Pediatric DKA: Section I: Scenario Demographics
Pediatric DKA: Section I: Scenario Demographics
Pediatric DKA: Section I: Scenario Demographics
Marx, J. A., Hockberger, R. S., Walls, R. M., & Adams, J. (2013). Rosen's emergency medicine: Concepts and
clinical practice. St. Louis: Mosby. Chapter 126: Diabetes Mellitus and Disorders of Glucose Homeostasis.
EMCrit (2009). Intubating the patient with severe metabolic acidosis. Accessed on September 11, 2015 at
C. Required Monitors
EKG Leads/Wires Temperature Probe Central Venous Line
NIBP Cuff Defibrillator Pads Capnography
Pulse Oximeter Arterial Line Other:
D. Required Equipment
Gloves Nasal Prongs Scalpel
Stethoscope Venturi Mask Tube Thoracostomy Kit
Defibrillator Non-Rebreather Mask Cricothyroidotomy Kit
IV Bags/Lines Bag Valve Mask Thoracotomy Kit
IV Push Medications Laryngoscope Central Line Kit
PO Tabs Video Assisted Laryngoscope Arterial Line Kit
Blood Products ET Tubes Other:
Intraosseous Set-up LMA Other:
E. Moulage
None required.
F. Approximate Timing
Set-Up: 5 min Scenario: 15 min Debriefing: 30 min
Allergies: nil
Social History: lives with mom and dad and 1 older brother.
Family History: no family history.
Review of Systems: CNS: Tired. EMS state confused en route, asking for her dog repeatedly.
HEENT: No HA. No neck stiffness.
CVS: No complaints
RESP: No cough, sputum. No SOB
GI: Abdominal pain. Crying during ambulance ride due to pain.
GU: Polyuria.
MSK: Normal. INT: Normal.
B. Baseline Simulator State and Physical Exam
No Monitor Display Monitor On, no data displayed Monitor on Standard Display
HR: 120/min BP: 95/60 RR: 34/min (deep) O2SAT: 99%
Rhythm: NSR T: 38.5 C
o Glucose: HIGH GCS: 14 (E4 V4 M6)
General Status: Appears unwell.
CNS: Eyes open to pain, obeys commands.
HEENT: Acetone breath, dry mucous membranes. No nuchal rigidity
CVS: Tachycardic. Brisk capillary refill.
RESP: High RR with deep Kusmaul breathing.
ABDO: ++ RLQ tenderness with rebound and guarding.
GU: Normal.
MSK: Normal. SKIN: Normal.
Laboratory Results
Na: 128 K: 4.5 Cl: 100 HCO3: 8 BUN: 34 Cr: 60 Glu: 31
Ca: n/a Mg: n/a PO4: n/a Albumin: n/a