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Abstract- A voided slab is a concept that simply removes the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
excess concrete from the expensive part of the structure slab. It A) Bubble Deck
was invented by JorganBreuningof Denmark about 20 years ago.
It is now gaining popularity both in Europe and in Asia. This In the middle of 1990s, a new system was invented in
paper reviewed the several study done on voided slab system. All Denmark by JorganBreuning to ensure the reduction of dead
technical parameters of voided slab system on which weight with more than 30% and allowing longer spans
experimental study have been carried out by authors are between supports which is called bubble deck system. Bubble
tabulated in this paper systematically. The realization of the deck is based on new patented technique which involves the
proposed objectives involves documentation activity and direct way of linking air and steel to creating a natural cell
theoretical study of all work done by several authors on voided
slab concept. The resultant conclusion will be used in defining
structure acting like a solid slab. For the first time, bubble
the failing mechanism that can be useful in the formulation of an deck with the same capability as a solid slab, but with
adequate mathematical model. considerably less weight due to elimination of superfluous
concrete. In this technology,it locks ellipsoid between the top
Keywords-Voided slab, Bubble deck, Cobiax, U-boot, Air and bottom reinforcement meshes, thereby creating a natural
deck,Bee plate system,Structural behaviour, Punching shear
cell structure acting like a solid slab. To replace the
capacity, HDPE, Spherical voided formers, ANSYS.
superfluous concrete, a HDPE hollow spheres are used in the
centre of slab.
voids and holds the voids in place as the concrete becomes The conception, developed in 2003, is Airdeck. It has the
stiff. The second lift is poured after the first lift is stiff but basic advantages of the U-boot system (i.e., ability of formers
still fresh, finishing the slab. This method requires more to be nested and usage of recycled polypropylene for
formwork and on-site labour, but requires less transportation producing irretrievable void formers). Besides, the strong
of materials. point of this system is lack of necessity to use retaining mesh
to hold down IVF during the concreting of the second layer.
Fig. 2
A new system of hollow formers in order to decrease the E) Bee Plate System
transportation cost and CO2 production was patented in 2001 The BEEPLATE Honeycomb Floor is an efficient solution
by an Italian engineer, Roberto llGrande..U-Boot Beton, or U- for wide span reinforced concrete flat slabs with any
boot, is a voided slab system from the Italian company suspension. Spans between up to 20 m with floor depths
Daliform. U-boot does not use spherical void formers like between 34 cm and 70 cm can be achieved. By using
previous systems, but uses truncated-pyramid shaped void buoyancy free hollow bodies, assembly is particularly easy.
formers instead. These void formers create many grid shaped The hollow bodies are built in with the help of spacer clips. At
beams making up the slab (U-boot Beton, 2011). The U-boot the same time they work as a separator between the upper and
system is similar to the Cobiax system in terms of lower layers of reinforcement. The alveolar layout of the
construction because it is meant to be cast entirely on-site hollow bodies guarantees a maximum concrete reduction and
using formwork. After forms are erected, the steel and void therefore weight reduction of up to 35%. The BEEPLATE
formers are placed before the concrete is poured in two lifts. should be supported bottom-up in the area of the BEEPLATE
In addition to the many design benefits that all voided slab concrete webs. In areas where a column under a hollow body
systems provide, the U-boot system has one benefit over is inevitable, must load transfer to the adjacent BEEPLATE
systems that use spherical void formers the shape of the U- concrete webs is to be realized by a sufficiently dimensioned
boot void formers allows them to be stacked efficiently during crossbeam. Supports which are on top of the BEEPLATE
transportation to the site, saving space and potentially leading should possibly be assembled only in the BEEPLATE
to reduced shipping costs compared to spherical former concrete web areas. If holes are drilled into the BEEPLATE
systems. slab - for example for the positioning of the formwork these
have to be closed afterwards. If there is danger of penetrating
water into a hollow body, the lower side has to be tapped off
and spot-drilled. No water must remain in a hollow body void.
Fig. 3
D) Airdeck Fig. 5
III. DISCUSSION recording anymore and the deflections increased very fast
without any increase in applied load.
A) Shear strength
Span depth ratio calculations for deflections are very
The results of a number of practical tests confirm that the approximate and are not appropriate in flat slabs of irregular
shear strength depends on the effective mass of concrete. The layout except for the most simple or unimportant cases. FE
shear capacity is measured to be in the range of 72-91% of the modelling, including non-linear cracked section analysis is
shear capacity of a solid deck. In calculations, factor of 0.6 is used to calculate the deflection using normal structural
used on the shear capacity for a solid deck of identical height. concrete with a Young’s Modulus Ecm , multiplied by 0.9
This guarantees a large safety margins. Areas with high shear and the tensile strength, fctm multiplied by 0.8 (to reduced the
loads need therefore a special attention, e.g. around columns. crack moment).
That is solved by omitting a few balls in the critical area
Deflection of BubbleDeck is 5.88% more than solid slab as
around the columns, therefore, giving full shear capacity.
the stiffness is reduced due to the hollow portion.
Shear strength of slab mainly depend on effective mass of Strengthened BubbleDeck has low deflection compare to un
concrete, as the special geometry shaped by the ellipsoidal strengthened BubbleDeck slab. Conventional slab carried the
voids acts like the famous roman arch, hence enabling all stress of about 30.98 MPa by applying the udl load of about
concrete to be effective. This is only valid when considering 340 kN and causes deflection of 12.822 mm. The BubbleDeck
the bubbledeck technology. ; Due to use of plastic bubbles, slab carried the stress of about 30.8 MPa by applying the udl
the shear resistance of bubbledeck greatly reduces in load of about 320 kN and causes deflection of 14.303mm. The
comparison of solid slabs. BubbleDeck slab can withstand 80% of stress when compared
with conventional slab. Slide variation occurs in the
In any flat slab, design shear resistance is usually critical near
deformation when compared to conventional slab.
columns. The shear stresses removed from the columns
diminishes rapidly outside the column zones it has been Type of slab Load(KN) Deflection Weight (Kg)
demonstrated by testing and calculation and longitudinal shear (mm)
Conventional slab 260 8.70 321
stresses are within the capacity of the bubbledeck slab system. Continuous bubble deck 320 9.20 242
Near the columns, bubbles are left out so in these zones a Alternative bubble deck 290 8.95 278
bubbledeck slab is designed exactly the same way as the solid type I
slab. Alternative bubble deck 275 8.80 281
type II
B) Bending strength
Bubble Deck when compared to a solid deck, both practically
D) Fire Resistance
and theoretically. The results in the table below shows that for
the same deck thickness, the bending strength is same for The fire resistance of the slab is a complex matter but is
Bubble Deck and for a solid deck and that the stiffness of the chiefly dependent on ability of the steel to retain sufficient
Bubble Deck is slightly lower. Bending stresses in the Bubble strength during a fire when it will be heated and lose
Deck slab are found to be 6.43% lesser than that of solid slab. significant strength as the temperature rises. The temperature
The ultimate load value obtaining bending tests were upto of the steel is controlled by fire and the insulation of the steel
90% greater than the ultimate load value. The bottom from the fire. In any case, all concrete is cracked, and in a fire,
reinforcement steel and the top compressive portion of stress it is likely that the air would escape and the pressure
block contributes to flexural stiffness in the bending. dissipated. If the standard bubble material is used (HDPE), the
In % of a solid
products of combustion are relatively benign, certainly
BubbleDeck compared to other materials that would also be burning in the
Same bending Same concrete vicinity. In an intense, prolonged fire, the ball would melt and
Same strength
stiffness volume eventually char without significant or detectable effect. Fire
Strength 100 105 150* resistance depends on concrete cover nearly 60-180 minutes.
Bending stiffness 87 100 300
Volume of
Smoke resistance is about 1.5 times the fire resistances.
66 69 100
concrete Steel Steel Fire resistance (min)
stress utilization
30 60 90 120 180
C) Deflection 190 66% 17mm 17 17 17 _
mm mm Mm
The deflection of the test specimens was measured at their 286 100% 17 29 35 42 55
mid-span beneath the lower face of the tested slabs. When the mm mm mm mm mm
slab reached advanced stage of loading, smaller increments
were applied until failure, where the load indicator stopped TABLE: III
Sr. Name of Paper Year Stiffne Ultim Cost Bend Stress Comp Rigidi Shear Punchi Deflecti Creep Fire Acoust Crack Dissi-
No. of ss ateloa Analys ing Distri ressiv ty Streng ng on resisten ic pattern pation
publis- Modifi d is streng bution e th shear ce behavi Rate
hing ca-tion carryi th strain our
factor ng
Expt. program regarding
1. BubbleDeck concrete 2009 ✓ ✓
slab with spherical gaps
Summary of tests and
2. studies done abroad on 2009 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
the BubbleDeck system
An expt. study on two-
3. way bubbledeck slab 2010
✓ ✓ ✓
Comparative study of
11. voided flat plate slab & 2014 ✓ ✓ ✓
solid flat plate slab
Design factors and the
12. economical application 2014 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
of spherical type voids
in RC slabs
A study on behaviour of
13. bubbledeck slab using 2015 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
An experimental study
14. on bubble deck slab 2015 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
system with elliptical
Comparative structural
15. analysis of Biaxial 2015
✓ ✓ ✓
voided slabs and solid
Finite element analysis
16. of voided slab with 2015 ✓ ✓
HDPP void formers.
Numerical analysis of
17. flat slabs with spherical 2015 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
voids subjected to shear
Parametric study of solid
18. slab and voided slab 2015 ✓ ✓
Collapse of reinforced
19. concrete voided slab 2016
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Numerical & expt. study
20. on bubbledeck slab 2016 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Punching shear strength
21. development of 2016 ✓ ✓ ✓
bubbledeck slab using
GFRP stirrups
GRAPH 2: Slab Thickness Vs % Weight Saving GRAPH 3: 6m x 6m-Multiple Slab System Cost Comparison Chart
[1]. Analysis of voided deck slab & cellular deck slab using Midias
Civil by B Vaignam,Dr.B.S.R.K Prasad.
[2]. Summary of tests and studies done abroad on the BubbleDeck
system by SergiuCalin,RoxanaGintu,GabrielaDascalu.
[3]. Expt. program regarding BubbleDeck concrete slab with spherical
GRAPH 4: Shows the Deflection behaviour on the slab gaps by SergiuCalin,CiprianAsavoaie
[4]. An experimental study on bubble deck slab system with elliptical
balls by AratiShetkar and NageshHanche
[5]. Issues of achieving an experimental model concerning bubble
deck concrete slab with spherical gaps by
[6]. Flexural capacities of reinforced concrete two-way bubbledeck
slabs of plastic spherical voids by Amer M. Ibrahim, Nazar K. Ali
[7]. The expt. analysis of bubbledeck slab using modified elliptical
balls by L. V. Hai, V.D. Hung
[8]. Design factors and the economical application of spherical type
voids in RC slabs by KivaneTaskin&KeremPeker
[9]. A study obbehavior of bubbledeck slab using ANSYS by Rinku
John &Jobil Varghese
[10]. Punching shear strength development of bubbledeck slab using
GFRP stirrups by Reshma Mathew &Binu P.
[11]. Numerical & experimental study on bubbledeck slab by M.
Surendar& M. Ranjitham
[12]. An experimental study on two-way bubbledeck slab with spherical
hollow balls by Bhagyashri ,G.Bhade& S. M. Barelikar
[13]. Finite element analysis of voided slab with HDPP void formers by
K Subramanium, P Bhuvaneshwari
GRAPH 5: Shows the weight of the slab [14]. Calculation of voided slab rigidities by Gee-CheolKim,Joo-Won
VI. CONCLUSION [15]. Structural behaviour of bubble deck slab by P.PrabhuTeja,P.Vijay
[16]. Parametric study of solid slab and voided slab by
The benefits of using plastic voided slabs rather than solid YogeshTambe,PrashantKulkarni
slabs are greater for larger spans. Smaller spans do not require [17]. Flat slabs with spherical voids by
substantially thick slabs, therefore only small voids can be MihaiBindea,DumitruMoldovan,Zoltan Kiss
utilized and minimal savings are achieved. Larger spans are [18]. Comparative study of voided flat plate slab & solid flat plate slab
by SaifeeBhagat,Dr. K.B. Parikh
capable of using larger voids that greatly reduce the overall [19]. Comparative structural analysis of Biaxial voided slabs and solid
weight of the slab while meeting load capacity requirements. slab by Mosioma,WycliffeOnchura,MosesOnyangoOpiyo
Construction of plastic voided slabs requires more steps than [20]. Collapse of reinforced concrete voided slab by L.A Clark
solid slabs, but the construction process is not significantly [21]. Numerical analysis of flat slabs with spherical voids subjected to
shear force by M. Bindea,Claudia Maria Chezan,APuskas
more complicated. For bays of the same size, plastic voided
slabs typically require less reinforcement. Overall, plastic