Adorján Czipleá - Wikipedia
Adorján Czipleá - Wikipedia
Adorján Czipleá - Wikipedia
Adorján Czipleá
Adorján Czipleá (1639–1664) was a Hungarian Christian Kabbalist and my stic. Not much is known about his life except for the fact that in 1662 – after some y ears of formal education in his nativ e country – he journey ed to England in order
to continue his philosophical and theological studies. There is no knowledge regarding the circumstances of his death, which occurred within two y ears after his arriv al.
While in England, Czipleá wrote a controv ersial short treatise entitled De ente et malo (On Being and Evil) which circulated among a narrow group of prominent European intellectuals including, among others, Henry More, Joseph Glanv ill,
Thomas Vaughan and Franciscus Mercurius v an Helmont. Although this work appears to be lost, records of its radical v iews (indictable for heresy at the time) surv iv ed in contemporary accounts of it. Probably the most detailed of these
accounts is found in Méric Casaubon's letter to Edward Stillingfleet, dated September 167 0:
One such queer scholar was Mr. Adorján Czipleá, who held that the fallen angels did nev ertheless not fall from Being since they possesse the attribute of intelligence which is, according to Plato, equiv alente to that of existence.
From this he deriv 'd the preposterous idea that the first emanation, or Intelligence, or Being, is compromis'd withe the fallen ones: esse (sive intellectus) est diabolus. Being is thus alway s torn, in perpetual strife, between Satan
and the Lord's angels. The Kabbalah, the Magy ar claim'd, is the only one capable of discerning the two sides, and therefore deliv ering us from the grasp of Being towards Union to the One and Only God, for it alone can accesse His
angels through His Word and climbe to the my stical Presence of God.
Scholarly interest in his idiosy ncratic my sticism has only recently begun to emerge. Speculation regarding Czipleá's Hermetic and Kabbalistic sources ranges from John Dee, Pico della Mirandola and Johann Reuchlin, while attention has been
drawn to his possible influence on the Cambridge Platonists and Metaphy sical Poets.
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