Theoretical Review On Sustainable Leadership (SL) : IBCC 2016
Theoretical Review On Sustainable Leadership (SL) : IBCC 2016
Theoretical Review On Sustainable Leadership (SL) : IBCC 2016
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IBCC 2016
Abstract. Leadership has been identified as one of the factor contributes to construction organisation success.
Therefore, leadership has acts as an admixture to the sum of leader’s effort and subordinates teamwork in order to
accomplish organisational goals. There are several types of leadership style that have been practiced by leaders in the
construction industry, however, there are still several morality issues such as corruptions, mismanagement and
spillages occurred among leaders in the industry. Therefore, a new established leadership style such as sustainable
leadership (SL) is needed to reduce any circumstances that can affect both individual and organisation in the
construction industry. SL has been recognised by its holistic approaches, which include sustainability elements into it.
Additionally, SL is not just depending on leader’s ability and resolution only, but to maintain the continuously efforts
and achieving results are important. The aim of this paper is to explore the theoretical review of sustainable leadership
(SL). A literature review on sustainable leadership (SL) is gained from journals and books of SL and leadership style
in construction industry. The overall intent of this paper is to highlight the values and benefits of SL so that it can be
adapted by leaders in construction organisation.
1 Introduction
Sustainability goals in the construction industry are not The construction industry needs leadership that provides
only narrowly focused on traditional management such the collective vision, strategy and direction towards the
time, cost and quality, but also giving attention to common goal of sustainability [4]. Thus, it is important
sustainable elements such as environmental, that leader have ambitious acts as well as the
organisation’s profitability and social development. sustainability knowledge to effectively manage the
Sustainable construction is the result of sustainability organisations strategically. Therefore, the purpose of this
environment policies in the construction industry, which paper is to review on the background of SL, development
is widely responsible for consumption of natural of SL in other industries and necessity of SL in
resources [1]. construction organisations.
However, when sustainability issues are added in
usual business practice of construction organisation, this
creates uncertainty for leaders [2]. This is because leaders 2 Sustainable leadership (SL)
in construction industry are still not convinced with the
ability of sustainability in their organisation management The Sustainability Leadership Institute (2011) offers
practices. Although sustainability has been implemented definition suggesting that sustainability leaders as
in business activity but there are not directly linked to the individuals who are compelled to make a difference by
management and leadership strategies of the deepening their awareness of themselves in relation to the
organisations [3]. The influences of sustainability in world around them [5]. In doing so, the leaders adopt new
leadership are still vague among construction leaders; ways of seeing; thinking and interacting that result in
nevertheless leadership and management practices may innovative and come to sustainable solution. The
show a constructive impact on sustainability approaches sustainable solver such SL is an individual who motivate
in the construction industry. This is in line with [4] employees and supports sustainability action towards a
concept, where leadership has a very significant influence better world [6] either in present or future. Added to that,
in organisational activities including sustainability. motivation and influencing employees towards
As a result, to fulfill the commitment of organisational goals is one of elements in business
construction’s leader towards sustainability, the practices. Nevertheless, common leader viewpoint in
adaptability of sustainable leadership (SL) in organisation order to create sustainable organisation is by becoming
can facilitate the achievement of construction industry. more environmentally, than to usual business practices.
Šimanskienė and Župerkienė [7] described SL as an
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MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00045 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600045
IBCC 2016
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00045 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600045
IBCC 2016
Figure 1: The sustainable leadership (SL) pyramid (Avery and Bergsteiner, 2011)
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00045 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600045
IBCC 2016
Based on the Figure, the 23 elements form three satisfaction with organisation and also contribute towards
groups such foundation practices, higher-level practices, increasing organisational performance.
and key performance drivers. In brief, the foundation
practices consist of 14 practices and it can be
3.2 Overcome employee turnover
implemented at any time management according to
organisation decision. Meanwhile, higher-level practices
Employee turnover is one of a major problem in the
form the second layer of the pyramid, which includes six
construction industry [18]. Additionally, employee
(6) practices. The pyramid has been developed on the
turnover effects the organisation as well as lack of skilled
idea that the foundation practices will be support the
employees, increased other employee’s workload, and
emergence of the higher-level practices. The key
decreased productivity. According to Avery and
performance drivers create the third level of the pyramid
Bergsteiner [19], turnover of valuable employee can also
are emerge from the combination of first and second
lead to intangible losses. They added that replacing
layers of the pyramid. According to Avery and
talented senior employee means that losses of knowledge
Bergsteiner [13], the relationship of each element not
and expertise. Therefore, Thomas [18] suggested that an
only from bottom-up or top-down, practices on the same
effective leadership is one of strategy to minimise
level also influence each other. The interactions between
turnover among employee in the construction industry.
each layer collectively drive the performance outcomes at
Hence, a suitable leadership style is a significant success
the apex of the pyramid that clearly emphasis on the long
factor to overcome employee turnover as well as
term perspective that somehow creates SL.
increasing employee satisfaction towards organisation.
In addition, some organisations appear to be taking
sustainability approaches for a wide variety of reasons.
Hargreaves and Fink [8] stressed that SL is applicable to 3.3 Employee retention
be adapted in any field of the organisation. SL retains and
deepens the holistic knowledge that spreads continuously Sustainable leadership (SL) prefers to develop and
with assuring a positive impact either in present or in the promote employee internally rather than bring in
future. outsiders wherever possible [20]. The purposes of
developing and promoting employee internally is to keep
employee or specifically as employee retention in order
3 Necessity of sustainable leadership to enhance employee to be loyal and to avoid turnover
(SL) among employees. In addition, retaining employees can
generate unique competitive advantage for the
Sustainability requires organisational leader to take a organisation, derived from the linkages that form between
bold change to move from just being green to a higher long-term employees that enable ideas and skills to be
level of performance. For an instance, sustainability is shared in organisation [19]. Hence, by adapting SL in
now viewed by organisations as being part of a strategy organisation, employee will possibly able to avoid
for long-term business survival and success [15]. employee turnover and to increase the productivity as
Therefore, construction organisations need SL that can credit to organisation value.
transform leaders who can take advantage of the In conclusion, employee satisfaction, employee
opportunities that sustainability brings, to secure a better turnover and employee retention can be classified as
future for the construction organisation. The descriptions morality and ethical issues occurred in an organisation.
below explain the benefits of adapting SL in organisation. The construction industry also always faces problematic
challenges not only technically but also morality such as
3.1 Enhance employee satisfaction unethical practices among construction players [21].
Hence, the adaptability of SL in construction organisation
Employee satisfaction is a terminology of employees is will possibility to be the sustainable solution of these
happy or satisfied with desired and needs with their jobs. morality and unethical issues.
Employee satisfaction is also regarded as a key
performance measurement for sustainable organisation 4 Necessity of sustainable leadership
[14]. Particularly, SL practices are predicted to enhance
(SL) in construction organisation
overall employee satisfaction in the quest for
sustainability [14]. In addition, many of SL practices
Leadership has a very significant influence in
affect employees directly and since employees have long
organisational activities including sustainability [17].
been touted as the most valuable asset of an organisation,
Added to that, sustainability requires organisational
employee satisfaction with the organisation can be a
leader to take a bold change to move from just being
crucial indicator of organisational [16]. Opoku, Ahmed
green to a higher level of performance. Therefore, it is a
and Cruickshank [17] also stress that SL practices are
necessity for construction organisations to transform
covered with multi-faceted management systems,
leaders who can take advantage from sustainability
principles, processes and values that research shows can
brings, to perform a better future for the construction
create long-term organisational performance. In brief, by
adapting SL in an organisation, it will enhance employee
Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of
any organisation. Therefore, keeping employee’s
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00045 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600045
IBCC 2016
satisfaction should be a major priority for every 16. Team orientation: strong
employer. [14] states that in construction industry, cooperation
research in human behaviours and attitude merely related 17. Knowledge sharing and retention:
with employee satisfaction. They added that employee 9
satisfaction is a number of feelings and belief that 18. Trust/Integrity 9
employee have about their current job. For an instance,
Huang et al., [22] identify that engineers were more 19. Innovation 9
likely to have lower job satisfaction under higher time- 20. Staff engagement
control or overall job stress. Employees with lower job 9
satisfaction feel unstable and it will be significantly 21. Quality: high 9
related with employee turnover.
Moreover, due to high work stress and an unstable
Based on the Table, undertaken results from previous
working environment, the turnover of construction
researchers, it can be concluded that there are 21
employee is an important issues from the practical
leadership practices that have been applied by leaders in
viewpoint [23]. Employee turnover is a common issue in
the construction organisation. Added to that, there are
any organisation as well as one of a major problem in the
some of it has similarity with SL elements. Therefore, the
construction industry [24]; [18]. Turnover of construction
leadership practices are effective in construction
employees have an adverse impact on organisational
organisation and compatible with SL elements.
performance and productivity. This was supported by
Additionally, extra elements in SL can provide a value
Muhammad et al., [25] that employee turnover has a
added into leadership practices in construction
relationship with organisation performance. Thomas [18]
discovered that there are several problems related to
employee turnover such as increased work load, training
and development cost, low morale, lower productivity, 5 Sustainable leadership (SL) in other
loss of client satisfaction, poor performance and increase industries
costs. Consequently, it can affect the organisation such as
lack of skilled employees, increased other employee’s SL is recognised by its holistic approaches, which include
workload, decrease productivity as well as loss of client balancing people, organisation’s profitability and
and investor confidence. Figure 2 below show the environment towards organizational [13]. The successful
leadership practices in construction organisation that of implementing SL in other industries are also approved.
compatible with sustainable leadership (SL).
Table 3: The leadership practices in construction organisation 5.1 Retail
(Liphadzi, 2015; Emad, 2014 & Jarad, 2012)
Leadership Practices Construction Wal-Mart is one of the largest fortune 500 corporations in
Organisation a world. Scott [26] announced that Wal-Mart was
1. Developing staff launching a business sustainability strategy to reduce the
organisation impact on global environment and become
2. Retaining staff 9 the most competitive and innovative organisation in the
3. Valuing staff world. Eventually, because of this strategy, Wal-Mart has
9 become more ethical, socially and environmentally
4. Goal setting 9 responsible besides the financial performance was solid
[19]. It is also shows that how Wal-Mart expose its ideas
5. Long-term perspective 9 about sustainability to its suppliers, associates, client and
6. Ethical behaviour also community. The adaptability of SL in Wal-Mart may
be seen as sustainable procedures towards organisation
7. CEO and top team: top team performance without neglecting responsibilities towards
speaker others.
8. Organisational culture 9
9. Understanding of the business 9 5.2 Automotive
10. Responsibility for environment 9 BMW Group (BMW) is a well-known organisation,
11. Social responsibility which produces cars and motorbikes that operates
globally. Despite from the global financial crisis and the
12. Stakeholders: broad focus 9 subsequent recession, when other leaders choose to go
Vision’s role in the business: into survival mode and abandon strategies to achieve
9 long-term goals, BMW meets closely to SL principles
shared future
and emerged from the recession strongly, reporting the
14. Decision making 9 best results in its history in 2010 and remains a highly
15. Self-management 9 profitable independent organisation [19]. The adaptability
of SL clearly can contribute towards organisational
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00045 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600045
IBCC 2016
performance without neglecting a proper balance is transformation of current leadership style with assessing
created between economic, social and environment. sustainability elements in to it. Nevertheless, there some
need to be considered in order to implement SL in
construction industry such as:
5.3 Education
x Converting from conventional business practices
Educational organisations are increasingly being run as
into sustainability practices.
business organisations in many ways with effective
governance as a new requirement [27]. A research taken x Major change business practices bringing the
by Lambert [9] has attempted is to ascertain the views of chance of a drop in short-term performance, so
principals of general further education colleges, by that the stakeholders need to focus on the long-
inviting participants to select their level of agreement on term.
each of the component aspects of the SL theoretical x Consideration of senior manager to change from
framework proposed by researcher. The findings of the current leadership style into SL.
research were broad agreement around the aspects of the x Changes from current leadership style to SL can
framework for SL in further education, although further take time to embed as well as to maintain them.
work is needed concerning the articulation of each of the By implementing commercially SL in business
component elements. strategy, SL has a role in helping to promote sustainable
construction [4]. When the leaders have an ability to
understand and implement sustainability practices in
5.4 SME
organisation, it is not possible for them to pursue
sustainable construction with less facing of challenges
Suriyankietkaew and Avery [28], have investigates what
and barriers. It is worth taking an interest in the principles
leaders can do to enhance employee satisfaction in the
of the SL in the construction industry for aiming at
interest of the long term sustainability of the SMEs.
delivering better and sustainable returns, reducing
SMEs were chosen because of general lack of knowledge
unwanted circumstances and accelerating organisational
about SME leadership practices [29]. The main purpose
profit in present and also in the future.
of the research was to identify the management practices
derived from the SL framework and their effect on 7 Conclusion
overall employee satisfaction in Thai SME organisations.
They concluded that, the more an organisation adopts SL This paper has established an overview and necessity of
practices, the higher the employee satisfaction is likely to sustainable leadership (SL) in the construction
be. organisation. The adaptability of SL clearly can
Additionally, it is proven that SL approaches has been contribute towards construction organisation without
successful spreads in variety of business industries and neglecting a proper balance is created between economic,
organisation. Thus, it is not fruitless to adapt a social and environment. Therefore, research on the
systematic, holistic and sustainable solution of leadership adaptability of SL in construction organisation is needed
style that can create long-term organisational to aware and influence construction leader the capability
performance in organisation. of SL to overcome challenges and barrier and to help the
construction industry to reap the benefit of sustainability
practices in organisation management either in present or
6 Discussion in the future.
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00045 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600045
IBCC 2016
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