Biod Update
Biod Update
Biod Update
Power on, press “Delete” or “ESC” key to enter BIOS setup screen
WARNING: If “F3” key is pressed, console restores default settings, the screen on controlbay could be invisible and boot
screen could switch to external DVI connector. To avoid “blind” situations, an external monitor should be attached to exter-
nal DVI connector first.
Note: The default settings are already the optimized settings for corresponding console type.
All settings except date and time are stored in flash eeprom. The battery only holds date/time in Real Time Clock.
NOTE: After upgrading the BIOS version, Date/Time of Real Time Clock (RTC) must be set manually.
NOTE: To upgrade BIOS version with MSC-CXB-6S DeploymentStick, the boot option #1 must be
temporary set to USB device (0:). Previously, the USB stick must be attached to allow changing the
boot option.