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Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

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Methylsulfonylmethane Monograph


O Introduction
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), also known as dimethyl
sulfone (DMSO2) and methyl sulfone, is an organic sulfur-con-
taining compound that occurs naturally in a variety of fruits, veg-
etables, grains, and animals including humans. A white, odorless, slightly bitter-tasting crystalline sub-
stance containing 34-percent elemental sulfur, MSM is a normal oxidative metabolite product of dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO). Cow’s milk is the most abundant source of MSM, containing approximately 3.3 parts
per million (ppm). Other foods containing MSM are coffee (1.6 ppm), tomatoes (trace to 0.86 ppm), tea (0.3
ppm), Swiss chard (0.05-0.18 ppm), beer (0.18 ppm), corn (up to 0.11 ppm), and alfalfa (0.07 ppm).1 MSM
has been isolated from plants such as Equisetum arvense, also known as horsetail.
Although few human clinical trials have been conducted, MSM has shown therapeutic promise in
in vitro and animal studies. In addition, MSM has been used with clinical benefit for pathologies for which
DMSO, its parent compound, has yielded positive results in clinical trials.

The natural life cycle of sulfur-containing compounds such as DMSO and DMSO2 begins in the
ocean where microscopic plankton release sulfur compounds called dimethyl sulfonium salts. These salts
are transformed in the ocean into a volatile compound, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which escapes from the
water as a gas, ultimately rising into the upper atmosphere. When DMS is exposed to high-energy ultravio-
let light and ozone, DMS is converted to DMSO and DMSO2. Both DMSO and DMSO2 are water soluble,
and therefore return to the earth’s surface in rainwater, where plants uptake these two compounds into their
roots, concentrating it up to one-hundred fold.
A recent study explored the accumulation of MSM in the brain after oral dosing.2 Using multi-
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy it was observed that MSM crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB)
in significant concentration. The study also revealed that MSM is evenly distributed throughout the brain,
including the brainstem, with equal concentrations in both gray and white matter. Other studies confirm
MSM crosses the BBB.3,4

A study with Rhesus monkeys on metabolism and excretion of DMSO found the primary metabo-
lite DMSO2 became detectable in serum approximately two hours after ingestion of DMSO. With continued
DMSO ingestion, DMSO2 maintained a steady concentration in the serum. When DMSO was stopped after
14 days, the mean DMSO2 concentration declined slowly over the subsequent 96 hours, and only trace
amounts were detectable after five days. The decline in serum DMSO2 was linear, and its half-life appeared
to be about 38 hours.5 The authors observed that absorption in these animals was similar to humans, but
elimination was quicker in the monkeys. DMSO2 has been shown to persist in the blood up to five times
longer than DMSO.

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Monograph Methylsulfonylmethane

Mechanism of Action Dr. Stanley Jacob, at the Oregon Health

MSM has been proven to have anti-in- and Science University, pioneered treatment with
flammatory and antioxidant mechanisms in an in MSM, particularly in IC.15 He found that patients
vitro study6 in which human neutrophils were ar- tolerate MSM treatment much better than DMSO,
tificially stimulated to produce oxidative com- and with equal efficacy, including inflammation
pounds, including hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, and pain reduction. Dr. Jacob primarily uses
and hypochlorous acid. After cell lines were treated intravesicular MSM for treating IC; however, he
with either DMSO or DMSO2, these free radical often combines oral, topical and IV administra-
by-products were decreased. tion.
It has been suggested that polar solvents
such as MSM and DMSO have a chemopreventive Allergic Rhinitis
mechanism that affects the interaction of tumor Fifty individuals suffering from seasonal
cells with the host immune response.7 Research- allergic rhinitis were given 2,600 mg MSM in a
ers examined DNA of DMSO-treated cells and multi-centered, open-label trial for 30 days.16 Al-
found these polar solvents create DMSO-induced though no significant changes were noted in
nicks found in the DNA of folded genomes, sug- plasma IgE levels compared to baseline, allergy
gesting these nicks may cause an untwisting of symptoms were greatly reduced. By day 7, both
DNA, with resultant transcription of additional upper and lower respiratory symptoms improved
genes.8,9 Additional chemoprevention studies sug- and by day 14, energy levels increased signifi-
gest MSM has no effect on cyclooxygenase (COX) cantly.
activity or PGE2 activity, and operates on a COX-
independent pathway in inducing differentiation.10 Chemoprevention
An early study of DMSO and DMSO2 dem- Chemoprevention is a concept that ad-
onstrates these agents reduce the binding, uptake, and dresses the prevention or regression of tumor
degradation of low-density lipoproteins by cultured growth and promotion. Currently, several chemi-
fibroblasts.11 A similar study showed DMSO and cals, including MSM, are being investigated as
DMSO2 caused a dose-dependent suppression of potential differentiating agents. Two studies in the
growth and proliferation of cultured aortic smooth late 1980s conducted in Sprague-Dawley rats dem-
muscle and endothelial cells in vitro,12 the more sub- onstrated a significant reduction in the time to tu-
stantial effect occuring in smooth muscle cells. In mor onset in rats treated with MSM. In addition,
addition, DMSO2 was a more potent inhibitor of cell treated groups had fewer poorly differentiated tu-
growth than DMSO and its effects were more irre- mors than untreated groups.17,18
versible than the effects of DMSO. More recently, an in vitro study demon-
strated both MSM and aspirin induce terminal dif-
Clinical Indications ferentiation, utilizing COX-independent mecha-
Interstitial Cystitis nisms.10 Although aspirin was used at a low dose
Direct instillation of MSM into the blad- in this study, MSM was used in a much higher
der has been proposed as a treatment for intersti- concentration to achieve a higher level of differ-
tial cystitis (IC).13 Although MSM has not been entiation. The COX-independent reaction is pre-
tested in clinical trials, DMSO has shown signifi- sumed to be chemopreventive by invoking the
cant clinical success in a double-blind trial.14 In activation of gene functions that lead to differen-
1978, the FDA approved a 50-percent dilution of tiation, thereby dismantling the cellular capacity
MSM for instillation into the bladder as a treat- for proliferation.
ment for IC. DMSO readily decreases bladder in-
flammation; however, there are several unpleas-
ant side effects associated with its use, including
halitosis and body odor.

Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 8, Number 4 ◆ 2003 Page 439

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Methylsulfonylmethane Monograph

Autoimmune Disease References

A study on rats that exhibit spontaneous 1. Pearson TW, Dawson HJ, Lackey HB. Natural
autoimmune lymphoproliferative disease exam- occurring levels of dimethyl sulfoxide in
ined the effects of oral administration of DMSO selected fruits, vegetables, grains, and bever-
ages. J Agric Food Chem 1981;29:1089-1091.
or DMSO2.19 Treatment was started at 1-2 months
of age, before any sign of disease was imminent. 2. Lin A, Nguy CH, Shic F, Ross BD. Accumula-
tion of methylsulfonylmethane in the human
A dose of 8-10 g/kg/day of DMSO or 6-8 g/kg/ brain: identification by multinuclear magnetic
day of DMSO2 was administered via a drinking resonance spectroscopy. Toxicol Lett
water solution. Following treatment, subjects had 2001;123:169-177.
significantly diminished lymphoid organ enlarge- 3. Cecil KM, Lin A, Ross BD, Egelhoff JC.
ment (spleen, thymus, and lymph node weight) Methylsulfonylmethane observed by in vivo
and a decrease in antinuclear antibody response proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a
compared to water-drinking controls. Lymphad- 5-year-old child with developmental disorder:
effects of dietary supplementation. J Comput
enopathy was nearly absent in the 43-week old Assist Tomogr 2002;26:818-820.
group of treated animals.
4. Rose SE, Chalk JB, Galloway GJ, Doddrell
DM. Detection of dimethyl sulfone in the
Other Clinical Indications human brain by in vivo proton magnetic
Although not well studied, MSM has been resonance spectroscopy. Magn Reson Imaging
used clinically to treat conditions such as snoring,
5. Layman DL, Jacob SW. The absorption,
scleroderma, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erythe-
metabolism and excretion of dimethyl sulfox-
matosus, repetitive stress injuries, and osteoarthri- ide by rhesus monkeys. Life Sci 1985;37:2431-
tis. 15 An unpublished, double-blind study by 2437.
Lawrence et al assessed the use of MSM in de- 6. Beilke MA, Collins-Lech C, Sohnle PG.
generative arthritis. At a dose of 750 mg per day, Effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on the oxidative
the study group showed an 80-percent improve- function of human neutrophils. J Lab Clin Med
ment after six weeks, compared to 20-percent 1987;110:91-96.
improvement in the placebo group.15 7. Cox WI, Specter S, Friedman H. Susceptibility
of Friend erythroleukemia cells to natural
cytotoxicity after in vitro treatment with
Side Effects and Toxicity dimethyl sulfoxide. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
MSM is believed to be non-toxic.19 A 30- 1982;169:337-342.
day study that utilized a 2,600-mg per day dosage 8. Lyinan GH, Priesler HD. Membrane action of
revealed no side effects.16 Studies have not exam- DMSO and other chemical enducers of Friend
ined long-term supplementation with MSM. To leukaemic cell differentiation. Nature
date, one study of MSM in rats revealed that oral
administration, at a dose of 1.5 g/kg/day for 90 9. Tapiero H, Fourcade A, Billard C. Membrane
dynamics of Friend leukaemic cells. II.
days, did not cause any adverse effects or increased Changes associated with cell differentiation.
mortality.20 Cell Differ 1980;9:211-218.
10. Ebisuzaki K. Aspirin and methylsulfonyl-
Dosage methane (MSM): a search for common
Oral dosage of MSM is often in the range mechanisms, with implications for cancer
prevention. Anticancer Res 2003;23:453-458.
of 1-3 grams daily; however, up to 18 grams per
11. Alam SS, Layman DL. Dimethyl sulfoxide as
day have been used under medical supervision.15 a cholesterol-lowering agent in cultured
fibroblasts exposed to low density lipoproteins
in culture. Biochim Biophys Acta

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Monograph Methylsulfonylmethane

12. Layman DL. Growth inhibitory effects of

dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone on
vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells
in vitro. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 1987;23:422-
13. Childs SJ. Dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) in the
treatment of interstitial cystitis. Urol Clin
North Am 1994;21:85-88.
14. Perez-Marrero R, Emerson LE, Feltis JT. A
controlled study of dimethyl sulfoxide in
interstitial cystitis. J Urol 1988;140:36-39.
15. Jacob SW, Appleton J. MSM: The Definitive
Guide. A Comprehensive Review of the Science
and Therapeutics of Methylsulfonylmethane.
Topanga, CA: Freedom Press; 2003:107-121.
16. Barrager E, Veltmann JR Jr, Schauss AG,
Schiller RN. A multicentered, open-label trial
on the safety and efficacy of methylsulfonyl-
methane in the treatment of seasonal allergic
rhinitis. J Altern Complement Med
17. O’Dwyer PJ, McCabe DP, Sickle-Santanello
BJ, et al. Use of polar solvents in
chemoprevention of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-
induced colon cancer. Cancer 1988;62:944-
18. McCabe D, O’Dwyer P, Sickle-Santanello B,
et al. Polar solvents in the chemoprevention of
dimethylbenzanthracene-induced rat mammary
cancer. Arch Surg 1986;121:1455-1459.
19. Morton JI, Siegel BV. Effects of oral dimethyl
sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone on murine
autoimmune lymphoproliferative disease. Proc
Soc Exp Biol Med 1986:183:227-230.
20. Horvath K, Noker PE, Somfai-Relle S, et al.
Toxicity of methylsulfonylmethane in rats.
Food Chem Toxicol 2002;40:1459-1462.

Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 8, Number 4 ◆ 2003 Page 441

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