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Article history: Due to the mismatch between the load demand and the intermittent solar energy, a stand-alone
Received 10 November 2011 photovoltaic-hydrogen system and an optimal control scheme are designed to maintain the high
Received in revised form system efficiency.
12 January 2012
Based on meteorological and the load demand data, a system sizing technique is proposed to establish
Accepted 1 February 2012
the minimum capacity of the system components, which are a photovoltaic (PV) panel, a proton
Available online 7 March 2012
exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), a battery bank and an alkaline electrolyzer (Elz).
An accurate energy management scheme that is utilized during power transfer is proposed to meet the
economic requirements. Case studies are used to verify the efficiency of the energy management strategy
Hydrogen system and system sizing technique. Simulation results illustrate a simple solution to the design and processing
Battery of stand-alone PV-hydrogen (PV-H2) systems.
Energy management Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Techno-economic analysis
0360-5442/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Jallouli, L. Krichen / Energy 40 (2012) 196e209 197
photovoltaic powers said to be used in the energy management are batteries or produce H2 in the electrolyzer using a process called
not described in the paper, and the authors are content with pre- charging. To choose where to send the spare energy, we must
senting the annual battery SOC evolution. evaluate the energy cost of each device (the device used to charge
Zhou et al. [5] build on the work of Ulleberg with the battery the batteries and the device used to form H2 in the electrolyzer).
SOC as the control key for the electrolyzer and fuel cell on/off Thus, the system will choose the method that uses the least cost.
switching. This study gives the sizing equations for different system If, on the contrary, the consumer demand is more than the
components basing on load consumption and irradiation curves photovoltaic supply, then the lack of power can be satisfied in two
over a year. Suggestions for the optimum size of the hybrid system ways: switching on the fuel cell or the battery using a process called
are given for two different locations. This work lacks an economic discharge. Thus, when choosing a certain device (PEMFC or
analysis. battery), we have to estimate the cost of power generation in each
The use of RES and H2 systems for residential applications has system and choose the less costly device.
increased significantly [6]. This work expands on the combination The proposed system can be used as a stand-alone power
of energy storage devices for residential PV systems. Then, we focus system in remote areas where there is no access to the grid and as
on a sizing method depending on PV and residential consumption a support power medium to cover electricity deficiency during
curves. The current study contributes to strategy design for optimal special situations, such as natural disasters.
energy management based on economic challenges and measur-
able SOCs of different storage devices. Mathematical models of
2. System size
PVeH2 system components are built using MATLAB/Simulink, and
the second scale evolution of different source powers is detailed.
Sizing an autonomous PVeH2 system is a complex task because
A scheme of the stand-alone PVeH2 system presented in the
different resources are employed. A properly sized system is
current work is shown in Fig. 1. This model contains the following
a system that responds to different energy requirements to reach
components: a PV generator with maximum power point tracker
a techno-economic autonomous hybrid system [7]
(MPPT), residential power demand, a battery bank with a DC/DC
Based on the energy management strategy described above,
converter for fast energy transitions, a PEMFC with a DC/DC
a system sizing method is developed in the following section.
converter to supply electricity, an alkaline electrolyzer with the DC/
DC converter to produce H2, a compressor, a pressurized tank for H2
conservation and a DC/AC converter for use at the end. 2.1. Weather data and user load demand
A PV panel collects solar irradiations and converts it into usable
electricity. The DC/DC converter behind the PV generator is Precise predictions for long-term performance of PVeH2 system
controlled by an MPPT module to allow more solar energy require consistent data about both solar radiation and residential
extraction. load demand, which comprises TV, lighting, heating and other
The energy produced by the RES must first be used to satisfy the domestic appliances as input data. Enough measurements have to
residential load. If the PV energy is greater than the demanded be accessible to supply the simulation model with the required
energy, the excess power can be used in two ways: to charge the weather and end-use load information.
(L f ,R f )
Filter Line
PV panel Converter1 Inverter Residential
Battery Converter 2
PEMFC Converter 3
Electrolyzer Converter 4
a 1000 b 400
500 200
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Hours) Time (Months)
Photovoltaic power is an intermittent energy that varies Nevertheless, to find the optimum PV panel size, we also have to
frequently according to seasons, temperatures and geographical consider the load required by the user, the power that consumes
locations. Fig. 2 shows daily intermittent and averaged annual solar the system itself and the energy mismatch between PPV and PL.
profiles where GSY avg is the yearly average solar irradiation, and Based on Fig. 4 and according to the control scheme, during sunny
Gsmax is the maximum solar irradiation over a year. periods (t1,t2) and (t3,t4), the excess photovoltaic power will be sent
The daily electrical load profiles differ with time and depend on either to charge the battery or to the electrolyzer to produce
the activity patterns and the types of appliances used. Fig. 3 shows hydrogen. However, during the interval (t2,t3), when the load
the fluctuating daily and annual load demand curves, where PLY avg power exceeds the PV supply, the lack of power will be generated
is the annual average load power and PLMmax is the maximum load either by the battery or by the PEMFC.
power over a year. Thus, the total PV panel area is calculated as follows:
Weather and load parameters are given in Table 1. MPV
ð1 þ hbat Þ=2
2.2. PV panel sizing 0 1
B 1
The important required data for sizing the PV panel is the solar B ð1 hC4 $hElz $hFC $hC3 ÞðPini PL =hIN ÞdtC
B t4 t1 C
radiation [W/m2] and the end user demand [W]. These data have to B t2 C
BAini þ C
be supplied to the simulation model on an hourly basis. B Gsavg $hPV $hMPPT $hC1 $hC2 $hElz $hFC C
The PV panel size is calculated assuming that all the load power, @ A
PL, is provided directly from the photovoltaic power PPV. The initial
area Aini of the PV panel is, as follows [5]: (3)
PLYavg 2.3. Battery sizing
Aini ¼ m2 (1)
GSYavg $hPV $hMPPT $hIN
In renewable applications, the battery capacity and lifetime are
The photovoltaic power generated by this area is denoted Pini important; thus, accurate battery sizing is necessary for precise
and is described as follows: system optimization. Moreover, the battery state of charge (SOCmax
and SOCmin) is also important to take into account. The battery
Pini ¼ GS $Aini $hPV $hMPPT (2) energy is obtained by the following equation:
a 9000 b PLYavg
Monthly averaged load power (W)
8000 PLMmax
Daily load power (W)
6000 5000
5000 4000
0 0
1 5 10 15 20 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Hours) Time (Months)
Table 1 2500
Load demand and solar irradiation.
Ppv-PL (W)
PLM max (W)
Averaged annual load power, PLY avg (W) 3500
PLMmax $24h
Ebat ¼ M (4)
ðSOCmax SOCmin Þ bat -500
2.4. Electrolyzer size
The rated power of the electrolyzer is equal to the maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
excess in the PV generator power over the minimum load power; Time (Months)
thus, it can be calculated using the following equation:
Fig. 5. Difference between monthly photovoltaic production and load demand.
PElz ¼ MElz $Gsmax $APV $hPV $hMPPT $hC1 (5)
PFC ¼ MFC $PLMmax =hIN (6) Photovoltaic panels have been studied for more than 20 years
[9]. The most common empirical model is the one with a diode, as
presented in Fig. 6.
2.6. Storage tank size
The empirical output current of a PV panel is described by the
following equation:
The size of the hybrid system is based on the average value of
solar radiation energy over a year and the load demand. Therefore,
U þ IRS U þI R
the hydrogen tank sizing procedure uses the photovoltaic power IPV ¼ IL ID Ish ¼ IL I0 exp 1 PV PV S (7)
a Rsh
and the load over a month.
The hydrogen amount formed by the electrolyzer during each
month is calculated by assuming that the produced hydrogen is 3.2. Battery model
stored completely before it supplies power to the residential load.
Fig. 5 shows the monthly average difference between photovoltaic Currently, battery technology is being considered in research
production and power used. The amount of hydrogen produced over and development. Thus, different battery models, such as lithium-
a year is then the total excess PV power transformed into volume, ion and lead-acid, show promising results for use in power appli-
cations. In this study, lead-acid battery technology based on the
work verified by Vasebi et al. [10] is utilized. The model considers
an empirical equivalent circuit that comprises a bulk capacitor
Cbulk, a capacitor to model the surface capacitance Csurface,
a terminal resistance Rt, a surface resistance Rs and an end resis-
tance Re, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
Vcb and Vcs are the voltages across the bulk and surface capac-
itors, respectively.
Fig. 4. Profiles of annualload and photovoltaic powers. Fig. 6. Equivalent model of a photovoltaic cell.
200 R. Jallouli, L. Krichen / Energy 40 (2012) 196e209
Table 2
Ibat Initial parameters of a battery cell.
Is Ib parameter Value
R e ( U) 0.00448
Rs Re Rs (U) 0.00448
V0 R t ( U) 0.00336
Cbulk (F) 66,092
Csurface VCs Cbulk VCb Csurface (F) 66,092
a0 1.9
a1 0.3
Rs Re
3.2.1. Description of battery model state variables Að3; 1Þ ¼ þ
Cbulk ðRe þ Rs Þ2 Csurface ðRe þ Rs Þ2
To evaluate the battery voltage V0, Kirchhoff laws were applied
to the circuit presented above as follows: R2s Rs
þ (13)
Cbulk Re ðRe þ Rs Þ2 Csurf ace ðRe þ Rs Þ2
V0 ¼ Ibat Rt þ Is Rs þ VCs
V0 ¼ Ibat Rt þ Ib Re þ VCb and
Rs 1
Að3; 3Þ ¼ (14)
Cbulk Re ðRe þ Rs Þ Csurface ðRe þ Rs Þ
The equality between the two equations in (8) gives:
2 3
2 3 1 1 2 3
dVcb =dt 6 C 0 7 Vcb
6 bulk e þ Rs Þ
ðR Cbulk ðRe þ Rs Þ 7
4 dVcs =dt 5 ¼ 6 1 1 7 4 Vcs 5
6 0 7
dV0 =dt 4C 5 V0
surface ðR e þ Rs Þ Csurface ðRe þ Rs Þ
Að3; 1Þ 0 Að3; 3Þ
2 3
6 Cbulk ðRe þ Rs Þ 7
6 7
6 Re 7
6 7
þ6 Csurface ðRe þ Rs Þ 7 (12)
6 7
6 Re Rs Rt Rt Re Rs 7
4 þ þ 5
Csurface ðRe þ Rs Þ2 C R ðR
bulk e e þ R s Þ C ðR
surface e þ R s Þ Csurface ðRe þ Rs Þ 2
R. Jallouli, L. Krichen / Energy 40 (2012) 196e209 201
0 1
2 2:5
Vohm ¼ IFC @181:6ð1 þ 0:03ðIFC =AFC ÞÞ þ 0:062ðTFC =303Þ ðIFC =AFC Þ
TFC 303
þ Rc A (19)
ðj 0:634 3ðIFC =AFC ÞÞ$e TFC
Table 3
Different system component sizes, costs and efficiencies.
U ¼ NElz $UElz (23) nElz ðt0 þ dtÞ ¼ nElz ðt0 Þ þ _ Elz ðsÞdðsÞ
m (27)
where NElz is the number of electrolyzer cells. t0
To establish the complete set of phenomena taking place in an To guarantee safe and environmentally friendly conditions, the
electrolyzer, two chemical aspects have to be considered: hydrogen should be compressed and stored in a pressurized tank.
following equation:
Cost of providingenergy (€)
Battery 500
Fuel cell
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Fig. 10. Determination of the discharge power limit. Fig. 11. Irradiation profile.
R. Jallouli, L. Krichen / Energy 40 (2012) 196e209 203
4 4
x 10 x 10
1.8 1.5
1.6 1
Ppv-PL (W)
0.8 -0.5
0 -2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (s) Time (s)
SOC min
6000 0.35
4000 0.34
2000 0.33
0 0.32
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
the energy strategy opts for fuel cell use, for economic reasons,
batteries are employed to satisfy energy demand if and only if
SOCbat > SOCmin; thus, PL PPV ¼ Pbat.disch2. If the batteries are
100 undercharged, the solution is to stop the system completely.
Thus, the amount of discharged battery energy is the sum of two
60 Psto.min
components: Pbat.disch ¼ Pbat.disch1 þ Pbat.disch2. Likewise, the deliv-
40 ered power from the fuel cell can be written as
20 PFC ¼ PFC.disch1 þ PFC.disch2.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
(Note that indices 1 and 2 indicate the ways chosen in the flow
Time (s)
- If PPV > PL and PPV PL > Plim.ch, then Psto < Psto.max and the
5.1. Charge process
electrolyzer is switched on; thus PPV PL ¼ PElz.ch1.
- If PPV > PL and PPV PL > Plim.ch, then Psto ¼ Psto.max; here,
When more photovoltaic power is available than what is
running the electrolyzer and storing hydrogen in the tank is
demanded by the end user load, the spare energy will be used to
impractical. Thus, the battery state of charge will be checked . If
charge batteries and/or to produce hydrogen using the electrolyzer.
SOCbat < SOCmax, spare energy is used to charge batteries even
The selected charge mode depends on which of the two has the
though it is not an economical alternative and
lowest cycling energy cost for a certain power.
PPV PL ¼ Pbat.ch2.If not (i.e. SOCbat ¼ SOCmax) PPV PL will be
used for other applications, such as pumping.
5.1.1. Cost of charge cycle through the batteries
For a certain power P (kW), the cost of the cycling energy
In conclusion, the charge power of the battery has two
through the batteries Ccycle.bat (V) is evaluated asfollows [13]:
components Pbat.ch ¼ Pbat.ch1. þ Pbat.ch2 Similarly the electrolyzer
power is PElz ¼ PElz.ch1 þ PElz.ch2 P$1000$Cbat
Ccycle$bat ¼ (32)
eq $hbat
We now focus in the opposite case (i.e., the renewable energy CN $Nbat p $UDC $Ncycles
produces less energy than demanded by user load). We define the
following states: where Cbat (V) is the battrey bank cost, CN (Ah) is the nominal
capacity of the battery bank, Nbat_p is the number of batteries
- If PPV < PL, then PL PPV< P lim.disch, and SOCbat > SOCmin; thus, placed in parallel, UDC (V) is the DC bus voltage, Ncycles_eq is the
the lack of energy is satisfied by the battery bank and battery lifetime in equivalent cycles and hbat is the battery
PL PPV ¼ Pbat.disch1. Batteries will be discharged to their efficiency.
minimum state of charge.
- If PPV < PL and PL PPV < Plim.disch; then SOCbat ¼ SOCmin; here, 5.1.2. Cost of producing hydrogen in the electrolyzer
batteries have reached their discharge threshold and are unable To produce a certain amount of gaseous hydrogen from a certain
to provide the demanded energy. The hydrogen tank pressure is power P (kW) sent to the electrolyzer then stored in the pressurized
checked. If Psto > Psto.min, the remaining energy needed will be tank for later use by the PEMFC, the cost Ccycle$ElzFC ðVÞ is calcu-
provided by the fuel cell; thus PL PPV ¼ PFC.disch2. If not, i.e., the lated as follows:
a 2.2
x 10
4 b 2.2 x 10 4 c 2.2
x 10
2 2 2
1.8 1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6 1.6
Pbat.ch 2 (W)
Pbat.ch1 (W)
a 2.2
x 10 4 b 2.2
x 10 4 c 2.2 x 10 4
2 2 2
1.8 1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6 1.6
P Elz.ch 1 (W)
P Elz.ch2 (W)
1.4 1.4 1.4
P Elz (W)
1.2 1.2 1.2
1 1 1
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
a 0 b 0 c 0
a 12000
b 12000
c 12000
PFC.dis 2(W)
8000 8000 8000
6000 6000 6000
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time(s) Time (s) Time (s)
1.8 10000
1.4 8000
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 21. Photovoltaic power. Fig. 22. Load power.
R. Jallouli, L. Krichen / Energy 40 (2012) 196e209 207
0.9 4
x 10
P Elz (W)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (s)
Fig. 23. Battery state of charge. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Temps (s)
Between 20 s and 40 s, PPV PL ¼ 19,000 W > Plim.ch; thus, the Fig. 25. Electrolyzer power.
excess energy is sent to the electrolyzer to produce hydrogen
then it is stored in the tank up to the maximum storage pres-
sure Psto.max (Fig. 16). Therefore, PPV PL ¼ PElz.ch1 as described
in Fig. 18.a; the same procedure is used between 100 s and During the next 20 s, PPV PL ¼ 6500W < Plim.disch; thus,
120 s. SOCbat ¼ 0.365 > SOCmin and the deficient energy will be
Between 40 s and 50 s, excess power remains above Plim.ch, but satisfied by the battery bank: -PPV PL ¼ Pbat.disch1.
instead of releasing the electrolyzer, batteries are charged During the final seconds, PPV PL < Plim.disch; thus,
because the hydrogen tank has already reached the maximum SOCbat ¼ 0.355 > SOCmin and the shortage of energy is supplied
storage pressure Psto.max. Thus, PPV PL ¼ Pbat.ch2, as shown in by batteries until 130 s when SOCbat ¼ 0.35 ¼ SOCmin. Then, the
Fig. 17.b. fuel cell will satisfy the load demand (Fig. 20.b).
Between 50 s and 80 s, the power difference
PPV PL ¼ 11 kW < 0. The generated photovoltaic power is
insufficient to ensure the load autonomy. In addition, 6.2. Full battery mode
because (PPV PL)>Plim.disch, Psto>P sto.minas shown in
Fig. 16.Thus (PPV PL) ¼ PFC.ch1 is shown in Fig. 20.a. It should be noted that to obtain greater detail, the following
It is noted that at 71 s, the tank reaches Psto.min; thus, the fuel curves deal with other photovoltaic and load profiles (Figs. 21and
cell cannot continue extracting hydrogen from the tank to 22) with the higher initial battery state of charge shown in Fig. 23.
continue supplying energy. According to the energy manage- We note that the pressure in the tank never exceeds Psto.max
ment system, the batteries will provide the energy needed, as
shown in Fig. 19.b, although it is not an economical substitute.
Thus, PPV PL ¼ Pbat.disch2 12000
Psto max
Psto (Bar)
100 4000
60 2000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160