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CE6006 2marks

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Subject code: CE6006


1. Define - Traffic Engineering

Traffic Engineering is that branch of engineering which deals with the improvement of traffic
performance of road networks and terminals. This is achieved by systematic traffic studies,
scientific analysis and engineering applications.

2. What is the scope of traffic engineering?

The basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve efficient free and rapid flow of traffic,
with the least number of traffic accidents. Factual studies of traffic operations provide the
foundation for developing methods for improvement in general and for solving specific

3. What are the various vehicular characteristics affecting the road design?
The various vehicular characteristics affecting the road design may be classified as static and
dynamic characteristic of vehicles.

4. State the static and dynamic characteristics of vehicle.

Static characteristics of the vehicles affecting the road design are the dimensions, weight and
maximum turning angle.
Dynamic characteristics of vehicles affecting road design are speed, acceleration and braking
characteristics and some aspects of vehicle body design.

5. What are the factors which affect the characteristics of road users?
The various factors which affect road user characteristics are classified as follows:
a) Physical characteristics
b) Mental characteristics
c) Psychological characteristics
d) Environmental characteristics

6. How does age of the driver influence driving behaviour?

As the age of the driver is associated with factors like, his vision, hearing, strength and reaction
time, which are associated with the driving behaviour, the age of the driver influences driving

7. What is meant by cone of vision?

The cone of vision can be explained as follows:
The zone of acute vision is formed by a cone whose angle is 30 about the centre of the retina.
This signifies that for very distant vision, the objects should be within this narrow cone for
satisfactory perception.
The vision will still be satisfactory when the angle of the cone of vision is upto 100 or 120. This
is important when locating traffic signs and signals.
The cone of peripheral vision has an angle of about 1600 in the horizontal direction and 1150 in
the vertical direction. Peripheral vision deals with the total visual field for the two eyes.

8. What are the psychological human factors governing road user behaviour?
The various psychological human factors governing road user behaviour are:
a) Perception
b) Intellection
c) Emotion
d) Volition

9. What are the various resistances to the motion of a vehicle?

The various resistances to the motion of a vehicle are:
a) Rolling resistance
b) Air resistance
c) Grade resistance
d) Inertia forces during acceleration and deceleration

10. What is the significance of braking test?

The significance of braking test is that, by conducting the braking test on the road at the desired
running speed, the skid resistance of the pavement surface under prevailing conditions can be

11. In a braking test, vehicle travelling at a speed of 80 km/hr was stopped by applying
brakes fully and the skid marks were 7.8 m. Determine the average skid resistance of the
pavement surface.
Initial speed, u = 80/3.6 = 22.22 m/s
Braking distance, L = 7.8 m = u2/2gf
Average skid, f = (22.22)2/(2 x 9.8 x 7.8) = 493.72/152.88 = 3.22
Average skid, f = 3.22

12. What is off tracking?

The difference in distance between the curved wheel paths of a particular set of front and rear
wheels (i.ie., either the set of front and rear wheels on the outer side of horizontal curve or the
set on the inner side) is called off-tracking or the mechanical widening for a vehicle.
Off tracking= l2 / 2R (where ‘l’ is the wheel base in meters and ‘R’ is the radius of the curved
path in metres).

13. State the components of traffic engineering.

The components of traffic engineering are:
a) Road characteristics
b) Traffic characteristics
c) Land use characteristics

14. What are the various traffic studies?

The various traffic studies generally carried out are:
a) Traffic volume study
b) Speed and delay study
c) Origin and destination (O&D) study
d) Traffic flow characteristics
e) Traffic capacity study
f) Parking study
g) Accident studies

15. What are the interactions between land use and traffic characteristics?
It is observed that various kinds of activities based on land use, generated different amounts
and kinds of traffic. The most basic level of action for a long-run solution of the traffic
problems is the planning, guidance and control in the pattern of land use. Just as transport is a
function of land use, the reciprocal statement that land use is a function of transport is also true.
As systems of transport are built, the land use pattern that follows has a close relation to the
accessibility that has been made possible.


1. What are the methods of volume counting?

The different methods of volume counting are:
a) Manual methods
b) Combination of manual and mechanical methods
c) Automatic devices
d) Moving observer method
e) Photographic method

2. Define - Traffic Volume and Density

Volume, also known as flow, is the number of vehicles passing a specified point during a stated
period of time. It is usually expressed in vehicles per hour.
Density, also known as concentration, is the number of vehicles present in a stated length of
road at an instant. It is usually expressed in vehicles per kilometre length of road per lane.

3. Differentiate basic from possible highway capacity.

Basic capacity Possible capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that The maximum number of vehicles that can
can pass a point on a lane or a roadway during pass a given point on a lane or roadway during
one hour under the most nearly ideal roadway one hour, under prevailing roadway and traffic
and traffic conditions which can possibly be conditions.

4. What is meant by PCU?

When the traffic is composed of a number of types of vehicles, it is the normal practice to
convert the flow into equivalent Passenger Car Unit (PCU), by using certain equivalency
factors. The flow is then expressed as PCUs per hour or PCUs per day.

5. Define - Spot Speed

Spot speed is defined as the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified location.

6. What are meant by 85th, 50th and 15th percentile speeds?

85th percentile speed is the speed below which 85% of all the vehicle travel, and is used for
determining the speed limits for traffic regulation.
50th percentile speed or the median speed, is the speed at which there are many vehicles going
faster as there are going slower.
15th percentile speed is the speed below which 15% of all the vehicles travel.

7. What is 98th percentile speed? State its significance.

The 98th percentile speed is the speed below which, 98% of all the vehicle travel.
Significance: 98th percentile speed is used as a design speed in geometric design.

8. What are the methods of conducting origin destination survey?
The following are the methods for conducting origin destination survey:
a) Home interview survey
b) Road-side interview
c) Post-card questionnaire survey
d) Registration number plate survey
e) Tags on vehicles

9. List out any two uses of origin and destination survey.

The following are the uses of origin and destination survey:
a) To determine the amount of by-passable traffic that enters a town, and thus establish the
need for a bypass
b) To develop trip generation and trip distribution models in transport planning process
c) To determine the extent to which the present highway system is adequate and to plan for
new facilities

10. What is meant by the term desire line diagram?

Desire line diagram is a pictorial representation in which, the trips between any pair of zones
are represented by a straight line connecting the centroids of the two zones and having a band
width drawn to a suitable scale to represent the actual volume count.

11. What are the off - street parking facilities commonly considered?
The off - street parking facilities commonly considered are:
a) Surface car parks
b) Multi - storey car parks
c) Roof parks
d) Mechanical car parks
e) Underground car parks

12. What are the statistical methods for analysis of accident data?
The statistical methods for analysis of accident data are:
a) Regression methods
b) Poisson distribution
c) Use of Chi-squared test for comparing accident data
d) Quality control method

13. List out classification of urban roads.

In India, the classification of urban roads is as follows:
a) Expressways
b) Arterial streets
c) Sub - arterial streets
d) Collector streets
e) Local streets

14. Specify the minimum footway width recommended by IRC for urban roads in residential
and industrial zones.

Recommended minimum Recommended minimum

Type of road footway width in residential footway width in industrial
zone zone
District Distributor 2.4 m 2.7 m
Local Distributor 1.8 m 2.7 m
Access road 1.8 m 2.7 m

15. Write the characteristics of level of service ‘C’ in traffic flow on the road.
Level of service C is a zone of stable flow, but speeds and manoeuvrability are more closely
controlled by higher volumes. Most of the drivers restricted in the freedom to select their own
speed, lane changing or overtaking manoeuvres. A relatively satisfactory operating speed is
still obtained with service volumes perhaps suitable for urban design practice.


1. What are the various types of traffic signs?

Traffic signs give timely warning of hazardous situations when they are not self - evident.
The various types of traffic signs are:
a) Prohibitory signs
b) Mandatory signs
c) Information signs, further sub-divided into:
i) Indication signs
ii) Advanced direction signs and direction signs
iii)Place and route identification signs

2. What are mandatory signs?

Mandatory signs are part of regulatory signs and are intended to convey definite positive
instructions when it is desired that motorists take some positive action.

3. What are warning signs?

Warning signs are used when it is deemed necessary to warn traffic of existing or potentially
hazardous conditions on or adjacent to a highway or street. Warning signs are of great help in
ensuring safety of traffic.

4. What are informatory signs?

Informatory signs are intended to guide the motorist along streets and highways, to inform him
of interesting routes, to direct him to cities, villages or other important destinations, to identify
rivers and streams, parks, forests and historical sites, and generally give him information as
well as help him along his way in the most simple, direct manner possible.

5. List out any four regulatory signs.



6. Draw the GIVE WAY sign as per Indian Road Congress (IRC) with its relevance.

GIVE WAY is a mandatory sign. The GIVE WAY sign as per IRC is a downward pointing
equilateral triangle having a red border and a white background. The side of equilateral triangle
is 900 mm long in the standard sized sign and 600 mm long in the smaller sized sign. It shall be
used in combination with a definition plate carrying the message GIVE WAY.

7. Draw any four sketches of warning signs.



8. What are the different types of road markings available?

The two types of road markings are:
a) Carriage markings
b) Object markings

9. Write the formula to calculate optimum cycle time.

C0 = (1.5 L + 5) / (1-Y)
where, C0 = Optimum cycle time (s)
L = Total lost time per cycle (s)
Y = y1 + y2 .... + yn { y1 + y2 .... + yn are the maximum ratios of flow to saturation
flow for phases 1, 2,... n (i.e. q / s, where q is the flow and s is the saturation flow)}.

10. Write any two advantages of vehicle actuated signals.

The advantages of vehicle actuated signals are:
a) They are flexible and are able to adjust to changing traffic conditions automatically
b) Delay is held to a minimum and maximum capacity is achieved

11. What are the main traffic control aids?

The various traffic control aids are:
a) Roadway delineators
b) Safety barriers
c) Speed breakers
d) Barricades
e) Railings
f) Traffic signs

12. What are the different methods by which street light arrangement can be done?
The different methods by which street lighting arrangements can be done are:
a) Single - sided
b) Staggered
c) Central
d) Opposite
e) Combination of (c) and (b) or (c) and (d)

13. State the factors governing the spacing of lanterns in street lighting.
The factors governing the spacing of lanterns are:
a) The spacing of lanterns is determined by the shape, and in particular the length, of the bright
patch and the extent to which it is desired that individual patches should overlap
b) The spacing has to be satisfactory from the point of view of pedestrian requirements
c) In general, the spacing should not exceed 55 m, and should preferably be 35-45 m on
important routes

14. Differentiate silhouette from reverse silhouette in street lighting.

Silhouette Reverse silhouette

In artificial lighting, if the conditions are In artificial lighting, if the brightness of the
such that the brightness of the objects is less objects is more than that of the background,
than that of the background (i.e. pavement) discernment is by reverse silhouette.
discernment of the objects is said to be by

15. What are the types of traffic signals?

The various types of signals are:
a) Fixed time signals
b) Vehicle - actuated signals
c) Semi - vehicle - actuated signals


1. Define – Intersection
An intersection is defined as the general area where two or more highways join or cross, within
which are included the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements in that area.

2. What are the various types of conflicts at intersections?

The various types of conflicts at an intersection are:
a) Crossing conflicts
b) Merging conflicts
c) Diverging conflicts

3. Give the conflict point sketch of one-way regulation on both roads.

Total numbers of potential conflict points are 6 nos.

4. What is an at-grade intersection?
An intersection where all roadways join or cross at the same level is known as an at-grade

5. Draw any four basic forms of at-grade intersections.

Cross Roads T-Junction Y-Junction Staggered Junction

6. What are channelized and unchannelized intersections?

A channelized intersection is one in which traffic is directed into definite paths by islands and
An unchannelized intersection is the one without islands for directing traffic into definite paths.

7. With a neat sketch, write any one Channelizing island as per IRC standard with its
One of the important functions of channelized island is the control of speed. To reduce the
speed of traffic entering the intersection and increase the speed of traffic leaving the
intersection, bending or funnelling by suitable channelization techniques is resorted to.

The above figure shows the control of radius of entry and exit for control of speed.

8. What are the advantages of channelized intersections?

The following are the advantages of channelized intersections:
a) Separation of conflicts
b) Control of angle of conflict
c) Control of speed
d) Protection of traffic for vehicles leaving or crossing the main traffic stream
e) Protection of pedestrians
f) Elimination of excessive intersectional areas
g) Blockage of prohibited areas
h) Location of traffic control devices

9. What are the advantages of rotary intersections?
The advantages of rotary intersections are:
a) An orderly and regimented traffic flow is provided by rotary one - way movement
b) All traffic proceeds simultaneously and continuously at fairly uniform, low speed
c) All turns can be made with ease, although little extra travel distance is required for all
movements expect left turns
d) For moderate traffic, rotaries are self governing and need no control by police or traffic

10. What are the drawbacks of a conventional round about?

The drawbacks of a conventional round about are:
a) A rotary requires more land and may not be feasible in many built-up locations
b) Where pedestrian traffic is large, a rotary by itself is not sufficient to control traffic and has
to be supplemented by traffic police
c) When used on high speed roads, rotaries require extremely large size
d) Where the angle of intersection between two roads is too acute, it becomes difficult to
provide adequate weaving length

11. What is a grade separated intersection?

An intersection layout which permits crossing manoeuvres at different levels is known as grade
- separated intersections.

12. What are the types of grade - separated intersections?

The two types of grade - separated intersections are:
a) Grade - separated intersections without interchange
b) Grade - separated intersections with interchange

13. What are the factors on which the choice between an At Grade Intersection and a Grade
Separated Intersection depend upon?
The factors on which the choice between an At Grade Intersection and a Grade Separated
Intersection depend upon are traffic, economy, safety, aesthetics, delay, etc.

14. What is an interchange?

An interchange is a system whereby facility is provided for movement of traffic between two
or more roadways at different levels in the grade separated junction.

15. How are interchanges classified?

The interchanges are classified as:
a) Three leg interchange
i) T interchange
ii) Y interchange
iii) A partial rotary interchange

b) Four leg interchange

i) Diamond interchange
ii) Half clover leaf interchange
iii) Clover leaf interchange
iv) Rotary interchange
v) Directional interchange

c) Multi-leg interchange
i) Rotary interchange


1. What are the traffic management measures?

Some of the well-known traffic management measures are:
a) Restrictions on turning movements
b) One - way streets
c) Tidal - flow operations
d) Exclusive bus lanes
e) Closing side streets

2. What is Transportation System Management (TSM)?

Transportation System Management (TSM) is a package of short term measures to make the
most productive and cost - effective use of existing transportation facilities, services and

3. List out the various types of Travel Demand Management (TDM) techniques.
The following are some of the techniques of Travel Demand Management (TDM):
a) Car pooling and other ride-sharing programmes
b) Peripheral parking schemes
c) Road pricing
d) Entry fee
e) Priority for buses in traffic.
f) Restriction on entry of trucks during day time

4. What is period of forecasting?

Since the traffic forecasting is needed for transport plans, the design period selected for
transport plans should be sufficient for traffic forecasting. In general, transport plans are for a
period of about 5 to 10 years in detail and an additional five years in less detail. In U.K., it is
customary to forecast traffic for a design period of 15 years when dealing with rural roads. In
India, National Highways are designed for 15 years after completion of work.

5. What is Aggregate and Disaggregate Models in Traffic Forecasting?

Aggregate models deal with the estimation of travel of a group of travellers.
Disaggregate models deal with the smallest decision making unit, the individual traveller.

6. What is the purpose of one - way streets?

One-way streets provide the most immediate and the least expensive method of controlling the
traffic conditions in a busy area. In combination with other methods such as banned turning
movements, installation of signals and restrictions on loading and waiting, the one-way street
system is able to achieve great improvement in traffic congested areas.

7. What are the disadvantages of one - way streets?

The disadvantages of one - way streets are:
a) Although the journey times and delays are reduced, the actual distances to be covered by
drivers increases
b) Where buses operate on the streets, the stops will have to be relocated and in many instances
the passengers will have to walk extra distances
c) In the initial stages of introduction of one-way streets, confusion is likely to be created
amongst motorists and pedestrians

8. Write any two advantages of closing side streets.
The advantages of closing side streets are:
a) Since interference from the traffic from side streets is eliminated, the speed increases,
journey time reduces and accidents reduces
b) The side - streets which are closed can be utilised for parking of vehicles, if there is an acute
shortage of parking space in the area

9. What is meant by traffic regulations?

The traffic regulations should cover all aspects of control of vehicles, driver and all other road
users. The regulations should be rational. Traffic regulations and laws give legal coverage for
strict enforcement.
Traffic regulations and laws cover the following four phases:
a) Driver controls
b) Vehicle controls
c) Flow regulations
d) General controls

10. Define - Traffic Calming

Traffic calming consists of physical design and other measures for the intention of reducing the
motor vehicle speed as well as to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
Traffic calming includes the engineering measures such as:
a) Narrowing traffic lanes
b) Speed bumps
c) Speed humps
d) Speed cushions
e) Speed tables

11. What is meant by tidal flow operation in Traffic Management?

The morning peak results in a heavy attraction of flow towards the city centre, whereas the
evening peak brings in heavier flow away from the city centre. In either case, the street space
provided for the opposing traffic will be found to be in excess. This phenomenon is called as
‘Tidal flow’. One method of dealing with the problem of tidal flow is to allot more than half
the lanes for one direction during peak hours. This system is known as ‘Tidal flow operation’,
or ‘Reverse flow operation’.

12. What is meant by Exclusive Bus Lanes?

Exclusive bus lane is provided by reserving a lane of the carriageway exclusively for bus
traffic. This is possible only in situations where the carriageway is of adequate width and a lane
can be easily spared for the buses. This implies that there should be atleast 3 lanes in each
direction. For reasons of convenience of alighting and embarking passengers at the curb, the
exclusive bus lane has to be adjacent to the curb.

13. What are the uses of exclusive bus lanes in road traffic?
The following are some of the uses of exclusive bus lanes in road traffic:
a) The journey time of buses can be considerably reduced
b) Bus journey can be made more attractive
c) Regularity of buses can be improved

14. Define – ITS
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), also known as Transport Telematics, are transport systems
that apply modern information technologies to improve the operation of transport networks.
The ITS acquires vast volume of data on various aspects of transport operation (such as traffic
volume, speed, headway), process them and apply the result to guide traffic, improve
operations, enhance safety and transport costs.

15. List out the uses of ITS in traffic engineering.

ITS can cover a wide variety of application such as:
a) Monitoring traffic flow
b) Monitoring incidents on the road
c) Traffic control on urban roads
d) Public Transport Management Systems
e) Electronic collection of toll
f) Electronic Road Pricing System


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