,
regions of these uncooled rows became the most avoiding local overexpansion zones and controlling
critical areas for the upgrade. The mitigation and minimizing the level of profile, secondary and
measures comprised a 3D aerodynamic profiling radial gap losses. The chosen approach allows
combined with an aerodynamic loading optimization calculation of the loss coefficients in the turbine rows
over the turbine radius. Usage of a significantly more precisely, which is illustrated in Figure 8, where
higher loading of the tip sections of turbine stages 1,
the results of Blade1 loss assessment performed by
2 and 3 led to a substantial reduction in gas
the 3D Navier-Stokes code are compared with those
temperature for the tip sections of the uncooled blade
calculated by 2D methods. All blades and vanes of
rows (see Figure 5, 6).
© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
the turbine upgrade were redesigned using this
Furthermore, adopting a compound lean design
approach (Figure 9) for Vanes 3 and 4 was beneficial
from the aerodynamic performance point of view,
- Substantial growth in stage reaction at the
inner diameter of stages 3 and 4;
- A noticeable reduction of outlet Mach Vane 4
number at the inner diameter of vanes 3 and
- An increase of inlet flow angle for blades 3
and 4 (at inner diameter)
The total turbine blading efficiency benefit as a result
of advanced airfoil profiling has been estimated to be
Figure 9. Vane 4 compound lean design
Mλis is


GT11N2 2.2.3. Turbine sealing optimization
0.9 The improvement of the turbine sealing was defined

as another important design target for the GT11N2
0.6 turbine upgrade. This resulted in a number of

modifications dedicated to minimizing cooling air
0.3 leakages through the stator parts (vanes, stator heat
shields) by introducing up-to-date seals, an improved

0. fixation of stator heat shields in the vane carrier, and

0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
-- hub -- mid -- tip
S a reduction of clearances between the stator parts.
λ is
Mis 1.2

1.1 Noticeable performance improvements were also


GT11N2M achieved by reducing the hot gas leakages at the inner
0.8 diameter by:
− Adding platforms on vanes 2 and 3 (vane 1


0.5 and vane 4 already had inner platforms in


the original design );
0.2 − Introduction of staggered honeycomb

labyrinth seals with fins on the rotor and
0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
-- hub
-- mid
-- tip
0.7 0.8 0.9 S
S axially stepped honeycombs on the
Suction side Pressure side platforms of vanes 2, 3, and 4, which is
more efficient than the previously used
Figure 7. Blade1 surface isentropic Mach number “look-through” seal design (Figure 10)
distribution (3D Navier-Stokes code) A comparison of the old and new inner diameter seal
design of vanes 2, 3 and 4 is shown in detail in Figure
Blade1. Loss radial variation
10. Figure 11 illustrates how the introduction of a
staggered honeycomb labyrinth seal has almost
halved the leakage-flow for vane 4, compared to the
original “look-through” design. The introduction of
the honeycombs in vanes 2, 3 and 4 also permitted a
Channel relative height

significant reduction of the stator-rotor radial
3D N-St.GT11N2
clearances and, subsequently, the leakages flows.
3D N-St. GT11N2M In total, the optimization of the vane’s inner platform
2D N-St. GT11N2
sealing contributes about 0.65% of turbine blading
0.3 2D N-St. GT11N2M

efficiency gain.

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

Figure 8. Blade1 radial variation of losses (2D and

3D Navier-Stokes code)

© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
GT11N2 Damping bolts platform

Blade 4


Figure 10. Comparison of inner diameter rotor/stator GT11N2 GT11N2M

Figure 12. Comparison of blade 4 tip design
Vane 4 inner platform leakage

Turbine exit Total pressure
Current design (GT11N2) 1
4 0.9
Leakage, kg/s

Operation radial gap 0.8

Channel relative height

5-hole probe
0.5 Predicted damping bolt loss
1 0.4
New design (GT11N2M) 0.3
0 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5
Radial gap, mm
0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9

p*, bar
Figure 11. Leakage vs. radial gap over vane 4 inner
platform ( 2D CFD FLUENT analysis) Figure 13. Impact of damping bolt on total pressure
radial distribution
2.2.4. Introduction of a tip shroud for the last
stage blade. 2.2.5 Turbine cooling optimization.
In addition to the measures listed above, the bolts As mentioned above, about 50% of the GT11N2
used in the original design to dampen blade 4 turbine power gain comes from the reduction of the
vibrations were replaced by an interlocking full cooling air mass flow (see fig. 3). This was achieved
shroud. (Figure 12). This measure helped to further by the application of state-of-the-art cooling
improve the turbine performance due to the technology and the use of advanced cooling design
elimination of aerodynamic losses caused by the methods and tools.
damping bolt and the reduction of tip-clearance As an example, Figure 14 presents the principle
losses. cooling schemes of GT11N2M vane 1 and blade 1.
A comparison of the old and new designs is shown in For vane 1, a cooling system consisting of two
Figure 12. The impact of a damping bolt on the cavities was chosen. The front part of the airfoil is
aerodynamic losses is illustrated in Figure 13. This cooled by the air passing through the channels
figure shows, measurements of the total pressure between the inner wall and the insert in the front
downstream of the last stage blade of the GT11N2. cavity and is then discharged on the leading edge
These measurement results, obtained from two 5-hole surface through the shower head consisting of 3
probes, were used to calibrate the GT11N2 through- vertical film cooling rows. The rear part has a multi-
flow model and for a more reliable evaluation of the pass cooling system supported by two rows of film
delta in losses for blade 4, with and without the cooling on the pressure side.
damping bolts. Blade 1 is a convectively cooled with a separate
According to the aerodynamic analysis the total channel in the leading edge. The air cooling the
turbine blading efficiency gain related to the leading edge passes through this channel and then
replacement of the damping bolts with a full shroud discharges into the tip crown of the blade. The rear
was predicted to be 0.5%. part of blade 1 has a multi-pass cooling system with
two turnings providing highly effective cooling with
a relatively small cooling mass flow.

© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
2.3 Turbine manufacturing.
One of the biggest challenges of this project was
getting so many new parts through the supply chain
on time and meeting cost and quality targets at the
same time.
As short time to market was one of the key success
factors for this project, and taking into consideration
that there has been a world-wide bottleneck in the
supply of gas-turbine blading over the last years, this
represented a great challenge for the design team,
logistics and the suppliers. As a consequence, a great
deal of effort was spent on optimizing the way
design, logistics and suppliers interacted. Throughout
the whole turbine development and purchasing
phases, processes were adapted to support this.
One measure was to assign dedicated people from the
design/project team and the supplier’s side and to
empower them in order to efficiently take care of all
design, logistics and manufacturing issues as soon as
they arose.
Another measure was to have the suppliers selected
and involved in the design at the earliest possible
point in time. This meant, the suppliers were fully
aware of the design intent right from the beginning
and were able to directly feed back their input with
respect to expected tolerances, manufacturability and
potential quality risks to the design team.
Establishing this close loop between design teams
and suppliers saved a lot of time, which in the past
typically had to be spent correcting or revising
drawings and to re-analyzing based on supplier
feedback available only after the majority of the
design was already completed. Furthermore, this
approach also helped reduce tooling, qualification
Figure 14. Cooling scheme of vane 1 and blade 1 and first-set production time, since the design already
considered supplier-specific capabilities and
This article cannot go into all the details of the experience, avoiding e.g. long qualification loops to
turbine cooling design, and therefore only the main meet unnecessary or unrealistic tolerance
changes to the cooling flow are summarized in Figure requirements etc.
15. Overall, this approach helped to identify critical
issues, to share knowledge, to identify cost drivers
Cooling Air Consumption for Components and potential improvements at the earliest point in
time, and as a result to avoid potential causes for
35.7 delay or poor quality.
GT11N2: total -100% Another key aspect in working closely with logistics
% of GT11N2 TCLA

23.8 GT11N2M: total -82.1% and the suppliers was to identify and realize jointly
20.1 the opportunities to further reduce lead-times e.g. by
the parallelization of tasks that are independent of
each other, but traditionally have been performed
5.9 4.9 4.4 sequentially; joint agreements on the minimum
information necessary to start a certain task (i.e. key
geometric data sufficient to order raw material for
Vane1 Blade1 Vane2 Blade2
tools prior to having final drawings available), further
Figure 15. Contribution of the different turbine helped to minimize lead-times.
components cooling optimization to the cooling flow During workshops held together with people from
reduction % of total cooling air. logistics and the suppliers, a unique Design & Make
plan was established, offering a basis for monitoring
As shown, the mass flow of the cooling air was and controlling all engineering and production
reduced by a total of 18%, including the effects of tasks/steps and, therefore, the whole project plan.
sealing optimization, described above. Also, the delivery dates for all components were
© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
generated from this Design & Make plan. This meant, The comparison of measured turbine flange
that only one master plan was available/agreed on efficiency of the original and re-designed turbines is
during the whole project phase, and this plan was the shown in Figure 16. The measurements in the field
basis for everyone involved in the project. confirmed the expected turbine performance targets.
Last but not least, such joint workshops were also an
excellent way to establish communication between Table 2. Comparison of target and achieved
the various suppliers and to get them committed to performance gain for Performance Mode option
the project plan. In many cases, smaller issues could
be resolved between the suppliers directly, without
Engine and Target Test data
the design team directly being involved.
turbine parameters analysis
When production of the first parts started a dedicated
πk +3.5% +4.0%
NCR (Non Conformance Report) process established
specifically for this development project allowed for TIT +1.9% +1.9%
quick responses to the suppliers in case parts were η*fl +1.9% +1.91%
manufactured outside of the specifications. Thanks to
this process, in one specific incidence, the issue could GT11N2 Turbine flange polytropic efficiency

be analyzed, a mitigation developed and the parts 2.5

brought back into production only 3 days after the
supplier issued the Non Conformance Report

Turbine Flange Efficiency gain (%)

+1.91% validation test
(standard time is 4 weeks). 1.5

In the end, all parts were delivered on time and the GT11N2 test
GT11N2 pretest
whole design/manufacturing throughput time was GT11N2
considered to be one of the fastest ever achieved 0.5

within Alstom. 0.0

0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

2.4. Baselining and performance evaluation -0.5

Relatine flange pressure ratio

Typical performance data available from the engines Figure 16. Measured turbine flange efficiency of the
in the existing fleet include GT power output, GT original and a redesigned turbine.
efficiency (evaluated based on measured power and
fuel consumption), pressures and temperatures The measurements of the flow structure with the 5-
downstream of the compressor and the exhaust hole probe traverse at the turbine exit/diffuser inlet on
diffuser. The latter allows the evaluation of the both original GT11N2 and upgraded GT11N2 M
turbine flange efficiency. In addition to this, in order units permits the derivation of turbine blading
to have sufficient data available for a proper efficiency and diffuser performance from of the
baselining and model calibration, a special test turbine flange-efficiency measurements. The
campaign was performed on an existing GT11N2 unit comparison of measured turbine blading efficiency
prior to the start of the design phase. This test between the original and re-designed turbines is
campaign, in addition to standard performance shown in Figure 17. It confirms that the expected
measurements as described above, included the increase in turbine blading efficiency, as a result of
measurement of the radial distribution of the inlet gas the described improvement measures, is achieved
temperature by means of thermal crystals, metal fully. The measured pressure loss characteristics of
temperature measurements of vane row 3 and flow the exhaust diffuser for original and upgraded engine
traversing downstream of the turbine at the diffuser is presented in Figure 18. The measurements confirm
inlet (using 5-hole probe measurements). Almost the that the exhaust diffuser performance is nearly
same scope of measurements was carried out later on unchanged, which was one of the design objectives.
during the validation of the first upgrade installation GT11N2 Turbine blading polytropic efficiency
in May 2008 in a customer engine. 2.5

The ultimate purpose of the engine upgrade was to

increase power output and engine efficiency. The
Turbine blading Efficiency gain (%)


validation measurements clearly confirmed, that the 1.5

performance targets of the upgrade have been +1.9%
validation test
achieved. The difference between expected and 1.0

evaluated gross efficiency improvement based on 0.5

GT11N2 test
GT11N2 pretest

measurements are within 0.02%. For gross power

output, the difference is 0.2 % in the Performance 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

Mode operation. The measured compressor pressure -0.5

Relatine blading pressure ratio
ratio increase is slightly higher than expected (see
Figure 17. Measured turbine blading efficiency of the
Table 2), but confirms that the reduction in TCLA
original and a redesigned turbine.
could be achieved as planned. .

© ALSTOM 2009. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability
for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is
given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
GT11N2/N2M. Diffuser total pressure loss 4. REFERENCES
[1] Harasgama, S.P., Kreitmeier, F., 1994, “A new
upgraded turbine for the GT8 and GT8C turbine

family”, ASME Paper 1994-GT-65, The Nague,
160% GT11N2M.
GT11N2. Netherlands.
[2] Schneider, C., Navrotsky, V., Harasgama, P.,

140% Validation test

120% 1998, “Gas Turbine Upgrading Program

100% Development and Testing of GT11NM”, ASME
Paper 2000-GT-591, Munich, Germany.
60% GT11N2 test
[3] Vassiliev, V., Mooslechner, N., Kostege, M.,
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Granovskiy, A., 2007, “Aerodynamic Characteristics
Gred of a Redesigned Turbine”, ASME Paper GT-2007-
Figure 18. Measured diffuser characteristics of the 27472, Montreal, Canada.
original and redesigned turbines. [4] Afanasiev, I., Granovskiy, A., Kareline, A.,
Kostege, M., 2004, ‘Effect of 3D Vane Shape on the
3. CONCLUSION Flow Capacity”, ASME Paper GT-2004-53095,
Despite the fact, that severe design limitations were Vienna, Austria.
imposed, like the requirements to [5] Granovskiy, A., Kostezh, M., Krupa, V.,
• Keep the exhaust diffuser unchanged and Rudenko, S., 1999, “The Effect of the Flow
therefore maintain the turbine outlet Characteristics and the Shape of the Blade-Cascade
conditions on the Losses in the Peripheral Gross Sections of Gas
• Use the existing rotor and therefore keep the Turbine Blades”, Thermal Engineering, Vol.46, No.5,
number and axial location of the turbine 1999, pp.406-412.
blades fixed [6] Krupa, V., 1994, “Simulation of steady and
Keep the existing turbine vane carrier, thus limiting unsteady viscous flows in turbomachinery”,.
the possibility to modify the turbine flow-path in AGARD-lecture series, No 198, LS-198.
order to allow for retrofit-ability in existing GT11N2 [7] Nigmatullin, R., Ivanov, M., 1994, “The
units and to keep the upgrade scope and subsequent mathematical models of flow passage for gas turbine
upgrade costs as small as possible, a significant engines and their components”, AGARD Lecture
increase in turbine blading efficiency and reduction TCP 02/LS198 pp.4-1…4-28.
in TCLA could be achieved. [8] Karelin, A., Fischer, Y., Lomakin, N., 2007,
“Labyrinth Seal Improvement on the Basis of
The main contributors were the consistent application Numerical Investigations”, 7-th European
of advanced 3D profiling, to minimize aerodynamic Turmomachinery Conference Proceedings, Athens,
losses, achieve load optimization, e.g. by introducing Greece, pp. 1201-1210.
a compound lean design for vanes 3 & 4.
Furthermore, specific measures were taken to further
reduce aerodynamic losses, like the introduction of a
full shroud for blade 4 to replace the previous use of
damping bolts. Other measures were the introduction
of state-of-the-art inter-platform seals to reduce
leakages as well as the introduction of shrouds at the
inner diameter of the vanes 2 & 3 to minimize tip
leakages between these vanes and corresponding
rotor heat shields. Cooling air mass flow reduction
achieved with the application of up-to-date cooling
technologies permitted an increase of the gas mixed
temperature TIT and, as a result, an increase in GT
performance, keeping the firing temperature in the
combustor at the original level.
The performance measurements obtained during field
validation of the first turbine upgrade implemented
confirmed that the advanced 3D aero-design process
used for this upgrade together with the application of
state-of-the-art cooling and sealing technologies led
to remarkable performance improvements and that
the applied methods are reliable, with predictions and
measurements being in good agreement.

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