Colebrook Equation Fluid Flow in Pipes
Colebrook Equation Fluid Flow in Pipes
Colebrook Equation Fluid Flow in Pipes
Related terms:
23 Colebrook–White Equation
The Colebrook–White equation, sometimes referred to simply as the Colebrook
equation is a relationship between the friction factor and the Reynolds number,
pipe roughness, and inside diameter of pipe. The following form of the Colebrook
equation is used to calculate the friction factor in gas pipelines in turbulent flow.
f – friction factor
D – pipe inside diameter, in
e – absolute pipe roughness, in
R – Reynolds number of flow for R > 4000
Because R and f are dimensionless, as long as consistent units are used for both e and
D, the Colebrook equation is the same regardless of the units employed. Therefore,
in SI units Equation above is used with e and D expressed in mm.
It can be seen from Eqn (5.101), that to calculate the friction factor f we must use
a trial-and-error approach. It is an implicit equation in f because f appears on both
sides of the equation. We first assume a value of f (such as 0.01) and substitute it
in the right hand side of the equation. This will yield a second approximation for f
which can then be used to calculate a better value of f and so on. Generally three to
four iterations are sufficient to converge on a reasonably good value of the friction
It can be seen from the Colebrook equation, for turbulent flow in smooth pipes
the first term within the square brackets is negligible compared to the second term
because pipe roughness e is very small.
Therefore for smooth pipe flow, the friction factor equation reduces to
Similarly, for turbulent flow in fully rough pipes, with R being a large number,
f depends mostly on the roughness e and therefore, the friction factor equation
reduces to
Table 5.2 lists typical values of pipe internal roughness used to calculate the friction
As an example, if R = 100 million or larger and e/D = 0.0002, the friction factor from
Eqn (5.103) is
Or f = 0.0137, which correlates well with the friction factor obtained from the Moody
diagram Figure 5.9.
Example 5.14 (USCS)
A natural gas pipeline, NPS 20 with 0.500-in wall thickness transports 200 MMSCFD.
The specific gravity of gas is 0.6 and viscosity is 0.000,008 lb/ft-s. Calculate the
friction factor using the Colebrook equation. Assume absolute pipe roughness =-
600 micro in.
The base temperature and base pressure are 60 °F and 14.7 psia, respectively.
Pipe inside diameter = 20 − 2 × 0.5 = 19.0 in
Assume f = 0.01 initially and substituting above we get a better approximation as:
f = 0.0101.
Pipe inside diameter = 500 − 2 × 12 = 476 mm.
Assume f = 0.01 initially and substituting above we get a better approximation as:
Because R and f are dimensionless, as long as consistent units are used for both e
and D, the Colebrook equation is the same regardless of the units used. Therefore,
in SI units, Eq. (8.51) is used with e and D expressed in mm.
It can be seen from Eq. (8.51) that, in order to calculate the friction factor f, we must
use a trial and error approach. It is an implicit equation in f since f appears on both
sides of the equation. We first assume a value of f (such as 0.01) and substitute it
in the right-hand side of the equation. This will yield a second approximation for f
that can then be used to calculate a better value of f and so on. Generally, three to
four iterations are sufficient to converge on a reasonably good value of the friction
A natural gas pipeline, NPS 24 with 0.500 in. wall thickness transports 250 MMSCFD.
The specific gravity of gas is 0.6 and viscosity is 0.000008 lb/ft · s. Calculate the
friction factor using the Colebrook equation. Assume absolute pipe roughness = 600
μ-in. The base temperature and base pressure are 60°F and 14.7 psia, respectively.
This equation will be solved by successive iteration. First, assuming f = 0.01 and
substituting in the preceding equation, we get a better approximation as f = 0.0099.
Repeating the iteration, we get the final value as f = 0.00988.
This equation will be solved by successive iteration. Assume f = 0.01 initially and
substituting above, we get a better approximation as f = 0.0112. Repeating the
iteration, we get the final value as f = 0.0112.
Heat exchangers
G. Musgrove, ... L. Chordia, in Fundamentals and Applications of Supercritical
Carbon Dioxide (sCO₂) Based Power Cycles, 2017
For turbulent flow in hydraulically smooth tubes, when Re is from 3000 to 100,000,
the friction loss coefficient is expressed by the Blasius equation
And for turbulent flow in rough tubes the pressure loss coefficient is expressed
by, e.g., Colebrook equation (Colebrook, 1939) (Fig. 4.17).
Figure 4.17. Moody chart for the friction factor of fully developed pipe flow for
various k/d ratios as shown in right.
After Moody, L.F., 1944. Friction factors for pipe flow. Trans. ASME 66 (8), 671–684
(Moody, 1944).
The pressure loss coefficient is lower for high Reynolds numbers. On the other
hand, pressure loss is higher for high velocities and high Reynolds numbers because
dynamic pressure increases as a square of velocity. The pressure loss coefficient is
lower for large diameter tubes. Roughness, k, for drawn steel tubes is 0.0250.05 mm.
Therefore the pressure loss coefficient is usually close to 0.05 (Nikuradse, 1933).
It should be noted that there is a transition region from smooth to rough surfaces.
Flow behaves smoothly at the transition region.
Typical economizer flows in boilers have high Reynolds numbers, but superheater
flows can be in the transition region from laminar to turbulent flow. It is therefore
suggested that a combination equation be used to calculate the pressure loss. One
such equation has been developed by Churchill (1972).
A. Kayode Coker, in Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochem-
ical Plants (Fourth Edition), Volume 1, 2007
For transition and turbulent flow, use Figure 4-13 (the f in this figure only applies
for fully turbulent flow corresponding to the flat portions of the curves in Figure
4-5) with Figure 4-5, and Figures 4-14a and 4-14b as appropriate. Friction factor in
long steel pipes handling wet (saturated with water vapor) gases such as hydrogen,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and similar materials should
be considered carefully, and often increased by a factor of 1.2–2.0 to account for
Figure 4-14a. Resistance coefficients for fittings.
(Reprinted by permission from Hydraulic Institute, Engineering Data Book, 1st ed.,
1979, Cleveland, OH.)
Copyright © 1979
Figure 4-14b. Resistance coefficients for valves and fittings.
(Reprinted by permission from Hydraulic Institute, Engineering Data Book, 1st ed.,
1979, Cleveland, OH.)
Copyright © 1979
Important Note: The Moody [3] friction factors (fD) reproduced in this text (Figure 4-5)
are consistent with the published values of references [2–4], and cannot be used with
the values presented in Perry's Handbook [1] (e.g., the Fanning friction factor, fF), as
Perry's values for fF are one-fourth times the values cited in this chapter (e.g., fF =
1/4 fD). It is essential to use f values with the corresponding formulas offered in the
appropriate text.
Note: The turbulent portion of the published Moody diagram is actually a plot of this
equation, which is derived to fit “sand roughness” data in pipes [10].
Note that the term /D is the relative roughness from Figure 4-13. Equation 4-33
is implicit in fD, as it cannot be rearranged to derive fD directly and thus requires an
iterative solution (e.g., trial and error). Colebrook [9] also proposed a direct solution
equation that is reported [11] to have
An explicit equation for calculating the friction factor (fC) as proposed by Chen [12]
The relationship between Chen friction factor and Darcy friction factor is fC = 1/4 fD.
Churchill [13] developed a single expression for the friction factor in both laminar
and turbulent flows as:
Equation 4-36 is an explicit equation, and adequately represents the Fanning friction
factor over the entire range of Reynolds numbers within the accuracy of the data
used to construct the Moody diagram, including a reasonable estimate for the
intermediate or transition region between laminar and turbulent flow.
Gregory and Fogarasi [14] have provided a detailed review of other explicit equations
for determining the friction factor, and concluded that Chen's friction factor equation
is the most satisfactory friction factor in comparison to others as shown in Table 4-4.
TABLE 4-4. Explicit Equations for Calculating the Friction Factor for Rough Pipe
If you have “smooth pipe flow” by the description in Eq. (4.2) then you set _D to
50×10−6 which corresponds to the last _D line that crosses the fully turbulent line
on Fig. 4.1.
Figure 4.1. Moody friction factors.
Fig. 4.1 is usually presented as log–log scales, but I find that a logarithmic y-axis
creates more confusion with interpolation than it provides in improved visibility.
Friction factors from Fig. 4.1 are used in various equations that use assumed flow
rates to estimate a pressure drop, estimate a flow rate from measured pressure drop,
or predict a flow rate from assumed pressure drop. For the last two uses, velocity is
not known at the start of the calculation so the flow equation must be iterated. You
guess a Reynolds number, solve for a friction factor, calculate a flow rate, calculate a
new Reynolds number with the new velocity, use that value to calculate a new friction
factor, and then repeat until the change from one step to the next is acceptably small.
Many equations developed for gas flow are designed to use the Fanning friction
factor. Authors are not always clear as to which friction factor to use. A rule of thumb
that might be useful is:
• f → Assume Moody friction factor for liquids and Fanning friction factor for
gases. This can be very problematical since some researchers are too clever
for their own good and roll the ¼ factor into a constant and use f without a
subscript, but if you use Fanning you’ll fail to match field conditions by a factor
of 4. My approach in this case is that if you find an author that is too lazy to
differentiate then you should look for another source.
If we compare this to a simple average (i.e., (P1+P2)/2) you can see (Fig. 4.2) that for
short lengths of pipe it simply doesn’t matter. In this example, you don’t have a 5%
error until over 50 miles (80.5 km). Eq. (4.7) is simple enough that my approach is
to always use it and eliminate that (admittedly small) error from the body of the
calculation. In the big picture it rarely makes a material difference, but I always
wonder “is this the scenario where I would reach a different decision if I used
the right value?” You can avoid that particular nagging doubt by always using the
front-end loaded average. People who think “every line in this project is under
10 miles (16 km) so why bother?” are not wrong, and usually reach the same decision
that they would reach using the other equation. There is nothing “wrong” with
that thought process, as long as the thought process actually takes place—many
engineers have decided to use a simple average and have erased the possibility of
an alternative method from their minds, and approach a long line with the simple
average which results in density being low, velocity being high, and viscosity being
low; all by different amounts. For a gas, the end result is complex, but often results
in Reynolds number being low, which for modern pipe tends to put you in a steeper
portion of Fig. 4.1 and small changes in pressure can give you a sharp increase in
friction factor.
The turbulent flow data analysis of Newtonian fluids in CT with roughness has been
a challenge. This is mainly because there is no published correlation on the effect of
tubing roughness on friction factor in CT. On the basis of their research work (Zhou
and Shah, 2006; Zhou, 2006), the following friction factor correlation for Newtonian
fluid flow in CT with roughness was proposed.
where frough is Fanning friction factor in rough CT, which is dimensionless; a/R is the
curvature ratio; a is the radius of CT in in.; R is the reel radius in in.; NRe is Reynolds
number, which is dimensionless; hr is the pipe roughness projection in in.; and d is
the pipe inner diameter, in.
The aforementioned correlation was derived based on the assumption that the
friction factor ratio in rough to smooth CT was approximately equal to the corre-
sponding ratio in ST. Although the accuracy of this assumption is yet to be verified,
the experimental data of the present study appear to indicate that Eq. (5.5) could
adequately describe the effect of tubing roughness on friction factor in CT, as
discussed later.
Certain correlations are utilized in the turbulent flow data analysis of Newtonian
fluid flow in straight rough pipes. One of these correlations was reported by Chen
where hr is the tubing roughness projection and d is the tubing ID. The result of this
correlation was almost identical to Colebrook equation for the range of NRe from
4000 to 4 × 108 and hr/d ranging from 0.05 to 5 × 10−7. Since Chen equation was an
explicit equation, it has overcome the drawback of Colebrook equation, which was
implicit, and a trial-and-error method was required.
For the turbulent flow of a Newtonian fluid in smooth CT, Srinivasan correlation
(Srinivasan, Nandapurkar, & Holland, 1970) could be utilized
where a/R is the CT curvature ratio and a and R are the radii of tubing and reel drum,
respectively. Eq. (5.7) is valid for 0.0097 < a/R < 0.135. The Srinivasan correlation is
based on the flow tests of Newtonian fluids (water and oil) in smooth coiled pipes.
Figs. 5.10–5.13 present the plots of Fanning friction factor versus Reynolds number
for the flow data of water in 1-, 1½-, 1¾-, and 2⅜-in. ST and CT. Also on the plots
are Chen correlation of the friction factor for rough ST and Srinivasan correlation for
smooth CT. Several observations could be made and are discussed in the following
Figure 5.10. Fanning friction factor versus Reynolds number of water in 1-in.
straight and coiled tubing (CT).
First, the friction factor in CT for all tubing sizes (except 1¾-in. tubing reels, which
had no corresponding straight sections) significantly exceeded the ST friction factor.
The maximum difference in friction factors could be as high as 30%. The extra
flow resistance in CT occurred, due to the secondary flow in curved flow geometry.
Furthermore, the extent of secondary flow effect was a function of curvature ratio.
This was evident by the comparison of friction factors of 500-ft and 1000-ft 1-in. CT,
as presented in Fig. 5.10. It was noted that 500-ft CT string was spooled on to a drum
of smaller diameter (48 in.) than 1000-ft CT string, which was spooled on to a 72-in.
diameter drum. The 500-ft CT reel had a higher curvature ratio (a/R = 0.0169) than
1000-ft CT reel (a/R = 0.0113). The difference in friction factors between 500- and
1000-ft CT reels could be as high as 8%. Also, for the CT reels with same curvature
ratio, the corresponding friction factors were approximately the same, as presented
in Figs. 5.11 and 5.13.
Second, Figs. 5.10 and 5.13 indicated that the friction factors in 1-in. and 2⅜-in.
CT reels were higher than Srinivasan correlation. Therefore, the tubing roughness
effect was evident in both CT sizes. To estimate the magnitude of possible tubing
roughness, the previously proposed correlation [Eq. 5.5] was applied to match the
friction factor data of 1-in. and 2⅜-in. CT. Fig. 5.14 presents 1-in. CT reel result.
It was observed that the proposed correlation was able to match the friction factor
data of 500-ft and 1000-ft CT with tubing roughness of 0.00012 and 0.00006 in.,
respectively. As indicated in Fig. 5.13, a tubing roughness of 0.00035 in. resulted in
quite good match of the friction factor data with Eq. (5.5). It was encouraging to find
out that these roughness values were quite similar to the roughness data measured
by the Tuboscope's Hommel surface roughness meter on similar CT. The measured
average roughness for a new carbon steel CT is between 0.000025 and 0.000149 in.
Figure 5.14. Friction factor versus Reynolds number of 1-in. tubing, measured and
predicted through proposed rough coiled tubing (CT) correlation.
It is important to point out that the newly proposed correlation (Eq. 5.5) not only
matched the majority of data on point-to-point basis, but also, more importantly,
provided a good match to the data trend. This has been proven for both 1-in. and
2⅜-in. tubing data sets, as presented in Figs. 5.13 and 5.14, respectively. In these
plots, it could be observed that Srinivasan correlation had a steeper slope than the
correlations of data points, which exhibited flatter slopes. The friction factor behavior
of Newtonian fluid in straight pipes was recalled, such as in Moody diagram of
the friction factor. The smooth pipe flow or “hydraulically smooth” pipe flow is
characterized by steeper slopes than the rough pipe flow, with a slope dependence
on the magnitude of Reynolds number. The flatter lines indicated higher dominance
of roughness at higher Reynolds numbers. The newly proposed correlation (Eq. 5.5)
was seen to be able to effectively adjust the slope of Srinivasan correlation to better
match the experimental data of CT with roughness.
It could be observed in Fig. 5.11 that the friction factor data of 1½-in. CT were quite
close to Srinivasan correlation. This does not necessarily mean that 1½-in. CT reels
were smooth. It was quite likely that the inner diameter of 1½-in. tubing had been
changed due to previous usage. Prior to this research project, 1½-in. CT reels had
been used extensively for testing fracturing slurries. These previous tests might have
altered the tubing inner diameter (enlarged due to slurry erosion). It would be very
tempting to have one parameter, either the tubing ID or roughness, independently
measured so that the other parameter could be estimated from the water test data
through proposed correlation in Eq. (5.5). In contrast, neither measurement was
It was interesting to note that the friction factor data for 1¾-in. chrome CT were
lower than 1¾-in. carbon steel CT data. It was therefore believed that the chrome
tubing had lower roughness effects. The friction factor of the chrome tubing was
slightly lower than Srinivasan correlation. Through the new correlation (Eq. 5.5), the
roughness in 1¾-in. carbon steel CT was estimated at 0.00005 in.
Well Dynamics
David A. Simpson P.E., in Practical Onshore Gas Field Engineering, 2017
A major concern is that evaporating the produced water will leave solids behind
that can plug the formation. There is no theory that says that this is unlikely, but
experience to date has not shown it to be a significant problem.
To get a feeling for the magnitude of inflow where this technique might be useful,
remember from Fig. 3.4 that as pressure comes down (for a given temperature),
the amount of water vapor that a gas can carry increases rapidly. At 106°F (41°C)
and 50 psia (345 kPa) 100% RH is 1096 lbm/MMSCF (17.5 gm/SCm). If you drop
the pressure to 3 psia (21 kPaa) the water content jumps to 17,980 lbm/MMSCF
(288 gm/SCm). The difference between those two data points is nearly 50 bbl/MM-
SCF (7.66 m3/SCm). There are a very large number of gas wells that make less than
50 bbl/MMSCF.
The most significant impediment of widespread use of this technique is simple fear
and superstition. This technique requires operating in vacuum conditions. As will
be discussed at length in Chapter 4, Surface Engineering Concepts, some very bad
science has led to widespread terror of oxygen-related corrosion modalities to com-
pliment widespread uneasiness that introducing oxygen could cause compressor
stations to explode. This uneasiness is unsupported in actual experience, but persists
anyway. Many jurisdictions have responded to the bad science by placing significant
regulatory impediments to operating gas wells below atmospheric pressure. Most
regulations provide processes to allow engineers to successfully make the case to
allow vacuum operations on a case-by-case basis, but the process is far from trivial
or automatic.
• Each well on vacuum would have an on-site oxygen sensor and a slam valve
to shut the well in on high O2 (without specifying what “high” meant which
turned out to be important).
• At the aggregation points where the gas was delivered to a third party, there
would be additional O2 sensors connected to the station emergency shutdown
The application was approved and equipment was ordered. Fig. 3.27 shows the
results of that test (in early 2010, both the company facilities engineer and company
production engineer retired and their replacements decided that the field needed to
go back to “tried and true” techniques and they installed tubing and pump jacks on
all of the wells, the results were disappointing). During the implementation stage
we learned:
Setting the O2 sensors at a spike to 10 ppm resulted in most wells being shut-in•
most of the time during the start-up phase of the project (we reset them to
>25 ppm for 30 seconds which helped a lot).
All pressure safety valves (PSV) are designed to leak when downstream pressure•
is greater than upstream pressure. We fixed this by putting rupture disks (best)
or check valves (not as effective, but nearly) under the PSV.
Sight glass packing nearly always leaks and the leaks can be very hard to find.•
We replaced sight glass packing, but eventually just isolated the sight glasses
out of service.
Finger-tight plugs in open-ended tubing are far worse than worthless (a visual•
inspection shows the line as plugged, but the plug doesn’t really do anything).
Threaded connections often leak, and leaks can be difficult to find.
We were able to solve most of the issues during the vacuum start-up, and had them
all resolved within 6 months. I visited the field in early 2009 after 4 years of operation
and talked to the field operator (who I didn’t know) and asked him how often the O2
sensors tripped. He looked at me funny and said “do you know how to reset them?”
Meaning, of course, that in the year he had been operating the wells none of them
had ever tripped and he lived in fear of one ever tripping. I showed him how to reset