Underground Economy and Tax Gap: Iranian Economic Review, Vol.13, No.22, Fall 2008
Underground Economy and Tax Gap: Iranian Economic Review, Vol.13, No.22, Fall 2008
Underground Economy and Tax Gap: Iranian Economic Review, Vol.13, No.22, Fall 2008
Ali Taiebnia
Shapour Mohammadi
In this paper the relation of underground economy and tax gap in
Iran has been examined. The results show that the underground
economy size is almost 20 percent of GDP in Iran. In this research
three methods of estimation of underground economy size has been
used and combined to achieve a more precise estimation. The
methods that have been used are: cash, fuzzy and latent variable
methods. The size of tax gap in Iran has been over 30 billion dollars
in recent years. Some new payment systems as ATM cause change in
money velocity which makes it necessary that new factors to be taken
into account
1- Introduction
Underground economy is one of the unwanted facts in many countries.
This sector can be defined as legal and illegal sector of economies.
Households which produce goods and services for their own uses are agents
of informal economy but not illegal agents. Black market economy, shadow
economy, and underground economy are almost equal in terms of literature.
However, they are different from informal economy and illegal ones. The
first term has a broader definition than the second one. Economic literature is
familiar with the story of underground or shadow economy. Tanzi (1980) is
the earliest work on the estimation underground economy size. His work is
based on liquidity demand. another study in this area is done by Frey and
Hanlor(1984) that uses unobservable variables for estimation of underground
economy (UE hereafter) size. They find variables such as tax burden,
regulation and tax morality as statistically significant variables. This study
applies Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) which is a factor
analysis method for estimating UE as an unobservable variable. From an
econometrics point of view linear structural equations (LISREL) is a
generalization of MIMIC model. LISREL has two parts: measurement
models and structural equations. Measurement model relates unobserved
variables to observable indices and structural equations focus on the relation
between unobservable variables. In the Frey and Hanlor, the unobserved
variable is UE which its size is determined by exogenous variables which are
measured without any error. Another set of variables are indicators that
affect UE size. Other studies in this area, Giles and Caragata (1994), and
Caragata and Giles (1994) examine the response of underground economy to
tax burden and tax mix. In addition, Schneider and Enst (2000) estimated UE
size in developed and developing countries by various methods.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The second section briefly
explains methods of estimation and provides our main method in the
estimation of UE size. Third section presents estimation and interpretation of
UE size as well as tax gap in Iran. The last section is devoted to concluding
remarks and policy prescriptions.
Taiebnia, Ali & Shapour Mohammadi. /3
(Schneider and Enste, 2000, p.93). For example, UE size of Russia was
reported 74.9 percent for 1995.
The second method is difference between formal and informal
labor force. Change of labor in the formal sector with given rate of
participation can be attributed to change of UE size. This method has at least
two drawbacks. The first one is other factor than change in UE size which
may change labor of formal sector. The second one is possibility of working
in both formal and informal sector simultaneously.
The Third method is transaction method which uses Fisher
equation MV = PT , where M is money, V is velocity of money circulation,
P stands for prices and T is total transaction. The method is proposed by
Feige (1979). In this method supposed nominal GNP is composed from
formal and informal GNP therefore subtracting formal GNP form the GNP
that is calculated by Fisher equation one can obtain informal GNP. In this
method argued that although the informal activities are not included in
formal GNP, transactions show both formal and informal activities. In other
words if formal sector's size is constant, changes in transactions are result of
changes in informal activities. This method supposes that the size of
underground economy is zero in the base year and the ratio of UE to formal
economy is constant. These two assumptions and the necessity of having a
lot of information cause restrictions, which make this method inapplicable.
The Fourth method is cash demand method. For the first time this
method is used by Tanzi. The main reason behind this method is that
informal activities mainly are done by cash, not by banking instruments such
as check and drafts, etc. To extracting the effect of other variables such as
interest rate, payment habits, income and so on, an econometric model
should be estimated. Also some factors such as tax burden and regulations
complexity which encourage economic agents to do their transaction in
underground economy should be entered. The regression was used by Tanzi
(Tanzi 1983) is as follows:
important factors such as tax morality, and belief of tax payers about tax and
government. Therefore, size of economy in this method is underestimated.
3- Increase in demand for cash is partially a result of decrease in
demand deposits in some countries and cannot entirely be related to the
underground economy.
4- The last critique is related to the assumption of constancy of money
The Fifth method is electricity consumption method which was
proposed by Kaufmane and Kaliberda (1996), and Lacko (1998). In the
method of Kaufmane and Kaliberda difference of electricity growth and
GDP growth is used for extension of underground economy. Lacko method
is based on household electricity consumption is used in shadow economy,
therefore household consumption of electricity should be considered. There
are many drawbacks in the use of electricity method, which make it useless
for our study (Schneider, 2000), therefore avoid of further explanations.
Sixth method is related to underground variables, so called model
approach. This method is also called Multiple Indicators and Multiple
Causes (MIMC) approach. In this method unobserved variables such as UE
size is related to observable variables such tax burden, regulation intensity
and unemployment in formal sector. These variables are called causes. On
the other side indicators are effects of unobservable variables. Effects can be
GDP growth of formal sector, participation rate of formal sector and money
variables. The demand for M1 is increases as UE size increases. This method
is used by Frey and Hanneman (in 1984). (Further details of this methods is
presented in Appendix A5)
We will use this method for Iran data in LISREL8 for calculation of
UE size. Initial level of these estimates will be determined by liquidity
Another method is called econometric method in the context of
underground economy studies. This method is based on Baumol and Tobin
"Optimal Cash Balance (1989)". The model is as follows:
This method is alternative form of money demand. Taking log and denoting
logarithm of variables by lowercase letters:
mt = β0 + β1 yRt + β2rt + β3 pt +εt ( 4)
Where β 0 = Lnβ 0 . If the underground sector is included in the model
makes set theory more flexible and effective in real world applications. In
classic set theory each element such as, a , may or may not be an element of
set A . While in fuzzy sets each element of a set belongs to the set with a
specific degree of membership. For example degree of membership to A for
element , a , is 0.1. In other words in fuzzy sets each element is related to a
degree of membership.
X = {a , b , c , d }
X = {( a , 1) , (b , 0.5 ) , (c , 0.3) , (d , 0.7 )}
Where X is a classic set and X is a fuzzy set. In the fuzzy set each
element such as a, b, c, d have a membership degree that states the degree
of membership of that element in the set X . This approach in sets and logic
makes approximate reasoning possible for effective modeling real world
phenomena. Although, interval mathematics has most of strengths of fuzzy
logic, fuzzy logic is very simple in practical applications. As father fuzzy
sayes there are other methods that can be used instead of fuzzy logic,
however it is one of simplest methods for similar problems.
The elements of fuzzy sets are similar to a classic set. For the degree
of membership one can use common membership function in fuzzy logic
literature. Appropriate membership function differs for different
applications. In spite of probability, sum of membership degrees is not
necessarily one and can be defined in an interval other than [ 0,1] .
value of first method. Also P2,T + j is forecasted value of second method. For
β1 + β 2 + L + β k = 1
10/ Underground Economy and Tax Gap
β k = 1 − β1 − β 2 + L
Where all of the forecasts and actual values are stated as deviation from
kth forecast value. Although this method is very useful it can not be
applicable in estimating the size of underground economy. Because value of
underground economy which is used as actual value is not measured
accurately. As the main concern of this paper is a precise measurement and
not a forecast of UE size, we use the second method i.e. variance-covariance
Variance- covariance tries to combine different forecasts or
estimations to minimize variance of forecasts. This method relies on
combination of forecast error of various methods. (Clements and Hendry
1998, p. 229)
ec , +T = αe1,t + (1 − α )e2,t
and e2,T + j ,T + j is forecast error of the second method in the same time which
j=1 i =1
1- www.cbi.ir
2- www.ieicenter.com
Taiebnia, Ali & Shapour Mohammadi. /13
percent level or less. Also model is overally significant that is shown by very
low probability of F statistic. In addition diagnostic tests on residual of
regression confirm no serial correlations for error term assumption and
nonspurious regression. In order to achieve a proper model we used three
different specifications for the liquidity model. In the first model (Appendix
1) both of tax variables (ratio of direct tax to GDP and ratio of indirect tax
to GDP ) were entered in the model. After the deletion of the indirect tax
(this variable is not significant at 5 percent level) the direct tax ratio to GDP
became significant at one percent level. This result is in line with theoretical
considerations and empirical results, and confirm that direct tax have
positive effect on liquidity demand and therefore on UE size. This result is
interesting when it reveals that structure of tax (tax mix) can be important in
changes of UE size.
In another model indirect tax ratio to GDP is replaced by ratio of
total tax to GDP (Appendix: model 2). In the model there is multicolinearity
between total tax ratio and direct tax ratio, when the indirect tax is a
component of total tax. In the model, also the direct tax variable ratio is
significant and total tax ratio variable is not significant.
Final model (Appendix model 3) is obtained by omitting the
insignificant variable (total tax ration to GDP) from the model. Summary of
the results of this model which is presented in above indicates that the model
is significant in less than one percent level and signs of the variables are
consistent with theory. Increase in tax causes increase in money demand and
increase in bank deposits rate, reduces liquidity demand. Income variable
has positive sign, but it is not significant in five percent level. Therefore, it is
deleted from the model.
To estimate UE size from the regression mentioned above, tax burden
term is deleted and the real balance of money in the absence of shadow
economy (Theoretical reasons were presented before) is calculated:
L O G ( C A S H / M 2 ) = -0 .1 1 2 + 1 .0 9 3 L O G ( C A S H ( - 1 ) / M 2 ( -1 ) ) - 0 .0 8 6 L O G ( R A T E 3 )
+ [ M A ( 1 ) = -0 .9 9 7 ,B A C K C A S T = 1 3 4 3 ]
14/ Underground Economy and Tax Gap
U E S IZ E = (C A S H -e x p ( C A S H f) M 2 ) V 2 / G D P (9)
The normality test of residuals shows that normality hypothesis can not
be rejected at 5 percent level. Hence, in 5 percent level distribution of
residuals is normal and test-statistics are valid. Also, based on following
table one can concluded that there is no serial correlation.
gathering from this sector) for some of agents there is no motivation to enter
to underground economy. Underground economy such as formal economy
uses goods and services therefore there is no way for evasion from indirect
tax and this not only leads extension of tax base, but it also shrinks UE size
in future. The graphical illustration is as follows:
Table 6. Data of informal sector size as percent of GDP and tax and Insurance
burden on employers
Informal Value added Direct Social Secutrities Social Secutrities Social Secutrities Social Social
Sector Size as Tax (percent) Tax(Percewnt) Payments(employee) Payments(employer) Payments(Total) Secutieties+Direct Secutieties+Direct
Percent of Tax Tax+Value Added
Greec 28.5 18 11 15.8 27.5 43.3 54.3 72.3
Italy 27 19 12 9.9 32 41.9 53.9 72.9
Spain 22.9 16 13 6.6 31.6 38.2 51.2 67.2
Belgium 21.9 21 19 10 26 36 55 76
Sewden 19.2 25 20 4 29.6 33.6 53.6 78.6
Norway 18.9 23 19 7 12.8 19.8 38.8 61.8
Denmark 18.3 25 36 9 0 9 45 70
Ireland 15.9 21 20 7.2 12.3 19.5 39.5 60.5
Canada 14.6 7 21 7 8 15 36 43
Germany 14.5 15 18 16.1 16.1 32.2 50.2 65.2
France 14.3 20.6 6 13 31 44 50 70.6
Hetherlands 14 17.5 10 31 8.8 39.8 49.8 67.3
UK 13.1 17.5 16 10.7 10.2 21.4 37.4 54.9
USA 8.8 3 17 7.6 13.8 21.4 38.4 41.4
Austria 8.3 20 8 18.2 24.2 42.4 50.4 70.4
Switzerland 7.5 6.5 10 11.6 11.6 23.2 33.2 39.7
Taiebnia, Ali & Shapour Mohammadi. /21
Also, Lagrange multiplier test for serial correlation shows that the
model is acceptable in common levels of the significance. The above
regression show that there is no relation between value added tax and UE
size, whereas direct tax has significant positive effect on the UE size.
In the case of Iran, we can use M 2 as a proxy for underground
economy size when it is highly correlated with underground economy size.
Therefore the relation between UE size and tax variables can be studied via
money aggregates such as M 2 .
Expa Increase
Direct nsin of UE s in money
tax size demand
Figure 3: Relation between direct tax and UE size and money demand
Table 7: Results of the regression of the money demand on the direct tax,
indirect tax, deposits rate and lags of the dependent variable
Results for Iran are consistent with results of other studies. There is a
positive and significant relation between direct tax and UE size. Also this
study is in the line with (Bovi 2003, p. 65) that show a positive relation
between direct tax and UE size by a correlation analysis for all types of tax.
in favor of indirect tax can reduce the size of the underground economy and
increase the attainable tax income for government. The reason behind of the
indirect tax-dominated tax mix is that the indirect tax can be imposed on
both of formal and informal activities and it reduces motivations of the
economic agents to convey their activities in underground economy for tax
1- Frey, S. B. weck - Hameman, H.(1984). The Underground Economy as
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Approach, Oxford Economic papers, Vol 35, MARCH 1983, Number 1.
3- Tanzi, v.(1980).Underground Economy Built on Illicit pursuits is
Growing , Concern of Economic policymakers ,IMF Survey (Febr,4),p.34-7.
4- Isachser, Arne and Steiner storm 1980. The Underground Economy, the
Labor market and Tax Evasion, Scandinavians. Econ. 82, pp.304-11.
5- I sachsenr, Arne)and steinar storm 1985 The size and Growth of Hiden
economy in Norway ,Rev. Income weath, 31:1, pp. 21-38
6- Giles, D.A (1999). Measuring the Underground Economy: Implications
For Econmetric Modeling. The Economic Journal, 109(June),F371-F380.
7- Diebold, F.(2001).Elements of Forecating,
8- Clement, Michael, p. and David F. Hnadry (1998). Forecastling
Economic Time Series. Cambridge University Press.
9- Aigner, penis,) and A. S. Goldberger (1977). Latent Variable in Socio -
economic Models. North - Holland.
10- Draeseke, Robert & David E. A. Giles(1999).A Fuzzy Logic Approach
to Modelling the Underground Economy. Derpatment of Economics,
University of Victoria, Canada. Working paper.
11- Zimmerman .H. j.(1996).Fuzzy Set Theory and its Application. Kluwer
Academic publishes.
12- Giles,D.A.E. (1997)The Rise and Fall of New Zealand Underground
economy: Are the Responses Symmetric? (1994)
13- Bajada Christopher(2002), How reliable are the estimates of the
Underground economy? Economic Bulletin, Vol. 3, No.14 PP.1-11
24/ Underground Economy and Tax Gap
A1: Regression of the liquidity demand and all types of tax and rate
A2: Regression of the liquidity demand and direct tax and other variables
26/ Underground Economy and Tax Gap
A3: Long Run Relation between Liquidity demand and, tax and interest rate
Bovi , Maurizio (2003).The Nature of the Underground Economy –
Some Evidence from OECD Countries,JIIDT Vol. 7.
A5. Details of MIMIC Model
y = λη + ε (a1)
η = γ ′α + ζ (a2)
By replacement of ( a2 ) in ( a1) , the model can be written as
y = πx + z , where π = λγ ′ . Also z = λζ + ∈ and Cov(z ) = λλ ′ψ + θ ε ,
since ∈ and ζ are independently distributed. Rank of matrix of regressors is
one and error matrix is constrained; numerical estimation of parameters is
not possible. Estimates are function of parameters and represent relative
importance of parameters. Then, normalization of parameters is required.
Since x and y are given, the equation can be estimated by
maximum likelihood method. By estimated value of π one can get γ = λ .
Putting ζ = E ( ζ ) = 0 we can forecast η and UE size. This estimated value
for UE size is an ordinal value in order to reach the cardinal value at least in
one year UE size should be determined cardinally by other methods. This
fact is the main limitation of this method.
One of conventions in analysis of underground variables is LISREL1
method. In this method two types of observable variables are
X = (x 1 , x 2 ,K , x q )′,Y = ( y 1 , y 2 K , y p )′ which are in deviation from
mean form. It is supposed that variables X, Y satisfy the conditions of
factor analysis models. Common factores can be represented by
η = (η1 ,η 2 , Kη m )′ and ξ = (ξ1 , ξ 2 , K, ξ n )′ , and unique factors
δ = (δ1 , δ 2 ,K δq )′ and ε = (ε1 , ε 2 ,K , ε p )′ . So:
Y = Λ Yη + ε
X = ΛXξ +δ
Where Λ x , Λ y are loading matrixes with q xn , p xm dimensions.
Traditional assumptions of factor analysis are satisfied in our problem
E (η ) = 0, E (ξ ) = 0, E (ε ) = 0, E (δ ) = 0
E (ηε ′) = 0, E (ξδ ′) = 0, E (εε ′) = Θ ε , E (δδ ′) = Θ δ , E (εδ ′) = 0
2 2
⎛ Ωηη Ωηξ ⎞
Ω = ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ω ξη Ω ξξ ⎠
Ωηη = B ΓΦΓ ′B ′ −1 + B −1 ΨB ′ −1
∑ xy = ∑ ′xy = Λ y Ωηξ Λ ′x
∑ xx = Λ x Ω ξξ Λ ′x + Θ 2 δ