Definitions Server And Automated Processing shall mean installation of the Fonts
on a server in order to allow its users to generate output that uses the
EULA, Licence, Agreement, and/or Licence Agreement shall mean this End
Fonts (for example: PDF documents, business cards, labeled images, and
User Licence Agreement
Authorised User shall mean an employee, freelancer, or independent contrac-
Merchandising shall mean goods for sale such as t-shirts, mugs, on-demand
tor authorised by you to use the Font Software
stationary products etc., where the Fonts (including individual charac-
Computing Device shall mean a virtual or physical device or machine that ters and ornaments) constitute an essential part of the design.
is capable of accepting installation of software or information in digital
form, including, for example, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, mobile Grant of licence
1. Upon payment in full, Rosetta grants you a non-exclusive, termina-
Font[s] shall have the meaning stipulated in clause 1. ble, worldwide, and non-transferable Licence to use the Font Soft-
Transfer shall have meaning as stipulated in clause 7. ware (“Font[s]”) and the designs embodied therein, together with any
accompanying documentation, each in accordance with the terms and
Testing shall mean use of the Fonts for the purpose of internal evaluation,
conditions of this Agreement unless otherwise stated. You may not
creating preliminary design mock-ups and tests for commercial as well
modify, reverse engineer, or disassemble any part of the Fonts, change
as non-commercial projects, except where such projects are published or
any associated embedding bits, or convert the Fonts to formats different
publicised in commercial or non-commercial form.
from those provided by Rosetta, without prior written permission from
Student Projects shall mean use of the Fonts within the scope of student’s Rosetta. You may not remove or modify any of Rosetta copyright notices
academic assignments on a non-commercial basis. embodied in Fonts. You may not share, sell, loan, donate, distribute,
Professional Projects shall mean use of the Fonts to create print-related and reveal, or transfer in any way Fonts to any third party, unless otherwise
audio-visual projects, both commercial as well as non-commercial. This expressly stated in this Licence.
excludes Large-scale Publishing And Broadcasting, which is defined below. The scope of Licence shall be limited in accordance with the licence type
Web Images shall mean use of the Fonts to create image(s) (in JPG, GIF, PNG, you have purchased, unless otherwise stated; the licence types are as
SVG, and similar formats) and the use of these images on the web or in follows:
applications. This excludes Server And Automated Processing, which is i. Test licence. This licence type grants you the following time-limited
defined below. rights for the duration of one (1) year: (a) You may install and use the
Web Embedding shall mean upload, installation and use of the Fonts on a Fonts on one Computing Device subject to the conditions, that you are
web server in order to provide correct rendering of websites owned by the only Authorised User of this licence. (b) You may use the Fonts for
the Authorised User via @font-face CSS rule. This also includes subsetting the following purposes only: Testing, Student Projects. (c) You may not
the Fonts for the sole purpose of optimising loading times, provided that use the Fonts for any other purposes not expressly permitted herein.
appropriate measures are taken in order to prevent an unauthorized use ii. Single licence. This licence type grants you the following perpetual
of the Fonts and / or extraction thereof. rights: (a) You may install and use the Fonts on up to two Computing
PDF Embedding shall mean embedding the Fonts in non-editable PDF doc- Devices subject to the conditions, that you are the only Authorised User
uments in order to provide correct rendering of the content using these of this licence. (b) You may use the Fonts for the following purposes only:
Fonts (e.g. to submit your work to a printing or publishing establishment). Professional Projects, Web Images, PDF Embedding, E-book Embedding.
(c) You may not use the Fonts for any other purposes not expressly per-
E-book Embedding shall mean embedding of the Fonts in e-books (for exam-
mitted herein.
ple in e-Pub, MOBI, or PDF formats) in order to provide correct rendering
of the content using these Fonts on reading devices.
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iii. Studio licence. This licence type grants you the following perpetual the temporary use of the Fonts by temporary employees, freelancers, or
rights: (a) You may install and use the Fonts on up to ten Computing De- independent contractors in excess of the number of Authorised Users.
vices, subject to the condition that there are a maximum of five Authorised Specifically, you may not make additional temporary copies of the Fonts
Users of this licence. (b) You may use the Fonts for the following purposes for temporary uses.
only: Professional Projects, Web Images, PDF Embedding, E-book Embed-
5. In the event you identify the Fonts used on your products or work output,
ding. (c) You may not use the Fonts for any other purposes not expressly
you hereby agree to identify the Fonts by their trademark and the owner
permitted herein.
of the trademark in any such credits. All use of the trademark associated
iv. Web licence. This licence type grants you the following perpetual rights: with the Fonts inures solely to the trademark owner. No ownership right
(a) You may use the Fonts on an unlimited amount of domains with the to- is granted by this Licence Agreement. Rosetta reserves all rights.
tal traffic limit as arising from the respective option you have made when
purchasing this licence type. (b) You may use the Fonts for the following Transfer of licence
purposes only: Web Embedding. (c) You may not use the Fonts for any
6. You may assign, sell, loan, donate, distribute and/or reveal (“transfer”)
other purposes not expressly permitted herein.
this Licence to any third party only upon prior written consent of Rosetta.
v. App licence. This licence type grants you the following perpetual rights: Upon transfer of this Licence you agree that (i) You will transfer the
(a) You may use the Fonts in up to three applications for mobile devices. original Fonts together with all documentation (ii) Any such transfer is
(b) You may use the Fonts for the following purposes only: App Embed- not by consignment or other indirect means (iii) The new Licensor reads,
ding. (c) You may not use the Fonts for any other purposes not expressly understands, and agrees with the terms of this Licence and (iv) You will
permitted herein. destroy all other copies of the Fonts and any documentation remaining
vi. Universal licence. This licence type grants you the following perpetual in your possession. Upon transfer of the Fonts you are not permitted to
rights: (a) You may install and use the Fonts on up to forty Computing retain copies for yourself, lend or otherwise provide copies of the Fonts to
Devices, subject to the condition that there are a maximum of twenty commercial printers or service bureaus.
Authorised Users of this licence. (b) You may use the Fonts on an unlim-
ited amount of domains with the total traffic of up to 5 million pageviews Limited warranty
monthly. (c) You can use the Fonts in an unlimited amount of applications 7. Rosetta will replace the Fonts in the event the Fonts do not perform sub-
for mobile devices. (d) You may use the Fonts for the following purposes stantially in accordance with the documentation, provided that any such
only and in accordance with your purchase preferences: Professional Pro- claim is submitted within thirty (30) days of purchase of this Licence.
jects, Web Images, Web Embedding, PDF Embedding, E-book Embedding, Your sole recourse is replacement Fonts; no refunds will be granted.
App Embedding. (e) You may not use the Fonts for any other purposes not To submit a claim you must return the Fonts to Rosetta, or other place-
expressly permitted herein. of-purchase, together with a copy of your sales receipt. You expressly
vii. Custom licence. This licence type grants you the following perpetual acknowledge and agree that use of the Fonts is at your own risk. The Fonts
rights in accordance with the respective options you have made when and related documentation are provided on “AS IS” basis, and except as
purchasing this licence type: (a) You may use the Fonts with a purchased noted herein are without warranty of any kind and Rosetta and its affiliat-
amount of (i) Computing Devices and Authorised Users (ii) monthly traffic ed companies hereby expressly disclaim all warranties expressed and im-
limit and/or (iii) applications for mobile devices. (b) You may use the Fonts plied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantabi-
for the following purposes in accordance with your purchase preferences: lity and fitness for a particular purpose. Rosetta does not warrant that the
Testing, Student Projects, Web Images, Professional Projects, Large-Scale operation of the Fonts will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the Fonts
Publishing And Broadcasting, Web Embedding, PDF Embedding, E-book are without defects. The Fonts are not fault-tolerant and are not intended,
Embedding, App Embedding, Editable Embedding, Server And Automated and were not designed or manufactured, for use in manufacturing navi-
Processing, Merchandising. gation control equipment, or in any other circumstances where the use or
failure of the Fonts could lead to death, personal injury, property damage,
2. You may not use the Fonts for purposes other than those purchased
or severe physical or environmental damage. Under no circumstances
pursuant to the Agreement. If at any time your use of the Fonts exceeds
shall Rosetta be liable to you or any other party whether in contract or tort
the range of permitted use as arising from the purchased licence type, you
(including negligence) or otherwise for any special consequential or inci-
agree to immediately notify Rosetta and purchase the appropriate Licence
dental damages including lost profits, savings, or business interruption, as
Upgrade. Rosetta reserves the right to determine the terms and conditions
a result of the use of the Fonts even if notified in advance of such possibili-
(incl. pricing) for any Licence Upgrades.
ties. Rosetta’s liability to you shall in no event exceed refunding of the cost
3. Rosetta retains all rights and titles to the Fonts, the trademarks, copy- of the Fonts or replacement of the Fonts, at Rosetta’s sole discretion.
rights, and the designs embodied in the Fonts. You agree not to copy the
8. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental,
Fonts or create derivative works based upon the Font Software and/or the
consequential, or special damages, or implied warranties. Only where
design of the Font. You hereby agree that this term is contractual in nature
applicable by law any implied warranty or condition created by law is only
and that the unauthorised use of the design of the Font and/or the Font
effective for a thirty (30) day warranty period. There are no warranties
Software shall be an infringement of Rosetta’s rights.
or conditions of any kind after the thirty (30) day warranty period. The
4. Except for the Test, Web, and App licences, you are permitted to make a exclusions noted above may not apply to you. Otherwise, and to the extent
temporary copy of the Fonts for use by an independent contractor solely permissible by law, you agree that all implied warranties are not effective
for the production of your own materials. This licence does not permit for more than thirty (30) days.
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9. This Licence Agreement is effective as of the Date of full payment for the
purchased licence type. This Licence Agreement may be terminated by you
at any time by destroying the Fonts together with any printed and/or non-
print materials and any copies of the Fonts. This Licence Agreement may
be terminated without notice if you breach and/or fail to comply with any
term contained herein.
Governing law
10. Rosetta Fonts are protected under the laws of the Czech Republic, United
Kingdom, United States of America and other international laws. You
expressly agree that this Agreement shall be governed, enforced, and
construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic as they apply
to contracts entered into and wholly performed therein. Rosetta express-
ly reserves any and all rights to seek equitable relief including but not
limited to temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions each
without the obligation of a bond. Rosetta’s rights and remedies shall be
11. You agree to be responsible for your compliance with all laws and reg-
ulations foreign and domestic relating to the control of exports or the
transfer of technology.
13. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties
and supersedes all previous agreements promises, representations, and
negotiations between the parties. Amendments or waivers to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement, any amendments to this Agreement, or
any Licence Upgrade are only effective if signed by an authorised officer of
General provisions
14. Headings. The captions of the sections of this Licence Agreement are for
convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construc-
tion of any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement.
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