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City of Chicago Ilillllllllllllilillll: Office The City Clerk Document Tracking Sheet

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City of Chicago ilt I ilillllllllllllilillll I llll I I lll

Office of the City Clerk
Document Tracking Sheet

Meeting Date: 9t1812019

Sponsor(s): Maldonado (26)

Ramirez-Rosa (35)
La Spata (1)
Cardona, Jr. (31)
Martin (47)
Rodriguez Sanchez (33)
Sawyer (6)
Lopez (15)
Sigcho-Lopez (25)
Type Ordinance
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-45 by adding new
Section 2-45-160 entitled "Pilot Act for the Preservation of
Atfordable Housing in 606 ResidentialArea"
Gomm ittee(s) Assignment: Committee on Housing and Real Estate

WHEREAS, the City of Chicago (the "City") is a home rule unit of local government
under Article Vll, Section 6(a) of the 1970 Constitution of the State of lllinois; and

WHEREAS, the City's home-rule authority includes the power to enact ordinances and
regulations aimed at preserving safe, decent, and affordable housing in Chicago; and

WHEREAS, the City is experiencing a shortage of atfordable housing, especially in

gentrifying neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, the lack of affordable housing is a critical problem, which threatens the
economic and social quality of life in the City; and

WHEREAS, the unmet demand for affordable housing units in the Logan Square and
Humboldt Park neighborhoods is already among the highest in the City
cook-countv/); and

WHEREAS, the opening of the 606 Trail in 2015 is accelerated: (a) increases in rents
and property prices in the areas of Logan Square and Humboldt Park adjacent to the 606 Trail
("the 606 Residential Area"); (b) the elimination of affordable housing units in the 606
Residential Area, including the replacement of existing two-flats with rental units by owner-
occupied luxury units; and (c) the displacement of long-term residents; and

WHEREAS, property prices in the 606 Residential Area west of Western Avenue have
increased by 48.2 percent since ground was broken on the 606 Trail
.pd0; and

WHEREAS, the City's previous Five Year Housing Plan (2014-2018) recognized that
replacement of an existing unit of housing can easily top $350,000; developers confirm
comparable costs; and HUD's measure for total development costs (TDC) for 900 square feet
and 2 bedrooms for the Chicago area for 2015 was more than $250,000
(portal. hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=2015tdclimits. pdÐ ; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to protect the existing
affordable housing stock in the 606 ResidentialArea, including by minimizing the displacement
of long{ime residents and avoiding the wholesale gentrification of that area; and

WHEREAS, the passage of this reform ordinance is calculated to maintain and preserve
existing affordable housing units in the 606 Residential Area, including by funding an Affordable
Housing Trust Fund; now, therefore,

SECTION 1: Section 2-45 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by

adding a new chapter 2-45-160, as follows:

Ghapter 2-45-160

Pilot Act for the Preservation of Affordable Housins in the 606 Residential Area

(A) Title and purpose. This cha pter shall be known and may be cited as the "Pilot
Act for the Preservation of Affordable Housing in the 606 Residential Area" and shall be liberally
construed and applied to achieve its purpose, which is to preserve, maintain, and create
affordable housing for low and moderate-income households in the area of the City of Chicago
bounded by W. Hirsch Street on the south and W. Palmer Street on the north, and by Western
Avenue on the east and N. Kostner Avenue on the west ("the 606 Residential Area").

(B) Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

"606 Residential Area" means the area in the City of Chicago from 1400 to 2200 north
(W. Hirsch St. to W. Palmer Street) and 2200 to 4400 west (Western Ave. to N. Kostner Ave.)
"Affordable" means a sales price or rent less than or equal to the amount at which total
monthly housing costs (including rent, insurance, utilities, mortgage payments, and real estate
taxes) would total not more than 30% of household income for eligible households.
"Affordable housing" means (1) with respect to rental housing, housing that is affordable
to households earning up to thirty percent (30%) of the area median income, and (2) with
respect to owner-occupied housing, housing that is affordable to households eärning up to sixty
percent (60%) of the area median income.
"Area median income" or "AMl" means the median income for the Chicago Primary
Metropolitan Statistical Area as calculated and adjusted for household size on an annual basis
by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") or any successor
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Department of Buildings.

"Covered property" means any building, structure, or portion thereof located in the 606
Residential Area, as well as the land upon which that building or structure sits.
"Demolition" means any action resulting in the complete or partial, interior or exterior,
destruction of a building, structure, or portion thereof, or the combination of two or more housing
units to make a larger unit, or any action that results in a reduction in the number of affordable
housing units on a covered property.
"Development" or "develop" means the construction or substantial rehabilitation of
housing units or the conversion of any building or structure, or portion of any building or
structure, into residential condominiums.
"Eligible household" means a household whose combined annual income, adjusted for
household size, does not exceed (1) with respect to rental housing, at the time of the first rental
by that household, a household earning thirty percent (30%) of AMl, and (2) with respect to
owner-occupied housing, at the time of purchase of the unit, a household earning sixty percent
60%) of AMl.
"Floor area" means the floor space enclosed by exterior walls, fire-walls or a combination
of these structural elements, including the space occupied by the exterior walls or fire walls.
"Housing unit" or "unit" means a room or suite of rooms designed, occupied or intended
for occupancy as a separate living quarter with cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities provided
within the unit for the exclusive use of the occupants of the unit.
"Owner" shall have the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 13-4-010 of the
Municipal Code of Chicago.
"Permit" means an authorization to proceed with development, demolition, or rezoning of
a covered property.
"Rezoning of property" means a change in the zoning of property in any of the following
circumstances: (1) to permit a higher floor area ratio than would othenruise be permitted in the
base district, including through transit-served location floor area premiums where the underlying
base district does not change; (2) to permit a higher floor area ratio or to increase the overall
number of housing units than would otheruvise be permitted in an existing planned development,
as specified in the Bulk Regulations and Data Table, even if the underlying base district for the
planned development does not change; (3) from a zoning district that does not allow household
living uses to a zoning district that allows household living uses; or (4) from a zoning district that
does not allow household living uses on the ground floor of a building to a zoning district that
permits household living uses on the ground floor.
"Substantial rehabilitation" means the reconstruction, enlargement, installation, repair,
alteration, improvement, retrofitting, or renovation of a covered property, or portion thereof,
requiring a permit issued by the City.
(C) Applicabilitv: The requirements of this chapter apply to the demolition or
development of covered properties located within the 606 Residential Area, as well as to
rezoning of covered properties for subsequent development of housing units,
(D) Restrictions on issuance of permits for covered properties. The department
of buildings shall not process any application for or issue any permit allowing the demolition or
development of a covered property until the owner has paid the 606 ResidentialArea Affordable
Housing Preservation Fee(s) ("Preservation Fee(s)") required by this chapter. The Building
Department shall place a hold in the Hansen permitting system on any project that is subject-
or potentially subject-to this chapter, in order to ensure that no permits are issued for
development or demolition of covered properties until the owner has paid the required
Preservation Fee. Payment of the Preservation Fee is a condition of the validity of permits
issued for covered properties. The City shall have a lien against a property until Preservation
Fees imposed by this chapter have been paid. to This subsection (D) shall not apply to the
demolition of any building or structure if demolition is necessary to remedy conditions
imminently dangerous to life, health or property as determined in writing by the Department of
Buildings, the Board of Health or the Fire Department.
(E) Restrictions on rezoninq of covered properties. The City shall not approve
the rezoning of a covered property for subsequent development of housing units unless no less
than fifty percent (50%) of the housing units shall be atfordable housing units or all applicable
fees listed in subsection (F) of this chapter have been paid. Developers shall not submit
piecemeal applications for zoning approval to avoid compliance with this chapter.

(F) Affordable Housinq Preservation Fees. Fees pursuant to this chapter shall be
charged and collected using to the following fee schedule.
(1) r demolitio ofa
Single family home $300,000
Two flat: $450,000
Three flat: $550,000
Four flat: $650,000
Five or more units: $150,000 per unit

(2) For development that results in more than 1000 square feet of new space, or more
than 1000 square feet ofadded housing unit(s), and atotal floor area

< 1,7 50 square feet $100,000

> 1,750 square feet but

< 2,000 square feet $150,000

> 2,000 square feet but

<2,500 square feet $200,000

> 2,500 square feet $250,000

(3) For rezoninq of a covered property for residential use:

(a) resulting in rental property affordable to families at or below 400lo

of AMI or ownership units affordable to families at or below 100o/o of AMI
No fee;

(b) resulting in rental property affordable to families above 4Oo/o and

up to 60% of AMI or ownership units affordable to families above 100 and
up to 120% AMI: $ 500 Per citY lot; and

(c) for all other rezoning of covered properties: $300,000 for up to the
first $3,125 square feet and $300,000 for each additional 3,125 square

These fee amounts may be adjusted annually, beginning on January 1 of the year following the
second anniversary of the effective date of this chapter, to reflect adjustments in the Consumer
price lndex for all Urban Consumers for the Chicago metropolitan area, based upon data
published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. lf that index no
ionger existô, the commissioner shall, in his or her reasonable discretion, select some other
comparable index.
(G) 606 Residential Area Affordable Housins Trust Fund. All fees collected
pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited into a 606 ResidentialArea Affordable Housing Trust
Fund, which shall be established for this purpose. A board of trustees shall manage and
administer the Trust Fund, including the disbursement of all funds from the trust. The board of
trustees shall have nine trustees, consisting of: (1) one representative of Logan Square
Neighborhood Association (LSNA); (2) two representatives drawn from Latin United Housing
Association (LUCHA), Spanish Coalition for Housing, and/or Center for Changing Lives; (3) two
residents of the 606 Residential Area, selected by a majority vote of the trustees representing
LSNA, LUCHA, Spanish Coalition for Housing, and/or Center for Changing; (4) two aldermen
from wards within the 606 Residential Area; (5) the Commissioner of the Department of
Planning and Development or his or her designee; and (6) the Commissioner of the Department
of Buildings or his or her designee. lf one or more of the non-profit community organizations
mentioned in this paragraph- LSNA, LUCHA, Spanish Coalition for Housing, and/or Center for
Changing Lives-ceases to exist, a similar non-profit community organizations similarly
committed to combatting displacement of current residents and preserving affordable housing in
the 606 Residential Area may be substituted in its place for purposes of this paragraph. The
board of trustees shall make decisions by majority vote, with each trustee having one vote. The
board of trustees shall review and approve or disapprove proposals submitted to it for use of
trust funds, which shall be used to create, maintain, or preserve affordable housing in the 606
Residential Area, including, by way of example, by acquiring land for affordable housing
development or by providing grants or loans to residents to repair or renovate existing
affordable housing units or defray the expense or rising property taxes. The board of trustees
shall disburse funds so that at least 50o/o of the fees collected in a calendar year are disbursed
during the next calendar year. The board of trustees shall publish an annual report itemizing
collections and disbursements.

(H) Standards for construction and occupancv of affordable units. ln the event
of the rezoning of a covered property for a subsequent development that includes one or more
affordable unit(s), the affordable unit(s) shall be comparable to any market rate units in the
development in terms of unit type, number of bedrooms per unit, quality of exterior appearance,
energy efficiency, and overall quality of construction. Affordable units may have different interior
finishes and features than market-rate units if they are durable, of good and new quality, and
are consistent with then-current standards for new housing. Affordable units shall have access
to all on-site amenities available to market rate units, including the same access to and
enjoyment of common areas and facilities. Affordable units shall have functionally equivalent
parking when parking is provided to the market rate units. Affordable units shall be constructed,
completed, ready for occupancy and marketed concurrently with or prior to market rate units at
the same site location.

(t) Notification and data collection. When the City receives an application for a
permit to proceed with development of demolition of a covered property, or for rezoning of a
covered property, a sign shall be posted on the applicant property in English and Spanish, or an
additional language as determined by the trustees of the 606 Residential Area Affordable
Housing Trust Fund, at least 14 days prior to approval of the permit or the rezoning. ln addition,
in January and July of every year, the Department of Buildings shall track and publish data
showing, for each covered property for which a permit or rezoning was approved in the previous
six months" (a) the address of the covered property; (b) the amount of the Preservation Fee
collected; and (c) the name of the person or entity that paid the Preservation Fee. This data
shall be published in an accessible, visible position on cityofchicago.org and/or as part of the
Department of Planning and Development's Atfording Housing Plan Quarterly Reports.

(J) Enforcement. Any owner who undertakes development or demolition work any
covered property without paying the Preservation Fee(s) required by this chapter shall be guilty
of a violation of this chapter and shall be punished by a fine of twice the amount of the fees
required in subsection (F), and, in the case of a residential real estate developer licensed
pursuant to Chapter 4-40 of the Municipal Code or any successor chapter, also by the
revocation of the developer's residential real estate developer license. ln addition to any other
available remedy, the City may seek an injunction or other equitable relief in court to stop any
violation of this chapter. The City may also seek any other remedies and exercise any other
enforcement powers as allowed by law. The remedies and enforcement powers established in
this chapter are cumulative, and the City may exercise them in any order. Any fines or penalties,
costs or interest imposed for a violation of this section shall be deposited into the 606
ResidentialArea Affordable Housing Trust Fund and shall be used and disbursed in accordance
with subsection (G).

(J) Sunset. Unless renewed, this ordinance will expire eight (8) years after its
effective date

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