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Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management: Whitepaper

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Seven Deadly Sins of

Trial Supply Management
Written by Alan Morton
Supply chain logistics can make or break a clinical trial.
In many cases, failure to provide and manage trial
supplies on time has resulted in costly delays. So how
does a CRO partner work with a Sponsor to ensure
supplies are properly managed?

www.psi-cro.com 2018
Get ready, we’re chatting through The Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management, brought to


you by PSI expert and supply chain aficionado, Alan Morton.

Our first warning sign? Lust. Being seduced into using an Make the Right Choice the First Time. It is very difficult to change
inappropriate vendor. Vendors will claim to be able to complete vendors mid-way through a study, so assessing the ability of a
all services better than all the rest. vendor and being critical of their abilities is vital to ensuring that
the best and most appropriate decision is made. How do you
Being tied to a particular vendor limits the ability to objectively fancy having to tell your senior management that the vendor that
choose the best one for the job. Ensuring that the selection is you suggested is not able to deliver and we need to pay to
made on quantitative and unbiased data will help – we’ve all change to another one?
heard horror stories about ‘This packaging vendor doing…’ or
‘That IWRS system is rubbish – don’t use them’. Having proper oversight and working from solid metrics and KPIs
helps ensure that a decision to use a particular vendor is not
A couple of recent studies chose a well-known IXRS provider. The made on reputation or hearsay. Water-cooler stories about
reasons for the choice are clear – they are a big, well-known vendors making mistakes can tarnish their reputations unfairly, so
company; they were doing the eCOA, so they had an easy while the selected vendor may not be suitable for complicated
integration; their sales pitch was very slick, and they were studies, their quick setup times still make them a good choice for
promising cheaper and quicker set-ups than the others that could more straightforward ones.
have been used. The studies were reasonably complicated – one
was a triple blind study using a biosimilar product and the other PSI doesn’t have preferred suppliers.  We have a number of
was a double-blind double-dummy study using a combination of approved vendors that we have carefully selected and audited
IV and tablets, both with matching placebo and dispensed at prior to using them in our studies.  We work in partnership with
different times throughout the patient’s treatment schedule. them and see their performance as an extension of our own, so
just as we pick Project Managers according to their strength and
Because of these complications, the automatic shipment knowledge of an indication, we ensure that the vendor that we
generator did not work properly, meaning that PSI had to provide recommend for a study is able to cope with the work that we are
and fund an additional resource to manually trigger each allocating to them.
shipment from within the system. As well as the resource issues,
there was also the added risk that the person triggering the Chasing after one vendor with the expectation that they will serve
shipment could make a mistake, leading to an increased chance every project, in the same manner, is the first in our series of
that a patient could be left without treatment. deadly sins in trial management. Don’t fall into lusting over a
certain vendor, but rather ensure that every vendor is the right
match for the specific study. 


Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management 2

Our second sin: Over-production. All studies need a certain amount With the right overage calculation, a study would never see
of overage, but kits left over at the end of a study are often seen delays from drug shortages, nor would they see outrageous
as wasted money. There’s more to the story than that, however. costs from excessive supplies. Having a higher buffer at the
When supplies are both available and priced low, it often costs start of a study provides flexibility. Once patients are recruited
less to produce more supplies and send one large quantity and we understand locations, visit schedules and dosing
shipment to the sites than it would cost to ship smaller quantities in information, we can tailor shipments to meet the site/patient
multiple batches. requirements and optimize on-site supply stock accordingly.

However, this logic is reversed when the drugs are either The Right Tools, the Appropriate Resources. The use of IXRS
expensive, hard to obtain, or both. systems helps consolidate shipments for multiple patients and
treatment visits, and the lookout windows can be altered to
Let’s look at one example together. An 800 patient study getting provide the ideal frequency of re-supply shipments. And other
ready to launch requires 3-4 vials per patient to be dispensed tools, resources, and algorithms can come into play to fine-
every 3 weeks for over a year. Each vial can cost upwards of £677 tune the supply process to eliminate excess overages.
for the drug alone. And if we do the math, it adds up quickly: the
drug cost is over £10m! Not including other aspects of the trial, or Every excess cost is a bill passed on to another business
any other necessary supplies, we can easily see that even little owner in the clinical trial partnership. When overages aren’t
overages in shipping and production can quickly impact the cost calculated properly, trials could either be delayed, over
of the trial. budget, or both. Mitigate that risk by fully understanding risks
in trial supplies, and investing in the appropriate tools and
Making the Right Calculation. The correct amount of overage is resources to make the right overage calculations and
never an easy calculation. In order to define our overage judgments. Don’t fall into the sin of gluttony in drug supplies:
parameters, we need to understand the risks involved in the study 50% overage without a proper calculation? It’s time to
and ensure that we have overage to cover those risks. Damaged evaluate.
shipments, temperature excursions at the site, broken vials, missing
kits, environmental damage to a depot, and so many other factors
are all considered as risks throughout the trial supply process. 
And while not every risk will actually hit on every single study,
suppliers and CROs need to ensure that they both understand the
exact factors and that they have a continuity of supplies to treat
current and future patients.

Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management 3

Sin number 3: Greed & Penny Pinching (I'm Not Paying For That!) Failing to use a temperature monitor or a temperature controlled
Penny-pinching on overage and costs of shippers. Temperature shipper means that there is no proof that an excursion didn’t take
monitors are around $50 each and temperature controlled shippers place, so the integrity of the supplies cannot be confirmed – a
vary from $60-80 to over $500 per shipment for passive units and very easy observation for an auditor and potentially deadly to a
substantially more for active ones. Using temperature-controlled patient.
shippers can increase the weight of a consignment considerably,
increasing courier costs significantly. Because of that, courier and Duty Fees, Taxes, And Cutting Costs. Duty fees are also seen as
shipper fees are often targeted as an area in which to save money. an area to try to cut costs. No-one likes to pay tax, and import
taxes and VAT in some countries can be exorbitant! For the
We are regularly asked if it would be acceptable to ship supplies example that we just discussed, around 1000 vials of the drug
without using temperature-controlled shippers or monitors. The way will be sent to India over the course of the study – total drug
to answer this is another question: Would you take medication that purchase cost = £677,000. To pay tax at the purchase price would
you could not guarantee had been stored appropriately? Most mean paying 16% of the landed cost in customs duty - £108,000,
likely, the answer is no. plus VAT on the duty paid cost – another £85,000. Local taxes
and education levies add another 6% (£46,426) – a total tax bill
The reason for the question is simple; it costs approximately 3 times for import into India of nearly £240,000!
more in courier fees to send an insulated shipper vs a cardboard
one. Over the course of a medium-sized study, this would amount to Putting a small nominal value against the drug cost is often seen
perhaps $30,000-$40,000. And while it sounds a lot, it’s a very small as an easy way to reduce that cost. But when challenged, it can
percentage of the overall study cost. cause long delays and possibly lead to temperature excursions
and useless supplies. It can also tar the reputation of the
It is incumbent on the company providing the medication to prove shipping company, meaning more scrutiny of every shipment
the medicine has been stored correctly at all stages in the from them. Some countries also restrict the sale price of the drug
production process. From the manufacture of the drug substance to after commercialization to the value declared during the trials –
the final patient dose, supporting data has to be provided to can a sponsor really make a profit when selling a biosimilar for
ensure proper storage. This data comes from the building $5.00 a vial?
management systems in the production processes and warehouses
that store the medication, and from the temperature monitors that Is It Worth It? With so many moving parts in a clinical study, it’s
record the actual shipment temperatures in transit.  imperative to do things the right way, every single time. Cutting
costs on shipping and/or overages could be a potential risk to
the success of the study. And when you get too greedy, or pinch-
pennies too tightly, you’re committing a deadly sin of trial supply
management and putting a study at risk.

Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management 4

Sloth (Failing to plan adequately or on time) This is made more complicated when supplies have a short shelf-life,
People tend to stick to their area of expertise and focus their or when countries, such as India or China insist upon a set amount of
attention on making the arrangements for what they understand. residual shelf-life available when they are imported.
This often means that areas such as IMPD collation, Protocol
Writing, CTA Submissions and Site Selection area all arranged in Planning - Put Patients First. So what does all of this mean? When
good time and the drug purchase and distribution arrangements planning a trial, you cannot just “chill out”. There’s no time to fall into
can be left until later. Unfortunately, it can take over 6 months to the deadly sin of being a sloth because it’s quite possible that
arrange for the purchase and packaging of the supplies, something will go wrong if you let time pass without planning
arrange the distribution aspects and Import License appropriately.
applications, and then ship to a country. This means that
although a study is otherwise ready to go, the drug supplies are Be sure to calculate your timelines accordingly, and work together
not ready, so start-up is delayed until these aspects are taken with sponsors and vendors to ensure a smooth process for drug
care of. supply and drug management. After all, the patient is counting on
your ability to manage these logistics, and all others, without any
Failure To Plan? Planning To Fail. error.
In-depth planning is vital to make sure that the strategies for
production and distribution of the supplies are robust and Wrath (That timeline is not acceptable! Put your CEO on the phone
appropriate to the type of drug that is being provided. Knowing and he’ll make things happen faster!). Ruining partnerships over
the lead-times for each of the component parts and re-supply unreasonable timelines? We can fix that.
timelines when the study is in progress is vital to allow
scheduling of additional packaging campaigns to be done at Vendors are generally open and honest about what they can achieve.
the right time. In fact, we can most often trust their transparency, responsiveness,
and availability. It’s a partnership, a team effort.
As an example – if a patient is on treatment for 1 year and visits
the hospital every 3 months to collect medication, we need to But when all the slack - all of the reasonable timelines and grace
have new supplies on the shelf at the hospital that have an periods - is taken out of a project plan before it has really begun,
expiry date of at least 3 months after their visit to allow the vendors aren’t able to work through a contingency plan or catch up if
patient to be dispensed their treatment. Add to this the lead there are problems in the project. If there are any errors, delays
time to get the supplies to a local depot (planning timelines become eminent…
always works on the longest lead time – for the Philippines it
can take 90+ days to arrange the shipment) then add on the Can Delays Be Managed? Delays can arise from a multitude of areas
production time, which can take another 3 months, and you may and aren’t limited to just a few ordeals. 
need to start planning re-supply campaigns a year or more prior
to the expiry date of the supplies!

Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management 5

Bulk drug orders can be delivered to the packaging facility late, Letting Pride Get In The Way? Consider Your Risks. Setting a
label text can take longer than expected to be finalized, typhoons study up without considering potential disruptions or
and volcanoes can disrupt shipping lanes, customs can open complications is folly. What was once appropriate for the start of
supplies to inspect the contents, and the list goes on and on. And a study may not actually be appropriate as it progresses, and we
while some of these issues can be anticipated and planned for, have to keep that note in the forefront. Re-visiting and updating
many are unforeseeable. the plan with actual information is vital to ensure that the right
decisions are made at the appropriate time. This could mean
Set Your Partners Up For Success. Allowing the vendor time to varying the timing or quantity of re-supply campaigns, changing
manage production and distribution directly correlates to the the courier type, or even deciding that an in-country depot would
amount of time a vendor has to correctly assess and mitigate be more appropriate than direct to site shipments.  In the
against risks. As such, vendors have a greater chance of getting previous example specifically, it means altering the buffer stock
the supplies where they need to be on time. With a properly built appropriately throughout all phases of the project.
timeline, that means that sites and patients are able to receive Unfortunately, the stock status and levels of excess were
their supplies by the actual time those supplies are needed. discovered too late to reduce the site supplies to a level where it
Setting appropriate timelines and properly assessing risks is a could be used by the patients remaining to be recruited. The
huge factor in eliminating any potential “wrathful” behavior. stocking decision was based on previous experiences with other
Because every aspect of trial supply management involves studies, rather than weighing the considerations of the current
multiple teams, we always need to remember the keyword: team. study.
Because as we mentioned before, it’s a partnership. It’s a team
effort. And to save a lengthy explanation, it was due to the fact that
pride got in the way. We all know what we’re doing, all the time,
The Final Key: Realistic Timelines. Wrath on either side of the right? We’re experts. We have years of experience and have
vendor partnership is a deadly sin to fall into, and one that could worked on dozens of studies in the same indication, right? That
ruin both the current study and potential studies. When we’re doesn’t mean we can fall into the habits of setting up studies the
close to strict deadlines, it’s easy to overreact, demand a phone same way every single time.


call with a boss or two, and get stuck in a wrathful mindset. But
by creating realistic timelines, this behavior is immediately Innovate, Improve, Learn. As a CRO, it’s our job to tailor every
mitigated. Timelines are ensured, and the sites and patients – study around every aspect of the project, rather than using some
again, as noted before – are able to rely on the true timelines. sort of template to run a program. We have to ensure that we’re
digging in, learning new aspects, innovating, and improving at
We might not be able to predict a typhoon, late deliveries, or every stage of every study. And when we’re managing trial
volcanic lava sweeping through a shipping lane. But we can build supplies specifically, this has to be a key focus.
a few extra days into our own project schedule on the backend,
to ensure supplies are delivered by the agreed upon date from What’s the answer here? Don’t let the pride of experience
the outset. Whether it’s a CRO, sponsor, or additional vendor, the outweigh the benefit of consulting, learning, and improving. It’s
deadly sin of wrath, can indeed, become extinct. never too late to innovate.

Pride (I know what I’m doing – how dare you question me) Envy (They’re getting the job done quicker than us, how can we
It’s easy for us to fall into the same habits and trust our own stop them from making us look bad?) For a number of reasons,
expertise. But often times, our pride in knowledge and experience there will occasionally be more than one CRO working on a study
gets in the way of innovation, improvement, or, for better terms, at the same time. This can sometimes cause problems behind the
lack of thinking. Let’s look at an example. scenes.

In the post-study review of an antibiotics trial, data showed that PSI was recently brought on to a study to boost recruitment that
82% of the kits produced during the study were never used. Some was way behind schedule. However, the incumbent CRO
expired, some were damaged, some had temperature remained in control of the drug supplies. Shortly after we got
excursions, and some were never sent from the central depot to going, we were able to recruit patients far faster than the other
the sites. The majority of the unused kits sat on the shelves at the CRO, but soon found that the drug supplies needed to treat the
sites at the end of the study because the number of reserves held patients were subject to delays and stock-outs. Though this was
at each site to support recruitment was too high. The clinical team an issue that affected the entire study, it was also a positive
insisted on having enough of the blinded drug on site to treat 3 learning outcome for risks associated with splitting the study
patients concurrently. A review towards the end of recruitment of across two organizations.
this study, however, showed that the average site only managed
to recruit 1 patient every 3-4 months. Of the 900+ patients Don't Let The Rush Overcome The Supply. It takes significant
recruited, less than 30 were in treatment at the same site, at the resources –time and money- to identify a patient, screen, enroll
same time, as another patient. and start treatment. It is unforgivable (as well as unethical) to
allow this to happen, and then not have the supplies available to
treat them when they arrive at the site.  

Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management 6

In order to prevent this, we need to be clear with the sponsor We know that mistakes are all too common in trials. And when a
about our expected recruitment forecasts and discuss variations – trial is split between two CROs, the risk of these mistakes can be
especially when recruitment is faster than expected. This will then even larger. It’s more important now than ever to ensure solid
show how much supply we will need at each point. If it becomes planning, analytical strategies, and appropriate mitigation


clear that the supplies will not be available, then we should slow options. Don’t let envy, and the feeling of “competing” against
recruitment rather than risk running out of drugs for ongoing the other organization, ruin a well-designed study strategy.
And remember, your supplies and logistical aspects matter. As
Moving Ahead: Mitigation and Planning. Now that we understand we mentioned before, running out of supplies is both unforgivable
the major pitfalls that can cause problems during the course of a and unethical.
study (remember the other 6 sins we previously discussed?), we
need to understand what we can do to avoid them.  Setting The seven deadly sins of trial supply management: envy, pride,
milestones or checkpoints along the course of a study will help wrath,  laziness, failure to plan, greed, and lust - are the key
ensure that reviews are carried out in good time. Think about it: habits to avoid in order to ensure a trial is set up for success.
how often do even the best of the best project managers need to Before diving into a trial, be sure to review these weak points,
rely on the goodwill of others to help avoid a crisis by prioritizing and implement the advised mitigation plans to overcome
work when slightly better planning and more timely decision potential downfalls. 
making could have avoided the issue altogether?

The pointers below are a cyclical process, which has been used
in a number of forms and is a key part of all good project
management toolkits. 

Plan Focus on the end goal and identify what we need to do to

achieve that goal
Assess the risks Weigh the options and review the cost/benefit
analysis, and mitigate against risks that can’t be avoided About the author:
Develop a strategy Break the plan up into milestones and work out
the timelines
Execute Use the plan as a guide. Focus on timelines and deliverables. Alan has been working in the logistics
Be aware of risks happening and take action when they do and supply chain arena for almost 30
Evaluate progress Compare real-life with the forecast. It is a lot easier
to get a plan back on track if action is taken early years and has spent the last 7 working
Re-plan When life happens, update the plan with the new information for market-leading drug supply and
Communicate Make sure that when the plan changes, the relevant packaging vendors supporting studies all
people know, and most importantly, know what they now need to do
over the world.

Seven Deadly Sins of Trial Supply Management 7


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