Civil Litigation in Comparative Context
Civil Litigation in Comparative Context
Civil Litigation in Comparative Context
September 2017
A. Germany.............................................................................................. 81
Fundamental Law (Grundgesetz) of the Federal Republic of
Germany of 1949 ......................................................................... 81
Peter L. Murray and Rolf Stürner, German Civil Justice ............... 82
Peter L. Murray and Rolf Stürner, German Civil Justice ............... 85
Notes and Questions .......................................................................... 92
Peter Murray & Rolf Stürner, The Civil Law Notary—Neutral
Lawyer for the Situation ............................................................ 93
Notes and Questions .......................................................................... 95
B. France.................................................................................................. 95
Constitution of the Republic of France ............................................. 95
Notes on the French Legal Profession .............................................. 97
C. Italy ................................................................................................... 100
Constitution of the Italian Republic ................................................ 100
Sara Benvenuti, The Machinery of Justice in Italy ....................... 102
Notes and Questions ........................................................................ 106
D. Japan ................................................................................................. 108
The Constitution of Japan ............................................................... 108
Yukiko Hasebe, Civil Justice Reform: Access, Cost, and
Expedition. The Japanese Perspective .................................... 109
Yasuhei Taniguchi, Japan’s Recent Civil Procedure Reform: Its
Seeming Success and Left Problems ....................................... 110
Notes on Developments in Japan .................................................... 114
V. The Structure of the Legal Profession in the Common Law: England
and the United States .............................................................................. 117
A. England ............................................................................................. 118
1. Judges ........................................................................................ 118
2. Lawyers ..................................................................................... 120
B. The United States............................................................................. 124
Constitution of the United States.................................................... 124
1. Judges ........................................................................................ 125
Henry J. Abraham, The Judicial Process: An Introductory
Analysis of the Courts of the United States, England,
and France......................................................................... 125
Notes and Questions ................................................................. 129
2. Legal Education and the Regulation of Attorneys ................. 130
David S. Clark, Legal Education and the Legal
Profession .......................................................................... 130
Notes and Questions ................................................................. 135
Italy ................................................................................................... 242
Note on Service of the Claim in Italy .............................................. 242
D. Japan ................................................................................................. 243
Code of Civil Procedure .................................................................... 243
Note on Service of Process in Japan ................................................ 244
E. The United States............................................................................. 246
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 246
Note on Service of Process in the United States ............................ 249
Notes and Questions ........................................................................ 250
IV. Identifying the Issues............................................................................... 251
A. England ............................................................................................. 251
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................................... 251
Note on Identifying the Issues in England ..................................... 253
B. Germany............................................................................................ 254
German Code of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 254
Note on Issue Identification in Germany ........................................ 258
C. Italy ................................................................................................... 260
Note on Issue Identification in Italy ............................................... 260
D. Japan ................................................................................................. 262
Code of Civil Procedure .................................................................... 262
Note on Issue Identification in Japan ............................................. 264
E. France................................................................................................ 266
French Code of Civil Procedure ....................................................... 266
Note on Initiating and Pleading a Case in France ......................... 268
Loïc Cadiet, Introduction to French Civil Justice System and
Civil Procedural Law ................................................................ 268
F. The United States............................................................................. 272
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 272
Note on Pleading Practice in the United States ............................. 278
Notes and Questions ........................................................................ 280
V. Learning the Facts—Discovery and Privilege ........................................ 281
A. England ............................................................................................. 281
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................................... 281
Note on Discovery and Privilege in England .................................. 286
Note on Search Orders in England ................................................. 290
B. Germany............................................................................................ 292
German Code of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 292
Note on Discovery and Privileges in Germany ............................... 295
C. Italy ................................................................................................... 302
Note on Discovery and Privileges in Italy....................................... 302
D. Japan ................................................................................................. 303
Code of Civil Procedure .................................................................... 303
Note on Discovery and Privilege in Japan ...................................... 310
E. The United States............................................................................. 313
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 313
Note on Discovery and Privilege in the United States................... 325
Japan ......................................................................................... 408
Civil Provisional Remedies Act ................................................ 408
5. The United States ..................................................................... 412
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ............................................. 412
New York Civil Practice Law and Rules ................................. 413
Notes and Questions ................................................................. 413
B. Provisional Remedies and the Freezing Order ............................... 423
Notes and Questions ........................................................................ 423
IV. Future Trends........................................................................................... 428
Notes and Questions ................................................................................ 429
Italy ........................................................................................... 512
Consumer Code of 2005 ............................................................ 512
Notes and Questions ................................................................. 514
C. Test Cases as a Form of Group Action ............................................ 517
1. Germany .................................................................................... 517
Act on Model Case Proceedings in Disputes under Capital
Markets Law ..................................................................... 517
Notes and Questions ................................................................. 519
D. Group Action Through Representative Devices: The Class
Action and Related Procedures........................................................ 526
1. England ..................................................................................... 527
Civil Procedure Rules ............................................................... 527
2. Italy ........................................................................................... 527
Consumer Code of 2005 ............................................................ 527
3. Japan ......................................................................................... 531
Code of Civil Procedure ............................................................ 531
4. The United States ..................................................................... 531
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ............................................. 531
Notes and Questions ................................................................. 536
E. “Funds Solutions” to Collective Harms ........................................... 548
Notes and Questions ........................................................................ 549
VI. Consolidation of Cases Within a Single Legal System .......................... 553
A. England ............................................................................................. 554
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................................... 554
B. Germany............................................................................................ 554
German Code of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 554
C. Italy ................................................................................................... 554
Code of Civil Procedure .................................................................... 554
D. Japan ................................................................................................. 555
Code of Civil Procedure .................................................................... 555
E. The United States............................................................................. 556
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 556
Title 28, United States Code—Judiciary and Judicial
Procedure .................................................................................. 556
Notes and Questions ........................................................................ 557
VII. Future Trends........................................................................................... 559
A. Procedural Aggregation and the Influence of Political and
Social Structures .............................................................................. 559
B. Bridging the Gap Between Substance and Procedure: New
Kinds of Civil Processes and the Example of the Netherlands ..... 561
IV. Enforcement of Money Claims and Non-Money Claims Compared ...... 606
K.D. Kerameus, Enforcement in the International Context ................. 608
A. The United States............................................................................. 608
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 609
Note ................................................................................................... 609
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ..................................................... 609
Note ................................................................................................... 610
B. Germany............................................................................................ 610
Peter L. Murray & Rolf Stürner, German Civil Justice ................ 610
C. England ............................................................................................. 611
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................................... 611
Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice ................... 612
D. Italy ................................................................................................... 613
Alexander Layton & Hugh Mercer, eds., 2 European Civil
Practice ...................................................................................... 613
Elisabetta Silvestri, Enforcement of Civil Judgments and
Orders in Italy: An Overview ................................................... 614
E. France................................................................................................ 616
Alexander Layton & Hugh Mercer, eds., 2 European Civil
Practice ...................................................................................... 616
Question ............................................................................................ 616
V. Proceedings for Execution of Money Claims .......................................... 616
A. Preliminary Remarks ....................................................................... 616
1. Availability of Discovery of Debtor’s Asset ............................. 616
2. Treatment of Competing Creditors ......................................... 618
3. Exemptions ............................................................................... 619
4. Enforcement of Security Rights ............................................... 619
B. Execution on Variety of Properties ................................................. 620
1. Execution on Chattels .............................................................. 620
2. Execution on Claims ................................................................. 620
3. Execution on Real Property ..................................................... 622
a. Japan ................................................................................. 624
Civil Execution Act ........................................................... 624
Takaaki Hattori and Dan Fenno Henderson, Civil
Procedure in Japan ................................................... 625
b. England ............................................................................. 625
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................... 625
Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice ... 626
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................... 626
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................... 627
Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice ... 627
Civil Procedure Rules ....................................................... 628
Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice ... 628
c. Germany ............................................................................ 629
Peter L. Murray & Rolf Stürner, German Civil
Justice ........................................................................ 629
Note.................................................................................... 629
If civil procedure has been part of your law studies, you have so far
probably focused on how courts resolve disputes in your nation. We think
it is desirable to put the subject into a broader perspective by introducing
you to the procedures used in other nations. As Professors Henry Hart
and Albert Sacks famously explained a half century ago:
[T]he possible variations in particular types of procedures are
endless. So also are the variations in the relationships between
each type of procedure and the system as a whole. * * * [N]o
social question can be intelligently studied without a sensitive
regard to the distinctive character of the institutional system
within which the particular question arises.1
To this end, we have prepared materials that can be studied along
with national rules that deal with a functionally similar stage of the
litigation process. This brief introductory note will give you some
background by sketching out the major differences among the various
systems in use throughout the world. We begin by explaining why we
think the global method—incorporating international, transnational, and
comparative approaches—is useful and by noting a few of the problems
that this method inevitably faces.
Good reasons favor taking a global approach to the study of civil
procedure. For one, it highlights the reality that procedural systems are
the product of choice; there is no universal consensus on how best to serve
the values of accuracy, fairness, and efficiency, and even on whether
these are the values that a procedural system ought to serve. Exposure to
the choices made by some other systems will help you to think critically
about your own and will present alternatives to consider. Professor John
Langbein, for example, has argued that the American procedural system
leaves much to be desired when compared to that of Germany. His article,
1 Henry M. Hart, Jr. and Albert M. Sacks, The Legal Process: Basic Problems in the
Making and Application of Law 6 (William N. Eskridge, Jr. and Philip P. Frickey eds., 1994).
that you find a global approach to the study of civil procedure to be both
stimulating and informative.7
7 See Helen Hershkoff, Integrating Transnational Legal Perspectives Into the First Year
Civil Procedure Curriculum, 56 J. Legal Educ. 479 (2006).
8 The continued division of the world’s procedural systems into the classic common law/
civil law divide is explored and debated in Common Law, Civil Law and the Future of Categories
(Janet Walker and Oscar G. Chase eds., 2010) (hereinafter “Walker & Chase”), an edited
compilation of papers presented at a conference held in Toronto in 2009. For a discussion of this
categorization and of its limitations, see also Schlesinger’s Comparative Law 177–279 (7th ed.
2009 by Ugo Mattei, Teemu Ruskola, Antonio Gidi) (hereinafter, “Schlesinger”).
What are the principal differences among the systems described? To
what extent might they be influenced by the culture or history of the nation
9 See Mirjan R. Damaska, The Faces of Justice and State Authority 3–6 (1986)
(hereinafter, “Damaska”).
10 Id. at 5.
11 See id. at 4 (noting that “[t]o Anglo-Americans, * * * the two concepts are suffused with
value judgments: the adversary system provides tropes of rhetoric extolling the virtues of liberal
administration of justice in contrast to an antipodal authoritarian process”).
12 Id. at 3.
Cappelletti and Bryant G. Garth, Civil Procedure, Ch. 1, at 3–8, XVI International Encyclopedia
of Comparative Law (1987).
14 On the organization of courts, see generally Schlesinger, supra note 8, at 489–554. For
Germany, see Peter L. Murray and Rolf Stürner, German Civil Justice, especially Chapter 4
(2004)(hereinafter Murray & Stürner; for Italy, see Vincenzo Varano, Machinery of Justice, in
Introduction to Italian Law 99–124 (Jeffrey S. Lena and Ugo Mattei, eds., 2002);, and, more
recently, Sara Benvenuti, The Italian Machinery of Justice, in Fundamentals of Italian Law
143–162 (Alessandra De Luca and Alessandro Simoni eds., 2014); for France, see Roger Perrot,
Institutions Judiciaires (15th ed. 2012); Jean Vincent, Serge Guinchard, Gabriel Montagnier,
and André Varinard, Institutions Judiciaires (6th ed. 2001) (hereinafter “Vincent”); Loïc Cadiet,
Civil Justice Reform: Access, Cost, and Delay. The French Perspective, in Civil Justice in Crisis
291–346 (Adrian A.S. Zuckerman, ed., 1999).
after their promulgation upon referral of the Cour de cassation and the
Conseil d’Etat.15
Several reasons help to explain the civil law system’s reliance on a
plurality of court hierarchies, including a more rigid conception of
separation of powers and the search for specialization. The use of a
centralized court for constitutional judicial review is further explained by
the plurality of supreme courts and the possibility of conflicts among
them, the relative weakness of the precedential value of their decisions,
and the fact that a career judiciary is not well trained to deal with policy
oriented issues.16 We focus in this section on the system of ordinary
courts, which in a civil law country is typically based on the following
pattern. The jurisdiction over first instance proceedings is usually
distributed between two sets of courts. The jurisdiction of the lower set
extends to relatively small claims, but may also cover certain subjects
independently from the value at stake. In some countries, the judges
vested with this jurisdiction are honorary lay judges, as in Italy since
1991 (giudici di pace); in others, such as France (tribunaux d’instance)17
and Germany (Amtsgerichte) they are professional judges. Lower courts
are distributed all over the country, close to their potential users. In turn,
the higher courts of first instance—Tribunaux de grande instance in
France, Landgerichte in Germany, Tribunali in Italy—are courts of
general jurisdiction, and are generally located in major cities. The
prevailing tradition in the civil law has been in favor of adjudicating
panels, usually sitting with three judges, even in first instance courts of
general jurisdiction. More recently, the trend towards single judge courts
seems to be taking foot, as in Italy, where, however, the Tribunali, since
1998, sit as a three judge panel in a rather substantial number of more
serious or complicated cases, including, for instance, class actions.18
There are two levels of appellate courts. The intermediate courts of
appeal sit as three judge panels, and are generally distributed on a
regional basis. Appeal normally involves a full review of the case and is
not limited to questions of law. The supreme court sits, though not
invariably, in the capital city, and reviews appellate judgments only for
errors of law. Contrary to the common law idea of a supreme court, the
highest courts in the civil law are large bodies divided into several
divisions, civil and criminal, and staffed by several dozens of judges (140
exclusively (tribunaux de commerce: commercial courts), or at least in part (labor courts: conseils
de prud’hommes; agricultural tribunals: tribunaux paritaires des baux ruraux; social security
disputes: tribunaux des affaires de sécurité sociale) by lay judges representative of the opposing
interests, according to a long standing tradition.
18 On the introduction of class actions in Italy, see Chapter 8, infra.
in Italy, for example). More judges are attached to a division than are
necessary to decide a case.
Turning to the judges themselves, the feature that makes the
comparison with the common law particularly interesting is that judges
in the civil law system are career judges. There may be variations from
one country to the other—in France attendance of the Ecole Nationale de
la Magistrature is required prior to seeking admission to the judiciary
through competition; in Germany, a higher degree of university education
has to be achieved through the second “Staatsexamen”; in Italy, the
national competition is no longer open to all law graduates, but, according
to the Law of July 30, 2007, n. 111, only to law graduates who have
acquired some further qualification, such as a PhD, practice at the bar,
experience in the civil service, etc. However, the fundamental common
principle is that the judiciary is one of the careers open to law graduates,
who, once admitted, proceed toward the upper levels of the hierarchy on
the basis of seniority as well as merits. Professional judges in a civil law
country typically number several thousand (roughly 9,000 in Italy, 8,000
in France and over 20,000 in Germany.19 Interestingly enough, public
prosecutors are part of the judiciary (and counted in those numbers, at
least in France, and Italy), even though the prevailing rule is that of a
career separation between judges and prosecutors.20 Judges in a civil law
country are in some respects similar to civil servants. Moreover, although
civil law constitutions tend to provide for strong guarantees of judicial
independence, these provisions do not inevitably apply, or apply to the
same extent, to prosecutors.
19 For Germany, Murray & Stürner, supra note 14, at 38, give the figure of 20,969 judges
and add that “[I]n the entire world Germany is number one both in the absolute number of
professional judges employed as well as the number of judges per capita”; for Italy, the Law of
November 13, 2008, n. 181, indicates the number of 9,921 ordinary judges, but only 8,461 are in
service: see (last visited March 17, 2017); for France, the number given by the
Conseil Superieur de la Magistrature, at the date of December 31, 2013, is 8,355, but in fact
7,703 of them are in service as judges: see
20 The Law of July 30, 2007, n. 111, limits the possibility to move from the bench to the
of litigation in Italy, which, although frequently modified since the 1990’s has not solved the
problem of delay seriously affecting the administration of justice, see Vincenzo Varano, Civil
Procedure Reform in Italy, 45 Am. J. Comp. L. 657 (1997). See also Remo Caponi, Italian Civil
Justice Reform 2009, 14 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess International 143 (2009).
22 For France, see Frédérique Ferrand, The Respective Role of the Judge and the Parties in
the Preparation of the Case in France; for Germany, see Gerhard Walter, The German Civil
Procedure Reform Act 2002: Much Ado About Nothing?, both in The Reforms of Civil Procedure
in Comparative Perspective 7, 67 (Nicolò Trocker and Vincenzo Varano, eds., 2005).
23 The astreinte is an order of the court to the judgment debtor to pay a monetary penalty to
the creditor for failure to comply with the judgment. What is particularly interesting is that the
remedy has been judicially created and developed, and that it has been recognized by the Law
no. 72–676 of July 5, 1972. See J. Bearsdley, Compelling Contract Performance in France, 1
Hastings Int’l and Comp. L. Rev. 93 (1977). An analogous coercive measure has been introduced
in Italy by the Law n. 69 of June 18, 2009: see art. 614-bis of the Code of civil procedure. See
Caponi, supra note 21, at 150–51.
24 See Gerard Chabot, Remarques sur la finalité probatoire de l’art. 145 NCPC, Dalloz,
2000, at 256.
25 See Walter, supra note 22 at 75–77; Murray & Stürner, supra note 14 at 639–640.
26 See Michele Taruffo, Civil Procedure and the Path of a Civil Case, in Lena and Mattei,
supra note 14, at 168. The author refers to Italy, but the statement applies as well to the civil
law. Under German law, the judge has more power, but will ordinarily hear the evidence which
the parties have presented. The judges can, however, order production of relevant documents
and tangible things on its own motion. “The court is restricted to witnesses named at least by one
of the parties.” Murray & Stürner, supra note 14, at 14.
31 See Taruffo, supra note 26, at 172–173. The rule is the same throughout the civil law,
4. Special Proceedings
The procedural codes of the civil law area provide for a number of
special proceedings to be used in particular cases. In Italy, for instance,
labor disputes and landlord-tenant cases are handled through a
streamlined procedure aiming “at a quicker and more effective disposition
of cases.”33 In 2009, there was added34 a “fast track” called procedimento
sommario di cognizione) for disputes that fall within the jurisdiction of
the Tribunale sitting as a single judge court, “in order to deal with ‘simple
cases’ in a more flexible and speedy way.”35
Other types of special procedures are used very frequently for the
collection of debts, whenever the claim is not likely to be seriously
contested: the Italian procedimento di ingiunzione and the German
Mahnprozess36 are important examples of summary proceedings
addressed to solve very quickly and effectively questions of that kind. If
35 Caponi, supra note 21, at 146–48. The most important criticism which can be made of the
new procedure is that the assignment of cases to the fast track is made in the abstract by the
law, not on a case by case by the judge: see id. at 147–148.
36 As to the Italian procedimento di ingiunzione, “[it] is available to the creditor with
written proof of his or her right to monetary payment or to the delivery of movable goods. In such
cases, the creditor may obtain from the court a decree inaudita altera parte * * *. If the debtor
thinks that it has been wrongly issued, the order may be attacked in subsequent proceedings”.
Taruffo, supra note 24, at 161. Sergio Chiarloni, another noted Italian proceduralist, points out
to the importance of the ingiunzione procedure: “Every year in Italy courts issue more
ingiunzione decrees than judgments after ordinary proceedings (617,179 injunctions as compared
to 350,936 judgments in 1992)”. See Sergio Chiarloni, Civil Justice and its Paradoxes: An Italian
Perspective, in Zuckerman, supra note 14, at 272. The Mahnprozess, or statutory warning
procedure, can be used to get prompt enforcement of claims for the payment of money which are
not likely to be in dispute. Using preprinted forms creditors can cause their debtors to be served
with warning notices (Mahnbescheide) and notices of impending execution
(Vollstreckungsbescheide) that will ultimately support executions if timely objections are not filed
by the debtors. A simplified procedure also exists for claims based solely on documentary
evidence, such as checks (Urkundenprozess, Scheckprozess). See Murray & Stürner, supra note
14, at 18.
5. Appeals
First instance judgments are subject to appeal as of right in most if
not all jurisdictions, and in most cases. The right of appeal has no
constitutional basis anywhere, but it is so deeply rooted in tradition as to
be considered a part of the fundamental guarantee of a fair procedure.
Appeal normally involves a full review of the case and is not limited to
questions of law. The scope of appeal is traditionally very broad, and may
extend to new facts not asserted below, new defenses and new evidence
not introduced during the first instance proceeding. Though the scope of
appeal has been limited in recent years,39 the comment can still be made
that it may be “considered as a continuation of the first instance
37 On the référé procedure, see generally Loïc Cadiet and Emmanuel Jeuland, Droit
Judiciaire Privé 546–556 (9th ed. 2016). See also Wallace R. Baker and Patrick de Fontbressin,
The French Référé Procedure—A Legal Miracle?, 2 Miami Y.B. Int’l L. 1 (1992).
38 See Ferrand, supra note 22, n. 2.
39 In Italy, for instance, the law of November 26, 1990, no. 353 has reformed significantly
the intermediate appeal. First, it has provided that, as a rule, the first instance judgment is
immediately enforceable. Secondly, the reform has somewhat limited the scope of the appeal, and
prohibited the introduction on appeal of new defenses and new evidence: see Varano, supra note
21, at 671. However, the intermediate appeal is experiencing very long delays. “With the aim of
reducing the number of appeals effectively heard by the courts, the legislator introduced in 2012
a so-called filter, allowing the court to quickly dispose by way of a summary order of appeals that
do not appear to have ‘reasonable chances of being successful’ (arts. 348-bis and ter)”: Nicolò
Trocker and Giacomo Pailli, Basic Features of Civil Procedure, in Fundamentals of Italian Law,
supra note 14, at 175. It is still too early to assess the effectiveness of this reform. See Chapter 7,
Sec. VII infra.
6. Enforcement of Judgments
The general rule is that final judgments are automatically
enforceable. Judgments subject to appeal are also immediately
enforceable, though a security may have to be posted.45 If the judgment is
not complied with, the judgment creditor will seek compliance in court,
opening an execution proceeding which is everywhere complicated, and
somewhere—as in Italy—slow and ineffective.46 Execution of money
judgments is directed against the property (chattels, real estate, and
intangible property) of the judgment debtor, which will be sold at the
latter’s expense in order to satisfy the judgment creditor. Enforcement of
judgments not for money, and in particular decrees for specific
performance, is supported by coercive measures in Germany and France,
and recently also in Italy.47 The difference between German and French
law is that according to the former the fine imposed on the recalcitrant
judgment debtor goes to the state (§ 890 ZPO), while the French astreinte
accrues to the judgment creditor.48
47 See art. 614-bis of the Code, introduced by the Law no. 69 of 2009, and note 23 supra.
especially at 884.
2013. Trocker & Pailli, supra note 39, at 181–82. The basic argument used by the Constitutional
Court was that the enabling legislation did not authorize the Government to adopt a mandatory
mediation. See id. at 182, n. 17.
52 Murray and Stürner, supra note 14, at 19.
54 See Varano, supra note 14, at 111–112. The statistical data confirm year after year the
deterioration of the Italian civil process, and the failure of the ‘urgent measures’ enacted by the
legislator almost every year, which demonstrates, in the end, the lack of an organic coherent
reform project. The Annual Report on the administration of justice by the President of the Court
of Cassation, indicates an average delay of 358, 437, and 1051 days respectively for proceedings
before the Justices of the peace, the tribunals and the courts of appeal, while a proceeding before
the Court of Cassation takes as long as an average of 1293 days. The Report, dated January 20,
2014, can be seen at It may be interesting to underline that the excessive
Italian delay is one of the reasons which discourages foreign investments in Italy, which, among
other things, is one of the countries where the rate of corruption is high but the relevant
proceedings may not reach their conclusion due to the statute of limitation. See EU Anti-
Corruption Report, COM (2014) 38 Final.
55 See Ferrand, supra note 22, at note 30. The Annuaire Statistique de la Justice, Edition
2011–12, seems to indicate that the performance of French courts, as far as delay is concerned,
has even improved: in 2010, the average duration of a proceeding decided on the merits is 4.8
mos for the tribunaux d’instance, 9.3 months for the tribunaux de grand instance, 12.3 months
for the cours d’appel, 15.2 months for the Cour de Cassation.
56 See Murray & Stürner, supra note 14, at 82–83.
57 Id. at 19.
58 For Germany, see id. at 116–125; for France, see Cadiet and Jeuland, supra note 37, at
may ask how the civil law and common law processes compare with
respect to producing judgments that accurately reflect the facts in
dispute. On this score, the American reliance on lay juries whose verdicts
are unsupported by any offering of supportive reasons is suspect in the
minds of civil law jurists. Similarly criticized is the passivity of the
American judge, who rarely acts to remedy the inequality of “litigation
arms” when one party enjoys enormously greater resources than another.
On the other hand, common law jurists are uncomfortable with the
relative passivity of the civil law attorney at the trial and the absence of
vigorous cross-examination of witnesses. Moreover, the lack of probing,
lawyer-driven pre-trial discovery in the civil law world may prevent the
proverbial “smoking gun” from coming to light. Since the accuracy of any
sui generis dispute can never be tested scientifically, we urge the reader
to explore these arguments in the light of the detailed materials that
outside the scope of the CPR and are governed by their own procedural codes. The CPR is
delegated legislation, drafted by the Civil Procedure Rule Committee, and approved by
Parliament: Civil Procedure Act 1997.
60 Issued by the Master of the Rolls (the President of the Civil Division of the Court of
Appeal) under delegated authority from the Lord Chief Justice with the concurrence of the Lord
Chancellor: Constitutional Reform Act 2005. The power to make PDs derives from the courts’
inherent common law jurisdiction to manage its own process.
61 See generally: the Chancery Guide; The Queen’s Bench Guide; The Admiralty and
Commercial Court Guide; the Mercantile Court Guide; the Technology and Construction Court
Guide; the Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court Guide.
b. Proportionality
Proportionality has not, historically, been a fundamental principle of
English procedure. With the introduction of the CPR’s overriding
objective it has now taken on a central role. Its importance stems from
the shift away from the idea that procedural fairness is something to be
determined by reference to individual proceedings, but is rather to be
assessed by a consideration of how the civil justice system operates as a
whole. This will inevitably require individual cases to be considered in
assessing whether process is fair. It goes beyond that however, with fair
process assessed as a function of securing effective access to the court to
all litigants, of the need to secure the public interest in the efficient use of
the courts’ resources, and securing public confidence in the justice system.
To do this proportionality has two aspects: individual and collective
The former requires process to be carried out so as to ensure that a
proper balance is struck between the costs of claim and the value of the
benefit to be obtained from a merits-based judgment. Costs are to be no
more than proportionate, for instance, to the value of the claim. This may,
for instance, require the court to limit evidentiary disclosure or the
number of expert witnesses called by the parties. Collective
proportionality requires the court to ensure that each individual claim
has access to an equitable, rationed share of its resources. This aims at
maximizing access to the civil justice system, and is primarily to be
achieved through effective case management carried out consistently with
the overriding objective. This aspect of proportionality may where there
has, for instance, been repeated failures by litigants to comply with
procedural obligations to strike a claim out for non-compliance and refuse
62 John Sorabji, English Civil Justice after Woolf and Jackson (Cambridge, 2014).
relief from that sanction or to bar a party from relying on probative, and
otherwise admissible, evidence. As the courts have acknowledged while
such measures may produce what appears to be, and may well be,
injustice in the individual case, they are justified by the need to secure
the wider public interest in the efficient management of all claims and in
securing effective access to the courts for other litigants.
c. Pre-Action Protocols
Before parties commence litigation they are required to enter into
discussions with each other in order to do two things: seek to resolve the
dispute amicably or, if that is not possible, facilitate the more efficient
prosecution of their claim before the courts. This is required by a
combination of a PD governing pre-action conduct (PD-PAC) generally
and a number of specific Pre-Action Protocols (PAPs), which taken
together set out a code of best practice for the pre-action stage of a range
of different disputes.63
The PAPs work by requiring parties, within short, specified periods
of time, to engage in: the early identification of the issues in dispute and
exchange of information, including disclosure of relevant (including
disclosure if relevant) and the early appointment of experts. They require
parties to give specific consideration to engaging in any of a variety of
means of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), emphasizing that
litigation ought to be a last resort for the parties. They thus seek to foster
an early ‘cards on the table’ approach to dispute-resolution, better merits-
assessment by the respective parties and consensual settlement.
The PAPs are not mandatory. Apart from the PD-PAC they do not
have the force of law. Notwithstanding this, compliance with them is both
advisable and expected, and they play a considerable role in the litigation
process. Non-compliance with an applicable PAP may also result in the
court making an adverse costs order against the party responsible at the
conclusion of proceedings (CPR r.44.2(5)(a)).
with information on how and when to respond to the claim. It can also be
accompanied by detailed Particulars of Claim, which fully set out the
facts and allegations of the claim. These can also however be sent
separately. The claim form and particulars of claim, along with the
defense, are known as ‘statements of case.’ Once a claim form is issued a
claim can no longer be statute-barred, assuming it is issued prior to
expiry of any relevant limitation period. Historically the party issuing a
claim was known as the plaintiff. Since 1999 the term plaintiff is no
longer used and has been replaced by ‘claimant’. Service has two distinct
aspects: deemed and actual service. In order to ensure that proceedings
can continue where a defendant does not, for whatever reason,
acknowledge service or file a defense, rules specify the date on which
service is deemed to have taken place.
f. Default Judgment
Where a defendant fails to respond to a claim, the claimant can apply
to the court to enter judgment in default unless the defendant has applied
to have the claim struck out as an abuse of process or has applied for
summary judgment, has admitted the claim or has satisfied the claim.
Assuming none of these issues arise, in order to obtain a default judgment
a claimant must satisfy the court that the defendant has failed to file
with the court either a document acknowledging service of the claim or a
64 Further statements of case are possible. They are however extremely rare and require
defense and that the time to file them has expired. If both conditions are
satisfied a court officer will enter judgment as an administrative act.
h. Case Management
Until the CPR’s introduction the management of procedure, and the
progress of claim during its pre-trial phase, lay in the hands of the
parties. In order to secure the reduction in litigation costs, and promote
procedural economy and efficiency, party control of litigation was replaced
with active case management by the court. Such management has to be
carried out so as to further the overriding objective.
j. Rule Compliance
English procedure traditionally took a lax approach to compliance
and an equally liberal approach to granting relief from the adverse
consequences of non-compliance. Relief would generally be granted where
a defaulter could show that a trial on the merits was still possible, that
any prejudice caused by the default to the other party could be
compensated by costs. This approach was taken as the courts understood
procedure’s overarching aim to be the determination of claims on their
substantive merits; to secure justice on the merits.
The CPR and particularly the introduction of the overriding objective
were intended to change this approach. They were intended to introduce a
stricter approach to compliance and a more restrictive approach to grants
of relief. This required the court to not only consider the effect of the
default and any grant of relief on the parties, but also the prejudice to
other litigants they caused. The reform did not take hold however. In
2013 a further attempt was made to introduce the stricter new approach
through amendments to the overriding objective and the power to grant
relief from the consequences of procedural default. Those amendments
emphasized the importance of rule-compliance (CPR r1.1(2)(f) and r.3.9).
k. Interim Measures
There are two broad types of interim measures in English procedure,
those that preserve substantive legal or equitable rights pending trial and
final judgment (‘protective orders’) and those that enable parties to secure
evidence or information (‘process or facilitative orders’).66 Both types of
order are made during the course of proceedings. They can be granted on
either an ex parte or inter partes basis. Where they are granted on an ex
parte basis the court will ensure that the issue comes back before the
court to be reheard on an inter partes basis. In order to safeguard the
respondent’s procedural rights an applicant at an ex parte hearing is
under a duty to give what is known as ‘full and frank disclosure’ to the
court. This requires them to provide the court with all relevant
information whether that supports or is adverse to the grant of an order
in their favor.
65 Mitchell v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 1537, [2014] WLR 795;
Denton v TH White Ltd [2014] EWCA Civ 906, [2014] 1 WLR 3926.
66 Following Adrian Zuckerman, Zuckerman on Civil Procedure—Principles of Practice (3rd
67 Other forms of such orders are: information orders; disclosure orders; orders for
l. Documentary Evidence
English procedure contains a number of different mechanisms
through which documentary, including electronic documents, can be
obtained by parties and adduced in evidence. The nature of documentary
disclosure, which was until 1999 called ‘discovery’, is the same
irrespective of the nature or type of claim that is pursued. It does not, for
instance, vary depending on whether the claim is contractual or tortious.
The primary aim of disclosure is to ensure that all relevant, admissible,
evidence is available at the earliest possible stage of proceedings and,
particularly, at trial. It thus facilitates the ‘cards on the table’ approach to
litigation introduced in the 1990s as well as the achievement of justice on
the merits. It also serves to promote equality of arms through providing
equal access to evidence. It facilitates settlement by enabling parties to
assess the strength of their and their opponent’s evidence, thus
facilitating effective assessment of the merits of their case or of an issue
or issues in the proceedings. It also promotes procedural economy by
reducing the prospect that parties will be surprised at trial by evidence
they have not previously seen, thereby engendering adjournments to
enable them to consider the evidence. And even where a claim does not
settle, where disclosure enables an issue or issue to be resolved it narrows
the dispute thus enabling the court to deal with the trial more
m. Witness Evidence
Parties may rely on evidence from witnesses of fact. In order to
adduce evidence from a witness of fact litigants must now serve a
statement, known as a witness statement, setting out what the witness
would historically have said during their evidence-in-chief at trial. It
must contain confirmation by the witness that its contents are true. The
witness statement must be served in advance of the trial on all parties
and filed with the court. If it is not possible to prepare such a statement,
the party on whose behalf the witness is to be tendered at trial may
prepare a Witness Summary. This is a document that gives a concise
synopsis of the evidence that it is expected the witness will give at trial.
n. Evidentiary Privileges
English procedure recognizes a number of evidentiary privileges,
which variously render certain types of documentary or witness evidence
either inadmissible in civil proceedings or immune from compulsory
The most prominent of these privileges is legal professional privilege,
specifically litigation privilege. This renders confidential communications
that pass between lawyer and client, and between a lawyer and certain
third parties, immune from the disclosure obligation. In order to fall
within the ambit of this privilege such communications must come into
being for the purpose of actual or anticipated legal proceedings. Such
communications are however admissible if the client elects to waive the
privilege or if the communication ceases to be confidential for whatever
p. Trial
Historically, civil trials were conducted before a judge and jury. The
court retains a residual power to hold a civil jury trial, in practically all
cases however trials will be conducted before a judge alone. Trials form
the final part of the proceedings. They are structurally distinct from the
pre-trial process and any appellate procedure. Unlike in some civil law
jurisdictions, the trial is a continuous event; a product of its historical
jury trial basis.
The trial has a number of discrete phases. It remains predominantly
an oral process, although the degree of orality has declined over recent
decades. It commences with opening speeches, where the parties’ legal
representative outlines their case. This phase plays less of a prominent
role today, as the parties are required to submit their documentary
evidence, witness statements, legal authorities, and skeleton arguments
(the lawyers’ outline written submissions) well before the trial takes
place. The judge will have read these documents before the trial
Following the opening, evidence is presented and tested by the
parties. Witnesses are no longer examined-in-chief. Their written, witness
statements are taken to stand as their evidence-in-chief. Oral cross-
examination and re-examination takes place immediately after a witness
has confirmed the veracity of their witness statement. Expert evidence is
given by way of written report. Experts are also subject to oral cross-
examination. Where there are a large number of experts, the court now
has a discretionary power to direct their evidence be given concurrently
through a process colloquially known as ‘hot-tubbing’.
Once the evidential phase of the trial has concluded the parties’ legal
representatives make their submissions on any relevant law, summarize
the evidence and make any final submissions. An ex tempore oral
judgment may be given immediately thereafter. Alternatively, the judge
may indicate the court’s decision with a written judgment to follow, or the
decision and judgment may be reserved until a later date.
q. Appeal
Parties can appeal judicial decisions on grounds of error of fact or
law. Save in a small number of instances e.g., where the liberty of a
person is at stake, appeals can only be brought with the permission of the
r. Offers to Settle
Parties have always been able to make offers to settle litigation. The
CPR introduced a self-contained regime the aim of which was to
encourage early, fair settlement of proceedings. This is set out in highly
s. Costs
Litigation cost in England has been subject to considerable scrutiny
over the past two decades. Procedural reform has been predicated on an
understanding that costs are excessive and need to be reduced.
While the award of costs is a matter of the court’s discretion, that
discretion is governed by clear principles. The primary principle
governing the discretion is that, ordinarily, the unsuccessful party will be
ordered to pay the successful party’s costs. This applies at both interim
and final hearings. A successful party will not however be awarded all
their costs. First, they will only be able to recover those costs that they
are under a legal liability to pay to, for instance, their legal
representative. Costs can thus only be awarded to indemnify the
successful party. This is known as the indemnity rule. The application of
this rule has, in recent years, given rise to substantial litigation as
unsuccessful litigants have sought to avoid a liability to pay the
successful party’s costs on the basis that the latter is under no legal
liability to pay their lawyer’s fees. Secondly, in determining whether and
what amount to award a successful party, the court will take account of a
number of factors, such as the pre-action and post-issue conduct of the
parties, the extent to which a party succeeded in the litigation, and
whether there had been any admissible offers to settle the litigation.
Thirdly, any costs award is subject to an overarching limitation. The
court will only allow recoverability of those costs that are proportionate.
It is no longer the case that costs reasonably and necessarily incurred are
recoverable. Proportionate costs are those that ‘bear a reasonable
t. Litigation Funding
Historically, litigation was funded by parties agreeing to pay their
lawyers for work done under their retainer. Contingency funding
agreements were not permitted. Liberalization in the 1990s introduced a
form of contingency fee funding via conditional fee agreements (CFAs).
The majority of these funding arrangements are used in personal injury
claims. They provide for a lawyer to be paid their normal hourly fee and
success-based percentage uplift in the event of success only. Further
reforms, in 2013, introduced a further form of contingency fee agreement,
known as a Damages-based agreement (DBA). This form of agreement,
based on a similar scheme operative in Ontario, Canada, operates in the
same way as a CFA. The central difference between the two is that under
a DBA the uplift is calculated as a percentage of the value of the claim
i.e., of the damages. Additionally, the courts have developed the common
law to permit third party litigation funding.
conferred by federal statute and falls within the judicial power of the
United States as defined in the Constitution. In certain areas, such as
bankruptcy and copyrights/patents, federal statutes have made the
jurisdiction of the federal courts exclusive. But it is the state courts that
hear most cases, and almost 98% of all civil litigation takes places in the
state courts. An unusual feature of American courts, both state and
federal, is that any trial judge or appellate court has the authority to
review the constitutionality of a statute or of other governmental actions.
Unlike many other systems there is no special constitutional court that
has exclusive jurisdiction over such issues.
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure set forth the procedure for cases
brought in the federal courts. The state courts have their own set of
procedures, although some states have promulgated rules quite similar to
the Federal Rules. In a few instances, there are some distinctive
departures,69 but it is nonetheless appropriate to discuss a general
system of procedure that operates in courts in the United States.70
69 For example, California has successfully implemented a fast track system in its state
courts, and Arizona has adopted fee shifting offers of judgment, judicial evaluation by litigants
and use of pro-tem judges. See William W. Schwarzer, Comment on Burbank and Silberman, 45
Am. J. Comp. L. 705, 705–706 (1997).
70 For other overviews, see Outline of a Lawsuit, in Linda Silberman, Allan Stein, and
Tobias Wolff, Civil Procedure: Theory and Practice 1–12 (4th ed. 2013); Jack H. Friedenthal,
Arthur R. Miller, John E. Sexton and Helen Hershkoff, Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials,
Chapter 1 (11th ed. 2013).
71 See, e.g., Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 11.
b. Choice of Court
Whether the plaintiff decides to sue in a state or federal court will be
in part a function of the allocation of subject matter jurisdiction between
the state and federal systems. In some circumstances, the plaintiff may
have a choice between state or federal court, whereas in other situations,
the matter may lie within the sole competence of one or the other. Also, if
suit is brought in a state court, a defendant, in limited circumstances,
may be able to move the case to federal court. In addition, in the United
States, a plaintiff may have a choice as to the particular state of the
United States in which to bring suit. Often, plaintiffs may desire to sue in
their home state if they can obtain personal jurisdiction over the
defendant, but other factors—including backlog and caseload, choice of
law rules, or particular procedural rules, such as unanimous or non-
unanimous jury verdicts—may influence a plaintiff’s selection of the
seek an injunction, which is an order by the court that the defendant either perform a particular
act or refrain from engaging in certain conduct.
d. Defendant’s Responses
Once the defendant has been notified of the lawsuit, the defendant
has a number of possible responses. The defendant may attempt to have
the case dismissed without taking a position on the facts by filing a
dispositive motion to have the suit dismissed on either procedural or
merits grounds. For example, the defendant may offer an objection to the
particular court in which the action is filed by making a motion to dismiss
for lack of personal or subject matter jurisdiction or venue; or defendant
may believe that under the applicable law, no viable claim has been
asserted and may move to dismiss the action for failure to state a claim.
Alternatively, the defendant may choose to raise these objections as
defenses to be included in the answer. In the answer, which serves as the
defendant’s response to the complaint, the defendant will either admit or
deny the allegations of the complaint as well as raise any specific
affirmative defenses that defendant has to the complaint. In addition, the
defendant may assert a counterclaim against the plaintiff, alleging claims
that the defendant has against the plaintiff. In some jurisdictions, if the
counterclaim is closely related to the plaintiff’s claim it must be asserted
or it will be waived.74
The pleading stage of an American lawsuit has a limited role to play
in the ultimate framing of issues in the litigation unless the case is
dismissed because the complaint failed to meet the requirements of
“plausibility” described above. The later stages of the pretrial process,
specifically case management in the context of discovery, do a more
robust job in illuminating the nature of the dispute between the parties.
Comparative Context: The United States of America, 45 Am. J. Comp. L. 675, 678–683 (1997).
76 See David Shapiro, Federal Rule 16: A Look at the Theory and Practice of Rulemaking,
supra note 75, at 678–683; Carl Tobias, Congress and the 2000 Federal Civil Rules Amendments,
22 Cardozo L. Rev. 75 (2000).
78 See, e.g., Alaska R. Civ. P. 26; Ariz. R. Civ. P. 26.1(a); Ill. S.Ct. R. 222(d); Utah R. Civ. P.
26(a) (1). For an excellent survey of discovery practice reforms in the state courts, see Seymour
Moskowitz, Rediscovering Discovery: State Procedural Rules and the Level Playing Field, 54
Rutgers L. Rev. 595 (2002).
82 In the federal courts, for example, leave of court is required if more than ten depositions
are proposed (Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 30 (a)(2)(A)), or if more than 25 interrogatories are to be served
(Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 33). Also, unless authorized by the court or stipulated by the parties, a
deposition is limited to one day of seven hours (Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 30(d)(2)).
83 See, e.g., Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 26(g).
examine each individual party and one representative of each corporate party. Non-parties can
be examined in Canada only when it can be shown that the party seeking information cannot
obtain it in another way and that it would be unfair to proceed to trial without this information.
See Stephen N. Subrin, Discovery in Global Perspective: Are We Nuts? 52 De Paul L. Rev. 299,
306–307 (2002).
87 For example, in Canada, if a witness is unlikely to be available for trial, a party may
apply to the court for permission to take an oral deposition for use at trial. Id. at 306 n. 34. See
also, in England, CPR 34.8.
f. Summary Judgment
One of the perceived advantages of broad discovery practice is to
allow the parties to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their
respective cases based on information that will be produced at trial, and
ideally induce a settlement between the parties. Moreover, if, at the close
of discovery, one of the parties does not have a sufficient evidentiary basis
to support a verdict or judgment in its favor, it would be futile to proceed
to trial. Accordingly, procedural systems in the United States provide for
a method of “summary judgment” to dispose of a case without a full trial
when it is determined that there is “no genuine issue as to any material
fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of
that discovery be “proportional to the needs of the case” and set forth the factors to be
considered. In some state systems, relevance to the “subject matter of the action” and “not
privileged” is all that is required.
91 See Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 26(b)(1).
g. Trial
Following the pretrial process, if a case has not been otherwise
resolved by summary judgment or settlement, it will be set for trial. The
fact finder will be a judge or a jury. In the federal courts, the Seventh
Amendment of the Constitution assures a right to trial by jury for any
controversy over twenty dollars, where the suit was one that could be
brought “at common law.” This reference to “common law” relies on the
historical distinction between “law” and “equity” to determine whether a
party has a constitutional right to a jury trial in the United States today.
Because in England a jury was available only in the common law courts
and not in equity (the court of Chancery), a jury trial right will attach
only if the asserted claim or counterclaim is one that has an historical
common law analogue. Most federal cases involving claims that seek
damages do give rise to a right to a jury trial. Many state constitutions
contain similar provisions, but the jury trial right in the state court is tied
to an interpretation of the state and not the federal Constitution. In order
to effectuate the “right” to a jury trial, a party must affirmatively make a
demand for a trial by jury, or the “right” is waived. In practice, however,
most cases are resolved by pretrial motions or are settled, and only about
two percent of all federal civil cases are decided by a jury.
At one time, a federal civil jury required twelve members and a
unanimous verdict. The Supreme Court of the United States later held
that the Seventh Amendment permits less than twelve jurors in a federal
civil case. However, unanimity is still required for a federal jury. The size
and unanimity requirements in state courts are different, and non-
unanimous jury verdicts are permitted in many states. When a jury has
been demanded, a panel of prospective jurors will be selected. Voir dire of
prospective jurors is conducted in order to determine whether a juror has
any prior knowledge of the case or involvement with the parties or any
particular bias that might affect the outcome of the case, and if so, the
juror can be discharged “for cause.” A party may also move to strike a
juror without cause—via a peremptory challenge—but such challenges
are limited. In federal courts, the judge usually conducts the voir dire; in
many states, the task is for the attorneys for the parties.94
The trial in courts in the United States is conducted by the attorneys
for the parties. The trial is continuous with the presentation of both oral
and documentary evidence by both sides. The plaintiff proceeds first;
plaintiff’s lawyer calls witnesses to testify in open court by direct
examination.95 Defendant’s lawyer then conducts cross-examination of
each witness. These examinations are often followed by redirect and re-
cross. The responsibility for introducing evidence either through
witnesses or documents is with the lawyers. The judge generally
intercedes only when asked to rule on an evidentiary objection, although
on occasion, particularly when no jury is involved, may take a more active
role and pose a question to the witness.
Largely because of the institution of the jury, there are elaborate
rules of evidence governing the admissibility of evidence at trial.
However, if the opposing counsel does not raise a timely objection to the
admissibility of particular evidence, the evidence will be admitted, any
objection having been waived. A striking aspect of American trial practice
is the approach to expert testimony.96 In courts in the United States,
experts usually appear as a witness on behalf of one of the parties; the
expert will have been chosen, prepared and compensated by the party.
The result is often a “battle of experts,” with conflicting testimony to be
resolved by the trier of fact, often the jury. The rules of evidence in many
jurisdictions allow a judge to appoint a neutral expert, but most judges do
not exercise the privilege.
Before the case goes to the jury, counsel will make closing
arguments. The judge will instruct the jury on the legal rules it is to
apply. A jury will usually render a general verdict, merely stating
whether the verdict is for the plaintiff or the defendant, and if for the
plaintiff, the amount of damages. With a general verdict, the jury does
not give reasons for its decision—a feature that other countries have been
critical of, leading some civil law systems to refuse to enforce a U.S.
judgment based on a jury verdict. In the discretion of the court, a jury can
be asked to render a special verdict that will require the jury to respond
to particular questions, either in lieu of or in addition to a general verdict.
94 See generally Stephan Landsman, The Civil Jury in America, 62 Law and Contemp.
where under the CPR witness statements are substituted for oral evidence-in-chief. See Richard
L. Marcus, Putting American Procedural Exceptionalism into a Globalized Context, 53 Am. J.
Comp. L. 709, 716–717 (2005).
96 See Oscar G. Chase, American “Exceptionalism” and Comparative Procedure, 50 Am. J.
Of course, not all cases are tried by a jury, and when the judge hears
a case without a jury, the judge will make findings of fact and conclusions
of law prior to entry of judgment.
i. Appeals
Appeals in state and federal courts in the United States are based on
the written record of the trial court proceeding. Unlike in many civil law
countries, an appeals court does not hear additional testimony or consider
additional documents. The record on appeal contains the pleadings and a
verbatim transcript of the trial. The parties present their contentions by
written briefs, often supplemented by oral argument. Appellate courts are
typically multi-member tribunals, with appeals heard before panels of the
In some judicial systems in the United States, including the federal
system, appeals are only available after a “final decision” by a lower
court. In some states, however, interlocutory appeals are permitted, and a
party may appeal a procedural ruling, such as the denial of a motion,
during the proceedings and before any final judgment is issued.
One of the consequences of “appeal on the record” is that appellate
courts in the United States do not exercise plenary review of the findings
of fact made by the judge or jury. However, they do review questions of
law “de novo,” giving no weight to the trial court’s conclusions of law.
There are some specific matters said to be within the trial court’s
discretion, such as a motion to grant or deny a new trial, and on those
issues, the trial court’s ruling will only be overturned for an “abuse of
discretion.” As for questions of fact, in a case tried by a jury the factual
determinations of the jury cannot be reviewed. In a case tried by a judge,
the judge’s findings of facts will not be overturned unless they are “clearly
An appellate court has power to affirm, reverse, vacate, or modify the
judgment of the trial court. If it reverses, the court may enter judgment
accordingly, or it may remand the case to the trial court for further
Decisions are often accompanied by written opinions signed by one of
the judge of the panel hearing the appeal. In some systems, provision is
made for summary dispositions of appeals without opinion.
3. Conclusion
Procedure in the United States shares a number of traditions with
other common law systems, including England—the historical source
much of American procedure, including the use of juries to decide
questions of fact (although England no longer uses juries in most civil
cases). Perhaps most distinct, at least in respect of a comparison with
1. Introduction and Historical Background of Japanese Civil
As is well known, Japan is today a highly industrialized modern
country. Its industrialization and modernization (or westernization) has
taken place, however, during the mere past one and one-half centuries.
The unique history of modern Japan has left various traces of indigenous
and foreign influences on its civil procedure which are of interest from a
comparative point of view. In summary, we can find in it a hybrid
character of civil law and common law procedure operating in the unique
dispute resolution culture of Japan. Most recently, Japan has experienced
significant civil procedure reform by a new Code of Civil Procedure of
1996 and further amendments to it in 2003. Commentators see not just a
99 See Silberman, Stein & Wolff, supra note 70, at 3; Chase, supra note 96, at 276–77.
100See generally Robert A. Kagan, Adversarial Legalism: The American Way of Law (2001).
101 Adapted from Yasuhei Taniguchi, Japan’s Recent Civil Procedure Reform: Its Seeming
Success and Left Problems, in Trocker and Varano, supra note 22, 91–113.
reform of the rules of civil procedure but also a change in the actual
practice without which any “reform” would be meaningless.102
Japan was closed to the outside world until 1853 when American
Commodore Perry forced the then Shogunate government of Japan to
open the country for commerce. This impact finally led in 1888 to the
demise of the Shogun’s feudal regime and creation of a new government of
the Emperor. The new regime decided to modernize, among many other
things, the legal system after the Western models. Students were sent to
and advisors were invited from advanced Western countries. Various
systems were competing to win adoption for some two decades, first
English, then French and finally German. The first comprehensive Code
of Civil Procedure was adopted in 1890. This Code was largely a verbatim
translation of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO of 1877). The
most significant departure was the absence of a provision requiring
representation of the parties by a qualified lawyer before the district
court (first instance court of general jurisdiction) and above. This is
explained by the small number of practicing lawyers at the time, was a
legacy of the previous regime which banned the legal profession as
immoral and whose imprint is still noticeable today in the form of a
considerable amount of pro se litigation.
Apart from some minor changes, the procedural system remained
distinctively German as a whole through the first half of the twentieth
century. Since adoption of German law occurred in all other fields of law
as well, German legal doctrines, legal concepts, and legal terminologies
(in Japanese translations) played a predominant role in the Japanese
legal scholarship and legal education. The situation had to change in 1945
with the Japanese defeat in the Pacific War. The Allied (in fact American)
occupation of Japan until 1952 resulted in a considerable
Americanization of the Japanese legal system. First of all, the
Constitution was rewritten. The new Constitution of 1946 (enforced from
102 For additional references, see Yasuhei Taniguchi, The 1996 Code of Civil Procedure of
Japan—A Procedure for the Coming Century? 45 Am. J. Comp. L. 767 (1997); Yasuhei
Taniguchi, Development of Civil Procedure in Japan: An Experiment to Fuse Civil Law and
Common Law, in Festschrift for Prof. Németh 759 (Varga, ed. 2003); Yasuhei Taniguchi,
Between Verhandlungsmaxime and Adversary System: In Search for Place of Japanese Civil
Procedure, in Festschrift für Karl Heinz Schwab 487 (Peter Gottwald and Hanns Prütting, eds.,
1990); Yasuhei Taniguchi, Civil Procedure: Development of Adversary System in Civil Procedure
in Japan, in Japanese Law in Turning Point (Daniel Foote and Veronica Taylor, eds. (2007));
Carl F. Goodman, The Somewhat Less Reluctant Litigant: Japan’s Changing View Towards Civil
Litigation, 32 Law and Pol’y Int’l Bus. 769 (2001).
For a discussion of the new Code of Civil Procedure, see also Takeshi Kojima, Japanese Civil
Procedure in Comparative Law Perspective, 46 U. Kan. L. Rev. 687 (1998); Shozo Ota, Reform of
Civil Procedure in Japan, 49 Am. J. Comp. L. 561 (2001); Masako Kamiya, Narrowing the
Avenues to Japan’s Supreme Court: The Policy Implications of Japan’s Code of Civil Procedure
Reforms, 4 Australian J. Asian L. 53 (2002) (dealing with the adoption by the new Code of Civil
Procedure of 1996 of a certiorari-like discretionary appeal to the Supreme Court). See also Carl
F. Goodman, Justice and Civil Procedure in Japan (2004); and Curtis J. Milhaupt, J. Mark
Ramseyer, and Mark D. West, The Japanese Legal System (2006).
2. Post-War Reform
Post-War reform of civil procedure in Japan was not extensive when
compared with the total reform of the criminal procedure occurring at the
same time. Only two provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure were
changed: Firstly, the provision authorizing the judge to examine evidence
ex officio was repealed. Secondly, the provision mandating that the
presiding judge first examine a witness was amended to require the party
who called the witness to ask questions first to be followed by a cross-
examination by the adversary party. The judge’s intervention was made
only supplementary. It goes without saying that the American ideology of
adversarial procedure motivated the reform. The original provision—
which allowed the judge to ask questions and make suggestions to the
parties in an attempt to clarify the matters in dispute and so to guide
them to a proper direction—was left intact perhaps because the language
of the provision was not mandatory although in practice the judge’s
clarification was considered a duty and a failure to exercise it properly
was held to be a reversible error. However, in the light of adversarialism,
as expressed in the two amendments, the Supreme Court held that a
failure to exercise clarification was no longer a reversible error. Such case
law and these two amendments in the Code seemed to complete a
transformation from a judge-dominated procedure into a party-driven
adversary procedure.
The reality was not so simple. Lawyers were not ready to practice the
adversary system. Moreover, as indicated above, Japanese litigants did
not have to retain a lawyer to litigate. The number of lawyers did not
increase to catch up with population increase. As of the 1940’s and 1950’s
when the new adversarial ideology was introduced, there were still many
litigants without lawyers. The ideal of the adversary system was quite
foreign to them. A passive judge who did not exercise clarification often
meant a lost case for the party without a lawyer if the other party had
one. If both sides were not represented, the judge would be in limbo
evidence from the prospective adversary or from a third party even before
instituting an action. The effectiveness of this new institution is still to be
seen. But even without this new device in place, the preparatory
proceedings under the new Code seem to have gained certain solid footing
in actual practice. It must be remembered, however, that the reform in
this respect was not really an innovation by the new legislation. It was
rather a codification of a preceding practice. From the mid 1980’s, some
willing judges with cooperation by willing lawyers started a preparatory
procedure commonly called “the argument-settlement session.” This was
the beginning of the recent civil procedure reform movement which is still
continuing today, as section 4 explains.
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Months 12.2 10.9 10.1 9.8 10.1 10.2 10.0 9.3 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.3
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Months 8.2 8.3 8.4 7.8 6.8 6.5 6.5 6.8 7.5 7.8 8.2 8.5
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Months 22.7 21.8 21.1 20.9 21.1 21.3 20.8 20.8 20.5 19.7 19.2 18.7
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Months 18.3 18.2 19.3 18.8 18.5 18.7 18.8 19.1 19.6 19.7 *** 20.0
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Months 41.6 39.8 42.3 41.7 39.3 37.5 36.8 35.6 34.8 35.6 33.0 31.1
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Months 28.0 27.7 27.4 25.5 23.9 24.7 25.9 24.9 25.9 25.1 23.8 23.3
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Months 31.1 29.6 31.9 23.1 23.7 22.7 25.0 25.7 23.1 21.6 18.3 16.8
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Months 15.6 13.8 14.1 12.1 13.8 13.1 12.8 14.8 14.2 16.8 16.1 15.0
5. Additional Amendments
One of the issues dealt with by the most recent amendment to the
Code of Civil Procedure, in force from April 2004, related to the problem
of expertise in court. The new institution called the “expert commissioner”
was established by this amendment. The commissioners are appointed in
various fields of expertise and their participation in the proceedings in
the capacity of a neutral advisor is anticipated. For example, a chemical
expert can participate in the preparatory proceedings in litigation arising
from a pharmaceutical patent to help the judge and the lawyers
understand the dispute better and find out the real issue more efficiently.
The same rule of disqualification and challenge as those for judges apply
to the expert commissioner. Various safeguards are introduced (such as
consent of the parties and disclosure of information) to protect the
interests of the parties from undue influence of an expert commissioner.
This new institution considerably decreases the necessity of appointing a
formal expert witness who requires a good deal of time and expense.
Commissioners are paid only a modest fee by the court for the service.
However, this will not make a real expert witness unnecessary in proper
cases. The amended Code has also streamlined the procedure for expert
witness examination.
It would be appropriate at this juncture to explain some other
significant points of the 2003 amendment of the Code. There are two more
important features which are both directly related to the theme of this
1. Introduction of the obligatory “Planning of Proceedings”: Where
the court considers a case to be complicated as, for example, involving
industrial pollution damages, medical malpractice, a large construction
project, etc., it must establish a chronological agenda for the future
procedural steps on the basis of consultation with the parties. The plan
must fix the time frames for the preparatory proceedings and for witness
examination and provisionally set the anticipated time of conclusion of
the hearing and rendition of the final judgment. It is said that the idea
was taken from the commercial practice of fixing a delivery date at the
time of contract. When the court is retained, it should make a
commitment for the delivery date of its final product, i.e., the final
judgment, by fixing a time table for necessary steps to be taken before
reaching it. Here again a successful plan can be made and complied with
only where the court can avail itself of good cooperation by the lawyers
concerned. Cooperation has been obtained in a good number of important
litigations, if not in all.
2. Adoption of pre-filing evidence discovery measures: The 1996
new Code expanded the scope of document production order and
introduced a system of inter-party inquiry as described earlier. But these
104 See Antonio Gidi, Class Action in Brazil: a Model for Civil Law Countries, 51 Am. J.
Comp. L. 311 (2003); for the English text of the Brazilian law, id. The Class Action Code: a Model
for Civil Law Countries, 23 Arizona J. of Int’l & Comp. L. 37 (2005).
105 Michael J. Madderra, The New Class Actions in Japan, 23 Pacific Rim L. & Policy J. 795
106 Takahisa Fukuda, Minjisosho no Atarashii Jitumu (New Practice of Civil Litigation),
judges, the lawyers, and the clerks. But the mood and enthusiasm have a
limit unless supported systematically by a necessary infrastructure.
As suggested earlier, it is very difficult given the present state of
court congestion to conduct a concentrated witness examination because
it would affect the hearing schedule of hundreds of other cases. The main
cause for the congestion is the small number of judges in Japan, another
structural difference from the German system, where about 10 times as
many judges per capita are operating. Although having increased by the
yearly rate of 100 in recent years, in Japan, there are only 3000 judges of
full qualification plus about 800 summary court judges who can only
serve in the lowest level courts of limited jurisdiction below the district
The number of civil cases is smaller than in most Western countries
but too large for the small number of judges and lawyers. It must be
recalled, moreover, that most of these cases brought to the court are
difficult cases legally and factually because, for the Japanese, litigation is
the last resort, to be used only after all kinds of effort to solve a dispute
have failed. Accordingly, the settlement rate of actual cases is only about
30 per cent. Therefore, the judge’s burden to hear the cases and to write
final judgments is very heavy. They usually work at night and over the
weekend to write judgments.
There are numerous structural problems which have been
reconsidered on the basis of the 2001 report of the Justice System Reform
Council107 to the then-Prime Minister, Mr. Koizumi. It recommended
making the civil justice system more “user friendly” and proposed a
radical increase of judges and lawyers as the top priority matter. The
organized bar has long been demanding the adoption of the common law
type judiciary of lawyer-judges rather than the existing civil law type
judiciary of career judges. Currently, the recruitment of judges from the
bar is very limited, less than ten a year, mainly because of reluctance on
the part of individual lawyers. The report of the Council took a positive
posture toward a system change in this respect. If this sort of reform is
adopted to staff a substantial part of the judiciary by former practitioners,
the landscape of Japanese civil procedure will change drastically. But
such a change does not seem to be likely in the near future.108
Some smaller but significant structural reforms had already taken
place even before the report in the direction of making the court “user
friendly.” For example, the filing fee which must be paid by the plaintiff
107 An English version of the report is available at the Prime Minister’s website: http://www.
108 A small number of young judges are already sent to law firms for two years or to
109 Kyoko Ishida, Goddess of Justice without a Blindfold: How do Japanese judges treat pro
se litigants?, in John O. Haley & Toshiko Takenaka, eds., Legal Innovations in Asia 212
(Edmond Elgar Pub., 2014).
Pro se litigation set the standard for Japanese civil procedure in May-
rain type proceedings in the sense that lawyers were as dependent on the
judge’s paternalistic guidance in the conduct of litigation as a lay litigant.
However, once lawyers have transformed themselves into an independent
professional on par with judges, a real difference between the two types of
litigation must emerge and may pose a serious practical problem to the
Thus, the main stream of thought is that the pro se litigation is an
anomaly at least in the district courts and above, which should be
eradicated by increasing the number of lawyers and expanding the legal
aid program. There is also a strong argument that Japan should finally
adopt the system of compulsory representation by a lawyer when a
sufficient number of lawyers have been secured. This is certainly a
possible argument. If this line of development is eventually taken, one
important indigenous element of the Japanese civil procedure will
It is interesting, however, to see that a contrary argument has
recently emerged inspired by American studies of law and psychology.
These studies show that if a litigant has personally participated in the
dispute resolution process he or she has a greater feeling of satisfaction
whether or not the outcome is favorable.110 As a matter of common sense,
we can endorse such observation. The nature of the pro se litigation and
an empirical comparison between the two types of litigation should be
studied more seriously with an empirical method and the result must be
analyzed from a broader perspective than a simple point of view of
efficiency. If we reach a conclusion that the pro se litigation is a socially
useful device for dispute resolution, a more difficult problem would be
how to implement such a legitimate need. Must a new type of procedural
scheme be created? What kind of infrastructure is needed to support the
system? Should the need instead be satisfied by a sort of ADR
mechanism? It is interesting to see how this rather fundamental problem
of the Japanese civil procedure will be finally resolved in the years to
Some pessimism about the new Code seemed appropriate when it
was adopted in 1996. In particular, there was concern that the kind of
enthusiasm which supported the experience of the “argument-settlement
session” might not be long lasting. Fortunately, pessimism seems to have
proved wrong. After two decades of enforcement of the new Code, the
enthusiasm surrounding the reforms seems to have receded but some of
the important aspects of the reforms are now firmly rooted in Japanese
practice. An efficient preparatory procedure at the outset and early
110 See, e.g., E. Allan Lind and Tom R. Tyler, The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice
(1988); Tom R. Tyler, Citizen Discontent with Legal Procedures: A Social Science Perspective on
Civil Procedure Reform, 45 Am. J. Comp. L. 871 (1997).
111 Ronald C. Brown, Understanding Chinese Courts: Law with Chinese Characteristics xxi
(1997). See also Carl F. Minzner, China’s Turn Against Law, 59 American J. of Comparative Law
953 (2011), which describes the de-emphasis of court adjudication in China.
112 Dmitry Maleshin, New Russian Civil Procedure in the Context of Cross-Cultural
Interaction, presented at the 2006 Kyoto Congress of the International Association of Procedural
Law, at 1.
which “the court and the disputing parties share an active role in the
litigation process.”
Readers interested in pursuing any system in depth have a growing
number of English-language sources available to them. In addition to the
many works devoted to a single nation, descriptions of litigation systems
in many of the world’s nations can be found in the Encyclopedia of
International Commercial Litigation, Anthony Colman, General Editor
(1991; Supp. 2005) and the International Encyclopedia of Laws: Civil
Procedure, Pict Taelman, General Editor (2001; supp. 2005). Some books
collecting reports presented at international conferences are also useful:
Civil Litigation in a Globalizing World (X.E. Kramer and C.H. van Rhee,
eds.); Common Law, Civil Law and the Future of Categories (Janet
Walker and Oscar G. Chase eds.) (2010); Civil Procedure in Cross-
Cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context (Dimitri Maleshin ed.) (2012).
References to other procedural systems can be found in Oscar G. Chase
and Vincenzo Varano, Comparative Civil Justice, in The Cambridge
Companion to Comparative Law (Mauro Bussani and Ugo Mattei eds.)
(2012), a book which includes informative descriptions of several legal
traditions not treated in this work, such as the East Asian, the Jewish,
the Islamic, the Sub-Saharian, and the Latin American and Caribbean
legal Traditions. In the same perspective, much information can be found
in the Symposium: Law, Religion and Secularism, 52 A.J.C.L. (2004),
which includes articles on Islamic Law, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and India.
A scholarly and sensitive treatment of modern legal systems in the
context of traditional dispute resolution is found in Werner Menski,
Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and
Africa (2d ed. 2006). An extensive bibliography compiled by the staff of
the NYU School of Law Library is available at http://www.nyulawglobal.