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MMRD Recruitment 2019

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(Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking)

Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051
Website : https://mmrda.maharashtra.gov.in

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority, a Govt. of Maharashtra

Undertaking -intends to recruitment/appoint qualified & experienced professionals as detailed below
on permanent/deputation basis.
Mode of Mode of
Sr. Posts & Pay Scale Total Sr.N Total
appointme Posts & Pay Scale (Rs.) appointme
No (Rs.) Posts o. Posts
nt nt
Chief Engineer - Civil Dy.Chief Engineer - Track Deputation/
1 4 Deputation 11 1
S-29 131100-216600 S-25 78800-209200 Nomination
Chief Engineer – Deputation Executive Engineer - Deputation
2 Electrical 2 12 Electrical 14
S-29 131100-216600 S-23 67700-208700
Deputation Deputation
Chief Engineer – Executive Engineer –
3 S&T 2 13 S&T 3
S-29 131100-216600 S-23 67700-208700

Chief Engineer - Track Deputation/ Executive Engineer – I.T. Deputation/

4 1 14 1
S-29 131100-216600 Nomination S-23 67700-208700 Nomination
Addl. Chief Engineer - Dy.Engineer /
5 Civil 3 Deputation 15 Asstt.Engineer - Civil
S-27 118500-214100 S-20 56100-177500

Addl. Chief Engineer - Dy.Engineer /
Deputation/ 5
6 Electrical 1 16 Asstt.Engineer - Electrical
S-27 118500-214100 S-20 56100-177500
Addl. Chief Engineer – Dy.Engineer /
7 S&T 1 17 Asstt.Engineer – S & T 3
S-27 118500-214100 S-20 56100-177500
Deputation Deputation
Dy.Chief Engineer - Dy.Engineer -
8 Civil 18 Water Resource Mgt. 2
S-25 78800-209200 S-20 56100-177500
Dy.Chief Engineer -
9 Electrical 7
S-25 78800-209200

Dy.Chief Engineer – Deputation

10 S&T 2
S-25 78800-209200

 This Authority reserves its right to alter the number of posts advertised or either to
cancel/postpone the procedure of advertisement/recruitment entirely or partially , without any
reason/justification. Decision of the Competent Authority will be final and binding to all

Publication of this advertisement will wipe out all earlier advertisements for the said posts.
Interested candidates are requested to take a note of the same and apply accordingly.
The candidates applying under DEPUTATION category are advised to please refer the GoM’s
GAD GRs bearing No. -2011/ . .137/ 12 dated 17.12.2016 and GAD GR
No. -2016/ . .510/ . 12 dated 16.02.2018 before filling up the form to get clear idea.
These GRs are self-explanatory with reference to eligibility and Terms & Conditions of
deputation. However, some of the key features are as under
1. Applicant should be from Central/State/PSU/LDBs Govt. service employee and working in the
same rank in the same/equivalent Pay Scale + Grade Pay fulfilling eligibility criteria as
specified in Recruitment Rules. Applicants are advised to mention clearly his/her rank,
designation, pay scale and grade pay in the application.
2. Applicants those who were appointed on probation should complete his/her atleast 5 years of
service after completion of probationary period.
3. Probationary officers cannot apply for deputation post.
4. Applicants those who were not appointed as probationer should complete his/her atleast 7
years of regular service to apply on deputation.
5. It is mandatory to submit NOC of his/her parent department strictly as per PROFORMA
given.In case of selection, his/her services are made available within 15 days from the date of
issue of deputation selection order at the time of an interview. In absence of such kind of
certificate, applicant will not be allowed for an interview.
6. On selection, applicant should submit (a) a certificate to the effect that he/she is fulfilling all
the norms prescribed in the GRs dated 17.12.2016 & 16.02.2018 (b) CRs of last 5 years (c) a
certificate to the effect that he/she was not punished during the last 10 years under MCSR
rule 8, no DE is proposed/pending against him/her, no penalty was imposed.
7. Initial period of this deputation will be 3years, however, it can be extended further in
accordance with the provisions laid down in GR dated 17.12.2016 and 16.02.2018 referred
hereinabove, purely on the basis of prevailing circumstances and need of the project; as also
integrity, capability and merit of the concerned empanelled engineer, at that point of
8. Maximum deputation period of 10 years is allowed in total length of service; of which not
exceeding 5 years at a time. However, whose 2 years are left for retirement has to necessarily
go back to his parent department
9. Apart from the above mentioned GRs, the MCSR Rules are applicable to the deputation
10. The deputationists are entitled for pay as per their Last Pay Certificate plus deputation
allowance as per rules and other benefits as per deputation terms and conditions based on
MCSR and GRs published in this regards.
11. No age limit for appointment on deputation, however, terms and conditions mentioned in the
above GRs are applicable to them.
12. All other conditions mentioned in the above GRs and orders issued by the GoM from time to
time are binding on the candidates.
13. It is mandatory to follow decisions of MMRDA/GoM.

1. No reservation for Isolated Posts as per GAD GR. No. BCC-1097/C.R.

20/97/16-B, dated 21 September, 1998
2. Age attained, Qualification acquired and Experience gained as on 31.08.2019 will only be
taken into account. No addition or alteration therein will be made subsequent to the
submission of application.
3. The candidates already employed in Govt. Sector, should compulsorily
produce/submit his/her No objection Certificatefrom present employer and
also should apply through proper channel
4. Necessary copies of the certificates alongwith originals are required to submit at the time
of document verification/interview in support of the statements made in the application.
5. Experience of only full time work will be taken into account. Experience will count only
after completion of desired educational qualification. Part-time/hourly basis/honorarium
service will not be considered at all as experience.
6. Candidates are required to pass MS-CIT or one of the certificate examinations of CCC
or O-level or A-level or B-level or C- level which is compulsory as supplementary
qualification for all posts. Accordingly, shortlisted candidates are required to produce a
copy of the Certificate to that effect. If the candidate does not have such certificate, then
he/she should pass the said certificate examination within two years from the date of
appointment according to the GoM’s GAD GR No. Training 2000/ CR61/2001/39, dated
19th March, 2003. If the candidate fails to pass the said examination within the stipulated
period, action will be taken in accordance with the existing rules in this regard.
7. Candidates are required to produce “Small Family Declaration” as per Rule 4 “A” of the
Government Notification No.SRV-2000/CR(17/2000)Twelve, dated 28th March, 2005.
8. Candidates should have to produce SSC Certificate so as to confirm knowledge of
Marathi language.
9. Only shortlisted/eligible candidates will be sent “Call letters” for interview and only
selected candidates will be sent “Offer letter” for appointment. Neither any cognizance
will be taken nor any correspondence will be made with rest of the candidates, which may
please be noted
10. If necessary and appropriate candidate is found, Waiting List will be prepared, strictly on
Merit of the candidate, which will remain live depending upon the circumstances,
however, in any case, not beyond one year from the date of selection
11. The selection of candidate is liable to be terminated / cancelled at any point of stage if the
information submitted or statements made during the entire process of selection are found
to be incorrect, invalid, fraudulent, suspicious and/or incomplete.
12. Recommendation and/or corrupt practice followed for selection of candidate, it will not
be tolerable at any point of time. Such misconduct of candidate will be treated as
disqualified from entire process of selection/appointment.
13. Selection will depend upon verification/confirmation of candidate’s original
certificates. If candidate fails to show the relevant certificates at verification time, his/her
name will stand cancel from the shortlisted list. No exemption or any kind of further
request/excuse will be entertained
14. This Authority reserves its right either to alter the terms and conditions of appointment
/posts or to cancel/postpone the entire advertisement or procedure of recruitment, without
any reason/justification. Decision of the Competent Authority will be final and binding to
15. Candidates on confirmation about fulfilling the eligibility criteria and abovesaid terms &
conditions should fill the online application.
16. All the notifications, GRs, Circulars, orders etc. issued by the GoM from time to time are
applicable to this recruitment process.
17. MMRDA permanent staff is required to submit NOC of their HoD while applying for the
18. Applicants should submit following certificates in original as well as attested copies
thereof for verification before appointment.
a. School Leaving / Birth / Domicile Certificate
b. SSC, HSC and Degree Marksheets and Passing Certificates
c. Marriage Registration Certificates/Gazette copy in case of married women candidate.
19. If probationary period is not completed satisfactorily, Metropolitan Commissioner
reserves right to remove from services without giving any reason.












Special Instructions :-

1. The candidates are required to write the name of the POST and MODE of
APPLICATION on the left side of the envelope in BLOCK LETTERS.

2. Interested candidates fulfilling above criteria shall submit their applications on or before
7th October, 2019 upto 5.00 p.m. to the Administrative Officer, Mumbai Metropolitan
Region Development Authority- New Building, 8thFloor, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra
(East), Mumbai – 400 051 and also send scanned copy of the application along with
passport size photograph, correspondence address (with pin code) and the attested copies
of all relevant certificates.

Date : 12th September, 2019 Metropolitan Commissiner
Place : Mumbai M.M.R.D.A.
(All fields & columns are mandatory. In case any relevant field left blank, the form will be treated as incomplete)

Please affix
passport size
and sign


The Administrative Officer,

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority,
New Administrative Building, 8th Floor, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051. MAHARASHTRA.

1. #Name of Post applied for :- _________________________________________________

2. #Category - applied for :- Nomination / Deputation

3. Candidate’s Full Name :- ___________________________________________________
(Surname) (Name) (Middle Name)
Candidate’s maiden name (in case of married women only)

4. Date of Birth :- _____________ Age as on _____________:-______ Yrs._____ Months.

5. Gender :- ____ Nationality :- ________________ Religion :- ___________________
6. Permanent Address :- _______________________________________________________

7. Correspondence Address :- ______________________________________________________

8. Email ID :- ___________________________________________________________________
9. Mobile No :- __________________ 10. Alternate Contact No. :- _______________________
11. Educational /Professional Qualifications acquired as on :-
Name of Subject Year of Percentage Board/University/Institute
Sr.No Degree passing

Page 2
12. Experience gained upto :-
Period Postwise
Current Pay Band Nature of
Sr. Name of From To Total total experience
Post* & CTC duties
No Organization (in numbers of
held CTC (Rs). performed

*Please mention the details of promotion received if any i.e. details of post at the time of joining the
organization and promotions received/revision of post at each stage along with pay scale.

13. Aadhar Card No. :- _______ Voters ID No. :- _________ PAN No. :- ____________
14. ✿ Parent Department Name, Address, :- __________________________
Phone No., Competent Authority, Email ID __________________________
15. ✿ Whether one copy of application has been :- __________________________
sent to parent department well in advance
16. ✿ Present Pay Scale with GP :- __________________________
17. ✿ Present Basic, GP with designation held :- __________________________
18. ✿ Present Post held from
(Pls mention date and duration) :-
19. Present employer’s name, address, email id, :- __________________________
Phone number, key person.
20. Details of deputation period during the entire service :-

Name of the Post Pay Period Remarks, if any

Sr.No organization held Scale

From To Total

21. Date of return from earlier deputation :- ___________________

organization, if any
- With details of deputation period during entire length of service till date in
Tabular form, if any.
22. Whether Departmental Enquiry, if any is pending, :- YES/No
proposed, initiated against you in last 10 years

23. Whether your Parent Dept. will relieve you in case if

you are selected on deputation?
If so, the maximum period required for joining the duties
on deputation, however, not permitted more than ONE month. :- _________________
 Any information which you may would like to add, be mentioned separately as footnote at the
end of application or in tabular form.
Contd. Page 3
Page 3
# Enclosures in support of statement duly self attested
(# denotes strike out whichever not applicable)
i. Age Proof (Birth Certificate/SLC) :- Yes/No
ii. Educational/Professional qualifications :- Yes/No (Nos.____)
(Passing certificate necessary)
iii. Experience certificates :- Yes/No (Nos.____)
iv. Small Family Declaration :- Yes/No
v. Undertaking to the effect of self-attested :- Yes/No
vi. Copy of Aadhar, Voters ID, PAN :- Yes/No
as proof of identity
vii. NOC :-
viii. No Dues, No DE Pending/Proposed :-


I hereby declare that all the statements made by me in this application form are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief that nothing has been concealed or
suppressed. I have enclosed necessary documents/certificates to this effect. I also
understand that in case, any of my statements is found untrue during any stage of recruitment
and thereafter, I shall be disqualified for the post applied for and I shall be liable for any penal

I have read the advertisement and the relevant GRs mentioned hereinabove and made
aware myself about all the terms & conditions stipulated therein and affirm to abide by them. I
affirm I fulfill the requisite criteria that that no any Departmental Enquiry is
live/pending/proposed against me as on today. I further affirm that there are No Dues, No
Legal Proceedings of any nature are pending against me as of date.


Place: Signature of candidate with name & date

“ ”
रा सादर


क् ािधकरणा ा क्
प रणामी दे खल पा ठरे न

. .
S-29 131100-216600

(a) By Selection from the candidates who possess the following :

i) Degree in Civil Engineering from recognized & reputed university.
Minimum 15 years experience.
ii) Candidate should have at least 5 years experience as Superintending
Engineer in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector or its equivalent.
iii) Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Civil Engineering
Technologies etc.
iv) Should have experience of at least 3 years in
Planning/Designing/Construction of large infrastructure projects such as -
elevated roads, flyovers, urban rail via ducts etc.
v) Should be conversant with modern construction technologies including
precast segmental construction.
(b) By deputation from Government Department or Semi-Govt. organization
including Public Sector Undertaking, if they possess the qualification and
experience prescribed in (a) above.
2 -
S-29 131100-216600

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electrical Engineering from a Recognized and reputed University/

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
Candidate should be working in PB-4 of CDA Grade of Rs.37400-67000 with GP -
Rs.8700 (Pre-revised) SG/IRSEE offier of Railway service for a minimum period
of 2 years or PB-3 pay scale Rs.15600-39100 with GP - Rs.7600 JAG/IRSEE
officer working for 5 years service in Group A in CDA scale or equivalent scale
with 18 years length of service with “desirable” experience given below –
Total minimum 18 years experience in executive grade in govt entities like
Railway/PSUs/Metro etc. in “desirable” domain for the post.
SAG/Non functional (NF) - SAG, of IRSEE (Indian Railways Service of Electrical
Engineers) Cadre of Indian Railways.
Total minimum 18 years experience in reputed private sector in executive grade in
. .
“desirable” domain for the post.
Desirable :-
i) Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/other PSUs/Private sector dealing with Rolling Stock.
ii) Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Rolling Stock technologies
including Electric General Services, Electric Traction etc.
iii) Adequate experience in planning, designing, supplying, testing &
commissioning of Rolling Stock, Electric General Services and Electric
Traction etc. for elevated Metro/Rail Projects in Urban & Suburban
environment including consultancy works related to Urban Rail projects.
iv) Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail systems will be

3 -
S-29 131100-216600

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electronics/ Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering from a
Recognized and reputed University/Institute.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
Candidate should be working in PB-4 of CDA Grade of Rs.37400-67000 with GP -
Rs.8700 SG/IRSSE Officer of Railway Service for a minimum period of 2 years
or PB-3 pay scale Rs.15600-39100 with GP-7600 JAG/IRSSE Officer of Railway
Service working with 5 years service in Group A in CDA scale or equivalent scale
along with 18 years length of service with "desirable" experience given below –
Total minimum 18 years experience in executive grade in Govt. entities like
BSNL/MTNL etc. in "desirable" domain for the post
Total minimum 18 years experience in reputed Private sector in Executive grade in
"desirable" domain for the post
SAG/Non functional (NF) - SAG, of IRSEE (Indian Railways Service of Signal
Engineers) Cadre of Indian Railways.

Desirable :-
i. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/other PSUs/Private sector dealing with signaling &
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
. .
computerized environment working and latest Signaling & Telecommunication
(S&T) technologies etc.
iii. Adequate experience in planning, designing, supplying, testing &
commissioning of Signaling & Telecommunication systems for elevated
Metro/Rail Projects in Urban and Suburban environment including consultancy
works related to Urban Rail projects
iv. Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail systems will be
4 -
S-29 131100-216600
Appointment shall be made either :-
a. By deputation from Government Department or Semi-Govt organization
including public sector undertaking, if they possess the qualification and
experience prescribed in (c) below
b. By selection from amongst the candidate who possess the following

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Civil Engineering from a Recognized & reputed University/Institute.

Experience :-
Candidate should be working in PB-4 of CDA Grade of Rs.37400-67000 with GP –
Rs.8700 for a minimum period of 2 years or JAG/SG officers of Indian Railway
Service of Engineers (IRSE) working in PB-III pay-scale Rs.15600-39100 with GP
Rs. 7600/- working with 5 years experience in JAG & above or equivalent scale
with “desirable” experience given below –
SAG/Non functional (NF) – SAG, of IRSE (Indian Railways Service of Engineers)
Cadre of Indian Railways.

Desirable : -
Candidate should have experience of Construction and Maintenance of Track in
i. Experience of working on projects of stations of Urban Railways/viaduct and
bridges/ballast-less track works.
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working.
iii. Adequate experience in planning, designing, supplying, testing &
commissioning of Civil Engineering works for elevated Metro/Rail Projects in
Urban & Suburban environment including consultancy works related to Urban
Rail projects.
iv. Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail systems will be
v. Candidate should have experience and knowledge of inter-face with Railway
. .
related disciplines such as Track laying works, Signaling, Electrification and
Rolling Stock etc.

Age :-
No age limit if the post is filled by deputation. In case of appointment by selection
candidate should not be more than 55 years. No age limit for MMRDA employees.
5 -
S-27 118500-214100

Qualification :-
Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized and reputed University. Post
Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering would be preferred.

Experience :-
Total minimum 15 years experience in executive grade. Superintending Engineers
working in PB-3 and GP Rs. 7600/-with 5 years’ service.
6 -
S-27 118500-214100

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electrical Engineering from a Recoginsed and reputed University.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
JAG officer of Electrical Engineering Dept working in PB-3 & GP - Rs.7,600/- OR
Sr.Scale Officer working in PB-3 & GP Rs.6,600/- with 12 years of service in
Group A in CDA scale.
Total minimum 12 years experience in Executive grade in Govt. entities like
MMRDA etc. in "desirable" domain for the post.
Total minimum 12 years experience in reputed Private sector in Executive grade in
"desirable" domain for the post.

Desirable :-

i. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of

Railways/Metros/other PSUs/Private sector dealing in Electric General
Services, Electric Traction, Rolling Stock systems and Rolling Stock Depot
(Plant & Equipment) etc.
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Rolling Stock & Rolling Stock
. .
Depot (Plant & Equipment) technologies including Electric General Services,
electric Traction etc.
iii. Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail systems will be

Age :-
No age limit if the post is filled by deputation. In case of appointment by selection
candidate should not be more than 50 years. No age limit for MMRDA employees.
7 -
S-27 118500-214100

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from a Recognized and
reputed University.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
JAG officer of Signaling & Telecommunication Engineering Dept working in PB-3
& GP - Rs.7,600/- OR Sr.Scale Officer working in PB-3 & GP Rs.6,600/- with 12
years of service in Group A in CDA scale.
Total minimum 12 years experience in Executive grade in Govt. entities like
BSNL, MTNL, MMRDA etc. in "desirable" domain for the post.
Total minimum 12 years experience in reputed Private sector in Executive grade in
"desirable" domain for the post.

Desirable :-
i. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/other PSUs/Private sector dealing in Signaling/Telecom
Systems (both wired & wireless) namely, Automatic Fare Collection,
TETRA, Wi-Fi, Intranet, Passenger Amenities, Administrative
communication etc.
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Signaling/Telecommunication
technologies etc.
iii. Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail systems will
be preferred.

Age :-
No age limit if the post is filled by deputation. In case of appointment by selection
. .
Candidate should not be more than 50 years. No age limit for MMRDA employees.
8 - /
S-25 78800-209200

Qualifications :-
Graduate in Civil Engineering or its equivalent from Recognized University

Experience :-
Total experience of 10 years of which at least 7 years should be in a responsible
independent post equivalent to an Executive Engineer in related fields.
9 –
S-25 78800-209200

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electrical Engineering from Recognized and reputed University.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
i. Candidate should be working in PB-III of CDA Grade of Rs.15600-39100 with
GP – Rs.6600 for a minimum period of 5 years or PB-III pay scale Rs.15600-
39100 with GP – Rs.5400 working with 10 years service in Group A in CDA
scale or equivalent scale –
ii. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/ other PSUs/Private sector dealing in Electrical/Rolling Stock
iii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Electrical Engineering and
Rolling Stock technologies etc.
iv. Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail systems will be
v. Adequate experience in working in modern urban rail system for elevated
Metro/Rail projects in urban area and suburban environment.
vi. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/ other PSUs/PWD /MMRDA dealing with electrical system
namely traction and power supply.
10 -
S-25 78800-209200

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electronics/ Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from a
Recognized and reputed University/ Institute.

Experience :-
. .
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
i. Candidate should be working in PB-3 of CDA Grade of Rs.15600-39100 with
GP – Rs.6600 for a minimum period of 5 years or PB-3 pay scale Rs.15600-
39100 with GP – Rs.5400 working with 10 years service in Group A in CDA
scale or equivalent scale.
ii. Candidate should have experience in construction projects of Railways/Metros/
other PSUs/MMRDA dealing with Signaling & Telecommunication.
iii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Signaling & Telecommunication
(S&T) technologies etc.
iv. Adequate experience in Planning/ Designing/ Supplying, testing and
commissioning of Signaling & Telecommunication Systems for elevated
Metro/Rail projects in urban area and suburban environment.
11 -
S-25 78800-209200

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Civil Engineering from a Recognized & reputed University/ Institute.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
i. Candidate should be working in PB-3 of CDA Grade of Rs.15600-39100 with
GP - Rs.6600 for a minimum period of 2 years service in Group A or PB-III
pay scale Rs.15600-39100 with GP – Rs.5400 working with 8 years service in
Group A/Group B in CDA scale or equivalent scale.
ii. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/other PSUs/ Private sector.
iii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Civil Engineering
Technologies etc.
iv. Adequate experience in Planning/Designing/ Construction of infrastructure
projects such as – elevated roads, flyovers, urban rail via duct, Metro via
ducts etc.
v. Should be conversant with modern construction technologies including
precast segmental construction, ballast less track etc.
vi. Candidate should have experience of construction and maintenance of track in

Age :-
No age limit if the post is filled by Deputation, however, in accordance with the
GoM, GAD GR No. . In
case of appointment by selection/direct recruitment, candidate should not be more
than 45 years . No age limit for MMRDA employees.
. .
12 -
S-23 67700-208700

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electrical Engineering from Recognized and reputed University/Institute.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
i. Candidate should be working in PB-III of CDA Grade of Rs.15600-39100 with
GP - Rs.5400 for a minimum period of 5 years or PB-II pay scale Rs.9300-
34800 with GP – Rs.4600 working with 10 years service in Group A in CDA
scale or equivalent scale.
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Electrical Engineering
Technologies etc.
iii. Adequate experience in working in modern urban rail system for elevated
Metro/Rail Projects in urban area and suburban environment.
iv. Candidate should have experience of working in construction project of
Railways/Metros/Other PSUs/PWD/MMRDA dealing with electrical system
namely Traction and Power Supply.
v. Experience of working of modern urban rail will be given preference.
13 -
S-23 67700-208700

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electronics /Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from a
Recognized & reputed University/Institute.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
i. Candidate should be working in PB-III of CDA Grade of Rs.15600-39100 with
GP - Rs 5400 for a minimum period of 5 years or PB-II pay scale Rs.9300-
34800 with GP - Rs.4600 working with 10 years service in Group A in CDA
scale or equivalent scale.
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Signaling & Telecommunication
(S&T) technologies etc.
iii. Adequate experience in Planning/ Designing/Supplying, testing and
commissioning of Signaling & Telecommunication Systems for elevated
Metro/Rail projects in urban area and suburban environment.
iv. Candidate should have experience in construction projects of Railways/Metros/
other PSUs/ PWD/MMRDA dealing with Signaling & Telecommunication.
14 -
S-23 67700-208700
. .

Qualification :-
a. Degree in BE/B-Tech Computer/IT AND
b. MBA or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) or M-Tech/ME (IT)
from a Govt. recognized University/Institution.

Experience :-
After Post Graduation minimum 8 years experience in working on e-Governance
Project Implementation and support for IT Infrastructure, Analyzing complex IT
requirements, suggesting suitable technical architecture, feasibility testing,
application testing, drafting and implementing IT security policy, evaluating and
managing vendor contract/negations/SLAs and leading IT teams. Must be
conversant with ERP, Cloud, Data Center, GIS etc.

Age :-
No age limit if the post is filled by deputation. In case of appointment by selection
candidate should not be more than 45 years. No age limit for MMRDA employees.
15 1/ -
S-20 56100-177500

Qualifications :-
Degree or a Diploma in Civil Engineering or its equivalent.

Experience :-
One year’s experience in case of a Graduate and 5 years experience in case of a
Diploma Holder.

16 - 1/ –
S-20 56100-177500

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electrical Engineering from Recognized and reputed University/Institute
and minimum 5 years experience.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below –
i. Candidate should be working in PB-2 of CDA Grade of Rs.9300-34800 with
GP - Rs.4600 working with 5 years service in Group A in CDA scale or
equivalent scale.
. .
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Electrical Engineering
Technologies etc.
iii. Adequate experience in working in modern Urban Rail system for elevated
Metro/Rail Projects in Urban area and Suburban environment.
iv. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of
Railways/Metros/Other PSUs/PWD/MMRDA dealing with electrical system
namely traction and power supply.
v. Experience of working of modern urban rail will be given preference.
17 - 1/ -
S-20 56100-177500

Educational Qualification :-
Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from a Recognized &
reputed University/Institute and minimum of 5 years experience.

Experience :-
Appointment shall be made of a suitable candidate as below -
i. Candidate should be working in PB-2 of CDA Grade of Rs.9300-34800 with
GP - Rs 4600 working with 5 years service in Group A in CDA scales or
equivalent scale.
ii. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding,
computerized environment working and latest Signaling & Telecommunication
(S&T) technologies etc.
iii. Adequate experience in Planning/ Designing/Supplying, testing and
commissioning of Signaling & Telecommunication Systems for elevated
Metro/Rail projects in Urban area and suburban environment.
iv. Candidate should have experience in construction projects of Railways/Metros/
other PSUs/PWD/ MMRDA dealing with Signaling & Telecommunication
18 - 1-
S-20 56100-177500

Qualifications :-
Graduate in Civil Engineering from a Govt. recognized University.

Experience :-
Should have minimum 5 years experience in Water Supply Projects.
( )
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Website : https://mmrda.maharashtra.gov.in

“ ” “

(Domicile Certificate)

(Marksheet & Passing

(Marriage Registration Certificate) /

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