Board and Card Games For Studying Electrochemistry
Board and Card Games For Studying Electrochemistry
Board and Card Games For Studying Electrochemistry
Board and card games for studying electrochemistry: Preliminary research and
early design
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Board and Card Games for Studying Electrochemistry:
Preliminary Research and Early Design
Rizmahardian Ashari Kurniawan1,a), Dedeh Kurniasih1,b), and Jukardi1,c)
Department of Chemical Education, Muhammadiyah Pontianak University
Kampus UM Pontianak, Jl. Ahmad Yani No 111, Pontianak
Corresponding author:
Abstract. Games in the chemistry classroom can offer engaging and fun alternative method of learning. However, only a
few games in chemistry, especially in electrochemistry subject are available commercially. In this research, we developed
board and card games for studying electrochemistry. We surveyed chemistry teacher and students from 10 different
senior high schools in Pontianak to decide content and characteristic of the game. We have designed the game that can be
played by four students or four group of students, either as a specific instruction in the classroom or as a supplementary
learning material. The game was designed to help students understanding the voltaic cell configuration and its voltaic
Despite student’s perception that chemistry is difficult, they indicated that it is an interesting subject, which
certainly demands more attention to raise its status [1]. The development of innovative instructional media is needed
to promote chemistry as an appealing subject [2].
Games can be used as a learning activity in chemistry. They are already available commercially or published as
research materials, for examples video games, android application, modified poker games, card games, and board
games [3-6]. The games in chemistry provide an efficient and fun alternative to more forms of education [4]. It can
be used as a method to engage students at an early stage of chemical education, providing a different perspective
from the textbook, and an effective and entertaining way to help college students learn some aspects of general
chemistry [6]. Furthermore, games also allow the student to play an active role in the learning process [3].
Therefore, games activity is suitable for K-13 implementation which requires student-centered learning.
Electrochemistry is one of chemistry subject taught at 12th grade in senior high school. It consists broad concept
about applying redox reaction in voltaic cell and electrolysis. Commonly, teachers use direct teaching to deliver the
subject. Others develop an experimental kit, prenzi presentation, domestic batteries, and interactive e-book to help
students visualizing electrochemistry concepts [7-10]. To the best of our knowledge, there are no results in the
literature regarding developing games in electrochemistry subject.
This paper reports our early finding and design in developing the games for electrochemistry subject. We
developed simple, fun, and interactive card and board games to help students understanding the voltaic cell
configuration and its voltaic potential.
The research was conducted using design based research approach [11] and was elaborated further by [12]. The
full design consists of four stages, namely analysis stage of practical problems by researchers and practitioners in
collaboration; development of solutions by the theoretical framework; evaluation and testing a solution in practice;
documentation and reflection. The first two stages are reported in this paper.
The analysis stage includes curriculum analysis, literature review, and learning process analysis. First,
curriculum analysis. K-13 is analyzed to find out learning objectives and content coverage in electrochemistry.
Second, literature review. We browsed prior publications from journal databases such as Portal Garuda, Science
Direct, ACS Pub, RSC, and Google Scholar using keywords electrochemistry instructional media and games in
electrochemistry education. We also checked online resource in chemistry education such as ChemEd Xchange
(, ChemEd DL (, ACS Reactions
(, ACS Webinars (
webinars.html), The Chemistry of Things (, Chemistry Now
(, Chemistry-based technology instructional media
technology-programs.html), Chem Connections Project (, King’s Centre
for Visualization in the Sciences (, and Molecular Workbench
( modeler/showcase/chemistry.html). Third, learning process analysis. We used a
questionnaire to define learning process used at school in Pontianak. About ten schools were chosen as samples. The
questionnaire included kind and characteristic of an instructional media that had been used by the teachers in their
Electrochemistry in K-13
Electrochemistry is the second chapter in chemistry delivered at fifth semester to 12th-grade students in senior
high school. It includes redox reaction equalization, voltaic cell, electrolytic cell, and Faraday law. Basic
competency that becomes subject to our design is students can analyze the process in voltaic cell and explain its use
[13]. We elaborated the basic competency into two learning outcomes. First, students can configure the cathode, the
anode, and their respective reaction in voltaic cell depend on their standard reduction potential. Second, students can
calculate voltaic cell potential based on standard reduction potential of both electrodes.
TABLE 1. Instructional Media in Electrochemistry Found in Literature and Online Teaching Resources
Type of Instructional Description Learner Sources
Media Characteristic
Reading materials The students were given few reading 11th-grade students in [14]
materials provide few cases. The Ankara, Turkey
instruction was case-based instruction.
Simple batteries Batteries made from household United Kingdom [9]
objects, such as aluminum can, secondary school
aluminum foil, stainless steel
scrubber, and paper towel
Laboratory Kit A set of tools and low concentration 12th-grade students at [8]
chemicals used in electrochemistry SMA Negeri 1
experiments. The kit is designed to Gunung Talang
minimize working accident in the Kabupaten Solok,
laboratory. Indonesia
Presentation Slide Presentation slide using flowchart 12th-grade students at [7]
diagram made by Prezi software SMA Negeri 8 Jambi,
Interactive e-book e-book with interactive features 12th-grade students at [10]
SMA in Surabaya,
Interactive e-module Interactive multimedia module About 16 years old [15, 16]
containing animation and simulation Malaysian students
using information and communication
Presentation Video Flash Electrochemical Others
slide kit
Instructional Media
Design of Board and Card Games for Studying Electrochemistry
The game consist of a board and a set of cards. The board is 297 x 297 mm made of a piece of paper, yet can be
backed by using styrofoam, plywood, or other materials. The simple design of voltaic cell is printed on the boardboard. It
contains the title, a pair of electrodes, electrolytes in each electrode,, salt bridge, voltmeter, two slots of electrode
cards, two slots for electrolyte cards, and two slots for reaction cards (Fig. 2).
Total 52 cards are designed to play the game. The cards are divided into four type cards, namely electrode card
(13 cards), electrolyte card (13 cards), oxidation reaction card (13
(1 cards), and reduction reaction card (1 (13 cards).
Each type of card has specific colorr and components (Fig 3). Electrode card has yellow color on the background,
while electrolyte card is red, oxidation card is lime green, and reduction card is light blue. Type of card is written on
the top of each card. In the electrode and electrolyte cards,
cards, the bottom of the card contains name and chemical
symbol or formula. In the center of the cards, the figure of each electrode and electrolyte are inserted. It will help
students to visualize the electrodes and electrolytes without seeing the substances
substance directly [21].. Below the electrode
figure, a series of electrode arranged from low to high potential reaction standard
st are mentioned. The information
helps the player to decide each electrode should be cathode and anode. Below the electrolyte figure, ionization
reaction of the respective electrolyte is written. In both reaction cards, half-reaction
reaction and potential re
reaction standard
are written based on the database [22].
(e) (f) (g) (h)
FIGURE 3. The Card Designs
(a) electrode card front design; (b) electrode card back design; (c) electrolyte card front design; (d) electrolyte card back design;
(e) oxidation card front design; (f) oxidation card back design; (g) reduction card front design; (h) reduction card back design;
The game requires four students or four groups of student as players and one referee. The referee can be a
teacher or other students. Each player sits on each side of the board. The first player takes two electrode cards
randomly and attaches them to the appropriate electrode card slot. The second player takes two electrolyte cards
related to the installed electrode card. The electrolyte should contain cation derived from the same atom as the
electrode. The second player then puts the electrolyte card on the appropriate slot. The third player chooses two
appropriate oxidation and reduction cards and puts them into the reaction card slot. The fourth player then calculates
the cell potential based on the standard reduction potential found on the reaction card. Each player has maximum
one minute for each turn and earns ten points for a correct answer and zero points for a wrong answer. The referee
corrects the mistake before the next player takes turn. The game continues repeating these steps by rotating the
The game is expected to be flexible instructional material. The game can be played either as a part of classroom
instruction or as a supplementary learning material at home. In the classroom, teacher may use the game during
elaborative stages to help students get more understanding in voltaic cell through fun and engaging activity. It
combines smoothly with instructional model that already contains game and competition stage such as Team Game
Tournament model of cooperative learning [23]. It also incorporates well into direct instructional method by
replacing conventional guided exercise stage. Not only improve student understanding, but teacher may also use the
game as an evaluation tool. Teacher use score which student gained as a reflective of student learning achievement.
At home, students may use the game as a supplementary learning activity. It can be an alternative way spending
their free time.
The designed game provides an alternatives instruction media in electrochemistry. It helps the students
understand basic configuration of a voltaic cell and its potential in fun activity.
The research was funded by Center for Science and Education Studies, Muhammadiyah Pontianak University.
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