Questionnaire McMonnies Questionnaire (Caffery)
Questionnaire McMonnies Questionnaire (Caffery)
Questionnaire McMonnies Questionnaire (Caffery)
Nocturnal lagophthalmos:
Waking irritation:
Web Video NA
Materials: A single sheet of paper with the questionnaire on it that
includes the weighted scores.
Variations of Some practitioners may not use the scoring system but just
technique use the answers directly, in their decision making.
Diagnostic This version [v2]: [1987] To discriminate between normals Mc Monnies 1986;
value and sicca syndrome. See below for sensitivity 1987.
Other version [V1]: [1986] Not as good on its own at
identifying marginal dry eye..
Repeatability Intra-observer agreement. [ ]
Inter-observer agreement. [ ]
Sensitivity (true positives) [98%]
McMonnies C, Ho A, Marginal dry eye diagnosis, in Holly F (ed). The preocular tear film in health, disease and
contact lens wear. 1986, Dry Eye Institute Inc: Lubbock, p 32-38.
McMonnies C, Ho A. Patient history in screening for dry eye conditions. J Am Optom Assoc 1987;58(4): 296-
McMonnies C. Responses to a dry eye questionnaire from a normal population. J Am Optom Assoc 1987;58:
Please answer the following by underlining the response most appropriate to you.
Currently wearing: no contact lenses hard contact lenses soft contact lenses
1. Have you ever had drops prescribed or other treatment for dry eye?
2. Do you ever experience any of the following symptoms? (Please underline those that apply to you)
4. Do you regard your eyes as being unusually sensitive to cigarette smoke, smog, air conditioning, central
5. Do your eyes easily become very red and irritated when swimming in chlorinated fresh water?
6. Are your eyes dry and irritated the day after drinking alcohol?
7. Do you take (please underline) antihistamine tablets (1), antihistimine eye drops(1). diuretics (fluid
tablets) (1), sleeping tablets (1), tranquilizers (1), oral contraceptives (1), medication for duodenal
ulcer (1) or digestive problems (1) or for high blood pressure (1) or ___________ (1)
11. Are you know to sleep with your eyes partly open?