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Pediatric DKA: Section I: Scenario Demographics

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Pediatric DKA 1

Section I: Scenario Demographics

Scenario Title: DKA and Decreased LOC

Date of Development: 09/05/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)
Target Learning Group: Juniors (PGY 1 – 2) Seniors (PGY ≥ 3) All Groups

Section II: Scenario Developers

Scenario Developer(s): Donika Orlich (adapted from case by Lindsey McMurray)

Affiliations/Institution(s): McMaster University
Contact E-mail (optional): Donika.orlich@medportal.ca

Section III: Curriculum Integration

Learning Goals & Objectives

Educational Goal: To prioritize the management of an acutely unwell child.
CRM Objectives: 1) Employs good communication skills by taking verbal handover from the
sending facility and delivering clear instructions prior to patient transfer
2) Manages an anxious parent witnessing a resuscitation
Medical Objectives: 1) Implements an EBM approach to resuscitation and treatment of pediatric
2) Recognizes the need for IO access after failure to obtain peripheral IV
3) Recognizes cerebral edema and implements timely treatment
4) Anticipates decline in a DKA patient requiring intubation and plans

Case Summary: Brief Summary of Case Progression and Major Events

The learners receive a call from a peripheral hospital about transferring an unwell 8-year-old girl with
new DKA. She has been incorrectly managed, receiving a 20cc/kg bolus for initial hypotension as well as
an insulin bolus of 8 units (adult sliding scale dose for glucose of >20). The learner must perform a
telephone consultation and dictate new orders. On arrival, EMS will state that they lost the IV en route, and
the patient will become more somnolent in the ED. The learner should begin empiric treatment for likely
cerebral edema and concurrently manage the DKA. Physical exam will show a peritonitic abdomen with
guarding in the RLQ. Empiric Abx should be started for likely appendicitis. Due to decreasing neurologic
status and vomiting, the patient will eventually require an advanced airway. The challenge is to optimize
the peri-intubation course and ventilation to allow for compensation of her metabolic acidosis.

Marx, J. A., Hockberger, R. S., Walls, R. M., & Adams, J. (2013). Rosen's emergency medicine: Concepts and
clinical practice. St. Louis: Mosby. Chapter 126: Diabetes Mellitus and Disorders of Glucose Homeostasis.
EMCrit (2009). Intubating the patient with severe metabolic acidosis. Accessed on September 11, 2015 at

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Pediatric DKA 2

Section IV: Scenario Script

A. Clinical Vignette: To Read Aloud at Beginning of Case

Outside Patch: We have an 8-year-old female we want to send for DKA. She presented after feeling generally
“unwell” for 3 days, with some accompanying abdominal pain and vomiting. Her blood glucose came back at
24 with a pH of 7.15 and HCO3 of 12, so we made the diagnosis of DKA. She received a 20mL/kg bolus for
hypotension (BP 90/60) and Humulin R 8 unit bolus (as per our hospital sliding scale). What do you want for
insulin and fluids before we send her?
If asked:
K = 4.5. No other PMhx. Also did AXR which was normal (very tender abdomen).
B. Scenario Cast & Realism
Patient: Pediatric Computerized Realism: Conceptual
Mannequin Select most Physical
Standardized Patient important Emotional/Experiential
Hybrid dimension(s) Other:
Task Trainer N/A
Confederates Brief Description of Role
Mother Gives past medical history and history of presenting complaint. Becomes agitated if not
EMS Handover care on arrival. Lost IV en route.

C. Required Monitors
EKG Leads/Wires Temperature Probe Central Venous Line
NIBP Cuff Defibrillator Pads Capnography
Pulse Oximeter Arterial Line Other:
D. Required Equipment
Gloves Nasal Prongs Scalpel
Stethoscope Venturi Mask Tube Thoracostomy Kit
Defibrillator Non-Rebreather Mask Cricothyroidotomy Kit
IV Bags/Lines Bag Valve Mask Thoracotomy Kit
IV Push Medications Laryngoscope Central Line Kit
PO Tabs Video Assisted Laryngoscope Arterial Line Kit
Blood Products ET Tubes Other:
Intraosseous Set-up LMA Other:
E. Moulage
None required.

F. Approximate Timing
Set-Up: 5 min Scenario: 15 min Debriefing: 30 min

Section V: Patient Data and Baseline State

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Pediatric DKA 3

A. Patient Profile and History

Patient Name: Anna Age: 8 Weight: 25kg
Gender: M F Code Status: Full
Chief Complaint: Altered LOC
History of Presenting Illness: Tired and “unwell” for 3 days with some mild abdominal pain and vomiting.
Febrile today so her parents brought her to their local ED.
Past Medical History: nil Medications: nil
Immunizations UTD

Allergies: nil
Social History: lives with mom and dad and 1 older brother.
Family History: no family history.
Review of Systems: CNS: Tired. EMS state confused en route, asking for her dog repeatedly.
HEENT: No HA. No neck stiffness.
CVS: No complaints
RESP: No cough, sputum. No SOB
GI: Abdominal pain. Crying during ambulance ride due to pain.
GU: Polyuria.
MSK: Normal. INT: Normal.
B. Baseline Simulator State and Physical Exam
No Monitor Display Monitor On, no data displayed Monitor on Standard Display
HR: 120/min BP: 95/60 RR: 34/min (deep) O2SAT: 99%
Rhythm: NSR T: 38.5 C
o Glucose: HIGH GCS: 14 (E4 V4 M6)
General Status: Appears unwell.
CNS: Eyes open to pain, obeys commands.
HEENT: Acetone breath, dry mucous membranes. No nuchal rigidity
CVS: Tachycardic. Brisk capillary refill.
RESP: High RR with deep Kusmaul breathing.
ABDO: ++ RLQ tenderness with rebound and guarding.
GU: Normal.
MSK: Normal. SKIN: Normal.

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Pediatric DKA 4

Section VI: Scenario Progression

Scenario States, Modifiers and Triggers

Patient State Patient Status Learner Actions, Modifiers & Triggers to Move to Next State
Criti-call Patch GCS 14 Learner Actions Modifiers
Rhythm: Sinus tach (confused) - Ask for information around Changes to patient condition based on
HR: 140  120 labs and treatments initiated learner action
(after 20cc/kg Given 2mg - Patient PMx, meds, - No other probing by learner 
bolus) morphine for allergies MD to ask “would you like to
BP: 90/60  95/60 abdominal pain - Ask if she is voiding (she is) know anything else”?
(after bolus) (now settled) - Insulin infusion at 0.05-
RR: 34/min 0.1u/kg/hr Triggers
For progression to next state
O2SAT: 99% - IV NS + 40mmol KCl/L at
- 2 minutes  “assume 30
T: 38.5oC 3-5mL/kg/hr
minutes have passed”  1. EMS
- Provide feedback to
sending MD re: insulin dosing
& IV fluid in pediatric DKA
1. EMS Arrival States begins Learner Actions Modifiers
Rhythm: Sinus tach with EMS - Monitor, full vitals - IV attempt  unsuccessful x2
HR: 120/min handover (lost - Check glucose (HIGH) - Nurse runs VBG immediately
BP: 95/60 IV en route) - 2 large bore IVs (unable) after ordered and gives results to
RR: 34/min - IO access with local team leader
O2SAT: 99% GCS 14 anesthetic - If mom not addressed  mom
T: 38.5oC (confused) - Take history from & to become more intrusive and
reassure mom difficult to have in room
Cries when - Blood work (standard +
RLQ palpated. VBG, lactate, serum ketones,
osmols, lytes, blood cultures,
urine R&M) Triggers
- IV NS + 40mmol KCl/L at - 5 minutes 2. Deterioration
- IV insulin at 0.05-0.1
- Administer antibiotics (eg
– ancef + flagyl)
2. Deterioration GCS 13– Learner Actions Modifiers
Rhythm: Sinus tach E3V4M6 - Re-check glucose (24) - Mother not updated 
HR: 110/min - Decrease insulin infusion becomes obstructive around
BP: 90/50 Patient is more by half (0.025-0.05 U/kg/hr) daughter and demands 2nd
RR: 28/min confused, - Decrease IV fluid opinion
O2SAT: 98% complains of maintenance by half
headache. - Mannitol at 1-2mL/kg OR Triggers
hypertonic saline 3% at 3ml/kg - 2 minutes into state or all
for possible cerebral edema actions complete 
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Pediatric DKA 5

3. Obtunded GCS 6–E1V1M4 Learner Actions Modifiers

Rhythm: NSR - Recovery position, suction - No intubation by 2 min into
HR: 70/min Vomiting and - Plan for intubation state  O2SAT slowly to 88%
BP: 140/95 gagging on - ± Pre-intubation
RR: 28/min secretions. bicarbonate Triggers
O2SAT: 97% - ± Pre-intubation 10cc/kg - Intubation with paralytic &
T: 36.5oC fluid bolus resp rate not considered  4.
- Push-dose vasopressor at PEA Arrest
bedside - Intubation with resp rate
- Set vent to match patient considered  5. Resolution
RR (and VBG to match pCO2)
4. PEA Arrest Non-responsive Learner Actions Modifiers
Rhythm: PEA and pulseless. - Ensure quality CPR (15:2) - If needed, after 1 cycle, RT will
HR: no pulse - Epinephrine at 0.01mg/kg suggest ventilating at a faster
BP: not detectable (.25mg) q 3-5 minutes. rate to match pre-intubation RR
RR: BVM rate - Sodium bicarbonate
O2SAT: no tracing (1meq/kg/dose ~ ½ amp) Triggers
T: 36.5oC - Confirm tube placement - One CPR cycle after RR
- Go through Hs, Ts increased  5. Resolution
5. Resolution GCS 3T Learner Actions
Rhythm: Sinus tach - Call PICU and Gen Sx
HR: 140/min - Re-check electrolytes, gas
BP: 90/50 - Post-intubation CXR END CASE WITH PICU ARRIVAL
RR: 34/min (tubed) - Insert NG/OG
O2SAT: 99% - Initiate sedation
T: 36.5oC - ± Cooling (if had arrest)

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Pediatric DKA 6

Section VII: Supporting Documents, Laboratory Results, & Multimedia

Laboratory Results
Na: 128 K: 4.5 Cl: 100 HCO3: 8 BUN: 34 Cr: 60 Glu: 31
Ca: n/a Mg: n/a PO4: n/a Albumin: n/a

VBG pH: 6.9 PCO2: 20 PO2: 50 HCO3: 8 Lactate: 5

WBC: 16 Hg: 127 Hct: 0.400 Plt: 400

Images (ECGs, CXRs, etc.)

CXR post intubation

Source: https://emcow.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/normal-intubation2.jpg

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Pediatric DKA 7

Section VIII: Debriefing Guide

General Debriefing Plan

Individual Group With Video Without Video
Educational Goal: To prioritize the management of an acutely unwell child
CRM Objectives: 1) Employs good communication skills by taking verbal handover from
the sending facility and delivering clear instructions prior to patient
2) Manages an anxious parent witnessing a resuscitation
Medical Objectives: 1) Implements an EBM approach to resuscitation and treatment of
pediatric DKA
2) Recognizes the need for IO access after failure to obtain peripheral IV
3) Recognizes cerebral edema and implements timely treatment
4) Anticipates decline in a DKA patient requiring intubation and plans
Sample Questions for Debriefing
1) How do you feel that your team communicated throughout this case?
2) How did it feel to have the mother in the room? Do you think the team handled this well? What are
some approaches for having parents at the bedside during a resuscitation?
3) What is the differential for a child with altered LOC?
4) What is your initial management of DKA in a child and how does it differ from an adult?
5) What special considerations must you keep in mind when intubating a DKA patient or any patient
with severe acidosis of any etiology?
6) If you suspect a PEA arrest secondary to acidosis, what are your treatment options?
Key Moments
Recognition of initial incorrect management of pediatric DKA and acting as consultant to implement correct
insulin and IVF therapy prior to transfer.
Recognition of likely cerebral edema and implementing treatment (mannitol) and change to insulin/IVF
Recognizing the need to intubate, and vocalizing special considerations given severe acidosis.
Running a PEA arrest (if applicable)

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