Cardaq-Plus User Manual
Cardaq-Plus User Manual
Cardaq-Plus User Manual
RECOVERY MODE................................................................................................................. 14
SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 20
CarDAQ-Plus Overview
The CarDAQ-Plus is the most advanced vehicle communications device on the market. It can be used as a fully-
compliant J2534 "PassThru" device or as an embedded computer with on-board J2534 functions. The CarDAQ-
Plus is useful for bus monitoring/flight recording, diagnostics, calibration, script-based factory testing, ECU
reprogramming, ECU simulation and many other tasks.
When used in J2534 PassThru mode, the CarDAQ-Plus sits between your vehicle and a PC or laptop.
Applications on your PC use the J2534 API to communicate to the vehicle through the CarDAQ-Plus. Many
J2534 applications are available today, including vehicle ECU re-flashing, and OBD-II compliance testing.
The CarDAQ-Plus goes beyond being a PassThru device. It is a computer running Linux with a web server, a
file server, and an on-board development environment. It has two Compact Flash (CF) sockets for Wireless
Ethernet, GPS or CF memory. The on-board compiler allows for development of custom data loggers, ECU
simulators or re-flashing applications.
• If you did not request the Compact Flash (CF) slot, your unit may be
sealed to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the unit. If you have
a sealed unit and want to use the expansion port, contact Drew
• An RS-232 serial port for future expansion. The CarDAQ-Plus does not
support the serial interface for J2534 at this time.
On the back of the CarDAQ-Plus (from left to right):
• The analog input connector for measuring voltage levels (you can also
measure temperatures with the Drew Technologies TempDAQ.)
CarDAQ-Plus Features
The CarDAQ-Plus can communicate with a Vehicle on the following protocols:
• Optical/Magnetic isolation on communication ports for noise
SAE J2534
SAE J2534 is a standard developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers. It defines an API that allows
programs to talk to vehicle hardware in a standard way. Each PassThru device comes with a DLL that
abstracts the specifics of their device into the standard API.
The goal of this API is to make all J2534 devices interchangeable, in the same way that printers are
interchangeable. Any application that needs to print can just call a standard API, without worrying about the
specifics of the hardware or even how the hardware is connected (USB, Serial or Wireless).
Even though J2534 devices are interchangeable, not all J2534 devices are the same. The CarDAQ-Plus has
many features that go beyond J2534. It is an open platform for development. The CarDAQ family is
recommended by all the major OEMs for vehicle reprogramming. The CarDAQ-Plus is supported by Drew
Technologies, the world leader in J2534 devices.
Just like choosing a printer, choosing a J2534 device requires consideration of features, speed, reliability,
support, warranty, expansion capability and extras.
Once a programmer is familiar with J2534, he or she can begin writing programs. If the programs are written
in a portable fashion, they can be run on Windows (connecting to the CarDAQ-Plus from a PC via Ethernet) or
on Linux (running right on the CarDAQ-Plus). Programs written for the CarDAQ-Plus will also run on the
ScanDAQ 1170. For information on developing programs to run directly on the CarDAQ-Plus, download the
CarDAQ-Plus SDK (Software Development Kit). The SDK is free and there are no royalties to pay. The CarDAQ-
Plus is an open platform, which means you don't need anyone's permission to write or sell applications.
Initial Setup of the CarDAQ-Plus
First, the CarDAQ-Plus needs a power source. The MVCI to OBD-II cable allows powering the CarDAQ-Plus from
a vehicle. Most vehicles built after 1996 have an OBD-II connector somewhere under the dash on the driver's
side, as specified in SAE J1962. Do not leave the CarDAQ-Plus plugged in to an inactive vehicle for several
days, as it may drain the vehicle battery. When using the CarDAQ-Plus on a bench, put power on pin 16
(VBATT) and ground on pin 5 (Signal Ground).
Second, the CarDAQ-Plus is connected to a PC (or laptop). The next four sections explain different ways to
configure your PC to talk to the CarDAQ-Plus. Most customers will find the first section the simplest.
Note: These sections assume the CarDAQ-Plus networking mode has not been changed, or the CarDAQ-
Plus has been booted in recovery mode. For information about customizing the CarDAQ-Plus boot
mode, see
Appendix A: Customizing the CarDAQ-Plus Networking mode. You can change the boot mode to make the
CarDAQ-Plus boot faster and eliminate the need to boot the CarDAQ-Plus before booting the PC.
After connecting to the CarDAQ-Plus, skip to the section "Installing the J2534 DLL."
1. Connect the direct-connect Ethernet cable (which is blue with red ends) between PC and the
2. Connect power to the CarDAQ-Plus. Verify that the Ethernet Link LED (on the upper right of the
Ethernet port) is on. Wait for the orange light on the front to stop blinking.
3. Verify that the green 'Heartbeat' light on the front panel is blinking in a regular pattern, two beats
per second.
5. On the PC, start a web browser and enter in the location bar.
If the CarDAQ-Plus 'About' page is not displayed, see the Troubleshooting Guide. Common problems:
1. On your computer, find your network card configuration. Turn off "Obtain an IP address
automatically" and enter the IP address and the netmask For step-by-
step instructions on setting up your computer for Fixed IP addressing, see Appendix B: Instructions
for configuring your network card.
2. Connect power and Ethernet cables to the CarDAQ-Plus. Use the direct-connect cable (blue with red
ends) when connecting directly to the PC (without an Ethernet hub).
3. Wait for the Orange 'Busy' light on the front to stop blinking.
4. Verify that the Ethernet Link light (on the upper right of the Ethernet port) is on.
5. Verify that the green Heartbeat LED is blinking in a regular pattern, two beats per second. This
means that the CarDAQ-Plus is in DHCP server mode.
6. On your PC or laptop, start a web browser and enter in the location bar.
If the CarDAQ-Plus 'About' page is not displayed, see the Troubleshooting Guide.
2. Use the standard Ethernet cable (black) to connect the CarDAQ-Plus to your network. One end goes
into the CarDAQ-Plus Ethernet port, the other goes to a hub, switch, or wall jack.
3. Apply power to the CarDAQ-Plus. Verify that the Ethernet Link light (on the upper right of Ethernet
port) is on while booting.
5. Verify that the green 'Heartbeat' light is blinking in a pattern that alternates between one beat and
two beats in each second. If the 'Heartbeat' light blinks in a different pattern, no DHCP server was
not found on your network. Disconnect immediately and contact the network administrator.
6. Wait a few minutes for the CarDAQ-Plus to register itself in Windows networking. This registration
time is only required for finding the CarDAQ-Plus web page by name--It is not required for
PassThru operation.
7. After the CarDAQ-Plus is registered, start a web browser and enter http://CARDAQPLUS/ in the
location bar.
If the CarDAQ-Plus 'About' page is not displayed, see the Troubleshooting Guide or talk to the network
Procedure for networking to the CarDAQ-Plus, using the default Wireless settings:
3. Wait for the green light next to the Compact Flash slot to light up. If this light does not come on, it
may be that your wireless card is not supported.
4. Wait for the Orange 'Busy' light on the front to stop blinking.
6. Windows XP: Go to the network control panel and select the wireless network name ("default") from
the list. Disable "Obtain an IP address automatically" and set the IP address to, and the
netmask to
8. Follow the instructions in Appendix B: Instructions for configuring your network card for Fixed IP
address configuration. Use for the IP address and for the netmask.
9. Find the configuration program that came with your wireless card. Enter the following:
ESSID/Network name: default, Mode: Ad-Hoc or IBSS, Channel: 11, Rate: Auto, WEP: off
10. On your PC or laptop, start a web browser and enter in the location bar.
If the CarDAQ-Plus 'About' page is not displayed, you should try connecting to the CarDAQ-Plus using wired
Ethernet and verify the wireless settings.
Installing the J2534 DLLs
The CarDAQ-Plus J2534 DLLs must be installed before applications can use the CarDAQ-Plus. Follow these
directions to install or upgrade the DLLs:
2. On the main page, find the link to the file, under the section heading How
do I get the CarDAQ-Plus to be a J2534 PassThru device?
4. Extract the contents of the zip file to a temporary directory. (You may need to install WinZip or a
similar utility.)
5. Find the directory where you extracted the zip file. Click on the executable program
CDPLUSinstall.exe. This will install the J2534 DLLs and configure the registry.
6. (Optional) If you want to develop for the CarDAQ-Plus, copy the header/source files somewhere
where your compiler can find them.
Next Steps
After verifying communication with your CarDAQ-Plus, you are ready to put it to use. Here are some of the
next steps to take:
Multiple CarDAQs
You can easily put multiple devices on your network (wired or wireless). When more than one is available, a
pop-up list will allow you to select the one you want.
Debug DLLs
There are an alternate set of DLLs to aid in troubleshooting. These DLLs work just like the normal DLLs, except
they generate a log of all J2534 calls. Sending a debug log to an application vendor will help them diagnose
any problems. When enabled, the DLLs log to the file "DebugPlus.txt" in the application directory.
To activate the debug versions of the DLLs, run the CarDAQ-Plus installer from the command line like this:
"CDPLSinstall.exe -d". To restore the normal DLLs, re-run the installer without the debug command.
Also useful for troubleshooting is the Status page on the CarDAQ-Plus.
Wireless Ethernet (Wi-Fi/802.11b)
When inserted, the CarDAQ-Plus will configure the card using the wireless settings from the Boot Options page.
The default options are:
• IP address:
• Netmask:
• Channel: 11
• Rate: Auto
• WEP: off
Once the CarDAQ-Plus and your PC are configured to have the same settings, no other configuration is needed.
The CarDAQ-Plus J2534 DLL will automatically find devices on wired or wireless networks.
Cards known to work:
CF Memory cards
Any size or brand CompactFlash memory card may be inserted into the front slot. Using the WebTools link, you
can view the data on the card from any web browser. If the file server is enabled, the data on the card will
appear in the cf2 folder.
Consult the CarDAQ-Plus SDK for information on putting programs on CF cards. Different cards can change
the "personality" of the CarDAQ-Plus, from a general purpose tool to a datalogger or ECU re-flasher.
GPS Cards
The CarDAQ-Plus supports any CompactFlash GPS (Global Positioning System) card that uses the ASCII NMEA
Cards known to work:
Updating the Firmware
From time to time, Drew Technologies will make firmware updates available on our website. Follow these
instructions to update your CarDAQ-Plus:
1. Download the firmware file from our website to a temporary directory on your PC.
2. Go to the CarDAQ-Plus web page and click on the "Update Firmware" link.
3. Click the "Browse" button and select the firmware file you just downloaded.
4. Click "Go" to read the notes, then click "Update Firmware" to start the update.
5. The orange light on the CarDAQ-Plus will come on. Wait for the light to go off and stay off for
several seconds before trying to use the CarDAQ-Plus.
Updating the firmware can take several minutes. If the CarDAQ-Plus loses power during an upgrade, you will
have to use Recovery Mode (see the Recovery Mode section) to do the upgrade again.
Note: When you upgrade the firmware, you will also want to upgrade the J2534 DLLs on your PC. See
Installing the J2534 DLLs.
Recovery Mode
Recovery mode is a special fail-safe mode of the CarDAQ-Plus. It is useful in case the normal firmware gets
corrupted. It is also useful if the web server has been turned off, or if the IP settings are incorrect. It
temporarily restores the CarDAQ-Plus to a known state. When booted in Recovery mode, the CarDAQ-Plus will
try to become a DHCP client, but if that fails, it will become a DHCP server.
To enter recovery mode, hold down the front panel Push Button Switch while powering on the CarDAQ-Plus. In
recovery mode, the following restrictions apply:
Around the CarDAQ-Plus
This section will get you familiar with the various lights and connectors on the CarDAQ-Plus.
During normal operation, the Heartbeat LED will blink on once a second.
The Busy LED tracks the CPU usage of the CarDAQ-Plus. Most of the time the CPU will be idle, so the light will
be off. The light will come on when the CarDAQ-Plus CPU is doing work.
The 'CF Card Configured' LED will come one when a Compact Flash card is inserted and recognized. Pressing
the button will de-configure the card and turn the LED off, indicating that it is safe to remove the card.
Removing the card while the LED is on may corrupt your CF card.
The Heartbeat light will blink to show the CarDAQ-Plus has power. The pattern of blinks also indicates the
network mode as follows:
• One blink, then two blinks per second: CarDAQ-Plus is a DHCP server
(Server part of Client then Server, or Server only)
The red Error LED is reserved for 3rd-party software control for error indications.
Note: Custom programs may alter the above indications.
Compact Flash Connector (Front Panel)
The front panel Compact Flash connector can be used for most CF cards. The most popular are Flash data
cards and 802.11b Wireless Ethernet cards.
Most Wireless Ethernet cards should be plug and play, once you configure the Wireless section of the Boot
Options. When the card is recognized and ready, the Green LED between the CF connector and the Push Button
Switch will light up. To remove the card, press the Push Button Switch and wait for the light to go out.
Note: Currently, CF Memory cards require manual configuration. This will be fixed in a later firmware
Note: Some models do not have a hole in the front panel to prevent dirt getting in the CF slot. Contact
DrewTech for assistance.
Vehicle Connector (Back Panel)
The CarDAQ-Plus is powered from the vehicle connector. Leaving the CarDAQ-Plus plugged in to an inactive
vehicle could drain the vehicle battery after several days.
The connection to the vehicle bus is a standard MVCI connector, using a High Density DB26. Drew Tech sells
MVCI-J1962 connectors and banana plug connectors. The first 16 pins map directly to the SAE J1962 (OBD-II)
connector. The next few pins are for identifying the cable.
Pin # Function
1 Single Wire
2 J1850PWM+ / J1850VPW
3 CAN2+
4 Case Ground
5 Signal Ground
7 ISO-9141 K-line, SCI RX
8 No connect
9 SCI TX, Programming Voltage, Short-
10 J1850PWM
11 CAN2-, SCI TX, Programming
Voltage, Short-to-Ground
12 Programming Voltage
13 Programming Voltage
14 CAN-, SCI TX, Programming Voltage
15 SCI RX, ISO-9141 L-line, Short-to-
16 Vehicle Battery Input
17 Cable ID 2
18 Cable ID 1
19 No connect
20 No connect
21 No connect
22 No connect
23 +5V output (50 mA fuse)
24 No connect
25 No connect
26 Ground
The Programming Voltage (5-20VDC) and Short-to-Ground functions are under software control. Normally, all
communication lines are disconnected until connected via software control. The only exceptions are the J1850
lines, which are connected at boot time when in J2534 PassThru mode.
Troubleshooting Guide
• Check that both sides of the vehicle cable are plugged in.
• Check that your vehicle battery is supplying 7-26V on pin 16, with
ground on pin 5.
• Double-check that both ends of the Ethernet cable are plugged in.
• Verify the Ethernet cable type. The direct-connect cable (blue with red
ends) is used when connecting directly between the CarDAQ-Plus and
your computer. In more complicated situations, try switching Ethernet
cables (standard vs. direct-connect).
• Some cards can 'auto negotiate' the network speed, but this can
sometimes fail. Go to the network control panel, get properties on
your Ethernet card and look for a way to set the speed. Choose
"10Mbs" instead of "auto detect" or "100Mbs", and "half-duplex"
instead of "auto detect" or "full-duplex".
The CarDAQ-Plus web page works, but applications don't work:
• Your application may be looking for the wrong J2534 device. Make
sure "CarDAQ-Plus" is selected.
If applications work, but not the CarDAQ-Plus web page:
• Verify that your web browser is not using a proxy. (Under Tools >>
Options >> Local Area Network Settings)
• Use recovery mode to verify the CarDAQ-Plus has the correct settings.
• Run the application with the debug DLLs (see Debug DLLs).
Operating Voltage Range: 7 to 26 Volts
Supply Current: 140ma Typical
Operating Temperature: 0 to 70 degrees C
Specifications subject to change without notice
Appendix A: Customizing the CarDAQ-Plus Networking mode
One of the configurations in the previous section will work for most customers. Customers with advanced
needs will find that the CarDAQ-Plus has very flexible networking abilities to fit different types of networks.
There are many different networking modes involving various ways to setup a TCP/IP network. Most users can
get started using the default mode ("Client then Server"). For advanced users, Appendix A describes how the
CarDAQ-Plus can fit into various usage scenarios.
Goal 2: Integrate the CarDAQ-Plus into your existing network.
Sometimes, setting up the CarDAQ-Plus can be a multi-step process. For example, you may need to temporarily
change your computer's network settings to talk to the CarDAQ-Plus default settings. Next, you configure the
CarDAQ-Plus for your network. Lastly, you set your computer's networking back to normal.
The CarDAQ-Plus defaults to Client then Server mode (and most computers default to Automatic network
configuration). This mode is flexible because you can easily switch back and forth between a corporate
network and in-vehicle networking. On the other hand, you must follow the guidelines on power sequencing.
Turning on the CarDAQ-Plus before plugging into your corporate network could cause problems.
The Client only mode is used for connecting the CarDAQ-Plus to an existing network that uses DHCP. Unlike the
default mode, this prevents the CarDAQ-Plus from accidentally causing network problems. On the other hand,
this mode does not work disconnected from the network (i.e. when using the direct-connect cable (for example,
in a vehicle with a laptop).
The Server only mode is for use with laptops 'in the field.' The CarDAQ-Plus will boot 5 seconds faster. The
drawback is that the CarDAQ-Plus may cause problems when plugged into an existing network.
The Fixed only mode is for use with an existing Fixed IP network or no existing network. The CarDAQ-Plus will
boot 5 seconds faster than the default. If you have no existing network, you can use our example; otherwise
you must ask your network administrator for help. Note that Dial-up and Wireless do not count as an "existing
network" because we are discussing wired Ethernet.
This will only work if you plug the CarDAQ-Plus into a network with a DHCP server. It will not work with the
direct-connect cable.
Make sure your network administrator assigns your Fixed IP addresses.
1. Connect the direct-connect Ethernet cable (which is blue with red ends) between your computer and
the CarDAQ-Plus.
2. Connect power to the CarDAQ-Plus. Verify that the Ethernet Link LED (on the upper right of the
ethernet port) is on. Wait for the orange light on the front to stop blinking.
3. Verify that the green 'Heartbeat' light on the front panel is blinking in a regular pattern, two beats
per second.
4. Finally, turn on your computer. If your computer is already on, reboot it to make sure that it
searches for a new IP address.
5. On your computer, start a web browser and enter in the location bar. If the
CarDAQ-Plus 'About' page is not displayed, you need additional setup on your computer. See the
section Configure Your Computer
Once you have the CarDAQ-Plus web page, click on the Boot Options link on the left hand side. At the top of the
boot options page is the section on the Built-in Ethernet. Use the network type pull-down list to change the
network type. You only need to fill in the next 3 boxes if you select Fixed only. After making changes, you will
need to scroll to the bottom and click the Save Settings button. The settings won't take effect until the CarDAQ-
Plus is powered off.
If you made changes to the settings, you may need to make changes to your computer's settings before
communicating with the CarDAQ-Plus again.
2. Apply power to the CarDAQ-Plus and wait for the Orange light to stop blinking, then wait an
additional 5 seconds.
3. Connect the Ethernet cable between your PC/laptop and the CarDAQ-Plus. The type of cable you
need (normal or direct-connect) will depend on your network. Use the blue and red cable if you are
connecting the CarDAQ-Plus directly to your laptop without an intervening hub or wall socket. If the
LED on the upper right of the CarDAQ-Plus Ethernet port does not come on, see the troubleshooting
6. You should see the CarDAQ-Plus home page. If not, see the Troubleshooting section.
8. Under Built-in Ethernet, set the Network Type to "Fixed Only". In Fixed IP Address, Enter
and in Fixed Netmask enter
9. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Save Settings. Wait a minute for the settings to be
written to flash memory.
Use Case 1: Vehicle and Bench
You plan on using the CarDAQ-Plus at your desk/bench when your laptop is connected to the corporate
network, but you also want to use it in a vehicle. See the Use Case for Fixed IP networks if your network uses
Fixed IP addressing. Also, look at the Use Case for Dual Networks to reduce traffic on your corporate LAN.
You need the flexibility of Client then Server. The CarDAQ-Plus will join your corporate network when you plug
in at your desk, and the CarDAQ-Plus will automatically configure your laptop when you use it in the vehicle.
The CarDAQ-Plus ships from the factory in this mode.
When using the CarDAQ-Plus on a corporate network, use the standard cable (black). When connecting directly
to the CarDAQ-Plus (without an Ethernet hub), use the blue Ethernet cable with red ends.
• When you are at your desk, you must remember to plug the CarDAQ-
Plus into your corporate network before applying power. If you power
up before plugging into Ethernet, the CarDAQ-Plus will confuse your
network by having 2 DHCP servers.
• When you are using the CarDAQ-Plus in a vehicle with your laptop
boot your laptop only after connected to a powered CarDAQ-Plus, or
reboot your laptop after connecting to the powered CarDAQ-Plus. (See
section on DHCP renewal for a workaround.)
• All bus traffic will go over the corporate LAN. This may lead to
performance problems.
• For laptops, it may be easier to use the built-in Ethernet with the
CarDAQ-Plus, and use the add-on Ethernet for the corporate network.
• Add-on Ethernet cards for Laptops are not as simple as they appear.
The dongles break, and the cords get in the way. Consider Wireless,
or an Ethernet card with built-in RJ-45 jack (i.e. no dongle).
• If your CarDAQ-Plus does not have a slot in the front panel for the CF
card, you will need to send it back to Drew Tech for modification.
• Currently, the wireless interface can only use Fixed IP addressing.
• If you are connected to the CarDAQ-Plus with both wireless and wired
interfaces, it will look like you have 2 CarDAQs. A window will pop up
with the two interfaces listed so you can choose which interface to
Appendix B: Instructions for configuring your network card
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings >> Control Panel.
3. Select the line that says "TCP/IP -> <YOUR ETHERNET CARD NAME>"
9. Before you reboot, make sure the CarDAQ-Plus is powered on and connected via Ethernet.
To configure Windows 95/98 for a Fixed IP Address:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings >> Control Panel.
3. Select the line that says "TCP/IP -> <YOUR ETHERNET CARD NAME>"
Windows NT Networking
To configure Windows NT for DHCP:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings >> Control Panel.
5. Click Properties.
6. Select the IP Address tab.
10. Before you reboot, make sure the CarDAQ-Plus is powered on and connected via Ethernet.
To configure Windows NT for a Fixed IP Address:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings >> Control Panel.
5. Click Properties.
13. Follow the directions below to configure the CarDAQ-Plus for Fixed IP address.
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings >> Network and Dial-up Connections >> Local Area
3. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click Properties.
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.
5. Click OK
7. Make sure the CarDAQ-Plus is powered on and connected via Ethernet, then reboot your PC/laptop.
To configure Windows 2000 for a Fixed IP Address:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings >> Network and Dial-up Connections >> Local Area
3. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click Properties.
Windows XP Networking
To configure Windows XP for DHCP:
2. Click on the View Network Connection in the Network Tasks frame in the upper left corner.
4. On the General tab, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click the Properties button.
5. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.
6. Click OK
10. The CarDAQ-Plus should have assigned your computer an IP address of If not, make
sure the CarDAQ-Plus is powered on and connected via Ethernet and click the Repair button.
To configure Windows XP for a Fixed IP Address:
2. Click on the View Network Connection in the Network Tasks frame in the upper left corner.
4. On the General tab, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click the Properties button.
9. Click on Close.