Bs 263
Bs 263
Bs 263
Safety nets Ð |
Part 2: Safety requirements for the |
erection of safety nets |
The European Standard EN 1263-2:1998 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 13.340.99 |
BS EN 1263-2:1998
National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 1263-2:1998. Together
with BS EN 1263-1:1997 it supersedes BS 8093:1991 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
B/514, Access and support equipment, to Subcommittee B/514/27, Nets and sheets,
which has the responsibility to:
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 9 and a back cover.
BSI 1998
ICS 13.340.20
Descriptors: buildings, site equipment, safety nets, work safety, accident, accident prevention, specifications, definitions, designation,
tests, marking
English version
European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung
1998 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 1263-2:1998 E
Page 2
EN 1263-2:1998
Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 53, Temporary works
equipment, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. Foreword 2
This European Standard is one of a series of standards 1 Scope 3
as listed below. 2 Normative references 3
EN 1263-1, Safety nets Ð Part 1: Safety requirements, 3 Definitions 3
test methods. 4 Safety requirements 3
EN 1263-2, Safety nets Ð Part 2: Safety requirements
for the erection of safety nets. 4.1 Instruction manual 3
Part 1 of this European standard includes an 4.2 Falling height 3
A-Deviation. 4.3 Catching width 4
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 4.4 Storage, inspection, replacement 4
national standard, either by publication of an identical 5 Erection of type S safety nets 4
text or by endorsement, at the latest by
November 1998, and conflicting national standards 5.1 Size of type S safety nets 4
shall be withdrawn at the latest by November 1998. 5.2 Erection with tie ropes 4
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 5.3 Safety net linkage 5
the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European 5.4 Deformation of the safety net 5
Standard: Austria, Belguim, Czech Republic, Denmark, 6 Erection of type T safety nets 5
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, 6.1 Erection 5
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweeden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 6.2 Safety net linkage 5
7 Erection of type U safety nets 7
8 Erection of type V safety nets 7
8.1 Position of the upper edge of the
safety net 7
8.2 Safety net linkage 7
8.3 Erection 7
Annex A (informative) A-deviations 9
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EN 1263-2:1998
1 Safety net
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EN 1263-2:1998
The reduced falling height Hr is the vertical distance 4.4 Storage, inspection, replacement
between the safety net and the working point above at Safety nets and accessories shall:
a horizontal distance of 2,0 m from the anchorage Ð be stored in dry rooms or containers;
points, see Figure 1. Ð be protected against UV radiation;
Safety nets should be erected as close as possible Ð not be stored close to thermal sources;
below the working level. Each of the falling heights Hi Ð not be stored in places where they could come
and He shall not exceed 6,0 m, see Figure 1 and into contact with aggressive materials/substances
Figure 2. (acids, lyes, solvents, oil, etc).
In addition to this, the reduced falling height Hr shall In the event of a person falling into a safety net, the
not exceed 3,0 m, see Figure 1. net shall be inspected for damage and replaced if
4.3 Catching width necessary (see clause 9 of EN 1263-1:1997).
The catching width b is the horizontal distance
between the edge of the working area and the edge of 5 Erection of type S safety nets
the safety net, see Figure 1 and Figure 2. 5.1 Size of type S safety nets
Dependent on the falling height, the catching width b For the erection of type S safety nets the smallest size
of the safety net shall not be less than the values given shall be at least 35 m2. For rectangular safety nets the
in Table 1. length of the shortest side shall be at least 5,0 m.
NOTE Small safety nets (less than 35 m2 and 5,0 m on the
Table 1 Ð Permissible falling heights and shortest side) should be determined by national regulations.
required catching widths 5.2 Erection with tie ropes
Type S safety nets shall be erected with tie ropes on
Falling height He # 1,0 m # 3,0 m # 6,0 m
anchorage points capable of bearing the characteristic
Catching width b $ 2,0 m $ 2,5 m $ 3,0 m load. The distance between the anchorage points shall
be less than 2,5 m.
If the working area is inclined by more than 208: To calculate each anchorage point, the characteristic
Ð the catching width b shall be at least 3,0 m; load P used shall be at least 6 kN with the falling
Ð the distance t between the outermost working height being 6,0 m. The assumed angle of this load
point and the lowest point of the edge of the safety shall be a = 458, see Figure 3. For the calculation of the
net shall not exceed 3,0 m; supporting framework only three characteristic loads
of 4 kN, 6 kN and 4 kN shall be considered applied in
(see Figure 2). the most unfavourable way, see Figure 3.
1 Safety net
2 Lowest point of the edge of the safety net
Figure 2 Ð Permissible falling heights and required catching widths of working
areas inclined by more than 208
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EN 1263-2:1998
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EN 1263-2:1998
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EN 1263-2:1998
1 Net
Figure 5 Ð Position of the upper edge of
the safety net
Figure 6 Ð Position of the upper edge of the
safety net
8 Erection of type V safety nets
8.1 Position of the upper edge of the safety net
8.3 Erection
The upper edge of the safety net shall be located at
least 1,0 m above the working area, see Figure 6. The safety net shall be attached to ªgallowº type
supports at its upper edge and to the building or
8.2 Safety net linkage supporting framework at its lower edge.
For the linkage of single safety nets, coupling ropes in For the erection of the net the following points shall
accordance with EN 1263-1 shall be used. The linkage be taken into account.
shall be made in such a way that distances greater
Ð The distance between any two top supports shall
than 100 mm do not develop within the netting area.
not exceed 5,0 m.
For type V safety nets, overlapping shall not be used.
Ð The supports shall be secured against turning.
Ð The distance between the bottom edge anchorage
devices for the attachment of the net to the building
shall not exceed 50 cm, see Figure 7.
Ð The distance between the anchorage points and
the edge of the building shall be at least 10 cm, see
Figure 7.
Ð The upper edge of the safety net shall be
attached to a ªgallowº type support by a tie rope
with a loop, see Figure 8.
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EN 1263-2:1998
Figure 7 Ð Anchorage points for the attachment of the lower edge of the
safety net to the building by a border rope
Figure 8 Ð Attachment of the upper edge of the safety net to a ªgallowº type
support with a tie rope
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EN 1263-2:1998
Annex A (informative)
A-deviation: National deviation due to regulations, the alteration of which is for the time being outside the
competence of the CEN/CENELEC member.
Clause 4.3, Catching width, Figure 1
Danish Ministry of Labour
Order on the conditions of construction sites and similar work places.
(Order no. 1017, 15 December 1993, clause 21 and clause 23.1)
Clause 4.3, Catching width, Figure 2
Danish Ministry of Labour
Order on the conditions of construction sites and similar work places.
(Order no. 1017, 15 December 1993, clause 23.1)
Clause 6, Erection of type T safety nets, Figure 5
Danish Ministry of Labour
Order on the conditions of construction sites and similar work places.
(Order no. 1017, 15 December 1993, clause 23.1)
Clause 8, Erection of type V safety nets, Figure 6
Danish Ministry of Labour
Order on the conditions of construction sites and similar work places.
(Order no. 1017, 15 December 1993, clause 22.1 and clause 23.1)
BSI 1998
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