Nail Psoriasis
Nail Psoriasis
Nail Psoriasis
Eckart Haneke 1–4 Abstract: Psoriasis is the skin disease that most frequently affects the nails. Depending on
Department of Dermatology,
the very nail structure involved, different clinical nail alterations can be observed. Irritation
Inselspital, University of Bern, Bern, of the apical matrix results in psoriatic pits, mid-matrix involvement may cause leukonychia,
Switzerland; 2Dermatology Practice whole matrix affection may lead to red lunulae or severe nail dystrophy, nail bed involvement
Dermaticum, Freiburg, Germany;
Centro de Dermatología Epidermis, may cause salmon spots, subungual hyperkeratosis, and splinter hemorrhages, and psoriasis of
Instituto CUF, Porto, Portugal; the distal nail bed and hyponychium causes onycholysis whereas that of the proximal nail fold
Department of Dermatology, causes psoriatic paronychia. The more extensive the involvement, the more severe is the nail
University Hospital, Gent, Belgium
destruction. Pustular psoriasis may be seen as yellow spots under the nail or, in case of acroder-
matitis continua suppurativa, as an insidious progressive loss of the nail organ. Nail psoriasis
has a severe impact on quality of life and may interfere with professional and other activities.
Management includes patient counseling, avoidance of stress and strain to the nail apparatus,
and different types of treatment. Topical therapy may be tried but is rarely sufficiently efficient.
Perilesional injections with corticosteroids and methotrexate are often beneficial but may be
painful and cannot be applied to many nails. All systemic treatments clearing widespread skin
lesions usually also clear the nail lesions. Recently, biologicals were introduced into nail psoriasis
treatment and found to be very effective. However, their use is restricted to severe cases due to
high cost and potential systemic adverse effects.
Keywords: nail psoriasis, etiology, pathology, quality of life, impact, treatment
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease with a strong genetic background but highly
influenced by environmental factors. Its prevalence is ~1–2% of the world population
with considerable differences among regions and individuals with different skin types.
It is the skin disease that most frequently affects the nail. At the time of consultation,
roughly one half of the patients suffer from nail changes. Over lifetime, up to 90% of
all psoriatics will have had nail alterations. The prevalence of nail psoriasis is even
higher in psoriatic arthritis.1 Nail lesions often appear around 10 years later than
skin lesions, which may in part be the reason for nail psoriasis being observed less
frequently in children. In general, cutaneous psoriasis is more severe in individuals
with nail involvement.
submit your manuscript | Psoriasis: Targets and Therapy 2017:7 51–63 51
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Thus, the nail lesions were believed to represent an abnormal has fallen: a yellowish-brownish spot with a red margin shines
response to tissue stressing of the integrated nail-joint appara- through the plate because the psoriatic squames compressed
tus, rather than being due to autoimmunity. The nail and joint under the nail are imbibed with serum. When a salmon spot
disease may be linked to tissue-specific factors, including reaches the hyponychium, the parakeratosis breaks out and
tissue biomechanical stressing and microtrauma, that lead to psoriatic onycholysis develops. This typically has a reddish
activation of aberrant innate immune responses.2 However, a proximal margin differentiating it from most other causes of
case of skin and nail psoriasis definitely disappearing after onycholysis, such as onychomycosis. Subungual hyperpara-
allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is more in favor of keratosis may be thick and then no oil drop phenomenon is
predominant immunogenetic factors.3 seen. The hyperkeratosis may be very marked and at times
so extreme as to resemble pachyonychia congenita. Psoriasis
Clinical characteristics of nail affecting the dorsal as well as the ventral surface of the proxi-
psoriasis mal nail fold results in swelling and rounding of its free edge.
Psoriasis causes a variety of both specific as well as ambigu- This leads to a spontaneous loss of the cuticle characterizing
ous nail lesions. Fingernails are more frequently affected than the pattern of chronic paronychia.
toe nails, probably because they grow faster. Particularly, for As mentioned earlier, psoriatic arthritis is very frequently
scientific purposes, nail psoriasis is often divided into matrix associated with severe nail involvement and psoriatic paro-
and nail bed involvement or both, which is also reflected in nychia, complete nail destruction, and swelling of the distal
many trials differentiating the response into general, more on interphalangeal joint. This has a serious negative influence
matrix or nail bed psoriasis. Pits are the most characteristic on the quality of life.
and most frequent signs and are seen as small, sharply delim- In contrast, psoriatic pachydermoperiostosis is closely
ited depressions in the nail surface. They are of remarkably related to psoriatic arthritis but usually without obvious nail
even size and depth. Their distribution may be haphazard or changes. Mainly the big toe is considerably swollen and
they may sometimes be arranged in parallel transverse or often painful.
short longitudinal lines. They are the result of tiny psoriatic Three different forms of pustular psoriasis are differenti-
foci in the apical matrix producing parakeratosis, which ated. Nail changes are seen in all of them. The nail changes in
breaks off when it grows out from under the proximal nail the palmar plantar pustular psoriasis of Barber–Königsbeck
fold then leaving these depressions. Sometimes, the para- are similar to the common type of psoriasis, but the surface
keratosis remains and is seen as an ivory-colored spot in the defects may be larger and are called elkonyxis. Yellow sub-
proximal half of the nail plate. Pits may be single, which is ungual spots represent large Munro’s abscesses. Subungual
not yet psoriasis specific, or multiple. Ten pits in one nail or abscesses are frequent in the generalized pustular psoriasis
>50 pits on all nails are regarded as proof of psoriasis. Red of von Zumbusch. Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa of
spots in the lunula usually represent a very active psoriasis Hallopeau is the most notorious form of pustular psoriasis of
lesion with dilatation of the capillaries and thinning of the the nails. It often begins with one single digit where the skin
suprapapillary plate. Red or mottled lunulae are due to the of the distal phalanx turns red and develops some pustules
dilatation of matrix blood vessels.4 migrating under the nail and causing nail dystrophy. With
Total matrix affection results in complete nail destruction time, the entire nail unit may disappear leaving a red smooth
with crumbling of the plate, whereas leukonychia is seen digit tip until the disease slowly wanes off. Less frequently,
when the mid- to distal matrix is affected and parakeratotic acrodermatitis continua suppurativa may initially involve
cells are incorporated into the nail plate making it optically several fingers and toes and run a rapid and severe course.
opaque. In most cases, psoriatic leukonychia is an ill-defined Recently, a mutation in the interleukin 36 receptor antagonist
white transverse band. Splinter hemorrhages are very narrow, gene leading to a defect in interleukin 36 antagonist was
some millimeters long reddish-darkbrown to black streaks. identified in generalized pustular psoriasis and acrodermatitis
They are analogous to Auspitz’s phenomenon of the skin continua suppurativa supporting the view that it belongs to
and either due to hemorrhage from the dilated capillaries the autoinflammatory diseases group.5,6 Pustulosis palmo-
in the nail bed or due to blood clots in these longitudinally plantaris is histopathologically and genetically different and
arranged small vessels. Salmon or oil spots are very frequent rarely affects the periungual skin.7
and represent psoriatic plaques in the most distal matrix and Reiter’s disease is also known as reactive arthritis. It is
the nail bed. This area looks like paper on which a drop of oil a systemic condition with characteristic joint, mucosal, eye,
genito-urinary, skin, and nail changes. The latter are very the clinical signs more obvious and helps in the diagnosis.
similar to pustular psoriasis. However, they often have a more Videodermatoscopy allows higher magnifications than the
brownish tint due to a higher content of erythrocytes in the usual hand-held dermatoscopes. Capillaroscopy shows the
pustules. Histopathology with extensive spongiform pustules dilated tortuous capillaries of the proximal nail fold. This
is virtually identical to pustular psoriasis.8 is even better visible in laser confocal microscopy. The
features of high-frequency ultrasound are less reliable but
Nail psoriasis in children may be of help for the very experienced. Optical coherence
Psoriasis may occur at any age. Although rare, it was also microscopy uses a similar principle but has a much higher
observed in the newborn. Erythrodermic psoriasis in children resolution.
usually shows ungual involvement with nail dystrophy and
marked subungual hyperkeratosis similar to pityriasis rubra Differential diagnosis
pilaris. Even pustular psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis were In most cases, nail psoriasis is diagnosed on clinical grounds.8
observed in children.6 Skin lesions elsewhere with one or several psoriatic nail
features suggest the correct diagnosis. With a good biopsy,
Diagnosis of nail psoriasis histopathology is usually pathognomonic and helps to delin-
In most cases, nail psoriasis follows cutaneous psoriasis and eate nail psoriasis from other conditions, particularly onycho-
is therefore easy to diagnose. However, ~5% of nail pso- mycosis. The clinical diagnosis of pustular psoriasis is made
riasis occurs isolated and may pose diagnostic challenges. on the basis of red skin areas with a rim of small pustules.
This is particularly the case when even the nail alterations Reiter’s disease requires additional laboratory examinations.1
are atypical such as a single nail in a child or of a toe, Onychomycosis is said to be the most frequent nail dis-
isolated nail bed psoriasis without pits and salmon spots. ease. It has many features in common with nail psoriasis,
Histopathology is usually diagnostic, provided the biopsy is both clinically and histopathologically (Table 1).1
sufficient, which is, unfortunately, often not the case. It has Another important differential diagnosis is the asym-
to be remembered that matrix lesions cause changes of the metric gait nail unit syndrome seen mainly in the big toenail
nail plate and those of the nail bed are seen under the nail as an onycholysis without further criteria of nail psoriasis or
plate. The biopsy has to be taken slightly more proximal onychomycosis.9 Furthermore, nonspecific nail dystrophy,
than anticipated and must include enough subungual soft particularly of toenails, is very common in the elderly, in
tissue. In contrast, nail clippings are diagnostic for the most subjects with peripheral arterial disease, chronic venous
important differential diagnosis, the various onychomycosis stasis, after trauma to the leg, in peripheral neuropathy, and
forms, and sometimes give a strong hint at nail psoriasis. in some dermatoses such as eczema, nail lichen planus,
Furthermore, nail psoriasis exhibits some features not com- Darier’s disease, Hailey-Hailey disease, alopecia areata, and
monly seen in cutaneous lesions.1 Dermatoscopy makes many drugs.1,8
Grading and assessment of nail nail are rather common. The most important differential
psoriasis diagnosis is onychomycosis. Both conditions may look very
Reliable repeatable specific validated severity and outcome similar. A psoriatic nail may be colonized with pathogenic
measures are necessary to evaluate a disease and its response fungi, and a true infection of the psoriatic nail is not infre-
to a specific treatment.11 This was missing in nail psoriasis quent (Table 1).1,15
until the nail psoriasis severity index (NAPSI), target NAPSI,
and its many variants were established.12 NAPSI is calculated Impact on quality of life
by dividing each nail into four quadrants. Each quadrant is Nail psoriasis has a profound negative influence on all aspects
evaluated for the presence of psoriasis manifestations of of quality of life as well as on daily, sports, and professional
the nail matrix, such as pitting, leukonychia, red spots in activities.16–20 Women try to hide their nails and cover them
the lunula, and nail plate crumbling, as well as of the nail with nail lacquer; although common nail varnishes are not
bed, such as oil-drop phenomenon, onycholysis, subungual harmful, artificial nails, particularly when long, increase
hyperkeratosis, and splinter hemorrhages. If any of these the mechanical stress and strain to the nail plate – nail bed
signs is present in all four quadrants, a score of 4 is given. attachment acting as a Köbner phenomenon and worsening
A score of 0 represents no signs in any quadrant. Each nail nail psoriasis. Similarly, professional activities with particu-
is evaluated for a matrix and a nail bed score of 0–4. They lar use of the fingers may have a deteriorating effect on the
are combined to yield a maximal score of 0–8 for each nail. disease. Matrix involvement scores higher than pure nail bed
All nails may be evaluated, with the total NAPSI score being affection as it results in more obvious nail plate damage.19
the sum of the scores, up to 80 if only fingers are considered,
or up to 160 if fingers plus toes are included.12 If only the Course
most seriously affected nail is evaluated, it is called target Nail psoriasis is chronic but often improves and worsens
NAPSI; this is often done to assess the effects of a therapeutic without known reasons (Figures 1–4). Trauma may play an
regimen.11 Many therapeutic studies use (target) NAPSI-50, important role in the exacerbation of nail psoriasis. There
NAPSI-75, and NAPSI-90 to indicate the percentage of may be periods without any nail alterations.1,8,10
patients that reach a (target) NAPSI improvement of 50, 75,
or 90%, respectively. The NAPSI has some disadvantages, Management of nail psoriasis
such as being too time-consuming to be used in clinical Management of the disease includes patient education,
practice, and that the NAPSI scores often do not correspond avoidance of trauma to the nails, and different therapeutic
with the clinical severity of nail psoriasis.13 A new scoring approaches with physical and pharmaceutical procedures
system, the N-NAIL, overcomes many of these limitations, and agents.
but it has yet to prove its clinical practicability.13 The use of Patient counseling includes education on the nature of
many different scoring systems, major differences in study psoriasis, how life may be influenced by nail involvement,
design, inclusion criteria, and follow-up make it difficult if about the specific problems of treatment, that nail psoriasis
not impossible to compare the results of most nail psoriasis is not due to an allergy or an “unhealthy” diet and thus is not
trials.11 In addition, subjective and objective patient factors treatable with particular foods. However, smoking increases
such as quality of life, satisfaction with treatment ease and the risk of psoriasis and obesity and alcohol use are associated
outcome, adverse effects and not the least practicability, and
cost of treatment are important factors.11 Such an evalua-
tion and assessment tool for nail psoriasis has recently been
published under the term of nail assessment in psoriasis and
psoriatic arthritis.14
Psoriasis is a frequent skin disease. In the last decades, a
metabolic syndrome associated with psoriasis has been Figure 1 The thumbs of the patient mainly show nail bed involvement with
subungual hyperkeratosis, salmon spot, and onycholysis.
described; however, this is not of particular importance for Notes: (A) Before treatment (September 2011). (B) After 3 months of topical
treatment with calcipotriol plus betamethoasone dipropionate ointment and
ungual psoriasis except in psoriatic arthritis. Associations clobetasol solution under the nails: the right thumb shows some improvement and
and co-occurrence with other skin disorders involving the the left thum nail has worsened (December 2011).
equally effective and reduces this risk remains to be proven. in a controlled study.38 No studies with pimecrolimus were
Clobetasol 8% was tested as a nail lacquer with good results published until now.11
depending of the duration of the treatment.27 Tazarotene is a synthetic retinoid with antiinflammatory
Perilesional injections are another type of local treat- and antiproliferative actions on keratinocytes. Tazarotene
ment. This increases the concentration of the drug at the 0.1% was used for the treatment of nail psoriasis. The results
site of disease while minimizing the dose for the whole were variable, but one study compared it with clobetasol
organism. Perilesional injection of corticosteroids is by far showing equal results.25 It was also used in childhood nail
the most often performed (Figure 2), either by injection with psoriasis.39 Side effects are mainly skin irritation with redness
a needle or by high air-pressure devices.28 Injection with a and desquamation.11
30 G needle and using some distraction techniques such as 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is an antimitotic and antiprolif-
vibration and pressure around the area to be injected make erative agent, which is active against disorders with a high
the procedure tolerable although some patients prefer the proliferative activity, such as psoriasis. Only one study of
needle-less technique. Apparently, the efficacy of different topical 5-FU with 20% urea as a penetration enhancer showed
high-pressure injectors varies considerably (O Correia, Inst good effects on nail psoriasis, but inflammation, infection,
CUF, personal communication, 2014). We inject 0.1 mL of onycholysis, and discoloration were observed as adverse
a triamcinolone acetonide suspension (10 mg/mL) into both effects.40 Other investigators did not see a beneficial response.
sides of the proximal nail fold; injection into or under the nail This does not make 5-FU a favorite nail psoriasis agent.11
bed is extremely painful and requires prior anesthesia.29,30 The Dithranol was once the most commonly used antipso-
injections are repeated on a monthly basis for 6 months and, riatic topical, but because of its unpleasant cosmesis, it is
then, followed by every 6 weeks and later every other months. rarely used nowadays. One study reported some improve-
However, not all patients tolerate the injections. Matrix and ment of nail bed lesions, but the staining of the nails made
nail bed signs of psoriasis respond slightly differently with it unacceptable.41
salmon spots and subungual hyperkeratosis usually show- Indigo naturalis extract regulates proliferation and differ-
ing the best effect. Adverse effects are not uncommon with entiation of epidermal keratinocytes, restores the epidermal
subungual hematoma and temporary nail deformation being barrier function, and inhibits inflammatory reactions. Twice
relatively frequent29,30 and the disappearing digit, atrophy of daily application of an oily extract reduced nail bed lesions
the terminal phalanx bone, and rupture of the extensor tendon such as hyperkeratosis and onycholysis by about one half; it
being the most serious ones.31–34 Epidermoid inclusion cysts was thus more effective than calcipotriol solution.42,43 Studies
were observed after jet injections necessitating amputation.35 are in progress to make it colorless and cosmetically more
The combination of the vitamin D3 derivate calcipotriol acceptable (CH Yang, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, per-
and a potent corticosteroid, such as betamethasone dipro- sonal communication, May 8, 2017).
pionate, has shown good results;26,27 personal experience Methotrexate was also used for perimatrical and nail bed
has shown that twice or even thrice daily application may be injections with acceptable results. The dose was 0.1 mL of a
worth trying. Another vitamin D derivative, such as tacalcitol, 25 mg/mL solution. Good results were seen after 6 months
was used alternatively with 8% clobetasol nail lacquer.33 and 15 weeks, respectively.44,45
Vitamin D3 (calcitriol) and its analogs calcipotriol and Systemic treatments are indicated in widespread psoria-
tacalcitol are well established in the therapy of psoriasis sis. Those therapies proven successful for skin lesions usu-
vulgaris due to their effects on epidermal differentiation ally also improve nail psoriasis. However, many physicians
and proliferation and regulation of production and release of and patients are reluctant to treat isolated ungual psoriasis
proinflammatory cytokines.11 Most studies were done with systemically. A European Consensus Paper on the treatment
calcipotriol and tacalcitol.36,37 Apparently, their effect on nail of psoriasis defines the involvement of particularly sensi-
bed lesions is more marked than on matrix signs. tive areas such as the head and neck, genito-anal area, and
Calcineurin inhibitors have a profound inhibitory effect nails as moderate to severe. The selection of the mode of
on T-cell functions that are implicated in the pathogenesis of treatment then depends on the severity of the nail disease,
psoriasis. Used systemically, cyclosporin A (CyA) is highly its impact on quality of life, on professional, sports, and
active against psoriasis, but topical application of CyA social activities, and in particular on potential associated
showed ambiguous results.11 The new calcineurin inhibitor psoriatic arthritis.
tacrolimus shows much better skin and nail penetration. It Systemic corticosteroids are not a good option for pso-
demonstrated good activity on nail bed and matrix psoriasis riasis vulgaris and in particular for nail psoriasis. High doses
are necessary with a considerable risk of serious side effects, controversial. A case report described a good effect on nail
break-through phenomena, and development of pustulation psoriasis.58 Side effects are mainly gastrointestinal, flushing,
of hitherto not pustular psoriasis. lymphopenia, and rarely renal dysfunction.
Methotrexate has been introduced into the treatment of Leflunomide is a disease-modifying antirheumatic agent
cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in the 1960s. It is an with an effect on psoriatic arthritis and also a modest action
inexpensive drug with good efficacy in skin lesions; however, on nail psoriasis.59 Sulfasalazine was used in one patient
as an antimetabolite, it slows down the nail growth rate and with a beneficial effect.60 Silicic acid was given orally and
improvement in nail lesions is therefore often slow and seen topically on skin lesions. Ten of the 12 patients treated had
very late (Figure 3). Furthermore, there is a risk of severe side nail lesions, and five of them cleared completely, although
effects such as hepatotoxicity, lymphopenia, lekopenia, nau- the nails were not treated with the silicic acid gel; thus, a
sea, and erosive stomatitis. Long-term toxicity includes liver, systemic effect was postulated.61
lung, and heart fibrosis. The dose is usually slowly increased Apremilast is a new small-molecule oral phosphodies-
to reach ~10–20 mg/week. Both oral and injection therapies terase 4 inhibitor reducing the expression of several proin-
are possible with virtually equal doses as the bioavailability flammatory mediators; it is more an antiinflammatory than
of methotrexate is very good.46–48 NAPSI improvement is immunosuppressive agent distinguishing it from most other
between 25 and maximally 50%. Methotrexate has also been systemic antipsoriatic compounds. It has an excellent safety
injected intralesionally with a good result.44,45 profile with no known organ toxicity, thus obviating the need
Ciclosporin A is another established systemic antipsori- for laboratory controls.62 It is approved for the treatment of
atic drug. It is a calcineurin inhibitor with strong immunosup- cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and has shown a
pressive action. Its positive effect on cutaneous and ungual good effect in nail psoriasis, although only after 32 weeks.
psoriasis is well established, both in single-drug studies as Its cost may, however, limit its widespread use.63,64 A nail
well as in comparative ones.49,50 The dose is usually 3–5 mg/ lacquer containing apremilast is being developed;65 however,
kg daily, but half the dose is often given in Japan after initial human studies on nail psoriasis have not yet been published.
improvement.51 Although ciclosporin is probably the most Tofacitinib is a small-molecule oral Janus kinase inhibitor
active “classical” systemic antipsoriatic drug, it is limited interfering in the JAK–STAT pathway. It is active against pso-
to a treatment period of 6–12 months because of potentially riasis and alopecia areata including their nail manifestations.
serious adverse effects such as disturbance of renal function, In four Phase III randomized controlled studies and compared
arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, nausea, hypertricho- to etanercept, a twice daily dose of 5 or 10 mg was shown to
sis, gingival hyperplasia, paresthesia, fatigue, and headache. be noninferior to etanercept injected subcutaneously twice
Synthetic retinoids have been used to treat extensive skin weekly with sustained effects up to 52 weeks.66–69
psoriasis. The first of these drugs was etretinate. Although it Biologicals are a new development in the treatment of
had a good effect on nail changes in some cases,52,53 etretinate many, mainly immunologically mediated diseases, among
is no longer used and substituted by its derivative acitretin. them also psoriasis. There are several classes, both concern-
Acitretin is the follower product of etretinate with a shorter ing the nature of the antibody as well as their target, such
half-life in the body. It is usually given in a dose of 0.5–1 mg/ as humanized and fully human antibodies and antibodies
kg/day.54,55 Its action is slow and, in most cases, does not reach to tumor necrosis factor-a, various interleukins, and T-cell
>50% improvement of nail psoriasis.56 All retinoids have a inhibitors, respectively. They all have profound immunosup-
number of side effects, particularly when given in a dose pressive actions and are thus not without risk, particularly
>0.5 mg/kg/day, such as dry and cracking lips, dry mouth, concerning infections and re-activation of tuberculosis, to
hair loss, and in children ossification disturbances. High-dose mention but a few.11 Biologicals are usually considered sec-
retinoids can have an onychodestructive effect and are no ond- or third-line treatments when other established topical
longer recommended as the first-line nail psoriasis treatment;57 and systemic antipsoriatic drugs were not or not sufficiently
however, good results were seen in generalized pustular pso- active in suppressing nail lesions.70 In contrast, nail psoriasis
riasis and acrodermatitis continua suppurativa.57 Acitretin is was found to be an indicator of poor prognosis for the treat-
occasionally used in combination with photochemotherapy ment of psoriasis with biologicals independent of the specific
with ultraviolet (UV) A and narrow band UV B. substance used.71 In most cases, nail psoriasis responses lag
Fumaric acid esters are used for psoriasis treatment in behind those of cutaneous psoriasis, which can in part be
some countries, mainly in Europe, but their use was somewhat explained by the slow growth of nails as nail plate changes
have to grow out, whereas nail bed changes may be seen The combination with cyclosporin was shown to be
earlier. In comparison with “classical” systemic drugs, eg, particularly effective reaching a reduction of the NAPSI
methotrexate and cyclosporin, biologicals often show a dra- score of 100%.79 Adalimumab did not increase the rate of
matic and more rapid improvement. However, only 20–57% onychomycoses.76 The dose is 80 mg at baseline, then 40 mg
of the patients reach a 90% improvement of their NAPSI every 2 weeks, but some authors gave 40 mg from the begin-
score with biologicals and the effect is lost after 47 months ning (Figure 4).11
in average.72,73 The most likely mechanism is the formation Certolizumab pegol is a PEGylated TNF-a inhibitor
of antidrug antibodies, but compensatory production of that is Fc free. It is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid
other proinflammatory cytokines and a particular individual arthritis and psoriasis with efficacy in nail psoriasis, enthesi-
reaction may be the cause that many patients stop this treat- tis, and dactylitis.80,81
ment.74 In many countries, biologicals are not automatically Being a fusion of the TNF receptor with the Fc part of the
reimbursed by the social health insurance and patients and IgG1 antibody etanercept blocks the action of TNF-a. Thus,
physicians have to give evidence that previous, less expensive its mechanism of action is similar to that of infliximab and
treatments were not sufficiently efficacious. adalimumab. Several reports on its use in nail psoriasis dem-
TNF-a inhibitors were the first biologicals developed onstrated good results.82 There was no statistically different
for psoriasis treatment. TNF-a is a cytokine with proinflam- outcome with 50 mg once or twice weekly after 12 weeks and
matory action that induces keratinocyte proliferation and target NAPSI improvement between 71 and 76%.83 It was also
prevents apoptosis. Most experience was gained with inflix- effective in refractory acrodermatitis continua suppurativa.84
imab, the first of this group, but in general, the efficacy of all Golimumab is another TNF-a inhibitor approved for
TNF-a inhibitors currently available for psoriasis treatment psoriatic arthritis with an effect on nail psoriasis. Target
is virtually comparable. Also their side effects and limita- NAPSI improvement was over 40% after 24 weeks and 52%
tions are the same. Activation of opportunistic infections, after 52 weeks of treatment with 50 mg every 4 weeks.85,86
congestive heart failure, demyelinating disorder, antibodies All TNF-a inhibitors have the potential to paradoxically
against TNF-a inhibitors, and rarely lupus erythematosus worsen psoriasis or even induce it.87,88 In many cases, this
may occur.11 regresses despite continuation of the therapy or when another
Infliximab is a chimeric human-mouse IgG1 antibody biological is used. This is apparently independent from the
binding membrane-bound and soluble TNF-a. This reduces condition for which TNF-a inhibitors were administered.88–91
epidermal T-lymphocyte infiltration. It exhibits certain anti- The mechanism of action may be an unabated interferon-a
genicity and may thus induce autoantibodies that may reduce production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells, which might result
its effectiveness thus requiring higher doses with time. It has in psoriasis flares and induction of psoriasiform lesions.91,92
to be given intravenously, and ~16% of the patients develop T-cell inhibitors such as alefacept and efalizumab are
infusion reactions such as fever, chills, flush, urticaria, not widely used because of their considerable adverse effect
myalgia, arthralgia, nausea, hypotension, and dyspnea.75 profile.93 Efalizumab is a monoclonal CD11a antibody and
Infliximab was associated with a higher rate of onychomy- was withdrawn from the market because of cases of leuken-
cosis compared to the other TNF-a inhibitors.76 Patients cephalopathy observed under treatment with this molecule.
with a high psoriasis area severity index (PASI) response Alefacept is a fusion protein binding at the CD2 portion of
also show a good NAPSI response. Almost one half of the the leukocyte function antigen-3 linked to the Fc portion of
patients demonstrated complete nail clearance after 50 weeks. human IgG1 and targets T lymphocytes. No studies to evalu-
NAPSI reduction by 50% was achieved by almost all patients, ate the efficacy of these drugs in nail psoriasis were published.
80% reached NAPSI-75, 30% reached NAPSI-90, and 10% Rituximab causes B-cell depletion. Its role in the treat-
cleared completely.77 Infliximab appears to be the fastest ment of nail psoriasis is not yet examined.93,94
acting TNF-a inhibitor. Its dosage is usually 5 mg/kg given New biologicals focus on the inhibition of interleukins
on weeks 0, 2, and 6 and if necessary 8. involved in the propagation of the psoriatic process. Their
Adalimumab is a human monoclonal IgG1 antibody nonspecific immunosuppressive action is less pronounced
against TNF-a. It binds to cell surface proteins of the TNF-a compared with the TNF-a inhibitors. The targets are mainly
receptor preventing its action. Its mechanism of action is IL-12/IL-23 and IL-17. However, it was shown that anti-IL-12
similar to that of infliximab. Roughly 50–60% of NAPSI action might be proinflammatory under certain circumstances
improvement are achieved.11,78 and thus counterproductive for the therapy of psoriasis.95
Anti-interleukin 17 therapy is based on the fact that IL-17 adalimumab.105 The dose given was 100 mg at weeks 0, 4,
plays a central role in the development of psoriatic lesions, 12, 16, and 20 and then every 8 weeks.
but IL-17 is also important for the defense against extracel- Tildrakizumab and BI-655066 are also targeting the p19
lular pathogens and recruits neutrophils. subunit of IL-23. They are currently being studied for vari-
IL-17 inhibitors are secukinumab, ixekizumab, and bro- ous indications including psoriasis.106,107 No results are yet
dalimumab, but there are no ongoing studies with the last one. available concerning nail psoriasis.
Secukinumab is a human monoclonal IL-17A antibody In summary, most new biological drugs have a good and
approved for plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis that has reliable action on nail psoriasis with an acceptable adverse
also shown good efficacy in nail psoriasis. It has an early effect profile. They are more active than most of the classical
onset action and a sustained effect. Its safety profile is accept- systemic antipsoriatic drugs.
able. It is administered subcutaneously with a 300 mg dose Radiotherapy is an “old“ treatment modality, which has
at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and then every 4 weeks. At 16 weeks, come out of time not only because of potential long-term
both 150 and 300 mg secukinumab were superior to placebo adverse effects but also because most dermatologists no
with further improvement with longer treatment periods.96,97 longer operate X-ray machines because of the difficulties to
Ixekizumab is another humanized monoclonal antibody comply with the bureaucratic challenges associated with the
directed against IL-17A recently approved for psoriasis. It use of therapeutic ionizing rays. However, some studies report
demonstrated significant improvement of the NAPSI score as favorable results with Grenz rays,108 superficial X-rays,109,110
early as 2 weeks after start of the treatment, which sustained and electron beam therapy.111
to week 20 when given in a dose of 75 mg at weeks 0, 2, Light has been used for a long time, but as nails are
4, 8, and 12 and then 120 mg every 4 weeks from week 20 virtually impermeable for UV B and allow <2% of UV A to
onward.98,99 penetrate, the effect is rather limited.112 Potentiation of UV
Brodalumab is a human monoclonal IL-17A antibody by specific photosensitizers, called photochemotherapy, was
active against plaque psoriasis. It was more active than beneficial in some studies48,113 but is often associated with
ustekinumab in a head-to-head comparison. Although multiple melanonychias.114
approved in the US and Japan, the clinical development was Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a broad-spectrum light
terminated as suicidal ideation and behavior were observed.100 source with a high-energy intensity. With a 550 nm filter, it
IL-23 is another important proinflammatory cytokine has been used for the treatment of plaque psoriasis. A trial
involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. on 20 patients with finger and toenail psoriasis using IPL
Antibodies targeting the p40 subunit of IL-23 also have an with a cutoff filter of 550 nm and a median of 8.6 sessions
action against IL-12 as they both share this subunit. Antibod- resulted in significant improvement in the NAPSI with
ies directed against the p19 subunit are selective for IL-23. nail bed lesions showing a reduction of 71% and matrix
Ustekinumab is a monoclonal antibody directed against lesions of 32%. A relapse was seen in three patients after
the p40 subunit of IL-12/23. It is active against psoriasis and 6 months.115
psoriatic arthritis and was also shown to have a good action Lasers have also been used to treat nail psoriasis. The
on nail psoriasis. Nail improvement was observed from week pulsed dye laser (PDL) is the device of choice as it targets
4 onward with significant improvement of 90% at week 40. the dilated capillaries in the matrix and nail bed. In many
NAPSI and PASI improvement ran parallel. The dose is 45 studies, 1.5–6 ms pulses were used with a good effect on
and 90 mg if the weight is over 100 kg, usually at weeks 0, matrix and nail bed lesions.116,117 A comparative study using
4, 16, and 28.101–103 Efficacy and side effects are comparable 6 ms pulse length and 9 J/cm2 and 0.45 ms and 6 J/cm2
to the other IL inhibitors. gave almost the same improvement of matrix and nail bed
Briakinumab was another monoclonal antibody directed lesions with significantly less pain with the shorter pulse.118
at p40. After showing good clinical results, its development Side effects are mainly pain, hemorrhage, and pigmentation.
was stopped because of severe infections and a higher inci- These results were confirmed in another trial.119 PDL with
dence of other severe side effects.104 tazarotene was significantly more effective than tazarotene
Guselkumab is a fully human IgG1k monoclonal IL-23 alone.120 A comparison of the PDL with the excimer laser
antagonist directed against the unique p19 subunit of IL-23; gave significantly better improvement with the PDL.121 In
it has no anti-IL-12 component. It has a profound action another comparative study, PDL was compared with the
on moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and was superior to Nd:YAG laser. Both groups were treated with calcipotriol
betamethasone in addition. Whereas the results were com- used for a minimum of 4–6 months before its efficacy can
parably good, the Nd–YAG was significantly more painful.122 be evaluated. If this does not help sufficiently, a classical
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses light and a photoactive antipsoriatic drug such as methotrexate, fumaric acid ester,
substance that both generate reactive oxygen species able and cyclosporine would be the second choice while keep-
to kill those cells that accumulated the photosensitizer. In a ing in mind all potential contraindications. If the results are
comparative study, no difference was found between PDL not satisfying a biological may be chosen. Again, there are
and PDT.117 However, there is considerable heat develop- many contraindications that have to be carefully looked for
ment during the illumination of the target and this is often before starting such a treatment. The choice is huge now, and
not tolerated by the patients. the treating physician has to select among TNF-a blockers,
agents interfering with T-lymphocyte functions, and IL-23
Conclusion and IL-17 inhibitors.
Nail involvement in psoriasis is common. It is an indicator of In summary, nail psoriasis is still an underestimated part
poor prognosis and of a higher risk to develop psoriatic arthritis. of psoriasis, but the outlook is bright with many new treat-
Surprisingly, nail psoriasis is only briefly mentioned in most ments available.
national and European guidelines on the diagnosis and treat-
ment of psoriasis; however, the European Nail Society is now Disclosure
working on recommendations for the treatment of nail psoriasis. The author reports no conflicts of interest in this work.
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