Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools
This document is available under a “Preserved Integrity” licence for educational purposes – see
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction to assessment .................................................................................................... 5
Incorporating Principles of Assessment............................................................................. 5
Formative and Summative Assessment ............................................................................ 6
What is an Assessment Tool? ........................................................................................... 6
2 Developing assessment tools.............................................................................................. 8
Validation and Moderation............................................................................................... 11
3 Sample Assessment Tools................................................................................................. 12
Sample assessment tool 1................................................................................................... 12
Assessor Guidelines........................................................................................................ 20
Instructions For The Learner ........................................................................................... 22
Learner Planning Sheet................................................................................................... 23
Sample Questions ........................................................................................................... 26
Peer Assessment Sheet .................................................................................................. 32
Summary Of Evidence..................................................................................................... 33
Validate Assessment Tools Checklist.............................................................................. 36
Competency Mapping...................................................................................................... 39
Sample assessment tool 2................................................................................................... 41
Assessor Guidelines........................................................................................................ 49
Instructions For The Learner ........................................................................................... 51
Learner Planning Sheet................................................................................................... 53
Observation Of Presentation ........................................................................................... 57
Sample Questions ........................................................................................................... 60
Peer Assessment Sheet .................................................................................................. 63
Teacher Observation Checklist ....................................................................................... 64
Summary Of Evidence..................................................................................................... 67
Validate Assessment Tools ............................................................................................. 70
Competency Mapping...................................................................................................... 72
Sample Assessment tool 3 .................................................................................................. 74
Assessor Guidelines........................................................................................................ 81
Instructions For The Learner ........................................................................................... 84
Learner Planning Sheet (Water-saving) .......................................................................... 93
Sample Questions ........................................................................................................... 98
You must also ensure that the assessment meets the rules of evidence. To meet these rules,
evidence must be:
Valid, for example, assessing the elements to the standard identified in the
performance criteria, reflecting the skills and knowledge described in the unit of
competency, showing application in the context described in the range statement
- Current, for example, demonstrate the candidate’s current skills and knowledge
- Sufficient, for example, demonstrate competence over a period of time,
demonstrate repeatable competence
- Authentic, for example, be the work of the learner, be corroborated/verified
For further discussion of these terms and how they apply in a CGEA context please refer to
Section B: Course Information of the curriculum document (pages 45-46).
In accordance with AQTF Essential Standards for Registration, an assessment tool includes:
The learning or competency units to be assessed;
The target group, context and conditions for the assessment;
The task to be administered to the candidate;
An outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidate;
The evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance (i.e. the assessment
decision making rules:; as well as the administration, recording and reporting
Questions Action
1. What is the unit about? Read the unit descriptor. This will give you a
broad idea of the skill focus and level your
assessments will need to cover.
2a. What do learners need to demonstrate? Read the Elements and Performance Criteria
of the unit. A learner needs to meet all the
2b. What is the required level of
Elements to be assessed as competent in a
unit. Your assessment tools must address the
2c. What else must I use to make a Performance Criteria, which outline the
judgement of learner performance? standard required to demonstrate
achievement of the Element. These need to
be contextualised and linked to the task.
Refer also to the Required Skills and
Knowledge of the unit. This information
informs the development of your assessment
tool and guides you to make a judgement of
learner performance.
Check the Range Statement of the unit. This
outlines supplementary information in
interpreting the Performance Criteria.
3a. What do I need to assess and Refer to the Evidence Guide. This contains
document? crucial information on assessment, such as
the evidence required to demonstrate
3b. What are the critical aspects for
competence and the context in which
assessment and evidence required to
assessment should take place. It also
demonstrate competency in this unit?
provides advice on appropriate methods of
3c. What methods of assessment will enable assessment which will provide you with
the appropriate collection of evidence? guidance in formulating tools. This must be
read in conjunction with the Elements,
Performance Criteria, Required Skills and
Knowledge and the Range Statement.
Assessment validation includes, but goes beyond, assessment moderation which is defined
a process which involves assessors in discussing and reaching agreement about assessment
processes and outcomes in a particular industry or industry sector. It enables assessors to
develop a shared understanding of the requirements of specific Training Packages, including
the relevant competency standards and assessment guidelines, the nature of evidence, how
evidence is collected and the basis on which assessment decisions are made.
(Source: TAA04 Training and Assessment Training Package Glossary of Terms)
Moderation is the process of bringing assessment judgements and standards into alignment. It
is a process that ensures that the same standards are applied to all assessment results within
the same units/s of competency.
(Source National Quality Council 2009 Implementation Guide: Validation and Moderation)
The following sample assessment tool is part of a program consisting of a topic: waste and the
environment. The selection of this topic was based on, learners’ needs, interests and the
issues they were experiencing in their neighbourhood. The broader topic focused on a number
of areas including council waste collection services and schedules in learners’ own local areas.
To ensure that learners were given every opportunity to access and engage with a broad range
of texts to meet their immediate needs it was decided to select the units VBQU122 Engage
with simple texts to participate in the community and VBQU129 Work with simple
numerical and statistical information as the basis of learning and assessment. The
requirements of these units also means that learners can access community texts containing a
range of features, structures and numerical information related to their immediate needs.
Formative assessment tasks using other community text types based on this topic can be used
to build up a portfolio for assessment of these units. For example similar texts from different
councils can be compared. Supporting activities could focus on using and interpreting
calendars and cross referencing information by using keys and symbols.
This assessment tool provides an example of how assessment can be undertaken. The
approach can be customised using community texts at a similar level with minor adjustments to
questions in the assessment tool to reflect specific features of language texts. Learners should
access and present their own texts relevant to the topic with guidance from their teacher. (See
© State of Victoria, Version 1, January 2010 3 Sample assessment tools 12
Produced with ACFE Funding
Step 3: What text? What real life activity and resources? for key considerations to guide the
teacher in the selection of appropriate texts).
Questions Description
1. What are the unit/s about? (unit descriptor) engaging with simple and familiar texts to
participate in the community.
locating and using simple everyday
numerical information in familiar texts,
tables and graphs
2a. What do learners need to do? (elements locate information in simple relevant
and performance criteria) community texts, and read and interpret
short, explicit texts to participate in the
2b. What is the required level of performance?
community: recognise features of text,
(skills and knowledge)
identify source, predict purpose, identify
2c. What else must I use to make a main message, comment on
judgement of learner performance? effectiveness
work with simple numerical information in
familiar texts. and work with simple,
familiar tables and graphs: whole
numbers, simple fractions and
percentages, one-step calculations.
features of graphs and tables
- range of reading strategies: sight
vocab and de-coding
- make connection with real world
- punctuation
© State of Victoria, Version 1, January 2010 3 Sample assessment tools 13
Produced with ACFE Funding
- read familiar/ ‘get the gist’
- identify audience and purpose
- simple addition and subtraction
- informal and formal language of
- relating signs / prints/ symbols
tables /graphs to real life
3a. What do I need to assess and document? Learner can locate personally relevant
(evidence guide) information related to participation in the
3b. What are the critical aspects for
assessment and evidence required to short, explicit, personally relevant,
demonstrate competency in this unit? familiar
(evidence guide) two occasions; 2 different text-types for
3c. What methods of assessment will enable VBQU122
the appropriate collection of evidence? real texts in context. Simulation permitted
(evidence guide)
for VBQU129
appropriate support: teacher, personal
dictionary, calculators, computers
Methods of assessment
verbal questioning
4. What texts/resources are suitable for the Community based information such as
task? brochures, notices, information sheets,
community newsletters
guidelines/friday%20south.pdf :retrieved 25/08/2009
Retrieved 12/08/2009
What is the text about? Can you think of 3 ways you might use the
Do these texts tell you what you need to know to use the waste collection
in your local area?
Are there any ways they could be improved?
What days in November will the green Identifies days, refers to the
rubbish be collected? How do you know key and cross references
this? (reading strategies) with calendar
How many garbage collections are there 52:uses + operation
during the year? (one step calculation)
How many recycling collections are there 4: uses + operation
in March?(one step calculation)
What % of these are green waste
collections?(simple fractions and ½ or 50%:
What things in the leaflet help you to Refers to visuals, symbols
understand it? Show me some of the such as crosses and ticks,
features that helped.(features of the text) headings in big print etc
What did you find difficult to understand in Could refer to specific
the calendar? How did you work out the vocabulary, sentences or
meaning?(reading strategies) layout of the text
May indicate they had to re-
read text
Draw on familiar words
Was the calendar clear and easy to Offers an opinion about the
follow? How can it be improved? text. May draw on
(evaluation of text) experience with similar
VBQU122 Engage with simple texts to participate in the community Learner name:
VBQU129 Work with simple numerical and statistical information Date:
Sample Question Evidence required Student response Evidence
Satisfactory/additional evidence
What is the purpose of this information? (purpose) Indicates that provides information about
green waste collection
Can you tell me what they might use this Indicates that they would use it to find out
information for? (purpose) when green waste is collected in their area
What are the main features of the text? How is it Identifies as a map with street names
organised? (features of text) Colour coded key to identify areas
How often is the green waste collected in Identifies the word “fortnightly”
Moreland? Each week or each second
Which day of the week do people living in the areas Answers Monday : links the key to the map
coloured yellow have their green waste collected?
(reading strategies)
Can you find a street which has the green waste Eg Gaffney street: links the key to the map
collected on Tuesdays? (reading strategies)
Can you find 2 ways to contact the council if you Provides various council contact details:
need further information? (reading strategies) draws on familiar information such as
telephone numbers and addresses
What things in the leaflet help you to understand it? May indicate the map with colour coding
Show me some of the features that helped.(text
Did you find anything difficult to read? How did you Could refer to specific vocabulary,
work out the meaning? (evaluation of text) sentences or layout of the text
May indicate they had to re-read text
Draw on familiar words such as days of the
Description 9/8
You are clear about the purpose of the text
You are clear about who the text is for (audience)
You explain why you chose this text and how it affects you
You give some examples of features in the text that helped you to
understand it
You answer questions about the text clearly
You interpret numbers given in the texts
You use mathematical language (numbers)
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
Assessor Guidelines – how to Y/N Evidence provided Comments Integration of Employability Skills and Comments Date
make a judgement Facets
Identifies features of the text Presentation
such as headings, logos, Responses to
photos, dates and times, questions
and numbers, and uses
these to read and interpret Peer assessment
the text
Identifies type of information Presentation
likely to be covered in text Responses to
Peer assessment
Review the assessment tool (s) against the following: Yes No Comments
Does the assessment address the Elements and Performance Criteria? 9 Yes the tool addresses the Elements and
Performance Criteria for both units identified
Does the assessment obtain evidence to meet the requirements of the Evidence Guide (Critical Yes learners need to read and interpret 2
Aspects)? different types of text. Additional assessment
would be required to assess the breadth of
numeracy in VBQU129 Work with simple
numerical and statistical information, eg text
with simple graphs
Does the assessment allow the student to demonstrate the Required Skills and Knowledge required 9 Yes the tool enables the learner to use a range
for the units? of reading strategies, basic analysis skills and
use signs and symbols to make meaning
Is it clear which Elements / Performance Criteria are being assessed? 9 Yes, task components have been mapped
NB: if a task does not cover all Elements / Performance Criteria, it needs to indicate which Elements / against Elements and Performance Criteria
Performance Criteria are being assessed
Is the assessment designed to produce valid evidence? (Is it asking for more than required? Can 9 Yes, every aspect of the task can be linked back
every aspect of the task be related back to the unit? to the appropriate unit
Presentation VBQU122 can read texts which have predictable informative texts such as learners will be able to locate personally
and Questioning structure and familiar vocabulary; can get brochures, community newsletters relevant information related to participation
Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2,
the gist or locate specific information in with explicit navigation features, in the community in simple and familiar
texts which have more unfamiliar eg, headings texts
Element 2 (PC 2.1, 2.2, elements
information formatted into a table learners will be able to read and interpret
2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
uses a range of reading strategies short, explicit and personally relevant texts
sentences containing adjectives,
including ability to draw on bank of sight
pronouns and prepositions evidence that texts have been accessed on
vocabulary of personally relevant words/
at least two occasions. Each occasion must
phrases and use of word attack skills familiar place-related information
address a different text type
can identify purpose and audience of a numbers (for example, dates and
access to real texts in context
text times, phone numbers relevant to
local community) At this level the learner may:
can make connections between own
knowledge and experience and the meaning-making strategies, for depend heavily on visual cues to
purpose of texts example: understand meaning
beginning ability to analyse texts - drawing on non-linguistic need time to read, reread and decode text
support such as illustrations,
communication skills to undertake depend on a personal dictionary
diagrams, photos, symbols,
colours, layout depend on the teacher and need frequent
support to interpret meaning
- making connections between
own knowledge and
experience and the purpose
of texts
- drawing on a bank of known
words and phrases including
VBQU129 knowledge that signs / prints/ symbols numbers should be relevant and learners will be able to work with simple
tables /graphs represent meaning appropriate to the learner numerical information in familiar texts.
Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
1.4) communication skills to undertake recognise equivalence of 50% learners will be able to work with simple,
learning and assessment familiar tables and graphs.
Element 2 (PC 2.1, 2.2, one step calculations, subtraction,
2.3) informal and some formal language of addition access to real/authentic or simulated tasks,
number and data materials and texts in appropriate and
small tables
relevant contexts
simple addition and subtraction
At this level, the learner may:
use oral descriptions with common,
everyday, informal language and gestures
depend on teacher/support person or
use “in the head” methods, pen and paper
methods and calculators.
Activity VBQU122 knowledge of how basic punctuation sentences with simple verb tenses learners will be able to read and interpret
impacts on meaning and routine word order patterns short, explicit and personally relevant texts
PC 1.2
informal and some formal language of numbers should be relevant and learners will be able to work with simple
PC 2.2
number and data appropriate to the learner numerical information in familiar texts.
most, least, first
PC 1.2
The following sample assessment tool is part of a program consisting of a topic: waste and the
environment. The selection of this topic was based on, learners’ needs, interests and issues
they were experiencing in their neighbourhood. The broader topic, focused on a number of
areas including waste collection in learners’ own local areas and the dumping of waste in local
communities. To ensure that learners were given every opportunity to access and engage with
a broad range of texts about these issues, it was decided to select the units VBQU135 Engage
with texts of limited complexity to participate in the community and VBQU140 Work with
measurement and design in familiar situations (see below) as the basis of learning and
assessment. The requirements of these units also meant that learners could access community
texts containing a range of features, structures and measurement and calculation functions.
This assessment tool provides an example of how assessment can be undertaken. The
approach can be customised using community texts at a similar level with minor adjustments to
questions in the assessment tool to reflect specific features of texts. Learners should access
and present their own texts relevant to the topic with guidance from their teacher. (see Step 3:
What text? What real life activity and resources? for key considerations to guide the teacher in
the selection of appropriate texts). It should be noted that this sample assessment tool meets
only part of the requirements for these units. Formative assessment tasks using other
community text types based on this topic can be used to build up a portfolio for assessment of
these units.
Questions Description
1. What are the units about? (unit descriptor) engaging with everyday texts and less
familiar text types, of limited complexity,
to participate in the community
interpreting plans, drawing and
assembling shapes, and estimating,
measuring and calculating everyday
2a. What do learners need to do? (elements locate routine and familiar information for
and performance criteria) community purposes in everyday texts of
limited complexity, and read, interpret
2b. What is the required level of performance?
and evaluate a range of everyday texts of
(skills and knowledge)
limited complexity to participate in the
2c. What else must I use to make a community: describe features of texts,
judgement of learner performance? identify source, predict purpose, use a
range of strategies to comprehend and
analyse text, identify main message and
supporting information, comment on
effectiveness of text
interpret plans and draw and assemble
shapes, and estimate, measure and
calculate everyday quantities using
appropriate instruments: common 2 and
3 dimensional shapes. Use language of
shape, and measurement; assemble
models;, interpret diagrams, convert
measures of length, mass and capacity
within the metric system
Knowledge and skills
use a range of reading strategies: de-
coding and meaning-making
interpret basic structural conventions of
understands a range of audiences and
3a. What do I need to assess and document? locate personally relevant information in
(Evidence guide) familiar texts
three occasions; 3 different text-types;
3b. What are the critical aspects for one or two linked paragraphs
assessment and evidence required to real texts in context; simulation of tasks,
demonstrate competency in this unit? texts and materials is permitted
(Evidence guide)
appropriate support: teacher for advice/
modelling, personal dictionary,
3c. What methods of assessment will enable calculators, computers, internet
the appropriate collection of evidence? verbal questioning
(Evidence guide)
peer assessment
use a combination of oral and written
mathematical and general language,
symbols, abbreviations and diagrams
use a blend of “in the head” methods,
pen and paper methods and calculators
Part Two
This task is part of your assessment for the unit VBQU140 Work with measurement and design
in familiar situations. It assesses your knowledge and skills about shapes and measurement in
relation to the Hard Waste leaflet. You will be asked to follow these instructions:
Mark out one metre square on a flat surface
Make up the box using instructions given
Select and place a number of objects of different shapes and sizes onto the flat
© State of Victoria, Version 1, January 2010 3 Sample assessment tools 51
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Count, compare and describe the shapes that make up the objects (ie square,
rectangle, face, parallel etc)
Sort according to the instructions in the brochure
Estimate dimensions of objects
Measure the objects using appropriate equipment
Draw a diagram of how the objects will fit into 1 metre cubed
Record the stages of your activity for your portfolio (photo).
How will you be assessed?
Your ability to follow instructions in making the box
Your ability to use measuring equipment
Your ability to draw the shapes
Your understanding of the names of shapes and parts of shapes
What support is available?
Ask your teacher for advice or to show you what to do, if you need to
You can use a calculator or computer
What are some of the features of the texts? (Lay-out, visuals, headings, numbers?)
What is the text about? Can you think of 3 ways you might use the information?
Were there any sections you found difficult to read? What strategies did you use to work out
the meaning of them?
Do you think the text is clearly designed and written? Are there ways it could be improved?
Draw a diagram illustrating how objects would fit into 1 metre cubed.
Name: ......................................................................................Date:............................................
Who might read this text and why? Identifies people who live in local
area, themselves, neighbours
Who wrote the text? Identifies it as a Council leaflet
What is the text about? Identifies as information about
annual waste collection ie types of
waste allowed, where to leave it
What things in the text help you to Identifies visual cues, Steps 1-3,
understand it? Show me some of the symbols such as ticks and crosses,
features lists of items
How much hard waste can you put Identifies 1 metre cubed
Can you give examples of waste that Selects appropriately from lists with
you can and can’t put out? ticks and crosses
Find the words “TOO MUCH” in the Identifies it is a way of drawing
text. Why are they in capital letters? attention to this point
What did you find difficult to Possibly specific items of
understand in the text? How did you vocabulary eg scavenging – has a
work out the meaning? reasonably accurate interpretation
Was the text clear and easy to follow? Provides and supports an opinion
What things can be improved? about the clarity of the text and
makes suggestions for
Does the council make it easy to get May comment on phone numbers
rid of your rubbish? Is it a fair system? to help those from non-English
speaking background or on council
contact details.
May offer an opinion on the types of
hard waste that is allowed
Component of the task Required skills and knowledge Evidence required Satisfactory /
Additional evidence
Can identify and describe 2D shapes using knowledge that signs / prints/ symbols Counts, compares and describes
appropriate language represent meaning the shapes that make up the
objects (ie square, rectangle,
communication skills to undertake
face, parallel etc
learning and assessment
Can identify and describe 3D shapes using Can interpret plans and draw and Counts, compares and describes
appropriate language assemble shapes the shapes that make up the
objects (ie cube, cylinder etc)
Ability to estimate, measure and
calculate everyday quantities
Can follow instructions to assemble 3D Can interpret plans and draw and Makes up the box using
shapes assemble shapes instructions given
Can estimate measurements Ability to estimate, measure and Selects and places a number of
calculate everyday quantities objects of different shapes and
sizes onto the flat surface.
Sorts according to the
instructions in the brochure
Estimates dimensions of objects
Performs measures correctly using Ability to estimate, measure and Marks out one metre square on
appropriate instruments calculate everyday quantities a flat surface
Measures the objects using
appropriate equipment
Draws a diagram illustrating how
objects would fit into 1 metre
Interprets concepts and units of Ability to estimate, measure and Measures the objects using
measurement calculate everyday quantities appropriate equipment
Converts measurements of length, mass Ability to estimate, measure and Marks out one metre square on
and capacity within the metric system calculate everyday quantities a flat surface
Checks reasonableness of results Ability to estimate, measure and Discusses how accurate their
calculate everyday quantities estimates were.
Interprets results in terms of original Ability to estimate, measure and Discusses whether they chose
purpose calculate everyday quantities shapes that fitted into the metre
cubed and if they could have
added more or needed to leave
some shapes out
Assessor Guidelines – Y/N Evidence provided Comments Employability Skills and Facets Comments Date
how to make a
Describes features of text Presentation of text
Responses to verbal
questions about text
Identifies audience and Presentation of text
purpose of text Responses to verbal
questions about text
Uses a range of reading Presentation of text
strategies Responses to verbal
questions about text
Identifies main ideas and Presentation of text
supporting information Responses to verbal
questions about text
Review the assessment tool (s) against the following: Yes No Comments
Does the assessment address the Elements and Performance Criteria? 9 Yes the tool addresses the Elements and Performance
Criteria for both units identified
Does the assessment obtain evidence to meet the requirements of the Learners would also need to demonstrate reading and
Evidence Guide (Critical Aspects)? engaging with another two types of text. Additional
7 assessment would also be required to assess the breadth of
numeracy in VBQU140 Work with Measurement and Design
in familiar situations
Does the assessment allow the student to demonstrate the Required 9 Yes the tool enables the learner to use a range of reading
Skills and Knowledge required for the unit? strategies, draw on a range of meaning making strategies,
draw and assemble shapes and measure and calculate
everyday quantities
Is it clear which Elements / Performance Criteria are being assessed? 9 Yes, task components have been mapped against Elements
NB: if a task does not cover all Elements / Performance Criteria, it needs to and Performance Criteria
indicate which Elements / Performance Criteria are being assessed
Is the assessment designed to produce valid evidence? (Is it asking for 9 Yes, every aspect of the task can be linked back to the
more than required? Can every aspect of the task be related back to the appropriate unit
unit? )
Does the assessment task produce sufficient evidence? Although, the tool generates a range of evidence to address
7 assessment requirements eg learner responses,
presentation, peer assessment there is a need for further
evidence to satisfy the requirements of the unit.
Presentation and VBQU135 can identify the main informative texts such learners will be able to
Questioning idea and key information as brochures, locate personally
Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
and supporting community relevant information
Element 2 (PC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, information in a text newsletters related to participation
2.4, 2.5) in the community in
understanding of a procedural texts, e.g.,
Element 3 (PC 3.3, 3.2) texts of limited
range of audiences and series of sequential
complexity, and read,
a range of purposes for steps required to
interpret and evaluate
texts achieve goals; icons;
familiar texts.
text supported by
can draw on a range of
diagrams evidence that texts
de-coding and meaning-
have been accessed on
making strategies explicit navigation
at least three
features, eg, heading
occasions. Each
Numbers (for occasion must address
example: measures a different text type
using common
the effectiveness of
Estimation and measuring VBQU140 ability to interpret plans 2D and 3D shapes learners will be able to
task and draw and assemble visible in our interpret plans and
Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
shapes environment draw and assemble
Element 2 (PC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, shapes.
ability to estimate, models made from
measure and calculate various materials and learners will be able to
everyday quantities assembled following estimate, measure and
written instructions calculate everyday
knowledge that signs /
prints/ symbols a rough estimate of
represent meaning volume access to real/authentic
or simulated tasks,
communication skills to concepts and units of
materials and texts
undertake learning and measurement, eg
assessment length, height, mass,
convert within the
metric system
The following sample assessment tool is part of a program consisting of the topic:
Environmental issues and water saving.
The selection of this topic was based on learners’ needs, interests and issues they wanted to
explore in the current water saving environment. To ensure that learners were given every
opportunity to access and engage with a broad range of texts about these issues, it was
decided to select the units VBQU147 Engage with a range of texts of some complexity to
participate in the community and VBQU151 Create a range of texts of some complexity
to participate in the community (see below) as the basis of learning and assessment. The
requirements of these units also meant that learners could access and engage with community
texts containing a range of features and structures. Formative assessment tasks using other
community text types based on this topic can be used to build up a portfolio for assessment of
these units.
This assessment tool provides an example of how assessment can be undertaken. The
approach can be customised using different texts at a similar level with adjustments to the
assessment tool (e.g. questions) to reflect specific features of texts.
Questions Description
1. What are the unit/s about? (unit descriptor) engaging with a range of structurally
intricate texts which are relevant to
participation in the community
creating a range of texts of some
complexity which are relevant to the
participation in the community.
2a. What do learners need to do? (elements and locate, analyse, and critically
performance criteria) evaluate content in a range of
2b. What is the required level of performance? structurally intricate texts relevant to
(skills and knowledge) participation in the community for a
range of purposes: define features of
2c. What else must I use to make a judgement of texts, identify sources, summarise
learner performance? main ideas, and evaluate supporting
research a range of text types useful
for community access for a range of
purposes and audiences, and
prepare and produce a portfolio of
community texts
Skills and knowledge
range of reading strategies, including
broad sight vocab and de-coding
skills, to interpret and analyse a
series of connected paragraphs
understanding that a text is a
construct which represents author’s
culture, world view, values and
critical analysis skills
features of texts
ability to gather information
knowledge of a range of styles of
© State of Victoria, Version 1, January 2010 3 Sample assessment tools 75
Produced with ACFE Funding
writing and presenting information to
different audiences
broad vocabulary; ability to use range
of grammatical structures
ability to structure and write a series
of connected paragraphs, different
ability to communicate complex
relationships between ideas
proof-reading and revising
an awareness of register
3a. What do I need to assess and document? structurally intricate, number of linked
(evidence guide) paragraphs
3b. What are the critical aspects for assessment range of features within texts
and evidence required to demonstrate
three occasions; 3 different text-types
competency in this unit? (evidence guide)
real texts in context; on-line or
3c. What methods of assessment will enable the
appropriate support
appropriate collection of evidence?
(evidence guide) verbal questioning
peer assessment
portfolio containing a range of
4. What texts/resources are suitable for the task? Community based informative texts such
as brochures, notices, information sheets,
community newsletters, government
pamphlets about community issues
Are they at an appropriate level? Texts contain structurally intricate features and
structures required at this level. Eg. transparent
structure, headings and menu bars,
Are they relevant to learners? Learners have expressed interest in learning about
Do they contain appropriate text features? Yes, features of informative texts, e.g., uses impersonal
tone, author’s views are expressed as facts; a number of
linked paragraphs; vocabulary related to community
Do they include numerical information? Yes, they contains %, fractions, numbers, comparison of
5 Did you find this web-site easy to use? Can you think of any way it might be
Make a note of 5 suggestions for saving water that you think you could do.
1 Did you find this web-site easy to use? Can you think of any way it might be
Answer Person 1 Answer Person 2 Answer Person 3 Answer Person 4 Answer Person 5
Question 1
Question 2
Question 4
Question 5
Methods of
saving water
Numbers who
Questions Notes
How might someone use these texts? (Find at least 3 different sorts of
What makes the texts difficult to understand? Can you think of any ways the
texts could be improved?
What questions will you ask people in the survey? Why did you choose these?
How will you present your results?
Task 3
Outline for your presentation:
Who is the audience?
Have you researched your topic thoroughly?
Have you summarised your research into your own words?
Have you structured your presentation with a clear introduction, body and
Have you organised appropriate support materials (e.g. PowerPoint
presentation, handouts) ?
What is the main idea?
What is the supporting information?
What is the conclusion?
Task 4
Who is the audience?
What is the main idea?
What is the evidence?
What is the conclusion?
Task 5
What supporting documents do you need to include?
What is the best way to organise the material?
Include a Table of Contents.
Teacher Feedback:
What are some of the features of on- Identifies structure, headings, menus, links
line texts( text features).
Was the information on the web- Expresses own view, look for an example eg
sites clear and easy to may refer to navigational features such as
follow?(critical evaluation) headings, diagrams and symbols or icons
Did you have any difficulty in Expresses own view, look for an example eg may
understanding anything? How did indicate re-reading or relating the texts to own
you work out the meaning?(reading knowledge and experiences with water saving
Do the writers make it easy for Expresses own view, look for an example. Eg
everyone to know how to save may refer to text structure used, language used
water? How could the web-sites be etc. Provides some suggestions on how the
improved?(evaluation of text) websites could be improved
What writing style did you have in Identifies need to provide information in an
mind when you were writing the introduction.
survey? Did people find it easy to
May identify clearly structured questions, and
understand or did you need to
question types (Closed / inviting yes / no or
change it? (format and language)
simple answers), commonly-used words and
expressions specific to water saving.
Yes Needs
The format is appropriate for the audience and purpose
The tone is appropriate for my purpose/audience
I have used features appropriate to the text type
Assessor Guidelines – how to Y/N Evidence provided Comments Employability Skills and Facets Comments Date
make a judgement
Identifies source of text Presentation
Sample questions
Identifies purpose and Sample questions
audience of text Presentation
Review the assessment tool (s) against the following: Yes No Comments
Does the assessment address the Elements and Performance Criteria? Yes the tool addresses the Elements and
Performance Criteria for both units
Does the assessment obtain evidence to meet the requirements of the Evidence Yes the tool enables the student to read,
Guide (Critical Aspects)? interpret and evaluate different text types:
9 informative, electronic, visual and to create
3 different text types: script for
presentation, survey and report
Does the assessment allow the student to demonstrate the Required Skills and 9 Yes the tool enables the learner to
Knowledge required for the unit? demonstrate reading strategies, critical
analysis skills for a range of texts and to
gather information to construct texts with
opinions, facts and arguments
Is it clear which Elements / Performance Criteria are being assessed? 9 Yes, task components have been mapped
NB: if a task does not cover all Elements / Performance Criteria, it needs to indicate against Elements and Performance
which Elements / Performance Criteria are being assessed Criteria
Is the assessment designed to produce valid evidence? (Is it asking for more than 9 Yes, every aspect of the task can be linked
required? Can every aspect of the task be related back to the unit? ) back to the appropriate unit
Does the assessment task produce sufficient evidence? 9 Yes, the tool generates a range of
evidence to address assessment
requirements eg learner responses,
planning sheets, self assessment
Can evidence be gathered over a period of time? 9 Yes, the tool has been designed to gather
evidence over a period of time
Can the evidence presented for assessment be authenticated? (e.g. group 9 Yes, the can teacher can observe the
assessment) learner over a period of time
Does the assessment comply with the principles of fairness? 9 Yes, assessor guidelines provide advice on
levels of support and access to resources
Is there enough guidance for the assessor on making a judgement? 9 Yes the sample questions to assess
engagement with text provides the
assessor with guidance on the evidence
Are the assessment instructions and conditions clear and accessible to the learner? Is 9 Yes, task requirements, what is being
the level of support required provided? Is the level of support required provided? assessed and how are clearly presented
and explicit to learners. Level of support is
detailed in assessor guidelines eg
examples or models of simple reports
Is the material used in the task culturally appropriate? 9 Yes the texts are culturally appropriate
Component of Elements/Performance Required Skill and Knowledge Range Statements Evidence Guide
Task Criteria
1 Research VBQU147 a repertoire of reading strategies, a number of linked paragraphs learners will be
including the ability to interpret and able to locate
Element 1 (PC 1.1,1.2,1.3, explicit navigation features
analyse a series of connected personally
paragraphs Numbers whole numbers for relevant
Element 2 (PC 2.1, 2.2, counting information in
critical analysis skills
2.3) structurally
a broad knowledge of vocabulary to
meaning-making strategies, for
Element 3 (PC3 3.1,3.2, example: relating separate intricate texts,
support comprehension and read,
3.3) pieces of information within a
verbal skills to discuss features of text interpret and
texts critically evaluate
VBQU151 texts
awareness of register
Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2, 1 evidence that
understanding that a text reflects an texts have been
author’s culture, experiences and accessed on at
value system least three
an ability to gather information occasions.
Component of Elements/Performance Required Skill and Knowledge Range Statements Evidence Guide
Task Criteria
1 Research VBQU147 a repertoire of reading strategies, a number of linked paragraphs
including the ability to interpret and
Element 1 (PC 1.1,1.2,1.3, explicit navigation features
analyse a series of connected
paragraphs Numbers whole numbers for
Element 2 (PC 2.1, 2.2, counting
critical analysis skills
a broad knowledge of vocabulary to
meaning-making strategies, for
Element 3 (PC3 3.1,3.2, example: relating separate
support comprehension
3.3) pieces of information within a
verbal skills to discuss features of text
awareness of register
Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2, 1
understanding that a text reflects an
author’s culture, experiences and
value system
an ability to gather information
5 Portfolio VBQU151 an ability to gather information clearly structured text using a learners will be
range of structural conventions able to create a
Element 2(PC 2.1, 2.2, knowledge of a range of styles of
range of texts
2.3) writing and presenting information informative texts, e.g.
related to
to a range of audiences transparent organisation, such
Element 3 (PC3.1, 3.5) participation in
as sequentially ordered dot
knowledge of how to structure a the community.
points, numbered instructions,
range of texts
alphabetical, numerical listings,
spacing, headings; general
statement, factual description or
logically sequenced explanation,
© State of Victoria, Version 1, January 2010 conclusion
3 Sample assessment tools 111
Produced with ACFE Funding
This tool is to be completed by the assessor to demonstrate the content validity of his/her assessment tool. This should be attached to the assessment
tool for validation purposes. Note that multiple copies may be needed for each task within an assessment tool.
Component of unit(s) of Competency
Step Component of Task Elements/Performance Required Skills and Range Statements Evidence Guide
Criteria Knowledge
Source: National Quality Council Guide for Developing Assessment Tools 2009 © Commonwealth of Australia
Does the assessment obtain evidence to meet the requirements of the Evidence Guide (Critical
Does the assessment allow the student to demonstrate the Required Skills and Knowledge required
for the unit?
Is it clear which Elements / Performance Criteria are being assessed?
NB: if a task does not cover all Elements / Performance Criteria, it needs to indicate which Elements /
Performance Criteria are being assessed
Is the assessment designed to produce valid evidence? (Is it asking for more than required? Can every
aspect of the task be related back to the unit? )
Does the assessment task produce sufficient evidence?
Can the evidence presented for assessment be authenticated? (e.g. group assessment)
Are the assessment instructions and conditions clear and accessible to the learner? Is the level of
support required provided?
Is the material used in the task culturally appropriate?