Extensive Radicular Cyst of The Mandible: A Rare Case Report
Extensive Radicular Cyst of The Mandible: A Rare Case Report
Extensive Radicular Cyst of The Mandible: A Rare Case Report
Maxillofacial surgery
1. Dr., M.D.S., Prof., Dept. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Pad.Dr.DY Patil Dental College, Navi Mumbai, India
2. Dr., M.D.S., Assoc. Prof., Dept. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Pad.Dr.DY Patil Dental College, Navi Mumbai, India
3. Dr., Post Graduate Student, Dept. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Pad.Dr.DY Patil Dental College, Navi Mumbai, India
Corresponding author: Shruti Kakkar, e-mail: drshrutikakkar@hotmail.com
numerous cholesterol clefts, suggestive of a and cultured cyst explants from radicular cysts,
radicular cyst. keratocysts and follicular cysts, showed high
Following clinical, radiologic and histopatho- levels of endotoxins in radicular cysts, as com-
logic examination, the lesion was diagnosed as a pared to other cyst types.
radicular cyst, and a treatment plan was formu- In the second phase, the cyst cavity comes to
lated. All involved teeth – from 36 to 46 – were be lined by the proliferating odontogenic epithe-
endodontically-treated. Under general anesthe- lium. A widely accepted theory postulated that
sia, in sterile conditions, an intraoral crevicular a cyst cavity is formed within a proliferating epi-
incision was taken from 37 to 47, with left and thelial mass in an apical granuloma by degene
right releasing incisions posterior to 37 and 47, ration and death of cells in the centre. Grupe
respectively. The full thickness mucoperiosteal et al. [14] demonstrated high levels of acid phos-
flap was raised, and anterior buccal corticotomy phatase activity in the central cells of apical gran-
was carried out. Cystic legion was enucleated ulomas, while Summers [15] found a weak
in toto, sparing the inferior alveolar nerve, which proteolytic activity present centrally within the
was displaced along the inferior border of the proliferating epithelium. Both studies suggest
mandible. Apicotomy of the involved teeth was that these cells are undergoing autolysis.
done and peripheral ostectomy was carried out. The third phase of growth and enlargement
A bismuth Iodoform paraffin paste (BIPP) pack has been considerably researched over time.
was placed for dead space management. Closure Toller suggested that the contents of cystic cavity
was done, leaving a small window for the BIPP are subjected to an osmotic imbalance with the
surrounding tissues, because of the absence of
pack in the region of 31, 32.
lymphatic drainage, whereas Main felt that the
Post-operatively, after 2 weeks, the BIPP pack
radicular cyst fluid was essentially an inflamma-
was reduced in size weekly, along 4 weeks, and
tory exudate. Skaug [16] also commented that
changed once thereafter, carrying out a similar
the cyst walls have many layers of diverse func-
procedure as above. Excisional biopsy has also
tions: vascular endothelium, basement mem-
confirmed the diagnosis of radicular cyst. New
branes, ground substance and cyst wall
bone formation was noted beginning in the epithelium. Studies performed by Toller [17] and
region of 36 and 46. Skaug [18] also confirmed that intracystic pres-
sure was inversely correlated to cyst size and
DISCUSSION concluded that increased pressure played a piv-
otal role in early cyst growth.
Odontogenic cysts constitute frequent benign Pulpal necrosis leading to inflammation
lesions of the jaw bones, due to the ubiquous appears as the most frequent etiology of the
presence of epithelial rests after odontogenesis radicular cyst [2]. A lesser known but likely
[1]. Radicular cysts appear as the most common cause of pulpal necrosis reported in literature is
of all odontogenic cysts, with an incidence traumatic injury to teeth. In our case, none of the
between 50 and 60%, as described by Tay (50.7%) associated teeth were found to be carious, while
[7], Ochsenius et al. (50.7%) [8], Shear et al. (52.3%) only one left mandibular first premolar was
[9] etc., while Silvia et al. [10] found an incidence found to be non-vital but non-carious. Patient
of 84.5%, and Sharifian et al. [11] reported an inci- however did report blunt trauma to the chin
dence of 37.9%. about ten years ago. No injury or bleeding was
reported and no treatment was taken at that
The pathogenesis of radicular cyst is com-
time. Thus, significant trauma 10 years ago
monly considered as occurring under three
appears to have initiated the pathology.
phases: initiation, cyst formation and enlarge-
In the literature, most cases of radicular cyst
ment [12]. The epithelial cell rests of Malassez in
have been described in the anterior maxilla.
the periodontal ligament begin to proliferate by
Some possible reasons reported are: the spongy
inflammation, as a result of the necrotic debris
nature of the maxillary bone and reluctance to
and bacterial antigens derived from the dead
extract anterior teeth, the over retention of which
pulp. Meghji et al. [13], who studied cyst fluids leads to cyst formation. This prevalence has been