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Endang Retno Winarti

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UJME 8 (1) 2019: 14-18

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education

ISSN: 2252-6927 (print); 2460-5840 (online)

Students’ problem solving ability in thinking aloud pair

problem solving learning assisted by schoology viewed from
mathematical disposition
Endang Retno Winarti a,*, Monika D. Haryanti a, Tri Sri Noor Asih a
Department of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Semarang State University, Indonesia
D7 Building Lt. 1, Campus Gunungpati, Semarang 50229

* E-mail address: monikaharyanti@gmail.com


Article history: This research aimed to determine whether Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving
Received 8 September 2018 learning assisted by Schoology was effective to problem solving ability. The method
of this research was quantitative-assisted interviews. This research involved 63
Received in revised form 8
selected students of 252 of 8th grade students in one of junior high schools in Kudus.
November 2018
The results showed that: (1) students' problem solving ability in Thinking Aloud Pair
Accepted 6 January 2019 Problem Solving learning assisted by Schoology achieved the mastery learning; (2)
students’ problem solving ability who received Thinking Aloud Pair Problem
Keywords: Solving learning assisted by Schoology was better than students who received
Problem Solving Ability; Problem Based Learning; and (3) mathematical disposition possitively affected to the
Mathematical Disposition; students’ problem solving ability.
Thinking Aloud Pair © 2019 Published by Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Problem Solving (TAPPS)
Learning Model;

learning process to achieve the goal. Problem

1. Introduction
solving is the most complex learning activities. A
question becomes a problem if the student is not
Learning mathematics is very important for
able to complete it on time and does not have the
students since there are so many activities that they
desire and the need to fix that (Masrukan, 2008).
do involve mathematics. Students can think
In this research, the step of problem solving
logically, analytically, critically and creatively by
skills used are the steps revealed by Polya. Polya
researching mathematics. Unfortunately, most of
(1973) states that a solution contains about four-
the students are still having difficulties on problem
steps problem solving, namely understanding the
solving. Therefore, they must still learn because it
problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan,
is extremely important in daily life and useful for
and looking back.
the development of human competence
Akinsola and Olowojaiye as quoted by
(Tambychik & Meerah, 2010).
Wijayanto (2014) conclude that the way teachers
One of the education problems that is currently
delivet the learning in the classroom is very
on focus is the lack of students problem solving
influential in changing the attitudes and habits of
ability (Rahayu & Kartono, 2014) because students
the students in learning mathematics. According to
are not accustomed to solve mathematics problems
George (2010), one of learning model that has
routinely. During this time, mathematics only
been proven to enhance the learning process is a
emphasizes on providing formula, giving the
cooperative learning model.
example of the problems and exercises regularly
One of the cooperative learning models is
(Marisa, 2011).
Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving. It is a
According to Woolfolk & Marggarets (2012),
technique of thinking out loud in pairs to resolving
problem solving is usually defined as formulating
the problem. According to Lochhead and
new answer, beyond the simple application of prior
To cite this article:
Winarti, E. R., Haryanti, M. D., & Asih, T. S. N. (2019). Students’ problem solving ability in thinking aloud pair
problem solving learning assisted by schoology viewed from mathematical disposition. Unnes Journal of
Mathematics Education, 8(1), 14-18. doi: 10.15294/ujme.v8i1.26344
E. R. Winarti, M. D. Haryanti, T. S. N. Asih 15

Whimbey as quoted by Wardlow & Johnson that Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving
(2004), Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning can help students in realizing the process
learning requires two students who act as a of thinking and improving their problem solving
problem solver and listener to cooperate in solving abilities, particularly in understanding the
the problem by following certain rules. Thinking troubleshooting questions prepared in the research.
Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning is effective Learning mathematics is not only learning
to optimize problem-solving skills because when about the concepts, procedures, and applications,
the problem solver reads the problem to the but also includes developing a mathematical
listener, students are able to optimize their disposition. Mathematical disposition is also
problem-solving abilities on stage to understand known as a productive disposition that is growth of
the problem. Furthermore, when the problem positive attitudes and habits to see mathematics as
solver starts explaining the troubleshooting steps, something logical, useful and utilitarian
students can optimize their problem-solving (Kilpatrick et al., 2001). According to the NCTM
abilities on the stage of devising and carrying out (2000), the disposition includes some indicators,
the plan. The looking back phase will be optimal namely: (1) being confidence in using mathematics
when the listener is performing its duties, namely to solve problems, communicate mathematical
correcting measures undertaken by the settlement ideas and give arguments, (2) being flexible
problem solver, so the students can optimize their thinking in exploring mathematical ideas and
problem-solving abilities. trying alternative methods to resolve problem, (3)
Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning being persistent in doing the math, (4) being
is considered to be able to ease the learning interested, curious and creative in math activities,
process. It contains several steps, as follows. (5) monitoring and reflecting thought and
1. The teacher gives a different problem to performance, (6) appreciating the aplication of
problem solver and listener. mathematics in real life, and (7) appreciating
2. The problem solver and the listener learn each mathematics as tools and language.
other's problems for 5 minutes. Goverment Regulation of The Republic Of
3. The problem solver begins to solve the Indonesia Number 17 Year 2010 Article 48 and 59
problem and then explain each step of have led to the development of information
completion to the listener. technology-based education and information to
4. The listener observes the process of resolving provide access the learning resources for
the problem. He or she may ask if there are educators, staff, and students. One media that uses
things he or she cannot understand, or provide information technology is e-learning. The main
direction and guidance if a problem solver has concept of the use of e-learning is to facilitate the
difficulty. distribution of learning materials, exams, practice
5. Teachers observe and help the discussion. quizzes, and assessments. An e-learning that can
6. After the first question is solved, problem be used is schooogy. According to Amiroh (2013),
solver and listener switch the roles and schoology provides many options resources
discussions run as the first time. (learning resources). Schoology can also
7. Performing the second discussion of issues that accommodate the type of question (question bank)
have been given together. which will be used during the quiz. Research by
8. Giving awards to the best teams as the Nurhasanah et al. (2017) shows that the average
motivation. value of students communication skills with
Several previous researches with the similar Problem Based Learning and Think Talk Write
topic have been conducted. They show the positive learning assisted by Schoology is better than
results. The results of Irham & Mulyono (2017) students in the control group.
research show that (1) the students’ problem Regarding to preliminary description, the
solving with Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving purpose of this research are (1) to test whether
learning that achieves the mastery learning are students’ problem solving ability in class that
shown by the percentage of students who reached received Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving
the minimum mastery criteria are more than 75%, learning assisted by Schoology is able to achieve
and (2) the students’ problem solving ability with mastery learning, (2) to test whether the problem
Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning is solving ability of students who received Thinking
better than students in conventional learning. Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning assisted by
Meanwhile, the research by Kani (2015) reveals Schoology is better than students who received

Unnes J. Math. Educ. 2019, Vol. 8, No. 1, 14-18

E. R. Winarti, M. D. Haryanti, T. S. N. Asih 16

Problem Based Learning, and (3) to test whether a 2017/2018 covering normality test, homogeneity
mathematical disposition effects on students' and equality test two averages. The analysis of the
problem-solving abilities. test data using the problem-solving ability test
score problem solving capabilities included the
2. Methods classical assumption of normality test and
homogeneity test, then continued by the proportion
The method of this research was a quantitative completeness test, two different average test, the
research with experimental research. This type was difference in two proportions test and regression
supported by interviews. The quantitative method analysis test. Analysis of interview data was to
used to examine the population or a particular determine students problem solving ability of in
sample, data collection using research instruments terms of mathematical disposition of each
and quantitative data analysis or statistics, with the category.
aim of testing the hypothesis that has been set.
However, the quantitative method that was used in 3. Results & Discussion
this research was to obtain data of the students’
learning outcomes on their problem solving Learning activities in the experimental group was
abilities, while the interview method was to conducted over four sessions and one session to
determine the description of the problem solving test problem-solving ability. While the learning in
ability of students. This research design was the the experimental group was conducted from April
posttest-only control design. In this design, there 30, 2018 until May 9, 2018 and the
were two groups that were chosen randomly. implementation of group problem-solving ability
This research involved 63 selected students of test experiments were carried out on May 14, 2018
252 students of 8th grade students in one of junior and the control group on May 15, 2018 with a time
high schools in Kudus. This research used two of 70 minutes each. Furthermore, the experimental
sample groups. The first was the control group class students were asked to complete a
who received Problem Based Learning and the questionnaire to determine their mathematical
second was the experimental group who received disposition score.
Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning The test results of students problem solving
assisted by schoology. Then, the selection abilities were normality and homogeneity test. The
interview subject was conducted to support the normality test was conducted by using
results of this research. The subject interview was Kolmogorof-Smirnov test, while the homogenity
consisted of 6 students; two students with high test was using Levene test with SPSS 16. The
mathematical disposition classification, two results showed that the data were normally
students with medium mathematical disposition distributed and homogeneous. Furthermore, the
classification, and 2 students with with low hypothesis I was to determine that students’
mathematical disposition. The independent problem solving ability in Thinking Aloud Pair
variable in this research was a mathematical Problem Solving learning assisted by Schoology
disposition, while the dependent variable was had achieved the mastery learning. In this case,
problem-solving abilities. the mastery learning was if the results of students'
To collect the data, this research used several mathematics learning was more than 75% of the
data collection method, namely: 1) test, 2) number of students in a class using Thinking
questionnaire, and 3) interview. The instruments in Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning assisted
this research were 1) problem solving ability test, Schoology, so the value of mathematical problem
2) mathematical disposition questionnaire, and 3) solving ability test was more than or equal to 70.
interview guidelines. Mechanical analysis of the test hypothesis I was conducted by using a test
problem-solving ability test instruments included which tested the proportion of one party against
validity, reliability, questions difficulty level test, the left. Apparently, the result showed that the
and distinguishing matter test. Further, for problem solving ability of students in classe using
mathematical disposition questionnaire had Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning
covered the validity and reliability test. assisted by schoology successfully achieved the
The analysis data of this research included data mastery learning.
sampling analysis and problem solving abilities The next test was hypothesis II. It used the
test. The sampling data analysis using mathematics difference of two average and two proportions.
final exams score odd semester academic year This second hypothesis test was performed to find

Unnes J. Math. Educ. 2019, Vol. 8, No. 1, 14-18

E. R. Winarti, M. D. Haryanti, T. S. N. Asih 17

out the problem solving ability of students in class The results showed that mathematical
using Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving disposition had positive effect on students'
learning assisted by Schoology was better than problem-solving abilities. So if students'
students in the class using Problem Based mathematical disposition was higher, so was their
Learning. Afterwards, the results of proportion problem-solving ability, and vice versa.
difference test concluded that the problem solving
ability of students in Thinking Aloud Pair Problem 4. Conclusion
Solving learning assisted Schoology class was
better than Problem Based Learning class. Based on the results of research and discussion of
The last, the hypothesis III test was conducted students’ problem solving ability in Thinking
to determine whether the mathematical disposition Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning assisted by
affected students’ problem solving ability in schoology, there are seceral conclusion that can be
Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning drawn. Firstly, students' problem-solving abilities
assisted by Schoology class or not. The data used in Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving learning
in this test were the students' mathematical assisted by schoology successfully achieved the
disposition scores as independent variables mastery learning that is equal to 90.32% of
represented by X and students’ problem solving students who passed minimum mastery learning
ability test scores as the dependent variable criteria. Secondly, the problem solving ability of
represented by Y. By using SPSS 16, the output of students who received Thinking Aloud Pair
regression was 𝑌 = 33,446 + 0,575𝑋 and 44,5% Problem Solving learning assisted by schoology is
of problem-solving ability affected by better than Problem Based Learning class. Thirdly,
mathematical disposition. mathematical disposition possitively affected to
Above all, schoology still can not be predicted students’ problem solving ability.
whether it can help to maximize the students' In the end, the researchers suggest to teachers
problem-solving ability or not because until the of mathematics grade 8th that Thinking Aloud Pair
end of the meeting, only 9 students who joined Problem Solving learning can be used as the
schoology group that had been prepared for this alternatives learning model to optimize students’
research. The researchers only asked students to problem-solving ability on the material surface
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