Enviromental Managment Plan
Enviromental Managment Plan
Enviromental Managment Plan
Environmental Management Plan Review Checklist (MRTS51 and GCoC, Annexure A to GCoC)
Review Decision
☐ The EMP is considered compliant with the requirements of MRTS51 and should be deemed suitable by the Administrator.
The EMP contains minor non-compliance with the requirements of MRTS51 that require to be addressed. However the submitted
☐ EMP(C) is considered suitable as an Interim EMP(C) under Clause 33.3 of the General Conditions of Contract for Works other than
ground disturbance and vegetative clearing.
The EMP is not considered compliant with the requirements of MRTS51 and not suitable for the environmental or Cultural Heritage
☐ risk associated with the Contract. It is advised that Work under the Contract should not commence until the EMP(C) is revised,
resubmitted and accepted by the Administrator.
Reviewed by:
Name Position Signature Date
Conformance (C) Fulfilment of a requirement, either contractual or legislative.
Non-conformance (NC) A failure to comply with a requirement of contract.
Not Fully Verifiable (NFV) There was insufficient evidence to determine conformance or non-conformance.
A positive or negative comment of the auditor based on evidence and / or an observation made during the audit.
Observation (O)
Observations may or may not suggest corrective actions.
Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)
Noise (MRTS51)
Clause 8.5 & For projects with Low Noise Risk
Annexure 4.1 - 3 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
☐ location of any sensitive receptors and critical facilities, infrastructure and utilities
Clause 8.6 For projects with Low Vibration Risk
Annexure 5.1 – 5.6 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
☐ type of vibration sensitive receptors and critical facilities, infrastructure and utilities
potentially impacted by Site and their location in relation to Site
☐ location of significant vibration and air blasting overpressure generating works,
within the Site
☐ applicable construction vibration criteria
☐ list which sensitive receptors, structures and / or buildings will likely be impacted
by construction vibration and air blast overpressure and from what works
☐ vibration management measures and strategies that are reasonable and
practicable to avoid or minimise vibration (human comfort) and vibration
(structural / building) impacts and brief risk-based justification has been provided
(Clause 8.1), and
☐ contingency plan for observed damage to structures (private, public or
Clause 8.6 Medium and High Vibration risk
Annexure 5.1 – 5.6 A stand-alone Noise Management Plan has been prepared in accordance
with the Noise Code of Practice: Volume 2
Refer to CAS form CAC____ Noise and Vibration Management Plan to assess the
Contractor’s NVMP against the Code of Practice Vol 2.
Air Quality
Clause 8.7 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 6.1 - 6.4 ☐ location of Air Quality Sensitive Receivers to the Site
☐ Works likely to cause environmental harm from air quality and location of the
Native Fauna
Clause 8.10 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 8.1 – 4 ☐ location of known native fauna habitat and breeding places in relation to Site and
Limits of Clearing
☐ identification of activities that are likely to impact fauna, habitat or animal breeding
places and the nature of impacts
☐ identification of mapped Fish Passage Waterways impacted by the Work under the
Contract and location of any temporary Waterway Barrier Works
☐ reasonable and practicable management measures and strategies for native
fauna, breeding places, habitat and fish passage, and brief risk-based justification
(Clause 8.1)
☐ details of any Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person to be utilised for fauna
☐ contingency plan including procedures for fauna rescue and release including
treatment of fauna injured by Work under the Contract, and
☐ contact details for emergency wildlife care shall be included on the Site’s
emergency contact list and within the fauna management plan.
Vegetation (MRTS51)
Clause 8.11.4 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure ☐ a drawing depicted:
Clause 9
a) location and dimensions of Contractual Limits of Clearing (as specified in
Clause 8.11.1 of this Technical Specification)
b) limits of Contractor’s intended vegetation clearing (demonstrating minimised
clearing area)
c) restrictions to clearing in waterways (as specified in Clause 7.2.2 of
d) any areas required for clearing additional to the Contractual Limit of Clearing
e) locations of Significant Vegetation and any specific trees identified in
Clause 9 of Annexure MRTS51.1 or Annexure MRTS04.1 to be retained on
f) a program of clearing operations demonstrating progressive clearing stages
Waste (MRTS51)
Clause 8.13.1 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 11.1 ☐ estimates of type and quantity of Waste expected to be generated and their source
☐ waste management strategies (avoidance, reuse, recycling, energy, recovery,
Construction Material
☐ Identified gravel, fill or sand sources
☐ distance to Site
☐ access track and stockpile area requirements
☐ associated approvals and conditions
☐ proposed volume of take
☐ progressive rehabilitation processes, and
☐ Other construction material requirements identified sources and management
Supplementary Conditions
[enter where applicable]
Clause 14