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Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Cat.No.P19E- 6
This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Recently, with the remarkable advance of electronics
technology, various new products have come into exis-
tence. Until this time, the effect of electronics was seen
most clearly in television, radio and other communications
equipment, but as semiconductor technology, and computer
technology advance, the range of electronics' effect on our
lives has increased dramatically. In particular, sensor
technology and the greater intelligent functions of today's
microcomputers have served as a basis for the trend toward
combining electronics and mechanics into what is called
It is not merely the equipment itself, however, that has
made all this possible. Within the equipment are highly
sophisticated components with unique functions which can
translate electrical to mechanical energy and mechanical to
electrical energy and which play a large role in today's
equipment modernization and advance. These are
piezoelectric components. This catalog briefly introduces the
basics of piezoelectric ceramics, Murata's piezoelectric
ceramic materials, piezoelectric transducers and other
Please insure the component is thoroughly evaluated in
your application circuit.
In case that the component is not mentioned in our state-
ment, please contact your Murata representative for details.

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Preface 01
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 03

2 Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE R )

1. Resonant frequency and vibration mode 04
2. Piezoelectric material constant symbols 07
01 Frequency constant N 07
02 Piezoelectric constants d and g
03 Electromechanical coupling coefficient K
04 Mechanical Qm
1 Introduction

05 Young's modulus Y 08
Characteristics of Piezoelectric
06 Poisson's ratioσ E
07 Densityρ
2 Ceramics (PIEZOTITE ) R

08 Relative dielectric constant ε

ε O
Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics
09 Curie temperature Tc
10 Coercive field Ec
08 3 R
(PIEZOTITE ) Material

3 Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE R ) Material Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics

1. Characteristics of typical materials
2. Features of PIEZOTITE R
4 Resonators (PIEZOTITE ) R

3. Temperature characteristics and aging 10

Piezoelectric Ceramic
4 Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramic Resonators (PIEZOTITE R )
5 R
(PIEZOTITE ) Applications
1. Shapes 11
2. Standard specification models 12
3. Notice 12

5 Piezoelectric Ceramic (PIEZOTITE R ) Applications

Actuator 14Y16
Molded Underwater Transducer 17
Ultrasonic Sensor 18Y22
Shock Sensor 23Y27
SMD type PKGS-LA 23
Thin and Small PKGS-LB 24
Low-profile PKGS-MD 25
Large Capacitance PKGS-LC 26
Lead type PKS 27
Knocking Sensor Elements 28
Ultrasonic Bubble Sensor 29
Electric Potential Sensor 30Y31

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1 Introduction
1. What are Piezoelectric Ceramics?
Piezoelectric ceramics are known for what are called the !ADVANTAGES
piezoelectric and reverse piezoelectric effects. The piezoelectric qHigh electromechanical transformation efficiency.
effect causes a crystal to produce an electrical potential when it is wHigh machinability.
1 subjected to mechanical vibration. In contrast, the reverse eA broad range of characteristics can be achieved with
piezoelectric effect causes the crystal to produce vibration when different material compositions (high degree of freedom
it is placed in an electric field. Of piezoelectric materials, in characteristics design).
Rochelle salt and quartz have long been known as single-crystal rHigh stability.
piezoelectric substances. However, these substances have had a tSuitable for mass production, and economical.
relatively limited application range chiefly because of the poor
crystal stability of Rochelle salt and the limited degree of Murata, as a forerunner in the piezoelectric ceramic industry,
freedom in the characteristics of quartz. Later, barium titanate offers an extensive range of products with piezoelectric
(BaTiO3), a piezoelectric ceramic, was introduced for applications.
applications in ultrasonic transducers, mainly for fish finders.
More recently, a lead titanate, lead zirconate system (PbTiO3 ·
PbZrO3) appeared, which has electromechanical transformation
efficiency and stability (including temperature characteristics) far
superior to existing substances. It has dramatically broadened the
application range of piezoelectric ceramics. When compared
which other piezoelectric substances, both BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 ·
PbZrO3 have the following advantages :

2. Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics

Piezoelectric ceramics are a type of multi-crystal dielectric with a Also piezoelectric ceramics when molded in certain shapes have
high dielectric constant and are formed by two processes : first, more than one point of resonance depending on vibration mode.
high temperature firing. After firing, they have the characteristic In such a case, the vibration mode most suited for the application
crystal structure shown in Fig. 1 (a) but do not yet exhibit the is selected.
piezoelectric property because the electrical dipoles within the
crystals are oriented at random and the overall moment of the
dipoles is canceled out. To make ceramics piezoelectric they
must be polarized. A DC electric field of several kV/mm is (a) (b) (c)

applied to the piece of ceramic to align the internal electrical

dipoles in a single orientation(see Fig. 1 (b)). Due to the strong
dielectric property of the ceramic, the dipole moment remains
unchanged after the electric field is removed, and the ceramic After firing Polarization processing Overall, the polarization
thus exhibits a strong piezoelectric property (see Fig. 1 (c)). in strong DC field axes are oriented upward.
(Several kV/mm)
When an AC signal is applied to a piezoelectric ceramic
(piezoelectric transducer) in a frequency matching the specific Residual Polarization
elastic frequency of the ceramics (which depends on the shape of The direction of polarization remains the
same after the electric field is cut off.
the material), the ceramic exhibits resonance. Since the ceramic
has a very high electromechanical transforming efficiency at the
point of resonance, many applications use this resonance point. Fig. 1 Polarization Processing of Piezoelectric Ceramics

3. Application of Piezoelectric Ceramics

Product applications for piezoelectric ceramics include the !PIEZOELECTRIC APPLICATIONS
following categories : qMechanical power sources (electrical-to-mechanical
Murata has and is continuing to direct extensive research transducers) :
development efforts to the entire range of applications of Piezoelectric actuators, piezoelectric fans, ultrasonic cleaners,
piezoelectric ceramics listed in the right side. It is expected that etc.
the applications of piezoelectric ceramics will continue to extend wSensors (mechanical-to-electrical transducers) :
into a broader range of industries as new piezoelectric materials Ultrasonic sensors, knocking sensors, shock sensors,
are created. acceleration sensors, etc.
This application manual concentrates on applications with eElectronic circuit components (transducers) :
mechanical power sources and sensors which are now finding Ceramic filters, ceramic resonators, surface acoustic wave
broader applications. filters, microforks, etc.

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2 Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE® )

For using piezoelectric ceramics, it is important to first have an The following sections describe the major characteristic which
adequate knowledge of the properties of different piezoelectric need to be evaluated to determine the properties of piezoelectric
materials before choosing a suitable type for a specific application. ceramic materials.

1. Resonant Frequency and Vibration Mode

If an AC voltage of varying frequency is applied to a piezo- characteristics. Fig. 2 shows typical vibration modes in relation to
electric ceramic (piezoelectric transducer) of a certain shape, the shapes of ceramic materials, the resonant frequency in each
it can be seen that there is a specific frequency at which the vibration mode, and the material constant symbols.
ceramic produces a very strong vibration. This frequency is In Fig. 2, the piezoelectric material constant symbols have the
called the resonant frequency, fr, and depends on the ceramic's following meanings : 2
specific elastic vibration (resonance) frequency, which is a N : Frequency constant (described in Section 1).
function of the shape of the material. d : Piezoelectric strain constant (described in Section 2).
Piezoelectric ceramics have various vibration modes (resonant g : Voltage output constant (described in Section 2).
modes) which depend on their shape, orientation of polarization, k : Electromechanical coupling coefficient (described in Section 3).
and the direction of the electric field. Each of these vibration YE : Young's modulus (described in Section 5).
εT : Dielectric constant (described in Section 8).
modes have unique resonant frequencies and piezoelectric

Resonant Material Constant Symbol

Vibration Mode Shape/Vibration Mode Frequency
(fr) k d g YE εT N

E P t

φd Np
Radial Mode kp d31 g31 Y11E Np
P : Direction of polarization d
E : Direction of electric field
Thin disk with radial vibration mode. Polarization is
oriented along the thickness of the disk.

a t
Length Mode E P
k31 d31 g31 Y11E ε33T N31
RG4a aG3t

Thin rectangular plate, with the direction of vibration orthogonal

to the polarization axis and with a single point of resonance.

b φd

Longitudinal N33
k33 d33 g33 Y33E ε33T N33
E P RG2.5a, 2.5b, 2.5d

Square and cylindrical columns. Vibration is oriented along the

direction of polarization. Only a single point of resonance.

a t

φd Nt
Thickness Mode 10t V a,R, d
kt d33 g33 Y33E ε33T Nt

Disk and rectangular plates which are thin com-

pared to their surface areas. They have multiple
points of resonance in longitudinal vibration mode.

Shear Mode E
k15 d15 g15 Y44E N15
Disk or rectangular plates, with the electric field orthogonal to the
direction of polarization, causing a shear vibration along the surface.

Fig. 2 Typical Vibration Modes, Resonant Frequencies, and Material Constant Symbols of Piezoelectric Ceramics
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2 Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®)

When a piezoelectric material is subjected to stress T, it pro-

duces polarization P which is a linear function of T : P=d T (d :
piezoelectric strain constant). This effect is called the normal
piezoelectric effect. In contrast, when a piezoelectric substance
L1 : Serial Inductance
has an electric field E applied across its electrodes, it produces L1
C1 : Serial Capacitance
distortion S which is a linear function of the electric field : C0 C1 R1 : Serial Resistance
S=d E. This effect is called the reverse piezoelectric effect. For C 0 : Parallel Capacitance
an elastic material, the relationship of distortion S to the stress T C f : Free Capacitance=C1WC0
is given by S=sET (sE : compliance) ; for a dielectric substance,
the relationship of electrical displacement D with electric field
2 strength E is given by D=εE. For a piezoelectric ceramic, these
relationships are given by the following equations, both being
associated with piezoelectric strain constants : Fig. 3 Equivalent Circuit for Piezoelectric Ceramic Transducer

Si =s ij Tj Wd mi Em

··········(1) Strictly speaking, the resonant frequency can be defined in the

Dn=d njTj Wε nm E m
following three ways :
( m, n =1, 2, 3 ; i, j =1, 2·······, 6 ) (1) Serial resonant frequency fs of the equivalent serial circuit for
These equations are called the basic piezoelectric equations (type a piezoelectric ceramic transducer.
d), where the electric field E and electrical displacement D are (2) Lower resonance frequency fr, the lower of the two fre-
represented in vector magnitudes ; whereas stress T and quencies, where the cross-electrode admittance or impedance
distortion S are given in symmetrical tensile magnitudes. When of the piezoelectric ceramic transducer is in the null phase.
the symmetry of the crystals is taken into account, Eq. (1) is (3) Maximum admittance frequency fm where the cross-
simplified because some constants in the equations are nullified electrode admittance of the piezoelectric ceramic transducer
and some other constants become equal to a third set of is maximized (impedance minimized).
constants. However, the differences between the three frequencies, fs, fr,
With piezoelectric ceramics, when the polarization axis is placed and fm, is so small that it is negligible. In actual cases, therefore,
along the z (3) axis and two arbitrary orthogonal axes (which are when we measure frequency fm, it can be called resonant
also orthogonal to the z axis and assumed to be the x (1) and y frequency fr. Also, the minimum admittance frequency fn may
(2) axis), the crystal structure of the ceramic can be represented be called antiresonant frequency fa.
in the same way as that of 6mm crystals, in which case the only The resonant frequency fr can be measured with either of the
independent non-zero coefficients are the following ten following two circuits :
constants :
1 1 1 1 1
11 E 12 E 13 E 33 E 44 E
Y 11 , Y 12 , Y 13 , Y 33 , Y 44 ,
d 31,d 33 ,d 15 , ε , ε , T

For example, the basic piezoelectric equations for longitudinal

vibration of a rectangular ceramic strip is given by the following
equations :
S 1=s E11T1 Wd 31 E 3
D3=d 31T1Wε 33 E 3

A piezoelectric ceramic transducer can be represented by an

equivalent circuit which is derived from the basic piezoelectric
equations representing its vibration mode. The circuit is called
Maison's equivalent circuit. More generally, the equivalent
circuit, as shown in Fig. 3, may be used to represent a
piezoelectric ceramic. In this equivalent circuit, the serial
resonant frequency fs, and parallel resonant frequency fp are
given by the following equations :
fs =
2 π L 1C 1
1 ···········(3)
f p=
C1 C0
2 π L1•
C1WC 0
Constants fs and fp are necessary to determine the electro-
mechanical coupling coefficient k.

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Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®) 2

!Measuring Method Using Constant Voltage Circuit

The fr measuring circuit using a constant voltage source is shown Rv

in Fig. 4.
The oscillator Osc and input resistors R1 and R2 are used to apply
a constant voltage signal to the piezoelectric ceramic transducer. R1 T.P.
The current passing through the transducer is measured across Osc F.C R2 R2 V
output resistor R2.
If the transducer's impedance is much greater than R2, the
voltmeter reading is proportional to the transducer's admittance. Measuring Circuit
The frequency where the voltmeter reading is maximized is the
resonant frequency fr, and the frequency where the reading is
Osc : Oscillator
minimized is the antiresonant frequency fa. F.C. : Frequency Counter

Voltmeter Reading
Variable resistor Rv is used to determine the resonant resistance Rv : Variable Resistor
R1, which is needed to calculate the mechanical Q m. T.P. : Transducer
V : Voltmeter
R1 : 100Ω (Reference Value)
R2 : 10Ω (Reference Value)
fr fa
R1 : on the output side may
be omitted.

Fig.4 Resonant Frequency Measuring Method Using Constant Voltage Circuit

!Measuring Method Using Constant Current Circuit

The fr measuring circuit using a constant current source is shown
in Fig. 5. Resistor R3 regulates the current passing through the R3 R3
piezoelectric ceramic transducer. If R3 is much greater than the
transducer's impedance, the voltmeter reading is proportional to
Osc F.C V
the transducer's impedance. The frequency where the voltmeter T.P.

reading is minimized is the resonant frequency fr, and the

frequency where the reading is maximized is the antiresonant
frequency fa. Measuring Circuit

Osc : Oscillator
Voltmeter Reading

F.C. : Frequency Counter

Rv : Variable Resistor
T.P. : Transducer
V : Voltmeter
R3 : 100Ω (Reference Value)
fr fa R3 : in the output circuit may
Frequency be omitted.

Fig. 5 Resonant Frequency Measuring Circuit Using Constant Current Circuit

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2 Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®)

2. Piezoelectric Material Constant Symbols

1 Frequency Constant N 1
V= g 31 a F ················(12)
The velocity of sound that propagates through a piezoelectric
ceramic has a specific value in each vibration mode when the
resonance of other vibration modes is not in the vicinity. For a 3 Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient k
piezoelectric ceramic with a certain shape, the relationship of The electromechanical coupling coefficient is a constant
wavelength λ of a vibration with propagation lengthrat the representing the piezoelectric efficiency of a piezoelectric
resonant point is given by equation (4). Because the sound ceramic. More specifically, it represents the efficiency of
velocity is constant, we obtain the following equations (5) and converting electrical energy (applied across the electrodes of a
2 (6) : piezoelectric ceramic) into mechanical energy, and it is
defined as the root mean square of the energy accumulated
λ within the crystal in a mechanical form. This accumulated
=r ············································(4)
2 energy reflects the total electrical input.
ν= fr λ ·········································(5) Electromechanical = Accumulated Mechanical Energy
ν Coupling Coefficient Supplied Electrical Energy
fr r= = N (Hz m)··············(6)
2 The electromechanical coupling coefficient depends on the
where N is the frequency constant. The frequency constant vibration mode, as shown in Fig. 2. It is determined by the
depends on the vibration mode. The resonant frequency may following equations using the resonant frequency fr, anti-
also be determined by the equation, fr = N /r as shown in Fig. resonant frequency fa, and their difference ∆ f = faYfr.
2. q Radial Vibration of Disk Transducer
kp 2 (1Yσ E )J1{ψ 1(1W∆ f /fr )}Y ψ 1(1W∆ f /fr )J0{ψ 1(1W∆ f /fr )}
2 Piezoelectric Constants d and g 1Ykp 2
(1Yσ E )J{ψ 1(1W∆ f /fr )}
q Piezoelectric Distortion Constant d ·············(13)
Piezoelectric distortion constant is the distortion resulting from where J0, J1 : Type 1 vessel functions of the 0th and 1st
the application of an electric field of uniform strength with no dimensions
stress. It is given by equation (7) : where Jσ E : Poisson's ratio
where Jψ 1 : L 0west dimension of positive root of
d =k (m / V) ····················(7) where J 1 (1Yσ E)J1(ψ ) =ψ J0(ψ )
Y If kr is relatively small, equation (13) may be approximated as
where ε T : Dielectric constant follows :
where YE : Young's modulus (N / m2) ∆f
kp 2 2.529 ···········(14)
where k : Electromechanical coupling coefficient fr
wLengthwise Vibration of Rectangular Plate Transducer
ε 33 ε 33 ε

d 31 = k 31 E
d 33 = k 33 E
d 15 = k 15 11E ················(8) k 312 π fa cot π fa ················(15)
Y 11 Y 33 Y 44 =
1 k 312 2 fr 2 fr
w Voltage Output Coefficient g
Voltage output coefficient refers to the field strength which e Longitudinal Vibration of Cylinder Transducer
results from a uniform stress applied under no electrical π fr π fr
displacement. It is given by equation (9) : k 332 = cot ················(16)
2 fa 2 fa
g= (V m/N) ·······················································(9) r Vibration Along Thickness of Disk Transducer

π fr cot π fr
g 31 = d T31 g 33 = d T33 g 15 = d T15 ······(10) k t2 = ················(17)
ε 33 , ε 33 , ε 11 2 fa 2 fa
Constants d and g depend on the vibration mode, and the t Shear Vibration of Rectangular Plate Transducer
constants in each vibration mode are given by the subscripted π π
fr cot fr
symbols shown in Fig. 2. k 152 = ················(18)
2 fa 2 fa
Displacements generated under an electric voltage or a voltage
generated under force can be determined by constants d and g. 4 Mechanical Qm
For example, the displacement ∆rcaused by voltage V applied Mechanical Qm gives the "steepness" of resonance of a
across the electrodes in the lengthwise vibration mode is given mechanical vibration at and around the resonant frequency. It
by : is given by the following equation :
Qm = 1 1
r = ················(19)
∆r= d 31 V ···················(11) fr 2
t 2 π fr R1 C1 2 π fr R1 Cf 1
fa { }
Conversely, the voltage V caused by force F applied along the where R1 : Resonant resistance
direction of vibration is given by : where Cf : Free capacitance across electrodes

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Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®) 2

5 Young's Modulus YE 9 Curie Temperature Tc

When stress T is applied to an elastic body within the pro- Curie temperature refers to the critical temperature at which
portional elastic range, strain S is given by the following crystals in the piezoelectric ceramic lose their spontaneous
formula : polarization and hence their piezoelectric property. It is
S =s ET defined as the temperature at which the dielectric constant is
maximized when the temperature is increased.
sE is an elasticity constant (compliance), and Young's modulus
is given as the inverse of compliance.For lengthwise vibrations 10 Coercive Field Ec
shown in Fig. 3, for example, the Young's modulus is given by Ferroelectric materials have a domain structure, as shown in
the following equation :
Y11 = (2r f r) ρ = υ ρ (N / m ) ········(20)
E 2 2 2
Fig. 1. The dipole moment in each domain is oriented in the
same direction and causes spontaneous polarization. If a 2
varying electric field E is applied to it, the overall variation of
where ρ : Density (kg / m2) polarization draws a hysteresis loop, as shown in Fig. 6. Once
where ν : Sound velocity (m / s) the material has an electric field applied to it, it does not return
to the original domain structure when the electric field is
6 Poisson's Ratio σE removed, resulting in remanent polarization Pr. To cancel Pr, a
When a constant stress is applied to an elastic body within its certain strength of reverse electric field must be applied. The
proportional elastic range, Poisson's ratio is defined as field strength Ec required to cancel the remanent polarization
follows : is called a coercive field.
Distortion Rate Orthogonal to Stress
σ E=
Distortion Rate along Stress

7 Density ρ P
Density can be determined from the volume and mass of any
piezoelectric ceramic as follows :
m (kg / m3) ···············(21)
V Pr
where m : Mass (kg) E Field Strength
where V : Volume (m3) Ec

εT Pr : Remanent Polarization
8 Relative Dielectric Constant ε0 Ec : Coercive Field
Dielectric constant is an electrical displacement which results
when a unity electric field is applied under no stress. It is
given by the following formula :

D =ε T E Fig. 6 Hysteresis Curve of a Ferroelectric Material

where E : Field strength
where D : Electrical displacement
where εT : Dielectric constant
Dielectric constant εT divided by the dielectric constant in a
vacuum ε0 (=8.854Z10Y12F / m) is called the relative
dielectric constant. For the lengthwise vibration mode shown
in Fig. 2, if the free capacitance across the electrodes at 1 kHz
is assumed to be Cf, the relative dielectric constant for an
electric field in the same direction of polarization is given by
the equation :
ε 33T
= Cf t ···············(22)
ε0 r a ε0
For the vibration along thickness shown in Fig. 2, if the free
capacitance across the electrodes at 1 kHz is assumed to be
Cf, the relative dielectric constant for an electric field
orthogonal to the direction of polarization is given by this
equation :
ε 11T
= Cf t ···············(23)
ε0 r a ε0

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3 Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®) Materials

1. Characteristics of Typical Materials
Table 1 shows the characteristics of typical Murata's piezo-
electric ceramic materials.

Item Symbol (Unit) PY3 PY4 PY5E PY6C PY6E PY6X PY7 PY7B
Relative Dielectric ε ε/0
33T 1070 1200 1510 1800 1380 1410 2100 4720
Constant ε33T/ε0 YYY 1247 1490 1760 1260 1780 1930 3200
Loss Coefficient tan δ (%) 1000 0.5 1000 0.6 1000 0.4 1000 1.0 1000 1.4 1000 0.5 1000 1.4 1000 2.2
kp Radial (%) 1022 1010 10 56 10 39 10 46 10 47 1065 1065
Electro- k31 Length (%) 1015 1006 10 32 10 21 10 26 10 27 1038 1036

3 mechanical
k33 Longitudinal (%) 10 44 10 48 10 62 1050 10 60 10 61 1071 10 68

Factor kt Thickness (%) 1036 10 48 10 45 10 43 10 44 10 48 1051 1047

k15 Shear (%) YYY 10 35 10 60 10 47 10 53 10 64 1066 1057
d31 (10Y12m / V) 1Y44 11Y7 Y131 11Y3 1Y94 1Y50 Y207 Y303
d33 (10Y12m / V) 1133 10 58 1271 1135 1235 1130 1410 1603
Piezoelectric d15 (10Y12m / V) YYY 10 71 1400 1196 1309 1296 1550 1592
Constant g31 (10Y3V·m / N) 1Y5 11Y4 1Y10 11Y8 11Y8 1Y14 1Y11 11Y7
g33 (10Y3V·m / N) 114 1033 10 20 10 19 10 19 10 36 1022 1014
g15 (10Y3V·m / N) YYY 1032 10 30 10 29 10 28 10 43 1032 10 21
Np Radial (%) 3140 2710 2250 2520 2410 2440 2050 1960
N31 Length (%) 2270 2060 1610 1850 1730 1800 1430 1370
N33 Longitudinal (%) 2210 2030 1550 1820 1670 1650 1400 1350
Nt Thickness (%) 2590 2150 2060 2130 2110 2100 2000 1970
N15 Shear (%) YYY 1340 1010 1150 1080 1050 1930 1930
Mechanical Q Qm 1720 2000 1970 1680 1410 1830 1180 1070
S11E (10Y12m2 / N) 1000 8.7 1000 7.6 100012.4 1000 9.4 100 11.1 1000 9.8 100 15.8 100 16.7
S12E (10Y12m2 / N) 10 Y 2.6 10Y 1.6 10 Y 4.1 10 Y 3.0 10 Y3.6 10 Y 2.8 10 Y 5.7 10 Y 5.9
S13E (10Y12m2 / N) 10 Y 2.9 10Y 1.7 10 Y 5.2 10 Y 3.0 10 Y4.3 10 Y 4.2 10 Y 7.0 10 Y 7.5
S33E (10Y12m2 / N) 1000 9.6 1000 8.2 100014.3 100010.3 100 12.7 100 12.6 100 18.1 100 18.8
S44E (10Y12m2 / N) YYY 100 18.5 100034.0 100025.6 100030.0 100 31.0 100 40.6 100 38.8
S66E (10Y12m2 / N) 100 22.7 100 18.5 100033.0 100024.8 100 29.3 100 25.3 100 43.0 100 45.4
Y11E (1010 N / m2) 100 11.5 100 13.1 1000 8.1 100010.7 1000 9.0 100 10.2 1000 6.3 1000 6.7
Poisson's Ratio σ E 10000 0.30 10000 0.21 10000 0.33 10000 0.32 10000 0.33 10000 0.28 10000 0.36 10000 0.36
Density ρ (103kg / m3) 1000 5.6 1000 7.7 1000 7.8 1000 7.7 1000 7.6 1000 7.9 1000 7.8 1000 8.0
Temperature TK (fr) (ppm / D) YYY YYY 1115 10 10 10 35 Y249 1059 1336
Coefficient TK (Cf) (ppm / D) YYY 2200 3500 2500 3000 2000 4500 135001
Curie Temperature Tc (D) 1120 1430 1280 1320 1270 1320 1300 1180
Linear Expansion Ratio α (10Y6 / D) 1005 1000 0.2 100 4 100 2 100 3 1002 1002 1002
Bending Strength τ (kg / cm2) 1160 1560 1160 1280 1190 1290 1010 1870
Compressive Strength K1c (106N / m1.5) YYY YYY 1000 1.1 1000 1.3 1000 1.2 1000 1.3 1000 0.8 1000 0.9
Fish Knock Ultrasonic Knock Sensors Sensors Ultrasonic Actuators
finders sensors cleaners sensors sensors Acoustics
Application sonars for high Actuators Pickups
frequency for high Actuators
power Acoustic
Note : This table shows typical values measured on standard test piece.Qm, TK (fr) and TK (Cf) are measured for radial vibration mode.
Table 1 Characteristics of Murata's Typical Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®)

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Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®) Materials 3

2. Features of PIEZOTITE® Materials

Table 2 shows the features of PIEZOTITE® materials. titanate (PbTiO3 · PbZrO3) Materials using lead zirconate titanate
Murata's piezoelectric ceramics include three types : barium are available with three different properties suitable for different
titanate (BaTiO3) , lead titanate (PbTiO3) , and lead zirconate applications.

Type Type Number Features

The major constituent of P-3 is barium titanate, with titanate additives to improve the characteristics at room temperature. While it
PY3 has a lower electromechanical coupling coefficient and Curie temperature compared to Lead Zirconate Titanate, it is practical in
underwater applications and has the advantage of economy. With these features, P-3 is best suited for use in fish finders or sonar.
Featuring a high Curie temperature, P-4 easily endures high temperature environments of up to 300 D and is used for sensors in
Lead Titanate PY4
harsh environments. It has an anisotropic electromechanical coupling coefficient.
Featuring a large electromechanical-coupling coefficient, mechanical Qm and minimal aging, P-5 is widely used for ultrasonic
cleaners, high-power ultrasonic transducers, and other acoustic power applications.
Features superior temperature characteristics of resonant frequency and minimal aging. P-6 is often used in ceramic filters,
ceramic resonators requiring high stability.
Features large electromechanical coupling coefficient, constant d and small mechanical Qm. P-7 has applicaitons in piezoelectric
buzzers, ultrasonic sensors, and other applications requiring non-resonance or broad bandwidth.
Table 2 Features of Piezoelectric Ceramics

3. Temperature Characteristics and Aging

Fig. 7 shows examples of temperature characteristics of various Fig. 8 shows examples of aging characteristics of various
materials. materials. These examples show small aging characteristics.

(a)Temperature dependence of dielectric constant (a)Aging characteristics of dielectric constant

Accelerated aging at 80D
P-5E Aging at room temperature
ε 33
ε 33

Dielectric Constant

8,000 P-3 2,000

Dielectric Constant

6,000 P-5E
4,000 P-6C
1 5 10 50 100 500 1,000
0 Number of Days
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (D)

(b)Temperature dependence of electromechanical coupling coefficient for radial vibration

(b)Aging characteristics of electromechanical coupling coefficient for radial vibration

Electromechanical Coupling

Electromechanical Coupling

0.8 P-5E P-7
0.6 P-7 0.4
Coefficient kr

Coefficient kr

0.4 0.2
P-3 P-6C
P-6C 0
0.2 1 5 10 50 100 500 1,000
P-3 Number of Days
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (D)

(c)Temperature dependence of frequency constant for radial vibration

(c)Aging characteristics of frequency constant for radial vibration
Frequency Constant N1 (Hz · m)

Frequency Constant N1 (Hz · m)

3,000 P-3
2,800 P-6C
2,400 P-5E
P-5E P-7 2,000
2,000 P-7

1,600 1 5 10 50 100 500 1,000

-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of Days
Temperature (D)

Fig. 7 Temperature Characteristics of Various Materials Fig. 8 Aging Characteristics of Various Materials

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4 Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics Resonators (PIEZOTITE®)

1. Shapes
PIEZOTITE® by Murata is available in various forms as shown
in Fig.9. Other types can also be manufactured upon requests.
Please contact us for more information.

Shape Diagram Vibration Mode Part Numbering (Ex.)

3 D Y 60 Y 75
q w e r
Radial q Indicates material PY3.
t Thickness w Indicates disk cylinder.
e Diameter d (mm)
r Resonant frequency (thickness mode) (kHz)

7 R Y 4 Y Y 6700
4 a q w e
r t
q Indicates material PY7.
Rectangular t Thickness
b w Indicates rectangular plate or pillar.
Plate Length
e Length a (mm)
r Width b (mm)
t Resonant frequency (thickness mode) (kHz)

3 C Y 50 Y 6 Y 200
d1 q w e r t
q Indicates material PY3.
Ring Thickness w Indicates ring.
e Outer diameter d1 (mm)
r Inner diameter d2 (mm)
t Resonant frequency (thickness mode) (kHz)

3 T Y 38 Y 10 Y 40
t q w e r t
q Indicates material PY3.
Hollow Respiratory
w Indicates hollow cylinder.
Cylinder h Thickness
e Diameter d (mm)
r Height h (mm)
t Resonant frequency (thickness or respiratory mode) (kHz)
Fig. 9 Shapes of Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics PIEZOTITE®

!Special Specification
The following special processing can be performed to meet
specific customer's request.
a. Lead Bonding c. Coating
If the lead wire is to be soldered, write "A" at the end of the For epoxy resin coating which protects the element, write "K"
part number. (Ex.)7R-4-1-6700A at the end of the part number. (Ex.)3T-38-10-40K
b. Electrode Mounting d. Others
If the electrode is to be partially turned back up to the opposite In some cases of special machining, symbol shall be added to
side, write "B" at the end of the part number. denote machining procedures.
(Ex.)3D-60-75B (Ex.)3D-60-75BA, 3D-60-75KA, 3D-60-75BKA

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Murata's Piezoelectric Ceramics Resonators (PIEZOTITE®) 4

2. Standard Specification Models

Table 3 shows standard specifications of PIEZOTITE® models.
Specifications other than the standard specifications are also
available. Please consult us.

Part Number Dimensions (mm) Resonant Frequency (kHz) Coupling Coefficient (%) Capacitance (pF) Applications
3D-60-75 160dZ1.34t 5375 (Thickness mode) 23 (kp)1 20870 Fish finder
3D-100-200KA 100dZ12.8t 5200 (Thickness mode) 23 (kp)1 26200 Fish finder

5ED-50-570 150dZ13.5t 5346 (Radial mode) 48 (kp)1 26400 US cleaner

7D-10-6700 110dZ10.3t 5200 (Radial mode) 45 (kp)1 24600 Pickup
7D-25-400 125dZ1.05t 5380 (Radial mode) 55 (kp)1 21700 Pickup
7D-25-1600 25.5dZ1.27 t 5380 (Radial mode) 57 (kp)1 25000 Knock sensor
5ER-2R5-2-13000 32.5aZ23.2bZ0.15t 5890 (Length mode) 40 (k31) 20390 Pickup
Rectangular Plates

5660 (Length mode)
5350 (Length mode)
20 (k31)
20 (k31)
7R-4-1-6700 32.4aZ23.1bZ0.33t 5350 (Length mode) 20 (k31) 20230 Pickup
7R-6-1-2500 32.6aZ23.1bZ0.83t 5235 (Length mode) 20 (k31) 20135 Pickup
7R-8-2-4000 32.8.aZ23.2bZ0.53t 5180 (Length mode) 25 (k31) 20510 Pickup
7R-34-23-6700 32.8aZ22.3bZ0.33t 5342 (Length mode) 20 (k31) 42000 Pickup
3C-28-9-200-1 128.dZ14.9dZ0.10h 5218 (Thickness mode) 34 (kt)1 20550 Fish finder
3C-50-6-200-1 150.dZ15.6dZ0.13h 5200 (Thickness mode) 28 (kt)1 21500 Fish finder
4C-19R5-15R3-5300 19.5dZ15.3dZ0.4h 5300 (Thickness mode) 56 (kt)1 20470 Knock sensor

6CC-10-3R9-1000 110.dZ13.9dZ0.2h 5180 (Radial mode) 20 (kp)1 20230 Knock sensor

6CC-10-4R9-1000-1 110.dZ14.9dZ0.2h 5220 (Radial mode) 23 (kp)1 20220 Knock sensor
7C-8-3-1700 118.dZ14.3dZ1.2h 5180 (Radial mode) 40 (kp)1 20500 Actuator
7C-10-4-1700 110.dZ14.4dZ1.2h 5144 (Radial mode) 40 (kp)1 20950 Pickup

3T-38-10-40 38dZ 10hZ2.2t 5340 (Respiratory mode) 16 (k31) 25900 Ultrasonic sensor
7T-38-30-25 38dZ 30hZ2.6t 5325 (Respiratory mode) 23 (k31) 20000 Ultrasonic sensor
7T-14-10-75 14dZ 10hZ2.2t 5375 (Respiratory mode) 25 (k31) 23200 Ultrasonic sensor
Table 3 Standard Specifications of PIEZOTITE® Models

3. Notice
Do not touch the component with bare hand because electrode
may damaged.

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5 Piezoelectric Ceramic (PIEZOTITE®) Applications

Piezoelectric ceramics transform electrical energy into mechanical products. The application products are shown in ,which are
energy and vice versa. Fig. 10 shows our PIEZOTITE® in explained details in the following pages.
applications which utilize this basic function of piezoelectric For other products not shown in Fig. 10, please contact us. Items
ceramics as an electrical-mechanical energy transducer. marked with an asterisk (*) in Fig. 10 are available with
In addition to the current line of products, Fig. 10 also lists some individual catalogs and application manuals. For more details,
prototypes still under development (*). Please consult us refer to those related materials.
concerning custom specifications and production of these new

Power Application Piezoelectric Actuators P. 14Y16

Molded Underwater Transducers P. 17

Ultrasonic Sensors P. 18Y22

Shock Sensors P. 23Y27

Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®)

Knocking Sensors Elements P28

Application to Sensors
5 Airbag Sensors

Ultrasonic Bubble Sensors P. 29

Piezoelectrid Pickups P. 12

Electric Potential Sensors P. 30Y31

*Ceramic Filters (CERAFIL®)

Application to *Ceramic Resonators (CERALOCK®)

Circuit Components
*Surface Acoustic Wave Filters

*Piezoelectric Forks (MICROFORK)

*Piezoelectric Buzzers

Others (Piezoelectric Lighters)* Products with * is not handles by us.

Piezoelectric Transformers

Fig. 10 Piezoelectric Ceramics (PIEZOTITE®) Applications

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Piezoelectric Actuator

Exact displacement of 0.01µm to several hundreds µm can

be obtained by controling the applied voltage.
Piezoelectric actuators are used in the tracking adjustment
of VCR heads, focus adjustment of VCR cameras, shutter
drives of cameras, ink-jet printers and braille cells.
To meet these various needs, piezoelectric actuators can be
manufactured according to user's request. Please contact
us for more details.

Item Piezoelectric Strain Corrective Elastic Constant Coercive Relative Dielectric


d 31(10Y12m / V) d 33(10Y12m / V)
Coefficient (corrected value)

M(10Y16m2 / V2) Y11E(1010N / m2) Y33E(1010N / m2)

Ec(V / mm)
ε33T / ε0 h(%)
PY5E 131 271 0.06 7.5 8.0 1500 1510 13
PY7E 207 410 1.08 5.5 5.5 1800 2100 10
PY7B 303 603 3.89 5.0 5.5 1500 4720 20
* In addition to the above materials, numerous materials are available for various application.
* Hysteresis vary according to the applied voltage or shape (See Fig.2)

Please note that the component may be damaged if excess
stress input voltage is applied. Please refer to the individual
specification for the max. input voltage.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Piezoelectric Actuator

1. Bimorph Type Actuator !CONSTRUCTION

!FEATURES R R (Length) : .025mm

V W (Width) : 10.0mm
1. Large displacement achieved with low voltage. 2t (Thickness) : 10.4mm
2. Compact, low-cost design.
3. High response speed. F
Fig. 1
(Mechanical strength can be increased with metal plate.)
!CHARACTERISTICS (Construction in Fig.1)
1. Hysteresis

300 P-7B

Hysteresis (%)

5 100 10

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 5 P-7

-100 P-5E
Voltage (Vp-p)
-300 0 -20 0 20 40 80
Hysteresis -400 Temperature (D)
Material : P-7

Fig. 2 Fig. 3

2. Displacement

400 P-7B
Material : P-7 20
Voltage : 100Vp-p
Displacement (µm)

(δmax.) 2
300 R
Displacement : δ=3·D31·V·
Displacement (%)

2t 10 P-5E
200 V=Vmax. 3 2tW
Generated force : F= ·D31·V· ·Y11 0
4 R
-20 0 20 40 60
100 D31=d31WM·V/2t
Temperature (D)
(F max.) F : Load at 0 displacement -10
0 5 10 15 20 Maximum allowable voltage : Vmax.=0.7·Ec·t
Load (g) -20

Fig. 4 Fig. 5

3. Material, shape vs1. Displacement

Material : P-7 Thickness : 2t (mm) Material : P-7B Thickness : 2t (mm) Material : P-5E Thickness : 2t (mm)
300 Voltage : 60Vp-p 300 Voltage : 40Vp-p 300 Voltage : 100Vp-p
Displacement (µm)

Displacement (µm)

Displacement (µm)

0.3 0.3

200 200 200

0.4 0.4 0.3
0.5 0.5 0.4
100 100 100

0 0 0
10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25
Length (mm) Length (mm) Length (mm)

Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Piezoelectric Actuator

2. Multilayer Type Actuator !CONSTRUCTION

Area : S=25mm2
Thickness : t=50µm
1. Superior load-sustaining performance. No. of layers : n=50
Material : PY7B
2. Precise micro-displacement.
3. High displacement response speed. F

Fig. 9
!CHARACTERISTICS (Construction in Fig.9)
1. Hysteresis 2. Displacement

3.0 (δmax.) 3.0

(δmax.) 5
Displacement (µm)

Displacement (µm)

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

(F max.)
0 (V max.) 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150
Voltage (V) Load (kg)

Fig. 10 Fig. 11

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Molded Underwater Transducer

The molded underwater transducer is often used in fish

finders and depth sounders. It emits an ultrasonic wave into
the water so that the appropriate receiving device can detect
the reflected wave in order to prove for fish or determine
depth. Designed specifically for underwater use, this vibrator
features not only high sensitivity but superior waterproof
performance.The rugged design easily gives excellent
performance even under high water pressure and waves.
Many models are available for use at different frequencies,
input powers, and in a variety of mounts.

1.Unique mold technique using rubber, urethane, epoxy
resin and other materials assures high sensitivity and
2.Many models are available for different driving !DIMENSIONS
5 frequencies, allowable input powers, and shapes. LF type S type
(( UT200LF8 (( UT200S15
UT275LF8 ) UT275S15 )
7/8-14UNF φ18
(*Please specify part number when ordering)
Resin nut R10

57 60
Rubber case
(with Washer)

(Ex.) UT 200 BA 8 Rubber washer


Plastic case
q w e r

qMolded underwater transducer
wNominal resonant frequency Resin mold 206
rWire length (m)
BA type TA type
(UT200BA8) (( UT200TA10
UT275TA10 )
7/8-16UNF φ22
1.Pay close attention to directional characteristics when Resin nut φ25
mounting. (with Washer)

Rubber washer

2.Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC Rubber case R10

Plastic case
blocking capacitor or some other way because,


otherwise, the component may be damaged.

3.Do not use in the air. Resin mold


(in mm)

Resonant Frequency (kHz) Part Number Capacitance (pF) Resonant Impedance (Ω) Directivity (deg) Allowable Input Power (W)
UT75LF8 4000 230 - 4300 40 1200
75 UT75TA10 1900 600 - 1400 27 1500
UT75S15 4290 250 - 5000 Y 1000
UT200BA8 1700 310 - 5900 22 1050
UT200LF8 2700 230 - 4300 12 1200
UT200TA10 2800 200 - 4000 12 1500
UT200S15 9000 230 - 1000 Y 1000
Allowable input power : Denotes the instantaneous input power applied to Molded underwater transducer driven underwater. The driving duty radio
is assumed to be 1 / 200(the values in the table above are guidelines).
Directivity : The degree when sound pressure level is 6 dB down compared with the value at 0 degree.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Ultrasonic Sensor MA Series

Higher Sensitivity and Sound Pressure

Excellent Characteristics against Temperature and Humidity
This sensor radiates ultrasonic waves and detects echo,
having many applications in measuring and detecting
Based on its piezoelectric ceramics technology, Murata
has various types of ultrasonic sensors of compact and
higher performances.

1. Compact and light weight
2. High sensitivity and sound pressure
3. Less power consumption
4. High reliability

(*Please specify the part number when ordering)
"Receiver 5
OSC. Sp. S.C.M. Amp.
(Ex.) MA 40 B8 R U.S.
q w e r
qUltrasonic Sensor F.C. Anechoic Room

wNominal Frequency RL : 3.9kΩ

eDesign Number U.S. : Ultrasonic Sensor
rR : Receiver, S: Sounder S.C.M. : Standard Capacitor Microphone (Brüel & Kjær4135)
Amp. : Amplifier (Brüel & Kjær2610)
OSC. : Oscillator
F.C. : Frequency Counter 0dB=1V / µbar
1. Open Structure Type
Using combined vibration mode of bimorph transducer "Transmitter
and radial corn, this type realizes high sensitivity and OSC. S.C.M. Amp.
high sound pressure level. U.S.

Applications : Automatic doors , Burglar alarms , Remote 30cm

Applications : control, Range finders.
F.C. Anechoic Room
2. Water Proof Type
This type has excellent resistance to harsh U.S. : Ultrasonic Sensor
environmental conditions and can be used outdoors S.C.M. : Standard Capacitor Microphone (Brüel & Kjær4135)
Amp. : Amplifier (Brüel & Kjær2610)
because of its tightly sealing structure. Input Voltage : 10Vrms
Applications : Back sonar of automobiles, Parking meters, F.C. : Frequency Counter 0dB=2Z10Y4µbar
Applications : Water level meters.
3. High Frequency Type
Using longitudinal vibration and matching with the air by "Combined Use Type
acoustic matching layer, this type realized high
sensitivity. F.G. U.S. T.G.

Because of short wavelength, this type has sharp

directivity and can be used high precise measurement. 30cm
Applications : Approach switch for FA, distance meter, water Anechoic Room
Applications : or liquid level meters. RC

RL : 3.9kΩ RC=1kΩ
U.S. : Ultrasonic Sensor
T.G. : Target
F.G. : Function Generator
O.S. : Oscilloscope

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Ultrasonic Sensor MA Series


MA40S4R / S MA40E7R / S MA40B8R / S



Case (Plastic) Case (Plastic)


2Yφ1.2T0.1 2Yφ1.2T0.1
10.0T0.3 10.0T0.3



-R or S -R or S -R or S


MA40B7 MA40E6Y7



Case (Plastic)
50 T2

MY *


2Yφ1.5 8.0
This terminal is connected 6.5T1.0
to sensor housing

M *



MA80A1 MA200A1 MA400A1

Acoustic Matching Layer φ11.0T0.5

φ18.7T0.5 Acoustic Matching Layer

Aluminum Case (Plastic)

Shielded Wire



(φ2.0) EIAJ DateCode Aluminum Case


Acoustic Matching Layer

11.5T1.0 10.6T0.5

EIAJ Date Code


Aluminum Case (W) (Y)


(W) (Y)

5T0.5 2Yφ0.8T0.2
MY EIAJ Code 5T0.5

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Ultrasonic Sensor MA Series


-40 140
RL=3.9kΩ Distance 30cm
0dB=1V / µbar Input udtage Sine wave 10Vrms
-50 130
MA40B8R 0dB=2Z10Y4µbar

-60 MA40S4R 120

Sensitivity (dB)
Sensitivity (dB)

-70 110

-80 100

-90 90

-100 80
30 35 40 45 50 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

MA40E7R Frequency 40kHz MA40E7S Frequency 40kHz MA40B7 Frequency 40kHz
MA40B8R Distance 30cm MA40B8S Input udtage Sine wave 10Vrms Input udtage Rectangle Wave 10Vp-p
MA40S4R MA40S4S Distance 30cm Input udtage Pulse width 0.4ms
Distance 30cm
0 0 0
30 30 30 30 30 30
Attenuation (dB)

Attenuation (dB)
Attenuation (dB)

-10 -10 -10

-20 -20 -20

60 60 60 60 60 60
-30 -30 -30

90 90 90 90 90 90
Directivity in Sensitivity Directivity in Sound Pressure Level Directivity in Overall Sensitivity
MA40E6Y7 MA80 / 200 / 400A1

0 1 0 1 2
3 2 3
30 30
Attenuation (dB)
Attenuation (dB)

-10 -2

-20 -4
60 60
-30 -6

90 90
Directivity in Overall Sensitivity Directivity in Overall Sensitivity

1. Pulse-transmitting Circuit 2. Receiving Circuit
3.3M 150k

8 7 6 Vcc=12V
4 TA7555P 560k
(Vcc : 14p) 5 6
2 3 3 5
(GND : 7p) 12 560k
Ultrasonic Sensor 0.01µ 6 1000p 10k
4 1 0.01µ 0.01µ 2 10k
(Transmitter) 330k Ultrasonic Sensor 1
4 5 2 22p 1/2
5 3 3 (Transmitter) 6 7 Out put
6 7 3 4 1000p 2/2
4 10M 10k 5 8 1000p
1 Crystal
TC4049BP (Frequency 40kHz)
(Vcc : 1p) 10 22p
(GND : 8p)
TC4069UBP 0.1 NJM4558D
(Vcc : 14p)
Driving signal : Rectangle wave 20Vpp (GND : 7p)
Pulse Width 1ms
Interval 25ms

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Ultrasonic Sensor MA Series

Part Number
MA40E7R / S MA40S4R / S MA40B8R / S MA40B7 MA40E6Y7
Construction Water proof type Open structure type Water proof type
Using Method Receiver and Transmitter (Dual use) type Combined use type
Nominal Frequency (kHz) 40
Overall W4
Y Y Y Y45 Y5 Y
Sensitivity (dB)
Sensitivity (dB) Y74 min. Y63T3 Y63T3 Y Y82 min.
Sound Pressure (dB) 106 min. 120T3 120T3 Y 108 min.
Directivity (deg) 100 80 50 44 75
Capacitance (pF) 2200T20% 2550T20% 2000T20% 2000T20% 2200T20%
Y30 to W85
Temperature Range (D)
5 Detectable Range (m) 0.2 - 3 0.2 - 4 0.2 - 6 0.2 - 4 0.2 - 2
Resolution (mm) 9
Dimension (mm) 18φ Z12h 9.9φ Z7.1h 16φ Z12h 16φ Z12h 18φ Z12h
Weight (g) 4.5 0.7 2.0 2.0 4.5
85 (40kHz) 20 (40kHz) 20 (40kHz) 100 (40kHz) 140
Allowable Input (40kHz Sine wave)
Voltage (Vp-p)
(Rectangular wave) Pulse width 0.4ms Pulse width 0.4ms Pulse width 0.4ms
Interval 100ms Continuous signal Continuous signal Interval 100ms Interval 100ms
Packing Unit (pcs.) 90 540 150 150 90
*Distance : 30cm. Overall sensitivity : 0dB=10Vpp, Sensitivity : 0dB=1V/µbar. Sound pressure level : 0dB=2Z10Y4µbar 1µbar=0.1Pa
*The sensor can be used in the operating temperature range. Please refer to the individual specification for the temperature drift of
*Sensitivity/Sound pressure level or environmental characteristics in that temperature range.
*Directivity, Detectable Range and Resolution is typical value. It can be changed by application circuit and fixing method of the sensor.

Part Number
MA80A1 MA200A1 MA400A1
Construction High frequency type
Using Method Receiver and Transmitter (Dual use) type
Center Frequency (kHz) 75T5 200T10 400T20
Y47 min. Y54 min. Y74dB min.
0dB=18 Vp-p 0dB=18 Vp-p 0dB=18 Vp-p
Sensitivity (dB)
(at 50cm) (at 20cm) (at 10cm)
Directivity (deg) 7
Y10 to W60 Y30 to W60
Temperature Range (D)
Detectable Range (m) 0.5 - 5 0.2 - 1 0.06 - 0.3
Resolution (mm) 4 2 1
Dimension (mm) 47φ Z24.5h 19φ Z11h 11φ Z10.5h
Weight (g) 93 6 2
Allowable Input 120 (75kHz) 120 (200kHz) 120 (400kHz)
Voltage (Vp-p) Pulse width 600µs Pulse width 250µs Pulse width 125µs
(Rectanguluar wave) Interval 50ms Interval 20ms Interval 10ms
Packing Unit (pcs.) 5 90 224
*The sensor can be used in the operating temperature range. Please refer to the individual specification for the temperature drift of Sensitivity /
*Sound pressure level or environmental characteristics in that temperature range.
*Directivity, Detectable Range and Resolution is typical value. It can be changed by application circuit and fixing method of the sensor.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Ultrasonic Sensor MA Series

1. Pay attention to the mounting position as these sensors
have directivity.
2.Please avoid applying DCYbias by connecting DC
blocking capacitor or some other way because,
otherwise, the component may be damaged.
3. Do not use in the water.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Shock Sensor

SMD Type PKGS- -- LA

The shock sensor generates a voltage which is proportional

to applied shock (acceleration).
The PKGS series shock sensors use a Co-fired bimorph
piezo elements clamped at the two-ends.
The sensors feature small size, low-profile, excellent shock
resistance and high-sensitivity, and are surface mountable
(SMD) withstanding the reflow soldering.
Three types of the sensors are available with inclined
primary axis angle of 0°, 25°and 45°and are the best suited
for small hard disk drives (HDD).

1. Small size, low-profile, high-sensitivity and excellent shock
2. Reflow solderable SMD type.
3. Possible to be supplied in a tape.
5 4. Wide measurement frequency band due to high resonant !DIMENSIONS
frequency and large capacitance.
PKGS-25LA Marking Polarity Marking
5. When mounted on a board , PKGS-25LA/PKGS-45LA can
detect shocks in both horizontal and vertical axis directions.


1. Detection of shock to protect small HDD from damaging the data. 0.4
2. Shock detection and protection of home appliances , auto- 1.5 1.1 1.5
visual equipment , industrial equipment, etc. 6.4 1.5T0.1
3. Burglar alarm systems. Top
4. Other general applications requiring measurement of

!SPECIFICATIONS Electrode A Bottom Electrode B

Primary Axis Inclined Angle 0° 25° 45°
Voltage Sensitivity
1.92mV / GT15% 1.75mV / GT15% 1.85mV / GT15%
(Primary Axis Direction) 1.5 1.5
Capacitance 210pFT20% 240pFT20% 295pFT20% (in mm)

T3dB Frequency Band

76 - 10000Hz 50 - 10000Hz 65 - 10000Hz
(Circuit Zi = 10MΩ)
Insulation Resistance 500MΩ min.
Resonant Frequency 23kHz (typ.) PKGS-25LA
Non-Linearity 1% (typ.)
Transverse Sensitivity Z A
5% (typ.)
(Relative to Primary Sensitivity)
Shock Resistance 1500G
Operating and Storage 25T1
Y40 to W85D
Temperature Range
*1G=9.8m / s2

Electrode A
!NOTICE Electrode B

1. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC Mark for Positive X

blocking capacitor or some other way because,
otherwise, the component may be damaged.
2. Please contact us for soldering and washing conditions.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Shock Sensor

Thin and Small Type PKGS- -- LB

PKGS-LB series achieved a thickness of 1.2mm, maintaining

the same sensitivity as the standard PKGS-LA series.
Three types of the sensors are available with inclined primary
axis angle of 0°, 25°and 45°and are the best suited for small
hard disk drives (HDD).

1. Small size, low-profile, high-sensitivity and excellent
shock resistance.
2. Reflow solderable SMD type.
3. Possible to be supplied in a tape, and reel.
4. Wide measurement frequency band due to high
resonant frequency and large capacitance.
5. When mounted on a board, PKGS-25MD/PKGS-45MD
can detect shocks in both horizontal and vertical axis
Polarity Marking
1. Detection of shock to protect small HDD from damaging the 6.4
data. 1.2 1.2
2. Shock detection and protection of home appliances, audio-
visual equipment, industrial equipment, etc.

3. Burglar alarm systems.

4. Other general applications requiring measurement of
acceleration. 0.8 0.7


Item Electrode A Electrode B
Primary Axis Inclined Angle 0° 25° 45°
Voltage Sensitivity
1.85mV / GT15% 1.85mV / GT15% 1.93mV / GT15%
(Primary Axis Direction)
Capacitance 210pFT20% 240pFT20% 295pFT20%
T3dB Frequency Band
76 - 10000Hz 50 - 10000Hz 65 - 10000Hz 1.5 1.5
(Circuit Zi = 10MΩ) (in mm)
Insulation Resistance 500MΩ min.
Resonant Frequency 20kHz (typ.)
Non-Linearity 1% (typ.) !PRIMARY AXIS INCLINED ANGLE
Transverse Sensitivity
5% (typ.) PKGS-00LB
(Relative to Primary Sensitivity) Z
Shock Resistance 1500G A
Operating and Storage
Y40 to W85D
Temperature Range
*1G=9.8m / s2 Y

1. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC
blocking capacitor or some other way because,
Electrode A
otherwise, the component may be damaged.
2. Please contact us for soldering and washing conditions.
Polarity Marking X
Electrode B

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Shock Sensor

Small and Low-Profile Type PKGS- -- MD

PKGS-MD series achieved 55% reduction in volume

compared with PKGS-LA series.
Three types of the sensors are available with inclined
primary axis angle of 0°, 25°and 45°and are the best suited
for small hard disk drives (HDD).

1. Small size, low-profile, and excellent shock resistance.
2. Reflow solderable SMD type, and reel.
3. Possible to be supplied in a tape.
4. Wide measurement frequency band due to high
resonant frequency.
5. When mounted on a board, PKGS-25MD/PKGS-45MD
can detect shocks in both horizontal and vertical axis


1. Detection of shock to protect small HDD from damaging the PKGS-25MD

data. Polarity Marking

2. Shock detection and protection of home appliances, audio- 4.8

visual equipment, industrial equipment, etc. 1.2 1.2

3. Burglar alarm systems.

4. Other general applications requiring measurement of

0.6 0.5
Primary Axis Inclined Angle 0° 25° 45° Electrode A Electrode B
Voltage Sensitivity
0.85mV / GT15% 0.85mV / GT15% 0.89mV / GT15%
(Primary Axis Direction)
Capacitance 160pFT20% 170pFT20% 210pFT20%
T3dB Frequency Band
100 - 20000Hz 94 - 20000Hz 76 - 20000Hz
(Circuit Zi = 10MΩ) 1.2 1.2
Insulation Resistance 500MΩ min. (in mm)
Resonant Frequency 30kHz (typ.)
Non-Linearity 1% (typ.)
5% (typ.)
(Relative to Primary Sensitivity)
Shock Resistance 1500G
Operating and Storage Z
Y40 to W85D
Temperature Range
*1G=9.8m / s2


1. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC

blocking capacitor or some other way because,
otherwise, the component may be damaged. Electrode A
2. Please contact us for soldering and washing conditions.
Polarity Marking
Electrode B

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Shock Sensor

Large Capacitance Type PKGS- -- LC

PKGS-LC series is high capacitance type to sense lower

frequency shock and vibration.
Two types of the sensors are available with primary axis
angle of 0°and 90°.

1. Small size, low-profile, high-sensitivity and excellent
shock resistance.
2. Reflow solderable SMD type.
3. Possible to be supplied in a tape and reel.
4. Wide measurement frequency band due to high
resonant frequency and large capacitance.

1. Detection of shock to protect small HDD from damaging the
2. Shock detection and protection of home appliances, audio-
visual equipment, industrial equipment, etc , PKGS-00LC
Polarity Marking
3. Burglar alarm systems.
4. Other general applications requiring measurement of



1.5 1.5 2.1
Type 6.4
Primary Axis Inclined Angle 0° 90°
Voltage Sensitivity
2.10mV / GT10% 2.10mV / GT10%
(Primary Axis Direction)
Capacitance 420pFT20% 420pFT20% Electrode A Bottom
Electrode B
T3dB Frequency Band
37 - 10000HZ
(Circuit Zi = 10MΩ)
Insulation Resistance 500MΩ min.
Resonant Frequency 20kHz (typ.)
Non-Linearity 1% (typ.)
1.5 1.5
Transverse Sensitivity
5% (typ.) (in mm)
(Relative to Primary Sensitivity)
Shock Resistance 1500G
Operating and Storage
Y40 to W85D
Temperature Range
*1G=9.8m / s2 PKGS-00LC Z

1. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC
blocking capacitor or some other way because, Y
otherwise, the component may be damaged.
2. Please contact us for soldering and washing conditions.

Electrode A

Polarity Marking
Electrode B

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Shock Sensor

Lead Type PKS

The piezoelectric element produces a voltage which is

proportional to the acceleration of an impact or a vibration to
which it is exposed. The shock sensor utilizes piezoelectric
ceramics to convert the energy of impact into a proportional
electrical signal. The piezoelectric shock sensor uses a
"unimorph" diaphragm which consists of a piezoelectric
ceramic disk laminated to a metal disk. The diaphragm is
supported along its circumference in a housing. The sensor
features compact, lightweight design, and is suitable for a wide
range of applications requiring impact and vibration sensing.

1. Compact, lightweight design.
2. High sensitivity assures it picks up even microlevel impact !DIMENSIONS
and vibration.
3. Rugged construction survive impact and vibration stresses.
5 4. Requires no bias voltage. 34.4


1. Car burglar sensors on doors.

2. Intruder sensors at windows or doors. Base

3. Burglar alarms for showcases and safes.

4. Vibration sensors for car audio equipment.
AWG 30

Part Number PKS1Y4A1 / PKS1Y4A10

Output Voltage 40mVp / G typ.(25D, 20MΩ Load, 10Hz - 1kHz) Core
Capacitance 10000pFT30%(25D, 1kHz)
Insulation Resistance 30MΩ min.(100VDC) 1.5

*1G=9.8m / s2

1. The component should be fixed at the place where the

main axis of sensor has same direction as the vibration axis.

2. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC blocking
capacitor or some other way because, otherwise, the
component may be damaged. (in mm)

"Frequency Response "Output Voltage vs. Impact Response
Output Voltage (mVp)

Output voltage (Vp)

800 50
500 10
10G 5
0 1G
10 50 100 300 1k 3k 20 50 100 500 1,000 3,000
Vibration Frequency (Hz) Impact (G)
Frequency Response is nearly flat at vibration frequencies up to 1kHz. *Impact wave is 1/2 sine wave.
Output voltage is nearly proportional to the acceleration of impact.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Knocking Sensor Elements

The knocking sensor senses abnormal vibrations in an

automobile engine. The sensor provides a feedback signal
to the engine control system to suppress the knocking.
Knocking sensors include a resonant type and a non-
resonant type-both of which use piezoelectric elements.
Murata offers highly-stable piezoelectric elements for use in
knocking sensors which are directly mounted on the engine.
Design emphasis is placed on heat-resistant, stress-
resistant performance to ensure endurance in the harsh
operation environment under the hood. Shape and
dimensions are variable according to customer needs.

1. Provides output voltage proportional to acceleration of
2. Flat frequency response makes these sensors
applicable to any type of engine (for non-resonant type). 5
Knocking sensors for automobile engines.


Part Number 6CC-10-3R9-1000-1 6CC-10-4R9-1000 7D-25-1600 4C-19R5-15R3-5300
Resonant Frequency(kHz) 180 165 2280 5300
Capacitance (pF) 230 220 6900 2470

220 223 2255 2256
Coupling Coefficient (%)


Dimensions (mm)





Applications Non-Resonant Type Non-Resonant Type Resonant Type Non-Resonant Type

1. Do not touch the component with bare hand because the
electrode may be damaged.
2. The component may be damaged if it is used in any
application that deviates from its intended use noted
within the specification.
3. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC
blocking capacitor or some other way because,
otherwise, the component may be damaged.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Ultrasonic Bubble Sensor

Senses the Bubbles in Tubes

The ultrasonic bubble sensor emits an ultrasonic wave into a

fluid then senses waves reflected from bubbles.

1. Small and light
2. High sensitivity
3. Low power consumption
4. High durability

1. Senses the bubbles or fluids in tubes, e.g. vending


5 Tube

Osc. S R V Voltmeter

Transmit Unit Receive Unit


Part Number PKH3-512A1R PKH3-512A1S PKH3-512B1R PKH3-512B1S
Nominal Frequency (kHz) 512 512 512 512
Capacitance (pF) 150 450 280 220
220 223 255 256
Coupling Coefficient (%)

φ9T0.1 φ9T0.1

φ16T0.1 φ16T0.1 φ10T0.1 φ10T0.1

(EIAJ Code) (EIAJ Code) (EIAJ Code)

(EIAJ Code)



M -

M -

Dimensions (mm)
M -
M -

2Yφ0.6T0.1 2Yφ0.6T0.1




5T0.5 5T0.5

10T0.5 10T0.5

Red White Red

White Mark Mark
Mark Mark
φ8T0.1 φ8T0.1

1. Please avoid applying DC-bias by connecting DC
blocking capacitor or some other way because,
otherwise, the component may be damaged.
2. Characteristics can be changed by fixing method.
Please contact us.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Electric Potential Sensor

Every object has its own surface electrical charges or

charges given to it from other objects. These electrical
charges cause the object to have a certain electric potential
with respect to other objects.
The electric potential sensor is designed to measure this
surface potential. there are two major surface potential
detection methods : The field-mill method and the vibrating
capacitance method.
The former method synchronously shuts off the electrical
flux from the object surface and modulates the electric field
incident to the sensing electrode to induce an AC current on
the electrode, proportional to the surface potential (DC).
The latter method forms a capacitance across the surface of
the object and the sensing electrode, and vibrates the
sensing electrode vertically the surface of object to induce !DIMENSIONS
electrical charges which are proportional to the capacitance
and surface potential, thereby obtaining an AC current
proportional to the surface potential (DC). Murata's potential
60T0.5 φ3.1T0.1Z5
Long round hole
φ3.1T0.1 4.5 4.1 51.3T0.5
sensors, use a high-precision, piezoelectric tuning fork
(Microfork) with a proven production record, to achieve field

shut-off vibration and electrode vibration. Integrating all of 608011

the signal processing circuit, Murata's electric potential (1)

sensor assures high operating stability and reliability. Marking Connector


1. Compact, low-profile design.
2. DC voltage output.
3. High-precision linear output and highly stable.

4. Integrates all signal processing blocks, including
Part No. of Connector Function
oscillation, amplifying and rectifying circuit. Sensing
Window (1) Output
(2) GND
!APPLICATIONS (3) Power Supply
1. Sensing of surface electric potential for photosensitive (in mm)

drums used in PPC machines and laser beam printers.

2. High voltage measurement and detection for high
voltage equipment.

Part Number PKE05A1 Impedance DC Amplifier
Detector Converter & Rectifier & Output
Supply Voltage 24VD.C.T10% BPF Amplifier Output Circuit

Current Consumption 50mA max.

Detectable Electric Potential Positive electric potential of 0 to 1500V.
1/240 VD.C. of the objective potential regarging MICROFORK
Output Voltage Driving W24V Input
detail condition, please ask them to us. Oscillator

For objective potential from 50 V GND

to 1500V : T1.5% max.
* Detection for negative electric potential are also alailable.

Please insure the component is thoroughly evaluated in
your application circuit because the output voltage and the
distance are correlated.

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

Electric Potential Sensor

"Output Voltage vs. Objective Potential "Temperature Characteristics

Objective Electric Potential 1000V

7 5
d : Distance Between Facing Surfaces
Surface of Object


Sensor Output Voltage (VDC)

Variation of Output Voltage (%)


4 1
3 10 25 40 55

5 1 Y3

0 500 1000 1500
Objective Electric Potential (V)
Temperature (D)

This is the PDF file of catalog No.P19E-6. No.P19E6.pdf

1. Export Control
< For customers outside Japan >
Murata products should not be used or sold for use in the development, production, stockpiling or utilization of any conventional weapons or mass-destructive
weapons (nuclear weapons, chemical or biological weapons, or missiles), or any other weapons.
< For customers in Japan >
For products which are controlled items subject to “the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law” of Japan, the export license specified by the law is
required for export.
2. Please contact our sales representatives or engineers before using our products listed in this catalog for the applications requiring especially high reliability what
defects might directly cause damage to other party's life, body or property (listed below) or for other applications not specified in this catalog.
q Aircraft equipment
w Aerospace equipment
e Undersea equipment
r Medical equipment
t Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships,etc.)
y Traffic signal equipment
u Disaster prevention / crime prevention equipment
i Data-processing equipment
o Applications of similar complexity or with reliability requirements comparable to the applications listed in the above
3. Product specifications in this catalog are as of June 1997, and are subject to change or stop the supply without notice. Please confirm the specifications before
ordering any product. If there are any questions, please contact our sales representatives or engineers.
4. The categories and specifications listed in this catalog are for information only. Please confirm detailed specifications by checking the product specification
document or requesting for the approval sheet for product specification, before ordering.
5. Please note that unless otherwise specified, we shall assume no responsibility whatsoever for any conflict or dispute that may occur in connection with the effect
of our and/or third party's intellectual property rights and other related rights in consideration of your using our products and/or information described or
contained in our catalogs. In this connection, no representation shall be made to the effect that any third parties are authorized to use the rights mentioned
above under licenses without our consent.
6. None of ozone depleting substances (ODS) under the Montreal Protocol is used in manufacturing process of us.

Head office
2-26-10, Tenjin Nagaokakyo-shi, Kyoto 617-8555, Japan Phone:81-75-951-9111
Marketing Group
1874 Sumiyoshi-cho Kizuki, Nakahara-ku Kawasaki, 211-0021, Japan
Phone:81-44-422-5153 Fax:81-44-433-0798

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