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Before Advent of Islam The Social, Political & Religious Condition of Arabs

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That the Arabia is a vast peninsula in the south-west of Asia, in its east

There is Persian Gulf, in west Red See, in south Indian ocean, in north Syrian desert. The Arabia is
divided into five provinces i.e. Hijaz, Najd, Usman, Hadramwt and Yemen.

The Historic cities Makka and Madina are situated in Hijaz Province which is in the Northern part of
Arabia and Arabia is a meeting point of three continents which are Asia, Africa and Europe.

Before the advent of Islam the Arabs were grappled in the dark night of Social, Political and religious life,
the Social and Cultural and religious life built up by previous Prophets of Allah Almighty had been fully
shattered by the barbarians, and the social and religious order organized by the Judaism and Christianity
had been disintegrated. The people had forgotten ideals of their religions. Morality had fallen low.
Corruption, intolerance, persecution and wrangling of tribes, creeds and sects prevailed universally
“never before in the History” So that it was a time needing the Prophet for guidance from Allah Almighty
to purge the society.

That the pre-Islamic period of Arabs was known as Ayyam-i-Jahiliyah, means “The age of ignorance” as
the society was full of disintegration and anarchy regarding religion, even though in such age Arabs
showed their intellectual attainments in some fields specially in literature as there would happen some
annual literary fairs at Makkah, Ukaz, Dhul and Majas by various Arab congresses, where the poets
competed in verse making and obtained distinction and honour. The best verses/poem were inscribed in
golden letters and suspended on the walls of the Kabah. There were seven poems of seven various
poets, i.e. Imrul Qays, Jassa, Muhalhil, Labid, Tarafa, Antra Ibn Shaddad and Amir Ibn Kulthum of that
age which was compositely called Muallaqat discovered to be considered as the masterpiece of Arabic
language. That one of these poets namely Imrul Qays is considered to be Prince of all poets of that Arabs
Jahiliyah, pre-Islamic period. This period also produced some wise people like Lukman, Aktam, Hajib,
Hindah and etc, and out of them the renowned personality Lukman flourished in Arabia in that age, and
the existence of these persons shows that in pre-Islamic period Arabia was not totally devoid of
intellectual life, but even though the Social, Moral, Political, cultural and religious life of the Arabs was
quite worse.

That in the Pre-Islamic period the Arab tribes were divided into many tribal principalities on the account
of political and social disintegration in Arabia. There were perpetual conflicts and warfare among the
Arab tribes. The tribal feuds, raiding and plundering of one tribe by the other were the common
phenomenon of the Arabs, which has been tarmed as Ayyam-al-Arab, which is a recorded history of said
cruelties. Two Arab tribes viz; Banu Bakr and Banu Taglib fought forty years over a dispute of beating a
She camel, like wise the Quraish and Hawazin fought battle of Harb al Fajar for a long time. The Aws and
Khezraj tribes of Madina carried out warfare to the extent of many generations, and there was rivalry
between Northern and southern Arabs, and due to the lake of political unity and organized government
there was only one slogan “Might is right”. Besides this Persians had already annexed Yemen and Hira
and the Romans had occupied Ghassanid kingdom, so that the future of Arabia was looking to be so
distracted and gloomy if it was not to be rescued from such maladies.

There was extreme anarchy in the social life of Arabs, as there was no Ideal, Morality or discipline in the
society. Corruption, vices, superstitions, brutal ness, unrestricted freedom and unrestricted enjoyment
prevailed in that age. Plurality of wives and husbands was the order of the day and adultery was
common in Arabs. Stepmothers could marry their stepsons not only this but the brothers used to marry
their sisters. Men and women had full liberty with their opposites. Human beings were sacrificed to
please their gods. Fathers used to kill their children for various reasons, i.e. fear of poverty and respect.
Women were humiliated and were treated as chattels, and were seen with contempt. The birth of a
female was to be understood as curse and were being buried alive, and women had no status in society
or right of inheritance. Slavery was existing in its worst form as the master had full authority upon his
slave even to put him to death, and were mostly inhumanly treated as they were punished by their
masters sending on hot sand having face to sun.

That from the economic point of view the Arabs were very poor due to most of barren lands, and most
of them were earning their lively hood by rearing cattle, and a short number of peoples had trade with
neighboring countries. Most Arabs were under debt of Jewish moneylenders, so that their economic life
was also so miserable.

That in Pre-Islamic period in Arabia there prevailed some Jews, Judaism and Christens but they had been
become corrupt and demoralized. And instead of this there were also many primitive beliefs in Arabs.
They were idol worshipers, adoring many gods and goddesses as every family tribe, city had their own
god and goddesses. Ka’bah, the house of Allah Almighty, was adorned with 360 idols and converted
most scared sanctuary in idolatry centre, and once in year Arabs from various parts of Arabia used to
come pay their homage to the gods in the Ka’bah. Hubul, Laat, Manaat and Uzzah were the principle
gods and goddesses of the Arabs. They even used to adorn “pieces of stones, trees and sand-heaps”.
The religions of Arabs were in existence only being matter form of their forefathers, they did not feel
spiritual impulse in the observance of their religion, and had no genuine devotion to the deity. Religions
were being considered by Arabs only matter of convenience rather then conviction to them. A certain
Arab named Imrul Qays, is said to have kicked down the oracular god, as it did not respond to his intrest.

That in that some the people could not satisfy with said religions and had sought sacred spiritual
religions, and some of them who exposed these feelings and yearnings were Warqa Bin Nofil, Hanfis,
Uthman Ibn Huwan, Ziyad ibn Amar and Banu Anas, and during this period the Holy Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) of Islam with his universal message of peace, Justice and brotherhood to
the people not only Arabs but entire world, where from this world brightened with Islamic educations
sent by God for the Welfare and benefit of mankind thorough the Holy prophet.

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