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Enviromental Managment Plan

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Checklist – CAC003M

Environmental Management Plan Review Checklist (MRTS51 and GCoC, Annexure A to GCoC)

Contractor Date Review No.

Contract No. Project No. Project Name

Review Decision
☐ The EMP is considered compliant with the requirements of MRTS51 and should be deemed suitable by the Administrator.
The EMP contains minor non-compliance with the requirements of MRTS51 that require to be addressed. However the submitted
☐ EMP(C) is considered suitable as an Interim EMP(C) under Clause 33.3 of the General Conditions of Contract for Works other than
ground disturbance and vegetative clearing.
The EMP is not considered compliant with the requirements of MRTS51 and not suitable for the environmental or Cultural Heritage
☐ risk associated with the Contract. It is advised that Work under the Contract should not commence until the EMP(C) is revised,
resubmitted and accepted by the Administrator.

Reviewed by:
Name Position Signature Date

Conformance (C) Fulfilment of a requirement, either contractual or legislative.
Non-conformance (NC) A failure to comply with a requirement of contract.
Not Fully Verifiable (NFV) There was insufficient evidence to determine conformance or non-conformance.
A positive or negative comment of the auditor based on evidence and / or an observation made during the audit.
Observation (O)
Observations may or may not suggest corrective actions.
Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

General Conditions of Contract (C7830) and Annexure A (C7831) of the Transport Infrastructure Contract – Construct Only
Clause 14.3 The Contractor holds all Approvals required to undertake the Contract.
Copies of Approvals have been provided to the Contract Administrator?
Item 24B No works under the Contract have commenced on Site without the EMP (or
(Annexure A) interim EMP) deemed suitable by the Contract Administrator.
Clause 33.3
Item 29A and C The Environmental Representative is sufficiently experienced and qualified.
(Annexure A)
MRTS51 Environmental Management
Administrative Requirements
Clause 6.4 Procedure for periodic review of EMP(C) including identification of continual
Administrative Requirements (MRTS51)
Clause 7.1 Weekly Site Inspections
Procedure for weekly Site inspections include:
☐ how to identify whether measures are present, functional and adequate
☐ reporting of inspections, and
☐ identify corrective actions and management of outcomes.
Clause 7.3 Environment-related Complaint Management
Procedure for notification, investigation, management and reporting of
complaints regarding environmental or Cultural Heritage harm from Work
under Contract.
(Noise and Vibration Complaint Management shall comply with Noise Code
of Practice Volume 2).
Clause 7.5 Monitoring
Procedures for all monitoring to be undertaken under the Contract. Details of
Monitoring include:

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

☐ specific location of monitoring (a unique name)
☐ method
☐ timing
☐ frequency
☐ duration
☐ parameter to be monitored
☐ objective / criteria measured against
☐ management of non-conformances in accordance with quality plan, and
☐ reporting requirements.

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Clause 7.6 Monthly Environmental Reporting Either Transport and Main Roads or
EMP(C) includes Monthly Environmental Reporting template. Contractor’s that complies with the
same reporting requirements.
Clause 7.7 Notification and Management of Environmental Incidents
Contractor’s procedures for notification and management of environmental
and Cultural Heritage incidents in accordance with Clause 7.7 of Technical
Specification and relevant legislation.
Contractor’s procedures to cover:
1. Notification - must extend to both:
☐ administrating authority for reportable incidents
☐ Contract Administrator for reportable incidents as well as those listed in
Clause 7.7.1 incidents listed under MRTS51 for notifying to Administrator
☐ actual or potential material or serious Environmental Harm as defined in the
Environmental Protection Act 1994
☐ reportable breach of legislation
☐ breach of an Approval condition/s
☐ monitoring non-conformances against Water Quality Criteria
☐ injury or death of native fauna other than least concern species, potentially caused
by Work under the Contract, including the occurrence of a fish kill on Site or in
Waterways receiving Discharge from Site
☐ tampering with a native animal breeding place/s other than in accordance with an
applicable Species Management Program
☐ ground disturbance or vegetation clearing beyond the Contractual Limits of
Clearing or areas otherwise deemed suitable by the Administrator
☐ damage to known or potential Cultural Heritage
☐ ground disturbance or vegetation clearing beyond the boundary of the Contract’s
Cultural Heritage Management Agreement or Plan otherwise deemed suitable by
the Administrator
☐ movement or relocation of Cultural Heritage without approval of the Indigenous
☐ clearing of a protected plant under State or Commonwealth legislation other than

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

authorised under an Environmental Approval
☐ identification of a new Biosecurity prohibited matter or restricted matter
(Category 1 or 2) on Site or breach of a condition of a biosecurity zone, and
☐ discovery of a Contaminated Site (including unexploded ordinance) or land
contamination occurred on the Site during the Work under the Contract.
2. Management of Incidents including:
☐ immediate remedial actions to mitigate harm
☐ investigate
☐ report – provide Environment and Cultural heritage Incident report to Administrator
within 40 Business Days of the incident detailing:
a) nature of the incident
b) what management measures in place
c) probable cause, and
d) corrective actions.

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Clause 7.9 All environment and Cultural Heritage specific roles and responsibilities of
project personnel?
Clause 7.11 Details of all Approvals relevant to the Contract held by either Principal or
Contractor. Including:
☐ name and type of licence, permit or approval
☐ administering authority
☐ reference number
☐ commencement and expiry date, and
☐ conditions of the Approval.
Clause 7.12 Copy of the Environmental Site Induction. Induction includes:
☐ basic roles and responsibilities for E&CH management
☐ specific locations within the Site of E&CH significance or high risks
☐ works managed under an Environmental Approval and its conditions
☐ the scope and conditions of Approvals
☐ locations of ancillary activities (including but not limited to stockpile sites
turnaround points, construction water and material sources)
☐ the Limit of Clearing and boundary of CHMP or CHMA where applicable
☐ environmental management measures and strategies in EMP(C)
☐ staff responsibilities and contingencies to be used when operating under an
approved TMR held species management program
☐ procedures for notifying of potential environmental incidents or non-conformances,
☐ contingency plans and management procedures for unplanned events.

EMP(C) Specific Element Requirements

Clause 8.1 The EMP (C) covers E&CH management of all the Works under the Contract
including Temporary Works and ancillary activities including sourcing water,
gravel, side tracks, stockpile sites, Contractor’s Site facilities and camps, and
turnaround points.

Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, March 2019 6

Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Water Quality
Clause 8.2 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of: Low water quality risk
Annexure CI 2 ☐ potentially affected waterbodies and waterways within 200 m of the Site - monitoring = visual
☐ concentrated discharge locations from the Site, and - monitoring plan – locations,
☐ concentrated flow paths to waterbodies and waterways within and adjacent to frequency and methodology
☐ list works under the Contract (including ancillary activities and temporary works) at
risk of impacting water quality, including:
Medium and high water quality risk
a) the potential contaminants - monitoring = field and laboratory
b) locations of Works in relation to waterbodies and waterways, and
- Monitoring plan – meets DEHP
c) flow paths to waterbodies and waterways within and adjacent to Site. Sampling Manual (sampling scope,
☐ water quality management strategies and measures that are reasonable and design, spreadsheet template)
practical and brief risk-based justification has been provided (Clause 8.1)
☐ water quality monitoring plan (commensurate with risk - see notes), and
☐ contingency plans or procedures for events causing adverse water quality impacts
or complaints received from the public.

Cultural Heritage (MRTS51)

Clause 8.4 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure CI 3.1-6 ☐ the Principal’s Cultural Heritage Officer contact details
☐ location of known sites / places of cultural heritage significance within and
adjacent to the work Site
☐ work under the Contract likely to occur in proximity to sites / places of cultural
heritage significant
☐ Cultural Heritage management measures that are reasonable and practical and
brief risk-based justification has been provided (Clause 8.1), and
☐ a monitoring plan for Cultural heritage (both historical and indigenous).

Noise (MRTS51)
Clause 8.5 & For projects with Low Noise Risk
Annexure 4.1 - 3 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
☐ location of any sensitive receptors and critical facilities, infrastructure and utilities

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

in proximity to the project
☐ noise (including air blasting overpressure) generating activities, their locations,
work periods
☐ applicable construction noise criteria for assessment (including Monitoring)
☐ evaluation outcome of whether Sensitive Receptors will likely be impacted by
construction noise
☐ noise management measures and strategies that are reasonable and practical and
brief risk-based justification has been provided (Clause 8.1), and
☐ contingency plan for adverse noise impacts.

Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, March 2019 8

Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Clause 8.5 Medium and High Noise Risk
Annexure 4.1 – 4.3 A stand-alone Noise Management Plan has been prepared in accordance
with the Noise Code of Practice: Volume 2.
Refer to CAS form CAC____ Noise and Vibration Management Plan to assess the
Contractor’s NVMP against the Code of Practice Vol 2.

Clause 8.6 For projects with Low Vibration Risk
Annexure 5.1 – 5.6 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
☐ type of vibration sensitive receptors and critical facilities, infrastructure and utilities
potentially impacted by Site and their location in relation to Site
☐ location of significant vibration and air blasting overpressure generating works,
within the Site
☐ applicable construction vibration criteria
☐ list which sensitive receptors, structures and / or buildings will likely be impacted
by construction vibration and air blast overpressure and from what works
☐ vibration management measures and strategies that are reasonable and
practicable to avoid or minimise vibration (human comfort) and vibration
(structural / building) impacts and brief risk-based justification has been provided
(Clause 8.1), and
☐ contingency plan for observed damage to structures (private, public or
Clause 8.6 Medium and High Vibration risk
Annexure 5.1 – 5.6 A stand-alone Noise Management Plan has been prepared in accordance
with the Noise Code of Practice: Volume 2
Refer to CAS form CAC____ Noise and Vibration Management Plan to assess the
Contractor’s NVMP against the Code of Practice Vol 2.

Air Quality
Clause 8.7 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 6.1 - 6.4 ☐ location of Air Quality Sensitive Receivers to the Site
☐ Works likely to cause environmental harm from air quality and location of the

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

☐ prevailing wind direction and speeds (wind rose) generally expected for the Site
☐ evaluation outcome of which air quality sensitive receivers will likely be adversely
☐ management measures and strategies that are reasonable and practicable for
minimising adverse air quality impacts and brief risk-based justification has been
provided (Clause 8.1)
☐ where required, air quality monitoring methodology, equipment used, frequency,
duration, location of equipment and details of the person undertaking the
monitoring assessment
☐ where required, air quality Compliance Testing methodology, equipment used,
frequency, duration, location and details of the person undertaking the
Compliance Testing assessment, and
☐ contingency plan for observations of emissions exceeding criteria.

Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, March 2019 10

Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Acid Sulphate Soils
Clause 8.8 MRTS04 Requirements as listed in Clause 5.5 of Annexure MRTS04.1:
Clause 10
☐ compilation of an Acid Sulphate Soil Management Plan where potentially acid
(Clause 10.2 – 10.7)
sulphate soils are discovered, and
☐ testing and reporting of test results for all excavated material that could reasonably
be expected to have acid sulphate potential.
The testing frequency and reporting shall be as detailed below:
 visual testing undertaken by trained personnel shall be continuous throughout
the earthwork phase.
 field pH testing for both actual and potential acid sulphate soils on all borrow
material to be imported to the Works and all material excavated or exposed in
the Works in areas specified as having acid sulphate potential. A minimum of
one test per soil type shall be carried out, and
 where materials test positive to actual or potential acid sulphate contamination
in the field, the Administrator shall be notified immediately. Such soils shall not
be used on the Site until the results of subsequent quantitative laboratory
testing negates the results of the field testing.
☐ soil collection, handling and transport (as per MRTS04, Clause 10.4.5)
☐ method for treatment of all acid sulphate soils encountered, and
☐ method for treatment of all runoff from stockpiles of acid sulphate soils, and
exposed groundwater potentially contaminated by acid sulphate soils.
Contaminated Sites (MRTS51)
Clause 8.9.5 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure ☐ location of known contaminated sites and type of in situ contaminants
Clause 7.1 – 7.3
☐ reasonable and practicable management measures and monitoring requirements
applicable to each contaminated Site and brief risk-based justification
☐ where required, a Contaminated Site Management Plan including methods of
assessment, remediation and Compliance Testing, and
☐ contingency plan for the event of contaminants leaving Site or being discovered on

Native Fauna

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Clause 8.10 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 8.1 – 4 ☐ location of known native fauna habitat and breeding places in relation to Site and
Limits of Clearing
☐ identification of activities that are likely to impact fauna, habitat or animal breeding
places and the nature of impacts
☐ identification of mapped Fish Passage Waterways impacted by the Work under the
Contract and location of any temporary Waterway Barrier Works
☐ reasonable and practicable management measures and strategies for native
fauna, breeding places, habitat and fish passage, and brief risk-based justification
(Clause 8.1)
☐ details of any Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person to be utilised for fauna
☐ contingency plan including procedures for fauna rescue and release including
treatment of fauna injured by Work under the Contract, and
☐ contact details for emergency wildlife care shall be included on the Site’s
emergency contact list and within the fauna management plan.

Vegetation (MRTS51)
Clause 8.11.4 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure ☐ a drawing depicted:
Clause 9
a) location and dimensions of Contractual Limits of Clearing (as specified in
Clause 8.11.1 of this Technical Specification)
b) limits of Contractor’s intended vegetation clearing (demonstrating minimised
clearing area)
c) restrictions to clearing in waterways (as specified in Clause 7.2.2 of
d) any areas required for clearing additional to the Contractual Limit of Clearing
e) locations of Significant Vegetation and any specific trees identified in
Clause 9 of Annexure MRTS51.1 or Annexure MRTS04.1 to be retained on
f) a program of clearing operations demonstrating progressive clearing stages

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

where practicable
☐ identification method for the Limit of Clearing and method of identifying Significant
☐ reasonable and practical management measures and strategies to minimise the
area of vegetation clearing and brief risk-based justification including where
reasonable and practicable:
 progressive vegetative clearing
 progressive rehabilitation, and
 protection of individual trees or vegetation to be retained.
☐ where required, Environmental Approval for additional clearing.

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Biosecurity Management
Clause 8.12.4 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 10.1 - 2 ☐ details of the Biosecurity Matter including photo, location, the Biosecurity Matter
category and respective management measures
☐ location of applicable biosecurity management zone boundaries in relation to Site
(including ancillary activities such as water source, stockpile sites, gravel sources,
spoil locations)
☐ identify movement of Biosecurity Matter carriers across biosecurity zone
boundaries and Biosecurity Instrument Permit details pertaining to these
☐ reasonable and practicable management measures for preventing the spread of
Biosecurity Matters within Site and out of the Site
☐ reasonable and practicable management measures to exclude access to known
areas of Biosecurity Matter infestation such as flagging
☐ location of clean-down facility. If temporary clean down bay is to be constructed on
Site, specify:
 design and maintenance requirements and procedures
 method of contain wastewater and restrict movement of biosecurity matters
particularly to Waterways and drainage lines
 management measures to contain biosecurity matter, sediments, oils and
greases, and
 prevention of vehicle recontamination.
☐ specific monitoring procedures for biosecurity matters (method, timing, frequency,
duration, parameter to be monitored, criteria / outcome measured against)
☐ pesticide treatment schedule addressing method of control, chemicals, locations,
timing of works, and
☐ details of biosecurity Matter control operator licence.

Waste (MRTS51)
Clause 8.13.1 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 11.1 ☐ estimates of type and quantity of Waste expected to be generated and their source
☐ waste management strategies (avoidance, reuse, recycling, energy, recovery,

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

☐ waste containment locations
☐ all mulch stockpiles identified on plans with maximum dimensions specified, and
☐ the procedure for measuring and recording Waste generated, reused, recycled
and disposed of under the Contract.

Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, March 2019 15

Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

Chemicals and Fuels (MRTS51)
Clause 8.14.3 EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
☐ list chemical and fuels stored on Site in volumes greater than 250 L, the maximum
quantity to be stored at any one time, storage location, management and
containment practices for storage
☐ type, location, size of spill response equipment stored on Site
☐ reasonable and practicable management measures for avoiding contamination or
Discharge to land or water from fuels and chemicals and brief risk-based
☐ details of any approvals held in relation to fuel and chemical storage or use, and
☐ contingency plan in the event of a contamination or discharge.

Material Sourcing (MRTS51)

Clause 8.15.4 & EMP(C) shall include descriptions and diagrams of:
Annexure 12.1 Water Sourcing
☐ key water consumption activities under the Contract
☐ the estimated volumes of water
☐ the identified construction water source/s and proposed volume of take
☐ legislative requirements and applicable conditions for take of water and whether
notification to other users has been undertaken
☐ water efficiency strategies to be utilised under the Contract, and
☐ procedures for monitoring against requirements of any applicable Environmental
Approval (exemption) (IE capacity level of non-flowing source).

Construction Material
☐ Identified gravel, fill or sand sources
☐ distance to Site
☐ access track and stockpile area requirements
☐ associated approvals and conditions
☐ proposed volume of take
☐ progressive rehabilitation processes, and

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Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (MRTS51, GCoC and Annexure A of GCoC)

Reference Requirements Addressed Comments / Observations

☐ activity based management plan for extraction sites.

☐ Other construction material requirements identified sources and management

Supplementary Conditions
[enter where applicable]
Clause 14

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