Aseptic Practice Recommendations For Circulating Operating Theatre Nurses
Aseptic Practice Recommendations For Circulating Operating Theatre Nurses
Aseptic Practice Recommendations For Circulating Operating Theatre Nurses
working environments, education levels, work experience
n the EU approximately 4 million patients acquire in a surgical unit in general, and work experience in the
healthcare–associated infections each year. The most current position?
frequent infections include urinary tract infections,
respiratory infections, postoperative infections and Background
blood stream infections. Approximately 20–30% of these Since 1995 international recommendations for aseptic practices
may be prevented through intensive hygiene and infection have been applied and locally validated in the surgical
control programmes. Effective infection prevention is departments of a university hospital in Finland (Aholaakko,
defined as one of the key components of safe patient care 2011; Aholaakko et al, 2013). Similar to findings by Fung-
globally (EU Council, 2009; World Health Organization Kee-Fung et al (2009), challenges in their application include:
(WHO), 2011; Association for Professionals in Infection establishing trust among health professionals and health
Control and Epidemiology (APIC), 2012; European Centre institutions; collecting accurate, complete and relevant data;
for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 2015). clinical leadership; securing institutional commitments; and
The EU Council (2009) has encouraged the establishing infrastructure and methodological support for
development of a specific approach to promote safe quality management.
The results of this intervention showed no improvements,
but others found an increase in surgical site infection rates
Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko, Principal Lecturer in Research, Development
after breast surgery (Aholaakko et al, 2013). Tame (2013)
and Innovation Unit, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa; Eija
reported negative results including no behavioural changes,
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British Journal of Nursing. Downloaded from by on November 21, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.
To control airborne, blood- and body fluid–borne, contact and vector-associated contamination
of the surgical patient, personnel and environment during invasive operations
Figure 1. Model for intraoperative aseptic practices constructed for quality development in the operating theatre
than other healthcare workers. In another study by Sessa et technique recommendations and a context for the perioperative
al (2011), infection prevention knowledge was significantly aseptic practices.
higher among nurses with a higher level of education. The authors then completed a cross-sectional descriptive
Studies on surgical practices demonstrate that awareness study to measure the acceptance of aseptic practice
of role-related social order represents an important aspect recommendations in 2013. Using a four-point scale (1
of operating theatre culture, at times hampering the represented strong disagreement while 4 represented strong
implementation of recommendations (Nestel and Kidd, 2006; agreement) they constructed positive and negative multi-item
Aholaakko, 2011; Tame, 2013). Disregarded recommendations statements rather than single-item rankings to avoid distorted
(Adams et al, 2011; Aholaakko, 2011), individual knowledge results and improve reliability. Items were coded using a
(Gillespie et al, 2008;Tame, 2012), and skill-based intraoperative four-point score so that higher numbers represented stronger
incidents (Angelillo et al, 1999) or errors (Flin et al, 2006; Jeffs agreement with the recommendations.
et al, 2008; Smith, 2010) persist. The authors created the data collection instrument in early
Previous studies (McGarvey et al, 2004; Timmons and 2000. In an initial study, a hard-copy questionnaire was piloted
Tanner, 2005; Gillespie et al, 2008; Richardson-Tench, 2008; among 22 operating theatre personnel unaffiliated with the
Sinkowitz-Cochran et al, 2012; Yang et al, 2012) have shown study group in the project hospital district in 2000. In total,
that the role and influence of nurses are essential to operating 17 nurses and physicians responded, assessing statements as
theatre practices. In one study, the adherence of operating easy to answer and the statements content as valid. Based
theatre personnel to aseptic practice recommendations on their feedback, the authors improved and clarified the
varied and circulating nurses found such variation stressful wording of some statements. The revised instrument was
(Aholaakko, 2011). The development of well-structured used among registered operating theatre personnel from
recommendations with a sound evidence base may improve two hospitals in 2000 and 2001. In 2001, 106 of 234 (45%)
not only infection status among surgical patients, but also the questionnaires were returned.
wellbeing of operating theatre team members. In 2013, the authors updated the initial assessment tool and
created an online questionnaire using some statements from
Methodology the initial survey based on previous recommendations (AORN,
Aseptic Practices among Circulating Nurses scale 1999). In addition, the authors formulated questions according
The authors developed the Aseptic Practices among Circulating to AORN recommendations (2013). The instrument used in
Nurses scale, a self-report instrument, following the three the present study comprised 20 statements. Owing to variations
phases of the operation: establishment of the sterile field before in the evidence base and the structure of the conceptual model,
operation; maintenance of the sterile field during the operation; a separate tool for measuring hand hygiene will be created.
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accepted this study. Nurses were informed of the study during minimum=3.00; maximum=4.00) than a previous study
staff meetings and via email as part of the questionnaire. from 2001 using a five-item scale (a=0.564). All but one
Returning the questionnaire was considered to be informed of the recommendations were rated as highly acceptable
consent for the study. with a mean value of 3.61, with six recommendations
receiving a mean value of 3.86 or higher. One of the
Data collection recommendations focused on the selection of sterile
Online surveys were distributed to nurses from the operating items, while nine recommendations focused on aseptic
theatre units of two university hospitals between October technique when establishing a sterile field. Acceptance of
and November 2013. From a total of 242 nurses, 73 (30%) the recommendation ‘Create the sterile field less than an
responded. From Hospital 1, 16 (27%) operating theatre hour before the operation’ received a lower acceptability
nurses and 10 (21%) day surgery nurses responded after than other recommendations (mean=3.23). Removing
receiving two online reminders and a reminder from nursing this item would increase the reliability of the scale overall;
managers. From Hospital 2, response rates reached 33 of 95 however, given its relevancy in clinical practice, the authors
(35%) and 12 of 40 (30%), respectively. Two respondents did did not remove it from the analysis.
not identify their place of work and their questionnaires were When testing the scale, statistically significant differences
not completed. Missing values were not replaced and owing were found in the acceptance of recommendations according
to the low response rate, valid responses were analysed as a to the respondents’ education, general work experience and
single study group. time spent working in the current operating theatre. Senior
Among all respondents, 45% held a bachelor-level nurses with college-level education (n=38) accepted the
nursing degree, while 55% were senior nurses who had recommendations to a higher degree (mean=3.84; SD=0.201)
received a college-level degree in nursing. All but three than nurses with a bachelor’s degree (n=30, mean=3.69;
undergraduate bachelor-level nurses were registered. These SD=0.309), a statistically significant difference (p=0.045).
three represented graduating students awaiting official Acceptance was significantly higher (p=0.023) among nurses
registration upon completion of their practical placements. with 15 or more years’ work experience in a general surgical
Among all respondents, 45% had worked in operating theatre unit (n=32; mean=3.84; SD=0.242) than among nurses
units in general for 15 years or more. In terms of their current with less work experience (n=36; mean=3.72; SD=0.270).
positions, 40% of respondents had worked in their current There was a significantly higher (p=0.011) acceptance of
unit for less than 5 years, while 21% had worked in their recommendations among nurses with 5 years or more spent
current units for more than 15 years. in their current position (n=42; mean=3.84; SD=0.227) than
among nurses with less than 5 years’ work experience in their
Data analysis current surgical unit (n=26; mean=3.68; SD=0.289).
In total, the authors used 20 recommendations (none for hand
hygiene) to describe aseptic practices from the circulating Aseptic practices for maintaining a sterile field
nurses’ points of view. First, the authors completed descriptive The authors constructed a sub-scale for the ‘Maintenance
statistics to introduce the acceptability of recommendations. of a Sterile Field’ using a summated variable for seven
Second, they counted summation variables according to (7/20) recommendations. The authors found a moderate
the phases of specific operations. The aim was to construct reliability for the sub-scale (a=0.639; mean=3.58; SD=0.362;
a clinically relevant and reliable scale with three sub-scales: minimum=2.29; maximum=4.00). The reliability was higher
establishment of a sterile field; maintenance of a sterile field; and than the reliability of an eight-item scale from 2001 (a=0.620).
disestablishment of a sterile field.The authors chose meaningful There was high acceptance for recommendations on constantly
constructions with possibly high alpha (a) values. The scale supervising the sterile field, keeping doors closed and limiting
was tested by analysing the acceptance of recommendations the number of people in the operating theatre. There was less
according to the respondents’ background characteristics. The acceptance for the recommendation on limiting conversations
Mann-Whitney U-test was used to explore the differences during surgery. Only differences in the acceptance of
between ranked mean values for skewed data. For all analyses, recommendations between nurses with 15 or more years’ work
results yielding p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. experience in the current operating theatre (n=14; mean=3.76;
SD=0.272) and nurses who had worked for a shorter time in
Results the current operating theatre (n=52; mean=3.53; SD=0.370)
The authors constructed the Aseptic Practice among Circulating were statistically significant (p=0.018).
Nurses scale with an overall reliability of a=0.782. Table 1 and
the sub-scale reliability analyses show the acceptability of the Aseptic practices for disestablishing sterile field
recommendations and the characteristics of the summated The authors constructed a sub-scale for the ‘Disestablishment
variables. As a final step, the authors introduced the differences of the Sterile Field’ using three (3/20) recommendations. There
in acceptance based on background characteristics. was a moderate reliability for the scale (a=0.617; mean=3.90;
SD=0.232; minimum=2.67; maximum=4.00). In 2001, only
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Aseptic practices for establishing a sterile field one recommendation focused on the disestablishment of the
The authors coded a 10-item (10/20) summated variable sterile field. In this study, a high level of acceptance for all three
for the ‘Establishment of a Sterile Field’ sub-scale. Better recommendations was found, with mean values of more than
reliability was found (a=0.605; mean=3.77; SD=0.232; 3.8. These recommendations focused on the prevention of
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Table 1. The Aseptic Practices among Circulating Nurses scale
Aseptic Practices among Circulating Nurses scale Mean (SD)* Cronbach’s a reliability a if item deleted
3.44 0.782
Establishment of a Sterile Field sub-scale 3.77 0.605
Sterile indicators inspected before use† 3.95 (0.278) 0.532
Indicator gloves taken for high-risk operations† 3.95 (0.213) 0.519
Not using a sterile item after expiration date 3.94 (0.244) 0.536
Integrity of package inspected 3.89 (0.403) 0.541
Fluid transparency inspected before use† 3.89 (0.362) 0.435
Not using a damp sterile package* 3.86 (0.467) 0.513
Not using an opened sterile package* 3.73 (0.623) 0.551
Fluids and medicines decanted near use† 3.67 (0.714) 0.371
Filter needle used with liquids† 3.61 (0.748) 0.550
Sterile field created less than an hour before operation† 3.23 (1.046) 0.663
Maintenance of Sterile Field sub-scale 3.58 0.639
Sterile field constantly supervised† 3.85 (0.404) 0.589
Doors kept closed during operation 3.80 (0.403) 0.622
Number of persons in operating theatre limited during operation 3.75 (0.501) 0.600
Defects in aseptic practices documented 3.71 (0.744) 0.623
Unscrubbed person not moving between two sterile fields 3.66 (0.594) 0.572
Circulating nurse stayed in operating theatre during operation† 3.26 (0.776) 0.638
Considering the intraoperative conversation aseptically important* 3.00 (0.901) 0.564
Disestablishment of Sterile Field sub-scale 3.90 0.617
Gloves used during disestablishment of the sterile field† 3.97 (0.173) 0.388
Bloody gloves not removed outside operating theatre*† 3.91 (0.290) 0.578
Not disestablishing sterile field during wound closure*† 3.83 (0.414) 0.659
reverted into 4-point scoring so that higher numbers represent stronger agreement with the recommendations
†Appears in the 2013 updated recommendations
blood-borne infections and protecting the wound until it closes. identify the risk factors for surgical site infections (Aholaakko
Removing the item ‘No disestablishment of the sterile field et al, 2013) through a review of records from more than 1000
during wound closure’ (mean=3.83) would increase the overall breast surgery patients.Virtually no evaluative documentation
reliability of the scale; however, this item was not removed from of nursing-related aseptic practices was found. Given this, it
the analysis given its clinical relevance. was necessary to begin constructing tools for the assessment
In the analysis, there was a significantly higher (p=0.017) of intraoperative aseptic practices. In the costly work of
acceptance of the scale recommendations among senior nurses operating theatre teams, relevant, reliable and valid tools to
with a college-level education (n=37; mean=3.96; SD=0.105) perform and assess clinical performance are essential.
than among nurses with a bachelor’s degree (n=29; mean=3.83; This article introduces a tool that may serve as the starting
SD=0.317). Nurses with 15 or more years’ general operating point in developing performance, assessment, effectiveness and
department work experience (n=30; mean=3.97; SD=0.108) cost-effectiveness measurement of aseptic practices within a
accepted the recommendations at a higher rate than nurses sterile operating field to protect the surgical patient, personnel
with less work experience (n=36; mean=3.85; SD=0.292), a and environment. Through this tool, it may be possible
statistically significant difference (p=0.039). to enhance constructive communication and increase the
engagement of circulating nurses and the entire operating
Discussion theatre team facilitating multidisciplinary improvements in
This study aimed to assess the role of circulating nurses aseptic practices (Nestel and Kidd, 2006; Gillespie et al, 2008;
in intraoperative aseptic practices. Local recommendations Aholaakko, 2011; Sinkowitz-Cochran et al, 2012; Tame, 2013).
were updated according to international recommendations
(AORN, 2013), and studied among day surgery and operating Reliability of the scale
© 2015 MA Healthcare Ltd
theatre nurses. A previous qualitative study in one of the Precise and comprehensive scales accepted by health
two operating theatres (Aholaakko, 2011) highlighted the professionals are essential in measuring the performance
necessity of developing the tool given the stress associated and assessment of intraoperative aseptic practices. During
with performing aseptic practices. Another study aimed to the development of the assessment criteria, discussions must
British Journal of Nursing. Downloaded from by on November 21, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.
address the influence of statistical tools used to complete the where relevant research does not exist. When maintaining a
focus of the evaluation. In the assessment of aseptic practice sterile field, such nurses may also accept clinical reasoning
recommendations, this equates with aiming to reach only when receiving collegial support from senior nurses who rely
high reliability values. Thus, numerous clinically relevant on traditional practices.
assessment criteria may be lost. In this study, there was a Initially, interpretation of the lack of differences in
satisfactory reliability for the constructed scale (a=0.782). recommendation acceptance levels comparing nurses with 5 or
Despite the limitations, the results of this study may more years’ general work experience in surgical departments
serve as a starting point for the further development and to nurses with less than 5 years’ work experience proved
validation of assessing the role of the circulating nurse in difficult. There were differences within recommendations
aseptic practices. The reliability values for the three sub- for the establishment of a sterile field between nurses with
scales varied, indicating partial premature acceptance of less than 5 years’ and nurses with 5 or more years’ work
international recommendations. In particular, the sub-scale experience in the current setting. Sinkowitz-Cochran et
for the disestablishment of a sterile field may require critical al (2012) found better self-reported hygiene performance
review. Furthermore, a reasonable number of items (and and high staff engagement was related to recommendations
respondents) are needed for future analysis. and hospital leadership. It may be that the development of
capabilities in aseptic practices takes longer than general
Aseptic practice recommendations expectation and requires the engagement of the operating
The evidence-based aseptic practice recommendations theatre culture and staff. The development of expertise may
warrant consideration through the actions, skills and concepts begin with the establishment of a sterile field and extend to
of the nursing profession (Niiniluoto, 1993; 1996). As expertise in the maintenance and disestablishment of a sterile
technical norms they provide goals for practical action, express field. These last two stages may require longer and more
professional expertise and facilitate efficiency in practice. extensive work experience, and a greater understanding of
Recommendations cannot always be deduced from general aseptic practices than establishing a sterile field.
theory alone, but may be supported ‘from below’. According High acceptance of recommendations among nurses with
to Niiniluoto (1993), the conditions regarding technical longer work experience supports this interpretation. There
norms demand that they hold social relevance in factual was a higher acceptance of the recommendations for
situations; they should be at least potentially acceptable among maintaining a sterile field among nurses with 15 or more
some social groups; they contain evaluative and normative years’ work experience in their current unit than among
terms; and their relationship to the value system varies from nurses with less work experience. In addition, acceptance of
the positivistic ideal. They only become binding among those recommendations for the establishment and disestablishment
who accept the premise of their conditional value. of a sterile field was higher among nurses with 15 or
more years’ general work experience than among nurses
Differences in acceptance of the with less experience. It may be that managing demanding
recommendations in scale testing intraoperative aseptic practices like an expert requires time.
In this study, there were no differences in the acceptance of An explanation for this may exist in the operating theatre
aseptic practice recommendations between project hospitals culture. Senior nurses may possess more confidence and
or between operating theatre and day surgery nurses.This may assertiveness to create and express solid opinions related to
indicate solid organisational and professional support for the adhering to the recommendations in a multidisciplinary team
role of circulating nurses in aseptic practice recommendations (Gillespie et al, 2008; Tame, 2013).
(Fung-Kee-Fung et al, 2009). Instead, there were differences
in the acceptance of recommendations between nurses Limitations
with a previous college-level education and nurses with a The results are not generalisable, but should be used in the
contemporary bachelor-level education. local development of aseptic practices. The small sample size
Nurses with a bachelor’s degree reported less acceptance and the absence of medical staff in the data collection limit
of recommendations for establishing and disestablishing the transferability and comparability of the findings to earlier
sterile fields than nurses with a college-level education. The results. Owing to the low overall response rate in 2013,
difference was not statistically significant for recommendations further testing of the acceptance of the recommendations
related to maintaining a sterile field. This may indicate a lack and the scale reliability proved necessary. In early 2000, when
of relevant research or personal knowledge. It may be that development of the recommendations began, the authors
acceptance among nurses with a bachelor’s degree suffers applied both factor analysis and principal components
because they critically reflect on the knowledge base of the analysis aiming to create relevant and valid scales. None of
recommendations. These results did not support the results the analyses managed to reduce the variables to logical and
of Sessa et al (2011) which indicated that a higher level of practically meaningful factors. Finally, the survey items did
knowledge was associated with a higher level of education. not properly cover clinical performance.
In addition, Sinkowitz-Cochran et al (2012) reported that
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British Journal of Nursing. Downloaded from by on November 21, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.
Conflict of interest: none
Acknowledgements: the authors would like to acknowledge all
n the absence of analytical tools, few studies exist on intraoperative the surgery nurses and physicians, colleagues and supervisors who
nursing-related aseptic practices contributed to this study. The authors would like to thank Vanessa
n In this study there were differences in the acceptance of aseptic practice Fuller for her contribution to the use of English in this article.Thanks
recommendations for circulating nurses according to education and general also to FORNA, EORNA and Laurea UAS from their practical
and current work experience in operating theatre units and financial contribution in developing surgical AP during the
initial AP project in early 2000.
n Continual assessment of the evidence base and comprehensive evaluation
represent important components in further developing the tool Adams JS, Korniewicz DM, El-Masri MM (2011) A descriptive study
exploring the principles of asepsis techniques among perioperative
n A reasonable number of items covering clinical practice are necessary for personnel during surgery. Can Oper Room Nurse 29(4): 6-24
assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of aseptic practices, and a Aholaakko T-K (2011) Reducing surgical nurses’ aseptic practice-
related stress. J Clin Nurs 20(23-24): 3339–50. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-
larger response rate is needed to validate the tool in future 2702.2011.03844.x.
Aholaakko T-K, Metsälä E, Sihvonen M, Lyytikäinen O (2013) Risk factors
for surgical site infection in breast surgery. J Clin Nurs 22(7-8): 948–57.
theatre nurses becomes possible. The evidence-based doi: 10.1111/jocn.12009
Angelillo IF, Mazziotta A, Nicotera G (1999) Nurses and hospital infection
recommendations serve as technical norms for clinical and control: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of Italian operating theatre
educational practices among operating theatre nurses and staff. J Hosp Inf 42(2): 105-12
Association of peri-Operative Registered Nurses (AORN) (1999) Standards,
students (Niiniluoto, 1996). These are key to reducing the Recommended Practices & Guidelines. AORN, Denver, CO: 317-22
number of surgical site infections, improving patient and Association of peri-Operative Registered Nurses (2013) Perioperative
Standards and Recommended Practices. AORN, Denver
occupational safety, and decreasing work-related stress (Espin Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
and Lingard, 2001; Aholaakko, 2011; Sinkowitz-Cochran et (APIC) (2012) APIC strategic plan 2020. Am J Infect Control 40(5): 391
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (2015) Healthcare-
al, 2012; Tame, 2013). associated Infections Surveillance Network.
Sound methodological support is essential in the evidence- (accessed 2 July 2015)
Espin SL, Lingard LA (2001) Time as a catalyst for tension in nurse-surgeon
based development of intraoperative aseptic practices and communication. AORN J 74(5): 672-82
multidisciplinary quality management. Testing concepts and EU Council (2009) Council Recommendation of 9 June 2009 on patient
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to construct stable models for different professional roles o5ajvgl (accessed 2 July 2015)
Flin R, Yule S, McKenzie L, Paterson-Brown S, Maran N (2006) Attitudes
and phases of operation are necessary. The results may serve to teamwork and safety in the operating theatre. Surgeon 4(3): 145-51
as a starting point for the further development of aseptic Fung-Kee-Fung M, Watters J, Crossley C et al (2009) Regional
collaborations as a tool for quality improvements in surgery: a systematic
practices, which are nursing-specific, and multidisciplinary review of the literature. Ann Surg 249(4): 565–72. doi: 10.1097/
interventions, and may facilitate improvements to patient SLA.0b013e31819ec608
Gillespie BM, Wallis M, Chaboyer W (2008) Operating theatre culture:
safety and operating theatre culture. Future research should implications for nurse retention. West J Nurs Res 30(2): 259-77
focus on studying the aseptic practice-related cultures and Jeffs L, Affonso DD, McMillan KK (2008) Near misses: paradoxical
realities in everyday clinical practice. Int J Nurs Pract 14(6): 486-94. doi:
outcomes. Similar recommendations and practices should also 10.1111/j.1440-172X.2008.00724.x.
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Conclusions Niiniluoto I (1993) The aim and structure of applied research. Erkenntnis
In the development of assessment criteria for intraoperative 38(1): 1-21
Niiniluoto I (1996) Hoitotiede – tieteenteoreettisia huomautuksia [Nursing
aseptic practices, precise and comprehensive scales of both science research theoretical remarks]. Hoitotiede 8(3): 149-54
acceptance among clinical professionals and the use of Rathnayake T (2014) Surgical site infection: A sterile field. The Joanna Briggs
Institute, Adelaide
scientific methods are essential. This study demonstrates Richardson-Tench M (2008) The scrub nurse: basking in reflected glory. J
the reliability of the constructed Aseptic Practices among Adv Perioperat Care 3(4): 25-131
Sessa A, Di Giuseppe G, Albano L, Angelillo IF, Collaborative Working
Circulating Nurses scale, which may serve as a starting point Group (2011) An investigation of nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and
for the further development and validation of assessing the practices regarding disinfection procedures in Italy. BMC Infect Dis 11:
148. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-11-148
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includes responsibilities such as aseptic practices facilitating Tame SL (2013) The effect of continuing professional education on
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Timmons S, Tanner J (2005) Operating theatre nurses: emotional labour
field. In future, it is important to develop recommendations
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British Journal of Nursing. Downloaded from by on November 21, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.